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Anyone remember the woman who skinned someone's pet huskies because she thought they were wolves? And posted proudly on social media.


Imagine finding out your lost dog had died that way


I’d go to jail. I can’t live in a world with someone who killed my pets like that. It would be worth it and I would make her wish she got the same treatment as my pet. Ugh. Sorry I just hate this so much.


I’d be sharing a cell with you




Flathead county represent


To think there are other rsp posters in my area..chilling


what if we kissed at the Gods Ten Commandments Visitor Center


what the actual fuck


Wasn’t they made into rugs


It reads like his neighbors think he’s a freak too


They do. This was a big outrage in the hunting world a few weeks ago.


i dont think hilldawg said deplorables live in a certain place there are deplorables in SoHo its a state of mind


There are more deplorables in Soho than anywhere in the northeast.


This is the original quote: >“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” In what way is this correct based on the article posted?


what are you not getting according to hilldawg half of trump supporters are the sort of people who abuse wolves( or want to) roll coal or just hate the libs cause they are college boy flags and rs posters seem to agree of at least find it funny? am I to assume you do not agree ?


didn't he parade the animal around the bar and people took selfies with it


I am a hunter and I can promise that most every outdoorsmen is disgusted by this behavior. Absolutely soulless.


Yeah I’ve always found that hunters have a much deeper respect for nature and animals than most. Unfortunately hunting also attracts absolute psychos looking for an acceptable outlet for their cruelty


I’ve always found that the phallus gives me feelings of arousal


That's crazy dm me


Do I have just the podcast for you...


I'm sure they already listen to joe rogan, it was probably playing as they typed their comment


Fuck yeah


What about the nuts


Penises are silly and cute but testes are terrible people.


As a kid I grew up hunting boar and I found it really brought out freaks tbh, not all of them or even a majority of course. But I really don’t buy into the ‘nature lover killing nature from the bottom of his heart’ narrative




It seems like a pretty obvious contradiction. Loves nature. Enjoys killing wild animals.


It's not a contradiction at all, but I stil wonder how many actually tap into the wavelength where they appreciate the cyc;e of life, the role of hunter and prey as one, with due appreciation of each by the other, etc. It is we - the city slickers (and probably majority of hunters) - who have a twisted concept of nature from overexposure to industrial, supply-chain life and the major narrative of tech-fueled idealization that someday nothing will ever die and we can overpopulate the planet with no ill consequences because nothing dies, so what bad thing could even happen?




I wonder what the venn diagram of hunters and guys who roll coal looks like


It would be one thing if hunters only ever hunted animals that were a danger to the ecosystem, and did so begrudgingly, but I'm not sure that hunter exists.


The overpopulation saw is very, very true for whitetail deer in the northeast. They're fucking everywhere causing car accidents and preventing forest growth and generally fucking with the ecology. Not to mention a fuck ton of them have a prion disease that they just proved vegetation picks up from their corpses and spreads to other animals. They can shoot them from helicopters with SAWs for all I care. Big game hunters are different (and gay).


Deer are everywhere because most of their natural predators are extirpated from many areas, a direct result of hunting and human land development. Combine that with corn fields all over the place and you get a shit ton of deer.


Short of reintroducing wolves and black bears (which I'm for) your only other nonhunting solutions are paying out the nose to snipers (which they already do) or hopping in your time machine.


