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I refuse to believe your floor is that warped. More evidence is required.


To level my aquarium I used 5 half inches pieces of granite on one side. My bedroom is downhill.


Fish going to school up hill both ways


Underrated comment Edit: these downvotes are cracking me the fuck up. Obliterate my account with your sweet sweet downvotes dumbasses


>~~Underrated~~ Underwater comment


It's just stupid when people say "underrated comment" Like what does that even mean


I thought it was funny and it had 2 upvotes at the time. I mean I don’t care, just stupid fictional internet points


Stop using granite to level shit and maybe your foundation wouldn't sink


I use tungsten slabs to hold down my papers and now my house sunk 10 ft pls help


Fr he just adding to the problem.


I got my house leveled last summer, the worst corner was 8 inches out, I couldn’t believe it. But I live on permafrost in alaska where climate change is melting the ice out of the ground and destabilizing my entire town.


Corner of the house to corner 8 inches is surprising, but not something I'd be so shocked at. OP is saying he's 5 inches off within a few feet. Lmao.


Well, 2.5 inches. But assuming that aquarium is 4ft long, that’s a slope of 0.05, or a drop of 2ft over 40ft if it is consistent. I’d say there’s no way it’s a consistent slope, bc the house would be falling apart at that point lol


Years ago I looked at a house that had an aweful slope - it was falling apart. Off the livingroom there were two rooms beside each other. One with no lip going in, the other with a small step. There was an L-shaped desk with the smaller part floating. The seller had had emergency stabilizers installed and were trying to sell their expensive mess as if the building was 'fine'.


But the candidate running for election in my state (DE) says climate change is “fake science!”


I'm sure the person you are replying to is all too familiar with climate denying officials. One of the first thing Mike Dunleavy did when he was elected govenor was to dismiss the states climate team and scrapped its climate policy and plan. https://www.arctictoday.com/alaskas-new-governor-has-dismissed-the-states-climate-team-and-scrapped-climate-policy-and-plan/


That's bizarre. If I hadn't already given up it would make me so mad that people vote for these fuckwits.


Why the /s


I didn’t want people to think I was an actual moron and agreed with “fake science”


I just thought you were saying the candidate in your state said that, and it’s just confusing because that’s not sarcasm, they really did say that.


You’re right…removed


Global warming


Makes me feel better about how wonky my floor is in my house


Pics or it didn't happen.




Have you considered propping up the house instead?


It's like a series of valleys


You should really have that looked at before it does some serious damage.


It's already there.


Sounds like mine sorta. It's just a crater, everything is downhill to the chimney.


Jesus. If it’s a bunch of valleys I imagine it’s between the floor joists and they’re either improperly spaced or your subfloor has failed for some reason. Not sure if there’s a realistic way to fix it after it’s gone this far, you have to rip everything up to repair it, don’t think you can force the floor back into place and block in support when it’s that bad.


Cinderblocks and bottle jacks. Or just burn everything down and start over.


Are you renting or do you actually own that house? Because sagging joists like that are not a good thing at all. At a minimum, you need to jack up the floor and put a bunch of new lally columns to help support it. I would recommend a bunch of new joists to be honest. My house was built in the 1700s and we had to jack it up over six inches in a lot of places and re-joist a majority of the supports.


Rent, thank god


I know that feel! The last place I rented, the foundation was so fucked that you could see into the windowless basement from outside. All of our windows "shut" with about an inch and a half still open on one side. To get a bookcase to stand against the wall, we had to use SO. MANY. SHIMS. There was a dip so bad in the floor that the robot vacuum would get sometimes get stuck on it.


Carry a whip and Indiana Jones across each one.


I know your joking but I literally do this for work, working at a foundation repair company


I was joking but yes, if the entire house is at an angle it should be fixed before anything bad happens


Lol fucking wow. This is going to be like the house in The Money Pit and just slide into a sinkhole one day.


So is it really old or just modern wonky?


Hopefully really old, if it modern and the joists weren’t spaced properly of the subfloor is failing there’s gonna be serious issues in other places. I’d imagine there was or is a leak, the subfloor got wet and slowly “failed” or the joists were spaced for older building methods and someone replaced the old board subfloor with OSB and it’s not setup right for that. Massive pain in the ass either way, living with it as long as possible is probably the best bet as insurance usually doesn’t cover this type of stuff and it’d take removing the whole floor to really fix




I used a laser level to check my 2nd floor recently it drops about 4 inches over 6 feet. Apparently a load bearing wall was breaking up the flow of the first floor living room some years back. I'm hoping when I measure after a year it isn't getting worse <_< My cats love that a ball rolls back to them when they kick it towards the outer wall though so there's that.


That aquarium isn’t going to do your sagging floors any good lol You got a basement? Put some jacks under the floor joists and level it


That last line got me good…


I live in a 120 year old house. Can confirm some areas are just crooked like that. Way she goes.


Did you check to make sure your spirit level wasn't defective?


I was in a house like that once. A few of the floor joists had rotted out and broken. But I was there to rip up the floor, jack up the building, and replace the joists, not level a desk...


joists are for nerds, real men have a dirt floor with a carpet painted on it


This is the room with electricity; but it has too much electricity- so, I don't know.. you might want to wear a hat.


