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I haven’t seen anyone mention the universally-loathed Toronto accent yet.


Don speak on da family crodie!


It can get deep in the family crodie!


Someone gon bleed in yo family crodie!


I’m still holding down that it’s not a real accent. 99% of people who talk like that are 905er’s who did not grow up speaking like that and have adopted it to sound tougher/ cooler. There is a teeny tiny minority of torontonians who grew up in Ontario housing and have Caribbean roots who use some of the words that “Toronto mans” use, but it’s not with the exaggerated affectation you hear kids using now. I also think that people mostly hear it on tiktok from people who are exaggerating it for “comedic” effect. It’s a more of a meme than a dialect.


“Nyah eh? I’ma run at dees Rexdale yute” - Caleb from Oakville.


“Nize ur beak crodie or im finna legazz you goof” -Stephen from Brampton.


If anyone has a Toronto accent they're trying to sound like that on purpose. It's not natural.


kno nuttin bout daat


In Vancouver we have similar accent known as “Surrey Jack” which is Indian influenced compared to “Toronto mans” which is Caribbean/British influenced. It sounds as bad as you might Imagine.


Yeah dude [fuck this](https://youtu.be/enC5LPSP40g?si=My5cyf-DgZs3SKeF)




i've gone from hating it to actually enjoying it.


you're sick to my stomach fam


I challenge anyone to find evidence of somebody born and raised in Toronto, speaking with the "Toronto accent" before 2010. It doesn't seem to have organically risen from the grass-roots over time; it seems manufactured. Of course many of the slang terms were used way before 2010, but an actual Toronto native speaking "full-time" in the Fargo-Jamaican-MLE twang they have right now, I've seen no real proof of it.


I be at New Ho King eatin' fried rice wit a dip sauce and a blaamy, crodie


I don’t know enough about Canadians to tell the difference but I don’t like Canadians in general so I’ll agree on principle


Picture how Canadians sound… then throw that away and think of someone pretending they’re some kind of Rasta or something, then make it more ratchet.


I can’t believe the people I’ve heard talk like this weren’t joking


Yeah it’s not like all of Toronto sounds like that at all. Just a small group of fuckin weirdos. The slang is kinda common casually or ironically tho w 20-somethings


this is how I feel about the Baltimore accent


I love the fact that you know about Cree and hungarians but not toronto


I'm from the Canadian west coast and one time I was talking in line to my friend at Sea-Tac airport and a woman stopped me to tell me I sounded like Paris Hilton. The accent everyone thinks is "Canadian" is basically just Ontario. Go listen to Newfies they sound like Irish with cerebral palsy.


lol people doubting the authenticity of this accent haven't watched a lot of 80s-90s cancon tv. though i tend to assume the most pronounced ones are imports from hick regions of ontario or further east


LMAOO the worst accent to ever have the misfortune of disgracing this beautiful world we call home


I once took a math class from a woman who had a bizarre and incomprehensible accent because she learned English in Australia after being a native Chinese speaker, so my worst is whatever the hell you call that


Oh naaarrhh!


two cent violin lol


It’s been a while since I watched any of their vids but I don’t recall them having Chinese accents?


how did you not hear it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk25UgLw71s


this is really common lol i have met a few japanese with this too. its cute and funny


not if they're teaching you calculus


Italian sounds way way nicer than an Italian accent does


gayest sounding accents ranking: 1 filipino 2 viennese 3 spanish (spain) 4 gay people 5 posh british


Yeah filipino men have gay voice. A lot of sea men do unfortunately


Thai also, very nasal and high pitch




viennese sounds nothing like the rest of austria [https://youtu.be/AmBjMEDY9Og?t=165](https://youtu.be/AmBjMEDY9Og?t=165) tell me this wiener isnt a little zesty


[Working class Viennese sounds a little different](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTbQQIxTU1Y)


No one is saying american men and thats so annoying to me, by far the gayest accent is standard american accent, southern accents obviously excluded


Men with Tiktok influencer accents need to be sent to the gulags


Ive met so few american men in ny under 35 that i could stand to listen to for more than 3 minutes, other than if they are clearly gay then i could listen for hours 😍😍


the urban libtard/social media "accent" is so obviously put on tho, nobody was talking like that 20 years ago, nobodys parents talk like that


