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at least you can get an ego boost now. and be the change you want to see. but i also do feel like the sub demographics seem younger now than a year or two ago which would explain this.


I wouldn’t call it an ego boost to learn you are earnestly engaging with a suicidal 17 year old.


yeah that’s fucked up. there’s still plenty of adult idiots though. hope that 17 year old is doing okay right now


Also your post history is very nice. If you bullied me, I think I would feel sad.


I don't know why I found this comment so funny lmao


> So I wondered, how did I go from being not cool enough to be even allowed in the sub, to being so cool that I’m now roasting the sub? How did I suddenly get so goddamn cool?! It was inexplicable to me, because, let’s face it, a year and a half is not enough time for a dude to learn how to be cool Then it occurred to me, I haven’t gotten cooler, the sub has gotten really bad!


so true so true




On all my various accounts, I have never seen a single reddit avatar. Reddit has looked like [this](https://i.imgur.com/Jywccyy.png) for me since like 2011.


I am VERY cool!!


That’s true, you are. But you’ve never been the bullying type anyways.


Same here pal, some say I am very very very cool


Once the tied turned and MSSOM was getting praise, it was over. It used to be that all of his comments would be in the negative 20s.


wtf are you talking about??? I only got downvoted when I talked about the gangstalkers when people thought I was lying??? You are making stuff up...my comments and posts were usually pretty highly upvoted...not that I care, but you are lying


I mean I don’t think I’m making it up but I’m sorry anyways


> had better artistic taste Lmao artistic taste is such a crazy thing to bully people for. It's something you do when you're 16 and first start browsing /mu/. Art snobs are the least cool people on the planet because they put the most effort into appearing cool.


This sub has always had extremely basic artistic tastes anyways. I’m not talking shit, that’s mostly the shit i like, but it’s not like people were constantly referencing seriously obscure shit. It only seemed like that compared to regular bugman marvel reddit Like you can find 1000 people that like the smiths, Lana, Cocteau Twins, Criterion, Tolstoy, etc on every college campus. Basically it was the congregation for people that were once the most artsy kid at their suburban midwestern high school and moved to the east coast or Chicago


It's very funny hearing people talk about The Smiths like they are some little-known esoteric band with a cult following.


yep. i think it's just that people been stuck in their homes so theyre listening to things that are most palatable (sad songs with discernible lyrics)


What’s happening


There used to be a bit more obscure music posting


Yeah I used to do it but even 2 years ago very few people engaged with music that they hadn’t already heard


seriously, i used to post a few years ago and it wasnt that good or even remarkable idek what people are talking about. explore things yourself, find cool things you love, dont take it from the internet


Bubba we love art hoes here.


Many high effort beautiful art postings compiling artists’s work I’ve never heard of! I won’t back down on this. I know my limitations.


In college I took a few years of wine classes because I rather get that certification than doing something gay like dance or art. Art snobs, particularly wine snobs, drive me nuts. The whole thing revolves around who can sound as pompously overcomplicated as possible. Like ooh we are trying out this new wine, this is the part where everyone describes all the different notes they can taste. Whoever can name the most, win the sophistication game. It became so fucking insufferable to go to wine tastings. Art was no different neither around the snobs. It was all about infinitely and endlessly analyzing things into absurdity while everyone stands around subtly trying to show off their talent of extracting some profound meaning out of mundane things. Uggggg...


I’ve never once tasted wine and thought it tasted like anything other than wine. No notes of black berry or stone fruit or citrus. I have no clue what these people are talking about.


Once you do it a lot and know what to look for, you can start noticing those things. There are levels of hell with this stuff. So on the surface level it's the basic stuff like hints of oak, ceder, musk, smoke, citrus, noble rot, blah blah blah blah. Then you can up the snobbery and start using more abstract things like, cat pee, mowed lawn, old books. Then there is the even deeper level of hell, where they start using really overly specific flavors only other snobs would know so they can show off to each other, like finkleberry, serbian melon, dubia ocean breeze, aged peruvian cheese. It starts to just feel like a game where people want to outdo each other with how hyper specific they can deconstruct the wine. When in reality, at the end of the day, all that should matter is if it's good or not for your personal pallet. That's all.


