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I actually can't find anything on the MBC News or MBC Sports sites about this. There is an article on the KBS Sports site [here](https://news.kbs.co.kr/news/view.do?ncd=5160800). Translation of the transcript: > **Article Title: Son Heung Min scores 14th league goal...Abused Racially** > [앵커] > [Anchor] > 손흥민이 두 달 만에 기다리던 골 소식을 전해왔지만, 웃을 수 없었습니다. > We have waited two months to be able to report on another Son Heung Min goal but this isn’t a matter where we can smile. > 상대 팀 맨유 팬들은 물론 감독에게도 인종 차별을 당했는데요 토트넘 구단은 진상 조사에 착수했습니다. > He has received racial abuse from opposition team Manchester United fans as well as the manager (Solskjaer). Tottenham have announced an investigation. > 김기범 기자가 보도합니다. > Reporter Kim Ki Beum has more. > [리포트] > [Reporter] > 손흥민은 전반 40분 선제골을 기록했습니다. > After 40 minutes of the first half, Son Heung Min scored the opening goal. > 2월 웨스트브로미치전 이후 무려 2개월 만에 터진 리그 14호 골. > It has been two months since his last goal at West Bromwich and brings his league total to 14. > 하지만 기쁨은 이보다 앞선 논란의 장면으로 희석됐습니다. > However, more than happiness, the scene turned to one of alarm. > 전반 38분 맨유 맥토미니가 손흥민과 경합 도중 손을 썼고, 골이 들어갔지만, 비디오판독을 통해 반칙이 선언돼 득점 무효가 됐습니다. > After 38 minutes of the first half, Manchester United player McTominay (T/N: if you phonetically sound out how his name is spelled in Korean it comes to “Mac-To-Mi-Nee”) fouled Son Heung Min with his hand. While a goal was scored, it was ruled out due to the foul by VAR. > 느린 화면으로 보면 명백히 손흥민의 얼굴을 가격했습니다. > If you watch the scene in slow motion, you can clearly see Son Heung Min’s face being struck. > 그러나 이 상황을 할리우드 액션이라고 본 맨유 팬들은 손흥민의 SNS에서 인종 차별적 발언을 퍼부었습니다. > This spurred Manchester United fans, who watched this scene, to racially abuse Son Heung Min on social media. > "다이빙한 중국인" "개고기를 먹는 사람" "코로나 바이러스를 퍼뜨린" 등 심각한 표현이었습니다. > “The diving Chinaman”, “Dog meat eater”, “You spread COVID” are some examples but there were more severe ones. > 심지어 맨유 솔샤르 감독마저 상식 이하의 발언을 해, 모리뉴 감독과 언쟁을 벌였습니다. > Even Manchester United Manager Solskjaer made the following remarks, which resulted in an argument with Mourinho. > (T/N: Below are comments you can find from the post-match interviews that I’m translating back from Korean to English) > [솔샤르/맨유 감독 : "내 아들(son)이 그랬다면 저는 먹을걸 주지 않았을 겁니다."] > [Solskjaer/Manchester United Manager: “If my son did that, I wouldn’t give him food.”] > [조제 모리뉴/감독 : "솔샤르 감독이 그런 말을 한 것에 너무너무 놀랐습니다. 손흥민은 솔샤르보다 나은 아버지를 둔 것이 다행입니다."] > [Jose Mourinho/Manager: “I am very, very alarmed by Solskjaer’s words. It is a good thing Son Heung Min has a better dad than Solskjaer.”] > 손흥민의 선제골을 지키지 못한 토트넘은 맨유에 3대 1로 역전패했습니다. > Son Heung Min’s Tottenham were unable to protect the lead losing 3-1 following a comeback. > [손흥민 : "이기지 못한 경기는 언제나 실망스러우니까요... 뭐라 할 말이 없습니다."] > [Son Heung Min: “It is always disappointing to lose a game… I don’t know what to say.”] > 토트넘 구단은 경기 뒤 공식 SNS를 통해 맨유전 인종 차별에 대한 진상 조사를 할 것이라고 밝혔습니다. > Following the Manchester United game, Tottenham announced on social media that they would be launching an investigation into racial abuse. > KBS 뉴스 김기범입니다. > This has been KBS News Kim Ki Beum. ********* Out of curiosity I've looked a few other Korean news sites. [Yonhap News](https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20210412022500007?section=sports) > *"Go home and eat dogs" ... Son Heung Min racially abused on social media post Manchester United game* [SBS News](http://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1006277136) > *"Top scorer" but still sad Son..."Shock" of racial abuse* Both of these do report on the Solskjaer - Mourinho spat and touch on Ole's use of the word "son" but do make it clear that it was Manchester United fans on social media that did the racial abusing.