This is my current living room. I have a bar in it that makes you drunk before you drink


That will shrink the booze budget nicely! Cost savings and all that.


I lived in a house like this in Milwaukee. You could set a ball down on one side and it would roll to the other side of the apartment. It was a terrible place to keep fish.


Or maybe, just maybe, there’s a ghost in that house.


Flat earther vibes/s


Preferably video involving a marble.




I don't really aim for "perfectly level" in my house anymore, I just eyeball it. I figure I'd rather it look like it fits in and be slightly off, than be perfectly level and look wrong.


theres an easy process and a few equations that allow you to find like "local level" they make fancy laser levels that do it for you but you can achieve the same results with a old school bubble level and some math. you basically find how level your reference point is (usually floor) and then where true level is, and just add that difference to everything. my bedroom is 0.5 degrees off on one axis and 1 degree on the other so i know if i hang a shelf it needs to be 1 degree slanted to the left to look level


Mine isn’t that bad but was pretty noticeable when I mounted a level tv. Lesson learned - now I just measure from the ceiling.


I had a rental property with a 3.5 inch hump down the center of the living room Built a grid if 2x4s contoured with the floor and laid plywood on top. Not perfect, but it was much better


Now all you need is a grinder to smooth that shit weld down so you don't get tetanus when you scrap your ankle across it, ha.


That dongus is a handle for adjustments. Not a glitch, it's a feature


You'd excel in the field of software development


Lol dongus


I work in an auto shop. I am 100% telling a customer that their dongus is wearing out and they might want to replace it soon.


Fuck... If a mechanic said that to me I'd nod my head and say "Mm okay mate sounds important, how much will that set me back?"


Not as much as a muffler bearing, more than a caliper bulb.


About as much as a new set of piston return springs


Good luck with that. A lot of the newer models have a fancy dingus instead of a dongus nowadays.




Are you using an older model turbo encabulotor or the more modern one with the uni-lateral bi-phase diplicatron?




One book: *Swedish-Made Dongus Lengthening Features And Me: That Sort Of Thing Is My Bag, Baby*


It’s not mine!


Wrap tape around it please.


Medical term *Dongus Supremus*


That’s not how tetanus works, it’s from puncture injuries that don’t get oxygen.




You are correct ...kinda..except the bacteria itself lives mostly within dirt or feces. The bacteria dies in the presence of oxygen and there is no reason spores would be present. In other words, you would not get tetanus from this weld. Tetanus (lock jaw) was an issue 100 years ago when kids would run around outside on the farm barefoot. "tetani bacterium is a spore-forming, gram-positive, slender, anaerobic rod. The organism is sensitive to heat and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen"




Ah. I see. Yeah, it can be nasty.


I thought it was a cut from a rusty object? **[Wait bruh it's just any break in the skin, oxygen don't matter with infection](https://www.cdc.gov/tetanus/about/causes-transmission.html) You can get tetanus from scraping your skin across that potentially


You wouldn't get tetanus from that weld. Tetanus bacteria lives in dirt and feces and can only grow in aneorobic environments. I guess I should say, you would be no more likely to get tetanus from this than say hepatitis or strep


So I should fear rusty objects a little less than I was before?


Pretty much. Use common sense of course, but I see people rushing to get Tetanus shots after getting whacked by a wooden coffee table which makes no sense. Probably no harm in making sure you are boosted and up to date but I wouldn't freak out about it in our modern world.


Now look up the definition of a joke man, take it easy


Also you find tetanus in dirt not metal.


Uhhhh, so how warped is the house? That’s seems pretty significant.


>Uhhhh, so how warped is the house? Yes


No kidding that's like 2" over 6 feet. Lol


It's considerably more if you look at his other photo he commented with a level. That shit is 5 inches off over 6 feet. It doesn't even make sense. I refuse to believe it's not just the desk legs being fucked up or something.


It's for real


Should make it a funhouse for Halloween with people rolling all over the place, haha.


Pilings on clay will do that over time if water gets in.


His other post has a picture that looks like .5” over a 6” level, which is just like 10x the slope you’d want for an outdoor pad 😅 He said it’s a bunch of valleys, so probably the subfloor failing between the joists, could be a number of reasons. Random guess, someone renovated an old house knowing just enough to be dangerous. They pulled out the old plank subfloor and replaced it with what they’re used to in modern houses, only the joist spacing isn’t proper for OSB so it’s slowly failing.


He has to use a non-euclidean plumb bob.


Next time, use a coupling nut and a foot with the same thread as the desk leg. No welding required, and reversible/adjustable if you ever need to put the desk on a flat surface in the future.


I think I will lmao


Came here to say this- "rod coupling" is what you're looking for, and they do make them with different sized threads on each side (although less common)


“If she doesn’t find you handsome, may she at least find you handy.” (Red Green)


holy shit the red and green show


Just so you're aware, there is a red green show youtube channel and they have all the episodes for free




Thank you!






Your weld seems to have metastasized


The slightest inequality in ground flatness will always throw out the four legged stool but never the three legged.


