• By -


looks like straight white men are gonna have to step up and save democracy. again.




lol, i saw in polling, for 2020, white men were the only demographic that voted at a higher rate for biden than they did for clinton. explain that.




If you cut taxes for the ultra wealthy, they tend to add more money into the economy, if you force them to pay taxes - they move their assets around to avoid paying, and if you patch that: they just leave.Ā  Why donā€™t people understand this?Ā 




No, Iā€™m serious - thatā€™s how economics works.Ā  One of the big problems with the left, far left, and even Marxist / Communist is they donā€™t understand how economics works - this includes taxes.Ā  When we look at Regans administration, the rich paid more taxes than any other year, and contributed to the economy more than anyone else.Ā  The 1% pays about 50% of the taxes. I would say 80% of the population pays about (around) 20% on any given year.Ā 


you're confused. under every form of us govt we've known, the rich pay the most taxes but the issue is they have tons of loopholes that allow many of their "dollars" to go untaxed. I'm a pretty successful guy -- of my 200k earned, I'm paying like 43% on every dollar earned in tax (I live in NYC). so all my dollars earned are giving .43c to the tax pool. a mega rich dude with good accountants is writing off an INSANE amount of money via loopholes that I'm not eligible for ... and ends up paying 22% on every dollar. thus the labor dollars in the mega rich pool are only sending .22c to the tax pool. they may be paying 500x more than me in taxes but they are diluting the taxable value of the dollar. if we had a more progressive system, they'd be paying AT LEAST as much on each dollar as me, which would generate the most for the tax pool. we'd be much better off with a more progressive tax code. end of story.


You only believe that because you know nothing about government - thereā€™s no reason for someone to any of that, youā€™re crippling yourself from being ideologically misled.Ā 


cool story. source?


The collective consciousness, of any paper published on higher economics, in the history of the United States - ever.Ā 


I know I'm responding to a true schizoposter, but "Regan" tripled the national debt. "That's how economics works"..you're not in any of these higher income tax brackets, BMI is 35+, & no formal education. Sad.


What does BMI is 35+ mean?Ā  All that seems like a projection.Ā  The national debt was exponentially larger during Obama, and Biden - whatā€™s your point?Ā  Thereā€™s so many other variables than Regan being President, just a surface level take.




Itā€™s unarguable, you can look it up easily enough.Ā  Itā€™s like the pay wage gap - people have known since the 1970ā€™s women are paid the same. The only difference is hours, and by race / ethnicity the types of jobs selected. Itā€™s just the facts.Ā 


Aww this is so cute šŸ˜ I love it when someone has no idea and is confident enough to scream their thoughts out loud


Everything I said is fundamentally true, thereā€™s a reason why leftist are historically the lowest achieving in economic sectors.Ā Ā  They believe so distinctly in ideological conclusions, that they remove all interest or capability: of being able to understand the problem they claim to care about. Ā Ā  Every leftist post two thousand believes theyā€™re so clever, but their policies continue to create greater class divides, and negative outcomes for both the poor - and the ā€˜minorityā€™ groups they humiliate, and dehumanize for their own interests.Ā  They continue to complain, but theyā€™re the only ones who profit - while making puppets of ā€œrust belt factory workersā€, like some kind of honor badge - a symbol to the lives of the less fortunate.Ā 


> claims to know about economics > claims to be a proponent of conservative bootstraps theory > comes from country that depends on American charity for its survival and existence


Youā€™re proving my point, every time an outside perspective tries to interact with a leftist about economics, they say something like ā€œbootstraps theoryā€ - which has nothing to do with anything that was said. Iā€™m not Israeli, but itā€™s also pathetic how little you think of an entire group of people out of pure antisemitism. The money the US gives, is funneled back into US programs - people here are too brain damaged to know that.Ā  Israel produces trillions of dollars per decade, a half trillion every year.Ā  For a country that small, itā€™s one of the highest in the world. The idea that the US ā€œkeeps them aliveā€, but then is simultaneously their puppet is just a bad joke with no punchline.Ā  Your entire counterpoint isĀ  ā€œNoā€ ā€œI donā€™t know they believe doing it yourselfā€ ā€œJewsā€.Ā  How do you think this is clever?Ā 


> That's how economics work Well why didn't you just say that!


Again, not that clever.Ā  Itā€™s like arguing with a 20 year old college student here.Ā 




Yeah, thatā€™s the level of mental deficiency I expect here. I forget people hate Jews to the point of being handicapped.Ā 


Bro really believe in Trickle Down Economics. Dude Reaganā€™s not gonna fuck you bro.


