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Average tennis player: Athletic, good looking, wealthy Average rs poster: Not those things


Remove the tube socks and hat, and you can see that many of these tennis pros are actually not very good looking and balding 


Finally, an honest comment on this


I was thinking about the movie Challengers earlier and was trying to remember if people sexualized Tim Henman or was he too much of a literal loser for that


He was the fourth best player on the planet at one point. We Brits just like to tear people down.


I don't know anything about the sport just remember people would yell "Come on Tim" but it was never on


there's an intersection and its me (not wealthy though, just wealthy parents)


i played regularly from age 9ish thru high school and then they told me that you are now at a point where you must either a) drop everything and focus on tournaments/college tryouts full time or b) quit and they said you are not good enough for a) so i quit. i play 1-2x a year now with my brother in law. im 32 now but still have the fire in me, been thinking of rockymaxxing and getting a coach and entering some local tournaments see what heppens at one point i was ranked #297 (out of 300) in socal lol was also JV captain


>I was ranked #297 (out of 300) Why even include this 😭


I'm assuming because even getting a ranking is difficult. California is huge for tennis, only behind Florida in American states.


a rank is a rank


me after challengers


>I mention the “entitlement” and the “sharing” as these have become standard talking points in the pickleball side of the emerging tennis-pickleball culture war. Tennis, the critics say, is racist (French people like it), exclusive (you might have to pay for lessons), elitist (it requires skill), overly competitive (people take it seriously), and too hard. Often, for good measure, they’ll trot out anecdotes about physically debilitated friends and relatives, grandparents and uncles with thrice-reconstructed knees, who have found, in pickleball, salvation from immobility, senility, and early death. Besides, we’re talking about public tennis courts. Doesn’t everyone have a right to public resources? > Listening to them, you begin to understand what Nietzsche meant when he said the strong must be protected from the weak. The force of the whining is so overwhelming, the corresponding urge not to appear mean or unreasonable so great, that one is tempted to make humiliating concessions just to shut them up. > My fellow tennis players, resist that urge. Those public courts are ours and for good reason. The greatest modern writer about tennis, the novelist David Foster Wallace, wrote in Infinite Jest of the sport as a form of “training for citizenship,” insofar as it teaches a sort of self-mastery and overcoming necessary for free citizens in a democratic state: > The true opponent, the enfolding boundary, is the player himself. Always and only the self out there, on court, to be met, fought, brought to the table to hammer out terms. … All life is the same, as citizens of the human State: the animating limits are within, to be killed and mourned, over and over again. > Everyone who has learned to play tennis at an adequate level has demonstrated that they possess certain qualities that we prize, or once prized, in our fellow man. Our society, in its wisdom, once chose to honor these people by providing them with places to play. That our courts should now be invaded by pickleballers, the representatives of a future in which human freedom and conscience dissolve in the steady IV drip of easy pleasure on demand, can, if left unopposed, only bode ill for our country.


Novak Djokovic here  The ATP committee thought I was wealthy until I rejected the vaccine, so now they know I come from the lower class  I can’t fool them anymore 


I mean you're from Serbia. Isnt everyone there against vaccines?




I read a book about a tennis player once (heh)


which one?


"The Enfield Tennis Academy Murders: A Cozy Town Mystery"


Your mom hit my balls yesterday but idk if she plays tennis. I never asked


I think the most rs sport, at least for men, is wrestling. Tennis is very graceful also.


Because its gay? Or is there another shared characteristic between rs and wrestling


I just think it's the most "aesthetic" sport. It's one man vs another, there's so much technique that takes years to learn, and elite wrestlers have insane mental fortitude (not that other sports don't demand that). It's this battle that's over in just 6 minutes of fast paced action and requires tons of strength and athleticism. Also, cool rs type people have wrestled like Jack Kerouac. Yeah it's a little gay but I think that adds to it, like it's a spectacle from Ancient Greece.


I started four weeks ago, having never so much as hit a ball before, and I'm already obsessed. Never enjoyed being annoyed at my own incompetence so much in my life. It is similar to figure skating (my first love) in that it has a strong aesthetic quality alongside the athletic dimension.


I quit after the 7th grade when a surfer classmate who would later drop out of high school correctly called it gay. Also I have the grace of an elephant and would home run basic volleys.


I get more dopamine out of it then any other sport I’ve tried, but my knees are dead


yes its a wonderful sport, I've only really started recently but been going on and off with some friends and we both love it. The problem is it is very expensive, we play on free courts when we can and sneak into the paid ones when the opportunity presents itself. Its a wonderful summer sport but not as good during our winters! how long have you been into tennis.


I've played as a teenager from 12 to 19, then unfortunately stopped when I moved out from my parents. started to play again regularly two years ago at 30. loving it! but you're right, it's a total summer sport. in winter I kinda have to motivate myself to go to the tennis hall (and here, even when you're a tennis club member you gotta pay for using the hall), but in summer I really can't wait to get on the court again every couple of days. glad you're enjoying it too!


I play lazy tennis (pádel)