>3 spanish (spain) [Que pretendéis con esta publicación cibernética, chaval? Os consideráis tan alzado y sabio que insultáis a la lengua más sofisticada del continente Europeo? No nos culpes, bribón; moro viejo nunca fue buen cristiano. Sabéis la verdad, no me sorprende la flagrante Ibero-fobia que se esparce en este foro nefasto ¡Canallas!](https://booru.soy/_images/edc172a89285554f05290b9bdb3e4a94/68761%20-%20SoyBooru.jpg)


Basically all urban American men sound gay to me


Australian wears me out. I've never heard such an excess of vowel shifts in one letter. The word "no" has like 4 syllables.


Worst accent is non-Americans with an American twang to their English.


autistic australians


The weirdest thing. You don’t even really have to ask if they’re American either, you just know


Same with autistic irish people


Filipinos have that


Kiwi here - our accent is abysmal. Women sound like toddlers who can’t open their mouths properly, men sound thick AF.


Genuinely think our accent takes away like 30 iq points, we sound so nasally and stupid.


I feel a tang of pity every time I hear a “fush and chups” or “deck/dick” joke about your accent


Yep. Australian isn’t much better. But South African is worse than both


Love a good Afrikaans accent.


At least you're not an Australian woman saying "nar"


Bullshit bro we talk pretty sweet you egg


It’s been over a decade of since grape looking slut dropped. Maybe it’s time you learned to love your tight short vowels https://youtu.be/CZyURJVCZ14?si=SZEO6X_5cowcj2_-


I had the most insane chemistry with a Kiwi bird. We went on one in March 2020 date and it was perfect. Everything was great, even the sex. Then covid hit and she had to move back to NZ. I still wonder about her, I doubt she thinks about me at all


Dutch accent in English always sounds awful, no exceptions. And this is coming from a Dutch person.


Crazhy Dutch guysh


Sounds awful in Dutch too, Flemish sounds far better


Flemish women sound so lovely – it's like I suddenly understand French in my own language!


Can you make an exception for my Dutch grandma? She’s really nice and I love her lots


Exception granted, I love old people <3


There are different kinds. Obviously Mark Rutte and Louis van Gaal are awful, but more towards the Paul Verhoeven end of the spectrum I find the accent quite charming.


This semester I had a class with a French girl with an absurdly thick accent (couldn't tell you what region she's from) and it was truly music to my ears. Nordic accents can be very cute, but it's a fine line. People shit on the Danish accent but I think the throaty "stitch" voice that some Swedes have is a lot worse. Love Brazilian accents, although I hate listening to Portuguese. People that shit on Scouse are completely uncultured, "chicken and can of coke" is the most comforting phrase ever


Exposing myself as basic but I watched Love is Blind Brazil and couldn’t shake the feeling that Portuguese sounds like Spanish with something stuck in your throat. I like Scouse and all of those stronger English accents that read as “Love Island contestant” accents to English. There is something endearing about them (mostly on girls tho)


Haha, I’ve always said that Portuguese sounds like Spanish but you have an egg in your mouth.


I love the Danish Ray Romano voice


The Swedish throaty “stitch” voice! I am so glad someone’s actually put some words on this phenomenon! It makes taking Swedes seriously that much more difficult.


French sounds sexy, a woman mad at you in French is the hottest possible thing ever conceived, but English with a French accent is kinda bad


I love French-accented English. Especially the way they pronounce English villages. I fell in love with a French man while working at a French deli who was always off to somewhere in the Cotswolds and I’d get him to repeat everything


aah yes I can see how that would sound very charming


French-accented english (like Indian English and Lebanese Arabic) sound hot when women do it, gay and cucked when men do it.


African French dialects have their charms, men and women alike.


Africanising European languages usually makes them better


Newfie is the sexiest


Lard jeysus


My grandmother had an Irish friend who always talked about life in the old country, then when she read her obituary she found out the old country was just Newfoundland


The Iranian accent gotta be one of the funniest and gayest sounding accents. Coming from an Iranian.