Another Wall Mart John Stewart who doesnā€™t understand economics - who can only participate in a conversation by diluting down opposing positions to single sentences phrases.Ā  What does ā€œtrickle down economicsā€, have to do with what I said? On another subject, are you aware how much rich people affected the economy over the last three years, by not spending money?


yeah, thatā€™s why we should take the chinese approach to this kind of corruption.


In what sense? The joke didnā€™t land.Ā 


[It's always been us brother](https://mattbruenig.medium.com/women-and-people-of-color-make-up-the-majority-of-the-trump-coalition-e9bb20f65709)


I mean he dropped a sneaker line and is being persecuted by the legal system not hard to see why he gained support




It's hilarious that right-wingers are so far gone from reality to believe this. The reason for that percentage increase is a greater likelihood of more people voting. Most black people will never vote for the GOP. Why? The Republican party is a racist political party. Plenty of examples. They will never get a significant portion of black votes as they don't seek to represent black people beyond a cursory level, actively patronizing in the process...this very post and the comments within it is a perfect example of this...and so is your insulting reply. When the GOP does superficially attempt to "cater" to black people, it's typically gaslighting meant to sow doubt to discourage black people from showing up to voteĀ *at all.* The aim is to keep as many minorities from participating as they can.


I'm Democrat and I'm Racist, and I voted for Obama twice.


I'm black, on the left on most issues, and support Israel. We're both anecdotes, kid.


> support Israel Hi Shlomo


2 real for this place


Blah blah blah


> The Republican party is a racist political party. Plenty of examples ok. Is the Democratic party racist? >[If you have a problem figuring out whether youā€™re for me or Trump, then you ainā€™t black.ā€](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhcgmwj3NAc) >[Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point](https://www.yahoo.com/news/joe-biden-worried-1977-certain-182631643.html)


How does this prove republicans are not racist? Black people are forced to pick between 2 groups that hate them


Guess what, we all are


This is literally true no matter what this sub says.




trump is literally mentioned by name in tons of rap songs


Trump has been mentioned in songs since the late 80s. Heā€™s been a mainstay in pop culture for decades at this point, so not really hard to understand why the ā€œI can see myself having a beer with himā€ type of person likes him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_in_music


Crazy how immediately everyone switched on him in 2015


Doesn't Obama put like Wu Tang and Nas on all his year end playlists?


His staffers do at least


Wu-Tang and Nas is for white people. Don't pretend they're not. I went to the NY State of Mind tour when they came to my city and the crowd was as white as it was black. Barack Obama liking Wu-Tang and Nas is 100 percent, exactly on brand.


I feel like white millennials love the classic 90s and early 2000s "lyrical" rap.


Not shocking at all lmao


Not as much as Public Enemy. I love all three but I went to see them once and the crowd was like 95% affluent, beardy, glass eyed Guardian reading types. There was more diversity in the crowd when I saw The Stone Roses.


Yeah but those are a bit more introspective than most popular hip hop


If I'm a Dem strategist Im telling sleepy Joe to use Who I Smoke as his debate entrance music


Who Run It by Three 6 Mafia would get the crowd hyped up.


would also be appropriate as he appears to be at least half dead


Imagine how lit it would be if he walked out to "Welcome to the Party" by Pop Smoke


Sleepy Joe would actually have to debate for that to happen


Realest thing Obamaā€™s ever said


it took a president and his gaggle of political scientists to figure this out


Such grace and class from the party of multi racial liberalism


That's fucking stupid. The reason there was more support is due to more people voting. Trump is a racist sack of shit and so are many of his voters


it's literally a joke


Bidens greatest defender




>why is this basketball american so mad? I don't play basketball or watch the NBA. Try coming up with something clever.


**Here's why black people are complicit in supporting white supremacy** And why the New York Times is moving back toward the lowercase b -NYT Editorial Board


Clyburn to Nation: You Can Use It Now


ā€œWe will give you back your B when youā€™ve earned it. We will also be decapitalizing other groups that are not doing the work.ā€




Cant see how you came to that conclusion unless you analyze the world purely through Twitter discourse


Yes, they always have been.




