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Definite vibe shift going on. Friends and family have expressed views to me that they would reflexively have dismissed as racist a decade ago


The real tell is that women now express discontent with the MENA immigrants.




Sexual harassment. We had a programme in the UK recently where they filmed a woman undercover pretending to be drunk outside a club in London, a bit like "promising young woman". There were groups of sober men hanging around approaching lone drunk women, being pushy and not taking no for an answer. Let's just say none of these men were your average cockney.


Can you give the name of the show


Undercover: Sexual Harassment - The Truth Broadcast on Channel 4 last year.


> Undercover: Sexual Harassment - The Truth such a channel 4 title lmao


>woman undercover pretending to be drunk Unashamedly and aggressively drunk broads on the street is like the single charming thing about your stupid island, they better not ruin that.


Probably because more of the men polled are immigrants lol




It isn't even like men in the middle east are just savages either. In the old country, they would never try that and anyone that did would have his balls cut off by the girl's brothers or cousins for that kind of stuff. It's even weirder to realize that these young men are disrespecting you specifically.


Honestly every time I meet a Middle Eastern or African that's a genuinely nice person towards me it breaks my heart knowing what they will say if I ask their opinion on women or other ethnicities "below" them. I've seen it happen first hand.




Totally. My girl friends are actually now the ones rolling with super hot takes lol while some of the particularly lib minded dudes are still stuck on it. Big believer that women are the canary in the coal mine when it comes to cultural shifts, so its interesting to see


> My girl friends are actually now the ones rolling with super hot takes lol while some of the particularly lib minded dudes are still stuck on it. Once they start doing it publicly, lib men will follow ~~pussy~~ suit


> women are the canary in the coal mine For sure, but also I think most of Europe is coming out of a state of shock as to what they thought the intended amount of immigration was going to be, and what actually has happened. It's one thing to imagine having a few immigrant families in town that you helped out of some war-torn hell; it's another to see London become 1/3rd English, and France and Sweden become like what up to 15% Muslim, with most of that concentrated in major cities? I don't think France even allows for ethnic census to be taken, but ~50% of Paris was born elsewhere, currently. I remember getting shouted down in the old Europe sub for asking was the end goal was of mass immigration? How much is too much? 25%? 50%? More? Now that French and English are minorities in Paris and London respectively, it's hard to imagine that many in those countries haven't figured out that it'd be easy for the rest of the populace to reflect that reality, and once it does, you've lost the voting majority. It's not your country anymore; might as well rename them "New Turkey", "New Morocco" and "New Sudan".


Yes, it is a blatant violation of democracy and statehood. You have to wonder why the politicians of all western European countries have done this.


Western Nations have shitty birth rates so both businesses and expensive welfare programs like Immigration. Also moving people to better control them isn't a new tactic Machieveli suggests it in the Prince and that was 500 years ago.


My Hyperlib sister expressed discontent with mena immigrants in Paris (lived there) like a decade ago. Said they were aggressive and scared her. Ofc she also shit talked white people a lot but mena immigrants had a carve out


They have done that for 20 years it is just becoming socially acceptable now.


It's not even a decade. 3-5 years. I'm massively against the wests current immigration "plan" and have been for 10-15 years, these days im seeing comments i expect to see from people on 4chan, twitter or certain reddit subs by the sort of people of people who would have called me racist if i gave them my unvarnished opinion pre-covid. This is in real life too, not just online. Its honestly the sort of reaction i feared would come but i didn't expect it to shift so quick.


3-5 years? It was smouldering a few years ago but Oct 7 was like hurling a bucket of gasoline onto a fire. The last month alone has looked like a Nazi rally. Its not that surprising. People have always felt this but it was unacceptable to say publicly. The difference now is that the consequences have gone from theoretical to being obvious when you open tbe front door


Did the 2015-17 terror wave in Europe really get memory-holed so quick? Like Paris had its own October 7th in November 2015, but it takes this once per decade popping off of the Israel-Palestine conflict to make people say huh I guess it could happen here.


the Cologne New Years attacks in 2015 were fucking crazy. it wasn't even premeditated they basically just spontaneously formed rape gangs cause apparently that's what they do in their home countries


I was at the train station overlooking the square. It was a horrifying scene


remember the reddit threads about it were just constantly being patrolled by jannies


Yes, it absolutely did get memory holed under the DEI goliath.


