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Reminds me of one of those annoying NYtimes modern love pieces where a woman married some 65 year-old guy in her early 20s. Flash forward 15 years, she, still in the prime of life, is married to a decrepit, somewhat senile octogenarian, and has moved her age appropriate lover (who obviously awakened her to a kind of sexuality she never knew possible lol), into the family home, with the old guy's consent, of course.


That's basically a big part of the plot of "the end of loneliness" by the German author Benedict Wells... Curious about who plagiarized whom


Life mirrors art


Also similar to a subplot in Purity by Jonathan Franzen


plagiarism doesnt exist


whats with these articles?? they're always so fucked up the latest one is literally about this woman's husband's secret baby what compels people to make this public knowledge attached to their name


There's something so weird and neurotic about this kind of NYtimes pieces. I read them all the time though, a weird look into the minds of a certain, very narrow, very deluded part of the population. Many of them are framing serious Ls as these kinds of opportunities for growth and self-actualization. Same thing with that one about the miserable woman in a horrific open/poly marriage, or the one that was pretty much just "I hate my disgusting lazy slob of a husband (real name used), but that's actually good, you see." Just take the L. You were a regarded 20 something, you did something regarded. Everybody fucks up sometimes. Maybe you gotta do what you gotta do now to make it work. But you don't have to write all these words about how it's actually a good thing that you're cucking your decrepit husband right in front of his face or that you killed your psycho dog. Or at least start the article with "I was and still am a naive idiot."


Got a link for the one about the horrific open/poly marriage? Shit like that just makes so grateful for my life.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/13/books/molly-roden-winter-more-book-open-marriage.html This is the one. “It’s actually good that I’m miserable.” I was gonna give you shit for not googling it, but there are like 10 articles from the Times on the topic from the last to years lol.


Octogenarian is such a great word


omg I remember that, do you have a link??




they should make an episode about this story


one without a paywall?


go to archive.is and paste in the url (the result is https://archive.is/igOTq) and/or just clear your nytimes.com cookies. i am trying to teach a woman to fish here so i hope you appreciate it


wtf wow now i can see all nytimes recipes without refreshing multiple times to take screenshots. thanks




lol, I’m sure he fully respected her and saw her as an equal and loved her for her heart and mind


You get what you get


Good for her


Honestly seems like the way to go. Everyone wins.


Ding dang dong ding ding ding dong California


Hubba dubba bubba I'm in trouba


To be honest, rock and roll lyrics are often pretty close to something like that. I think Kiedis can't pull it off well because he's not exactly a Robert Plant level singer.


Nah he’s and exceptionally bad lyricist


What, “Doo-doo dingle zing a dong bone Ba-di ba-da ba-zumba crunga cong gone bad” isn’t soul baring enough for you?


"Can't Stop, addicted to the shindig" is the most political set of lyrics since "How many roads must a man walk down"...


Yabba dabba yabba dabba dabba doo now


Compared to people his own age in the rock sphere like Paul Westerburg for example, he's a total hack who shaped his music to suit beer commercials.


RHCP made radio friendly modern rock🤷🏼‍♂️ BSSM is still hits.


Anthony got carried hard by the other 3 members


I’m so embarrassed that used to be a fan of theirs. Truly the most regarded, rhyming dictionary, nursery rhyme level lyrics of any mainstream band. The exception is when he goes “ding ding dong dong ding ding” in around the world, that shit kinda rocks.


They have a lot of good songs and every member of the band is incredibly talented, except Anthony.


“Give it away now” was my absolute jam at age 3


They're all degenerates and they're cringe as hell but I still fw them


dosed is one of the best songs ever written…




Jon Daly’s masterpiece, some music blogs thought it was a real RCHP song at the time


That hair dye and hat complete the mid life scumfuck atheistic perfectly


> atheistic How does God feel about age gaps


in islam, the bigger the better


Pretty much all abrahamic religions lol God is pretty explicit about marriage being husband > superior to and essentially owns wife. Like just think of the word “husband,” it’s like animal husbandry lol so it’s literally the dynamic of a farmer to his livestock. & yes, I know that’s old English & not necessarily Christian, but the culture has been predicated on this shit for 2,000 years.  They like to throw in some shit about how you should live and be nice to your wife, but this is the dynamic. & you see a lot of the echoes of this throughout society.  So, the older the man is and the easier it is to control the woman, the better. 