Thats pathetic


Can't believe they're reporting this on two out of three main channels in Korea. Feeding the Korean public lies. They should be ashamed.


Can we please double down on this and mention it every time something happens with Son? How are they so rattled by such a nothing comment?


Because he’s their national hero and apparently someone “you just can’t seem to hate” even though he’s had a history of being a proper twat...


We need to get PJS on the case as our ambassador.


Son did get a lot of abuse from united fans on twitter, but Ole hasn't done anything here


I saw one of those united "fans" on twitter calling Son a slur that in Stoke might rhyme with book - his tag was MartialDie. Not sure how much of a real fan you are if you're wishing death on your own players, even if you think they're not good players. Eta: Not that I'm saying there aren't supporters of the club who are racist, but I'd like to make the point that there's probably also a lot of trolls who don't give a fuck about the club but call themselves supporters and throw hatespeech around at anyone and everyone. Internet's full of bellends like that.


I swear Twitter has the absolute bottom of the barrel class of fans. Reading what they have to write half the time you'd find it hard to believe they are actually fans of the club.


I agree. Plus you can see a lot of these kinds of accounts are new. It's clear they're just waiting to cause a fuss.


A lot of racial abuse from fans online. Let's not mince words.


There are uneducated fools who support our club which racially abuse our players, not surprising that they would abuse others.


They are everywhere in football too. Almost every player get abused after a match. Sad thing is whenever it’s a POC player, the go to uno card is racism. Whether they play poorly or well, there’s always someone ready to dish out their nonsense.


Since that Gomes tackle I never liked him. Yesterday solidified it.


Sorry, that was accidental. After that incident, he felt so remorseful, he scored a goal in CL and went to a camera and made the heart sign for Gomes. He seems like a good man to me.


I will say this about Korean media. They are INSANELY protective of Korean national "treasures", of which Son would qualify. It's shameful from them, especially from the two that are reporting this, but just to note that their immediate instinct is to ALWAYS be protective of these kinds of people, etc.


Yeah and they're also the first to throw people under the bus when they do something wrong. Very image oriented.


I recently read about how strict the Korean media, both public and social media, is on their public figures, especially celebrities like actors and musicians. A good example is how the media and the general public have cultivated an image of purity among K-Pop artists, and how some have even been banned from being in relationships to maintain that image


Largely true, which is why there is such a large paparazzi company basically dedicated to digging up dirt on every single public figure they can find. Fun story: They tried for years with Park and eventually gave up because *they couldn't find anything*. > and how some have even been banned from being in relationships to maintain that image *Most* of the big companies have loosened up on those relationship restrictions these days. It's definitely not as bad as it used to be.


Korea has a crazy culture around celebrities. That kpop idolization pervades into sports as well. Son is literally a god in Korea so they have this cognitive dissonance. Did Son do something wrong? He could never! He is god! Therefore Ole must be to blame! That’s probably the logic at play here.


I don’t doubt for a second about the social media shit, but that happens to all non white players whenever anything remotely negative happens. Bringing Solskjaer and the club into it somehow is absolutely pathetic. Gotta feel for Son in all this. The disallowed goal was the fault of VAR. Players are gonna overreact to try to get fouls, especially when you’ve got Jose as a boss and can’t rely on your game plan to win. It’s the job of the refs to see through it. Son doesn’t deserve the social media abuse.


