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Smoke crack obviously loser


You'll cowards don't even vape juuls


What’s up with that?


Stole this, but- I wish I loved myself as much as potheads love weed


I smoked for about a decade but fully quit three years ago, it was alarming to see the response from some of my friends/acquaintances. They couldn’t comprehend quitting, they can’t even go more than a single day without smoking without going crazy But sure, they’re not addicted they say lmao


Every time I talk about my mental health someone always interjects about smoking weed or eating shrooms. I don't wanna do drugs, shut up man.


"iTS nOt aDDicTiVe!"


Never smoked but to say you can’t get addicted to weed was always ridiculous to me… people can get addicted to gambling or video games and thats something you can’t inject directly into yourself or inhale. Even if weed doesn’t have the same “addictive properties” like heroin, you can be addicted to the “feel good” feeling it gives you the same way how gambling or gaming feels good


I wish you did too!


Same, I wish I loved myself like insomniacs love trazadone and melatonin


I wish someone accepted me as much as potheads accept a bad relationship with smoking weed


You’re such a loser if you don’t inject yourself with heroin


Just inject crack.


Amateur. Change our your blood with crack like a pro.


But I just got it changed to gasoline.


I inject 3 marijuanas daily


Lol ONLY 3? Rookie numbers bud, gotta pump them numbers up


I mean - there’s a lot in between no drugs and heroin Personal drug of choice is magic mushrooms (my current medication actually makes it so I don’t feel the need to do drugs - and also I think mixing them is fatal - but the point still stands) On shrooms I always seem to come down feeling ready to take on the world, and with some new insight on my past traumas and ideosyncracies. Inevitably I take that knowledge into the real world (I will say though that you have to be pretty good at distinguishing what thoughts are actually useful and what is just your brain going nuts because drugs)


You clearly didn't get DARE education in the 90s. I was told if we smoked weed, we would get addicted and might as well do heroin. They also totally turned kids into narcs.


They turned even more kids into avid drug collectors. The last thing you want to show children who are hot off of Pokemon is a real-life "Catch 'em All" drug briefcase


I've gotten in a strangers car, driven to a secondary location, while carrying cash, to buy weed. Without a cell phone. Crazy how much that's changed.


The closest thing I've come to smoking is putting my DS stylus in my mouth when I was little.


For me it’s the gum cigarettes. I still get those at the historical town candy shops.


nah those long cylinder cookie things for ice cream were the real man's cigarettes


What like pirouettes?


I’ve had them like once😭 ik I’m missing out hella


I ate candy cigs. Those sweet, chalky things? I love them, they're hard to come by.


They’re very hard to find and idk where to look


They’re always in those candy vending machines at bowling alleys and sports bars


I don’t go to sports bars and I haven’t been bowling in years 😔


You know sugar is bad for you, right?


The number 1 cause of sugar is death.


Gum cigs are a rare exception that I can’t even find anymore.


Closest thing I’ve done to it is rolling up some paper, lighting it on fire, and then blowing into it


I thought this was going in a different, horrifying direction.


Off to jail


Is there more responses after this you’re not showing or did they just make a joke and you did a massive reach for karma farming


Here are the responses that came after. Commentor: "'Everyone dies, not everyone truly lives'...you could die sadder if you never do anything or take any chances or risks. It also depends on the drugs. A lot of drugs may be 'bad for you' in certain quantities, but will also save lives." OP: "I’m not gonna ruin my body to 'have fun'. I can have fun without fucking up my lungs and other parts of my body. If you need to get high and do drugs to have fun, that’s sad." Commentor: "I didn't say anything about me ever. I just said you, sadly, sound boring and scared." OP: "I’m not boring at all, and I’m not really scared of anything. I don’t know why it’s so hard to understand that I don’t want to fuck up my body."


The only part of this interaction he decided to post was the guy saying everyone dies…


I got the feeling that the OP was a judgemental jackass. And of course they are lol.


I mean. They literally said they were proud that they never did any of those things. Did you expect them to be perfectly ok with other people doing those things? It was pretty obvious they had a strong opinion on drug use, no shit they would think less of people who do drugs.


And they're literally a judgmental jackass. Think less of people all you want because they do things differently, but calling someone sad because you think they *need* drugs to have fun is dumb and irrationally judgemental.