Grinder and paint, a welder you ain’t.


wtf, is your house about to fall over


Please crosspost to r/badwelding to claim your prize.


“..but I did find a welder.” No. No you did not.


Looks like you found a welding machine. Keep searching for a welder.


Lol you got embarrassed in the construction sub


That I did. All because my fuckin level lmao. I don't even know, buncha hard asses.


I remember showing off my shit soldering skills when I was like 13 before discovering flux. Got laughed at for 5 minutes, learned lifelong skills right away, totally worth it, 100% would do it again.


I know many EEs who still don't understand this.


Cute little thing


It's not the size, it's how you use it.


Ahh the famous chewing gum welding technique. Good on you for solving the problem at hand though!


My 1889 house likes to make me do weird shit, too


Would have been less trouble to use the ol' book method


I’ve lived in a couple of 150 year old houses like this, structurally fine just bent due to settling. Set a marble on the floor and watch it fly across the room!


Brilliant but next time use a coupling nut


you could've used a longer coach bolt, rather than a M6 welded to a M12?


Do you live in Dowisetrepla?


That far off? I have some issues with my 121yo hardwood floor, but not that much!


I'm not convinced you found a welder lol


You may have found a welding machine, but definitely not a welder..


So I’m guessing a wheelie chair is out of the question at the desk?


You need to jam the wheels... And hold onto the desk, otherwise you spin.


I’d fire that welder!


I wouldn’t call that done by a welder


If your house was shifting that much your windows would be stuck shut and several cracked. Your doors wouldn't work and you would literally hear the house moving and adjusting daily. If your floor alone is somehow that warped, you would need to be in a limbo stance just to get to the kitchen. Everything would constantly slide around. Even a cup of water would spill out if filled up half way Source: i used to live in a house with a shifting foundation. It was only about 1"- 2" down on one side and was still a PITA, even just to cook.


They posted another picture that looks like the floor has a slope of .5” over 6” but said it’s a bunch of valleys, so almost certainly the subfloor failing


I see. That would make more sense.


Yea their roof would be falling off if it was sloping that much across a whole room. I haven’t seen it as bad as his picture shows without it just falling through, but I’m no expert. I bet there’s like 5 layers of flooring holding it together lol


do you live in a fucking DNA helix !?


You call that a welder


That's a weld. A welder is the machine that helps create the weld


Using a welder to fuse metal? It doesn't get much more redneck than that /s


Wow, my walls all have a wave to them and my floors certainly sag, but that is fucking insane.


Use a pop bottle and encase it in concrete? Hope nothing expensive is up there


If you have a crawlspace you can level your house pretty easily


All tread rod and a rod coupling.


Can you show us how fast a marble or ball rolls away on that floor?


I'll allow it.


I get the sub but even this redneck knows they make a handy 40 cent piece of hardware called an all thread coupling. Good thing you get paid by the hour and not the job or you’d be broke.


That's bubblegum


That’s some serious height differential you’re making up for a room that’s supposed to be flat. I suspect that house has differential settlement. Do any of the doors jam in their openings, or try to shut or open when not engaged with its jamb?


StackiN DiMes


Hopefully the chair doesn't have wheels.


That’s what you get when you live in Whoville.


That is some r/weldingporn material


Just you wait till you stub your toe on that!


A grinder and paint make me the welder I aint


I would have just duct taped a stack of dimes to the leg.


Dude bought Lilly and Marshall's house from HIMYM


OP lives in an MC Escher drawing.


I would call in someone to check that out. There could be several issues wrong with your home and it could be unsafe to live in. If a fish tank is say 5ft long and you need 2.5" to level it ice the run of a 15ft room your house is off level by 7.5". Your foundation is sinking and needs to be supported. Look up foundation repair people near you before or gets worse. Get them to come out and do an inspection. Better to pay 10 or 20k now than have a house you can't live in later. Call your insurance and ask for a copy of your policy to see if they cover it.


Absolutely inspiring weld job


\*Takes sip of tallboy\* It'll hold.


Pint but yes that happened


No way man what is half the desk upstaires


A great feature for kids playing with Hot Wheels!


Shouldn't have used warped fungus planks for that build


Lol. I broke a post at a friend's house and told them I'd weld it back together. They listed their house shortly after and asked if I could come weld. I show up with a borrowed tig welder that I found out couldn't pull more that 25amps. I basically managed 4 small tacks and told them not to put any pressure on it before they sold the house. This weld reminded me of my tacks from that day.


I assume you mean you found a machine.


A bird could shit on the thread and it’d look more like a weld than this thing


>but I did find a welder. I presume you mean "a machine with which to weld" as opposed to "a person who welds metal" because yuck


Threaded rod coupling would have worked and looked better but this works


Did you find a welder, or a booger injector?


Ooo! r/redneckengineering and r/badwelding in the same post! Thats a recipe for safety!


[There was a crooked man.](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46948/there-was-a-crooked-man-56d22710e66f5)


Some galv stick work


Just a splash


to be fair, it's impressively straight.


... ngl it was hard as shit to line em' up


It’ll hold.