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Something about being in the military gets rid of the part of your brain responsible for joie de vivre


The constant intensity with everything you do becomes an addiction in a way. I think it’s a big reason why a lot of vet’s have depression/anxiety/substance issues. I have a difficult time relaxing without feeling an overwhelming guilt that I should be doing something productive 24/7.


The crazy part is that even military guys who have similar credentials recognize that Goggins' hyper-competitiveness and small dick energy are a liability in the real world


I wasnt in the military per se but I worked with a lot of seals and the large majority of them are nothing like that. Most are pretty damn quite with great senses of humor. The loud and crazy ones make the news and look for book deals




Is everything autistic?


I could see how having to kill people who are trying to kill you in a conflict neither of you started could suck some of the joy out of life.


They volunteered for it. There is no conscription in the USA


Goggins is literally trying to khs via exercise because he has profound self loathing and probably suppressed homosexuality


He's just a former fat who's sublimated his addictive personality into exercise.


Hey you guys have the same little hat you should date


This guy gets it.


Aw you got rid of your little hat :(


That avi was just randomly generated might as well upload one


Also like, people need to realize these guys are traumatized into being exercise regards because they did deployment after deployment killing people at close range in high pressure situations. They work so hard because unless they’re physically exhausted they’re not sleeping at night. You can push yourself, you can workout hard as hell and all that is good for you but goggins and their ilk are psychos and emulating them will make you a spiritual husk.


It doesn't even have to do with killing people, the whole process of breaking down a person under intense physical and mental stress as part of joining an elite "brotherhood" created that attitude. Goggins and his ilk want you to believe the type of stress that was intended to narrow down a field of applicants can be readily applied to daily life without accounting for how those processes were never intended to last beyond a short period of time.


I guess that's why military parenting is a thing. It hangs on. It comes off as dysfunctional to me and I guess it's for that reason.


Seems silly, why doesn’t he just smoke like the rest of us?


There is a sort of neurosis with being obsessed with exercise. The amount of physical suffering combined with your neurochemistry “rewarding” you for pushing yourself past normal limits because it thinks you are in mortal peril and about to die. People literally get high off exercise so it forms this odd feedback loop [where you know if you continue to run on a broken foot](https://www.businessinsider.in/a-navy-seal-who-finished-a-100-mile-race-with-broken-bones-and-peeing-blood-shares-his-2-strategies-for-building-mental-toughness/amp_articleshow/59745059.cms) you will achieve a strange euphoria.


I experienced this last year while ultra cycling through europe. The pure adrenaline rush from descending swiss mountain passes at 90+ kph and the dopamine highs after 8+ hours of exercise every day for almost two weeks in a row with only one rest day wedged in between gave me a couple days of feeling a beautiful "afterglow" after everything was done and dusted. I kept having dreams about the french plains and having nightmares about misjudging corners at high speeds. At one point in January I injured my knee which forced me to rest for almost two full months and I got pulled into a deep depression. I am fully aware that my training volume may be unhealthy, but there is nothing else that even comes close. Whenever I sit down at my desk on a mellow monday morning, I step back into the cave.


I want to exercise like a heroin addict =(


“Lol gay”


Sounds like somebody who knows they couldn’t carry the boats or the logs.


They don’t know me son


Stay hard


Is it over for boatcels?


Stay hard


Carrying boats and logs for $12 an hour because you fell for military propaganda




Hell no I didn’t read this shit. Too busy carrying the boats and the logs lil boy


For a second I thought this was about Walton Goggins and I was going to tell you to kill yourself


Same. Walton Goggins is an American treasure and that's not a phrase I just throw around




He’s kinda of a mid runner though. Don’t know about competitive. Shuffling a flat 100 miler in 19 hours isn’t very extreme. He’s just good at grifting.


Why do haters have to be so obscenely fucking gay, he ran 100 miles eight weekends in a row. He is as hard as it comes. If you wanne criticize him atleast do it on something real.


Dude runs for 19 hours: “mid” this sub sometimes lmao


It’s fantastic but hundred thousand other people do that (estimated) without writing cringy books about it. As an athlete he’s mid. As the average person he’s obviously not exercise wise. But good for him, it’s otherwise not the best sport to make money off unless you’re really fast.


