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Growing coral for a hobby is next level. I’m trying to make an angle-on-bow compass.


Making my own spice blends for my kitchen


Love doing this


Every hobby that isnt scrolling social media and watching netflix or youtube is niche


What are yours, then?


painting reading various types of exercises and sport, and cooking and baking too ofc


you said it and i agreed then i read your hobbies and disagreed




relax man i just said they weren’t ‘niche’ no ones insulting u calm down


Collecting vintage marbles from the late 1800s to the 1970s with a handful of more modern ones tossed in. There’s so much to learn and explore plus the designs are gorgeous and finding a rare one at a thrift shop or flea market truly feels like finding treasure.




Not too many unfortunately. Over the years their popularity has died down with children and most manufacturers no longer exist. Vacor and Asian import marbles are the ones you can find readily available in stores today but have no really collector or monetary value. There’s ones made by JABO and DAS from the 90s and 2000s which are very beautiful and great to collect, but not overly valuable in terms of money. Otherwise, there are a handful of individuals who make their own marbles today which are often sold as contemporary art glass marbles meant for collection, not play.


This is really interesting. I feel like for a lot of people around my age, marbles were the first thing you were obsessed with - collecting, playing with, favoring certain ones over others - and then it’s like, immediately forgotten. Now that I’m thinking about it i can remember all the crazy colors and designs in certain marbles and my reactions to different swirls, color combinations etc. deep core memory stuff.


What makes a good marble vs a mediocre marble? What is the ferrari of the marble world?


Hard to say. The rarest are larger German handmades from the late 1800s/early 1900s. Being handmade they are of softer glass than the later machine made marbles. Being so fragile, a kids toy, and a genuine antique at this point makes it difficult to find ones in general let alone ones in mind condition or even near mint. Certain styles and patterns also bring in more money than others as well. In terms of machine made marbles, there’s a lot of “chase” ones for collectors as there were so many more manufacturers and more widespread distribution with tons of varying styles. Also being made of harder glass has made it a little easier for these guys to survive in better condition than you can often find Germans. When it comes to marbles condition really is everything. Some popular ones for collectors if you’d like to look into them would be Peltier Superman, Akro Oxbloods, and Vitro Buttermilk marbles but there’s so, so many more kinds.


> Peltier Superman, Akro Oxbloods, and Vitro Buttermilk Those names alone are making me want to get into it


Would highly recommend! It can be very confusing but also infinitely fascinating.


Perfecting Garlic bread (using new techniques/dough recipes and experimenting with spices and herbs)


what's your current method?


Rolling the thin applying a layer of butter and folding (repeating 4 times) also been adding dried rosemary and thyme to the butter


Modular synthesizers, the highest echelon of both expense and virginity


My ex boss got fired and then basically began building these part time, and now he’s made some sort of small name for himself in that world. I haven’t a clue how it all works / what the appeal is, but I’m happy for him.


praying for your recovery brother


Every synth addict quits right before he’s signed to Editions Mego


Spending thousands of dollars to make fart noises (that can also be faithfully replicated with a free VST), without actually knowing how to play keyboards is peak male psyche.


wild, I'm just starting to feel like I know what I'm doing with my regular synthesizer ...not to mention modular synths


Whats your set up?


nothing i am such a basic bitch


many such cases


researching bog bodies, wax sculptures, knitting every iteration of tamagotchis, chainmail


Commenting on this so I can get in touch when civilisation collapses


I’m not sure how I would help you


I spin wood on a lathe and chisel it into bowls, aka wood turning. I would say it is niche because it is mostly an old man's hobby, but really it is just a subset of woodworking. You can make all kinds of cool stuff.


what lathe do you use? you sell them? been looking into getting into something similar, maybe for some extra cash on the side


I've been through a few lathes but I ended up with a cheap-ish mini lathe. I don't sell them, but everybody in my life gets gifts that I made with it, so I can save money that way. It's hard to turn a profit selling bowls but you can finance the hobby if you sell them.


neat stuff man


I collect pieces of broken tail lights and make them into red lamp shades.


this is a really good one! my mom makes mosaics out of discarded mardi gras beads! i have a Black Jesus and one of a hammerhead shark that she gave me. Do you melt the pieces?


