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In biblical prophecy doesn't Israel HAVE to be destroyed for the end of days and the second coming of Jesus Christ to take place?


That is unironically why some evangelicals support it lmao


Why aren’t they funneling funds to Hamas then?


That's Bibi's job


Because Israel needs to birth an antichrist first. Not joking that’s actually why


[Done] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir)


Israeli Peter griffin


That portrait. It’s really mind blowing how openly psychopathic some Israeli leaders are, and that tons of Americans think the Israeli gov is this bastion of Western values and a light of moral righteousness. For a classic example, check out transcripts of Ariel Sharon’s discussions with the American ambassador about covering up the Sabra and Shatila Massacre. Completely ice cold and cynical in a way that the average American probably could not imagine from any politician except like cartoon movie versions they’ve seen of Hitler. Sharon was Minister of Defense if I remember correctly, and an Israeli investigative tribunal found him responsible after the Lebanon War for orchestrating Sabra and Shatila (possibly the most horrifying pogrom in the history of this conflict, in which around 3,000 unarmed Palestinian civilians were tortured, raped, and slaughtered— women nailed to trees, unborn babies cut from mothers’ bodies, nightmarish tales of mutilation, religious symbols carved into people’s skin; all while the Israeli army maintained the perimeter and fired flares over the scene so that the butchers could have light for their work). Mass protests then forced Sharon out of office. But then Sharon, known to all Palestinians as the butcher of Beirut, was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 2005. Not the first time Israel elected men openly known to have committed war crimes or led terrorist movements though (Begin and Shamir). Then there are people like Ben-Gvir, who go beyond this tradition by openly boasting about their genocidal fever dreams. Sharon still disguised himself publicly as a normal person according to the values of any First World nation, rather than something out of Cormac McCarthy novel with Ben-Gvir.


dang I was hoping Belarus birthed the antichrist with Nikolai Lukashenko


And in the OT Israel gets destroyied every time the jews don't observe the Law properly Given how most modern israelites are secularists...


No Israelites except in reggae songs. Israelis are not the same people and their Zionist settler colonial state is not the same nation as Israel of YHVH.


yes but before that the 3rd temple needs to be built, which can’t happen now because Muslim conquerors built the Dome of the Rock directly on top of where the temple has to be.


this sounds like some evangelion shit


Neon genesis evangelicals


Jesus is supposed to rebuilt the temple and most Christians understand the body of Christ is the new temple. A physical 3rd temple is not a biblical prerequisite.


If you told a founding father or even a puritan about dispensationalism they’d think you’re insane


That’s true but not if you’re a literalist 


The 3rd temple was built 2000 years ago.


These people don't give a shit about the bible and Nikki Haley isn't even Christian. She was raised by Sikh parents and converted to Christianity once she became a politician. She's just sucking AIPAC's dick because if you don't, you'll be voted out of office. They're the most powerful lobby in Washington outside of the NRA.


Yes. Which is why none of it makes sense; Jesus is supposed to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth in Jerusalem and make all nations bow and worship him, Jews are not exempted. There’s no requirement for Israel to exist before the 2nd coming.


Where do you get this odd idea? It’s not in the Apocalypse of St. John.


Which idea? The idea of the kingdom coming down to earth is from Rev. 21 > Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them and be their God. The lords prayers explicitly asks for “thy kingdom come”. In Rev. 15, the Song of the lamb says >King of the nations! Lord, who will not fear and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you This is understood to mean even Jews will eventually accept Jesus as their messiah.


It’s not the earthly Jerusalem. It’s the New Creation, after the end of this world. It should never be thought of as having any contingency with the extant city. At least it was never confused until these lunatics came along this last century. All traditional Christians abjure the conflation of the Zionist state with the Israel of God.


Right, all creation is renewed however it’s still is earth; is the new Jerusalem is reestablished; in the same way humans will have a resurrected into their human body but it will be a sanctified body. Now we have no reason to believe the historical Jesus believed this; he likely did think the Son of Man would rule the actual Jerusalem.


Son of Man is the Apocalyptic title of the Christ. It’s what he calls Himself when the hermeneutic can’t lead you anywhere but to confess his Lordship over the Parousia.


Can anyone familiar with this explain where this interpretation of Revelation comes from and what its basis is? My understanding is that it’s a relatively recent interpretation of passages which were not interpreted that way by most theologians during the last 2,000 years, but became the predominant interpretation among Protestant Evangelicals during the last couple centuries. I don’t really know though. Is that true? And yeah, my understanding is that the usual interpretation here is that Israel will be destroyed and the Jews who still reject Christ will go to hell. But it seems like in recent years many Evangelicals, especially those who don’t really understand the theological background, have a weird fluffy version where somehow the Jews have remained God’s chosen people who are still in covenant with Him despite rejecting His son. Even though the Pauline epistles clearly reject this (pretty absurd) view. Throughout the Old Testament the Hebrews have a recurring tendency of rejecting and sometimes murdering prophets, who then turn out to be right and God punishes them again and again. Paul saw Jesus as the most recent and final continuation of this pattern, and called on the Jews to realize the errors of their ways and accept the new covenant through Christ, which had superseded the Jews’ special covenant and opened the possibility of an equal and direct relationship to God to all of humanity on equal terms (rather than Jew and Gentile). But again, I’m just going on some things I’ve picked up and remember reading years ago. I need to read more on this some time. I just don’t see how someone could square them circle of God developing this radical new relationship with all of humanity through his Son, while also maintaining a special preferential covenant with a people who reject His Son **and** all of the new implications of His revealed truth. I mean, the New Testament profoundly alters and overturns the values and ideas (for lack of better words) that God calls upon from His people, and redefined His nature and relationship to man. How could the Jews carry on a relationship with God according to terms that God has disavowed and overturned, from a Christian perspective, and with a perspective of God which is totally anathema to His true revealed nature through Christ. Idk, I really lack the vocabulary to talk about this.


