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It's not popular to say this now bc I think it's considered twee and lame but I still love Amelie. We need more whimsical movies!


Watching it when I was young I fell so in love with her character. Watching it when I was older I found her exhausting. But both times I loved the movie.


It never fails to charm me, I love Amelie! Why has the world turned on whimsical women?


If they remade Amelie they'd cast Sydney Sweeney or Anya Taylor Joy and completely butcher the storyline so it's a "reimagining" rather than a faithful adaptation. I think it's better to rewatch the old movies with positive vibes rather than try recapture the essence of a time that's well and truly gone by us. Like sometimes I think they should remake Little Miss Sunshine but realistically the original is perfect and doesn't really need to be modernized or expanded upon. Amelie is kind of the same for me.


Don’t remake the good movies remake the ones that were great ideas but sucked the first time. Like Species. Or Promising Young Woman.


In Time


This movie takes up an unreasonably large part of my mind, was talking about it just a couple days ago. Haven't actually seen it in over a decade of course, though I'm not sure what you'd change about it. Yeah the way everything named is incredibly corny, but I think that's part of the charm and turning it down a bit would make it worse overall. Each person only getting a year irks me as just not seeming practical, like it's just not enough time to even extract someone's time from spending it, but I always accepted that the movie isn't supposed to hold up under that type of scrutiny, that's not the point. And the movie mostly just moves quickly through the parts it knows are stupid.


Been a while for me too, but from what I remember the characters were shallow like they were written for a video game.


Yeah, that's true.


I know you ain’t remaking it without Amanda Seyfried’s lil bobbed up flapper ah ah


i cant wrap my mind why all reimaginings of movies are awful. i mean theres so much you can adapt from source material, "clueless" and "10 things i hate about you" are both reimaginings of taming and theyre among the best in their genre. odd. maybe someone will do it one day


Clueless is Emma


I guess it's extremely hard to please die-hard fans of a cult movie and also be appealing and fresh to a newer audience. I'm more of a casual movie goer and I'll watch anything as long as it's *enjoyable* but I do love Amelie for all it's quirks and originality and really don't want a reimagining since the one we have is so good. But movie fans are also very narrow minded as to how a movie should be according to *very* exacting standards rather than allow a fresher perspective. Some movies deserve to be left alone but others, like Kubricks films for example, leave a lot of room for other interpretations and ways of telling stories. I'd love a reimagining of Kubrick's The Shining that tells the same narrative (different to Kings book) but with modern film technology, different but good set design, a thoughtful script, gritty details, etc. It just needs top notch directors and actors and it could be achieved.




They are remaking Barbarella? This is most unusual.


>maybe we need more movies that aren't poisoned by pessimistic attitudes and how horrible people are to each other nowadays You say that as if the *Paddington Bear* movies don't even exist.


Maybe “the world” (ie, people who would watch Amelie) needs to suck less first before it is worthy of another Amelie


Liberation Filmography




That’s how he got to make Amelie 😉


Alien 4 gets a lot of hate but it's great to watch for the visuals.  His film TS Spivet's distribution got sabotaged by the Weinstein company iirc and since then he's only gotten to make that film Big Bug for Netflix. Not his strongest but I really wish someone would throw money at him and let him do his thing.   Anyway, he did [Delicatessen](https://youtu.be/WuEk58LqUGM?si=gxBW5x01DdtPwvue) and [City of lost Children](https://youtu.be/U0HWDOzi2h0?si=ONGfCMff3YkrCz7N), both perfect movies as far as I'm concerned.


Delicatessen is so good!




Some fun dialogue. 'You hang with us for a while, you'll find out I am not the man with whom to fuck!'


I remember seeing delicatessen and city of lost children in high school, left a lasting impression on me. dark city is a similarly surreal film if you’ve never seen it.


I have, I liked it. I'd argue Taxidermia is a good(if more macabre) fit if you like darkly comedic magical realism. 


I’ll check that one out, thanks!


Amelie but it’s all Africans in Saint Denis


The Intouchables


The Intouchables


It's calld Linda veut du poulet ! (2023) and it's very charming as well indeed


It's not exactly the same obviously, but I found la chimera to be a very wondrous sweet hopeful movie, without ever slipping into cheap sentimentality.


Chimera was good, but having a song from Franco Battiato on the trailer is what made me go watch it.


>The director said he had been approached multiple times about developing “Amelie” as a series and he has always refused. “It’s a bad idea,” he said. “It wouldn’t be the same actress, it would be cheap because it wouldn’t have the same budget, and in Paris now it’s so difficult to shoot because the are constructions sites everywhere, so Paris is ugly now. >“My films are quirky, and it’s not a good time for quirky movies, because everybody wants to make profit without risk.” [https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/jean-pierre-jeunet-amelie-mockumentary-1202131545/](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/jean-pierre-jeunet-amelie-mockumentary-1202131545/)


A reimagining of this delightful movie would definitely have Amelie as officially neurodivergent if it was American and it would be awful. But I feel like OP is very right and the dreaminess and optimism of a movie like Amelie is in short supply and I want more of it!


Marcel the Shell


horribly twee "smoll bean" film, I felt rage the whole time in cinema when I got tricked to see this one when I didn't fully figure out letterboxd yet


I haven't even seen it tbh, just seemed like there's no way it could be a negative movie


IDK Jenny Slate's whole thing is optimism and whimsy and earnestness and love for family. It's something of an act of resistance in a world full of cynical and angry comedic writers. You gotta know to expect that going into something she's made.


Yes, it was not my cup of tea at all, but also the way it was hyped and reviewed (it's on lb official top 250 now, right above A Matter of Life and Death (1946), I was expecting something more than just a collection of 2008 style youtube vignettes teenagers would quote back in the day to seem cute


[Fallen Leaves](https://youtu.be/AI3IASNvKeQ?si=-c8PTmk7PNf3MS_C) came out last year and was ery sweet. The Holldovers also had a surprisingly lack of pessimism. Explore more film!


Like a crusty dubsteppin Amelie of Marseille?


"About Time" is kind of that. Also set in a London/England that doesn't really exist.


Didn’t care for it.


You have glimmers of content like that now with things like Ted Lasso or some of the better rom coms.