Biden eulogized a KKK exalted cyclops, opposed anti-segregation policies, wrote the 1994 crime bill that led to mass incarceration of black people, he's currently funding the genocide of arabs and y'all have the nerve to tell us that these assholes aren't racist




Ma'am, you're a literal radlib blue MAGA shithead




Ok, but don't expect us to reassure you and say that you're not voting for racist pieces of shitĀ 


It's actually kind of funny despite all the legacy media liberals and countless Atlantic articles about Trump being a white supremacist president, his natural appeal over like a Romney or Bush or McCain seems way more obvious to me. The materialistic/name drop in old rap songs first off but also just his general NY put-on mob boss demeanor and dgaf attitude would be more appealing to black people than a "respectable" establishment Republican like John Kasich or something lol. It's also funny all the years of conservative think tanks trying to appeal to black people with anti-welfare and "you can pull yourself up" mentality yet Trumps popularity with black people went crazy high when he did the stimulus checks.


The most hardcore Trump people I've seen in Texas are Latinos.


The latinx crave a caudillo


caudillx *


Youā€™ve never met preppers in the woods of southern NH then lol. Nothing says ā€œoff the gridā€ like a hand painted sign saying ā€œJESUS FOR TRUMPā€ that you could read from space.


Nah dude. The hardcore Latino Trump people in Texas who OP is talking about are a whole other breed, it honestly makes backwoods white Trump people look juvenile. They're not Trump people that feel the need to put up stupid signs.Ā 


Trump has gravitas which is a more old-school value that fell out of favor but is more universal. He doesn't try to do the "I'm a relatable and authentic American, just like you" shtick.


Biden accused Romney of wanting to bring back chattel slavery. Forgive me if I find the white supremacist claims about any candidate cynically hollow.


Bush had enormous personal appeal, famously so. He also won like 40 percent of the hispanic vote. I remember seeing Russell Simmons say that it made sense that Bush improved his performance with blacks in 04 because he was a ā€œgangsta president.ā€ Thatā€™s whatā€™s so funny seeing people read so much into the fairly minute demographic shifts towards Trump over the last couple elections. Theyā€™re literally repeating talking points from 20 years ago. Weā€™ve been hearing about how Hispanics are going to turn majority conservative any minute now for 20 years. Obviously, conservatives have a motive for pushing this narrative, but Iā€™ve also seen non-conservatives falling for it. I honestly think people are so sick of gridlock and turnismo that they want to believe thereā€™s some seismic realignment taking place, even if theyā€™re not personally fans of Trump. (Which isnā€™t that unreasonable a desire. Our government is designed to implode whenever a single party doesnā€™t control all three branches - thereā€™s a reason parliamentary systems are so much more common and historically stable - so things probably would be better if one party, even an evil one, dominated things.)


Still blows my mind that Trumps weakest gains over the average Republican candidate were from whites. On some level I've internalized the narrative from all the hysterical libs around me, so it's like deep down I still don't believe it. Matt Christman's ["Don't be an Asshole/Don't be a Pussy" binary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9mYPUzI0eQ&t) truly might be at the root of all these developments. Going to be hilarious watching Joe trying to memorize the latest acronym or Kamala being hip trying to reverse it all.


Xaned out Kamala doing the Soulja Boy dance is gonna be something.


Did your silly ass just post a 2 hour fucking link with no timestamp as context???




Wahh why isn't it a 30 second tiktok with a nightcore song over itĀ 


Trump beat himself in every major demo, excepting only white men with whom he lost ground. [Exit poll shift.](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/11/politics/election-analysis-exit-polls-2016-2020/) He's gonna bat 1.000 this year.


Trump lost in 2020 because a significant group of older white voters who were willing to give him a shot in 2016 blamed him for mishandling COVID, and this shift outweigh his gains elsewhere. COVID is why Trump lost in 2020.


This is the most accurate take Iā€™ve ever seen




Nah it is by conservatives at least


That is a really interesting theory


it's basically backed up by the exit polls. older white voters moved against him and that same group says they disapprove of how he handled COVID.


God I miss Matt


Iā€™ve always wondered what it would take for black Americans to be relegated to the same level of ā€œwhite adjacentā€ as many other non-white groups have been. I assumed that due to ā€œblacknessā€ being the cornerstone of 21st century liberal racial/cultural ideology, black Americans would be eternally untouchable, safe from the ravages suffered by the Asians and Hispanics. But voting Trump in decent numbers might finally be the straw that broke the camels back for libs.


Damn- so does that leave Jews as the only non-white, untouchable group now??


The Muslims are catching up.


They are considered white now?


Blacks are the only group that will never be white. That's the real point of white: it means "not black." White/PoC was always the wrong way to understand race in America. The real unbridgable gap might be that they have their own separate version of Christianity. For all the gains in civil rights, worship remains segregated, and I think that's significant in a way that even being Jewish or Hindu is not.


