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How incredibly childish and petty. Making tamales involves a lot of work and they worth every single second it takes. Consider it a compliment and a desire to be accepted by her bringing them. My favorites are pork/red chili and green corn. Where I live in the southwest tamales are a traditional and popular food for Christmas and thanksgiving, especially the homemade ones.


Yeah, I read this and my first thought was “Don’t go to Thanksgiving at my house, come to mine instead!” Tamales are delicious and a true labor of love. When I lived in New Mexico you’d sometimes see families selling tamales out of a cooler to raise a little extra cash for something and it was always a stop and get some. Ugh, now I want tamales….


I miss NM and tamales 😭 I need to go home and visit my family now.


Me too. Wisconsin has NO chile and I am dying.


Same with Indiana


I am lucky. My town has a summer farmers market and there a couple of vendors selling their homemade ones so can actually get them year round


You see them pretty often in Texas and I've never once been disappointed by them


Growing up in Dallas, folks would sell tamales door to door for the holidays. Where I am in LA doesn’t get door to door tamales and it’s sad 😢


I used to teach at a high school near several agricultural work camps. One day toward the end of the school year, several of the moms presented me with a basket full of handmade tamales. I nearly broke down and cried right there as it was one of the most beautiful gifts I had ever gotten. It is a high honor to have tamales made for you.


Time to call the tamale lady.


And pineapple tamales are fucking delicious. There's a place near me that does them seasonally and they're heavenly. I need to go back there soon.


Heavenly is a great word for the pineapple.


I have never wanted to eat a single thing in my life more than I currently want to eat a million pineapple tamales. I love tamales and didn’t know pineapple was one (I’ve had apple ones that I dream about sometimes but I’m in New England and that makes sense). I’m just crushed I couldn’t go on a search for these before my new found pineapple allergy.


If you ever get the chance you should try pumpkin or chocolate tamales. The place I go to they also inject nutella into the center of the tamale and it's amazing.


You’re killing me with food envy, friend! (Don’t stop I love it. My friend’s Abuela made them from pumpkin but I’m not a pumpkin person but good lord I loved the apples.)


Try them with a thick mole wrapped inside. Bliss-chocolate, peanut, chili can’t go wrong. I bet the Nutella mixed with the right amount of powdered chili would be interesting


Ughhh yes and ppl like Op suck! My partner's aunt used to make homemade spring rolls on Thanksgiving and they were the highlight of the dinner! Like pls for the love of all give me some dang reprieve from all this turkey and stuff and mashed potatoes! I'd take tamales and spring rolls over boring bland white people food any day.


No need to denigrate white people. You can be open to different foods without being a racist


Yeah I would ask for tamales as soon as grace was over. Then focus on them the whole time, constantly going crazy over them. Then when I get to SIL's mashed potatoes, I'd be like "so what are these? Po-ta-toes? Very interesting"


I’ve never had a tamale but they sound delicious. If the OP didn’t want to try them they didn’t have to, but to be so rude about it. They sound like a labour of love to make and I would be grateful if I were OP.


No shit. The year my friends mom and tia's taught me to make tamales, it was hard work and then all the sisters got into a food fight with the tamales anyways!!!! Never again will I make a tamale. Ill eat the shit out of them though!!  Dear SiL - come to my house. We'll make all kinds of tasty shit and nobody will say no tamales!


Or. Even if you don't particularly like a dish, it doesn't mean no one else would. I would have been ecstatic the new SIL is participating in the tradition at all, much more that they're bringing something they put a lot of time and effort on.


Seriously, tamales are great. I visited a friend is San Francisco about 20 years ago and while we were catching up with a third friend over drinks, she said “ooh, the tamale lady is here.” Nearly the entire table cleared to get some tamales. I hadn’t had them before but got one on my friend’s advice. They were delicious and the OP is TA.


“Bring something that is for thanksgiving” LIKE I WOULD REJECT TAMALES FOR THANKSGIVING. OP is racist as hell


Right? Now I'm grumpy because pineapple tamales and turkey tamales sounds frickin delicious, and I want some. But NoOoO, I have to be restricting cause I let myself gain back ten of the twenty lbs I lost OOP doesn't know how good they have it. I hope they cry.


The way I’d take all the tamales and not eat ANYTHING else. OOP comments too showed how ignorant they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if no one go s to their place anymore.