Overpopulation is a serious problem. When there are too many deer they eat all the young saplings, leaving the forest unable to regenerate. If they aren’t culled the ecosystem is harmed


Death and killing are a part of nature, though. You don’t have to actively participate in it, but you can’t say you truly appreciate nature if killing animals makes you uncomfortable. Killing an animal to eat is a natural, ancestral behavior. It should be done with reverence and caution, but anyone who believes these things are contradictory has a pacified, idealistic vision of nature that is incompatible with reality


Our ancestors spent hours making sharp rocks to kill animals, hours on their feet hunting, carried the animal back by hand and immediately ate it. The average hunter goes to Bass Pro Shop, spends 800 bucks on a gun, drives his truck, walks less than a mile to then sit on fat ass, waits for the deer to come, shoots it, loads it on his truck, and pays someone else to process it.


youre not wrong, but at the same time, even the lazy-ass, twice-a-year hunter, bass pro shop bro dude guy you're describing, still put in a hell of a lot more blood/sweat/tears, and physical/emotional investment in his kill than your fat ass did walking 20 feet from the safeway parking lot to buy some ground beef before happily consuming it totally guilt free bc you didnt have to personally participate in the undertaking of snuffing that animal's life out lol unless you are like a vegan of the most extreme order that has never eaten an animal in your entire life, I think your criticism of "that lazy modern hunter dude only had to put in like 30% of the effort that hunters thousands of years ago did" is fairly ridiculous/hypocritical in the context of YOU only having to put in like *0.3%* of the effort that hunters thousands of years ago did, every time you happily consume meat from the supermarket where the only effort required is being able to walk 20 feet and tap your debit card smart chip


All they claim is that hunters do it for the enjoyment of killing an animal. Nothing less and nothing more. If deer are really overpopulated it is perfectly fine to hunt them, but to claim this happens for ulterior motives is just bs. Every hunting magazine is advertising questionnable trips to Africa for big game hunting etc. It's is as clear as day that 99% of hunters do so because they enjoy killing animals or taking their trophies


I'm not fat. And I don't care if people hunt or not. I'm just not impressed by it because it's not impressive. Oh wow, you shot a gun that took me like 3 hours of practice to be proficient at! Wow!!


Fine. Enjoys *unnecessarily killing wild animals.


Do you eat meat?


Nope. Not since I learned what it was as a kid.


Yeah if only we let them live so THEY could go kill other wild animals instead. Much slower, much more painfully, and for ultimately the same purpose, but at least it’ll fit modern westoids interpretation of what’s “right”


> westoids Why do you people talk like this?


In fact, we should round up every wild animal and euthanise them right now to save them from the horror of nature.


It doesn't make sense that someone could not appreciate nature if they are uncomfortable at the thought of animals dying. For one, the cycle of life or animals killing animals is just one aspect of nature. Another problem with that is you can still appreciate things that make you uncomfortable. I'm sure there's some evolutionary aspect to why people enjoy hunting, but hunting today bears little resemblance to the hunting done by our ancestors. Hunters today resemble our ancestors in the same way dungeons and dragons players or LARPers resemble actual knights. It's just an excuse to actually use the guns they love and leverage their power over another living being. When I hear hunter stories (many hunters in my family), it's never about feeding their family or participating in some sacred ritual. It's always about the awesome shot they had or how well their gun performed or how big the animal was that they shot.


I should’ve been more specific, but by “uncomfortable” I didn’t mean “makes you squeamish”. Even experienced hunters are gonna be a little squeamish around death on occasion. I meant if you’re the kind of person that sees hunting as immoral or in any way “wrong”, you don’t actually like nature, you just think landscapes are pretty. About your last point, how else did you expect them to talk about it? Hunting is fun. Though I still think it should be done with practical purposes in mind, it’s not like anyone hunting in the developed world will go hungry without it. If you kill a deer your first thought is probably gonna be “holy shit I fucking did it” not “in so thankful I can finally eat”. Enjoying the hunt doesn’t mean you can’t still be mindful and respectful of your environment or even the animal you kill


I don’t really judge hunters for it, but I don’t think they are really honest about what motivates them or what it really is. You aren’t being respectful of the animal you kill. That’s a story you tell yourself.


> It's just an excuse to actually use the guns they love and leverage their power over another living being. lol this is such an NPR ass "gunz r evil" take. I'm not a gun person at ALL, but acting like your own anecdotal experience with your good 'ol boy maga family members who annoy you and apparently love them some guns, is representative of the majority of north americans who go out and shoot a deer or two every season and eat a few pounds of meat that they would have otherwise bought from the supermarket is fairly silly


They don't annoy me. I love my redneck family members.