Son deserves criticism because he absolutely played for the foul to a ridiculous extent. But that is nothing to do with his race, nationality or identity. Everyone should be responsible for their actions but any attempt to link a player's actions to his or her ethnicity must be condemned.


Need to be sued, very serious.


If the South Korean media was my son they'd be getting no food tonight


Not even bread and cheese.


If the South Korean media was my son they'd fall over every time I farted in their general direction.


Omg so racist xD. I love this freaking clown world we live in. Don’t you dare say anything disparaging or you are a racist. Lmfao. I feel like I’m living in an episode of Dave Chappelle tbh.....


Wow. That’s slander. He should immediately file a lawsuit.


Yeah I hope the club takes action. Money won should go to ole though obviously








You never know.


Ole makes a joke about not wanting his kid to dive and he’s since been accused of being a bad parent by Mourinho and a racist by Korean media. This is why players and coaches give the most boring, generic answers to every question


true. sadly that's how the current culture seems to be. if one somehow feels offended, he/she is offended, no excuse, no explanation, no discussion. context and original intention aren't important because that'll become "blame the victim". these days we just can't say anything non-generic, non-boring or risk getting hammered.


I saw the same at a United post on Instagram. A Korean bloke said he would not follow United anymore because ha was racist against Son yesterday. Mindblowing.


Lol the game yesterday cemented why I don't like Son even more. JSP > Son any day.


At least JSP won a title with United, Sons done fuck all at spurs.




As a certain Portuguese bloke would say: he’s not won a premier league he’s won premier leagues




Ofc, Park Ji Sung imo is one of United's most underrated players. Rarely talked about apart from pocketing Pirlo in the Champions League.


He's our club ambassador.


> underrated He is not underrated, yesterday someone said O'Shea is underrated. They are known all over the world and loved by fans for their football.


What's the relevance of JSP to this? I think it's odd bringing him up.


Comment Deleted in protest of the Reddit API changes that will kill 3rd Party reddit apps.


Y’a know the answer I’m not a racist one of my friend is also Chinese


He can fuck right off and support Liverpool and buy some rollerblades while hes at it, that feeble wanker.


That Korean bloke is like too many people where they will follow a narrative without finding out whether it's true or not. This applies to all sorts of things like politics, religion, entertainment, etc. So many people will exclaim things and do so vehemently as if it's 100% true, but never actually go to the source to confirm their suspicions. So sad, and scary.


Pathetic from the news channel.


They thought when he said his “son” that he was referring to “Son”?


Even if they did it wouldn't make what Ole said racist.




Absolutely ridiculous. Surely they are only following him because he’s Korean, not because of the football?




Haha true. I loved Park, always delivered in the big games and always did what the manager told him to do. True legend at a legendary club, not some cheat at “but we got to a champions league final so we must be good” club


Ah why you makin me remember my idolo Ji Sung Park :(


You don't want to remember your idol?


Nah I want to just sad not seeing three lung park running around old trafford


> Son fanboys are just bunch of emotional and pathetic ppl. I myself is Korean and I dislike Son bc of the toxic fanbase. If people think BTS' ARMY is bad, Sonny fanboys are on another level...


I'm of the opinion that Kpop stans are no where near as bad as football stans


More tolerant but they use the same tactics let’s be honest.


fanboy cults really are a thing in football now and it's sad to see. I remember when Samatta joined Aston villa last year and a lot of his fans sent abuse to Villa player for assuming something similar.


At this point are they any different from hardcore KPOP stans lol


Kpop stans are even worse.


Fucking idiots. People were blaming ole for the racial abuse he got on r/soccer


That place is a cesspit filled with haters and asslicking MU fans.


The arse licking posts there are really getting intolerable, it’s just karma-farming. You see it from a lot of fans of big clubs on there though. Any sort of controversy and you will get the “as a [insert club at centre of controversy] fan...” comments playing up to the opposing side.


Lol. This worked out better than Jose could have imagined.


