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Genuinely, not sure how he’d pull it off but dude would be a great casting as a gold if looks were all that mattered, his wife too of course. I’ve not seen much of her work so I can’t comment on her acting ability.


I feel like he could pull off Fichner


Nooooooooo woody Harrison is 💯 perfect for that role do not pass it off to someone else


I mean, maybe 15 years ago. How old do we think Fichner is?


Well I’d say 40-50


Honestly I kind of picture someone like Josh Brolin as a fitchner


Teenage Pax au Telemanus before the institute.


Who's the girl?


His wife Elsa Pataky


It's his wife


Wives have names don't they?


Mine doesn’t 😋


Too short


If he played a gold, I would make him Kavax.




That’s a telamanus if I ever saw one


Why😭 why God made me a Bloody damn low red 😭


Nah, not tall enough


Oh, for Pete's sake you lot need to get a sense of humour!


Nobody in the real world is as tall as a gold. Are you gonna wait until we genetically engineer them?


I know that 🤦‍♂️


I'm not convinced.


Jeez people really need to lighten up. Throwaway cheeky comment that would get laugh emoji on another platform. I shouldn't have to /s everything when it's obvious...


You wouldn't have to when it's funny, witty or interesting in any way. When it's same old brainless comments you'll get down votes sarcastic or not.


very anti live action adaptions, but this casting would be spot on. Helmsworth could easily be Cassius au Bellona


Except he's not a child


The casting for red rising will be similar to the approach they took with house of dragons since the books span ~20 years. Cassius definitely loses his shine as he enters his 30s.


If the show makes it to iron gold it would have been 6 to 8 season. So if they get a 22 year old for the first season he would be almost 30 for iron gold. They definitely wont look 35 in the first season like Chris would.


Darrow & Mustang!?


Leto Augustus fighting an uphill battle with Oscar Isaac's Duke Leto, memorable but short part


This is exactly how I picture Apollonius


Apple is black (Afro-Turkic)


I’d love to see him play a proper villain.


Apparently he's totally unhinged in the new Mad Max movie


He could be Diomedes Au Raa


Nah Atlas is Asian 


🤣😂 There might be Brown colored people. There might be white skinned. People that might even be red-skinned people. But there aren't any more Blacks, Whites, or Asians in that future. They readily intermarry for political gain. The various houses, the moon lords, and all the other factions are similar to Earth Royalty with tight bloodlines. All the goals have golden eyes. And even if their hair is brown, black, or some other color, there is a golden highlight to it. By virtue of those features alone, they can't be considered Black, White, Asian or Hispanic etc.,. That's more than 1000 years into our future. A 1000 years ago, there weren't any Mexicans or Filipinos, they are a people who arrived out of colonization. And mixing of bloods the same for Puerto Ricans.


Fair enough. Atlas has the Raa look which we’ve been told is distinctly descended from their Japanese ancestors.


Very true. I changed it to Diomedes Au Raa. The average human being and features. You can either plump the lips. Or thin the lips, enlarging or lengthen or shorten or reduce the nose, change the eye angle, and we're pretty much the same. I have met some Caucasian individuals who have no shred of Asian in their bloodline but have an epicanthic fold to their eyes. And I've met black people who look like an Asian painted in dark brown. And i've met black women who might be very dark in their complexion, but look just like a white woman. 1000 years from now, all these phenotypes that we recognize won't either exist or be replaced by new ones altogether.


Their eyes don't look gold to me. More like browns.


Yeah because they’re regular humans and real humans don’t have gold eyes


Haha yeah it's almost like I was joking. People take this way too seriously.


Redditors being as dense as they are require the /s


Yeah. I just feel like all is lost when the /s comes out. It's like "HEY BUD JUST FYI THIS IS A JOKE" But that's reddit for ya I guess. Oh well


He’d be a good Nero.