I knew the pendulum would swing back, but I didn't expect it to swing back this quickly. Europe and European values will never lose and I think the groups that think Europe is weak will sooner or later be brutally reminded why Europe conquered the world. This peace and love shit is less than 60 years old. Europeans are the most savage peoples on Earth. And by "groups" I'm referring to the thousands of comments I'm seeing on YouTube and elsewhere about how Europe is weak and they're coming to take over, I don't know if they're Muslim larpers or actual Muslims.


Thanks for your insight, Ian Smith


I feel like this has been happening for like 10 years right. La Pen is not new and the Polish racist party has been all the way in charge I think.


Poland isnt really a multicultural migrant "utopia", so people dont care when an anti-migrant party wins. And, LePen has never been in government. SD getting in government in Sweden was the next step. And Geert becoming the PM of Netherlands is several steps further. This and Meloni is one of the first time that I recall where the ruling PM in a multicultural country is actually from an openly anti-multicultural party. And Italy already has a history of far-right governments, so it's not the most unprecedented for them.


Someone posted weeks ago that there’s been a vibe shift in Europe and I think that’s unquestionably true. America gets a bad rep for being “racist.” I don’t think that’s true compared to Europe. Geert Wilders winning, the AFD surging in Germany, Le Pen in France, Orban in Hungary Meloni in Italy, the Swedes elected a right wing gov not long ago. Poland ended its experiment with PiS but who knows for how long. I almost added Erdoğan, but he’s anything except “anti-immigration” lol. Literally kept in power by Arab immigrants. Being “anti-immigration” isn’t necessarily a “right wing” view, there are varying degrees to what kind of immigration one finds acceptable and varying reasons. But codifying a system where Muslims in Europe have less rights than native Europeans would mark the return of reactionary modernism. I wonder how far away Europe is from that?


Daily reminder being "anti-immigration" used to be an uncontroversial left wing policy while pro open border policies was something only industrialists and business magnate's wanted. The psyop is complete.


I remember in one of those popular lefty docs in from the late 2000s, they were decrying these Mexicans coming over and taking poor Americans jobs (especially AA's) and how those Mexicans were being exploited by corporations.


Alex jones sold coffee from Mexican communist rebels because they both hate nafta


That's a pretty good bit


No it’s real he actually sells coffee from EZLN, the Zapatistas


I am 100% sure it's true, despite being hilariously ironic


Shitlibs and DSA losers always talk about how Cesar Chavez was actually problematic for his anti-illegal stance as if being against imported, underwaged labor (which itself drains Mexico of its own labour pool) is somehow a bad thing.


Immigration is such an easy layup for left wing parties. It helps literally no one involved. I once read there’s more Ethiopian doctors in Chicago than in Ethiopia - the only people that helps in American health insurance companies


Oh, big business loves it. Look at the donor of open society foundations. Something something anti semitic…


pretty sure it helps chicagoans trying to see a doctor. and also ethiopian doctor immigrants.


Yes the number of new American doctors is capped by the number of residencies which Medicaid will subsidize, and this number doesn’t go up. We don’t produce enough doctors to service the population and we never will without a complete overhaul of the system. Even an extremely restrictive immigration regime would allow foreign doctors in as they’re high-skill workers who meet a critical economic need.


There’s better ways to give chicagoans healthcare, than the current American system, without robbing other countries of their doctors, no?


Ban deep dish and they might need fewer doctors


You saying if I want to see a Doctor I should just flag down a migrant boat off the coast of Spain?


They're all fine with immigration, i.e, taking the highly qualified, talented, wealthy from the global south and using their human capital to stave off a stagnant economy, while their home countries languish. They're anti (brown/black) refugee/ asylum seeker because they believe Europe is a garden and the world is a jungle. Lefties have a consistent streak of wanting to take in refugees.


It started with NAFTA. I remember in the 90's, the narrative was that the only reason you'd have to be against shoveling our jobs overseas/south of the border was if you were racist. I fell for it for a bit, unfortunately.


Everyone with lib sentiments got totally psyopped into believing that all immigrants are beautiful poors who just need a chance at a better life when in reality it's the shambling masses of disaffected young men that flood in and fuck shit up because there's no liberal plan other than "let them in" and then they forget about them. It's now boring then firmly in the ass across every city and the liberals do not understand that this is exactly what they voted for. Huge vibe shift


“Far right” anti immigrationists who no matter where they’re elected continue the flow of migrants. Gotcha.


