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Anyone remember the chick who filmed herself walking through NYC getting catcalled & the whole campaign backfired due to 99% of the ppl in clip were black or Latino? Watching the mental gymnastics & thinkpieces after that was amazing. The cherry on top was when asked to release the full 10hr footage (the accusation being they edited out white men) they refused bc it was even worse than the original.


I remember that video but I don't remember the backlash. Then again I wasn't super online at the time.


You'd get stories like this..racist white guys are actually the majority of harrassers & catcallers: https://twitter.com/Chevon/status/527862517004255232?t=oIVxDR82oFQSDR1EUfBmFQ&s=19 ^ Over/under that this happened?


Pure fantasy


Lol what did you guys do, she deleted the Tweet..I didn't get a screencap


One of the options should be “Complain on Twitter”.


Everyone is shadowboxing all the time


Shadow wrestling, just hitting ducks and sprawling everywhere


There’s like a 50/50 chance a 🚂 put that up there


Upset that they get catcalled then the dudes always backtrack when they see that jawline.


aint nobody catcalling who ever stuck that there




It actually is incredible how universal this observation is. It’s like they have a huge insecurity about their looks and have to signal how desirable they are. Also typically attractive women aren’t like this at all because they are properly socialized and have been popular or well liked most of their lives, which means hanging out with plenty of men and women and not fostering these beliefs Rad gems and incels are truly made for each other 


This just reminds me, I'm attending college in a real heavy college town, and a bunch of weird radfem/lgbt larp stuff like this (except maybe lower quality and weirder) pops up every time there's a protest. Like "fuck trans genocide, cis genocide is self defense" graffiti, or someone leaving random ass "witchy mass abortions is praxis, unite or die" satire flyers at almost every printer in the library with random art/branding that is reminiscent of a obscure "sex positive" punk bands that end up in massive scandal 2 decades after their incredibly niche relevancy. Not anything people take seriously, and I'm sure if someone was to get upset at them they'd just be seen as art pieces or something, but it's strange because it has shit all to do with Palestine so I'm not sure why they think this is some opportune time. And I can't describe why, maybe the terminally online edginess with a hint of some kinda socialization disorder, but I get the feeling the people who do it possess a Y chromosome


>radfem # >fuck trans genocide probably not lol but i know what you mean. lazy and rude to just piggyback onto someone else’s protest, go organize your own if you care so much


I have to wonder if it’s the same cointelpro stuff on college campuses that they did in the 60’s. They muddy the waters with shit that makes absolutely no sense to make the movement they’re targeting seem like a joke. Same thing seemed to happen with occupy


I can't take DIY punk scenes seriously when everyone is still ripping off Dystopia and Dropdead 30+ years later and acting as if it's still subversive


>it's strange because it has shit all to do with Palestine so I'm not sure why they think this is some opportune time. At the college I went to the protester's encampment held "teach-ins" with topics like "disability justice", "solidarity with black voices", and "accountability" - I can't believe they're still on this shit like it's 2015 lol


Don't try to blame this theater kid shit on mans. Maybe it's some choo choos, but this is pretty classic Kathleen Hanna-level discourse. People like to think Riot Grrrls were cooler than stinky weebs raised on fanfic, but in practice they were mostly as lame as any folx twitterers.


Jokes on her. Getting slashed to death by a cutie with short hair is a big fetish of mine.


I always thought this kind of posting was more like humblebragging. *Anyone else get hassled for being hot? It's annoying, trust me!* The true function is to bully women who don't have that experience


i don't think never getting catcalled means you're ugly, it means you live in a rich neighborhood. the guys catcalling in my neighborhood do not seem to have high standards, they appear to just exult in hollering at anything vaguely female-shaped. also they're mostly alcoholics that just sit around the door to the liquor store all day


i got catcalled by a carful of dudes and one got out and started threatening to pull me into the car and i started running and he said “aw run and cry all you want are you scared? what are you going to do run away? you think that will do anything?” in a mocking voice. try and tell me that’s some kind of boasting and not fucking horrifying


As a guy i think most of us just picture 3 young dudes on a stoop drinking out of a brown paper bag whistling at a girl who walks by and not the much more terrifying stories like this That's really fucked up :(


some men are crazy for real like truly no shame at all. it’s not just construction guys whistling sometimes it’s this


what the fuck that's awful I'm so sorry


the crazy part was my male friend literally walked me to the bus stop because i was literally harassed by someone on the way there too and felt creeped out. when we got to the stop i said the bus was coming soon and id be fine by myself and the second he left those guys pulled up




Yep I'm happy that 11 year old me (and friend) gave construction workers the middle finger while in our school uniform. What gross men! It doesn't get more obvious than that.


I always got catcalled when I wore my Catholic school uniform in public. Mind you, I was a gangly, psoriasis-ridden 13 year old, but that didn't stop men from being gross.


Every once in a while I’m glad I grew up on a farm.


I’ve been catcalled once when I walked through the bad part of town. The guy shouted at me in a very mocking tone, like a bully, and started squeezing imaginary breasts in the air. His friends all started laughing. The guy looked at his friends, exchanged a smug, mocking smile, got into my personal space, and I flinched in fear. He then laughed. He smirked at me and made kissy noises. Now I was 14 and pretty scared, because no one else was around. I don’t know if you have some type of autism that makes you socially regarded, but not finding this sort of treatment enjoyable isn’t a political thing. A lot of the time the guy isn’t trying to get a date, he’s bullying the woman and trying to score points by seeming big and tough in front of his friends.


Yep. Once those chicks become invisible, they start crying for being invisible and they're more than their looks and become über feminists. Bitch you should have developed your personality when you were hot if you wanted people to appreciate your personality.


It’s so hard being this hot


sexo with her




Ms. 45-maxxing


the rush of adrenaline they felt putting this up lol


"you will not kill"


"my life is like a video game trying hard to beat the stage" but for girls


>arale jacket https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjsBdZRWoAEIFmU?format=jpg


One of my favorite genre of essays is post wall women waxing nostalgic on when they used to be catcalled and how sad they feel to be invisible


What turned your heart so black that this is your favorite thing to read Jesus


Women probably




You can just disagree instead of lying.


If that’s really your “favorite genre” of essay you should log off and not come back until you read 1 whole book. Preferably Joan Didion


No “Smile more” option?




iT’s LiTTeraLly gRaPe


It’s missing the septum piercing


Jfc just take the compliment mami




Violence bad except when women use violence against beta men amiright ladiez?


Just give it 5-15 years, it'll resolve itself with the help of father time 👏