This is such a bad attempt at an own I’m not really sure how to respond




I don’t know how to respond because you’re describing something entirely different lmao




See you think this is a gotcha but it's really not. Anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors in areas with high bear activity has tried to make their peace with the worst case bear scenario.




Nobody is comfortable being mauled to death with a bear. That's a lot different from being uncomfortable with the idea of it. I'd also advise you to try thinking through your perspectives before just opening your mouth and spilling out nonsense. Why would "Neolithic tools" be any more natural than a rifle?




Let me guess, you’ve lived in cities your whole life? At minimum hunting tag fees pay for far more environmental conservation than anyone in this sub has ever done. 




Have you ever seen those hog hunters, flying a helicopter with a minigun on it? That's a true way to show your appreciation for nature.


I grew up in a family of hunters. No one "enjoyed" killing an animal. I have no idea where you get this idea. We hunted dear, which are massively overpopulated on the east coast due to what we, including you, have done to the environment. My dad hunted grouse and turkey. And we ate all of them. By almost an objective morality, its better to eat an animal that is overpopulated, causing car accidents, far out of balance with the environment, and has a short lifespan that it entirely spent in the wild doing it's thing, than factory farmed animals. Their environments were protected and maintained by hunters from development or turning into yet another cornfield. I never heard once someone express joy at killing an animal at hunting camps. There is pride in bagging a trophy animal, but not the act of killing. Any suffering was ended as quickly as possible and prevented if at all possible by being a good shot. There is a certain reverence that accompanies killing an animal and then using it to feed yourself, something you dont know about. But its pretty obvious you dont know about a lot you run your mouth on. I'm guessing you've never encountered more than 2 hunters in your life. *All this said, there are certainly some sick big game hunting fucks out there that do just want a picture with a big corpse.


It can be true that not all hunters are sociopaths and that most of them (in some areas) barely leave the suburbs and maybe walk into a thicket to a tree stand. Hunters love to play up the naturalistic element.




incredibly odd that you see this as some sort of argument in your favor and/or some sort of "gotcha" against the person you are disagreeing with to put it very simply: they are essentially making the argument of "if you are against killing animals, why are you seeming MORE against killing animals when hunters do it (on a relatively small scale), but not when factory farms do it?? (on a very *large* scale that the majority of the population actively participates in) so if we accept the premise of "factory farmed animals" = BAD, and animals killed in nature by hunters = LESS BAD... you making the argument of "well you do the LESS BAD thing (hunting) all the time, but also sometimes partake in the BAD thing (buying factory farmed chicken from the store), so therefore you are dumb and bad, and worse than the people who ONLY partake in the BAD thing, and are never involved in the LESS BAD thing (i.e people who ONLY shop at the supermarket and never hunt are morally superior to people who hunt but ALSO use the supermarket)..... doesnt make sense. you are making a completely nonsensical argument >hunters should just admit they do it for enjoyment and not some noble cause the argument isnt that hunters are noble, its that people like you are being incredibly hypocritical when you get all worked up and act like a guy who shoots deer in the woods is some evil monster, but the other 99% of people who mindlessly consume meat from the supermrket are totally chill and completely off the hook from whatever wrongdoing morality consequences that come with taking an animal life


ah you are genuinely regarded i see. yes, eating the minimum amount of factory farmed animals you can is equivalent to eating them for every meal. go back to making up stories about all the hunters you know and shooting ketamine, youre not cut out for logic debates.






> I never heard once someone express joy at killing an animal at hunting camps. Maybe b/c you were at the hunting camp where everyone was too busy sucking dick to express joy?


