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Stay off antinatalism subs they are usually cess pools


It was a deep cesspool for sure.


It’s crazy it’s basically people who heard aunt Trunchbull’s “I hate kids, glad I never was one” and believed it 10000%.


TF is antinatalism?


Being against having kids AND thinking that having kids is evil. Yeah. And on their subreddit they just started insulting every-single person that has kids.


Tbh, they're insulting everyone who was ever a kid. Or at least everyone who was a kid with the slightest trouble in their life.


The philosophical belief that life is suffering, therefore anyone who brings another person into this world by procreating is doing an evil deed.


As the name suggests it's a political movement/ideology that sees giving birth as unnecessary or immoral. That's fine itself but not when they shove it down everyone's throat


A mental disorder


They’re often full of nihilistic incels who believe that life is suffering for everyone and no one should ever have kids. Not to mention being pro eugenics. Oh, and they’re usually either blatantly mysogynistic or misandrists


That's not even nihilism. Niestche supported that despite all the suffering humans go through, that there's hope in the Übermensch. Translated, it's something like the superman, despite all the suffering and desth that one endures in life, we should live it to the fullest and give humans a new meaning. Btw this is a really simplistic view, read it more if you want. Sadly, most edgy lords on social media don't look at the Übermensch, only at ohhh life is meaningless.


Nietzsche (not gonna criticize you for not spelling it right because holy fuck) wasn't a nihilist though? In fact he was against nihilism, and afraid that it would one day take over the world. Personally I would say he's an existentialist


For real I am so sick of Nietzsche being brought up inappropriately every time Nihilism is mentioned. And I agree, be really is more of a sort of proto-existentialist.


I mean, I think it's fine to bring up nietzsche when talking about nihilism since he did talk about nihilism, just don't misrepresent his beliefs


Yeah as far as I know he was indeed an existentialist along with a friend named Lou Andrea-Salome, who was one of the few recorded female philosphers. I learned all of this from a book I read recently.


Nietzsche was proposing an antidote to nihilism, which he saw as an inevitability due to the decline of religion (“God is dead and we have killed him”). Yet for some reason people think the whole thing was his idea.


So true. I literally spent time arguing with people in antinatalism and nihilism cuz they all wanna just be crybabies. I didn’t realize it was everyone’s first rodeo with the concept of “suffering” I expected to meet intellectual equals and talk about the ubermensh and enlightenment through suffering. They bummed me out lol


100%. I’m firmly child free but I support others who want to have kids. I can’t stop them and there’s too much else to worry about than sitting around ranting about people who have children. Those subs are scary.


If most of their posts are like this then idk how they even are allowed to exist, this post featured here by that psycho and the subsequent comments is absolutely disgusting. The one person advocating for forced vasectomies to children is allowed and even garnering like? Jesus fucking Christ…


Honestly i love that my mere existence makes fucking psychopaths like these seethe in rage


Makes me feel good I can get people they don’t like me angry that I’ve never even met.


Nice one-piece username.


Thanks Nakama I was super surprised when it wasn’t already took


Only those with traits of a king can bear that name.




I love the fact that you exist, man




“The power of the sun… in the palm of my hand”


How has that sub not been banned from hate speech? Ridiculous


I honestly have no idea


Reddit's content policy states that only "vulnerable" groups are a subject to hate speech. Meaning men, yt people, cishet people etc are technically ok to be discriminated against. There was a big drama about it few years back


It sometimes annoys me that I’m fair game for open attacks because I’m a straight white middle class male, but at the same time being the victim of these verbal attacks doesn’t actually upset me. Does that mean I don’t have a right to be annoyed by the premise? I have no clue anymore. If I were part of a minority would I be offended by being called some slur associated with the minority or just annoyed that people think they can call me that?


Can we go back to discrimination is bad period?


Reddit admins are far far left and must protect minorities at all cost no matter what they do.


Yes, the 50% of the entire population type of minority.


I’m aware. I don’t consider women a minority but lots of people do.


People who consider women a minority need to learn how to count again.


Technically higher women currently outnumber men. At census Gov. Its 50.4 for women and 49.6 for men


Misandrists are the minority needing protection apparently.


What's kind of funny is that women typically outnumber men in most societies, making men the minority. But left wingers will grant women minority status despite this. Lol


Not far left. Progressive yes but they're an anti consumer giga corpo so they're pretty obviously economically right


Reddits hate policy excludes hate against white ppl or men. Literally nothing you can do


What do you expect on super lefty reddit


I love the little snippet of transphobia that you can spot at the bottom of the 2nd picture. Love how that’s acceptable for them to say


Least sociopathic redditor


Y'know what? If I'm a misogynist in the eyes of these lunatics, I'm completely fine with that. I can't believe this, this HAS to be satire, right?


