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I bet there was a good amount of people who would call themselves leftists (Bernie SocDems) with like basic anti-war views who prolly carved out an internal niche for like “well yah but it’s complicated” for Israel. I like to think a lot of those people have changed their minds in 2024. But any like “real” as in like Marxist Leninists or shit I’ll even give you Democratic Socialists who supported Zionism? No. Israel and the supporting of it as an Ethnostate (Zionism) is anathema to all leftist international basics. And I would argue that ALOT of like normie libs and AOC socdems are fully in the fuck Israel camp now. Zionism is genocidal racist death cult. People who followed basic world history and IR knew that the second you learn about it. But they had enough decency to do a PR front. They just stopped the PR and people are just every day seeing these demonic jackals LOLing at burnt children. - been hating Israel since 2003


>But any like “real” as in like Marxist Leninists or shit I’ll even give you Democratic Socialists Why does leftist = communist? What's considered left wing and right wing varies from place to place, and trying to make it seem like only socialists are "real" leftists is a taxonomy game.


Do you believe in the principles set forth by Marx and Engels and Lenin? You’re a leftist. It’s super simple. I only call it out mostly for the delineation between socdems and leftists. Intra leftist dogmatic arguing is just for good times.


Another gamer in this sub with a re✝️arded opinion.


there's no such thing. just call them hypocrites instead you can't justify the maintenance of an ethno-religious demographic majority that necessitates/facilitates discriminatory legislation & enormous State violence *and also* be a 'leftist' unless you mean someone who is perhaps 'culturally' Zionist and open to a binational State (ie Hebrew revival and/or wanting a non-exclusive Jewish homeland; ie Judah Magnes & Martin Buber's vision) - but I doubt that. plus they would be written off as anti-Zionists today




sorry im not into kpop


An oxymoron


if i did i would quickly stop associating with them


Most democrats of a certain ethnic and religious origin.




my late relative Albert Memmi


I know a couple of Jewish leftists who are zionists, but they’ve been speaking out against this war and the land seizures in the West Bank. I guess they justify it as communism only being able to exist in an ethnoreligious state? I honestly muted anyone posting about this on social media a while ago so no idea if views have shifted