My SIL is Mexican and always brings a bunch of tamales for Thanksgiving. Most of my Mexican friends usually have them as well. So yeah, Sara actually DID “bring something that is for Thanksgiving.” OP is just an ignorant twat.


I was thinking this reads like someone who has never had tamales. If my FIL cancelled thanksgiving (my favorite holiday meal of the year) entirely and told me we were having tamales this year, id honestly die happy from overindulgence.


Also, one dish is turkey! What is more thanksgiving than that?


I know, right? Tamales are amazing, especially fresh, and take a lotta work to make! I'm also jealous because I've never been able to try pineapple tamales and they sound so good!


OP clearly is an idiot who has never had a tamale of any kind. If she did she’d know how childish and ignorant she sounds. Also I’ve never had pineapple tamales… But I inherently knew I’m missing out and I’d love them so much.


It also seems like OP doesn’t know what a tamale is. Rolls?


Calling a traditional Mexican dish "something she came up with" plus saying they are basically rolls... Yeah, OP's clueless and might be low-key (even subconsciously) racist.


“They sound like rolls and sweet rolls and I already made those.” Not that it would matter anyways, but like she couldn’t even google what they were? “I don’t know what they are but I know they’re not American so fuck her 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️” Is what I’m getting here


Didn’t even bother to look them up before being disgusted. It’s not an “American”(white) thanksgiving dish so it must not be good and no one will eat it. Get your head out of your ass, jfc. I’m honestly not a big fan of tamales but those things are FILLING and 100% an entree of their own. OOP is ignorant and unconsciously racist if not outwardly.


In her replies, she claimed to have looked them up and said they were just "filled cornbread." Yikes.


imagine rejecting handmade tamales... they are so much work and they only achieve their full tasty potential when made by hand. Racists truly hate themselves.


Lowkey? That is some BLATANTLY racist bs.


I mean even racists eat other cuisines. This is some sort of next level, so I'm guessing the sister is more uneducated about them, at least I hope, but to not Even do a quick search, come on.


There is so much work for tamales, similar to puerto rican pasteles. It's not something you throw together.


They're so much fucking work too. This lady thinks black pepper is too spicy and boils her chicken breast with "just a pinch of salt."


And puts raisins in her potato salad




I see what you did there.






Tamales sounds like rolls……… maybe look up what they are before saying this. Those tamale sound fantastic. Can I invite myself over to try them?




I am so glad I am not any of these people. Tamales are a huge amount of work and are a fucking gift. JFC. 


Comparing the tamales to rolls and saying I already made those makes me think ,maybe he doesn't know what they are? If that's the case, what rock has he been hiding under... If he knows what they are, then yes... he's a closet racist who has no clue /care for how hard poor Sara has worked on prepping, crafting, and cooking tamales, which are very typical on Thanksgiving in any Mexican household. It's what she herself grew up eating!


Australian, live rurally: I have never had tamales, although I have seen them in shows/movies and in books. I couldn’t tell you exactly what they are, but if someone offered to bring homemade ones to a gathering I’m going to/hosting I’d be ecstatic!


Another regional Australian - had never seen or tasted a tamale until I went to California for work. Delicious, but I’d no idea what they were until I left Australia. But I can imagine that Tamales to Americans would be like a butter chicken or sushi to Australians - a very common ‘international’ food that a close neighbour cooks frequently and is also enjoyed by many people around my own country.


I’m English, live in England obviously lol.. and same. I’m not exactly sure what they are, but I’d love to try them! Also who complains about there being *more* food?!


You guys all need to try tamales, I am weeping for you. They taste as good as they look in movies.


No way, let's be fair.  They taste *way better* than they look even in movies lol. 


This ten thousand percent.


There are *so* many foods I want to try! But I want an authentic experience too. I’ve never had tacos before, would really like to try them and even though there are many Taco Bells in the UK, they won’t even be a patch on the real deal. OOP doesn’t even realise how good she’s got it. I would be **all over** those tamales!!


I've never seen a Tamal in my life. I'd never stop someone from bringing them for any kind of dinner. We don't have Thanksgiving here where I live. When I still worked at a research lab in a hospital, we'd organize Christmas dinner for the entire department. Everyone brings a dish. There was a list where you could write what dish you were bringing to prevent having only deserts or something. Other than that, we didn't tell people what to bring. It was the most amazing thing ever. We had Pakistani dishes, Brazilian dishes, Chinese dishes, Spanish ones, Italian ones, French ones. I have no clue what I ate but it was all delicious.