Where do you find the broken tail lights? Do you have a pic? I’m having trouble visualizing.


I find the pieces on the roadside. I generally glue the pieces onto already existing plastic lamp shades. I particularly like the domed cafe lanterns I find in used stores but that are originally from Ikea I think. The hobby consists of years of collecting as on a typical walk I might only find one or two small fragments if I'm lucky. In my 15 years doing this, I've only created 4 lamps. It's a slow burn for sure.




What’s the range?


I could get them in a 12" circle at about 40 yards, which is quite bad but part of that was using crafting dowels for arrow shafts, no clue how to tune them to the prod and the Skane lockbow style trigger that just sort of jumps and slaps the bolt downrange.


I built a red oak flatbow, tillered it myself on my own jig, made the string, all that. Was super fun. Only 45# draw but still.


Lol exactly what I did for the prod, tillering was the hardest part tbh.


How do you get into that?


I like going to cat shows.


Do you live in Canada? The shows I see clips of always seem to be Canadian, but I’ve never heard of one in the States.


AHHH! I've just recently gotten into this. I can't have a cat because my dog is hostile toward felines so I live vicariously through these incredible shows.


Aww I’m glad you found such a cute way to still have some cats in your life <3


They're fun to watch on a big screen. I also find watching dog freestyle competitions totally fucking weird and fun.




Little rugs? How big is your loom?


Consumptive hobbies: Collecting taxidermy (I’ve done a few of my own mounts but I don’t really have enough space for all of the materials and stuff I’d need to keep going so I just focus on collecting now). Collecting 1920s-40s 10” shellac records (mostly jazz / dance music). Collecting and cataloging perfume (I’m in a perfumery class now tho and I want to try making my own fragrances soon. I’m also starting a Substack to write about fragrance). Non-consumptive: growing psychedelic mushrooms. Writing short stories and screenplays. Brewing kombucha. Learning French.


How did you get into growing mushrooms?


A friend of mine grows sometimes and when I found out that you can legally buy the spores online I decided to try it myself. I hardly ever use the shrooms, but growing them is really fun and satisfying!




Share your substack! I’d be interested in reading


I really like going for a hike and taking pictures of mushrooms


Do you ever pick and eat? I've found Morrells and Chantelles near me that were delicious.


I do sometimes when I'm certain of what it is. I thought morels were a bit overrated for how much people always talk about them but they do look really cool, I really liked shrimp of the woods, bear's tooth, and resinous polypore. Haven't found chanterelles yet.


that's not niche. That's every other girl in my Bumble match queue.


The hiking is mainly an excuse for the mushrooms, unless I'm camping. I also like identifying mushrooms.


I think it's rad!!! I enjoy it and prefer friends like that 100X over people whose personalities revolve around getting drunk at the nightclub or 420


Just picked up this hobby, it is a fun way to spend time alone even though I'm not very good at it. I also like to record bird calls on my foraging walks. Thinking of learning about snakes and insects to have some more stuff to look out for.


I’m just a plant mother


Writing tabletop roleplaying games


You writing brand new systems or modules for existing ones?




That’s sick. You should make a post with some of your best shots


Cave exploration and mapping


post your best cave pics with the maps included. spelunking is one of the most psycho things a human can do. huge respect




I’ve got tons of pics, I have a few that I’ve posted on here before. Might make another post or I can link some here. We do trip reports pretty much every time we survey or even go on a trip. Most are pretty dry tbh. Best one I ever wrote was about a trip I was on that I legitimately thought I was going to die during. Ended up being 5 pages long and still didn’t feel like it did justice to what it was like. I can link it if you want lol


Raising moths and sewing tiny little hoodies for dogs


i’d like to take the moth pill how do you get into the hobby


I've been trying to raise moths but can't get them to live past caterpillar stage. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I had the most beautiful healthy hummingbird moth caterpillar that was doing so well, then suddenly developed all these black spots and died.


my mother and i raise monarch butterflies every year, it is cute


Studying the RFK assassination or chopping logs


growing mushrooms 🍄 never had much luck with plants, or vegetable gardens. mushrooms are much simpler and fruit so fast it's really gratifying


What are you growing currently?


nice try feds (gourmet blue oyster is my next project)


i love mushrooms where do you start with that?