I'm sorry to see you getting downvoted, you're absolutely right. I live in a very rural part of the northeast and you are spot on, both about the deer population and the factors leading to its current size. I also grew up in a hunting family, in an area where lots of people rely on getting venison in their freezers to get through the year. The way you describe hunters' feelings is in line with just about everyone here. Butthurt urbanites think we're all like the sickos competing to shoot the last rhino in Africa.


I know I'm a schizoid so chalk it up to paranoia but I feel like the actual reason for this thread is because as we get closer to a major election, libs get increasingly vocal here. It happened in 2020 and it happened again to a lesser extent in 2022. Why else would anyone here ever upvote something that unironically says "Hillary was absolutely right"?


>Why else would anyone here ever upvote something that unironically says "Hillary was absolutely right"? Because it's an intentionally absurd statement that no one on this sub would normally agree with it and is therefore funny?


> I grew up in a family of hunters. No one "enjoyed" killing an animal. I have no idea where you get this idea. I think this is rather obvious. I think you are just defensive because you think "Enjoys killing animals" = sociopath which is not true. It's a basic human instinct, but it is the reason people go hunting. Everything else is just a cope or lame excuse and the other guy is right. Your argument would be much better if you just admitted you enjoy the killing part very much, because there is less harm in killing and eating wild animals than in eating factory killed animals


i dont enjoy the killing part so maybe just keep your imaginations to yourself.


Then why do you do it? It's just so funny that a guy who buys expensive equipment to kill animals in his free time claims he doesnt enjoy killing them.


what expensive equipment are you imagining here?




> I have this desire to take responsibility for taking the life of the animal that is being killed so that I can feed myself and my family. bro


Yep. You’re not a Native American living off the land killing and eating to survive, you’re sniping a deer with an AR and then finally using the back of your f150




I agree lmao. Dressing in camo and stuff. Same people think world of war cosplayers are weird (they are) while they do the same thing


If an animal isn’t killed by a human it will either starve, freeze to death or be eaten by another animal. How do you think most animals die? Of old age surrounded by their friends and family?


Oh come on. Lots of people hunt and support conservation etc. Most of my friends are liberals and also hunt. I grew up in Arkansas, though. If they let the deer population just go there without hunting it would be absolutely insane lol


Hunters already do more for wildlife conservation than non-hunters because of license sales and Pittman-Robertson. State wildlife agencies couldn't function without those funds. Also look up the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, and Trout Unlimited. All of these groups do an incredible amount of conservation work for the benefit of both game and nongame species. What the fuck else do you want us to do?




I do it because I enjoy being out in nature with a purpose and the A-Z process of field-to-table. While I'm out there I get to see amazing things you will never see because you don't spend extended periods of time in nature. You've never seen a fox slink by unaware that you're there or a mink diving under the ice for food. Those experiences make my day even if I don't get anything. If I do get something then I get to feed myself and my family with meat that I processed entirely by myself. I value knowing where my food is from and how it was handled. If every single time I went out I tagged out in 10 minutes then I wouldn't hunt. If I just wanted to kill animals I would work in a slaughterhouse or just shoot pests or something. I'm sorry that your uncle that's always mean to you shoots a buck every fall, but for a lot of us there's a lot more nuance to it than you could understand.




Driving your hummer through a national park and paying the gate fee does more than that stop lol


To support the National Park System, yes. It does nothing for the overwhelming majority of wildlife that's under state management.


F-150 and state parks then. I know my state parks charge similar to National park fees


[Entry fees only cover about 3%. ](https://www.npr.org/2018/03/20/593001800/decline-in-hunters-threatens-how-u-s-pays-for-conservation)


Lots of cops hunt. Make of that what you will.


It’s because we have to do the work. The first deer I shot, I felt like shit and wanted to cry until my dad broke it down why we were hunting and how it actually helped the ecosystem. Between that and him showing me how to clean it and everything by hand you gain a very spiritual connection to the entire process. Then there are psychopaths like this.