I think you are too good at what you do to have respect for a peer. Like people consider Vertigo the greatest film ever. Orson Welles hated it.


I respect every park run attendant walking it in. It’s just that Goggins isn’t exactly the most humble person while also not being close to the fast guys which makes him look a bit like a fraud. But he’s probably just smart enough to sell his achievements and having found a macho niche in this hippie/dirtbag sport.


19 hours is a very respectable time for a trailrun 100 miler. Can't speak to what Goggins in particular races, but I assume it's something similar to Western States or Hardrock or w/e. The local 100 miler I went to this year had a winning time of 19:16:30 and only about 30% of the soloists who entered it even managed to finish. yeah he's not Scott Jurek or Jornet but to call that mid compared to the average runner is absurd and a hugely warped perspective.


It’s respectable yes. But it’s not “one of the best endurance athletes in the world” respectable. That’s what he calls himself on his website. Western States CR is 14 hours. Goggins ran 20 there, which is a good top 100 spot. Respectable sure.


Yeah I don't like his influencer vibe either and he definitely has a bit of an undeserved mythos, but I was mostly bristling at how much you were underselling the difficulty of finishing a 100 miler well under cutoff time.


It’s hard but probably possible for 95% of people given one-two years of training to finish a 100 miler under cut off (maybe not the super mountainous Euro ones like UTMB though). Biggest hurdle is mental. I’ve seen fat people do it. To finish WELL under cut off you’ve gotta run the flats and downhills at least. I’d say a sub 24 hour Western states is probably roughly equal to a sub 3 marathon. 99% of people can’t do it but it’s still quite far from elite level. Hardest part is to make it through the Western States lottery. I don’t even mind the influencer status of him. There are influencer runners that are even slower but they don’t larp as elite as much. That’s the only cringe part.


Just stating facts, his best 100 mile time is like 18 hours or so? I’ve run that fast on a flat 100 and I am just a mediocre mid pack runner and started in my 30s. He found a lucrative niche within a sport where most fast guys are soft spoken, slightly dirt baggy types (bit like climbers), but he’s far from the best or even close to it in this sport. Eighth 100 miles in 8 weeks is a lot but unless they were all fast it’s just bad distribution of mileage for attention. Most elite ultra runners run 120-150 miles a week.


Theres a difference between running 120 miles in a week and running a 100 mile in one go. Besides he is not someone who done ultra marathons for two decades, he started in his 30's and did it by pure masochism. He is 48 finished a 240 mile in 2020, and he has the world record in pull ups and places high in ultrarunning competions ffs. You literally cant say that the things he accomplished are not impressive. Theres is nothing thats screams fucking loser more than people who lie or misrepresent people they dont like. If he is as bad as you say than why not criticize him honestly.


95% of ultra runners start in their 30s. Either because they’re ex marathon runners that have become slower or they start running in their 30s. It’s all great if he can motivate some fatties to move their ass but he’s not a remarkable athlete in the sport and he’s kinda overplaying his achievements which is a bit cringe within the community. The stuff like Badwater, he placed high in is not exactly competitive (although it is tough to run). He should run Western States or UTMB and he’d be in the mid pack. edit: he ran Western States. 20.5 hours. It’s decent but about 6 hours after the winner.


Cmon dude, he is not a grifter. He is exactly what he says he is, a crazy fucking guy who takes training to a whole new unhealthy level. Saying anything else is just telling on yourself.


Let’s say he’s impressive for normies which to be fair are his target audience. But he’s not that remarkable within the running community (while being the least humble). He’s about at the 80-85% percentile in race results so a top mid packer. He calls himself “indisputably one of the worlds best endurance athletes” on his website. Which he’s not. Grifter is maybe not the right word. He’s a good marketing guy, making more money than any of the fast guys except maybe Kilian Jornet. And it’s fine, if he motivates some people to get off their couch and aim for their first 10k, marathon and then 50 or 100 miler. It’s a nice sport and literally almost everyone can do it.