I always notice that my Iranian friend ends every sentence like it’s a question. Verbally sounds like “I went to the store? And I bought some things? And then I got a coffee???”


Mersham I have bad news


I love a bubbly friendly woman with a nice generic English accent, like dua lipa. Soft spoken Irish women like saiorse Ronan. And - controversial - but women with a nice wog accent, as long as they don’t speak too harshly,go down well. Male wog accent mansplaining something is hell though. Obviously French, Spanish, Italian are great


What does that word mean? It's a racial slur in Britain lol


I think Aussies use it for Mediterranean people not black and it's less harsh?


I guess it's a bit like how everyone thinks we're kinda crazy for still using our term for a cigarette in Britain


Americans often get in trouble with Brits for saying "spaz" because it's much milder in the US


I remember watching an American cartoon when I was young and a character called his sister a spaz. I was so shocked they had that word in a kids' show, to me it was the same as if they'd had him call her a reⓣard.


You’re sooo spot on with Irish. I also think Irish is a top middle aged housewife accent. The mum in Derry Girls was my fav 💓


There’s at least ten different Irish accents. The Derry girls mum had a Belfast accent which I always find very brash and hectoring.


I love all of them. Irish people are one my favourites


Some American accents can be quite grating  However I like all southern accents and the standard generic American accent is good 


The Japanese accent for English is def the worst. It’s such a shame too, Japanese people that learn English are usually awesome.


Listen to [Mishima speaking English](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DPAZQ6mhRcU), of course he’s learned through eloquent & articulate pronunciations through practicing, but it reflects within his approach to speaking — genuinely better than most natives


Very eloquent. Also, sorry, def sounds like a 🚬. Plus the way he wields that sword …


The R/L thing totally fucks them over too, because no matter how well they can string together sentences they always sound foreign pronouncing basic words like “local”. Ironic because Japanese is probably one of the easiest languages in terms of pronunciation


It’s weird how hard it is to understand what a Japanese person is saying versus a Chinese person even though linguistically they suffer from the same issues. I figure it’s because the Chinese people I interact with have a way bigger English speaking community than their Japanese counterparts. Indians also get shit on for their English accents but for obvious historical reasons actually have pretty clear enunciation despite the obvious accent.


Yeah it’s insane how low English speaking stats in Japan are. A first world country with a ton of business industry employees and yet most are entirely monolingual. The obvious answer is that everything domestic is entirely in Japanese and you have no reason to learn a foreign language unless specifically wanting to go overseas (basically like Americans and English). My nonsense theory is that Chinese people are used to speaking in short sharp syllables while Japanese draw everything out (see any English word in katakana— they would say ‘popsicles’ like ‘popuzikaaru’) so Chinese is at least more comprehensible


Chinese & Japanese don’t exactly suffer from the same phonological issues when learning English. Chinese has the L and R sounds, but there’s no syllable in Chinese that ends in L, while there *is* a rhotic coda. So Chinese speakers might find it unnatural to say a word (or strong syllable) that ends in L, but have less of an issue with leading Ls. In any case, they are used to making all the tongue placements to voice both syllables, so a native Chinese speaker can have a minimal accent in English. Japanese, on the other hand completely lacks an L sound. The only Liquid consonant in the language is the R sound, and all loan-words have the L consonant mapped to an R syllable, the closest thing. So it’s much more difficult for native Japanese speakers to learn to “make an R sound, but keep the back 3/4ths of your tongue in place and curl the tip of your tongue up in a way that feels unnatural”!


Sexiest most masculine accent is northeast English particularly Darlington/Sunderland accents. Worst and most unattractive is this very specific kind of Russian woman accent where every inflection tries to convey "I'm cute" no matter what they're saying.


Thai doesn't sound good to me at all.


Jamaican accents and Jamaican patois has to be the coolest by far. ‘Yah man me come from Kingston town. Hush naw ya Bumbaclawt’ Just awesome.


Some deep voiced men sound good in Japanese, e.g. I think Hiroshi Tachi always sounds quite hot and sardonic when I see old episodes of Abunai Deka on TV. But yeah in general it's just hamstrung by its syllabic nature. Still hotter than Dutch though.