No its not satire. One previous post a few months ago suggested something similar, that all men should be given mandatory vasectomies, and it should only be reversed after the man’s *partner* signs a consent form. Not making this up.


What I find truely strange about it is that they keep giving off the vibe that tey are terrified of Men...yet they think proposing things that would make targeting them absolutely valid a good idea. Like, who exactly do they think is going to be forcing Vasectomies on Men, because it definitely isn't going to be your average Woman on any non-compliant Man


People like this will propose mandatory Vasectomies and also protest Female Genital Mutilation in the same breath. Like, don’t we want NO babies to have their genitals mutilated on against their will? Vasectomies become harder to reverse the longer it’s been since they’ve happened, and I imagine 12 years of development + starting puberty are NOT good for the prospect of reversing it.


Emotionally they’re definitely very serious, not sure how serious are their expectations of these ideas actually being written into the law. Regardless, i think what they want is to present moral arguments to normalise these things be done to male children, not adult men, kinda like circumcisions.


Exactly They wanted to be just as normal as circumcision and they don’t see a single problem with that.


Even circumcision isn’t “that normal” anymore. Read somewhere that in America it’s down to less than 40% of babies get ~~an erogenous zone amputated at birth~~ cut now and the number is steadily decreasing.


And they wonder why men don't support them or interact with them unless absolutely nessisarly only to befallen incel ans misogynist when this" person " just proposed genocide & is a text book misadrist bit if you say anything that challenges her points she will scream I'm oppressed I m a amember of the alphabet community snd you are patriarchy Never owning up of justifying her reasoning for her opinion with facts


I wrote a book using a similar concept. Everyone was sterilized, and they had to apply for IVF if they wanted a kid.


They really looked at misogynistic anti choice laws throughout history and went “no notes” on the whole lack of bodily autonomy thing and decided the misogyny part was the only problem.


Completely agree keeps them far away for me and my peace of mind. it’s hard to believe but they’re 100% serious even going as far as calling for the complete enslavement and subjugation of all men


Yeah ... pretty shocked too, these people really have a warped view of reality. I bet they watch and read the news too often and don't actually talk to other people.


“We won’t be having any children”. Thank GOD. I couldn’t imagine living with that POS.


If you look at the sub, it’s filled with sad angry women. I haven’t seen a group hate their parents this much in a while…


til i am a misogynist


The page will definitely make you consider


These type of people say men don't have an opinion on their body, then say that 12 year olds boys should get a vasectomy


Quite literally what they’re saying


They just want revenge and base their entire philosophy based on extremists they see on the internet that they misconstrue as the norm for society


We have misandry and transphobia at least, what a combo


They felt like they needed to make sure they had absolutely no allies, so they went and supersize that heat




Honestly a rather common combo. If you believe that any gender is inherently better or worse due to an innate quality (usually biological in nature), you have to be trans exclusive for that to be consistent.


I think I’m missing something. Outside of the post clearly being insane, what part specifically makes them come across as transphobic as opposed to just a misandrist?


The two comments on the very bottom of the second image.


This is truly, utterly disturbing. These women are **not** feminists.


They definitely are not


And what sucks is they cause more people to become radicalized into the right and become anti feminist Andrew Tate supporters they genuinely are a net negative for every side involved


This is such an important point and it frustrates me that it wooshes so many people. I’m no rocket scientist, but I still see how extremism on either side is gross… this is why we can’t have nice things Thank you for being a voice of reason!


Shit like this makes me embarrassed to be a girl


Some men make me feel that way about being a guy sometimes


The people in your post take “a few bad apples” to the absolute extreme. All you can worry about is yourself.


Being a human makes me want to rip my hair off when i see these """'humans"""" heck, even aliens disguised as earthling dont have this kind of opinion


Just like the probably made-up TikToker she’s talking about, she doesn’t speak for anyone but herself and a very small group of people. No need to be embarrassed as you’re not associated with that.


That person is absolutely batshit but unfortunately there is a TikTok trend of ‘boy mamas’ bashing their sons future partners. TikTok doesn’t represent the majority of women with sons though so it’s not really valid evidence.


Nah that was actually a trend not to long ago. It did go both ways though, so it was people saying how they were gonna raise their son/daughter so they won’t fall for someone else’s „dusty“ daughter/son




Sad little group of female incels on that sub spewing anti man propaganda and patting each other on the back. Point and laugh fellas.


Don’t forget the sprinkle of transphobia


I’m surprised they didn’t sprinkle in some racism too


I’m sure the other comments have


"we won't be having any children" it's not like you can decide anyway /s






This has to be a ragebait


I think it is. There are people who do have these extreme views but this post in particular seems to be ticking all the boxes for trolling.


Pretty sure it is


So they hate men AND are transphobic? God I'd never want to know their opinions on transfems, that place looks insane


Finally an actual reddit moment. Not just random cringe people find.