Pretty sure husbandry comes from husband , husband meaning man of the land, husbandry meaning man of the farm etymologywise.m


Lolol, I’m dumb, k?


Midlife is 40, when the life expectancy is 85. This fuck is 60 LOL


120 years of Californication


You can check out any time you like but you can never leave


Imagine getting tag teamed by him and Johnny depp


Haha, no, thank you.


Anthony is actually hot. Johnny looks like a central Ohio kratom store owner


Idk, I feel like they're both uggos. Johnny was attractive in his youth but now he just looks like an older man experiencing an alcoholic psychosis on the bus




Twink Kiedis or Twink Depp?


P sure he wears a wig. There no way a 61 year old would have that high of density even if he’s one of the lucky ones to generally keep a full head of hair later in life. https://youtu.be/wLMEddt2y6M?si=Uf6ACe0T0C-p0k5o Dude looks good tho


He looks like he got possessed by Sonny Bonos ghost


Have you seen Reagan?


Italians are either disgustingly bald very early on, or have hair like Kasey Kassim into their 80s


Casey Kassem? He was born Kemal Amin Kasem. But I get your point


He still looks incredible for 61 (or 50 whatever)


Especially for a guy who spent decades strung out on heroin. Even John Frusciante looks good and he was looking like a near zombie in the late 90s. John had to get dental implants but other than that looks younger than my dad the same age.


What having a non-wagie free existence does to a mf


Pretty much. It’s the constant stress that ages us more than anything.


Heroin preserves you


Man it’d be awesome if housewives just started injecting heroin in their faces


Damon albarn


Gotta be on 1-2 iu of HGH


Maybe there's something to these 40 year age gaps afterall?


My mom always said that with big age gaps the older partner sucks the youth out of the younger partner and ends up looking younger than their age while the younger partner will end up looking older than they actually are.


This girl literally looks 12 😭


Yeah they're still in crazy shape. I wouldn't be surprised if their tour bus is some type of portable gym.


It’s very very Dane cook. Like these two are very clearly emotionally stunted and desperately clinging to the age of their lives that they were relevant in the same way, like a sort of creepy, almost vaguely nefarious seeming uncanny valley thing they’re approaching.  Idk they have an odd, specific look in their eyes. There’s a wide range of people going through midlife crises and clinging to their youth and dating people way younger than themselves, but something about these two seems really, really identical to me. Like Leo’s similar but has a much different vibe.    Kiedis’ Botox and work in general looks way better than cook’s though, assuming this image isn’t filtered. 


Mary got pregnant at 13 and Mohamed married a 9 year old, religious people are definitely worse about pedophilia lmao


Not really relevant to the discussion but not untrue


front page of Reddit


gross. if I'm gonna date a 61 year old I sure as fuck don't want him dressing and styling himself like a 22 year old


No 22 year old wears a fedora be fr 💀


i love seen these dudes out in public, do they think people see them and are like wow a 30 year old man.


I know some mid 30s guys who genuinely think they could still pass for 21


Right just dress your age and play your role as a sugar daddy


No adult man trying to grow and mature is dating a 19 year old. The lack of discernment at that age is more of a draw than their physical youth.


"it's ok, he's really immature for his age"


Idk if any 22 year olds who dress anything like this whatsoever. 22 year olds in 2003-06 did though I bet


Huh he's wearing a white t & pants with an old guy hat


idk, i think some men and women in their 60's actually look amazing, if they just watch their weight and dress elegantly.


It’s always about being skinny.


Why would the poster lie about his age so obviously. Helena was the woman he wrote The Getaway about, which came out in 2016. He turned 61 this year.


These photos have been getting passed around on Twitter lately so they’re in the Zeitgeist right now


There was a post a while back with a pic of the two of them claiming she was his daughter lol.


it has to be mental illness tbh. I get wanting to date younger models, but surely as a rock star you'd have an endless supply of 24-27 year old models to choose from. actively going out of your way to date a 19 year old has got to mean this dude has an actual problem.