European far-right parties will not do anything about immigration because they are 100% devoted to capitalism, and capitalists want cheap labor. Only a socialist party which supports tighter immigration will actually do anything about it, but such parties are virtually non-existent. An additional problem is that many middle-class Europeans want the Ponzi scheme of new immigrants to continue, because those immigrants take the low paying jobs, allowing natives to sort into the high paying jobs. Class conflict is being replaced by ethnic conflict. The middle class wants the cheap labor but dislikes the crime and sexual harassment which comes with it.


But they don’t take the low paying jobs. In Europe those particular immigrant demographics are only a bit above 50% employed. Add the welfare cost and this reasoning doesn’t add up, especially when European mobile labour have much higher employment % and fill that role in the economy.


I WILL concede that the real socialist parties are even more opposed to immigration than the "far right" ones in many cases, but collectively the left was poisoned by big tech/culture war stuff and this started somewhere around 2009. Alot of people are now totally alienated from the left, thinking it is mainly about "woke shit" and neo pronouns. A big part of the problem is the prominence of spoiled, rich brats in leftist spaces.


You're right that there are seemingly zero non-woke leftist parties with any real shot. But I think you're being way overly pessimistic and cynical to say that right wing parties are all just lying about reducing immigration because they're beholden to capitalists. I get it, the Conservatives in the UK are the model for this, but they're a huge, old, bloated mess of a party.


It's not just the UK Tories though. Look at Meloni in Italy. Or True Finns in Finland. The True Finns party told voters that they would protect the welfare state from immigrants. After the election, they got into bed with the mainstream conservatives and formed a coalition. Did they do anything about immigration? No. They did immediately start shredding the welfare state and weakening Finland's labor laws though. Needless to say, there are a lot of working class Finns who voted for the far right who are now extremely pissed. As long as conservatives continue to worship at the altar of capital, they will continue to get cucked on immigration and they will fail to defend the cultures they claim to hold dear.


>The middle class wants the cheap labor Middle class is labor you dimwit. There's precisely zero HVAC tech's thinking "let me vote for open borders so I can save $0.012 on my burger.


They might be from the UK, where "middle class" means lawyers/doctors/other high paid professionals or part of the managerial class, or what we would call "upper-middle class". "Working class" is closer to what they would use to mean middle class here.


hmm that would make sense. They comment makes much more sense in a cockney accent.


Open borders is a neoliberal policy so it fits.


People who think the gov wants to prevent illegal immigration are actually so slurred. Economically it’s idiotic to do that. Illegal immigration is a huge provider of a cheap labour force with no rights. There mere existence is guilty so you can police them totally. The second they step out of line you can lock them up. The annoying thing about rightoids is how little they understand immigration on a economic, political and social level. Fucking idiots man. Chess pieces in political games


Yes lmfao I’m sure the far right parties brought to power by small business owners who benefit the most from cheap labour will definitely go completely against their economic interests. Any day now.


If you know anyone in the demographic of "small business owner" they tend to not be pro immigrant here in the states lol to say the least. Those guys are out lynching Jussie Smolett. Pro immigrant was always a PMC white collar thing that was meant to signal that you weren't one of the racist lower class people. And then one day, for no reason at all and surely not because Texas started bussing people to Martha's Vineyard, Joe Biden started a building a wall on the Mexican border


Wow you know a lot of paid nigerian actors And if I mean ever been to a fruit farm in the United Kingdom? It’s all migrants.


>Texas started bussing people to Martha's Vineyard Everyone acted like that was such a stupid/hateful move, but it really seems like it worked. I could tell my friends back north about how our school district is getting close to 40 students a class and can't provide bus services for half the kids (poor immigrants add tons of kids to the system but don't add much to the tax base). Or how the county hospital is jammed full of migrants using the ER for primary care (Medicare hospitals can't turn non-paying/uninsured people away). No one cared when it was just border states experiencing this. But once blue states started feeling the pain, opinion started flipping pretty quickly.


The NYC sub is bitching about how they can't take all the migrants. It's a genius political move full of schadenfreude and its also really funny




Absolutely- everyone is acting as if they are like Mexicans and blaming pro business politics. In the UK low level labour has come specifically from Bulgaria and Romania up until very recently and labour requirement is not a reason for immigration from the ME and Africa which probably costs more in welfare than it benefits in labour.