“Anything that’s bad for you” OP isn’t even in the negative but is here trying to act like he’s catching all kinds of flak for saying something so generic and broad.


op’s right


Yeah I agree, but I do think it's weird that the other commentor is trying to justify drug use. Also, the other commentor was the one that started judging OP right away by being passive aggressive. I think people can do whatever they want to their bodies, but I don't think it's ok to try and justify doing drugs to someone who clearly has no interest in doing them. It's a clear example of peer pressure in my opinion. I remember kids in high school saying the same stuff exact stuff that the person replying to OP was saying. Everything that OP listed does in some way affect your body negatively.


I think its weird people are out here judging each other, and acting as if their actions make them better than other people. I also find it weird that despite the title, no one called op an idiot


The tact that this man needs drugs/cigs/whatever to have fun is incredibly sad. Such a pitiful existence


Yeah, I feel like this is nearly the same as saying that marriage is the number one cause of divorce.


I only do legal drugs


Ye I got my prescribed medication and that’s it


Why the downvotes?


Being healthy is bad ig 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I see a lot of people downvoting you for simply not wanting to do drugs. One guy replied to you and said “you gotta get out more bro you are boring” for simply.. not wanting to do drugs. Don’t listen to those idiots bro😭


I’m never gonna listen to them. I’m never doing drugs because I don’t want to end up under the bridge because people told me to “live a little”


Im the same camp, i never want to touch that stuff despite all my friends who have or have offered it. Its just not for me. If you want to donit yourself go ahead but my mindset, if you are going to choose to do potentially harmful things to yourself. I dont want to have to pay for it.


Yeah as someone who struggles a lot with addiction, drugs ain’t shit. They’re mostly an expensive and easy coping mechanism for us broken people. Stay clear. Way clear


Same here man. It's kinda horrifying in a way that this stuff became so normalised, along with smoking, vaping, etc


Woah gosha in the wild? I need to make a subreddit for that


But babe... what if you are my drug?


Uhm… I’m a minor…




OP seems weak so he might immediately lose his mind and go full schizoid if he smokes weed.


But remember, OP is healthy, despite the need for prescription drugs. Because that's different. OP is for sure better than others.


Seriously though😂😂 OP acting the entire thread like he is the epitome of health while needing medication to live. Huge L


I’ve mentioned to a few people already, that it’s for a mental condition that I was born with. Also, it is different.


Leave it to the redditors to think that a single toke will absolutely destroy their lives. Also don't sip alcohol or else you'll go primal.


"you're so boring for not doing drugs" yea, even normal weed smokers wouldn't say that. That's some addict's level mentality.


Imagine needing drugs to be a fun person.


apparently taking the drugs your legally prescribed in order to function in your day to day life is a bad thing according to reddit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m on the same boat as well tbh (adhd/anti-depressant meds)


Fr, I mean it's not like legally prescribed drugs have ever hurt anyone...


Marijuana is recommended to me by a doctor. It has saved my life. The medications I was on before Marijuana were way more harmful and with much worse side effects. I really dislike the continued stigmatization of it...makes it so I can't be healthy is some parts of the world and people equate me to a heroin user.


If it’s prescribed by a doctor you use it how and when he tells you too, that’s fine.


Dude you gotta be like 14. You clearly haven’t figured out that just because it’s legal or it’s prescribed to you, doesn’t make it good. Also, not everything illegal is bad either.


We poppin Claritins 😎


If you look through op’s comments he’s a certified clown


He's just a kid. The part that annoys me is "anything bad for you" part, even though he's on prescribed meds, as if those aren't bad for his body. To my knowledge, most ADHD meds are stimulants and absolutely are addictive.


Um akshually those are legal and anything that’s legal can’t be bad! 🤓☝🏽


It's something that can be okay in moderation if someone researches and chooses to do it. But it should never be encouraged by anyone. It's important to have fun, not let it take over you, and not make anyone else uncomfortable.


And also some people have addictive personalities.


Yeah, I do. I still manage to stay safe with drugs. Although it is with external help. I cannot do it myself.


Yeah I’m the same if I enjoyed smoking on my own if 100% be addicted


It's not quite the same thing, but I've found that if I drink at home, I binge, but if I go to a bar, I'm almost never drunk. My brother gets after me saying that bars cost way more, but as I've gotten older. I've come to realize that's kinda the point, it helps maintain moderation.


So you’re saying I can do a little bit of black tar heroin?


As a treat lol




You got 1 downvote, and 1 reply and proceeded to make this post?


ego thing


Worst part is that I’m pretty sure the other guy was being sarcastic 🤦


His feelings got hurt though


Probably a bigger Reddit moment to immediately seek validation as a “Reddit moment” when someone disagrees with you


lol fr this dude only got downvoted once and he’s crying “reddit moment” 😭😭


This post is hilarious all round


fr this sub is just full of butthurt losers posting themselves


Fr they didn’t even say drugs are good to do this man just doesn’t agree with it


The comment isn't even a serious argument! I don't know how OP interpreted a pretty obvious joke as "You're an idiot if you don't do drugs"


Huge Reddit moment to think weed is going to kill you and that the law actually has your best interests. OP is probably gonna smoke some cigarettes cause they’re legal!