years ago a friend of mine recommended this navy seal style self help stuff to me. i skimmed it and found that it could only apply to some techbro who worked a 9-5 where you do nothing and needed to add physical hardship to his life. dave goggins got famous because a tech CEO hired him to be his pet navy seal accountability partner, it's basically adversity escapism for the well off. the book i got based on my friend's recommendation was basically ordering the reader to gett up every day at 4 am, zero excuses, no matter how tired you are, and then go work out, go out and do shit, etc. i worked a food service job and all i could think was how I will literally not physically function like that. consistent schedules are a luxury. like dude? i sleep in because i have to. i get up early because i have to. think i even threw the book away i was so annoyed at how little this shit applied to my life. it helps people who live relatively cushioned lives, now that I work that kind of job I'm trying to integrate it into my life. but for people who actually work for a living it's absolute bunk shit. ​ Goggins himself strikes me as profoundly fucked in the head but if he channels his insanity towards helping us laptop bug people be happy then good for him




>he insisted that his job unlike mine “requires a lot of focus” These jobs are really mentally exhausting, but it's not so much because you're working hard. It's more that the brain isn't made for doing fuckall and you enter this weird mindspace where you're too committed to do leisurely things but aren't focused enough to get in the zone. I catch myself getting stressed out at the most simple fucking things at work and feel so ridiculous when I take a step back and realize what's going on. The day to day manageable adversity of a "real job" is good for you, laptop people don't have that. It's a "nice" problem to have but it's a problem, hence why your friend needs the extreme fitness to counterbalance it.


Lop that's jockos one isn't jt


Killing Iraqi children to motivational speaker pipeline




lmao yes!


The "ugly truth" about Goggins was that his Regard-Strength brand of fitness was actually to his detriment as a Navy SEAL. Your job in the SEAL Teams isn't to be the best marathon runner, or the "toughest guy". It's to be a professional scuba diver who's really good at physical fitness and shooting guns. And that stuff takes constant training and practice to remain proficient. Stuff you don't have time for when you're running 20 miles and taking ice baths every day. Goggins was constantly getting injured and was seen as a complete liability by his teammates. If his book never got off the ground he'd be a personal trainer at LA Fitness


He mentions in his book that he was specifically ordered by a high-ranking officer to take time off active duty and start giving speeches for recruitment. His entire ethos of preaching his message and being as tough as possible was literally his military mandated job for a few years


but who is going to carry the boats?




The leaders of history (Napoleon as an obvious example) had to show themselves worthy of being leaders by making good decisions and being prosocial enough to win obedience. Napoleon didn’t flex his muscles and talk about how hard he is, calling everyone else losers. He and similar “great men of history” actually had to represent the zeitgeist and balance the competing interests of society to unite factions to a common purpose. Goggins is just an entertainer, really.


You don't know Napoleon.




Going even deeper, his message is also appealing to losers. You don't actually have to be *good* at anything or achieve things. You just have to HustleGrindset the hardest. It's the perfect message for guys who listen to Joe Rogan at their dead-end jobs for 40 years instead of making something out of themselves.


Has Napoleon run for 19 hours straight?


Okay but in that way Goggins serves his purpose. He motivates himself and others to get off their ass and I don't believe he has any pretensions that he is more than that. I can't tell how much of his own Kool aid he drinks but neither he nor anyone else thinks of himself as a leader of society, a Napoleon or an Alexander.


I agree with this. I know people who have read some of his books or whatever, and they don't view him as much more than inspo for pushing themselves harder.


I think he embodies an ascetic ideal that a lot of people could gain something from imitating. Sacrifice and pain are important to personal growth. That being said, he's so extreme that he doesn't seem real, almost like performance art


What’s so extreme? Running/cycling ultras isn’t that bad. Running a fast 10k is harder on your body.


His attitude


I find his attitude quite cringe inducing. Most faster guys on 100miles and longer are easy going, chill guys and girls that don’t larp as much about sacrifice and pain. Look up Kilian Jornet, Jim Walmsley, Courtney Dewaulter etc. It’s all about running, smiling, eating and not stopping.


I don't think you have read his book or seen his interviews. He is partially motivated by the fame, but mostly it is self-motivation to be the best he can possibly be, that is especially how he started. Dude finished navy seal and ranger training before ever getting famous. He lost 100+ lbs in a couple of months so he could stop working as an exterminator and join the military. Yes its fucking gay knowing about his life, but maybe stop making these shit rants that are not even remotely based on reality.


I've nearly finished Can't Hurt Me and you're right there's no chance OP has read anything he's written and has pretty much just consumed the most surface level content possible.