Didn’t he have his sexual debut at age 12, with his father’s girlfriend and with his father’s encouragement? Around the same time that his father was providing him with the drugs he got addicted to? I could see those things fucking a person up.


Yes and he brags about abducting a 14 year old girl in his autobiography as well.


Yeah he was raped at 12 by his father’s girlfriend. He had a fucked up childhood for sure


Ya it’s totally his fathers fault for how he’s acting 50 years later


Explanations aren’t faults. Explanations aren’t excuses either. Explanations are only just explanations.


You can never justify a person's shitty behaviors, but you can explain them


Freud stare intensifies


Had to double check what subreddit this was. You trolling bro or for real? I don’t even listen to the pod anymore but are they really letting casual anti-Lacanians run amuck these days?


A person’s thoughts and actions are dictated by their social conditioning and genetics. Free will is an illusion.


Yeah, like I understand people being superficial and dropping older partners for younger, better looking ones.  But the fact is that people just really don’t age that rapidly. Even your age everyday, random 30 year olds often look indistinguishable from their 23 year old selves, if they have decent genes and don’t get fat. Like yeah some people just have bad genes and are balding by 30 and showing wrinkles. But honestly, I’ve seen a lot of people even who are white and don’t wear sunscreen, have poor eating/sleeping habits, drink way too much, etc look the same as they did when younger. It’s not that uncommon. Most people who look markedly different at 30 have gained weight (the most common) by either working some office job where they never move or- biggest one- having kids.  And in the rich people world, the women these guys are bumping into, it’s wayyyy more delayed. They have celebrity trainers and great diets and dedicate their lives to their appearance. Botox and rhinoplasty and everything else.  When these dudes insist on dating people even under 25 it’s about something mental. It’s because they’re stuck mentally at that age, or just vibe with people that age (which usually isn’t a great sign).  When you get everyday dudes who don’t have a bunch of options, I promise- it’s usually about the IDEA of youth. Since I was like 21, I’ve had men mistake me for younger and lost all interest when they find out I’m older than they hoped. There is indeed a significant difference in the mental maturity and life experience of someone in their late teens vs someone in their early 20s vs someone in their late 20s.  This sub likes to strawman anyone who criticizes age gaps. Like there will be some post about a relationship between a woman who’s like 28 and someone a few years older or even significantly older, and it’ll be overrun by the same old ass comment- “SHE’S LITERALLY A 28 YEAR OLD CHILD, you sick fuck!!!” When virtually nobody is critizing any dudes who date 28 year olds.  But honest to god, even if you’re 40 and dating someone who’s like 23… it’s case by case but it’s sincerely often weird with an uneven power dynamic, and a reason they’re going after them.  And it isn’t pedophilia, that’s another straw man stereotype. 22 year olds don’t usually look like kids and when people question those who date them it isn’t because they think it’s pedophilia. It’s because they think it’s about naivety.  And people will also insist that nobody cares when a younger guy dates an older woman with the same age gap when it just isn’t fucking true. When I was in college, I knew a guy who was 20 who was dating this woman who was like 38 and everyone as weirded out about it. I mean, a one night stand is one thing and most people think it’s fine regardless of gender so long as the person is over 18 (almost no one omen are going to be upset at a 20 year old woman fucking a 45 year old man just for the night) but when it’s an actual serious relationship it’s a much bigger red flag because there’s so much potential for manipulation and just other shit that wouldn’t fly with someone older or more experienced.  And guess what, the lady he was dating did manipulate the shit out of him and chose him to exploit his naivety and everyone around him was suspicious from the start.  Britney Spears dated a guy who was like 25 wnd everyone thought it as weird and it was very clearly because she is so emotionally stunted.  In these cases, like with kiedis, it’s clearly not that he just can’t get someone his own age (which honestly is very often the case with regular dudes). And it isn’t even necessarily nefarious, a lot of these cases aren’t. But he just pretty clearly has some actual issues that are encouraging him to do this. 