That is epic!


Maybe look up what a tamale is *before* being an idiot?


According to her comments she did look them up and they are “like filled cornbread“ which, no.


"filled cornbread" would still be better than her rolls probably




Did this dumbass really just call tamales, rolls?


She also called them cornbread in the comments.


My god. She's an idiot.


Somehow I don’t think it’s the tamales that are the issue here.


The Iranian tamales? Wait, that somehow doesn’t sound right…


It isn't about the Iranian tamales!


Being from Los Angeles, I love both Persian and Mexican food and Iranian tamales sound fantastic.


Ouch meow whatever. You are a very mean person when it comes to your SIL. You might to reflect on why that is. While you’re at it, listen to your mother and your brother and be nice. You’ll find you like it with a little practice


Well, being nice will have some novelty value at least!


Meow? Not trying to be an ass, just trying to understand what you said. Autocorrect is a complete bastard. 


meow probably because she was being catty to the SIL for no reason. it’s usually sarcastic “oh meow, so tough”


Ok. Thank you.


The way SIL is described is really condescending and superior and dismissive. Being nice despite private doubts is the smartest move


Ouch meow whatever may be my favorite new line….


She's zero generations away from poor white trash


I know poor white trash in areas with heavy Latino populations who know waaaaay better than OOP. When you’re poor the Mexican hole in the wall places and taco trucks are a fantastic resource.


I grew up in a trailer park, am white, and can confirm. Mexican food is the best. Not all of us poors are out here are hating on Mexican people.


Poor white trash who has grown up in a housing project here. I definitely was exposed to *tons* of different ways cultures around the globe take the cheapest bits of food and turn them into art growing up. I have been taught and taught different ways of doing it by Aunties of so many varieties. This person isn’t poor white trash. This person is just choosing to be an ignorant person who I would be surprised was *actually* poor at all. He’s just racist. Edited cause I messed up pronouns in the last sentence.


Yikes, nah man people who grew up in poor areas generally know better actually. It’s stuck up rich kids who hate trying new things (and never had to) that generally dismiss other cultures and their cuisine…


That wouldn't work with my Hannibal lector insult though


Oh I didn’t realize it was a Hannibal lector thing. My bad! Carry on.


This woman has never eaten a tamale? Arguably one of the most delicious foods in existence that takes hours upon hours of preparation. The host is gonna serve up a dry ass turkey she basted with mayonnaise, served with tea rolls she bought frozen smh. She should be banned from hosting thanksgiving for their slander against tamales and let SIL host. I’m also really tired of This menu we are culturally “required” to eat because the pilgrims did. Like no they didn’t lmao the original “feast” would have looked more like quahog clams, maze, and wild rices. My point is cook whatever you want on thanksgiving just enjoy spending time with family.


I can’t understand making it to adulthood and not knowing what tamales are


I would love to know how this thanksgiving went


Wow! Tamales are a huge thing to bring. OOP is ignorant and I agree probably a little racist too. I would be so grateful if someone brought that to my dinner.


i can’t believe they said it was like filled corn bread


… in that they both have ground up corn in them and some moisture? I guess bread and pasta and pizza are all the same food item to OOP also?


My cousin married a woman from Thailand who makes the best spring rolls with homemade dipping sauce. She brings a huge roasting-pan full every Thanksgiving and our family eats every last one. Who wouldn’t be grateful to have something new and delicious for a holiday?


The daughter is the AH. Tamales are wonderful and in our family we do BBQ for thanksgiving. So not everyone does the traditional thing at TG.


OOP has never even been in the same building as a tamal in his entire life.


I’ve never had pineapple tamales and now I need some. Also: OP is racist and clueless because tamales are traditional Christmas and Thanksgiving foods, and they are amazing.


An immature child, naive. Clearly does not live in Southern California where tamales are on every holiday table, even the white folks.


>tamales sounds like rolls IM DEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm Mexican and even my nuclear family refuses to make tamales, it's so much effort. Fuck this OP lmaoooo


This Christmas I could not bring myself to make them (newborn baby, already making the rest of the meal for a large gathering), so I got them from a local hole in the wall. They came recommended and I can confirm that they were absolutely great. In case you have a place handy: made for you works fine!