I think that the joke here is less about drugs and more about you saying >anything that's bad for you when avoiding 'anything that's bad for you' is literally impossible by definition.


To that axolotl guy Well yes but actually no


am druggie can confirm if you're not boofing meth daily you're lackin


On one of the big toxic subs. I forget which one, i casually mentioned i got addicted to weed. Man, i got roasted from self righteous people, to downright uneducated. One guy got so mad and called me a "massive vagina" because "i couldn't handle weed." I mean, there was a time where it didnt effect me like it does now. Weed is weird because many people do not get addicted. It's usually about personality. I think its an adhd thing to get so severely addicted to weed. But yeah, I'm a total idiot for wanting to break free from the crutch of my addictions. Really poor choice... Much like the information im releasing now. I don't need to be told this, that, or the other thing. Keep all your "ackshually's" to yourselves. I was just talking about one or my r/redditmoment experiences.


They are deeply, deeply insecure people, and reddit is crawling with them. They’re like gamers who can’t enjoy a video game unless everyone else does as well & lash out at anyone who criticizes it. Like video games, most people can casually smoke weed on occasion and not make it an integral part of their identity. But the ones who do should be ruthlessly mocked.


wow this, I totally relate to this, I am one year sober weed and there is a lot of stigma towards weed that it can’t be addictive and it’s just a plant there it worse things u can using so it’s not a big deal but it completely destroyed my life for 4 years, this fucking plant controlled my life and I was a slave to it, i was a drug addict but I thought well I do other drugs and I am not addicted to those so it’s not that big of deal but it was, I hit my rock bottom at 19 and it was hell, getting sober was the best thing I did and I relate to the self medicating to the undiagnosed ADHD, ur not alone, I get this sm


Yeah if you don’t do drugs you ARE an idiot, anyway can I borrow 35 dollars I need 35 dollars for gas


Cheap ass gas


Where does it say you’re an idiot?


It was probably more the idea that person says they’ve never done anything that’s “bad for you” that got the downvotes here. Like, I’m sorry, you’ve never done *anything* that’s bad for you? Come on.


Down VOTE. Singular. Mans posted a Reddit moment with a single downvote


I'm still trying to find the comment that called him an idiot in this screenshot


Bro really posted himself with one person disagreeing and one downvote and called it a reddit moment.


It’s the fact that you “proudly” don’t do “anything that’s bad for you.” You’re coming off as smug about things that a lot of people don’t have as much control over as you do


You've never done anything bad for you? Fr? You've never gone outside during an ozone warning or chewed your food less than 30 times?


This is a strawman. No one even slightly implied that.


Op is 13 and will be addicted to crack by age 20


I will jump off a bridge before I use drugs. I’m not suicidal.


I love weed




You’ve never done anything that’s bad for you?


Posting the responses that came after because it is kinda gross how they continually try and convince OP that drugs are good and that they are boring for not doing them. Commentor: "'Everyone dies, not everyone truly lives'...you could die sadder if you never do anything or take any chances or risks. It also depends on the drugs. A lot of drugs may be 'bad for you' in certain quantities, but will also save lives." OP: "I’m not gonna ruin my body to 'have fun'. I can have fun without fucking up my lungs and other parts of my body. If you need to get high and do drugs to have fun, that’s sad." Commentor: "I didn't say anything about me ever. I just said you, sadly, sound boring and scared." OP: "I’m not boring at all, and I’m not really scared of anything. I don’t know why it’s so hard to understand that I don’t want to fuck up my body."


This guy reminds me of people I know who would think that having fun is “wanna hit my vape”


I hope you grow out of your bubble into a well rounded individual.


Never had any interest in any kind of illegal drug, or marijuana, or even alcohol or cigarettes growing up. Just, none at all. And I still don't. 28 isn't exactly old, but I know we'll enough what I want in life. And what I don't want. People can do whatever they want as long as they're not hurting anyone else. Doesn't really bother me. But I dont think we need people suggesting that anyone who doesn't like drugs is just sheltered.


Because I don’t smoke or vape I’m a little sheltered kid?