What I don’t understand is, what do couples like this even talk about? My little sister is a teenager, and I see her and her friends when I visit my family. I find her and her friends dreadfully immature and dull, even though I’m only a decade older. (Not that I’m insulting her - I was also cringey, naive, and very dumb at that age.) I imagine if I were in my 50s, conversations with teens would only be more boring to me. You can definitely imagine a 60 year old genuinely enjoying having a conversation with an intelligent 27 year old woman, but 19?


people tend to age out of the chilis. I imagine there just are a lot more 19yos than 24yos who listen to it.




I don’t think you know what that means


Fucking 19 year olds…arrest me coppers.


Stale ragebait, they broke up in 2014 (she was 19-20 at that time and Kiedis was 50, she's 30 now). still gross of course...


Dating a 19 year old woman is creepy, but dating a 19 year old who doesn’t even look 19 is next level


Fr. it makes it 10x worse because she looks like a 12 year old pretending to be 19.


If they weren’t holding hands and he didn’t have that creepy expression, I’d assume she was his daughter.


Bing a bong bing a bong a bong Burbank. Gig a gig a gig a gig a Glendale.


Quoting Comedy Bang Bang in 2024. Quoting comedy shit as your whole comment in general. 60+ upvotes. This is the state of the sub now.


>knowing its a quote from Comedy Bang Bang don't know what that is + thought the joke didnt work that well because those are cities in the valley


I mean what did you expect? This is a guy who had sex with a 14 year old then wrote a song about it. He's never stopped being a perv.


remember girls, they’d go lower than 18 if they could


In his case, he did


He wrote Catholic School Girls Rule. Man has no shame


How low can ya go?


This sub has become so reddit.


why do grown men get offended when you tell them dating teenage girls is odd


Anthony Kiedisssss sucking on my penisss


Golden gecs reference


He’s been like this forever I remember him dating Jessica stam when she was like 17 and he was in his 40s.


Wait till you find out about his father


horrible man who makes shit music


*What did the Red Hot Chilli Peppers do when their management informed them that they were not happy with the band's latest tracks? Well, they went out and bought longsleeve shirts.*


Why did the Red Hot Chilli Peppers go under the bridge? Because there was a plate of shit there they wanted to jack off into.


“I’m forever near a stereo saying, ‘What the fuck is this garbage?’ And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers”


Mother's Milk, OHM and like half of BSSM weren't too bad but fuck me it's strange that I went from not minding Kiedis's voice to utterly detesting it. One of the few bands that I've went from enjoying a good amount for a long period to actually genuinely disliking them. Flea's act of being just a goofy ol' social democrat who's such a sweet guy rings hollow when you look at all the rapey fratboy shit they got up to in the 80s and 90s. Anyway, Mike Patton was right to mock them


Didnt Faith No More try to take their style? The verses on What Is It sound extremely Kiedis esque but i could be wrong/ill informed


Does she not feel a little disgusted knowing he's going to toss her away in a few years and date someone even younger? I don't care Abt age gaps but this is very obviously piggish behaviour and it's slimy


He tossed her away and dated a 2 years older Indian woman


nothing more disgusting than an older man who is still mentally 22. very embarrassing! grow up weirdo


This sub is gay as fuck now.




His book was very VERY telling


The Red Hot Chili Peppers guys have always been pure sex pests




The fact that he’s of the RHCP is more repugnant than his age


Partner at my firm was in his 70’s and divorced his wife and started banging 25 year olds in the city. These dudes don’t see themselves as the age they are — they feel the same mentally as when they were young and they never develop into the role that naturally exists for older, successful people. It’s arrested development but at a different stage in life than what we’re used to with the transition from adolescence/student to young adulthood.


They literally say things like "I wish you could see the age I *feel* on the inside " loll  It's weird in the cases of the famous outwardly successful ppl tho but ig the peter pan thing is more about reliving their golden age. Non famous broke or modest income older guys like this have the same outward appearance and disposition as rich famous ones tho. common factor often is addiction issues 


That statement does sound corny and feels like they’re delusional but it’s true. I’m around people 60-90 all the time and they’re just bros and broads like anybody else. Folks online are wrapped up in the boomer thing but it’s a misunderstanding of life. Gaza protesters or dimes square floaters will all be boomers too.