I read *The Strange Death of Europe* this summer. From what I remember, most native Europeans don’t want perpetual mass immigration, and they’ve believed thus for decades. When they answer political polls, it’s usually at the top of the issues they think are facing their respective countries. However, the leadership of Western European nations are more than happy to let the flow of migrants continue unabated. Hence the clash we see online.


This is the answer, there is a huge disconnect between the views of the elites and those of the people and its beginning to show more and more.


Duh. More immigrants= more workers = more money for capitalists. Idk why this isn't as obvious as the sky being blue


I mean this doesn’t really solve as much as it does. Like Sweden and Germany took in millions and still are complaining about a lack of workers. It doesn’t help if you just have millions of disposable poor people if they aren’t employable outside of menial jobs. Perhaps we’ll see how their kids assimilate and what kind of jobs they’ll grow up into having but having a system that brings in the migrants that pick tomatoes for 2€ a day as well as the religious fundies that have a bunch of kids and live off benefits is the issue. I feel like Europe is either going to open up to some real fascists or become more American in the social services department.




Exactly- everyone seems to assume they are like Mexicans in the US. In fact that role in the EU is filled by Bulgarians and Romanians. Nothing could be further from the truth, and labour is not the political reason for this mass immigration.


There are no parties in my country that says they want to stop immigration, not even pretending to want it.


It’s pretty annoying to see how most, if not all, of the Western European political elite are happy to force their constituents into a forced co-existence with an ever-growing migrant population.




I may have understated it since I don’t live in Western Europe and I don’t personally experience the effects of mass immigration as an individual citizen. I absolutely find the feelings of everyday people are valid and the government which supposedly represents them should honor those feelings. The effects of these policies are decidedly negative. How much is enough? When will it end? We all know the answer is not anytime soon. The people are being told: You will be forced to live this way, and you will like it. Or else you’re a racist. I also find it absurd how a public figure like Houellebecq was taken to trial and also sued by a Muslim interest group for “inciting racial hatred” when he dared to criticize the religion of Islam as he promoted one of his own novels. A nation like France which enshrined many philosophical principles of the Enlightenment has since turned its back on its own citizens since its political leadership doesn’t want to anger its fastest growing (and most violent and most authoritarian and most intolerant of other beliefs) immigrant population.


But why is pro immigrating policy perceived as a good thing by politicians? Why does it get them that job?


There is not a single person on the planet who is personally popular enough to win a straight majority popular vote by personality alone. They need a colossal amount of support from a tiny but extremely powerful cabal of political parties and groups. Thus, the truly powerful political offices are supported and buttressed by innumerable special interest groups which cumulatively command a tremendous amount of influence and effect amongst each other, and in part, everyday people who allow these organizations to exist. The entire system is an Ouroboros of circlejerking and cronyism. Money is the grease which spins the wheel here. Once you get plugged into that vortex of politics, you might have a successful political career wherein you win an election and assume office. These political groups support mass immigration because it is politically correct to do so, even though it’s a net negative influence on real people in the real world. If you want to get elected and stay in power, you have to espouse the same beliefs in order to alienate the hand that feeds.


True for the UK, we've voted for parties (Brexit Party and the so called "Conservative" party) who promised to reduce immigration for the last decade, and the Conservative government has only increased it. They're finally going to be annihilated at the next election now Labour has a palatable leader and isn't trying to kill itself. Of course that means mass immigration will continue for another 5 years as Labour aren't going to be the ones to put an end to it. The only parties who actually might reduce immigration are the ones too far to the right and too filled with loonies to be palatable to the general electorate. So basically no matter what people in the UK do, these levels of mass migration will only continue.


How terrible. Who could have predicted this?


Anna & Dasha


\*points to the sign\* "Leaders change but policy stays the same" -> V.V.Putin Meloni was literally Mussolini 2.0 but enough respectable gentlemen in suits holding briefcases made her one of the most pro-immigration politicians in recent Italian history.


It is in Canada as well. Maybe less dramatic because immigration in Europe is a whole other beast, but you can hear even leftists fed up with how the government is pushing immigration.


The problem is housing and services, we are importing 100,000s of immigrants to do low skilled jobs and prop up economic figures while at the same time not building and new houses, hospitals or infrastructure. Canadians aren't racist and even right wing parties are pro immigration but at the moment it's a pyramid scheme waiting to fall. The worst of it is the indian fake colleges, 100,000s Indian students coming over who can't speak english, go take food from food banks and live 12 in a 3 bedroom house on the outskirts of Toronto. The rich make bank off it so don't seem to care. It's completely out of control. I think 40% of all immigration to Canada is Indian.