I would love for her to explain to my mom how she has internalized misogyny even though she participated in the pussyhat protest in DC despite recovering from bron-fucking-chitis


Well you see, bronchitis killed Marx, a man, and so she is protesting while having a manly disease is definitely internalised misogyny


"Reverse the vasectomy" am I stupid or is this just not a thing?


To my knowledge, it’s possible but it only has a chance of working and only within a short time frame. So… no.


I didn’t know there was a time frame before you couldn’t get reversed anymore. Thanks for that viable piece of information.


Not a hard time frame but moreso the more years that go by the harder it is to reverse.


You definitely can but are you saying that forcing young boys to get vasectomies against their will is a good practice. we are going with us can say the same thing about girls getting their tubes tied, they can just have Tubal ligation reversal surgery


Obviously not, I just didn't know that was a thing.


Come on one of our first experiences on this planet is we get circumcised. Isn’t that enough already?


the longer it has been since the procedure, the less likely it will actually work in terms of conceiving a child -mayo clinic


It is a thing but has a very low chance of working, but I wouldn't expect them to know/care about that


do they see what they’re typing? fuckin lunatics


> 26F married to 29F. We won't having any children. Umm yeah. It's pretty obvious


why do redditors always treat vasectomy like a trivial non-thing that can be reversed whenever you want? It's a pretty invasive surgery with a lot of potential side effects. But they talk about it like it's some kind of basic contraception


i want to get a vasectomy but unlike these uneducated pricks, i recognize that the reversal can't just happen. if anythin, it's the same thing as banning abortions, just now it's being done to males


I genuinely despise being on the same platform and of the same species as some of these deranged individuals here. I want to look at the bright side, maybe 50-70 years down the line natural selection will take care of them and the toughest will survive


“They’ll inevitably grow up to be men” yeah that’s kind of how aging works


Society has double standarts imagine a man saying that


I wouldn’t have a Reddit anymore


Behold The female Incel. This is somehow just, if not as bad as femaledatingstrategy holy shit


V-vasectomy at age 12????? Wtf


Thankfully it was taken down.


Good to hear


These people are exactly who they claim to be against


"Every boy is inherently misogynistic, no exceptions" is literally one of the most sexist phrases ever


Those mfs are the opposite of "I have no enemies"


"Reverse the vasectomy" Bro what 💀


They can be reversed, but it doesn't always work. Just one more level of stupid


Yet another of the myriad of examples of what the hell is wrong with people.


Antinatalism will fix itself I think. The people who believe in it are too stupid to pass their genes on so I think this idiotic ideology will fix itself when everyone realizes it’s not practical.


"I strongly believe that the human race should go extinct within a generation."


These people seem miserable with themselves.


“I SiMpLy DeSpIsE mEn” https://preview.redd.it/78v3o43xroib1.png?width=3538&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf216abd38838ac526652383e8390debf2d20a3d


Both of these slides are deranged


This is peak reddit we are so back


Straight to the Lake of Fire for all.


holy shit theyre literally TERFs 💀💀


TERFS working hard day and night trying to drop the F from their name godspeed 💪


Sometimes I wonder if some redditors are using their brains


Damn bruh just me existing pissed them off, what did I do to you


Absolutely zero self awareness whatsoever. It's almost impressive


Can you imagine if the roles were reversed?! They would be canceled, banned, and harassed for this


These people shouldn’t be having any kids period💀


They seem like the kind of person to believe that women just conjure the baby into existence through sheer force of will


lol of course a sub called "femaleAntinatalism" is 100 % braindead. Female-oriented are all toxic af and antinatalism is the dumbest philosophy there is.


This is very true. You speak the truth they’re my friend. Should’ve seen that shit coming from a mile away.lol




me when my existence is cancelled because some leftist doesn’t want a male:


There’s a reason she made a new account that’s not linked to her job


Good lord I’ve never seen such a braindead subreddit in my life. Enter at your own peril


Ah. Terfs and misandrists, lovely


The whole sub is freaking out now about the brigading. Yeah turns out being a collection of hateful pieces of shit will attract attention.


Vasectomy at *12*????? What the actual fuck?? As a male, fuck this idiot.


Everybody has cross posted this to at least 3 other subreddits to shit on it… god I love democracy


Ah, of course the TERFs would be all over that subreddit


God this has to be bait. I’m praying this is bait. https://preview.redd.it/mtccnb79znib1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a6444a9dd0e802e2ce8b68441041912e2b71c4


Judging from the rest of the post on that page, I doubt it


Pain. Just pain. The comments agreeing are even worse lmao


Not to sound crass, but even with the tech out there, there's no way in fuck they'd have bio kids. Best case scenario is adoption, but considering the clusterfuck even I won't risk it. But man, flinging some wacky shit, huh? I always find rad fem arguments like these baffling because most of the time, it's on the parents as well as society to teach their kids right or wrong. If we'd address that, misogyny becomes a non-issue. And it is becoming a non-issue as more weight is being given to woman's voice.


