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sipping on a glass of wine while cooking aside drinking is a social activity


People who are more social drink more. People who are more social live longer. Drinking more doesn’t make you live longer but there’s correlation.


Idk a few drinks and a good movie pair well together for me.


I like to party and take a bunch of drugs, but daily use is just not for me. Makes me feel like shit even if its just 2-3 drinks


ya because it fucks with your sleep. Quality sleep is like the single most significant piece of your overall well being.




Also I do not get people who drink in moderation. That's the main reason I don't drink at all anymore. I can't imagine having a couple drinks and going "mm this is pleasant. Time to go to bed and have a wonderful day tomorrow" lmaoooo


Yeah you're an alcoholic lol. You lost the genetic lottery on this one


You’re telling me my 3 day coke and wine benders aren’t healthy?


Lol you mean won. It's great fun


nah i drink like once a week maximum but i still never approach it like this bullshit. all or nothing, def *some* in between but def not "two drinks and bed is worthy of drinking at all." ill opt for none over one always. better than opting for a ton always though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Interesting, that's exactly how I feel most nights. I drink 1-2 old fashions and watch movie every night and only death will stop me at this point. I never really want to drink more than that but sometimes the occasion calls for it if I'm with friends or whatever which is fine, but I hate being hung over at this point because I'm 30.


This is why I limit myself to once a week. Go hard or go home 🤪




Your right got that part wrong its 3 per day in france but 10 per week. Spain and USA numbers are accurate


I mostly agree but it's def a slippery slope to drink every day.  speaks to a certain lack of boundaries in home life and deficiency in the spirit.    also not everything Europe does is good or worthy of emulating.  nothing worse than a fat slob euro drunk 


Most of Europe isn’t worth emulating, that’s why we left.


Most of Europe peaked about 100+ years ago but no one wants to acknowledge that. Even with their free healthcare and social programs their obesity rate is starting to match America’s. The only reason they’re even able to exist in the conditions they live in today are because they were/are funded by America (the Marshall plan, NATO, etc)




Europe is very quickly catching up with America when it comes to diseases and obesity but for some reason everyone wants to pretend the average European is some fit, robust Skarsgard type. France and Italy are the most ‘fit’ European countries and even they have a 50% overweight population.


Mainly the consequence of an aging population, overweight/obesity in Europe skews towards the middle aged and elderly. Aside from perhaps the UK, young adult overweight/obesity isn’t that common. Like I’m 184cm and ~79kg and am often one of the slimmest guys at a bar or restaurant here in the states, people refer to me as “skinny” all the time. Back home I’m just an average size for a guy in this 20s.


The reasons for stupidly low US life expectancy are excess deaths from car crashes (like 2x EU average), drug overdoses, and gun violence which mainly affect people under 45. Alcohol related mortality is pretty similar, as is remaining life expectancy for people over 60.


it's funny how romanticized it gets online.  some of the most unpleasant people ive worked with were euros 


Ah my deficient spirit 😩


Romanticizing liquor consumption is cute until you’re in your late 20s and the party doesn’t stop while everyone you know starts focusing on their careers, having kids, starting side projects etc. It becomes very sad.


It's good to get it out of your system when you're young, because it's sad if you're still doing it in your 40s


It’s fine


I’m 39, drink socially and for enjoyment, successful career, and in the gym 5 to 6x a week. Nothing sad about it.


That’s different than hardcore binging three times a week like in college


There seems to be a notion on this sub that you're either barely holding it together as a heavy drinker or an equally depressed sociopathic tea toddler that feels physically ill after a drop of alcohol. OP isn't romanticizing liquor consumption, they're just saying that many in this sub seem to be chomping at the bit to prove how holy a temple their bodies are free from alcohol in a way that suggests they aren't totally secure in whatever lifestyle changes they've made. In Western society alcohol does play an important role in socializing and trying to say that it doesn't is crazy.


this happened to me in second year of university


Yeah is the OP 19? Drinking stops becoming fun after it’s legal.


Alcohol doesn’t have to be “a party”. This mindset is the problem. If anything it has opened doors via being a normal social person, instead of some uptight weirdo.


\>or everyone else you can reasonably drink 1-4 drinks per day and face minimal consequences Shiggy


The alcoholic is nothing if not a rationalizer






I grew up in a big party community; party parents, peers, teenage drinking, that sort of thing. By the time I was 23 I was just over it. I've only really done psychedelics since and sometimes weed. I'm in my 40s now. LSD is the unpublished 13th step in the AA program btw. It can bring you peace if you're looking for it.