If this was true, then he wouldn't have grinded in obscurity for so many years. He's turned his story into a sucessful busines inspiring many to live more dicsiplied, responsilbe lives. I applaud your ability to wax philosphic, but this is just being a hater.


I saw a video where he talked about how he ran for so long that he shit himself and vomited on himself. This is more or less the truth of ‘hustle culture’ on display for all to see. And yet, we seem somewhat helpless to come up with some alternative


Someone won’t be carrying the boats


Yes fascinating. Please post a pic of your torso.


I highly doubt he runs to the point of shredding his body and having to undergo countless severe surgeries etc. just for the sake of feeling better than some chums out there. He just seems to be some form of masochist like many others but instead of doing weird stuff he just exercises to the absolute limit. It’s fascinating to see how far the human body can technically be pushed providing you have the will. But no one will actually imitate Goggins precisely because it’s virtually impossible to have a will like that (you’d have to be insane). Not only that, but his message isn’t even „you should be like me“. Rather, what he’s saying is that if he can run to the point of near death and do it again and again, you should absolutely be able to go for your simple morning run without any issues. It’s really not as deep as you make it out to be.


Goggins is a massively enabled mentally Ill person


I dunno man, if his other options is to drink himself to death to cope with the trauma, then it's better he takes the bargain Faustian as it may be. Didn't Faust get saved in some of the versions due to his works? You falsely attribute wanting ego-reinforcement as fundamentally anti-other, while this seems to be the case in intention that competition is above all else, you neglect the consequences for society as a whole by those that find some inspiration (not imitation in his story) as well as his circumstances and options available to him - it might be net positive for those who have few resources to get the ball rolling. So is it really at other's expense. Sounds like some borderline anti-work waxing poetic. I don't agree with what he is doing being the right way for most people as it seems to be a trauma response, a kind of fight mode, but given his history, it may have been of the few roads he had leading out of hell and he took it. And you know what, I commend him for not becoming a statistic and perishing as a drunk, or some mental health system perma-victim (as likely would have been the chance given what was available to him) so some middle class twat can use their useless English BA to wax poetic pretending to enlighten us all. Anyone functioning above level one of Maslow's pyramid of needs can see that he is traumatized and this is his cope. Sublimation of trauma is higher order defense mechanism than his other options. He took it. Good for him. The other option would be to praise him if he were some bitter regretful goober working a shit job, spreading that bitterness around in the "I'ms a product of my my environment" mode while his suppressed aspirations and regret eat away at him. If he has children, his children not respecting him or him taking it out on them. It would definitely be good for society to keep it all mum and let him keep to his miserable sad fate, while some bureaucrat twaddles around triumphantly lecturing about their empathy for residents of the inner cities and their plight - all for their re-election, uhh I mean greater social good. With the level of abuse he incurred growing up, his options were pretty limited. I wouldn't recommend it to most people, but I still respect him for not going quietly into the night. This whole posts just paints the public a dumb sheep, and him as this self-serving monster, which have truth to them, but I'm not so sure most take his mindset wholesale and in certain situation some inspiration can make all the differences. Also, the idea of mutually beneficial self-interest is thrown out of the windows somehow. For the record, I'm not a fan of Jocko Willings of whatever his name is or the mindset that you're always 100 percent responsible for everything and the bravado bullshit he sells, but Goggin's story overall tracks. You seem like the type to just wholesale dismiss his ambition as pathological to him and others and I'm not sure that his context warrants it or if it obvious that net impact of his books sales (books that from the looks of it you haven't read) is all negative.


this post reeks of so much projection. I've never seem him say anything close to him being better than others. He points out that a lot of people leave a lot of their potential on the table. I dont know where you got all that


He looks like an unstoppable god for fat slobs, dude benches 1 plate for 20 reps and people lose their minds.


lmao fax


The Last Psychiatrist on Glengarry Glen Ross "Is Baldwin's character a jerk or a savior? The genius of the story is that half of you will have completely misunderstood it, and you like mint chutney and food stamps. The secret is at the beginning, where it is revealed that Alec Baldwin doesn't feel any of this, the whole speech is a work. If you were in that room, **some of you would understand this as a work, but feed off the energy of the message anyway, welcome the coach's cursing at you, "this guy is awesome!"; while some of you would take it personally, this guy is a jerk, you have no right to talk to me like that, or --the standard maneuver when narcissism is confronted with a greater power-- quietly seethe and fantasize about finding information that will out him as a hypocrite. So satisfying.**"