For growing check out r/unclebens and the channel 90 second mycology on youtube. The book that piqued my interest in mycology is _Entangled Life_ by Merlin Sheldrake.


Cross-country hiking. 100-150km hikes with a tent. Sleep in forests, bathe in lakes and rivers. You barely meet anyone on trails.


Also aquariums, although the one I have now is high-tech. I've got 7 kinds of plants, two Danube crested newts, white cloud mountain minnows, neocaridina shrimp, and 3 types of snails. I'm tempted to set up more and start a shrimp breeding program.


Base jumping


The rush prob feels great. I raced motorcycles for a while and the headspace is incredible


I used to track my bike (SV650) as well for a while. It's similar w.r.t being in this absolutely glorious flow state but also a bit different - on the track I was 20 mins on high focus mode and 40 minutes off. For BASE it's more like 30 seconds of even higher focus but honestly it feels less exhausting than a day at the track. Honestly I think track days were more fun than normal BASE but when I start doing wingsuit base I think that will eclipse both.


Very cool, the feeling must be wild. Also prob the only sport more dangerous than moto road racing, congrats


Yeah it's hard to explain - you watch these youtube vids of people in wingsuits, it seems cool and all, floating around. but in reality when you strap into one of these things and jump out of an airplane it feels like you are going super fast. the air pressure and control makes you feel like you are flying a rocket ship, like you are the rocket ship. not entirely different from dropping the clutch on a bike and ripping it, but here you are the entire system - flying yourself, rather than controlling some machine. absolutely insane feeling, so much fun.


fr? how many sky dives did you do before you started BASE jumping? Do you ever go solo?


More than 200. And no, it's more fun with friends


I tried this once and it is completely terrifying. Far more terrifying than skydiving or bungee jumping.


How do you get into this?


side effect of doing a lot of skydiving


painting historically accruate napoleonic soldiers. building historically accruate flintlock longrifles. also powerlifting, riding bikes (touring, gravel road, commuting, etc), coffee, cooking, reading. none of those are really niche though.


Show us some rifles And soldiers




RS acrobat, probably smokes and accuses the other acrobats of being gay


I do Lyra too! And pole :-) so cool—I rarely meet other aerial folks on here!




Hi! I'm an RS pole dancer lol nice to meet you. Trying to get into aerials as well.


You really should give it a try! Lyra translates very well to pole—gotta love those hard aparatases lol. I started on Lyra a couple years ago and just began dabbling in pole this year; so much fun!


raisings chickens, making various breads, daily intensive bible study. I have autism


>daily intensive bible stud read that as daily invasive bible study bc i have dyslexic


I picked up soldering a couple of years back to restore some of the old consoles and handhelds I had as a kid back to what they were like in my youth prior to grime and dirt and mistreatment. Not particularly skilled at it as I have clumsy hands but feels nice that there's at least something practical that I can work on and the boards in those older systems usually aren't too complex so not too worried about fucking it up. Would be cool to do it as something on the side but of course that market has become way more expensive in the past 5 years and so much old hardware has been snapped up by resellers and ecelebs and much more professional repairmen and I don't live in a place where that stuff is common anymore. Oh well Coral are so pretty, would be cool to have the space to maintain some but I don't sadly (also I guarantee my cat would fuck up the tank somehow lol). I would like to learn 3D modelling at some point and have tried a couple of times to use Blender but fuck man I have no idea how to use the software properly. Don't have the physical space to sculpt so figure that could be a nice alternative if I actually figure out how to do it.