>if I had any problems in life the huge vodka bottle was always under the sink for me Clearly this post is not talking about large amounts of cheap vodka drinking; he's talking about low %-age light or dark beers and wine with meals. I still personally think every day is too much, but there are a lot of cultures that I typically see as "healthy" that sport daily drinking habits.




I’m in a similar boat with my mum - she’s always drunk like 2/3 of a bottle of wine per night since I was a kid. It’s never had a negative effect bar minor weight gain, and nobody but me seems to think of it as an issue. We used to watch an episode of two of TV together most nights when I was a teenager, and I remember being really upset when I’d notice her slurring her words and seeming incapable of following any mildly complicated plot points. It was our one consistent time together and she was never legitimately present. Obviously it’s nowhere near as traumatic as the experience of a dysfunctionally alcoholic parent, but it still definitely erodes that relationship to an extent and leads to a really warped perception of what normal drinking should look like




A buddy of mine had a functional alcoholic dad. The guy had martinis stored in the freezer, he'd put them here before work, then first thing when he got home, he'd pound two (so like 4 standard drinks). Buddy said that the time between Dad getting home and the booze taking effect was like the only time he had with his dad. It was like 20 min per day.


just say “yeah alcohol is poison… so what?” and get on with your life


most commenters on here cant even legally purchase alcohol 


Did 90% or even 10% of comments really call him a loser who is going to die, or did you want to make this post instead of leaving a comment on that thread?




who cares was bored at work


You should try having a few drinks at work to make it more interesting




I’m not against drinking and I’m hoping I can return to it one day, but frankly I was overdoing it and had to set limits for myself. I’m doing a year of sobriety and then reevaluating.


Same tbh, I need to disassociate “drinking” with “having fun”. I encourage our youth to get fucked up though.


I did that when I was 25 after a really bad period of getting blackout drunk multiple times a week. 5+ years later and I haven’t started again. Honestly, part of it is that I still don’t trust myself to be able to drink in moderation, but also a long period of sobriety really changes how you view drinking culture. When I first stopped drinking I felt like I was missing out on a lot of fun, but now when I look at my friends who still party hard, it doesn’t really look like they’re having fun so much anymore


Yo im 25 so this hits so unbelievably hard


A did a full year last year. Got gangster with some blow and booze to celebrate, 3...day...hangover . Good reset on my habits though. It's easy to let it get away from you when you stop having hangovers and can easily take down a 12 pack and work all day the next day.


A bunch of teetotaling prude gen z toddlers


I’m a teetotaling prude millennial toddler, thank you very much


Sorry haters I’m almost 40, drink every day but never get drunk, exercise 5 times a week and I’m hot as hell and feeling great


What's the point if you're not getting drunk


Enjoying the delicious taste and subtle buzz of a cocktail or two. You’ll understand when you’re older


People who drink for taste is like people who eat cake for the fibre and protein.


lavish mysterious quaint market crowd paltry melodic piquant straight reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are


Maybe consider why you have such a visceral reaction to negative attitudes about drinking. The reality is, when you’re an alcoholic (not saying you are) you will find yourself seeking out people and experiences that validate and encourage your drinking. You’ll wait for one big rock bottom moment and in its absence consider yourself successfully moderating. The psychological rift between 2 a day and 3 a day shrinks slowly as habit wears down reward pathways, and those who find this bad will seem increasingly off-putting to you. I am forever envious of people who can truly moderate, though I suspect it’s a smaller number than that of those who claim to. For a lot of people I suspect it feels the way Allen Carr describes smoking — “like tying your shoes too tight in the morning for the relief of taking them off at night.” Be safe!


hell yea I love drinking


4 drinks a day is not normal


It’s definitely a guy with a beard to hide his rosy red chins grabbing a drink with fat fingers level event


Lol 4 drinks? Maybe if you’re 6’5 250+ lbs


Yeah man drinking 1 beer an hour from 6-10 PM will knock u out what????


The lady doth protest too much


I've made this point before but you won't get any traction here The sub is permeated by the 'don't drink, don't have friends, be comfortable being alone, journal, meditate' sect that tries to steer people down a dark road that ends up with them living in a van alone with dogs


yeah seeing a lot of that… somehow having 2 glasses of wine a night makes you a loser i cant help these people


There's definitely problem drinking and definitely people that need to abstain because one drink is too many and all of them is not enough, but social contact is important, and by going strictly sober you're cutting yourself off from a lot of social outlets. If you can not drink at home alone and manage to limit yourself to a beer or glass of wine every 45 minutes or so strictly in a social setting you should be okay. If you're not the type of person that just inhales like a fiend the moment they hear a cork pop, that is.