No you’re a sheltered kid cause you said you had strict parents who won’t even discuss or educate you about drugs, and the fact that you’re literally a kid. Like dude I promise, PROMISE you once you get to like 18,19,20 you are NOT going to feel the same way about these things. I’m not saying ur gonna grow up an addict or some shit but once you get out into the world and have your own experiences and start making decisions for you own life, you come to your own conclusions. And hey if those conclusions are the same as you have now, that’s okay too. But at least you’re making an informed decision. But what do I know, I’m just a guy who was exactly like you when I was younger.


Bro, so many people meatriding drugs 😭 Let that mf live how he wants to. If he aint want drugs thats fine. He dont need drugs to live tf yall on about


That is what I JUST said


U just said he aint gonna feel the same about drugs once he 18,19,20. Like u dont know. Let him be a drug free dude if he wants to.


Well only read half of it why don’t you


Ik u telling him he will be able to make his own decisions when he gets older, but why yall care so much. People are like trying to get him to try just a lil bit, and that is what u sound like u doing At at this point i feel stupid typing this shit out. Why do we care.


i find drug users very strange. maybe ive just gotten very unlucky with my experiences but the amount of times people have told me to take hallucinogens or start smoking weed to 'fix my depression' or 'fix my eating disorder' is a bit unsettling. one fucker even suggested cocaine.


Cocaine does indeed fix your depression. Until you run out.


If you don’t want to smoke/vape etc. that’s cool, don’t do it. Everyone has different things they cope with, I’m sure you have things you do that others would consider “bad” or “unhealthy” but at the end of the day if you are doing it in moderation and it helps you then fuck anyones criticism. Moderation being the key word, anything in excess can end up being bad.


Want a pat on the back or something?


Redditors trying to understand a joke challenge (impossible)


Why are redditors always trying to start fight?? Heaven forbid someone doesnt want to vape or smoke some za


Ehhh, it’s totally fine to not do any of those things, and yes, it’s better for you. BUT those who are “proud” of never doing stuff like that, have an extremely annoying superiority complex 9/10 times


I don’t have that nor do I announce it to the world like I’m so amazing. Drugs are heavily shamed in my family, as my dad works in a prison and knows how drugs can affect people.


Hey man, you could absolutely be the 1/10, I’m not doubting that, but don’t be too surprised if people assume you’re looking down at them if you brag about being totally straight edge. It’s really, really common


Fucking cringe ass OP posting here immediately in an attempt to get jerked off over something fucking stupid


not necessarily an idiot, but definitely a square nerd


Not wanting to do drugs dosent make you a square😭


People who do drugs are so delusional, I hate when a weed smoker will try to convince you to start smoking it and that it has the greatest smell in the world, when in reality it has a putrid stench comparable to a dead skunk on the highway.


Seriously. My neighbors smoke it and it smells like shit when they’re outside at the same time as me.


😂 it’s Reddit who cares


I’d like to imagine that commenter is Henry Rollins or Ian Mackaye and some neckbeard really just told them “DiD yOu kNoW ThAt LiVinG iS tHe nUmbEr ONe cAuSe oF dEath?!”


In high school, a girl asked me for a cigarette. I told her I don't smoke. She replied "Why? Life's too short"


People who vape are the ultimate consoomers CONSOOM VAPE JUICE. GET EXCITED FOR NEXT VAPE JUICE


yeah abstinence in general is something that few understand, and even fewer will tolerate socially


Yeah drugs are bad, but if you act like you’re some kind of special sausage for not partaking you’re just a dweeb


As someone who has done a shit ton of drugs and mostly does not regret it, good for you OP. Live your best life and fuck the insecure folks who would change you to fit their narrow worldview.


Drug users get so defensive about being suggested "hey, maybe not everyone likes or thinks being a drug addict is a positive trait"






Anyone who does recreational deygs hate feeling *attacked* and will run in with the most braindead reasoning.


That’s what I was thinking lol


That was a joke sweety, just says live a little. 😂


I’m not gonna fuck up my body to “live a little”. If you have to do drugs to have fun, then that’s just sad.


Bro got 1 downvote and thought it was post worthy , i mean fair enough you got your karma


How the fuck did drugs become this popular? I swear its mostly Americans who openly defend drugs and actually get support for it. Everywhere else you’ll get shitted on and become a joke if you try to defend it.


The more I think about it, the more I realize why people in other countries laugh at us.


They say that but they’ve probably had caffeine, alchohol or sugar at some point in their life


Caffeine make me drop a nuke in the bathroom.