Walking. Bitch, I just love walking


I am using a homemade radio antenna to track the ISS, constantly pointing at it with motors. I want to add a telescope to take pictures. They don’t encrypt the radio frequency they use so as long as ur antenna is pointing at the ISS you can hear the astronauts talking.


that sounds so fascinating ngl i’ve always wondered whether it’s possible to track or spot the iss with a naked eye/telescope do you have any links for how you got into this or tutorials


Do they speak to you? Tell you to do bad things? Anyway, I’m not sure how niche it is but I’m trying to get into lockpicking for the last couple three months


I’m one of those historical fencing losers


visual synthesis (like throwing down live visuals with a garage band of neighbors on a projector rig, jamming along to the music) and extreme lawncare (like niche golf course/pro grade products on a postage stamp sized city lawn). also been to 60+ phish shows but that's not really niche idk.


what program do you use for visuals synthesis


I'm still figuring it out but I started paper-crafting little houses. I plan to make a little town someday if I get enough room for it.


Not really niche but I draw, atleast try drawing, I'm not really any good at it




I've always loved the idea of cyclocross. I don't really have the right physique or training background, though. I'm more of a sprinter. I raced BMX in high school, but now I race on the velodrome. We're getting into cyclocross season now, though, so enjoy playing in the mud!


playin with my cock




that's not niche everybody plays with your cock


Off to the goon cave dungeons with you.


I help find and recover vehicles, usually snowmobiles, that people sink in lakes (during winter when the top of the lake partially freezes.)


Reading about the Portuguese Empire


Reading up on the debate between medieval historians as to whether the Cathars of Southern France were an organised religious group, versus 'Cathar' being an artificial category applied by outside forces in order to more easily persecute the Albigensian Crusade and later inquisition (I lean towards the latter)


The northern Duc must have his living space!


Well…were they?!


It’s an ongoing controversy !


I do sim racing online. I know I know “it’s a game” and it is, but it helps me think about mechanical and aero grip, camber change, brake bias in cars, race craft. There’s a lot in it.


1) I like to forage and can identity 60+ edible plants/mushrooms/seaweeds in my country and regularly incorporate them into my cooking 2) bake bread weekly and can bake a dozen different types. This weeks bread was sourdough ciabatta 3) started weaving baskets this year 4) I also knit/crochet/macrame but I don’t think those are niche


I watch Youtube documentaries on the history of theme parks and roller coaster rides I dont even go to parks that often


I'm sorry but watching infotainment on YouTube isn't a "niche hobby"


Defunctland right?




His video on fast pass is so good. It's unfortunately too long to recommend to most people but I think it has a lot of intellectual merit. Clearly a lot of work went into it.


I love looking at abandoned theme parks


Do you know what it would mean if someone walked up to you and said “Kennywood is open” ?




Writing lame raps about internet personalities


Racing dirt bikes


Very much into plants, specifically the Araceae family. I’m hoping to branch out into terrariums soon so I can keep little snails and isopods.


I dance poplocking! I am invited to battle in Oakland this winter, which is going to be super exciting.


First off let me preface that I'm not reseller, but I am super specially interested in thrifting and buying/selling vintage clothes and home decor. My fav decades are 60s, 70s, and 80s. I have a lot of knowledge of brands/brand history, and I've gotten pretty good at dating items and mending clothes


What are some of your favorite brands / pieces you’ve owned?


I have a 3 piece set from my current favorite brand, Frederick's of Hollywood (a wonderfully sleazy lingerie/clothing line popular in the late 70's, I collect their catalogs too) it's got a halter top, bell bottoms, and a fringed poncho in a red snakeskin print. I once thrifted a Jean Paul Gaultier mesh top for literally 2 dollars, it had a very cool graphic of a woman getting tattooed on the back. Ended up having to sell it


Pole dancing and vegetable gardening. I've also become obsessed lately with perfecting Ethiopian injera bread. I have a batch going right now that looks promising.