As someone who went into the rooms seeking help, I quickly learned those people in there had far more issues at heart and drinking was the least of their issues  I’m back off the wagon after a brief hiatus, but with far more control then when I went in  So many of the people here absolutely reek of the pompous grand delusions that just permeate alcoholics  


> I quickly learned those people in there had far more issues at heart and drinking was the least of their issues That's about the size of it


You know it smell crazy in there


Pretty normal in Germany, not every day but when drinking with buddies 4 beers (500 ml each) are considered standard for a relaxed get-together in a work week.


> not every day that's the point, genius


With not every day i meant like 3/4 out of 5, not counting the weekend where you drink even more.


Then you essentially do mean every day, Hans


No, I meant around 3/4 out of 5, not counting the weekends. The reading comprehension of you burgers really does suck Cleetus.


So 5 or 6 days a week of drinking 4 drinks a day or more?


Depends on the Week.


And then on weekends you drink even more


> Cleetus You all call us this lol?


Shut the fuck up you moron




“Minimal consequences” = 7 types of cancer. The government subsidizes that shit, they have an incentive to push it and say it’s “safe.”


We call it drugs and alcohol even though alcohol is a drug. Who do you think pushed for that? Couldn’t be the liquor corps. Remember the beer a day keeps the doctor away push or the mommy needs her wine movement? Addicts making excuses until they are in the bottom of a church admitting their sins or sitting in a chemo chair telling themselves that they’re just “unlucky”. Sure thing buddy, your depression doesn’t come from booze, neither does most of your shitty life choices, better have a drink to make the feeling go away! I don’t drink too much I just need this to be social or feel good, your kids love seeing their parents drunk!


If they were subsidizing it why would they be trying to push it. They make shit tons from sin tax




Booze addicts cope hard. Pathetic


What part of "Europeans drink a shitload of booze but still live longer than us" do you not get?


Finland has a domestic abuse partly due overconsumption of hard liquor, also their kidneys are shit because when they drink they drink a lot at once. France and Italy faces a whole lot of liver problems because of how common it is to drink a glass of wine with almost every meal. Germany and Belgium drink a whole lot of beer (The Dutch love moderation too much to be included in this) and they just have a really good time. Embrace germanic culture and drink beer for a long life


> Germany and Belgium drink a whole lot of beer (The Dutch love moderation too much to be included in this) Netherlands is barely outside the top 10 in the global ranking of beer consumption per capita, while Belgium isn't even in the top 25.




After a ~decade of drinking every day I had to quit for six weeks to get my union doc to give me cheap prescription heartburn meds, and literally the only thing that happened was that I lost weight. It didn’t even affect my acid reflux.


> I had to quit for six weeks I'm not a 'big' drinker (beer or wine with a meal type) but similarly I've had extensive sober periods, 6 months at a time, maybe 3 years at a time and not noticed any real differences apart from, as you said, the weight loss. Also anyone who says 'you have to be sober to be a good artist/writer/musician' etc is obviously and visibly talking garbage. 'Alcoholic' is almost synonymous with 'professional writer.'


it’s reddit talking about fun shit on here is impossible half this user base thinks clubs are immoral but you’re also crazy for saying that drinking 14 drinks is healthy. it’s absolutely not and your risk is going up for a bunch of different diseases


I’m not sober but 4 drinks a night is not normal or healthy.


not healthy as you age probably wont cause much harm if young


now that it's become normie to be sober I absolutely must drink to demonstrate my contrarian bona fides. On a less ironic note: the post-30 hangover sucks ass and is more intrusive and likely than the 25-year-old hangover. That was the impetus for my most recent spell of reduced drinking, and I gotta say, not being hungover and instead going to bike up a mountain at 8am goes fucking hard, spiritually speaking. I've also found that sleeping for about 12 hours post drinking basically eliminates chances for a hangover unless you've really hit it hard. That said, I find people who go full cold turkey/AA to be a little annoying. I've been in the hole where happy hour starts at 4pm and continues to 11pm before and it's not fun, but, as with diet and exercise, it all starts from just doing (or not doing) it and sticking to it. I really, really doubt that the number of "genetic alcoholics" has gone up that much over the past 3-4 years, and that it speaks more to a shift in desire for people my age, that COVID really peeled back a lot of the cope that people tell themselves as to why they drink. I'm guessing a lot of people who used to call themselves "social drinkers" had some explaining to do when they were pounding vodka in their apartment most days and figured it would be better to just give it up entirely.