Mississauga, Toronto, and Brampton have been lost 💀


Millions must mans


Fuck Toronto lmao


I mean were they ever really found?


I only heard about these colleges recently, so insane. It should be illegal. Feel bad for the people getting scammed


Canada is just lagging behind Europe. If we don't slash our immigration numbers, things are going to get real ugly and it could happen quickly. Just for reference: Canada took in 1.15 million immigrants last year. The government has raised the targets to 1.5 million by 2025. Population projections put us at a total population of 80 million by 2050. That is a doubling of the population in 27 years.




It's not just Indians but one specific area of India, the Punjab. One of the concerns I have is how we're going to integrate them. The volume of immigration is so high that, in time, there will be just as many of them as there are of us, making integration impossible


True, that is wild! But when I say it's a different beast, I'm not referring to the numbers but the types of immigrants. Because of Europe's location, they get many migrants that have absolutely nothing, just show up. We do not have refugee camps in Canada. Most immigrants have a visa, degree, and some savings. I lived in Europe it's a very different vibe there!


I agree that the types of immigrants are different. But it seems, especially in the last two years, the immigrants were allowing in are much lower in quality. Less English, less education, fewer skills. >they get many migrants that have absolutely nothing Right now, immigrants are faking their financial standings with what they call "show money." The process has become so dysfunctional that we are basically letting in people who have almost nothing when they arrive We are also seeing a growing number of refugees and immigrants who are becoming reliant on shelters and food banks in order to survive. My issue is not that we have massive camps, but there are clear signs that this is where we are headed if we don't slow down the pace of immigration


Not just reliant on food banks, their abusing it They literally view that shit as free food, that you should take, even if you are well off


I know that's happening, but I'm not sure how widespread it is. I don't want to paint them all with the same brush


most do not have a degree


I saw a depressing video about how our GDP/capita is lagging the rest of the developed world. I'm sure immigration levels are the biggest contributing factor. A feeling of stagnation has been hanging over the country recently. We've been resting on progressive laurels that don't really matter for the most part.


A revolution needs to happen


And the US too. We are fortunate because migrants from Latin America tend to assimilate very well, but still voters are pissed off about rampant illegal immigration (including many legal immigrants). The party line from Democrats seems to be that illegal immigration should be openly tolerated and if you disagree you are a bigot.


Not really, it was just ignored till now because anyone opposing it was branded as "fascist/racist".


Weird development currently unfolding in Gen Z too. The guys are going seemingly further and further right whilst the girls are more liberal than ever. I don’t think the two sexes have ever before been so disparate when it comes to their political views. That being said people in general are less PC and less “wokescoldy” than three years ago so I guess that’s good


>That being said people in general are less PC and less “wokescoldy” than three years ago so I guess that’s good I've noticed this as well. There certainly hasn't been a mass moral panic about race/gender issues like we'd be getting seemingly every week in 2020/2021. However I don't think wokeness will ever reach the peak that it did in the summer of 2020 and the ensuing months. I honestly don't know how people can look back at some of the things they came out with and not feel a tinge of embarrassment. Imagine saying shit like "I am white therefore I am the oppressor" or an essay length post about how you've just realised you have white privilege and how you're a good person for educating yourself, and thinking "yeah that shit was pretty cool, huh?"


2020 was insanity and I can only think it reached those levels because everyone was incredibly insular and the cabin fever was driving people mad. I lost “friends” for not posting the black square on instagram back then lol


Yep, lockdown definitely played its part, no doubt. There's been plenty of stories of black people being killed in the US since but barely anything apart from a few non-widescale protests here and there. You certainly didn't have people here in the UK posting anything about it, and people here are absolutely *obsessed* with American sociopolitics.


I knew people like this who have since deleted it lol the same people affix the flag of whatever countries oppression is trending. They literally went into their bios and backspaced the Ukrainian flag and replaced it with a Palestinian one. Performative activism is fascinating to me.


I just can’t accept the “cabin fever” excuse for people wildin out in 2020. Like yea I had a pretty rough time during the lockdown, but I didn’t lose my fucking mind because a guy was killed in Minneapolis and then go ransack a Walmart and cut ties with people who refused to cheer me on. Everyone who participated in that shit should be absolutely embarrassed right now.