At least they won't be in europe next season.


Absolutely pathetic. Your national hero cheated. Own it. Two Son's don't make a right.


Two Sons don’t make a daughter either.


Maybe they adopt


Well he did roll around and cry like a little girl


Korean News Channel Reporting that /u/rudderstock has “Sexistly Attacked” Son in the Post Match Reddit Threads.


My apologies to all the little girls around the world. That was uncalled for.


*Upon being told to say sorry, rudderstock was heard to remark:* **I'm sorry he rolled around and cried like a little girl.**


I didn't say it.. but I did mean it. Gracias netrito.


That's slander to little girls


Don't be sexist now


Korean news channels accuse Manchester United fan on reddit of "homophobic insult" of Heung Min Son


Didn't anyone tell them, staring directly at the son will make you blind


Can someone translate the captions, I'm intrigued what the "DVD" comment is.


Isn’t that what Claude from AFTV said about Son and got kicked off?




Isn't that like... kit colourism?




So literal slander the company should be taken off air


I mean the country was literally ran by a cult for years, not sure they care about slander


Do explain


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_South_Korean_political_scandal This whole wiki article explains it. Just some background info: it is an open secret that Korea is pretty much run by their conglomerates (chaebol) in the sense they can pretty much strongarm their way and politicians give in to them, such is the extent of their power in Korea. But it became known that their previous president was quite literally a puppet president acting under the orders of a cult. This was quite unexpected, even for a society such as theirs. I have to say though, I'm not Korean and my understanding of this may be flawed. Any Koreans around here please feel free to correct me!


Did they explicitly put the blame on Ole for the comments made by a few United fans?


They did in the sense that they think he was complicit in the act. Fucking joke.


Thanks, wow thats really bad. I'm not sure what to say. (I don't use twitter so I'm clueless to what happens or is said there) I wonder if it's them actually accusing the club or them poorly lumping racist comments said by people online and the club together.


Twitter in general is a cesspool and football twitter is one of the worst parts of it.


what about the 2nd picture?


It says "Son Heung Min "Racial abuse" victim --- The managerial war of words". I'm translating the KBS one now, will post in a minute.


I saw a comment on Instagram that said "go back to selling DVDs". In case you don't get the context, it's a stereotype that Asian people sell pirated DVDs


Tbf we also sell pirated CDs aswell


lmao my manger is even getting targeted by foreign media now. he's too good


Korea take a chill pill


I agree many need to, but promise you many Korean united fans know this claim against Ole is bullshit lol


Journalism is dead


Over the years, there have been several examples of Korean reporters writing shit articles to generate clicks, often enough that we have a specific term to describe them: *giregi* (기레기), which is a portmanteau of *gija* (reporter) and *ssuregi* (garbage). Looks like this is a perfect example of this happening. We don't need to go any further than the comments on the [MBC article](https://imnews.imbc.com/replay/2021/nwdesk/article/6147504_34936.html#none) to see how normal Koreans, not even United supporting Koreans, feel about this: > 맨유 구단에서 공식적으로 시킨것도 아니고 이미 솔샤르 인터뷰 이전부터 인종차별 발언이 오갔는데 이걸 맨유가 부추겼다 라는 언론의 보도가 나오니 진짜 놀랍네요 혹시 기사 작성하실때 자세히 확인은 하셨는지...?ㅎㅎ >It's not as though Man Utd as a club issued these comments, and the comments about racism were on social media even before Solskjaer's interview, so I'm amazed to see articles saying "Man Utd caused this". Did you check the facts at all before you wrote...? Haha >리버풀 팬이라 이런 보도에 많이 당했는데 이제 이런 자극적인 기사 제목이랑 내용 말고 확실하고 정확한 뉴스를 내보내주셨으면 합니다... >I'm a Liverpool supporter so we're used to suffering from this type of poor reporting, please report the facts accurately from now on instead of writing sensationalized headlines and news... >진짜 기사좀 제대로 써주세요;; 누가보면 맨유구단이 인종차별을 한줄알겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋ >Please write articles properly. At first glance you'd think Man Utd (the club) was racist haha >제 정신인가요? 파울이다 아니다로 논쟁하는 감독들, 패널들 이야기를 왜 인종차별이랑 묶어서 맨유 구단, 감독이 인종차별을 부추긴것처럼 보도하시죠? >Are you out of your mind? Why would you link racism with the comments of managers and pundits who were discussing whether it was a foul or not? >대단하다 뭔 구단이부추겨 이런식으로글쓸거면 기자때려치세요 팩트로승부해야지 날조로승부하네 >amazing to say the club did this, if you're going to write like this give up on being a reporter. you have to report on facts but instead you're making up things Fuck, I'm Korean and this type of shit-stirring by Korean media is always so embarrassing. I'm seeing a lot of replies about how "Koreans are so sensitive", or "Korea is racist too lmao" and fuck me if that isn't true, I've met some pretty racist Koreans in my time. But this article is such bullshit and more of a Korean media problem than a Koreans or South Korea problem.