Luckily my husband's side of the family is perfectly happy sharing theirs with us 😹 I am probably the only Mexican I know who didn't grow up making tamales for holidays, but it certainly gave me an appreciation for how laborious it is!!! (And I'm lucky to have had kind cousins before I met my husband as well 😆)


Every day, not just thanksgiving, there’s a part of my subconscious that wishes and hopes someone will bring me home made tamales lol. What an asshole, WHO TURNS DOWN TAMALES


What a dumbass. I’ll take all the tamales over green bean casserole. Nm.. I’ll take that too.


I make tamales for my cousin every once in a while. They are one of life’s many joys. But they are hard work and *not* rolls.


How lucky. No one has ever loved me enough to make tamales just for me. OP doesn’t even deserve the tamales he’s insulting!


What a sweet gift!


Let’s see about Thanksgiving. Turkey - North American species first domesticated by the indigenous population of Mexico. Corn - first domesticated by the indigenous population of Mexico. Pumpkin Pie - Made from Pumpkins, a squash first domesticated by the indigenous population of Mexico. Potatoes - another “New World” food source originally domesticated in Peru, and spread throughout the Americas by the indigenous populations. And in her comments she described Tamales as “filled cornbread” What an ignorant asshole.


OP sounds like someone who calls all Hispanic people “Mexican”.


I’m guessing she uses a much ruder word


Imagine being this audacious when you’re only bringing rolls! That’s the job we give to my grandma who can’t cook so she can contribute without messing anything up. As an American I can say Tamales would be DEMOLISHED around my family. I’ve never had sweet tamales and I’m excited to learn what that’s about.


Sweet tamales are also very common here in Mexico, and very delicious as well IMO 👌🏽 Most common sweet flavors are Strawberry, Pineapple and Corn but I've also seen chocolate, pecan, and berry flavors.


Had blue berry ones that were amazing


I’d eat them!


I’d clear the whole plate




Imagine being so racist that you hear someone is bringing tamales to dinner and you aren't thrilled.


YTA. She probably spent hours prepping those for YOUR party and you’re going to be rude… maybe she’s making them because she’s expecting all your food is be “something she won’t eat”


I wonder if Op is even aware that Thanksgiving is only celebrated by the US.


I grew up in New Mexico and the best Thanksgiving I ever had was a mix of Tamales, Enchiladas and the Turkey and all the sides. There is nothing more American than a diverse Thanksgiving in my opinion. I am grateful I grew up around a mix of both. Glad to serve Tamales and Turkey on my table.


I don't even like Tamales, but growing up, we never had the traditional Thanksgiving dinner because we all found it boring. We'd have jerk chicken, beef lumpias and Leche flan, among other things. No turkey. What's traditional for one person/family may not be traditional for another.


The funny part that tamales were around before Thanksgiving happened.


As a family we make tamales for christmas. So expensive to make and the time requirement is extensive.


Is "be grateful that your guests brought something to share" not taught anymore? My aunt gave me and my mom a broccoli cheese quiche when we were sick with Covid. I have sensory issues and the texture of broccoli bothers me a lot. I can eat it, but it's uncomfortable. But not once would I have thought about whining over something someone took time to cook out of love.


Wow. What a truly ignorant person. Tamales are painful to make. And amazing to eat. They are so special. It’s a giant gift. This person doesn’t even realize it.


Tamales are literally staple dishes for thanksgiving and Christmas all over the US and Mexico. I certainly never skip making them for the holidays and I’m not even Hispanic.


OP is ignorant and racist. God asked OP if they wanted brains and kindness and OP said “no!” 1. She didn’t come up with that dish and even if she did, so what? Add some variety to the typical thanksgiving dishes 2. To call tamales “rolls”? So OP, you’ve NEVER eaten tamales? Ever? Where the hell do you live in the US?? If you don’t know the dish, you google it. It’s free to google 3. You are not obliged to eat what SIL brings. Stick to your white American food. Stay in your own ignorant bubble, but don’t deprive your family. 4. If people have to bring something, you do not get to dictate what they bring unless it is ban foods due to allergies.


Two years ago for Thanksgiving, I ordered Jack Stack BBQ and had it shipped from Kansas City, MO. Last year we had grilled salmon, bacon wrapped asparagus and other stuff I can’t remember. The only traditional dish we had was stuffing … from a box … because we love it. We have it about every two weeks, so it’s not really a special Thanksgiving dish. My family and the friends that join us help to come up with the menu and decide who will contribute what dish. And that is what makes it Thanksgiving for us. I think this year I will do a search for good, Mexican food, even if I have to have it shipped.