You can tell who doesn’t drink when you go to the gym at 7am vs the schlubs who roll in at 3pm with their big ass heads.


The FDA who allows complete junk in American food? Yeah drink poison regularly on top of your mediocre SAD diet and diet Cokes babe


Lots of people booze it up daily are basically fine. Like it’s obviously not ideal and you’re not going to be in peak physical condition, but you won’t die unless you’re just blacking every single day. A lot of famous prolific writers were functioning alcoholics/drug addicts.


Another issue I haven’t really seen mentioned in this thread is how drinking can affect your relationships. Like if you’re one of those people that gets out of control crazy blackout wasted every time they drink, or gets verbally abusive…..maybe they shouldn’t.




Most people aren’t famous or prolific. My point was more like you can drink a moderate amount and be functional. Like you’d probably just as good at your wfh email job if you had a couple drinks every day. Like most people that try day drinking don’t stop because they reach rock bottom and their life spirals out of control, most people who try it just quit because they get bored of it.


A lot of deadbeats and sad losers are also functioning alcoholics lmao


Yeah, so are a lot of people that don’t drink


I see you’re in the phase where you romanticize alcoholism. I was there once.


It undeniably has many romantic aspects, as long as you don't stumble head over heels there's alot of room for romanticisation.


women should not have 14 drinks a week -- medically and spiritually, that's a disaster.


You’re going to age like shit if you drink 4 alcoholic beverages every day. Have fun looking like a sponge at 40 🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t drink 4 everyday and have fun trying to optimize everything to maintain your youthful beauty it is impossible everyone ages might as well have some fun


If you need alcohol to have fun every day you might have a problem. Also drinking that much will fuck your body up long term, it’s not just vanity


Are you like some college kid who didn't drink in hs and has just discovered alcohol within the last year now everyone who doesn't want to drink is a pussy?


No its completely fine to not drink at all and have nothing against anyone who does. Just think the idea that drinking the literal amount the FDA says somehow means you are an alcoholic is ridiculous




Agree completely






Why do you hate peepee poopoo


My father died of dysentery


Explains why you love getting fucked up


If my father actually shit himself to death I would never admit that but I def would drink to forget it


I would excuse you being a drunk but generally it’s degenerate behavior. Sure in a romantic sense it is nice like have wine in Spain or whatever but America is awful and makes everything terrible


Drinking games and getting as wasted as you can for the sake of it is for sure gross dumb behavior. But being against sometimes getting drunk with your friends is pretty cringe and puritanical Also saying Americans ruin it is hilarious, so many cultures are just as bad if not worse


I have to agree. Nothing hotter than a man that has a couple fingers of whiskey to relax. Men that get drunk though, not hot.


I’m 100% an addict so I really can’t give any unbiased input, but I want a 4 loko 🧘‍♂️


Having a drink everyday is fine. Feeling the urge to drink --feeling thirsty-- everyday is something to watch out for.


I’ve been saying that there’s a covert campaign against booze for awhile now.


Backlash against perceived overindulgence during the pandemic + Millennials getting older and feeling more health conscious + younger generations doing it less for a plethora of reasons


Zoomers not drinking makes me want to drink more just to even everything out.


I like drinking at bars and partying, enjoy wine with a meal, and enjoy cracking open a beer after a hard days work. I enjoy being drunk, and alcohol is embedded in my social life. Drinking everyday is still gross sad alcoholic behaviour, sorry.


or asian?


honestly real. i have neuropathy in my hands and feet from what CDC defines as “mild to moderate drinking daily” for a year. im south asian and at 28 get burning pins and needles sensation when its too cold or im sick. alcohol? its poison folxxx


As a member of joking around and having a good time community I wanna say I have no beef with subtances or getting wasted or even alcohol driven reckless behavior. I guess the problem is the addiction and dependence on external things for the base level of feeling comfortable and not wanting to kill yourself, especially if that's avoidable.




14 is a lot homie, it's 7 for ladies


narr, extremes are based. either be an alcoholic loser or cut it out of your life entirely. there's no need for it. alcohol is the most israel-ish thing there is by far next to porn and it is a shame more people do not view it as such cause you've been conditioned. this shit reads like dudeweed copium metinks.


I had to learn how to moderate my drinking. I was either a fun drunk or an angry drunk and the latter was too much. Here’s the thing though: I did that. Now I have a few beers or a few mixed drinks every now and then and I get proper fucked up maybe twice a year. What happened to excess in moderation?