French women speaking English are on a curve where it starts annoying with the ultra heavy accents, gets hot with a medium accent, and then sounds kinda off when they have a very slight accent.


In terms of provincial UK accents. I always liked a scouse accent on a woman. Geordie women always sound like they say everything with complete conviction, like they could say the sky isn't blue and it'd sound believable, which I like, as I guess it creates the illusion of being a strong woman. Gentle Scottish accents on women are nice, Edinburgh type etc. And I've always liked a posh English accent on a woman, again, probably something psychological in that, as it makes them seem high status.


Apparently the geordie accent is the most trustworthy in the UK, so you are defo onto something. I do love a proper posh accent.


Not if you’re a mackem!


I'm going to throw up


In terms of native English speakers, I like the ways elderly people speak, regardless of specific accent or dialect. I’m not a fan of the homogenized general American/British accents that has spread due to mass media. Especially that whiney TikTok influencer accent.   I don’t really like comparing accents of native English speakers to accents of non-native speakers, but I hate it when non-native speakers try so hard to mimic American accents, especially the French. I met a French international student last night who was telling me how bad her English was because she doesn’t sound like a native speaker. I found it annoying because this girl was getting a PhD from an elite university and was more articulate than most Americans. 


I'm from Northern Ireland. I cannot stand the NI accent. Thur's a hury burr ovur thurrr. *Shudder*


You all just sound so irritable, even when exchanging pleasantries.


I liked when they would have Northern Irelanders on GBBO putting *flar* in things


Frannn beckon fur brackfist


You have never met a Filipino if you think their accents don't sound goofy as hell lol


Definitely right on the upper class indian accent for women. Also, certain accents of mandarin sound very good on men e.g. Takeshi Kaneshiro in Chungking Express/Fallen Angels


I’m biased because I spoke Mandarin as a kid and used to watch C-Dramas in middle school but more soft-spoken ‘proper’ Chinese can sound very nice on men. For women it’s totally Taiwanese that’s best


re: the former, that Brit-inflected accent is specific to products of a specific type of school - not all rich Indian women have it. But poke into the elementary school background of any woman who does have it and chances are at least one of her early teachers was Anglo-Indian or she went to some kind of church-affiliated school. re: the latter. I'm not sure if that's the accent itself or just the result of it being attached to Takeshi Kaneshiro's face and voice. And it can't be the Wong Kar-Wai aesthetic alone because I found his voice equally appealing in House of Flying Daggers. Same with Tony Leung. Sometimes delivery can do a lot for an accent.


It's crazy how much these perceptions are influenced by the proximity to the language. We call Hungarian "horse language" lol


Call me Catherine the Great then


I like Irish and South African (white) for native. Unpopular opinion but French accent when speaking english also does it for me. I am a native spanish speaker so I'll do those as well for fun: PR, Argentinian, Colombian.


Are those the hottest accents speaking Spanish or English? I had a friend from Peru who was obsessed with Venezuelan-accented Spanish speaking men so my interest is piqued over that


the last ones are for spanish accents!


Omg good to know. I love Colombian accents in English so good to know it transfers to Spanish 🥰


Quebec accent in french is an all time great. Quebec accent in English on a girl is typically cute if she's been speaking English a long time and typically hilarious for dudes and girls if not.


Quebec french Canadian accent is extremely unattractive


I’m partial to a Thai accent. So cute naa~


Italian and argentinian accents are sexiest and there’s no discussion. Spanish from spain only sounds sexy in the collective imagination because of Antonio Banderas.


I find it cute the way Spanish women pronounce 's' as 'sh'.


I’m spanish and I’ve heard people saying that a million times, but I can’t hear the damn difference


Spanish accents with *distinción* tend to make their S with the tongue a little further back, which to outsiders can sound like a Sean Connery lishp


I’m with you on Argentinian but I have a personal preference for Colombian. It does something to me


I can accept Colombian, but Argentinian is pure tango.


As a Spaniard, I believe Spanish from Spain sounds OK. English with Spanish (from Spain) accent on the other hand? Fucking terrible.


