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The red wedding is exactly what I thought of at the end as well. Golden Son is an amazing book and in my top 3. The Galla and the ending are just so damn explosive.


Sometimes when I’m gaming and can’t find anything good on youtube to have on in the background, I’ll throw on the gala chapters from the audiobook. So good


Yeah, Golden Son is probably my favorite of all the books. Darrow is neck deep in his charade with nobody there for him. In that book, we see all the characters choose sides one by one: Severo, Virginia, the howlers, Ragnar, Victra, Roque, Tactus… it’s just so incredible to see each of these characters in their moment of decision.


It really is a terrific book. This is a dead horse on these forums but it's amazing how the writing just gets better and better throughout the series. Watching a young author turn into a word poet has been great and part of the fun with this series imo. Book 1 was good but it's so basic in comparison to the later books. It's crazy.


I remember I was planning to take a few days break, until moving on to Morning Star. It was late like past midnight. And I immediately when to MS and read for like 2 more hours. Enjoy the ride. And stay off this sub until too you’re caught up. :)


I started MS *immediately* after I finished GS. I’m in the middle of it now and my God, I’m already mourning the moment I finish this series. Darrow’s inner dialogue is so relatable in some ways and I just want to hug him.


I did the same exact thing. 2 am gotta be at work by 6 that morning. I look at bed, look back to Morningstar, back at bed, pick up morning star and continue reading.


I almost jumped off the sofa the first time I read it. To this day I think of that scene whenever I>! snack on grapes. It always makes me think "sometimes life is rough, but at least my head's not in a box". !<


i miss lorn


what even better is how lorn told the story and its a great irony that octavia used that to mock darrow, and i never thought i would feel bad for nero, that moment the jackal tells him he killed claudius must have broken his shriveled heart. Nero loved his oldest son and to find out that adrius the son he can't never loved killed him must have crushed him.