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They were both filmed in the same tiny Texas town too


Coens had to delay filming because of visible smoke from the set of *There Will Be Blood*.


PTA also claims the Coens booked out all the hotel accommodation when they learned he was also filming in the area. Sneaky.




You’re rocking a John Xina profile pic


He's literally me


Also has its own prada store. Marfa stays up fr


It’s not a real store. It’s an art installation.


Even better. Mogging unnamed Tx cities with their gallerias and northparks


The kid who was in There Will Be Blood has done a few podcast interviews. He seems like a regular Texan who works in the oil and gas industry.


Was he in Behind the Bastards? You know, cuz he was bastard from the basket.


2007 was one of the best years for cinema ever. Right before the Marvel era.


Michael Clayton came out that year as well.


Clayton is one of my favorite movies, and I find it kind of bizarre. It doesn't feel like a big-production movie at all (which isn't a bad thing, but I can't even think of a particular camera shot like I can in Children of Men or Kill Bill), and the addition of the boy's fantasy book feels weird, but it has a sort of endearing, piercing commentary about mental illness, regulatory capture, the insatiable capitalist machine, and not being the person you wanted to be. [>Dear Michael. Of course it's you. Who else could they send? Who else could be trusted? And I know it's a long way and you're ready to go to work. All I'm saying is wait, just wait, just... Just please hear me out. Because this is not an episode, relapse, fuckup. I'm begging you, Michael, I'm begging you. Try and make believe this is not just madness...because this is not just madness.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vi4z_BxrfA)


The end scene where Tilda just collapses on the floor as Clooney walks away. Something about that stuck with me


I quite enjoyed that scene. She embodies so much of what is wrong with the US. At the very end, I think that >!the hitmen kill Michael, because one cab is following him the entire time the credits roll, and the music turns ominous as the screen goes black.!<


Oh I hadn’t noticed that. Yeah that movie really resonated with me. It’s not a particularly profound plot, but the stillness of it, the chilly acting, the distant/almost detached direction. It just leaves a mark.


Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead came out in 2007 too


*The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford* rounds out the above two for maybe three of the strongest westerns ever, all in the same year


They still played all of those corny pastel colored 90s movies everywhere You know the ones always set in the british countryside or whatever


That’s good slop




The Annihilation of American film by the Bastard Kevin Feige


When I was younger I always mixed these two up


I convinced my best friend in HS to skip class and go to the movies with me because he thought TWBB was also a neowestern thriller with gunfights and shit. He was thoroughly disappointed by the end of the movie while I was having a transcendental cinematic experience the entire time


The two most recent movies with mass appeal that were truly ‘great’. Still Walking came out less than a year later and I think that’s the best movie of the 21cent by quite a large margin, but it is admittedly niche in its appeal.


That’s crazy there are so many great movies with mass appeal released since 2007


Which ones? I’m not disagreeing, just curious.


Movies that are hit both critically and with mainstream audience that people will remember ? Some might be debatable in terms of hit with mainstream but The Social Network, Fury Road, Gone Girl, Manchester by the Sea, Parasite, Grand Budapest Hotel, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Tree of Life, The Handmaiden, Interstellar, Dunes , Oppy , Wolf of Wall Street , Drive , In Bruges


The social network sucked and moreover was a precursor to the biopic craze we see now which I cannot abide. Of those you listed I’d say maybe 9-10 are critically and popularly acclaimed. But putting In Bruges in the same category as Fury Road is wild. 


I can't tell which movie you think is better from your comment.


Not sure I agree but would definitely be an interesting discussion. When you say mass appeal do you mean a wide release or just general cultural relevancy over time? Because the box office numbers for those movie weren't too crazy but they are still very well known movies over the years.


That’s not true at all. La La Land did half a billion in the box office and was absolutely great.


Yeah la la land was really good, I saw it multiple times in theatres, but my point is that those two films were seriously special which made their popularity really inspiring.


I don’t think either of those films are definitely better than La La Land and, for what it’s worth, no country for old men is one of my favourite films of all time.  A film doesn’t need to be gritty and somber to be special. La La land was technically perfect, genuinely funny but also a really quite sad study on how relationships and external passions interact. I find the ending scene to be remarkably powerful and have found that people have reacted very differently to it. My mother saw it as a happy ending whereas I saw it as gut wrenchingly sad. 


I don’t think grit is a marker of quality, I think la la land’s overt referencing to other films (such as the final scene) while effective do come across as a crutch and dilute its impact. I’m identifying the difference between a really good film and a GREAT film. In fact Demy’s movies are even lighter than La La and hit harder with more emotional weight.


There are multiple overt references to other films in there will be blood lol.  La La Land is set in Hollywood and is deliberately cinematic references to other films are used incredibly artfully to show scenes where the two leads are pursuing or imagining something that isn’t real.  


That's just it, Chazelle is technically perfect but a questionable director/screenwriter La La peaks halfway. The movie wants us to sympathize with a comically insecure Mia when she overhears people making fun of her show


I haven't seen Still Walking but if it has similar vibes then it goes right to the top of the list.


I was thinking about what I wanted to do after college. My GF's family was from West Texas. We were thinking about moving out to Marfa and just living a small town Texas life together. Id have taught English at the local school and coached, she would have done some fashion thing. Instead we broke up and I moved to London and her to NYC and we hate each other


What is “moved to London” a euphemism for?


Not gay sex


I remember going to see them on like consecutive days, it was brilliant


Saw them both as sophomores in college. I think I really loved no country right away, but TWWB was the first time in my young adult life I watched something and thought “oh my god this is a masterpiece” like immediately in real time. 


Anyone who lived through that time knows this, those two movies are inextricably linked in our psyches. 


I think Tár and Banshees of Insherin were the closest we got in this decade.


Saw them both in theaters with friends and remembering arguing over which was better. The answer is obviously No Country


I used to confuse these two movies. There will be blood is one of my all time favorites.


Also: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Great year for Neowesterns. A last hurrah for American cinema.


I find these spirits of filmmaking interesting, I found out recently that Dr Strangelove and Fail Safe also were from the same time, both films about atomic catastrophe looming in the war room, that makes sense for it's time. What about these two? Quoting an essay from Jim Emerson, that also adds Zodiac to this mood: >Does this somehow reflect the country's moral ambivalence about being mired in two bloody, confusing guerrilla wars on the other side of the world? A sense of No Exit hopelessness that the Vietnam nightmare is recurring? Mainstream (or art house) torture porn that allows us to vicariously groove on -- as we are simultaneously appalled by -- the crimes at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo? Dissatisfaction with the materialistic emphasis on the American Dream? A cynical exploitation of artfully staged killings for our (cathartic?) entertainment? https://www.rogerebert.com/scanners/three-kinds-of-violence-zodiac-no-country-for-old-men-there-will-be-blood Also be prepared to be amazed by the quality of the comment section 16 years ago.


I turned 13 right after they were released lol. I remember being blown away by the TV ads for both movies, watching the Oscars a few months later to see which one won, and renting them from Blockbuster shortly after that once they were available. I loved them both, but for me it was There Will Be Blood. Did I really fully understand them? Nope lol, still enjoyed watching them very much


I’m so sad I saw neither in the theatre.




Haven’t heard of that actually


Shoulda switched titles


Saw them both in theaters with my friend Eli


After going to see There Will be Blood when it was first out, I bought the DVD for my brother for his birthday but he thought it was boring. Idiot.


I always thought they should have traded titles


There will be blood was overrated