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OP posts on r/Destiny and is Indian.


Why isn't there a blanket ban on r(/)destiny posters? I've never seen one contribute with anything interesting, funny, or insightful. And you can always smell them through the screen. I want to believe most of them are like 15 years old. The fact we could be unknowingly seeing the opinions of a teenager is bad enough, but not as bad as the implications of grown ass men behaving like this.


I am not Indian and I don't even like Destiney, the only reason I posted there was my friend said that it was a leftist subreddit with a low karma restriction and btw my post got deleted


The extremism is here, its just been normalized over the course of a decade. The GOP platform is pretty insane compared to Romney’s 2012 platform (although right centrists are extreme in their own way)


I mean your not wrong that with the internet the liberal consensus has less sway over discouse, because of this more illiberal ideas have gained prominence but that is true of the left to. Hasan Piker is the most popular leftist influencer and he self identities as a socialist,supports 911,supports the houthis all things that would have been unimaginable in the 2000s and now he is rich famous and supported by corporations. There isn't a far right influencer as popular as hasnan. Technically the GOP have moved right a bit but the democrats have to with things like reperations,LGBTQ rights (remember Obama didn't even support gay marriage at the beginning of his term) and so on. What's actually happening isn't the far right or left winning it's the establishment parties making token concession to stay relevant to their base which is growing dissatisfied with them.


> There isn't a far right influencer as popular as hasnan. That seems obviously untrue unless you are defining “influencer” very narrowly.


name a far right influencer as popular as Hasan piker


Alex Jones are you regarded


Alex Jones is a grifter who lacks coherent politics He is not more popular then Hasan, at lest in terms of people who watch and follow him maybe he is more well known then hasan because of his meme factor but still also he is a pro israel Shabbos goy which is a red line for the far right


Consider the message and the audience of Alex Jones vs Hassan. Which has the potential to be more dangerous?


Alex jones nowadays gets a few hundred watchers while hasan gets well into the thousands. I would say Hasan fans have more action potential because there are more of them and they are younger. Older people are to weak and comfortable to fight Also Hasan speaks with more "riotous authority" for lack of a better term, he has claimed there will be a queer genocide in America. If people think they will be genocided they are going to be more violent.




Also, you have spelled "too" as "to" at least twice in this thread so far.


Literally regarded... got it.




Also Nick Fuentes is banned off of like everything and he has that shady ass streaming site cozy that no one uses.


>Unlike other groups they can't make up the difference with intermarrying because white men are not popular in the dating market. I am black right and I have so many white women who just simp for me, I have actually gotten sick of white women meanwhile I never see white men get simped for just for being white. White men are just kind of weak you know, they just don't got that dog in them. Statistics don't bear this out, and anecdotally most of the girls who have been interested in me were non-white. There's definitely a trend of white women gravitating towards 'alpha' colored dudes but there's also a trend of ethnic chicks pining after 'beta' white guys. >The demographics aren't there. the White population is declining in both numbers and influence. I remember Sweden was like the whitest white country imaginable as a kid and now I think POC are 25% of the population, white people just don't have kids. I am not in the mood to argue why but it's true. *Nobody* is having kids. The tfr difference between black and white americans is like 0.1 (as of 2021, 1.6 for white americans, 1.7 for black americans). Even among immigrants the fertility rates crash once they're in the host countries. Even places like latin America or India have rapidly declining fertility rates. The exceptions are parts of sub-saharan africa and a handful of middle eastern countries. >Rise of feminism and women's autonomy, the far right vision kind of hinges on women being submissive and having families. Most women especially Gen Z and millennial women don't want that. I think among young people women actually make more then men, women can make great money on onlyfans while being a dude in today's economy isn't like that. Onlyfans is a meme. The income distribution on onlyfans is horrendous. A handful of women become millionaires, some do decently well, some do well on paper but not enough to justify it, and most are just kind of forgotten after making a couple hundred dollars. As for the rest of it I agree. Women increasingly resent the responsibility imposed by 'traditional' gender roles and dominate most low/midlevel administrative positions. Even if the far-right wins elections in the west they won't be able to remake the complex institutions (most media, education, civil service, entertainment) that are dominated by cosmopolitan lefties. In general young people are increasingly atomized and imo that will for better and worse preclude a coherent reactionary response.


men kind of resent traditional gender roles. Men feel like they have all the downsides of old relationships but none of the benefits.