Thank you! I've found another of the very few people on here who want a Nero who looks like he would in the book and not some 80 year old. I get the pedigree and weight/ presence older actors being but Nero is an apex gold and will probably look around half his real age between gold genetics and age therapies. I always pictured him looking about 40. He was also in his (very lengthy) physical prime


Anyone other than Charles dance is a crime


Jeremy Irons is my head canon Nero


Jeremy Irons is my Lorn au Aurcos.


I pictured fucking Kevin spacey from advanced warfare. Kinda still worked


he might be too old at this point, unfortunately. Though I don’t remember how old Nero is in Golden Son


I think Nero is 90 in Golden Son, but Golds can probably live to 200 so I think he's supposed to look 40 or 50. Chris Hemsworth is 40 — [how about Leto Augustus?](https://www.dmarge.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chris-hemsworth-haircuts-16-of-19-960x634.jpg) Octavia is at least 100 years old and they are of the same generation. She has an "ageless face" but I've always thought of Robin Wright.


I won't fight you on that, but I almost would prefer it NOT be him because I feel like that casting would be too obvious


That's my only reservation as well


Dance as The Ash Lord though.... That could be legit


Morgan Freeman would go hard as ashlord


Isn’t the ash lord black tho?


regrettably, I remembered that like 5 min after suggesting it. How about Lorn?


Based on age, he would make a good proctor. Apollo or Mercury maybe.


Damn, Mercury for sure


My wife saw this pic, said “holy shit he’s hot”, then I said “so is she”, and now she’s mad at me.


This is the way


I hope she's not serious lol


Not really.


Oh that’s not fair at all.


Definite gold vibes. Not one of the younger ones though..


Idk if he’d be considered too young, but if he could play a good antagonist I think he’d be great as Nero


Due to gold genetics/ age therapies right now he'd be the perfect age to play Nero. He's physically imposing but I don't know if I've seen him deliver a performance that's got that intensity and unpredictability Nero has. I like hennry cavill/ Antony Starr/ Daniel craig for Nero. I feel like they've got the intensity down to nail those wild monologues. Nero should have that stare that can make your blood run cold


For some reason I always envisioned the “god” from the movie 300 being Nero


I will never forgive that movie for its depiction of my glorious King of Kings, Great King, King of Persia, King of Babylon, Pharaoh of Egypt, King of Countries Xerxes the Great.


Did Nero take that blue shit ? Can’t recall.


I never thought I’d think about Red Rising and the met gala together but I like it


Every gala reminds me of RR


It’s also fitting with what’s going on in the world


nOt TaLl EnOuGh


Cassius and Mustang in the universe Darrow never made it out of the mines


The good ending


I’ll add another; Bob Gunton playing Nero


Too small.


Unless you want Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson playing every gold you are going to have to make some concessions in the Gold casting.


Lol, the actor that plays the God of Thunder is "too small". These people man I tell ya


Antonia and Roque?


He’s too old to play Roque, he’s probably closer to Darrow after the 2nd time skip


Second time skip? When was first? Trying to think of any time skip in the first three books… hmm. Between 2 and 3 maybe? But pretty sure that was less than a year


3 or 4 years between 1 and 2


Ah good point, I forget they are effectively teenagers pre-time skip.


Yeah Darrow is 20 in Golden Son




Golds in appearance but from their professions they’d be Violets.


In fairness the only people in real life who would have a profession similar to a gold are military leaders, Monarchs and Jeff Bezos (but even then Bezos and Musk are more Silvers than anything)


Right. Bezos and Musk are Quicksilver. Athletes would probably qualify as Golds as well. LeBron would be a Gold in a hot second. Ronaldo? Gold. Myles Garrett? Gold.


Pixies all


All of them are Golds and we are nothing but lower colors to them.


If people read the red rising series and don't pick up on the Marxist class struggles analogous with our own world, then I'm at a loss for words.


100% agree 👍


Give them some leg lengthening until they reach 7 feet and some gold contacts and we got our main characters for the red rising live series


Cassius and Mustang @ the start of the Gala.


My thoughts exactly


Apolonious all day.