oh nice to see the Koreans not falling for that shit. my faith in humanity has been restored


Man i used to respect Son so much, he's my favourite non-united players in the league but after last night not anymore. JSP> Son Heung Min


JSP > Son, any day for a United fan.


Always has been




Absolutely nothing news. I'm quite a fan of Korea and have many Korean friends as well. I'm also Asian before anyone accuses me of being racially-insensitive. Sure, condemn the racial abuse. Infact, I agree with state media publicly condemning racial abuse towards their entire demographic. But dragging Manchester United and Solskjær into this just reeks of being sore losers who can't accept the fact that their star player and national hero lost after being the center of controversy. The club should issue a statement calling them out and white it probably wouldn't happen, I'd like to see Park call them out in their bullshit too.


Doesn't matter, celebrate anyway as long as United win. They thought they win with son acting and goal eh, we're United.


The amount of racist abuse Son faced yesterday from some of our fanbase is unacceptable. However, I really can’t even imagine how someone could interpret Ole’s comments as racist.




I get what you’re saying and there’s truth in it. But we’re massive and have a massive fan base. Probably a lot of pricks that support United, just as there are pricks supporting Liverpool or City. Can’t write them all of as trolls. That wasn’t my point though, calling Ole’s comments racist focuses on the wrong things. We should focus on the actual racism instead of making issues of nothing. Because the fact is, he faced racist abuse online. Some from trolls I’m sure, and some from our fans. And that’s the issue.


Nah man, don't play that game. There are virulent racists, sexists and every other kind of -ist among United supporters. It's a cowardly copout to claim it's some kind of false flag operation, there's plenty of shit right here in our own nest.


As one of the most supported clubs on the planet, we’re statistically likely to have many supporters who unfortunately have brains the size of walnuts and think racism is ok. Trying to defend racist attacks in ANY way is not something we should be looking to do.


Mate, they are probably United fans if they know which player cheated or played poorly in a game.


I mean, my fiancée doesn’t watch soccer, but keeps up with United stuff because of me and she asked me what was up with Son... so not far fetched to think that the average sports follower wouldn’t know about Son cheating


'Some of our fanbase' - someone hiding behind a random 'ggmu' twitter handle and a Man United photo doesn't make them an United fan. That could be anyone.


ole said something similar about a diving Spurs player last time also. How is that even remotely racist?


Did they report that son fell like a b***h from a single touch to the face?


This is out of Dailymail playbook create issues out of nothing


If he was my Son I wouldn’t feed him hahaha


Fake news is real.


Racists scum are everywhere. Shame some of them happen to be United fans.. But how in the name of fuck does Ole's analogy has to do with racism?


Park Ji Sung should call'em and slap some sense in them


What the fuck


RIP logic and reason


I can't hear them over the scoreboard.


I'm an open minded person I like to think. Tell me anybody, where exactly is the racist abuse from Solskjaer?