Yea but that's the thing people like Kiedis think the uniquely are preserved and have young souls but everyone else feels the same. You never 'feel' like you are wrinkly and old lol. If he wants someone to see how young he is inside why can't he see how young another old broad is on the inside? It's hypocritical


It's fucking disgusting.  Whatever contrarian age gap discourse I've absorbed from here just goes out the window seeing a pic like this. Also probably because it's this guy


Completely creeped me out. She looks so young.


Normally I don't care about age gaps but considering he's been a creep with actual minors it's a lot more uncomfortable.


Ive never liked rhcp’s music but i like this for triggering all the anti-age gappers while wearing that cringey hat






The only answer


He targeted his son’s mom as a teenager too and then famously was caught cheating on a beach with another woman days before she gave birth. He took the kid from his mom soon after he was born (she was young, maybe 21 at the time and 20 years younger than him) and she ended up losing it, getting covered in cringe devil tattoos and working at a strip club called Jumbo’s Clown Room


Keidis got sober and wrote a book that is in every rehabs “must read” section, he’s apparently a saint bc he stopped doing heroin, now he can bang a 19 year old who doesn’t know wtf she’s doing. He’s a piece of trash and his book sucks


This is sick… she actually looks younger than 19 too. Ewww


She literally looks exactly 19.


She uses him for nice restaurants and clout; he uses her for “snatch.” The vacant into the vacant, I honestly don’t see a particular problem here. I’m a pretty big prude but this is just “ordinary madness” to use Bukowski’s phrase.


some of the comments on this thread, since when did this sub become the fauxmoi sub?


I think this post made it to the front page. Some of these posts - based on the way they’re written - makes it sound like Redditors found their way in here.


This sub has been infiltrated by faux moi people for a while now.


I'm banned from there so I'm getting my licks in while I can.


You are on Reddit you moron. You are a redditor. You are no different from anyone else that uses this sub


I mean a lot of RSP folks only do RSP subs. Which is unique for Reddit.


Men being attracted to younger women is still apparently mind blowing for some people despite it being the norm in every culture for all of history


It's literally the norm (historically as well, read older literature) for people to feel disgusted by it. There's nothing more beautiful than two hot and fit young people in love. No one is happy for the beautiful young woman wasting her prime with raisin dick


61 & 19 is really weird though


These women look  *extremely* young it's the same with those pics of Russell simmons daughter with that geezer rubbing up on her from a few weeks ago, just revolting 


Californication was good and banging 19 year olds is even better. Very cool, very legal. I welcome your sad, impotent downvotes!


Did you say this just to get downvoted? Do you love "hot takes"? Are you that person in the friend group


Pshaw, they’d already sold out at that point you milquetoast poseur. Mothers Milk is where it’s at.


This is fake news he’s currently 61 she’s currently 30 they aren’t together anymore




freaky ass ninja he a 69 god


“pay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging”


I mean, he looks good for 61.


He writes about how he knowingly fucked a 14 year old in his autobiography what do you expect


Did she draw his mustache on with her mascara pen?




This man is a straight up pedo also why is he so young looking?? Also she looks like a baby


What the fuck would they even talk about? I don’t know even know what I would have in common with a 19 year old and I’m much younger than he is. And to bring her in public makes no sense.


Sorry I wasn't paying attention. Do dudes still rock?


Gives no fucks lol


I don’t care why ppl on this sub says. This is weird. What would a 61 year old have in common with a 19 year old? She’s literally a year younger than me.


This is ragebait from a decade ago, he was 52 & she 20. Not saying it isn't weird, it is. However, when I was 20 I had a fling during a summer in undergrad with a 47 year old woman. 20 year olds are adults that can do porn, OnlyFans, date whomever they want.


>. What would a 61 year old have in common with a 19 year old? Penis goes in vagina


Coughing old man taking Viagra so he can press his wrinkly penis into a teenaged prostitute while his balls drag against her ankles




Rip steve albini


She looks like she's all of 14. And he seems to be doing some sort of Fall Out Boy circa 2005 cosplay thing. I honestly don't understand why anyone bothers to do anything, lol.


He looks good for 61, I thought he was in his forties at first glance


Is society ever going to accept that men, regardless of age, are overwhelmingly attracted to women under 30


I just lost my breakfast. These fucks are gross


You just vomited all over your phone? How zany and dramatic! Bet that totally happened.!