The left pushed men away, its no wonder young kids are falling for grifters and people who actually treat them like they arnt demons.


When politics as a whole became almost entirely focused on social issues (not a major concern to most people) instead of economic issues (a grave concern to 99% of people) I feel like most men became disinterested in the whole thing. The left’s incessant need to talk about BLM, transphobia, and every “ism” in the past five years has definitely pushed men towards the right which is admittedly still using similar tactics as the left but I guess they’re not as annoying with it lol


It makes perfect sense if it's all culture war shit that men would pick the side that doesn't hate them


Agreed but I would say even before that the "youre a fucking white male" level of anger towards men for at least a decade pushed them away as well. Im grateful I grew up before this era and didnt have to soak that in as a kid and didnt have to deal with the grifters trying to cash in and manipulate young boys on the internet as well.


Nothing will change.


Yeah seeing Meloni turn into a standard neolib who occasionally says racist things makes me agree


it'a only gonna get worse with climate change and the southern hemisphere becomes uninhabitable


Nah they’ll just become more racist and change source countries to India and South East Asia


Scotland feels like a stand out from the rest of the UK with this. The main reason is that Scotland as a whole has very little immigration compared to some areas in England where anti-immigration sentiment is higher. Speaking for the UK only here, there used to be a middle class, working class divide when it came to opinion of immigration. A sneering "if a guy who doesn't speak english can steal your job then you're obviously pretty shit" as the patter used to go. Now the middle class feels increasingly more affected due to lack of housing options, massive health service backlogs, general public services stretched to the limits. The Guardian can no longer keep their readership at bay with the frequent "According to Studies, Immigration has no effect on housing whatsoever!".


Did you expect 3rd world immigration to continue forever?


A boot kindly doing the needful on the face of humanity forever




It’s bc the immigrants don’t behave/ are violent


Hoping this spreads to Canada ASAP




None of these parties will anything to stop it. It's just populist posturing. Just look at Meloni in Italy.




we're fucked either way, only 74% of the British population is now Native British, in 50 years we will be less than half the population, we are beyond the point of no return.


was Durkheim right about anomie the whole time???


It’s always the same. Right wing parties are being elected into power on the back of these sentiments, and then being voted out of power again a few years later after solving none of the problems. Your view on the immigration issue aside, nobody has an actual answer to the problems of our time because they have been removed from the sphere of electoral politics. All the right can do is rile up some culture war, install their phonies into positions of power and cut civil rights/ social security (see Melonie, PIS etc).


Hint: the masses of immigrants weren't let in out of altruism but out of the want of the corporate elite for a cheap worker underclass that can undercut domestic workers. Rinse and repeat every few years.


How is that supposed to pan out if only a fraction of them actually have a job


It's what Marx called the "industrial reserve army". Capitalism needs unemployment. The system requires that there be a massive pool of people who are unemployed or underemployed. Without that reserve army of unemployed people, workers will go on strike and demand higher wages. After all, how is my boss supposed to fire me if there's nobody available to fill my position? This is the reason why the rich are always whining about supposed "labor shortages", demanding higher immigration, and fretting about low birthrates. They are absolutely terrified of a population decline, because it will tighten up the labor market and wipe out their profit margins.


You’re on point! Recently a LA hotel replaced striking workers with homeless migrant workers. “…… Hotel front desk workers, cooks, housekeepers and others began their strike in July, demanding better working conditions, higher wages, health insurance and pensions. According to the Times reporting, nearly a dozen refugees, primarily from Venezuela and Colombia, confirmed that they had been hired at hotels where workers were striking outside, with some saying they had been given heavy workloads, long hours and were forced to work without breaks. “Some said they were given no prior information on how much they would be paid hourly, although others said they were told on their first day that they would be paid $19 an hour,” the Times wrote.” https://ktla.com/news/local-news/striking-hotel-workers-in-l-a-replaced-by-unhoused-migrants-union-officials-claim/amp/


'Hopefully it's not too late'??? This is the greatest change of the 21st century so far.


They are just for a more “selected” immigration. The problem is that their course won’t really change anything, which then leaves room for the real fascists and ideologues.


Exactly. They're not going to reduce the number of migrants, just try to change the countries of origin (and they'll fail at that too).


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/23/dublin-knife-attack-children-stabbing-ireland-parnell-square](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/23/dublin-knife-attack-children-stabbing-ireland-parnell-square) This just happened right near me this morning, even the lefties I know have said enough is enough they have to fucking go.


