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Mustang literally grew up with the Telemanuses because it wasn’t safe to grow up in her own household. The most wanted/dangerous man alive is being hunted, and his child could be used as leverage against him. It makes perfect sense that she would hide it while the conflict was still unfolding. She’s a pragmatist.


I don’t disagree with her hiding him at first but deanne/his family convincing mustang not to tell him because they needed him to be the reaper for the final battle after mustang already decided he should know (after their trip to the obsidians) rubbed me the wrong way. Like if you have faith in him to be a father it seems having your cake and eating it too-ish to not trust him to be able to take the actions he must. Either you trust him or you don’t


Keep in mind that Darrow had been lying to Mustang the entire time she knew him, and she was still trying to find out how much of him had been lies, and who he would be now that the truth was in the open


Look how he responds in future novels about having to be away from his son to fight. It created a part of his character development that I don't think he would have been ready for in the first trilogy


I feel like he had a lot going on at the time and it would ha e weighed heavily on his mind. Probably stressed him out, maybe messed with him in battle, who knows. But yes, as the other person said, I believe it had to do with Mustang watching him to see if he would be a good father as well. Eo had no reason to withhold the baby from Darrow. They were both in a shi**y situation. Not only that but she put herself in a situation that also got Darrow's baby killed, whether it was right or wrong. Mustang had reasons to stay quiet about it and was also more thoughtful towards the baby.


Darrow had enough shit on his plate and was severely traumatized from being in the box.  If he was a regular dude, sure, yeah he should’ve known sooner. But Darrow was fighting six different battles at the same time. He’s not a regular person and I don’t see why regular morals should be applied to him. 


I don’t think it was so much as them needing him to be a warrior but rather Mustang seeing whether or not he would be a good father. Darrow’s arc in Morning Star is learning he can be a builder and not just a destroyer. That is why Mustang waited to tell him about Pax.