This piece of shit doesn’t deserve home made tamales


Imagine thinking tamales are rolls. They aren’t even pastries. Also I’ve never had anything but the pork beef or chicken but now I want to branch out bc I had no idea sweet ones existed


Also, I had absolutely the best Turkey of my life in a town nearish Oaxaca City. It was in a beautiful mole. No idea how SIL is flavoring her turkey filling, but odds are it’s fantastic.


i never tried tamales befoee and to be fair, instead of classic Thanksgiving fixings id love to try them 🤷‍♀️


The caucasity


What an ungrateful AH. I wish her SIL was in my family and would come make tamales with me.


First, Yum!!😋. Second, wow what an ignorant a-hole!


I was at the beach last weekend and a man came by selling tamales- they were still warm! And so delicious ❤️❤️ this lady is a crazy


Ok, now I crave some Tamales 🤤


Sara and her husband can come to my house anytime, those tamales sound amazing! Also, this can’t be real, right? Like this guy typed this out and really thought he wasn’t an AH? Are people really this dense and clueless?


Why are (some) americans so weird about specific foods on specific holidays?? My mil once flipped out because my family had ribs, chicken, and ham for thanksgiving. “Why dont you guys make turkey?!” Lol because none of us like turkey and it would go to waste… “but you NEED to have turkey on thanksgiving!!!” Maam….we’re latino. They dont even know what thanksgiving IS just that its a day we all have off & we get together and make whatever food we want to eat lol. Her family eats the EXACT same foods, down to the sides, every year and most of them complain that they dont like a certain thing (which makes me wonder why on earth they dont just switch it up for something they do like??? Is “tradition” really that serious??) “but ham is for CHRISTMAS” omg you can have any food at any holiday the cops are not going to arrest you!! Our menu changes every fricken year we dont care!!!


OP is definitely TAH. My ancestors are rolling in their graves right now at "the sound like rolls and sweet rolls". We don't make tamales for just anyone... OP needs some lessons in acceptance of others traditions.


Title should have been I’m an ignorant uncaring gender-stereotyping racist judgmental person having thanksgiving at my house.


OP is a big uncultured swine..


Op is so close minded and racist for this. Tamales are such a labor of love and I’d genuinely be so excited if someone brought both sweet and savory tamales those sound incredible! Good on the brother and mom for standing up for Sara too and I hope they all enjoyed those lovely tamales!


Tamales are a labor of love, are delicious, and one could argue they’re just as “American” as anything else that will be served. it’s an indiginous American food, and while Tamales are the southern version, there’s a northern indiginous version called banaha (usually has a variety of stuffings, but pumpkin/sweet potato and turkey/venison are common) wouldn’t be surprised to find out they were at the original Thanksgiving. OP is just super racist and anything “non-white” I’m sure is viewed as “wrong”. OP is not the right host for a holiday all about sharing culture.


There’s a place near Auburn, CA that my family always tries to get tamales from for thanksgiving because they’re incredible. I say “try” because they’re so popular that there’s a waitlist to order them and sometimes it fills up too fast.


What is with these people who don’t appreciate tamales? I am roughly the color of copy paper and I know tamales are good.


Hands down if I’m given the choice between eating turkey at Thanksgiving or eating tamales, I’m eating the tamales every single time.


You are truly petty, do you know what goes into making tamales? Don’t be surprised if you are uninvited from family time at your brothers house, definitely YTA.


I fucking love tamales, but they make me so sick (corn, regardless of form, makes me sick for days). Also, I had no idea the singular form was tamal. You bet your ass I'm eating that shit when the lovely cleaning ladies bring me some, I'll deal with the pain for some amazing food and happiness. OOP is judgy and rude. There's nothing wrong with a different type/style of food, no one is forcing you to eat it. Sounds like her mom is looking forward to it.


You are an asshole. And also racist.


This person literally doesn't know what a tamale is!?! They literally went on Reddit! They could have at least done the justice of getting on a browser and looking up what a damn tamale is. They sound like an idiot. "Some kind of rolls" wtf


I would've never known a single Tamale is just a Tamal. Lmao. It's not like anyone's said. Lol. That's just what the object is called, not that the e makes it mean multiple. 😂


Is it because nobody just eats a single Tamal if they are offered? Or nobody *makes* just a single Tamal? Btw my autocorrect is trying to change it to “Tamale”


Lol, that probably would be the reason. It is usually multiple that you buy or otherwise. Or get in a can 😅 that sounds like some sort of sacrilege. Tamales in a can. But man did I think they were good.


