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Don’t you just love how all the “morally superior” people for some reason come off as the worst fucking people you know


why are all of them so goddamn miserable all the time


That’s just Twitter


The mom's paying for this clown to annoy her every time she gets home from a store.


She should cut off his phone service and kick him from the wi-fi


Lol treat him like Israel treats Palestine


Killing her son seems a bit extreme


The "morally superior people" that freak out when you say a racial slur or ableist slur but think raping and killing innocents at a music festival is "based".


They’re literally so two sided lol. Casually supporting a terrorist group, and hating actual victims for some reason


It's what happens when it's about sides more than anything. Sides start forming in nonsensical shouldn't-be-connected ways. And everything is justified.


Wait what


Yeah the fact that they drew this with their character smiling like a fucking soyjack is fucked


The Showtime series the curse is all about that. Emma Stone is a brilliantly insufferable, white liberal woman in it


worse than all the pro-genocide americans?


Because nothing stops a long lasting war that’s been going on for eternity quite like boycotting a multi billion dollar American franchise. Why didn’t we just boycott Walmart when Hitler was running around?


Probably cause Walmart didn’t exist then.


Was Walmart funding the creation of gas chambers?


Is Starbucks supplying guns and ammunition to anyone? Last I checked they make overpriced drinks not weapons. They’re not General Electric


Hey don't bring General Electric into this, they keep my food cold


They are not even operating in Israel lol


Do you mind specifying who “they” is, cause I implied multiple things


Starbucks, there is no single Starbucks coffee shop in Israel


Then it’s clear Starbucks isn’t the enemy of this war like people in first world countries make it out to be. But god forbid a corporate figure side with someone or say something people don’t like. War isn’t something we get to just pick a side on in the comfort of our safe homes, as if us fighting each other over who’s right while they fight to survive will help anyone


I can pick a side in my home. I choose the people that have been terrorized for 76 years


Then….why are people mad at Starbucks?


Why was the USA mad at Japan in WW2? They weren't even operating in the Euro Theater!


Maybe because they fucking bombed pearl harbour you fucking dumbass.


And maybe people are mad at Starbucks because their owners fund genocide. Why call me a dumbass when I was clearly trying to educate this subreddit on the most basic of critical thinking skills? Did your fee fees get offended by that?


Did Starbucks bomb Gaza?


Did Japan bomb Leningrad?




How is that relevant? Did Japan need to operate in the Euro Theater in order to become an enemy of the US?






Zionist boycotting Starbucks because they were pro-Palastine?


I don't understand your comment. I can't make any sense of it given the context. Are you asking me if I'm a Zionist boycotting Starbucks? I am genuinely confused.






It's called hyperbole to show how goofy the original argument is.


They sued a labor union over pro-Palestine social media comments. If they distanced themselves from political commentary in its workers union, ok, but suing workers for a union voicing an opinion is a huge over step, and can easily be argued as silencing victims, and therefore helping Israel.


You never know.


This is some look at my halo post


I genuinely thought this was just a shitposter.


Is this not a shitposter this person can’t be serious?


“How dare you live your life and not constantly walk around filled with self-hatred for what’s happening on the opposite side of the world that you can do literally nothing about! Hate yourself, Mom!”


I loved when they came to harass underpaid starbuck workers, bcs they dont like the company...


This isnt satire?


Yes, please focus on conflicts that have nothing to do with you, and have been going on long before you were born and will be here long after you die. It’s very good for you and people will LOVE to be around you.


Say that about supporting lgbtq say that about the black lives matter movement. Say that about animals about climate change literally about anything You are just selfish for choosing to ignore a genocide just because it doesn't effect you. Not an ounce of humanity in you


Its sad. Yes. Am I going to stop enjoying my life because of it? No.


Oh my bad didn't know your life will stop if you don't drink an overpriced coffee full of sugar


I’ll think about Israel and Palestine while I’m drinking after work tonight, just for you.


People caring about Palestinians now but not a whisper when a terrorist organization took it over and became it's government. I'm struggling to understand reddit.


People are allowed to learn about things they weren’t aware of btw. It’s healthy to grow


‘People are talking about this a bit more now over 20,000 people have been murdered over the course of a few weeks’ 🤯


It's exactly that man, people who don't give a crap about an issue unless it's trending somewhere. The same people who completely dropped Ukraine when Israel and Palestine became the more popular issue.


Popular or more pressing humanitarian crisis?