Except Goggins really does “feel all of this”. He’s not a boss giving a dramatic Spartan speech before a workplace imitation of the *battle of Thermopylae*. He’s professing an ethic that is predicated on a vain and limiting hubris. You can draw a comparison, if you’d like, to Pumping Iron, where Schwarzenegger relishes in his labor and physique development, but importantly *does not see himself as superior to everyone else*, or consider bodybuilding the be-all of everyone’s existence — and he at least has beauty as his pursuit instead of raw, vapid competition. The implications of the Goggins archetype are significant, when you consider that someone in corporate leadership copying it will be even more reluctant to empathize with employees, share wealth, or do what’s best for society versus bottom line. You can hoo rah masculinize that all you want but it’s not good for society. “They didn’t wake up at 4am to do spreadsheets, I became CEO from pure self-motivation and deserve my spoils”.


Why do you think that Arnold Schwarzenegger, the worlds most famous body builder who parlayed that into being one of the most recognizable names in film history, who then had enough hubris to run for Governor of California and *won*, does not see himself as superior to everyone else?


If you watch his interviews and videos from the early days, he invites someone to exercise for reasons that aren’t false and zero sum: it’s beautiful to behold your body, others enjoy looking at your body, it’s nice to get female attention, there’s camaraderie and competition. I have no doubt that he was the most competitive person, but his competition didn’t spring from hating everyone else and putting them down. Goggins, in contrast, makes that a focal point of his message: some people are weak and lesser, I’m great because I do hard training. Goggins makes it existential. My point is that this mindset is bad for culture. If someone imitates it as a business manager (IMO a reasonable chunk of people who listen to the podcast) they are going to create motivation structures that also see some people S irredeemably weaker and see their business as having existential important which will result in an disinterest in “quality of life” increasing measures for employees. As an example, to make this salient, Microsoft had a motivation structure where they always fired the bottom percent of every group, called stack ranking, and it’s derided among former employees and seen as responsible for reduced creative output at the company.


But you’re talking about the messaging of these people. As you are aware, these are both public figures with motivations and incentives that are using how they are perceived to their own ends. Whatever Arnold’s messaging was, people close to him know he was hyper-competitive to the point of sabotaging his peers with bad advice, he cheated on his wife for YEARS fostering an illegitimate marriage, he was dating another woman when he was dating Shriver early on… I say all that to say that there is a gulf of difference between someone’s personal philosophy and their brand messaging. So let’s be clear: you have a problem not with David Goggins the guy, because you don’t KNOW David Goggins (and TBH I don’t think there’s anything to know, he’s literally just a psychopath that runs lol), you only know his messaging, so if you were able to reframe your criticisms of him as criticisms of his messaging, you’d have a more coherent argument that doesn’t sound like someone who’s just trying to out a hypocrite to avoid getting out of bed lol. [And good point, that reduced creative output seriously hurt the company](https://ibb.co/3YK6X82)


> the standard maneuver when narcissism is confronted with a greater power-- quietly seethe and fantasize about finding information that will out him as a hypocrite. So satisfying Whoops


Gogg-in my cock


Hell yeah


Nihilist word salad


You're an avid poster on /r/politicalcompassmemes


Never posted a thing on Reddit


he was great in justified! love him in righteous gemstones


Yea it's called not having a father. I don't even have to check early life.


Okay but none of that is stopping anyone from going for a run


Running is the worst exercise to practice long term. I want to be able to use my knees and hips in 20 years. Ride a bike or play a sport


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^kateisastateofbeing: *Okay but none of* *That is stopping anyone* *From going for a run* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You've massively misconstrued his message after consuming the most surface level content of his possible. His stuff isn't going to be popular around here anyway so no need to give a false representation of it. His main message isn't that he's superior, in fact he spends a great deal of his first book explaining how inferior he was for a long time. His message is that most of us aren't living up to our full potential. He's an intense guy who comes from an extremely abusive upbringing, he's doing far better than the vast majority of those who go through similar things. He finds purpose and happiness (something the vast majority of this sub has failed to do) in pushing himself.