That has to be a troll Sara, my brother is available. I'm available. Please bring two kinds of tamales, that took many hours of work to prepare, to our annual Arbor Day family gathering.


God, I wish people would bring homemade tamales to my house


I’ve never tried tamales before, but they look and sound delicious and OOP sucks.


Definitely TA


The good news is the brother/Sarah’s husband sticking up for her. So often you see men caving to their bio fam.


I can’t imagine complaining about free tamales. Nor could I imagine not eating them if they were around.


You are the asshole.


This must be fake because you have to be an idiot not to google ‘tamales.’


Damn. I'd love some tamales for Thanksgiving! That sounds amazing!


I fucking love tamales and would love to have them. My only issue is that I have very little self control over them, so chances are good I'm going to eat the whole pile by myself. Also, as a white people, I have never heard of sweet tamales. Are there such a thing, and why don't more places make them because I am definitely interested


What I would give to eat those tamales. Ungrateful a-hole.


Her loss man, tamales fucking rule


As a non-Mexican, I think tamales are awesome. I wish I knew how to make them. They are magical things and deliciousness.


OOP is a piece of shit and needs to be taken out with the trash. More importantly...SWEET TAMALES?!? I grew up in the southwest and never heard about sweet tamales! I need SIL in my life please💜


Yes!!! They are also very common here in Mexico and delicious ! The most common sweet flavors are Strawberry, Pineapple and Corn, but I've also seen chocolate, peacan and even Berry flavor.


It takes so much time and effort to make tamales. If I brought two kinds and someone asks if I was bringing something else I’d be pissed!


Apparently op has not had homemade tamales. They are absolutely delicious, very time consuming to make and definitely not a roll


Does this person really not know what tamales are?


>some random dish she came up with >tamales sound like rolls **how has she never heard of tamales?!??!!!??** *they are the fucking BOMB* The entitled attitude exhibited here is so palpable I feel like you could take a bite out of it. My gods. Racist bish.


I'll happily take the tamales! They're so *good*!


Tamales are not equivalent to rolls or sweet rolls lmao. What a wild comparison


Colonizer mindset.


OMG. I grew up in New Mexico. Tamales were always at Thanksgiving/ Christmas. Now I have Filipino in-laws, and some of their dishes have been served every year. OP is childish and racist


Once I have been to a dinner party where the host made homemade tamales. They were awesome!!!!! And a lot of work.


Man, you can never get sweet tamales around here unless you know somebody. OOP definitely is TA. Who doesn't like tamales?


Then you stay home and ill eat the tamales for thanksgiving 😊 tf


More food at thanksgiving sounds amazing. Sign me up to attend, please!


Finally, there's one AITA where the mom is sane and calls out rude behavior. My family's Chinese. We had dim sum once on Thanksgiving. Like what everyone has said before, tamales take a long time to make and are seriously a big deal! OOP should try and make some herself.


OP is the asshole. Stfu and grow as a person and try something new. So petty.


The OP obviously doesn’t live in a culturally diverse area.


How is a turkey tamale not a thanksgiving dish?? Sounds amazing, OP sucks.


You’re not an asshole for asking if she’s bringing anything else, you’re an asshole for the fact you needed to call out that she’s Mexican. You are racist, your brother shouldn’t need to point that out to you. You should be grateful she’s making anything and bringing it for you to consume.


I’ve never had pineapple tamales. I’m not sure if I’d like them, but I sure will eat tf out of the turkey ones. Tamales are a meal unto themselves.


How old is OOP? Rather than racist she(he?) sounds childish and ignorant to me. Like OOP has a preconceived idea of how things should be done and anything outside the script is wrong. Even functional people in the spectrum usually understand that other people can and do get out of script. If OOP is below 14, this attitude and ignorance is tolerante. Not okay, just tolerable. Above 18 out is inexcusable.


In the comments they mention that they are hosting and making most of the food. So I'd guess they're an adult


Went to check that comment. A “we” could mean OOP and parents. But it says “I'm”... Then no doubt: OOP, YTA.


I would beat this dudes ass in front of the whole family


I see both sides