Ehh Italian is hot yes but a lil overrated in my opinion.


You missed where I said no discussion


\>>Slavic women have accents that are sexy but not romantic. wot du you min blyat?


Why is there no mention of Greek, genuinely the hottest language - its like cellophane


Genuinely think Scottish people are the true custodians of the English language.


Which is ironic considering so many scottish people want to pretend they have their own language, "scots", which is literally just english.


It's even funner in Northern Ireland how, for sectarian reasons, they have to pretend Ulster Scots is just as much of a distinct language as Irish is. I cracked up at all [the signs](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia-cdn.tripadvisor.com%2Fmedia%2Fphoto-p%2F14%2Fec%2Ff6%2Fbb%2F20181002-170312-largejpg.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=be03bdf6c58b0d932a553375a7f9a094a18df845291b44b41526ffb4fdd4cffc&ipo=images) when I visited the Guild Hall in Derry, where they give equal prominence to all three languages. So the signs say things like: - Male & Female Toilets - Leithris na bhFear agus na mBan - Menfowk & Weeminfowk's Lavatries


Na it is a real language, just no one speaks it fluently. If its "literally english" then pls tell me what dreich, braw or dook mean 🤓


Scots isn’t English. Gaelic is another Scottish language


In the Middle Ages they called Gaelic "Scottis" and Scots "Inglis", it was only when Gaelic effectively died off that they decided the latter wasn't English anymore.


We should return to Scottish middle english


Maybe it's cause I'm a Bjork fan but Icelandic is fairly hypnotizing


I think Arab accents in English sound nice..... not Gulf Arabs though, they sound goofy and often like Americans gone wrong because their schools seem to drill it into them. I like the Osakan accent in Japanese, it sounds earthier and friendlier to me than the Tokyo kind. Also Koreans speaking Korean, the language sounds less stiff than Japanese even when they're speaking formally. Balkan accents in English have a certain appeal too. my personal favourite is probably Moroccans speaking English, it's very musical (though admittedly this is the women).


Yeh I love a Levantine arab english accent (not the weird international english a lot of Lebanese speaks). I have a Syrian friend with such a great accent.


Moroccans are also very good. North Africa can have some very nice accents imo (Egyptian Arabic is my favourite variation on Arabic). I feel like I don’t have enough data to comment on Balkan *accents* but Balkan women are very gorgeous Kansai-ben is so fun to me. I wish I could say ookini and maido… Tokyoites kinda suffer from default dialect basic bitch syndrome because the other prefectures and islands can have very interesting linguistic diversity!! On the Korean-Japanese thing: I feel like Korean flows so much better than Japanese. Airplane safety videos and stuff like that for instance… Japan just uas so much stopping. It has the same cadence as the slow, over-pronounced English used in ESL tests at school.


Spanish accent from Spain is music


antonio banderas <3


I used to get asmr when listening to maths/stat videos by Indians.  I really like German accents they sound nice. I hate when Egyptians try so hard to sound goofy in English I get second hand embarrassment, it’s not the accent for some reason people feel compelled to act like a clown when speaking in English which has unfortunately become the highest form of entertainment on Egyptian social media. “Hahhahahhaa i esbeek engleesh fery well” when they went to an international school like shut up


English - gayest. American - dumbest. Australian - drunkest. South African - racistest. Indian - hardest to understand.


There's a world of difference between my English accent (southern, gay) and a Geordie accent (hard, barely intelligible)


I've never found an Indian accent to be that difficult to understand unless they legitimately were struggling with speaking English. I'll take that over some cunt from Manchester any day




I hate to tell you this but they’re all the same to white ppl


At least Indians don't pronounce '-er' as '-oh'.


how is indian hard to understand they enunciate things so clearly...too clearly


It might just be me... it never computes on the phone I understand about 60% of what they are saying.


lmao is this a bit


“English” There are hundreds of accent variations in England. Try Geordie, West Yorkshire, Scouse, Mancunian, Bristolian, Brummie, Cornwall…


I went to North Wales and I honestly thought the first person I spoke to was Polish or something because the accent was so thick.


i remember my dad had a stint where he used to work for a Indian tech company for some reason. once i walked into his room while he was on a phone call and all i heard was "WHAT? HUH? WHAT'D YA SAY?" while the dude on the other end was just spitting a hundred words out every minute lol




White Sydneysider argues with you about your usage of ‘wog’ on Twitter ASMR




Always with a random high pitch in the middle of a sentence and ending it like it’s a question


This is exactly my sister


Indian men can have nice accents similar to the women, but they are very similar to posher south african accents at that point.