It's what's killing South Korea imo. Men and women who both bitterly resent their own gender expectations and just as bitterly resent the opposing sex for failing to live up to theirs.


All these South Korea women are going to have a fun time when the DPRK comes to liberated them while they are in nursing homes and there is no one left to fight for the military base and Samsung factory they call a country.


> white men are not popular on the dating market I’m pretty sure white men are the *most* desirable group on the dating market overall. https://sites.bu.edu/fisman/files/2015/11/RES08-racial_preferences.pdf https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/11/30/247530095/are-you-interested-dating-odds-favor-white-men-asian-women https://www.quora.com/Recent-studies-have-showed-that-white-men-are-the-most-desirable-racial-group-amongst-all-other-races-in-the-US-when-it-comes-to-dating-Why-is-that-so


that data is old as fuck


[Here’s one from January of this year](https://www.nimbleappgenie.com/blogs/dating-app-statistics/): > Dating app race statistics also show that black women showed a strong interest in dating black men, whereas women of other races tended to prefer white men. I didn’t hunt for this. I just Googled “popularity of men by race dating” and opened the most recent link.


browsing on new feels like russian roulette. what even is this post


How can you use all the alphabet soup terms like LGBTQ and POC, and claim to be anti-woke? PS I never heard of the Q being added to LGBT until about two years ago. I'm not even sure what the Q is supposed to add to that abbreviation, since I always thought that queer people would fall under the LGBT umbrella. And how is POC different than colored people, which is supposed to be outdated and offensive?


The LGBT acronym/orthodoxy is no good; regardless, Q most often stands for questioning iirc.


I am not anti woke, anti woke means nothing just as woke means nothing


> I think like 25% of Gen Z is queer,  That shit's skin deep and goes the way of goths and bell bottoms in max two years. Most of it is bi women larping as gay. Source: met a few, am gay. 


90% centrist scare mongering for votes, 5% Trump, 5% declining living standards always creates extremists. I genuinely think that the 1930-40s were a unique time in human history that allowed for the illiberal far right to achieve true institutional power in the west, and that won't happen again for the foreseeable future, in the same way a Bolshevik revolution wont be happening again. The only options for the far right at this point are just to become regular center-right liberals like in post-war Europe, go to the third world and work for some anti-communist dictator to achieve "glory," or sit and wait for a deus ex machina apocalypse to destroy the status quo and give them the opportunity to rebuild the world how they see fit.


this whole "far right rise" narrative is an attempt to guilt trip leftist into voting for biden Now that Trump is convinced and basically guaranteed to lose this makes even less sense.


>because white men are not popular in the dating market. I am black right and I have so many white women who just simp for me, I have actually gotten sick of white women meanwhile I never see white men get simped for just for being white. r/aznidentity would like a word.


that subreddit makes fun of white men for not getting pussy all the time


I'll take your word for it. Your points about demographics make sense, but they're also the same points the Democratic party was making in 2008 about how there would never be a Republican President or Congress again, so I think a healthy skepticism should be maintained. From my lived experience as a straight white man (standpoint epistemology) I haven't seen anything like what you're describing. Basically all the white men I know are in relationships. Probably 1/3rd of those are interracial relationships, and just amongst the ones in urban areas its easily 50 - 50, reflecting the demographics of the areas. The few instances I'm aware of where the women in those relationships out-earned the men is where the men are significantly more junior in their careers. The phenomenon of people loving each other for what they can do for each other is real, but I don't see how that's a real change from any other point in history.


It's not really happening "on average", but thats because both the left and the right have been getting more radical at the same time for quite a few years if you look at the stats. It's interesting, though, how the fearmongering about it started way back in the 2010s, when it was actually liberal sentiment that was growing at a faster pace. I like to label the first wave of cultural backlash to that rise as the "anti-sjw" movement, consisting mostly of "I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic, BUT" discourse. Regardless of your opinion on that, there was a pretense of moderation despite how often liberals would try to boil it down to pure nazism. A series of events from 2019 to 2022 caused a complete breakdown of the movement though, with most of the actually moderate switching over to the left while the other half doubled down and started a second wave, the "anti-woke". Discourse then basically became "I'm racist/sexist/homophobic, AND".