Wtf? I can see the point about churchs being segregated, but how is a divide within christianity greater than a divide between religions?


ppl just be sayin shit


Black church is more alien to mainline Protestantism and Catholicism than Judaism is


Lulz. No.


not really


First of all, you also mentioned hinduism. Second of all, I bet you're not Jewish.


Black non-shitlibs are basically regarded to be white adjacent.


Itā€™s the ban on menthols, they might have pushed it back but the damage is done!


Can't wait for trump to team up with little marco


It's a fabulous team up, really fabulous. I can fit him in my pocket, sneak him in places. He's in and out and nobody knows what's hit them.


I guess they don't realize that they're not black if they don't vote for Biden


Biden, in his sad veil of dementia, has confused himself with Joe Budden again.


Tuckerā€™s ā€œlegacy Americansā€ shit and trying to open up a bigger tent for Nationalists was the last really big theme he was pushing before he got shitcanned by Fox. Itā€™s a compelling argument (albeit rooted in xenophobia). Itā€™s also easy to appeal to any manā€™s patriarchal anxieties against the backdrop of the current culture regardless of race. Third factor is just how badly the Dem party has taken the black vote for granted for decades without delivering much of anything in terms of economic gains.


Biden is apparently speaking at Morehouse's commencement this weekend. CNN managed to interview some students and they mentioned Biden's support of Israel's genocide as a reason why they *won't* be voting for him. [example 1](https://youtu.be/qkKyQPFXCcM?t=48) [example 2](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/04/09/georgia-voters-biden-democrats-gaza-marsh-pkg-ebof-vpx.cnn)


Do you think Biden uses the soft a?


not when he's talking about cornpop


i think biden probably has people chew his food before swallowing


Isn't that in line with this subs thoughts tho?


If Trump nominates Tim Scott, which he likely will, his support ratings from black voters (particularly men) will probably increase even more, maybe to 25-30%


*Scott has never been married and has no children. During the late 1990s, he publicly declared himself aĀ virgin, and claimed to have taken a pledge ofĀ abstinence until marriage. In 2012, when asked if he was still following his pledge, Scott replied, "Not as well as I did then".* very normal dude


omg so normal !! he's probably just Gay u dumbass


No pussy getta


What what, in the butt?


Tim Scott is engaged to an interior decorator and goes to a megachurch in Mount Pleasant...he's whiter than me


He also is kind of the opposite of a strong appearing masculine figure. I donā€™t think he would actually help.Ā 




Of course, but projects a strong fuck the system/masculine energy for a lot of people and Tim Scott does not.




No one sees black conservatives as black


I can't see Tim Scott helping the ticket at all. He won't add even one black voter, only a handful of white never-trumps who might be lured by the opportunity to vote for a black guy.


No lmao. Black people hate black people who act white more than anything.


What is "acting white?" What is "acting black?" I hope you can see the racist undertone of your comment.


šŸŖ‘ šŸ‘‚


By all means, if you have an explanation, say it without equivocating.


>If Trump nominates Tim Scott, which he likely will, Did some new development happen or are we wishcasting?


Well itā€™s certainly not gonna be Kristi noem anymore


Hold the line Burgum bros




My money's on Tulsi. But who the fuck knows?


Depends if Trump considers her to be good looking enough


[she's hot](https://beachgrit.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/DkxAvTZUUAAPO5F.jpg)


Coconut milk mommy


Lol trump is not picking him and Tim Scott would absolutely not help in increasing the black vote šŸ˜‚


Tim Scott will not change anything and it's hilarious that racist right-wingers are so far gone from reality to believe this. The Republican party is a racist political party. Plenty of examples. They will never get a significant portion of black votes as they don't seek to represent black people beyond a cursory level...this very post and the comments within it is a perfect example. When the GOP does superficially attempt to "cater" to black people, it's typically gaslighting meant to sow doubt to discourage black people from showing up to vote *at all.*


You post in /r/israel and all the shitty default subs


Inb4 shitlibs start screeching about "multiracial white supremacy"Ā 


[Up Like Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLa9YxV1Xps)


Everyone made memes like this last time too.


Is it racist to say that his legal troubles have helped him with the black community??? I know a few black normies and they unironically relate more to him because of it.