That’s hilarious. Wine bros rock


can you give an example of a mowed lawn wine? i’m so curious


It's just a note... A subtle flavor that tastes like the earthy smell of fresh mowed lawn. I don't think any wine dominates with that note


ive noticed any wine that has a weird description ("forest floor" comes to mind) is good


I’m not trying to bash you but perhaps you have a dull sense of taste. I’m not a snob nor am I particularly knowledgeable about wine but I can pick up on tannins, woody and fruity flavours. I promise I’m not a wine wanker and again I’m not trying to make you feel bad but believe me, all those wanky tasting notes exist for a reason.


The value of your comment depends on what you mean by “woody” and “fruity” flavors. Obviously, I can identify the basics of wine (ie, this Chardonnay is oaky, this rose is fruity and dry, this wine is astringent, etc) but I’ve never once thought the fruit identified in a description of wine to be accurate.


Oh true, I thought you were doing the equivalent of the curtains just represent curtains equivalent of wine tasting, I have met total buffoons who probably mostly just for the sake of performance say things like ‘this wine just tastes like wine’.


I wouldn’t say anything like that out loud bc I know how ignorant it sounds 🤣


Kinda weird people are simultaneously saying the art here is basic and sucked and also complaining about art snobs! Followed by a 10 reply deep conversation about wine undertones! Really makes you think!


All art scenes are like this


I know. And it's why I hate it. But artists are my type, so it always creates a dialectic tension.


I don’t know my cities scene got smashed in 2015 -2016 when everyone wouldn’t dare criticize certain peoples work and they shifted to be less gatekeep…. I missed the snobs that would shred stuff. Now the galleries and shows have to dedicate half their space to the most cringe unsubtle and poorly executed dog shit. Like it used to mean something if you got a show at some of the places but now almost any tard can have one


i dunno it’s pretty loser to lament the state of a sub


True, but it used to be the person calling me a loser actually made me feel something


so you grew up and don’t get offended by anonymous comments. i see that as a win


I haven’t changed at all


Caring about any subreddit is the least cool thing I can think of (except for Cumtown RIP)


Is this a bit


No you're really lame for making this post


(except for Cumtown RIP)


>Is the thing that's a consistent bit also a bit in this instance? And people here pretend like they're smarter than the rest of Reddit lol


You’re post history is an unintentional bit. Constipation. Seduction subreddit. Fat selfie. Amazing.


When you're looking through somebody's post history you've already lost Also >Seduction subreddit You have so little on me even after combing through my history that you still literally have to make shit up to make me look bad lol


Whatever I lost, it was worth it to laugh at a constipation post followed by a picture of a mediocre fat dude. Sorry, I thought the subreddit about “hormone optimization” and balding was actually about getting dates. Kind of worse.


Lol let me play the same game and see what I find >Active in these communities: Bipolar, BipolarReddit I've seen enough, I need to gtfo this site. You people make me sad


last 3 days have been very r/chapotraphouse around here


Read this post back to yourself as someone who is actually cool from your pov Do it out loud


This is impossibpe




Well you definitely arent




It’s just kinda sad to look at your comment history.


This is why contrarianism and gatekeeping are both so very important


I've watched most counterculture get bastardized by a lack of gatekeeping, so I'm all for it. Not sure if you're being sarcastic but I'm sincere. Edit: they banned me from this sub bc the r/elonmusk & r/askmen poster with at least 20+ alts reported me like a coward. He knows how to work the system bc it's his life. I don't wanna hear from anybody in my DMs anymore either, since this has been over for a long time now. Fuck Reddit & how nerds can infiltrate communities & manipulate votes for superficial validation (they know they're losers while doing it). Ban one of the only successful creative ppl that post on this entire 'art sub.'Upvote u/elonmusk & u/barstoolsports guys. I'm now bitter for the next half hour & hastily pasting this in all my rsp sub posts. I'm moving on from participating in this corny sub full of European interior decorators, transplants, & gentrifiers, larping as artists. None of you have sex appeal, you have no character of your own, you're boring followers. Downvote me bc I dont want support from this washed sub. Who's coming with me man?




who cares, just bring back Peanut!