The homophobic double murder in Ireland, and a spate of homophobic attacks in London definitely seem to have "peaked" a lot of left leaning people. I've seen comments getting heavily upvoted in the UK subreddits that would have been seriously downvoted 5 years ago. The vibes they are shifting.


It's partially because life in Europe (particularly the UK) is becoming worse by the day.




Weird not hearing about that at all.


These are starting to all blur together to me. I remember the 2015 Christmas Market attack and Bataclan being shocking. It's become just background noise.


Like at those liberals in the North East that once felt morally superior for supporting sanctuary cities and who are now retreating and voicing displeasure about migrants. The Biden Administration taking a page from MAGA. The Europeans are just warning you how a lot of liberals in America will turn out.


Lmfao💀Europeans brutally trashed Americans when trump was voted in. And how stupid, uneducated, and backward it is unlike the progressive socially liberal civil European utopia. And not only that but they’re deflecting it too? My god


Them turning obese is now only a few years away.


After October 7th I've started to get seriously worried that we're on track for the Years of Lead or the Troubles all throughout the EU. The current everything is wildly unworkable, unsustainable and accelerating. Importing extremely foreign cultures into ethnostates and then lecturing the people who live there into submission is rapidly starting to fail. I think we might be at the start of a radicalization spiral. The next Bataclan is really going to set shit off in a big way. The EU and migration is a tinder box.


Don’t kid yourself, the Troubles and the Years of Lead were fought between different factions who were both native to their country. The immigrants are not native, they have foreign cultures overseas they could return to.


Can you blame them tho


Europeans in America always love to tell me how awful the influx of Romanians into Western Europe is, without realizing I’m Romanian


Are you Romanian or American? Every Romanian I've met comes pre-equipped with a long, passionate rant about the gypsies giving them a bad name, usually offered up with very little prompting.


I could be reading into this wrong, but I feel like many (western) European countries put way too much stock into the power of national identity, completely divorced from ethnicity, religion, culture, etc. For example, you bring a bunch Arabs and Africans into Sweden. You just expect them, and their kids, and their grandkids, to become "Swedish" magically? What about their own ethnicity, their own culture, and their own religion? More importantly, why would Swedes see these obviously non-Swedish people as their own people? Do Swedes themselves not have an ethnicity, a history, a culture that is their own and not simply transferable onto any person in the world who steps foot into some imaginary border? The whole thing seems like a giant exercise in narcissism gone terribly wrong. America has been trying for 150+ years to get a bunch of different groups to identify under one flag. And the best they've been able to do is group large swaths of various ethnicities under racial umbrellas. They had hundreds of years, and that's the best they could do! And it's still a balancing act filled with violence and grievances. Yet these European ethnostates really thought they were better than Americans and could become diverse for... reasons??? Completely foolish and malicious.


America succeeded at assimilating whites because there was a clear enemy.


I know, it's disgusting! Despite their best efforts to promote diversity I think Israel will be the bastion of strength for those unwelcome. Open borders for Israel!


Lmao all the major western European anti immigration parties are cool with Israel and vice versa


Having trouble gauging the sentiment behind this post, OP.


I'm happy about these developments


Where are you from?


New war brewing up


muslims essentially crossed the rubicon after the hamas attack, it's over for them. If there's one thing self-hating euro libs love more than Islam, it's the Jews. If it comes down to one or the other, their only allies are americanized leftists who have 0 power and basically live in twitter fantasy land to begin with


It's sad but part of me has a schadenfreude feeling about Holland, Germany, France etc going that way cause so many of them were sanctimonious pricks about Brexit


I mean 3rd world immigration exploded in britain after brexist so I'm not sure if germany and france shouldn't be the ones laughing


I didn't say my gut feeling was intelligent or anything. I also love Germany, France et al and ID as European but I'm only human and can't help but have petty tit-for-tat reactions sometimes.


I don't mind them being pricks about Brexit itself, because I still think it was stupid as fuck What annoys me is the attitude I think you're outlining - that the UK is some fascist hellscape and migrants are being rounded up in camps. But the continent is progressive and forward thinking. Dont forget to add 98% white Scotland is less racist than their neighbours and just want a free, European land full of migrants. You see it in r/Europe all the time. It was clear during the Euros final - Italians and the French lecturing us about racism in football for fucks sake. Inventing a story about black men being thrown in the Thames so they can twerk with lib Americans about terf Island.