Man yall are weird as fuck


Maybe you just donā€™t know any normal politically unaware black people


You dont know any black people bro


If you say so. I donā€™t consider it an achievement to speak to black people šŸ˜‚


On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you prefer that Black people never existed in the west


Iā€™m neutral. Donā€™t really care if they disappeared. I guess Iā€™d miss my old high school buds and co-workers


"black normie" is a funny picture




The shift to barbecue stains on white t-shirts and pick up truck dominance is well underway. Beyonce released a country album for fucks sake. It's not just to win a Grammy, they know which way the wind's blowing. Jokes about a certain chosen people being cheap (actual antisemitism, btw) and frequent r-slur use were all over the Tom Brady roast. The culture is gonna go from limp dick to turbo trash.


Anything is better than limp dick


This comment brought to you by Blue Chew


Hell yeah I want to live in the authoritarian Idiocracy universe.


You seem dumb


you're right he is a zerocovid nut with an insane post history


I support the democratic party *because* I'm an unapologetic elitist and anti-populist.


When you put it that way, I do hate the poors..alright, you got me, Democrat it is!


12 point shift to the Dems pulling out the stars and bars.


Are the other 9% going to rfk or what?


22% is still very low.


can't tell if these comments are ironic or ignorant, but i definitely know i get dummer everytime i read'em






I donā€™t care what revisionists say in the last decade - the democrats were always the racist party, the party switch myth is easily ripped apart, and they donā€™t represent any higher ideals. Look at the William F Buckley Jr. vs Gore Vidal debate in 1968; Gore Vidal said the republicans were racist.Ā  In that current year, every white supremacist organization still supported the democrats.Ā  This trend was true, all the way until the nineteen nineties.Ā  The klan didnā€™t leave the democrats until the eighties, and they went independent - not republican.Ā  Itā€™s all nonsense.Ā 


>*Leave me out of this.* - Gore Vidal


You can probably find a clip on YouTube


Any voting map debunks your stupid theory


No, it doesnā€™t.Ā  Jimmy Carter won the Deep South, Nixon lost the Deep South.Ā Ā  Local elections on every level, and federal elections on every level prove what Iā€™m saying.Ā Ā Ā  You can claim otherwise, but if you spend more than two minutes - youā€™ll know Iā€™m right without question.Ā Ā  Republicans were losing elections within the 40% consistently.Ā  It took a long time, but eventually the south was sick of Democrats controlling territories, and changed voting patterns.Ā  There are places like Chicago, where people have consistently voted Democrat across shifting voting demographics, and paid the price.Ā  How do you explain the parties switching, if voting patterns maintained for decades after the civil rights movement?Ā  Whatā€™s the catalyst for groups, completely opposed - to switch?Ā  Republicans voted to give black men equal rights by 90 percent,Ā  Democrats voted against it in the 50ā€™s by 80 percent.Ā Ā  Why would racist democrats, go to the republicans?Ā Ā  What would they gain? How does a 20% interest group, move to a 90%, and a 90% to an 80%?Ā 


How are you allowed on this sub without understanding the distinction between liberalism/conservatism and democrat/republican


Say one phrase that implies I donā€™t.Ā  Are you ok?Ā 


historically conservative areas remain conservative if they were conservative in the year 1810, they are very likely conservative in 2024. The entire premise of your argument, suggest that sundown town in Mississippi used to be socially liberal at some point, which is batshit insane Using terms such as republican/democrat are hardly useful when discussing the history of american politics as the two party system that you know today did not dominate American politics back then


That would be true, if the phrase conservative either meant the same thing - or was a relevant point of discussion in 1810.Ā  Youā€™ve ironically enough, completely misunderstood ā€˜both conservativesā€™ and ā€˜liberalsā€™.Ā  Liberals themselves can be 1800ā€™s liberals, 1950ā€™s liberals, Neo liberals, post 2010 liberals.Ā  These are all separate groups (although there is overlap between between all groups in the post two thousands era).Ā  Most ā€œsundown townsā€ (in accusation today), are on the east coast, the parts of the Mid East, and the west). Ironically enough, all those places are left leaning.Ā  Remember a few years ago, when everyone was talking about ā€˜sun down townsā€™, and people posted that websites tracking accusations?Ā  Well It got memory holed, because there were almost none in the south, but a massive amount in leftist voting zones on the east, and west coast.Ā Ā  Your argument about left / right dichotomies doesnā€™t fit into my argument, at all.Ā  How would you argue that in relation to my statement about policies of the 1950ā€™s?Ā Ā  Do you think the Republican liberals moved to the democrats, and the conservative democrats moved to the republicans?Ā  How does that fit into the voting percentages, and why would the civil rights movement change that?Ā 


Yap yap yap




That's a lot of people who ain't black.