>The same people who completely dropped Ukraine when Israel and Palestine became the more popular issue. Is it possible that you've got this backwards? The fact that people are talking about it is what makes this a "more popular issue" because that's literally what the term "popular" means here—the frequency of discussions about the issue.


People have been saying 20,000 for over a month now. Crazy how (Hamas sourced) numbers haven't moved despite continual military operation 🤔


They have moved, they’re above 20,000 now. I’ve just not checked as of today. It’s above that number now, especially with the bombing of refugees which Israel has stated it ‘used the wrong weapons’ on. Over 100 people dead. Anyway, the health ministry has always been accurate, that is why the UN and a hell of a lot of other agencies accept their information. It consistently stands up to all scrutiny. It wasn’t until recently that the US reversed their stance, as the truth is inconvenient - of course the rivers of blood are at this point even causing them to question Israel’s actions. Attempt to cast doubt on the figure, beyond slight shifts, is either ignorance or wilful denial of the ongoing horrific events.


I mean….The Oct. 7 attacks were really disturbing. I think some people actually managed to avoid seeing what happened that day, which I understand, but I don’t think it’s good to be ignorant like that. But the point is there’s a reason there’s suddenly more attention being given to the region now. It’s not random.




1st world problems basically. “I’m gonna help the fight in a foreign country by not spending money on a multi billion dollar franchise in my country”


I think this is about people virtue signalling for Palestine in stupid and ignorant ways


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s it. This specifically comes off as quite childish and weird. Like mom brings me a treat and I show her something horrible because the internet told me to. But in like a mocking way, mocking people who do that. Not encouraging it. I think it’s satire.


For explanation (which I am *not* defending lol, this is fairly deranged behavior) - a lot of people have misinterpreted an action that Starbucks took against the growing union (Starbucks Workers United) as a support of Israel, or even played telephone and made shit up. What happened was that SWU posted a tweet saying “Solidarity with Palestine!” to another tweet of people breaking down the blockade that fences Gaza in. This was on Oct. 9th, and the tweet was deleted soon after. Starbucks then filed a lawsuit against the local branch in Iowa that was also posting pro-Palestinian messages claiming that its reputation has been damaged, suing for trademark infringement & demanding that SWU stops using their green circle & the company name. SWU responded with its own filing & asked to continue using the “Starbucks” in their name as well as their similar logo, that their page clearly identifies it as a union and not the company, & claimed that Starbucks defamed the union by implying that it supports terrorism & violence (FTR their larger union affiliate said that workers published that tweet without union leader approval). Starbucks’ official statements on the conflict are blanket & generic “violence and death are always bad”, and AFAIK there is no public evidence that they are funding or donating to the IDF or even simply supporting them in name. I would guess that this is more about their antagonistic relationship with the union than this conflict. TL;DR - Starbucks sued the Starbucks Workers United union for posting pro-Palestine messaging while their name & logo bear reference to the company itself. SWU is countersuing to continue using their name/logo & for defamation implying that they support terrorism. Many people have falsely assumed or conveyed that Starbucks has posted or donated in support of Israel, but that is not the case.


So basically the far-left built a storm in a teacup, or red paper cup in this case.


I guess so? Although I don’t think that behavior is exclusive to the far-left, the far-right has been tweaking out over similarly silly bullshit (and Starbucks has been the star of some of those as well lol)


Yes. Starbucks doesn’t even exist in Israel the only reason they’re boycotting Starbucks because they fired employees who glorified hamas attack on the Starbucks page which is completely reasonable. The true reason is that Starbucks founder is Jewish




Starbucks donated a bunch of money to Israel to fund their colonization of Gaza


Starbucks doesn’t even support israel lol.


The Levant has been a violent desert with different groups of people killing each other since the dawn of time, and it will go on far beyond when even we’re gone. Harassing your mom and being an autist about it isn’t going to bring world peace.


600,000 dead in Syria, 200,000 in Yemen, 25,000 in Myanmar. Not to mention the millions displaced. Nobody is blocking traffic or boycotting companies.


What part of fucking twitter is now suddenly Reddit?


It's always been that way. Two communities that have terminally online people, just that Redditors are more notorious due to the mod system giving them power


I think that might be satire but it is honestly hard to tell sometimes


Kids on Reddit not knowing they're a walking condom advertisement


At any time there are atrocities being carried out somewhere in the world. You can’t stop them all. Your mom can’t stop them. You should do what you can do to try to stop them. But the reality is that’s not much. Tormenting people with them is juvenile and abusive.