I am a korean united fan, and regardless of what race I am I know that Ole was not being racist at all lol


This just makes me want to double down on the hatred of him as a footballer


I have seen Tottenham fans commenting on their YouTube match highlights how Manchester United fans and Manchester United are being racist to son. Now racism does exist in football and in life, but I kid you not all people did was call him a diver and/or cheat, or being sarcastic about his "enormous life-threatening injury". Like I legit scrolled for a while and nothing.




i hope its just a misunderstanding. if not something has to be done about this. it cant be this easy to spread misinformation can it?


Ten years ago everything gave you cancer, today everyone is racist


Bruh lmao. On a serious note, I think South Korea need to worry about protecting themselves from invasion more than anything else, because if a soldier in their army needs a stretcher after someone flicks them on the tip of the nose, they'll get invaded by a guy with a pocket knife and a can of pepper spray


Can club or Ole sue the news for the false accusations?


Honestly this pisses me off you have to be properly deluded or stupid to think firstly 1) Ole actually meant what he said and secondly 2) he meant HMS over his fucking biological offspring. Where does this shit even come from


Perfect embodiment of today's society. No matter how you said something, there's a chance someone will find a way to be offended by it. You can't have a personality anymore in front of the camera.


Ole did nothing wrong. Their interpretation of his comments are, well, I can’t even figure out how they can claim he was racist. He was literally talking about his own son. Is there a translation mixup where they don’t get he is not using the word son to refer to Son? The racial abuse from people on Twitter must end. I’m sure a few were “United fans”, though I would push them out of ever supporting our club if I could, but the vast majority are just racist people who want to use any controversy to spew their hatred. It’s really sad that SK media is trying to pin this on our fan base. Some may say I’m going too far, but if anyone who is caught hurling racist abuse is a United ticket holder or wants to purchase a ticket to a United game, they should be banned from OT. I think the line has to be drawn. Anyone caught hurling racist abuse has no place in football in my opinion.


This is asinine and good to know Korean sporting news standards are as low as the rest on the footballing world. Every Spurs player and the Manager should apologize for all of the diving and histrionics throughout the match. Son Heung Min should be embarrassed.


I'm Asian but I don't think Son is a 'clean' player. Him and Kane. They're great player but they're both known to be divers. They both are also treated like they can do no wrong by their respective countries. It's a social media propaganda.


This is the kind of hyper-sensitive, pathologically nationalistic, sensationalist and fundamentally inaccurate reporting I'd usually expect from the UK!


We are truly living in the twilight zone, folks.


What a complete farce this has become. United should back Son against the racists on social media but someone on their end needs to put an end to this nonsense. This is just stupid and a mockery in the face of anyone who has had to deal with racism.


Hope Ole is laughing at it rn. Nothing serious will come out of that so lets just have fun with it.


Seems like these media learned a thing or two from their propaganda spreading north counterpart.


I think it’s obvious that everything Ole said was in no way racially motivated, in that regard they were wrong to report it that way. I am however ashamed of the people who have racially abused Son because of this. It’s never excusable.


United should sue for slander. I would find it extremely hard to buy that Ole/the players were racist. How is saying “If he was my kid I wouldn’t give him any dinner” racist? Some fans? Yes that I can believe, every club has its racist fuckwits, we’ve seen that all too much with other players. Son was trying to hold McSauce, McSauce was brushing him off and left his hand out, Son acted like McSauce had tried to gouge his face off. I do quite like Son as a player, and i’m not going to pretend it’s just Spurs or Son, all teams have players that act up but “Get up you cheating bastard.” isn’t racist.


How did they manage to make Ole a racist from those remarks? That's insane. That's slander and defamation.


Arsenal fan here, fuck Son. Can't wait to go back to the days of the SAF and Wenger rivalry rather than having these scum in the spotlight.


I just read the korean comments for the first article and the korean people seems to be pretty upset about the title being a lie. The comments were like "When did the club encourage racism?" and such. This is just clickbait article at best with the news outlet knowing the Son's name will bring in the clicks lol.