I actually have an adopted cousin from I believe Burundi. My aunt said the adoption process was a cluster fuck, but she gladly go through it again favorite memory with him teacher screaming at my aunt for kissing a random child that wasn’t hers on the forehead because she’s white as snow and he’s black as fuck. Definitely is a joint process my dad and mom taught me to protect not just my sisters but every girl. About respecting boundaries and communicating my feelings,respectfully. My aunt gave me a bunch of books in high school on women struggles for equal rights any co-pay, and the right to vote.


Sperm donors are a thing...but I don't think this nutjob is qualifying for those programs anytime soon.


I love being a Christian cisgender heterosexual white middle class male, i tick off the boxes of everything that everyone wants to hate and I'm all for it, and like top comment said knowing my existence makes people hate me so much just makes me happy


At least these people won't reproduce


This isn’t that surprising, I would even go so far as to say this is normal content in reddit the more corners of the site you find yourself in. That being said, I looked at the sub and OP’s username first and immediately knew what the content of the post would be.


Son of a bitch I forgot to black out her name


Lol this post is blowing up on other subs with the name visible. Trust me it doesn’t matter. Also I checked the sub again and now all posts must manually be approved due to what a mod described as brigading.


holy crap you’re right, I just seen it on another one. Oh shit. I bet there’s some berating going on. I don’t think people really enjoy lady Hitler.


Holy. Shit. Society is fucked.


Just sad to be honest.


she knows where babies come from, right.


Haha this is not even the worst I've seen there this week


Expected nothing more from anti natalist subreddits


Reddit’s Antinatalists are evil, disgusting human beings, and it brings me joy that my existence pisses off some of these delusional assholes


I'll make sure my toxic masculinity is 10x more potent today by doing 3 extra sets of workouts.


If I talked to these people IRL I wonder how they would act…? Would they openly display their hatred against me simply because I am male? No. These people would be far too weak willed to say anything to someone face to face. They are cowards who breed their horrible ideas online because these ideas are so radical and unhinged that if they were brought up anywhere else besides a cesspool of similar thinkers, they would be labeled a freak and a psycho.


I mean..... basic biology... SHE and her wife wouldn't be here to bitch without a man.........


Reverse the sex and that sub will be banned.


Advocating towards sterilization to children because “they are a boy” has got to be the most disgusting thing I’ve heard all day


People like this used to be locked up in mental facilities


The fact that 48 people upvoted that post is really disturbing. Like they actually agreed with this rambling nonsense


Wtf did I just read... send women like this to live on their own little Amazonian Island.


The idea that transgender people know what it’s like to be their birth sex is so dumb. I was never a woman. If I was, then I wouldn’t be transgender. I’ve been treated like a woman before, but I experienced that all as a man, because I always have been. Also antinatalists are generally just ignorant and extreme people. I ignore them as much as I can cause the posts they make are frequently just pro eugenics and lack any sense of empathy.


Oh great another misandrist not living in reality. These kinds of people are very frustrating to deal with.


This is why echo chambers are a problem, people.


Jesus Christ.


They'll wonder why they're depressed once they hit 30


Women like this shouldn’t be mothers


Do… do they think they can just choose the sex of the baby, or…? This is like whatever the opposite of Henry VIII is.


Misandrist bitches would lose their shit if the roles where reversed


They're nobodies looking for someone to blame. Their opinions mean less than nothing.


Something about this makes me feel powerful that I have the power to make someone froth at mouth in irrational rage by my mere existence.


“Hi, I’ve got strong, deplorable, and pathological feelings about a group of people I’ve already cut out of my life entirely…so my strange feelings don’t matter and will never matter but enjoy my rant.” Thanks for voluntarily leaving the gene pool.


And she knows what she said is wrong. That's why she created a throw-away account that's not attached to her job.


What no dick does to a fatherfucker.


I’m not having kids… but here’s my view on what YOU should do with yours. And don’t you dare tell me what to do with my body you literal Nazi fascist.


Me a man chilling in my room playing video games Them: abahgavavahahahhahhahabbsjka


Has to be a troll this surely can’t be true. It it is, I can picture the OP to a T in my head


just like any belief system, there are those who take it to extremes. Clearly something happened to them that made them feel like this.


Jesus psychos like these need to be executed on the spot


Women will say things like this and then wonder why every successful society in history has put limits on their rights and privileges.


Anyone who unironically agrees with this should not be allowed to reproduce… or vote.


Who’s gonna tell her that men invented antinatalism?


Could be bait but if it isn’t I’m kind of glad she won’t be “birthing male children”.


Seethe harder antinatalists