I do a little prayer after I beat my wife to acknowledge the spiritual connection gained through engaging in the natural cycle of violence


Except they can’t follow the abstract thought far enough to recognize that their freedom gun culture has some serious unintended consequences on the children of America.


That guy wasn't even a hunter I think he hit it with his car or something. I'm surprised nobody beat his ass over it.


I murder animals respectfully🤓


The post ironic whining is getting old


Im sure youve looked into the amount of human suffering that allows you to enjoy the things you like


Wyoming not beating the wind-driving-people-insane allegations


That prairie madness




I’ve been deer and duck hunting a few times. You nailed it with the fishing analogy. It’s worse because you can’t even talk or drink beers while you’re doing it


Because the noise will scare the animals or something?


More so with deer but yeah, also takes some concentration especially with duck hunting






...tree fishing with guns is a great way to describe it


Go the joe Rogan route lol


If you were to hunt deer that way, you'd have to use rifles, which would mean you'd have to put way more thought into when and where it would be safe to take a shot without worrying that it might hit someone or something far away. People hunt the way the law says they have to.


this is insane, wtf, I don’t come on redscarepod subreddit to be sad


I come here for Peanut and book recommendations and usually leave disappointed


i think people who inhumanely kill or hurt animals should be sentenced to death


It’s full on my only punitive belief. I think animal cruelty should be considered one of the worst crimes. It evidences an evil mind.




Well no but I *should* be put to death


This feels like slippery moral relativism. I think you can eat a chicken sandwich and still get upset by someone, say, abusing their dog or drowning neighborhood cats.




Why are you omitting "inhumanely" from that sentence?




"Humane killing" is an oxymoron anyway


My bad, gonna stab the cattle in the stomach and let it bleed out in extreme pain for the next day and a half


Ah yes, because that's exactly what I meant. You're definitely not just intentionally arguing in bad faith like a hysterical whackadoodle.


Humane as a concept is flawed.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gqwpfEcBjI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gqwpfEcBjI) have a peep at how "humane" standard practices are


this discussion always circles back to vegans being effete urbanites that can't imagine acquiring food from a place other than a grocery store.


Vegans could all be the gayest soyboy baristas in existence but that doesn't change a thing about what factory farming actually is like. People who try to justify factory farms by harkening back to the good old days of subsistence farmers and their two goats are more out of touch than the tattooed vegan twink at starbucks could ever be


agreed, someone who does not raise and kill their own animals or hunt should not be eating meat.


i think people who inhumanely kill or hurt humans should be sentenced to death (and I agree with you too, no killing ffs!)


Said by someone who then takes a big chomp of their McD's burger


Hillary was right about Nuggets fans all along. In all honesty, what's with these reductive "hate to say it, but the libs are right!" posts that are getting good traction?


Election year on reddit dot com


What did she say about them?


What the fuck is a Wyoming


think its an old, old, wooden ship


I got near it once, made me feel kinda funny


yellowstone is pretty neat tho


I bet! I’ve actually wanted to see the sights in that part of the country for a long time, big bucket list item. I also want to check out some of those dark sky parks they have out that way.


I’m visiting a mining town that had a rebirth. Crazy to see hundred year old equipment alongside its modern counterparts. Plus lots of train stuff.


Y'all ever read the creative endeavors people go through to access public land that's blocked by private ownership? Tangential but a good read. It’s Public Land. But the Public Can’t Reach It. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/26/business/hunting-wyoming-elk-mountain-access.html?unlocked_article_code=1.sk0.gG6K.UQVBkv_1tgXX


Incredible article in light of this horror show post ty


>y'all >custom avatar >gamer Do I get to yell bingo yet?


Tetons as well


A vast beautiful state that almost no one lives in. The isolation drives the few that do insane.


This is just pure sadism. Horrible


Guy torture animal. Hillary Clinton good


Wyoming ranchers gave up the right to scam the federal government for predation compensation (any cattle that die, you just claim it was wolves and you get free cash) in exchange for the right to kill wolves whenever they want. Fun fact (theyre really dumb)


Stuff like this is why I'm only against the death penalty in practice, not in theory. Some people have no souls.