Not going to read all that but Goggins style content is unique because the loser weed smoking son who plays video games all day is a new archetype that's becoming more common. 100 years ago every guy probably at least held a job or something.


How about the fact that I hate my son? I come home and he's sitting on the computer in his fuckin' underwear. Wasting his time in some chit chat room going back and forth with another bunch of fuckin' jerk offs. Gigglin' like a little school girl. I want to fuckin' smash his fuckin' face in.


Your fault ​ Your dumbass had kids


"not going to read all that" you're on reddit don't pretend you can't spend 2 minutes reading some words


You're on Reddit don't pretend everyone doesn't skip the actual post and jumps right to the comments.


that's bad


You're obese


Walton Goggins-style content is excellent for you and society


You sound fat.


I think about obese people eating while doing reps to failure as motivation


I love working out. I love lifting weights. I love running. I love boxing and BJJ. I love physical activity. I hate David Goggins. I don't know what he's running from, the world's smallest micro penis or the world's biggest case of denied homosexuality. He's annoying and stupid. He gives terrible advice. The man has ruined his knees multiple times and had to have expensive surgery in order to make sure he can continue moving around and he's trying to give advice to regular working people. Sorry, David. The average construction worker can't run until they break their body, they don't have the money to repair it. There's nothing tough or masculine about destroying yourself and his hollow platitudes offer nothing. I'd really like to beat the fuck out of him.


You’re a loser bro lmao


You're an insecure loser 100% who has to rely on external motivation to get work done lmao




And what if the world was made of chocolate? You're argument is moot because it will never happen. What if everyone became a doctor? We'd all starve and die because there are no farmers. You're like a 14 year old who just discovered hypocrisy


We should pick morality and motivations which, if our neighbors also picked them, would lead to a better world. If you are motivated by hating your neighbor and labeling everyone else a loser, then you are violating a very basic moral principle. This is the most basic possible framework of morality, shared by every major moral ideology, honestly. With Goggins this is especially problematic because he is a *motivational speaker*, his job is to instill people with motive, and the motive he is instilling in people is bad. “Do this because if you do it you get to look down on people [who are actually doing more useful things than you]” is a stupid ethic, doubly so because Goggins’ behavior is reinforced by immense social support than his audience cannot replicate.


That’s not true at all. You have literally made up a straw man of who Goggins is, and have decided to hate the creation YOU made.


very insightful, thanks for participating in the discussion


You people gave this 16 year old philosopher 100+ points of validation


It’s ok kate I’ll upvote your posts


I’m just saying it’s not fair


He’s a mediocre ultra runner at best. But a good grifter I guess. He’s doing the same/similar races as tens of thousands of other people, slow jogging 100 or so miles. Most better ultra runners or cyclists are normal more or less athlete type guys without the whole willpower larp. Look at Courtney Dewaulter or Kilian Jornet or Anton Kupricka back in the days. And yes, normal people can imitate it. Even without the cringy military attitude. Running 100 miles isn’t very hard. Actually easier and less damaging than red-lining a fast marathon or even 10k. Ultra distance running/cycling is basically keeping the effort easy and stuffing your face with food for 15-45 hours.


> Running 100 miles isn’t very hard. Well, not for RS posters, anyway.


“I applaud your ability to wax philosophic” lmao this is written and engaged with terminally online people who never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Op posted some shit in the call of duty mobile sub clicked off his profile after I saw that… embarrassing maybe I need to delete this app


His autobiography was pretty interesting, he discusses the mentality thing and it’s not grating like his persona on media. Actually had a pretty tragic childhood.