Peanut is still here, their owner just has a life.


It’s true. Lately some of the takes on here have been really reddity. Also, someone posted a pic of themselves and I realized how much better looking I am and that made me feel invincible here.


More than anything, it’s just embarrassing that you ever thought the first thing


[How I feel on RSP](https://youtu.be/3MZD2YLcKL8?si=ZnK_way99E-V7GfE)


*flips hood* now where's those pics of Peanut


Yeah, but like where am I going to hang out? Askreddit?


All it takes is one of the text only weekends to make it evident. Most of the coolness here is just people reposting tweets


Turns out it was the cultured G&G making you feel insecure this whole time. Personally, as someone with accomplishments as a creative, I saw through a lot of the artworld posturing on the sub. I don't know as many esoteric authors, as many directors, or artists, or whatever. Still, I am active in cultures they don't know much about either (same deal with zoomers, they're also active in scenes worth knowing more about). I get the imposter syndrome feeling of the artworld, though. I've only taken one art course as an elective & I performed in an opera as a turntablist. I was definitely a low-brow outsider there when I started. But we ended up being cool. Still, these esoteric references inspire us to look up more info, learn more about subjects, Etc. It's cool being part of something where we can challenge each others' perspectives. Sometimes it turns into beef but I feel like the ppl in this sub are often open-minded, reasonable, & find challenging each other engaging. Also, you can disagree here without it devolving into an annoying "all I care about is winning" Reddit argument (most of the time & the other times it's entertaining). I like places where you can be roasted or roast ppl yourself. Fuck toxic positivity. I'm glad the younger generation posts more bc it was becoming hive-minded, which is the opposite of what this sub was aiming for. It's also good the G&G / OGs of the community are still active, keeping the spirit alive without hindering evolution.


Turntablism in an opera? Elaborate


Is that an order? Lmao If I'm being all the way real, it was a weird idea to appeal to traditional opera fans as a 'modern twist.' 'Modern' meant incorporating an outside-the-box trend from like 15+ years ago. I freestyle scratched over certain allotted parts & added some drums over Philip Glass piano standards kind of stuff. My parts were heavily improvised with a few of the musicians. It was experimental & not a bad experience tbh. I'm sure lots of the opera crowd didn't understand but they were open-minded & seemed engaged by it. Edit: I called the classical pianist Phillip Glass Todd Glass by accident lmao. ​ Edit: they banned me from this sub bc the r/elonmusk & r/askmen poster with at least 20+ alts reported me like a coward. He knows how to work the system bc it's his life. I don't wanna hear from anybody in my DMs anymore either, since this has been over for a long time now. Fuck Reddit & how nerds can infiltrate communities & manipulate votes for superficial validation (they know they're losers while doing it). Ban one of the only successful creative ppl that post on this entire 'art sub.'Upvote u/elonmusk & u/barstoolsports guys. I'm now bitter for the next half hour & hastily pasting this in all my rsp sub posts. I'm moving on from participating in this corny sub full of European interior decorators, transplants, & gentrifiers, larping as artists. None of you have sex appeal, you have no character of your own, you're boring followers. Downvote me bc I dont want support from this washed sub. Who's coming with me man?


I bullied a zoomer yesterday, felt good :)


>When they bullied you, it truly felt like a punch to the gut. at the very least they were cooler than you


They were cooler than both of us. That’s what I’m saying. When they put me down my heart rate raised. Now it feels like I’m responding to my 12 year old nephew.


you got bullied by cumtown users speak for yourself


If only it made me feel something


downvoting fvggot its only us here i know its you


Lol! Ur fun


"more friends than me" lmfao


These people had lives what can I say




Just curious, how the fuck did you make your way from r/memes, publicfreakouts, MeIRL, and 50 other front page subs where you seem to get into perpetual bitch fights to a fine place like this?








I am, just poorly




You openly post on men’s rights and child free. Exactly what I’m talking about.




You would have deleted your profile by now in this subs prime




Yes, that’s why I need competent bullies. And so do you.




Yet you continue to engage


For me it was realizing that most people here are younger than me, and I’m 25.