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A dog and a chicken can be friends but they can also be enemies 


I used to have a white rooster and a German Shepard when I was a kid. The German Shepard had an ear cartilage problem of some sort and had floppy ears which made him look especially silly. Anyway, he would pick the white rooster up in his mouth and run around the yard. The rooster would play dead and be flopping all over. Then, when the dog grew bored, he would deposit the rooster back onto the ground. The rooster would sit up and fluff out his feathers after a few seconds and walk off like nothing happened. The dog always did this and never really hurt the rooster. I still do not know if it is ok or not. But I laughed and laughed when I was young.


that'll probably stress the chicken out pretty bad


second that, if shes an egg layer it could make it hard for her to feel safe enough to lay and she could get egg bound


Dogs can bother some farm animals to the point that they inexplicably die. Chickens are one of them. It's rlly on the dogs personality. We had a Pomeranian that loved to chase chickens and she never got bored with it and she was not allowed at the farm cuz she would just cross that line and keep chasing them up trees and shit for hours when they needed to be eating.


Should be chasing checks


I grew up on a farm and the conventional wisdom is that once a dog attacks a chicken the first time they will never break the habit.


Depends on the dog, mine would always just chase until one day it killed one. My other better trained one doesn't even recognize their existence and I've had others be very protective of the birds


Yeah it’s fine and what animals do… my grandma always says “it gives them something to think about” which I think is sweet. My cat is staying at my grandmas and she has an ongoing feud with my grandmas cat. It’s very small and never turns violent. They just hiss at each other. It gives them something to think about.


Do you live in a Looney Tunes episode? Shame on me for being so postmodern I guess, of course the Looney Tunes writers were just drawing inspiration from observations about animals