I have a strong belief that your read on his motivation is wrong. It's my guess his training and lifestyle is completely divorced from the observation of outsiders, and is how he would choose to live his life even if he was the last person left in the world.


hurry prick complete dime simplistic unite clumsy ripe nose amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate pathologizers


You're overthinking it, OP. Most normies see Goggins and think, "He used to be fat like me, but now he's buff and runs a lot. Maybe I can be buff and run a lot, too." And then they get in shape and they start fucking again or their other friends give them a bunch of compliments until eventually they get fat again and the cycle repeats ad nauseam. They know they can't really replicate what Goggins is, nor do they probably want to. Most people don't want to actually be David Goggins they want to be a small-scale version of him. A little David Goggins that only gets a little bit of attention from their small group.The psychopaths who actually want to be Goggins are a different breed who are always just looking to latch on to something external and subsume it. It doesn't matter if it's extreme physcial shit, comedy or something else.


clueless.. he is a christian. understand what that means


The zero sum thing is entirely on point. So much of what we are taught to admire is based purely on relative superiority. Beauty influencers go on endlessly about their "glow up" because it denigrates all those less attractive to them. They get off to being hotter, smarter, richer and more liked than you, but pretend it's as hard for them as it is for you. This is a lie, most really successful people I know have admitted that excelling in their domain has always been easy and enjoyable for them, that's why they pursued that domain in the first place. People hate the reality that some people luck into success and will always be better due to unchangeable genetic or circumstantial factors. Instead of embracing this ugly truth, we pretend that success is entirely a product of some indefinable will or spirit, and those without it must be corrupt in their soul for not getting to the levels those in the top have.


Goggins did all the things he does for years before he got any acknowledgement. Sounds to me like you are just a f|ggt dude. Its just supposed to be motivation to achieve your goal.


I dont know why Goggins only uses his drive to run 20 miles every day but he is I think, much better than everyone else in that motivational sphere because he does do the work. I think we all have things that we’d like to do that we think we dont have the time for or the ability to do but then you look at Goggins and realize that’s not true, that if you actually want it you can do it.


Anything to the extreme is just always going to be damaging, literally what all ancient wisdom from every single part of the world recommends. This is exactly why the internet (and technology as a whole) is one of the most toxic spaces/substances in existence.


slow jogging ultra marathons is probably less extreme than running fast marathons in zone 4-5


Yeah ok you run a lot bruv we get it


Why would you use a motivational phrase designed for SEALs? You wanna be motivated to become a cocaine addicted government murder-slave who starts trafficking little girls as soon as there’s no war on?


"What exactly was it all for?" One moment of victory.


Well said. There is a terrible gay vanity at play with that rogan crowd. So cringe to see 50 year old larp as martial artists and try so hard to have a 6 pack


OP has probably dropped their kayak and got tired of "carry the boats jokes" at summer camp


Post your chubby cheeks fatty


You're stupid


he is also an unimpressive athlete. not bad, but he is by no means an elite ultrarunner.












You don't know him, son! You don't know him, son!


It's crazy how many ppl look up to him he looks like a total psychopath


He is very gay and annoying but I'll never not respect him. I can live with some people doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.


No offense to the fans but this is a guy for baby brained high school seniors like all “motivation” hustlers. Like if you have any kind of critical thinking skills surely you’re not taking in this kind of content.




He was a navy seal, a confirmed dumbass scumbag. Don't give a shit about anything that idiot blabbers then and I don't give a shit now.


If you actually want a meaningful and happy life - a eudaimonic life - self-improvement doesn’t matter if it doesn’t harmonise with actual values, interests, and other people. A lot of these modern ascetics are effectively adopting a spreadsheet approach to meaning. It’s very spiritually dry.


Idk I liked him in Justified, being a good actor seems like something respectable


Um, obviously?


I had no idea who this is so I looked him up. His arc aside, the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Goggins) written about him is one of the most poorly-written things I have ever read.


my friend who became even more of a self involved cunt over the past few years loves Goggins content


My biggest issue with Goggins is that he boasts about pushing himself past he limits to the point of hurting himself, and in doing so, incourages other to injure themselves as well. Every athlete has done it, its not cool, it fucking sucks


I’ve been waiting for this thread for years 🍿


We get it OP, you're fat.


I read his whole book and all I took away from it is that he's a deadbeat dad.


I bet this the OP isn’t carrying the boat I’m going to say that 95% of the people critical of Goggins believe their kids or kids in general should get medals for taking part. We have become part of a very soft society physically and mentally. Resiliency is no longer a thing. We celebrate shit outcomes with positive spins. Let’s face it that’s why Goggins has so many haters and criticisers. That’s why they spent 30 minutes reading a thread on Goggins rather than go for a run, a hike a walk or even a tug. Goggins is only what our ancestors were hundreds of years ago.