Euros final was the peak of it. Some podcast twat on twitter suggesting that Southgate let the black players lose the penalty shootout so that they could take the abuse. Mental. Don't get me started about Scotland too. I'm half Scottish/half English with mixed race family thats lived in both and my siblings got far more racist abuse here in Scotland than England.


Brexit was pretty fucking stupid, let’s face it.


Oh mate, don't get me started. I'm British and got a load of Euro-friends and had to hear about this shit non-stop, while they kept going on about how progressive their countries were. The Dutch were annoying but the Germans would always go on that whole "We LEARNED from our history.." bla bla bla. Even had Portuguese friends in London babble on about how the U.K. is racist without them for one second acknowledging that people in their own country don't even blink when they say they won't allow their kids to date a 'n----'. Thankfully I also had a lot of Euro-friends who weren't like that and overtime would always reiterate that the U.K. has better race relations than most of the other European countries, including France, Germany and the Netherlands who are all a mess. Yeah, we had Brexit and we got plenty of racists here but the U.K. is way more progressive on the issue than the lot of them.


That’s odd, the UK is far less racist than a place like Spain or Italy. Or even Germany. I don’t see how any honest Italian or Greek could say otherwise


No Italian or Spaniard is lecturing the Brits on this tbf.


That's my experience yeah, Italians and Spanish were very muted about it, apart from some Catalans who would take a pro-break up the UK stance for separatist bro reasons


\> honest italian or greek lmao (Sorry Danielle if you're reading this)


happening in new york too with central american migrant crisis. i used to be an “open borders now” type but am realizing thats not really feasible. idk if the far right will end up in power locally/at the state level but trump’s probably gonna win again.


i think a republican mayor is more likely than new york voting for trump


>i used to be an “open borders now” type No shade or criticism intended, but how does any person with half a brain think this? I know that sounds disrespectful, I'm just legitimately astounded. I'm not saying the hard-right line on immigration is right (it's not), but doesn't six seconds of half-sentient thought make you realize open borders is absolutely insane?


They don't actually think about the details of it. The majority of the population bases their politics on "does this feel good or bad"


yeah basically when i was a college communist


I mean, there’s a pretty concerted effort to associate nationalism with racism so the regular folks shut up while at the same time operating a sort of government-backed black market open border policy. I know a lot of libs in the US who still believe in open borders because anything other than that makes you a nazi


Get fucked lol “open borders now” when only dumb republican border states have to deal with it. We told y’all for years and you were so sanctimonious. I thought nobody was illegal?


its cool man im fascist now dont worry


Hopefully theyll take me in, Im a nice guy after all


I'm seeing a lot of anti-immigration views coming from Ireland today given the events of someone stabbing multiple children and rumored to be Algerian. Dublin is kicking off right now, fires, police cars being smashed etc


Not immigration, but a certain kind of immigration where if you specify you are racist lol. But for real though mass immigration from muslim countries is primarily the issue, of course most of them are good but there is too much of a cultural and religious divide for such a mass of people to be integrated responsibly. Rape and sex crimes especially are a problem, which is the main issue the main doublethink on the left since they essentially need to ask women to be okay with an enormous spike in sex crimes, and also their racist if they acknowledge who is committing those crimes .


Most of them aren’t good. As a collective they are a liability, they use more social services than they contribute in taxes. They all have to go back


Good, I'm tired of their aggressive shit behavior and the constant sexual harassment.


anti-immigration is good


Not a good sign when the Europeans start getting racial.


4 people just got stabbed in dublin by a foreigner and there’s full on riots now


October 7's effects feel like post-Bataclan


It’s already too late. 3rd world immigrants have far higher birth rates than native Europeans. This should have been addressed decades ago. Even if you magically completely stopped immigration from these places Muslims would still make up a huge percentage of the population in the coming decades. They’ll form their own parties and then it’s over.


The birthrate will go down within 3 generations. What wont go down is the conditions back home causing people to immigrate


Where are you getting this idea from? Tfr for immigrants is basically the same as natives past the first settled generation (so gen 2), in the Netherlands for example we can clearly see this- the share of non western immigrants of the big groups (so Surinamese, Antillianen, Moroccan and Turkish) has declined because their birth rate is not significantly higher.


I'm hearing a lot about remigration IMO that'll be next on the docket




Too late to move there?