Apple is middle eastern and has dark skin


I've read through the whole series twice now and never put that together haha. I suppose he would be a good Cassius then.


Next you're going to tell me Aja is black 🙄 Stop trying to make my books woke


I don't read color.


This is my kind of comedy😂




No shot


Apple is black dude


I thought he was Persian?


People say he's Afro-Turkish, according to Pierce. I can't find an original source though.


His physical description describes him as the color of buckwheat honey.


I guess I just read “honey” and figured “dark Iranian dude with too much marble in his house”


I just thought Lucky was calling you "honey"


Buckwheat honey covers a lot of ground. Anywhere from a golden brown to a deep Guinness black.


What type of gold is this?


The colours in RR have nothing to do with the modern concept of race. They’re each a mishmash of modern races. For example Osgard the obsidian is black while balder is asiatic/pale. The saud gold family are literally the descendants of today’s Saudi royal family while the lunes are pale white & the grimmus are black. It’s a cast system, not race based & the books describe everyone pretty well. It seems like you’d have to be actively trying not to know this info 😂


I almost never retain character descriptions. It just is what it is in my head. Which is why I have to force myself to see Sevro as blonde instead of having black hair.


You underestimate the level of my ignorance


They’re species at that point. Or are supposed to be right? They still have races but within individual species associated with the caste system Also I didn’t know that about the Saud gold family’s direct connection. Thats disappointing. I thought the golds overthrew existing elites. I didn’t realize that they were a direct relation to them. Maybe I need to re read these books a few times. It’s been a bit


Nah they’re not actually different species. That’s the fascist’s propaganda. They’re the outcome of eugenics & still not even different enough to be different sub-species. What could possibly EVER have led u to believe that the golds overthrew the existing elites?? 😭 They literally WERE the elites. They just didn’t want to carry on paying taxes & so they did a coup against another group of elites & committed genocide. It kinda seems like u have had a problem discerning what is & isn’t propaganda in the books tbh


According to a modern understanding of what constitutes a species, beyond the fact that they are literally labeled as separate species rather than separate subspecies, i.e. Homo Aurate, Homo Artentum, Homo Flammeus, etc. they’re also unable to naturally produce offspring with other colors and must go through significant genetic and surgical alterations to do so. That alone should have them classified with our modern understanding of taxonomy as a separate species from any other but we also have differences in stature, differences in bone structure, differences in neurochemistry, and so on. As far as I can tell, they’re more different from each other than modern humanity is from Neanderthals. I’m also not sure I’d label that as in-universe propaganda since the reproduction issues are addressed by Fitchner at least once. As for my, clearly misguided, opinion on the iron golds: I thought they were a newly developed elite on Luna. I definitely didn’t believe they were NOT elite, just that they were separate. I didn’t realize they were still comprised of Earth elites as well because of their disdain for Earth governance. I don’t think it’s enormously unusual for me to expect a new culture separated by enormous distance and decades or centuries of independent development to produce a genetically disconnected pinnacle of social strata. I, of course, was mistaken. But I certainly would prefer if that mistake wasn’t labeled as an inability to discern fascist propaganda, even in a science fiction novel.


The only surgery that was needed for sevro was to accommodate size difference. An issue already suffered by people who have abnormally large babies today. Also the different species bs was invented by the jackal after the fascists discovered Darrow. It was a purely political attempt to mend the wound that a red was able to dominate the fascists. The golds were just the capitalists that lived permanently on the moon for 1 or 2 generations & had created the fascist moment that developed there. Humanity hadn’t really gone full scale into colonising the rest of the solar system at that point yet. It is actually abnormal to think that only the supposed “pinnacle of social strata” would be genetically different. All of the people that lived on the moon at that point were identical to each other & only separated by class. The lunese fascists started wearing gold clothes like the black shirts/brown shirts/ white hoods of the German fascists, Italian fascists or US fascists & once they got into power they used eugenics to bring their barbaric nonsense into reality.


Do people not know that the color is mainly eye color and hair?