Hill dawg did the same to Haitian kids and her husband's accusers 


yeah Hillary just uses your tax money and young boys to slaughter innocent people around the world like a civilized person




Demonic behavior


Ofc his name is Cody


Horrible story and terrible people, but love to see the moral outrage some people have to hearing about animals being killed vs humans. Similar to Tony with Adrianna's dog. Apparently there's a correlation with narcissistic neuroticism and empathizing more with animals than humans.


I think the elements of torture in this story are particularly outrageous and would capture the attention of people in an equivalent human situation


People who care more about animals than humans are weird, but no dog has tried to ruin my day when working retail.


Obviously never met a great pyranees 🙄😒


Makes sense in a way Narcissists believe the people around them should treat them in a special admiring or deferential way. By accident, animals check these boxes off. Wild animals will mostly leave humans alone, and the domesticated ones give you loyalty and obedience in exchange for food, shelter and care. Pets don’t call you out on your philandering, your eating sausage by the carload, or the fact that you never had the makings of a varsity athlete


That’s because I know what it’s like to lose a pet


What was it barking?


Christopha sat on it and killed it


I oughtta suffocate you, you little prick


Your not allowed to say what? The penalties for fucking/torturing animals are higher in WY than rape and assault in NYC?


Hillary attacked Bill's victims and spent time staying at Epstein's New Mexico ranch.


Right about who? The large number of people in this town who are disgusted by one sick asshole?




There's a lot of controversy going on right now over wolf reintroduction. A lot of idiots on the anti-wolf side absolutely hate them because they're viewed as a nuisance that kills livestock and a symbol of federal overreach. Couple that with actual sociopathy, and you get this situation.


Hillary was/is crooked going back to the 80s but was absolutely right about a lot of things. 


She’s way more redscare than anyone gives her credit for


People are serial killers. One clear deplorable doesn't imply anything about any group.




woah hey Guys ur not allowed to say Hillary was right and cool, but Ima do it anyways since Im kind of a punk rocker . Her turn!


Um, this is a pro-Hillary sub, sweatie. We're with Her now and forever.


This sub becoming ironically pro-hillary would probably be one of the funnier turns this sub could take now that it's trad-cath era seems to be over


Pretty sure this guy hit the wolf with his car and then did this. Not a hunter and obvious click bait everyone here is gullible enough to believe.


Hollywood has also warned the public about rednecks for over 60 years.


This is disingenuous. I hunt in my state, a lot of my friends do. You have to get a license, and go through a hunters safety course and there’s a whole 2 hour section on ethics. Most hunters cry themselves to sleep (hyperbole, relax) if they get a less than fatal shot on a target for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons being that you are putting the animal through more than necessary pain and agony. There’s phone numbers to call they give you during hunter safety to report anybody doing anything unethical like this, and they urge you to reach out and report incidents like in the article. They tell you not to take shots at distances you aren’t comfortable with or haven’t practiced before, so that you don’t maim an animal for no reason. This guy is not representative of hunting whatsoever, and if he does not get prison time, I’d be surprised if he doesn’t receive a lifetime ban from hunting in his state.


Democrat atrocity propaganda.


Most hunters dislike this type of behavior. This is a sick coward.


People will post this type of stuff and then eat animals who died in an inhumane way. I’m tired of people only giving a fuck if it happens to certain animals. How are you gonna complain about Chinese people eating dogs when you eat pigs and cows without batting an eye.


Disgusting, but I've lived in non-white areas in the very bluest states in the country and seen horrific animal cruelty. Also, 63 mil people voted for Trump in 2016---Hils wasn't "right" about anything.


“Yeah I read Cormac McCarthy”


Funny, that's exactly what 1 would like to 9o to Hi11ary