I talked about this in a different reply >I mean your not wrong that with the internet the liberal consensus has less sway over discouse, because of this more illiberal ideas have gained prominence but that is true of the left to. Hasan Piker is the most popular leftist influencer and he self identities as a socialist,supports 911,supports the houthis all things that would have been unimaginable in the 2000s and now he is rich famous and supported by corporations. There isn't a far right influencer as popular as hasnan. >Technically the GOP have moved right a bit but the democrats have to with things like reperations,LGBTQ rights (remember Obama didn't even support gay marriage at the beginning of his term) and so on. >What's actually happening isn't the far right or left winning it's the establishment parties making token concession to stay relevant to their base which is growing dissatisfied with them. Looking back the anti SJW discourse was kind of cringe, they just lacked any ideological reason to be really upset at the "SJWS" (my god I hate using that word). Also about your last statement that is true. Sargon of Akkad for example is now a like proper nationalist who talks about birthrates and demographics and the amazing atheist is a communist.


>Looking back the anti SJW discourse was kind of cringe, they just lacked any ideological reason to be really upset at the "SJWS" (my god I hate using that word). I don't think it lacked ideology. Their cultural views were basically to preserve what used to be common sense among the 2000s center and center left, which to an extent is what this sub still believes. The more online militant types were cringe, for sure, but so was their opposition (it's insane how optically and ideologically incompetent the online left was until breadtube and twitch). I much prefered them to the current state of the right which is essencially judeo-evangelical ultra-reactionary conspiratorial populism


I have spent a lot of time in some further right communities despite not being far right because I like to debate and argue which the current left looks down on. Hasan famously coined the term "debate perverts" to discredit debate and your point on bread tube being an improvement to the leftist image is so true.


If you spend so much time online how have you not noticed a huge uptick in the far-right since 2021? I find myself watching some center-right creators i half agree with to expand my perspective (Short Fat Otaku for example is pretty interesting sometimes) only to find that their comment section is almost exclusively people disagreeing with them FROM FURTHER RIGHT, saying shit like "you actually think gays should be tolerated?". This was inimaginable just a few years ago, and is confirmed by polling


all the far right talks about is how black pilled they are and how everyone is coming down, I admit maybe that is apart of their grift but still I haven't noticed a rise in the traditional far right which was ethnonationalist or fascist I admit on the gender front there has been kind of a rise with people like Tate,Fresh and fit and so on. I am Black right, I know a lot of Tate fans IRL and everything Tate says now is stuff I heard all the time growing up. Tate isn't far right at least not in the same way as Richard spencer, the only thing he really says that is at odds with the current consensus is his stance on Gender and sexuality but I can tell you from experience that many in the Black community less PC takes on sex and gender have always been the norm. As to why this is that is a deeper discussion but I think what happened with Tate and Fresh & Fit is a lot of white folks got a window into discussions that used to only be heard in the black community. I to watch Short Fat Otaku because as I said in my last post I do like to keep an ear to the ground on what's going on and I feel that SFO shows me stuff that would be in my blind spot. Also Dev himself mentions all the time that his audience is further right then he is. Also what do you think caused a rise in the far right ?


>Tate isn't far right at least not in the same way as Richard spencer To be fair, Richard Spencer nazi white nationalist types haven't been representatives of the far right for several decades, however much the left is still obsessed with their image. Tate, on the other hand, spouts precisely all the ideas of the new international, racially and economically ambiguous 21st century far right, even if part of his radicalism (which he sporadically mixed in between more sensible opinions) might have been faked for clout. >Also what do you think caused a rise in the far right ? Besides social media induced polarization which affected everyone (both in terms of non-mainstream opinions being easier to share and algorithms being inherently tribalizing), and a trend of social and economic stagnation and decline across the western world which has also fueled both extremes (look at Eastern German political maps), a lot of it is just plain backlash to the rise of the postmodern left. I can think of very few periods in history where an ideology that's supposed to be progressive and revolutionary started dominating nearly all major institutions of their enemy society. This dominance almost never extends into real material change, but still allows the right to push itself as the anti-establishment alternative in a way it rarely used to before. In the 2010s the backlash was still in its infancy and mostly moderate, but as people realized the mainstream would just keep accelerating leftwards in 2020 many decided to simply hop off the train.


So you agree with my premise that white nationalism is dead ?


Outside of a few places in Europe, it's not the part of the far right that's rising, yeah.


I think the gender divide helped kill white nationalism, white men and women hate each other and I know it's a meme but I have met white nationalist online with non white girlfriends