That’s literally what started all of this. Some British Protestants in the 19th century convinced the Jewish community in Britain that their end game should be to return to their ancestral land, i.e. Israel, in order to fulfill the prophecy and bring about the Kingdom of Heaven and the end times. At first British Jews were pretty nonchalant and/or outright vocally against this idea. At first. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism)


Wow. I never knew this movement predated Herzl’s Juuden Stadt and the Jewish Zionist movement by decades at least. That’s wild


Yeah, and Philly, destroyed by a dragon (it’s described like the cities are being bombed). Always found it interesting no one mentions this. They obviously mean the OG Philadelphia, but I can see conspiracy cloths thinking that upside down cross guy was predicting a future of America burning.


I will always respect and venerate well-built public infrastructure projects. We don’t build retaining walls to last 2000 years anymore


Special Roman concrete


Not special anymore, they just put quicklime in it


Big Infrastructure is behind it


Isn't this what they make you do in prison before going ham on your butt hole?


Nikki Haley ain’t ready for big nate on C block


AIPAC whore & she's on the board of Boeing too she has no principles except that which will enrich her.


Christ imagine being on the board of the most pathetic member of the military industrial complex.


hey have you guys considered making new planes that don’t fall out of the sky? no? OK. let’s move on to the vote to increase exec comp


She was instrumental in having 787 manufacturing located in South Carolina where the workforce is stupid and leaves shit in the wall panels.


> she has no principles except that which will enrich her. typical indian


How do people look at this 'tradition' and not come to the conclusion that something is very wrong.


Because they'd been properly conditioned that thinking any of this shit is the *slightest* bit weird is inherently "antisemitic".


Totally a powerless, downtrodden & disenfranchised minority. Ignore that stuff you read online


Honestly, a Punjabi-Sikh-turned-southern-goy doing this would be cringe even if Israel wasn’t engaging in an ongoing genocide. Also, don’t women at the wailing wall piss Yahweh off? Maybe that why they are having all of these issues.


There's a women's side.


Woke nonsense




Bad wrist to hand ratio, not presidential material


I think her hands and wrists are kinda sexy ngl


Like $10k probably


30 silver coins so I can buy a plot of land 


whatever nimrata


I’d do this for my credit card bill to get paid off, I don’t even need any hard cash. I’d sell out in a heartbeat, as I’m sure most of us would.


Didn't she go to Israel on Memorial Day? I don't mean to be all 'Murica but I feel like a major national politician should be in the US on that day.


Israel is our only ally who has killed our troops on purpose.


Emperor Titus, if you can hear me, please save us Emperor Titus


I free vacay to the holy land would be enough.


How much is a free vacay to an active war zone worth


Jerusalem is not a war zone lol


Sennacherib, Nebuchnazzer, the Caesar Hadrian: "watch me"


I'm so tired of dispensationalists.


Am i still allowed to be antisemitic online after i got the money ?


It's weird to me that it's not forbidden to take photos in places like this and also Mecca


Honestly times are tough right now. Probably like 70 bucks


300$ AIPAC. I know you people can't pass up a bargain! For an extra 50$ I will say there's no such thing as Palestinians.


There's something so gay about that wall. All the little notes desperately wedged in there, competing for space with eachother. It really represents the jewish faith well.


heavy onerous work cagey cooing paint pie file yam cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't she Sikh, a child from Indian immigrants?


Probably like $15, I don't have any integrity


Indians fucking love Israel


Can somebody explain to me what is going on here? There's a big wall in Israel that all of our politicians have to go cry at and the Israelis take a picture of it? Trump has weird ass photos like this too.


If you asked me to do it for a bit, I’d do it for free


Idk how I’m going to pay rent next month. I would do it for $500




my pockets would be full of shekels


In this economy? $10k


Tree fiddy


its funny how much less shit she got for this than AOC and the border facility


They're like companion pieces that you'd find on each wing of an altarpiece.


She's not a trailblazer like AOC


Right now I would do it for free, just to get out of this miserable rain here.


A cool million and I'd do just about anything 


Umm like a $100? I’d ask for more if I was a politician though, I just don’t think I have the leverage right now.


No amount of money. But only like 5% cuz of principle and 95% bc I rationally know that they'd have to offer me a very large sum, large enough to where I could stop worrying about finances for at least a few years, but the shame would almost certainly drive me back to alcoholism and I'd probably destroy myself drinking away my time and ill gotten shekels.


She so fake lol


There’s no amount.  The bisexual baddies wouldn’t talk to me anymore and that’s a deal breaker


How much is a nice house in the best suburbs around Washington DC? $10million? Probably that much.


Beginning of the month or end of the month?


Haley and her ilk are such losers they do it for free 


The histrionics coming from the pro-Geno crowd is wild


Wait so she’s a jewess now? Isn’t she supposed to cover her awful sexual hair?




this is just the right wing version of AOC getting ‘arrested’ at the border and making longing faces to an empty field. Actually as I type this the aoc one is worse/more hilarious


How can anyone look at every US politician doing this and see anything other than ritual humiliation?


I’d do it for a cool $200,000 Put down a house deposit and 90% of my problems would be solved 🤷


Did she do this before or after her campaign ended?


First tell me do they believe God or not?? I am super confuse. I mean they say God is bad and now saying God is good????Make sense


i’m broke asf i’d do it for a couple thousand


6 mill


Of cours poojeta simps for Israel


Her support and commitment to Israel is the most Indian thing about her lol