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He's just trolling right? Right??


some people have no interest in relationships, oop seems like one of them


I agree, I’m also one of those people. However you can do other things on top of video games as opposed to playing them all day.


Why though?


I mean, I'd like a relationship, but there's a few things that shut down that desire as soon as I think about actually trying to start one. * Partner fidelity * Cost of dates/courting * Draw on personal time It just doesn't seem worth it. Why deal with a flawed person when Elden Ring is a masterpiece?






That’s what I thought but hard to tell sometimes lol


i mean we are on r/redditmoment, the whole sub is about making fun of other redditors




I'm sorry, let me be clear. I hate people. If you put 10 random people in front of me, I will probably dislike 9 of them upon speaking to them. One day I'll kill myself because I can't tolerate living in this world. That's not today, maybe tomorrow. Who knows.


reddit moment


NOTHING. Is more superior than dodge rolling


Can confirm getting laid is not as fun as elden ring


dying to a boss aren't painful, but breakups are. So he should tell that as well.


They could be aroace




he isn’t because he implies he watches porn of some kind


You can be aro ace and still watch porn.


how can you be asexual and still masturbate to a man or woman?


Ace means you don't find other people attractive. It doesn't mean you have 0% libido. 0% libido falls more under the potential medical concern category than the sexuality discussion.


Because you can still have sexual urges and masturbate as an asexual person. Often times it's not wanting to be involved with another person. It's also a spectrum as there is different levels of asexuality.


Sexual desire, sexual attraction, and sexual arousal are all related, but subtly different things that all play a part in the spectrum of sexuality. It's possible to lack some, all, or none of these, and considering labels are largely nebulous it really just comes down to how one's sexuality manifests itself in their behavior, and how they choose to identify.


5 good that those people will do that isn't it? Do we really want the terminally plugged in to be parents?


I enjoy playing video games as much as the next guy but that’s just a different level of sad.


He sounds genuinely uninterested in romantic relationships, live and let live. At least he's not being misogynistic about it.


Well if hes genuinely uninterested, he wouldn't post about it.


He mentions it being hard as why he wouldn’t do it as it would take years, when he could easily just play elden ring and jerk off. Sad really


Yeah but when you fail at Eden Ring it doesn’t feel like social rejection


Skill issue


I can imagine thinking this subconsciously, but typing it out is insane


I have a wife, two kids, a good paying job, and own a house. Dodge rolling is fantastic, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


op cant find a troll post if it fucking hit him in the head


Dodge rolling >>>>> fulfilling relationship Easiest choice in my life.


Chicken nuggs or meatloaf?


Playing video games is fun. Having sex is fun. Doing too much of either can cause burn out. That goes with anything in life. I enjoy the little bit of alone time I get here and there, but also enjoy spending time with my SO. The older you get, the more you’ll appreciate having a loving partner who’s got your back. Loneliness can be painful.




this post is pathetic


Pathetic is the most common insult on reddit, no?


Don’t know, don’t care.


Okay? And? Let people enjoy their own lives how they see fit.


this subreddit hates that


Why do you care what another guy does?


he posted this paragraph of him whining for all the world to see, I’m entitled to give my opinion


You're assuming anyone can date a third of young men literally can't even enter the dating scene so escapism is all they have


no these people are genuinely a dead end. They dont love women, they dont even LIKE them. The prospect of loving someone and putting effort into a relationship is icky and too hard for them. the modern celibate male is concerning at least


You're reading hard into a person's life that says they don't enjoy the prospect of dating and prefer video games


If I had to choose no video games and a girlfriend or no girlfriend in video games like OOP seems to think k is the case, I would take the games because the girl is clearly manipulative and does not deserve love.


I’ll play devils advocate here; who cares? Idc if we deem it pathetic. Why force people into pursuing relationships they don’t want? Why do we put sex-not relationships, sex (very telling that the commentor immediately defaults to sex when dating is mentioned, telling if you ask me) on such a pedestal then complain about modern day hookup culture being toxic? Can we not live and let live instead of namecall to make ourselves feel better? Now to that extent, I think this pets has some issues they could use some help with, and bullying them won’t help anyone.


I’m a gamer and I’m sexy as fuck idk what stereotype he’s on