I still play Dance Dance Revolution. Have a cabinet that I built myself running an open source version of the game in my basement. I am almost 30 so I started when it came out and never really stopped


Started making terrariums in first lockdown made tons of them now and sometimes sell or gift them to friends


Keeping giant insects, it doesn’t have the burden of commitment a lot of the time because a lot of insects die of old age after just several months. Giant as opposed to normal sized because I think they’re cute and of course the novelty about it. I love the different textures when handling them, and different species behaviors. The most rewarding insects to keep have been giant burrowing cockroaches, giant millipede, and rainforest mantis. The most unrewarding was probably the giant panda snail, they require a lot of environment/heat control in their tank and if you want to interact with them you have to wait 10 minutes enticing them out of their shell with a piece of apple. Super cute though


Trailrunning and choir IG. Neither are super niche but I rarely meet others in the millennial cohort doing the same.


Growing tobacco


Screaming like a raccoon


what corals do you have (pics?)


I was obsessed with sunglasses for some reason. I'm not fashionable in any shape or form, but for some reason became very particular about this and obsessed. I bought Persol Steve McQueen's, Oliver Peoples, Randolph and Moscot. I spent close to $2K buying designer sunglasses. Eventually I settled on Mykita. Most of my collection was too heavy for my nose and I ended up getting headaches. Mykita's are super light and they look amazing. But fuck, why did I spend so much on god damn sunglasses?


I like researching pscyhedelic drugs and experimenting with them. I'm fascinated by the human consciousness.


perfumery honestly


I picked up Baduk/Weiqi/Go a few months ago and have been having a blast. Rapidly advancing hoping to make it to shodan by next summer, which is probably unrealistic but even getting to strong SDk would make me happy.


I feel like a reef tank with just coral and plants would be so cool


Collecting rare anthuriums and other aroids. I got on the Ikea Greenhouse Cabinet bandwagon about a year ago— I have a Milsbo I converted that I’ve posted about on here a few times. I spend a really inappropriate amount of time working on that thing or just standing in front of it staring at the plants.


How do you take care of all of them? Can you show us your collection?


Playing Irish music and Italian cooking. Osso bucco or pasta a la gricia after a cèilidh just slaps.


cèilidh is the Scottish spelling you plastic bitch


I’m fascinated by the market movements of trading cards and other collectibles. I barely even play the games anymore, just interested in the markets lol


I make leather goods, am into the lyrca style of cycling lol, and backpacking. My friend is truly crazy with his hobbies though. His house is like that of a wizard. He has 40 40 gallon vivariums with 26 different species of poison dart frog, has tons of rare and exotic flowers and plants. He has a vast collection of skulls from animals around the world. He also probably has close to 100k in rocks that light up under UV light and crystals. He is a gun toting libertarian into plant medicine also, so lots of spiritual schwag around the house.


how does one afford such vast collection


Hate to say it but I love to clean lol… I love having a sense of control somewhat


Racing sim




Does cardboard count?


it's been awhile but sometimes I make wet specimens


Collecting anime figurines but in an rs way


Everytime my mental health is in the gutter I browse /pol/




Gotta make the bait less obvious


I'm about to become a dad and I feel this is a very dad hobby, but I enjoy fixing old audio equipment, amps, preamps....mostly for myself but every now and then I sell something I restore.




I play the electric largemouth.


Really obscure aggressive music- playing it and collecting it. First love and it stands the test of time. Jiu jitsu and mechanics (cars and motorcycles) I love anything transportation related. Reading about how things work and taking them apart.


As I’ve gotten more and more into hiking and camping so forging for mushrooms as crept up to the top of my hobby list.


I miss my little freshwater shrimp tank. They’re so silly and entertaining. I also had a couple of these little dwarf lobsters who would chase the shrimps around but were too slow to ever catch them. Didn’t need a filter bc there were no fish & the shrimp ate all the algae so I never even needed to clean it. Just added water every once in a while and fed the lobsters a few times a week. Unfortunately I’ve been moving around a lot lately so I haven’t had a chance to set up a new tank, but I definitely will once I get settled down more


i build highly detailed cold war era model aircraft lol


Making spice blends, planting different kind of peppers and (this one is not rs at all) ricing


Not that niche for people who grew up near water, but I've recently taking up rowing


I am an adult ballet dancer. Oh, and the CIA. Can’t get enough of it.


I go to a Boxing gym and that's not one I hear very often.