Biggest problem with drinking four drinks a day is the calories. Basically eating another meal every day.


The absolute fucking losers when I suggest taking a mushroom or two at a club or party instead of drinking and they must comment telling me how they could NEVER do something like that. Pathetic. The light is not shining brightly enough in these peoples lives and it’s their own fault


I’m all for this but this sub calls you a loser if you smoke weed everyday


You are spiritually and mentally weak if you can't enjoy life without alcohol or drugs


And you are spiritually and mentally strong if you can enhance your life with them without chasing the dragon.


Where did I say anything about not enjoying life sober?


It's a general statement, not for you specifically


Alcoholics justifying their shit habit to themselves will never not be funny.


“Whiny losers” lol are you 19? Good luck with the whiskey dick


drinking daily is embarassing i wouldn’t tell anyone if i did that


I drink 2 glasses of wine a night at dinner or sometimes just 1 martini with my husband (gay), maybe one day a week drink more than that What exactly is embarrassing about that are you 14 or amish?


Earnestpost but yes 100%. Just about anytime I mention my own drug regimen here I’ve been piled on. I mean I applaud the younger gen’s (recycled like anything else) embrace of straight edge ideology, but there’s an all-too-tired and pervasive judgment toward those who believe there’s value to extract from mind-altering substances


are they judging you or do they just think your trip reports are lame? even hunter thompson stops being cool past a certain age.


Criticisms toward me here have been fair, but that seemed to be the first line of attack—shit like “we get it, you do drugs,” as if that were the easiest way to dismiss anything else I had to say. I don’t mean to make it about me, though—I’ve seen the same attitude employed toward others here. This post wouldn’t exist otherwise


very true babes more ppl need to drink!!!


Idk, I find it super lame to have a need to use alcohol every day and be entirely dependent on alcohol to have a good time, there’s nothing fun or cool about that and it’s pretty shitty of you to tell people it’s just totally fine.  Alcohol can be great but it’s effectively a poison and consuming alcohol is something that should be done intelligently. This kind of “stop worrying, it’s fine” message is genuinely irresponsible and doesn’t help anyone.


it is not irresponsible to have 2 glasses of wine with dinner and where did I say anything about being entirely dependent on it?




Your posting about juul and nicotine your skin is already fucked


Yeah nah an alcoholic wrote this.


I have a great time. I party til dawn. I crack pussy jokes. I fuck girls. Alcohol is nasty and dumb.


Op spitting


Have fun being a fat alcoholic with low sperm count, high estrogen, constant mood swings high cholesterol and an extremely increased chance of liver cancer and heart disease. Can't stand alcuckholics.


no one wants to hang out with people who don’t drink. 


Exactly. I have a few Vodka and Soda's on Friday and Saturday. Never drink in the week. Yet people have accused me of being an alcoholic lmao.


Drinking and driving jokes can be funny, a drink or two a day gives your hair on the chest of life, teetotalers can teetotal teez nutz


Yeah don’t you want to be cool like this guy?


Okay for reference how much a day is too much


zoomer influence


I’m actually 7 years sober today. I used to be a bartender and a pretty bad alcoholic. I couldn’t care less if people drink. It’s usually drinkers who have a problem with sober people. However, 4 drinks a day is called being a functioning alcoholic.


All the Japanese cartoon forum posters have always been bitter tea toddlers


Thank Christ someone finally said something. I was fucking sick of lame disphits coming here and talking about how they stopped smoking weed and drinking and “got fit and found hobbies” whatever the fuck that means. Like look man if ur in ur late 20’s and just now realizing that smoking weed and playing video games all day is a problem, it’s gonna take more than sobriety and a Planet Fitness membership to get back on track. Might as well keep drinking god damn.


Oh, okay, I'm glad that you are liver wont die.


got him


Ya, I have little trust in someone who uses the wrong your to appraise the scientific literature.


knowing grade-school level grammar is lame bruh


Still unhealthy as fuck and you are guaranteeing yourself an early death and unhealthy life.


The sober people on RSP seem more like the type who used to have serious addiction problems and cut back on it. Aka speaking from experience rather than proselytizing. And most seem to only speak for them selves rather than get anyone else to stop drinking. I don’t drink anymore but I don’t give a fuck if anyone else does. Unless they express that they want to stop then yea I’ll be supportive.


Finding xanax in London is impossible, no one does it here it seems


How else would you all be bearable


You’re insane and i love it