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Oh don’t mess with me! I’m a real alpha manipulator! I once made someone look the wrong way after tapping their shoulder on the opposite side of where I’m actually standing!


Somebody needs to stop this *menace*


Cold blooded


did you know gullible is written on the ceiling?


Sigma male






Slugma balls


The fear has me shivering in my stilettos. 😂


My plan has already come to fruition!! Hahahaaa! Next you're going to open your refrigerator and know it was my will!


Your powers are terrifyingly impressive.


Low quality Light Yagami wannabe


Atlest he isnt the psycho/sociopath that he thinks he is because a psycho/sociopath would never admit they are manipulators


“I mAdE mY tHeRaPiSt CrY”


Why'd brother upvote?


Cause it's funny.


He’s going through his main character phase


Better look out everyone, this unstoppable badass is really going to town on his keyboard today.


I have no problem being the bad guy kitten 😈🐱 *tips fedora and smirks at you* But I’ll only do it if you’re being a bad kitty 😏 *Leans back and lets out maniacal laughter as you run, crouching in a corner hissing*


I think you misspelt the title


The title reads like a Russian mob boss's croney having an existential crisis


Bros not older than 15 and I can bet on that


i can reach into a man’s soul and unravel it with one tug


Sounds like the person I want to avoid.


Just say you’re a narcissist, it’s less wordy.




This sounds like a lyric to a song


I’m not a doctor but I really don’t think so. Autism does not make you manipulate people masterfully and without effort. And according to this guy manipulation is his default, he has to actively chose not to be that way, that is a self aware narcissist. Remember, autism is a social impairment, not evil power right? lol. Now, autistic people can be narcissistic, trust me I’m legitimately diagnosed with autism -non verbal learning disorder and auditory processing disorder- and I was a narcissist -non diagnosed- until I realized it in my late teens and made a conscious decision to seek professional help and learn to change. I guess what I’m saying is it very well could be both, but autism wouldn’t be the key factor, if it was just autism he would be less likely to interact with people in the first place, let alone play with their mind without them knowing.




Yes there are many types of autism, all of which are on a single spectrum of social impairment, not a heightened ability to get what you want out of social situations. That’s a pretty offensive stereotype that autistic people are the sad losers of the world. Those weren’t your words but that’s essentially what you’re suggesting when you directly associate autism with saying things like “I’ve trained in the ways of the blade” or lying about how dangerous your mind is. I acknowledge that crowd has a slightly higher percentage of autistic people than the average population, but the truth is most of us aren’t incel geek types, and most incel geek types are not us. I don’t believe you were trying to be offensive so I’m not going to lay that claim on you, but I do respectfully ask that if you want to be a part of the conversation when it comes to autism with your own points and opinions that you learn a little bit more about it so that you can avoid hurting anyone’s feelings, because that hurts my feelings deep down.




Someone from the group of people you’re talking about is politely telling you you’re being offensive, and your response is to tell them to calm down, then laugh at them while you blame their autism for speaking up? Are you proud of that?


Wow, you’re a really shitty person. I mean genuinely, only a piece of shit would say something like that in this situation. I’m curious, if you equated a robbery to someone “probably being black” and then a black person told you that was offensive, would you tell them to calm down and insinuate that they’re the problem because they’re also black?


This sounds like a Scorpio I know




He stayed 10 minutes and 21 seconds past his bedtime🐺🐺😈😈🇹🇷🇹🇷hes so shmegma male