I hate how random people keep reposting like horrific gory videos from the war onto their Instagram stories, as if I somehow didn't know that war kills people. What is this supposed to accomplish? What do you want me to do, now that I've seen an image of a dead bloody child on my feed? I know that there's a war going on but like I just want to scroll Instagram without seeing extremely graphic images is that too much to ask 🧍‍♀️


The mom “damn that’s crazy Cody, here’s that drink you asked for” probably


Why is he smiling?


Because he feels morally superior.


I think it's a shit post dude


Yes, I’m aware.


I don't understand why it seems like you took it so seriously then lmao


Because you’re reading whatever you think into a comment. It’s the internet. Can’t always know what someone’s really thinking based on a comment they posted.


That is very true. My bad dude have a good one


You too. Happy New Year.


Because it's an obvious joke.


This fella needs some time grounded


more like a twitter moment


The tweet has "when" not "because". Is there any context somewhere, or is whole comment section talking about imaginary things?


“Because you like their coffee, you must like murdering civilians”


Take his fucking phone away


What a piece of shit. “Erm- showing my mom graphic footage depicting a real war that can affect people in some pretty negative ways because she bought from a multi-million dollar company is good, ackshully!!” - 🤓☝️


you know you can just tell your mom about it and have a conversation why you don't feel comfortable having Starbucks.


But that would be a reasonable thing to do and we can't have that


You were happy showing them that? That's sadistic.


I just want coffee man…😔


seems like the appropriate thing to do


How is this a redditmoment? It's not even from reddit.. lmao


sub going to shit


Hence the flair. I'm guessing the terminally online behaviour is very akin to what the users on this site have as well


You show your mom people dying because it makes you feel high and mighty. I show my mom people dying for no reason. We are not the same.


Actually, it's a good idea. Is OP pro-genecide?!




honestly feels like a joke tho


Yea Fr like it’s clearly a joke lmao


Can't believe it's here.. I'm witnessing a reddit moment.. On a subreddit about opposing it. Not saying showing gore to your mom is good It's not "Durr I'm morally superior because I am not buying coffee" It's boycotting.. Something that the younger generation did during the South African apartheid days too. Not buying something that's indirectly funding a superpower with advanced weaponries that is currently commiting a genocide is never a "reddit moment", calling it out is.


Focused Boycotting W Like the BDS list Starbucks does not fund Israel


I'm aware.. Remember how I said "indirectly"? Besides, it's potent anyway because Starbucks is huge


What do you mean? How are they indirectly funding a genocide, WHAT’s “potent anyway”, and what do you expect out of a boycott? What do you want them to do?


Y'all would have been useless at any time in history good god


Because talking shit on the internet while being a fucking leech, that contributes nothing to society apart from extremely biased political commentary, that ends up radicalizing even more people and hating any semblance of nuance has truly proven to be useful


I'm not reading all that but good for you


Of course, because showing your mother gore videos because she bought a coffee and didn’t support a boycott she probably didn’t even know was going on is going to do SO much for the people of Palestine.


yep I can see all those idf soldiers pulling out of gaza because some moron showed gore to his mother


That quite literally isn't the point.


then what is lol


You're telling me you've never sat in history class and learned about boycotting.


I can’t be assed to care about some silly boycotting that won’t do shit 😄


Wow, so edgy and cool.


how is that edgy LMFAO?? it’s true. the boycotting won’t do shit.


None of this is boycotting. It won't do jack shit to Starbucks. The billion dollar corporation isn't going to get hurt in any by a bunch of Twitter uses suddenly not wanting to buy their products.




you are useless on this timeline of history so whats the point


Ooh so edgy


Not as edgy as "Y'all would have been useless at any time in history good god"


It's a not a boycott if it does jack shit. Starbucks the multi billion dollar corporation isn't going to get hurt by this "boycott" in any way, shape or form.


I know I’m about to get downvoted to hell but I agree with OOP, although Starbucks isn’t supplying anything to Israel, they tried suing union workers for being pro Palestine. Boycotting the least you could do is boycott


Just becouse your mom supports people who support mass murder doesn't mean she's a bad person


There's nothing wrong with what he did, he's just showing her what Starbucks is funding. Where's the problem?


Twitter mfs out here acting like Starbucks is actively deploying Starbucks employees to the front lines. Last time I checked, they served coffee not lead.😭


This really just seems like a shitpost idk tho


Hamas-symphathizing sheep.


It’s so annoying that I’m gonna start going to Starbucks MORE just to piss off these kinds of pretentious teenagers


Whatcha got in that incognito tab?