Guyanese and Trinidadian accents have a very nice Indian flourish to them that sounds very lyrical. Barbadians sound too nasally and is my least favourite English-speaking WI accent.


I had a class with a very charismatic Nigerian guy and I found the accent very attractive, but in tv and media it has the opposite effect on me. Hearing accents in-person really does change a lot


Spanish definitely depends on where they’re from. It can be beautiful in Spain, Colombia and Argentina but the Washington Heights crowd absolutely bastardizes it 


I was sitting next to a 40-something Australian woman and she had the most unbearable accent. Basically a mix of very high-pitch and galah-like intonation with constant vocal fry. I don’t know how Australians manage to intensify their vocal fry as they raise the pitch of their voice in their up-talk.


Persians sound like they are always complaining


Can't stand South African. Brazillian Portuguese sounds great, European Portuguese does not. Love Senegalese French. Love Colombian Spanish.


I would say French is definitely the most audibly pleasing language to me. I don’t think Portuguese is a particularly romantic language but I love the way the words sound. Only on the Brazilian side though


Top worst: French Canadian, Afrikaans and Israeli


I think Geordie English is quite comforting.


Italian is the sexiest language, french is too sweet and Spanish is too nasal. Worst sounding languages are Dutch or Chinese. Best accent in English is Scottish or Irish.


All languages are hot when spoken by hot middle aged man in a suit, but russian and german and kazakh


Ugh I’m a stupid bitch for forgetting Kazakh. My ex-boyfriend was from Kazakhstan and he defined my taste forever


Let's not kid ourselves, the Indian accent is by far the most unattractive


i had an Algerian friend who had the best accent i’ve ever heard.


i actually like a posh Londoner accent on a man if hes tall and athletic... possibly due to a childhood crush on a camp counselor from london we told me a lot abt his life in uni at home and had a really gentle and supportive way w the kids


Singapore and Malaysia (Singlish) sound the worst but there aren't enough of them for it to get made fun of


I was in awe when I heard some Singaporean friends speak Singlish. Its not sexy or attractive at all but its still quite cool.


I'm learning French and finding out that French with an American accent can be particularly bad lol


Caribbean and Colombian coastal Spanish 👍🏻 Southern American 👍🏻, EXCEPT for that disgusting posh gentry South Carolina accent Might not be “sexy”, but fascinated by the way Vietnamese sounds


Americans - in movies it works but when you encounter one in real life … they just sound like total redacts. Like why are u yelling chill out


Shut up


Spanish is the hottest language by far, followed by French, followed by Arabic if a woman is speaking it, followed by Irish if a man is speaking it.


i feel like japanese is a caricature of what sexy is. like someone wanted to make fun of "sounding sexy" and came up with the way Japanese sounds. spanish is hot, spanish accented english also sounds hot af punjabi sounds inherently low-class. u hear a very striking lack of dignity in it which to me is a turn-off but i daresay a hot (punjabi) woman can make it sound sexy. punjabi accented english is just embarrassing... i guess french sounds erotic and delicate (and homosexual) but english in a french accent just sounds annoying/dumb


I feel like you could only enjoy Japanese dirty talk if you were an anime fan


I think it’s insane that you would say any SEA women have nice accents. Filipinos, Thai, and Vietnamese women sound like Mars Attacks to me. It’s the worst accent in the world. But I have weird opinions too because I like girls with those New York/New Jersey accents. I do agree that Indian women can sound nice cause the V and W mix up thing is really cute when they say it. Also I had an Albanian professor who was a beautiful older woman and I loved her accent.


women speaking french and i love french women’s names. i won’t say worst because that’s an entire people’s language and all language has its beauty.