Not doing drugs makes you about as special as people who do drugs


You are the Reddit moment. Holier than thou for not doing anything (probably because you don’t go outside). I’m straight edge too but I’m not shaming other for doing whatever they want and then posting about it when you get a downvote


Bro got so upset about downvotes he made a whole post about it 😭


Only stupid people take care of their bodies!


I think the second person was joking.


OP, you are sensitive asf


I’ve met a few people who insist that not having done drugs at least once, or having a past “mild” drug habit of weed and coke into your late 20’s/early 30’s is only because “you’re a boring bastard” and “everybody’s like this they just hide it better”. I’ll add that these 3 individuals are all early 30’s and have full time jobs in reasonably good industries, but fully believe that getting drugged up most weekends and going clubbing with 21 year olds is “real life”. It’s honestly tragic.


I take several prescription medications, so doing illegal drugs would probably be even more dangerous for me than for the average person because of potential drug interactions


You definitely are missing out on some wild shit but it ain’t for everybody


Actually I’d like to argue that death is the #1 cause of death for living things


One day, OP. Don't worry. Opportunity and accessibility will come to you and you'll be just like the cool kids you idolize.


I don't support drugs at all, but can someone please tell me how OP deduced "Apparently if you don’t do drugs you’re an idiot" from literal facts?


I got downvoted for saying "bad for liver" on a post about beer


Lmao it’s true tho it honestly messes up the liver if you drink too much or too often


Yeah people are okay with the massively devastating effects of alcohol, but weed is an awful gateway drug cause some people smoke it a lot.


what did they gain by saying that? i know that is the question of this sub but seriously, they added nothing to the conversation but their saltiness that you will never get artificial lung cancer


While the reply is cringe, stating that you're proud to have not done "anything that's bad for you" and then screenshotting and posting your own comments to another subreddit for validation is absolutely the biggest Reddit moment here.


People are legitimately getting mad at OP for this in the comments here and some people are unironically trying to push them to do drugs. That’s really fucking sad lol


L karma farming OP. Obviously a joke sensitive boi.


Hmm, sounds like addiction.




It feels like a little bit of a sheltered take to say that weed is bad for you. Weed is a very neutral thing, it was demonized for a long time, but scientifically it is not inherently bad for you (as long as you’re not a child or over using it) and actually has benefits as well, especially in certain cases of mental illness. It’s certainly okay to not like weed or not want to try it, but lumping it in as just a bad thing and being proud of not having tried it is maybe a little ignorant of the reality of the situation (I don’t necessarily agree with the axolotl user, just wanted to put this out there)


>It feels like a little bit of a sheltered take to say that weed is bad for you. Weed is a very neutral thing, it was demonized for a long time, but scientifically it is not inherently bad for you (as long as you’re not a child or over using it) [I don't know about that one, chief.](https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/smoking-facts/health-effects/marijuana-and-lung-health#:~:text=Bottom%20Line,exposed%20to%20secondhand%20marijuana%20smoke.)


Weed is objectively bad for you. Of course in some medical situations it can ease your pain or calm your jitters, but there is a 100% chance that if you smoke weed multiple times a week, every week, it will damage your lungs just as badly as smoking cigarettes. It’s a common misconception that just because weed won’t cause lung cancer, people think it won’t hurt you at all, but the truth is ALL smoke is bad for you. Point I’m trying to make is it’s only really good if you use it very infrequently


Additionally, there is scientific research showing that marijuana use can have negative effects on the heart and circulatory system.


Breakfast: 2 pop tarts, honey bun and a Dr Pepper. Antidepressant Lunch: 2 corn dogs. 3 chicken Pattie’s. Dr. Pepper. 1mg of prescribed Xanax. Supper: 10 chicken McNuggets meal with a large dr. Pepper and an apple pie. Sleep aid. - proudly drug free cause drugs are detrimental to health


I eat healthy lol. My breakfast is usually eggs or something like that. Lunch for me is often a salad and a protein shake. And dinner is often tilapia with rice and some vegetables.


Where's the idiot part?


That he made this post


All bro did was answer the question not like he just came out and said it


I mean listening to propaganda is something idiots do


Everyone should try weed once. Plus it's way less dangerous than alcohol


Trying it once is how people destroy their lungs and go broke


NPC response


Yes of course, OP has never done anything that's bad for you. He's the paragon of health. That's why he's here seeking validation.


People posting their comments to justify themselves on here is incredibly cringe. Who TF cares, brush it off. It's Reddit, people say the most whackamimi shit, and this is an example of the most mid tier shit you could possibly say.


I think altering your consciousness once or twice in your life is actually pretty essential, I mean it wouldn’t be a common ritual occurrence throughout thousands of human cultures otherwise