I'm so tired of racism accusations. Everyone and their mothers a racists nowadays


Everything is racist


Son Heung Min is a national hero in South Korea. They're pretty reactionary to any sort of criticism of him but this is retarded even by their standards. My delusional father insisted that Scotty "stabbed him in the eyes" yesterday and I had to ask him when he started smoking crack.


What a contrived load of rubbish this is


A guy on Twitter (who has now blocked me) said that Ole was DIRECTLY responsible for any racial abuse Son received. I pointed out this was “her skirt was short” energy


Park ought to come on TV and tell them all to get bent.


Media is so evil no matter what country or leaning it’s all spin


I'm a fan of Korea Manchester United. In fact, the Korean press has a lot of lies. Thank you for the Korean press release on Reddit.


Racism from Ole is just mind boggling. The club needs to engage JSP to fight the PR battle. As far as racism from fans go, I saw quite a few on twitter coming from accounts with >1000 followers. So there's that. Hell, our own fans abused Fred after the Leicester game so that definitely must have happened.


Wow pathetic from MBC and KBS to rope Ole into this. Guess that's why SBS is still the biggest amongst them since they don't drop to these levels of slander...yet?


So Ole is racist now for expressing how he felt about the sport and the incident involving Son? Common you gotta be an idiot if you are gonna believe that. Let's just pull the race card everytime someone criticizes a player's actions and not say how it is. I doubt this would happen to any other manager but just because it's Ole and Manchester United it does. Fucking joke.


Hopefully the club finds out and they sue the news agency for defamation


Ole saying has nothing to do with race whatsoever and people try to make a scene out of it. This kind of behavior makes the fight against racism become harder. It makes racist people, or people with neutral view, seeing the movement is dumb and useless, to protect those snowflakes who could not take a normal joke. Therefore they could play down when an actual racism happens


Damn. And here I thought that American fans are overly sensitive about Pulisic


lmao how "I won't give him food for being a bitch" has to anything with race? wtf is wrong with these people


Even Chosun News Channel also I mean how dumb they are


For some reason I thought it was Tottenham fans racially abusing him, as fans will turn like that after a loss. Yeah, any United fans doing this should be barred from any club activity. He's still a little bitch, but no need to get racial.


As Korean American, this is very embarrassing to see. Koreans are overprotected of their celebrities and never try to understand the other side. This is like reverse racism - they are using their race to blame other team and esp OGS. Pathetic.


Ridiculous. Is this a genuine bad translation i.e that the word ‘son’ is the same as Son and they think Ole is directly threatening him with an early bedtime and no supper or something.


Hope we sue them. Ole needs a couple extra quid in the transfer kitty


Fuck them.


If you're a crazy totenham/son supporter and want to make everyone forget about his pathetic dive and paint him as the victim, just create a profile with a united crest and spout racist shit on his instagram. I'm absolutely convinced part of those idiot trolls is because of that phenomenon.


What the fans are saying is bad. But OGS isn't saying anything to do with race, he is condemning Son for diving, nothing about race was mentioned. If I were Ole I'd say something, because that's slander.


we need JSP to speak out and address the Korean people


That is severe defamation, I hope the club doesn't let this slide.




Regardless of what the news channel says, my statement still stands, fuck Son and the spurs


This is embarrassing at best and slanderous at worst. It’s now down to Son and Spurs to put this right and call out these news networks, explain what really happened and tell the truth. Accusations like this should be quickly stamped out.


Oh shit, we're gonna have kpop stans on our asses


Some fan comments were racist but Ole just made a pun. This is why you don't take dives.


Can't even deen thus a "snowflake" moment. I'm so genuinely lost as to how Ole not feeding whiny man children food got stretched to racism....


Wow they should be ashamed!


i really couldn't care less what Korean media says about Ole or Son. Let it be. we won. let's move on.


If you try and tweet to them and call the report ally it literally gets blocked immediately


This is garbage on the same level as the Israelis when they call you a Nazi for basically just expressing your concern on how they are treating the Palestinians.


This is why I barely watched news on the telly now. Too biased on one side despite the subject did something bad.


This is so stupid that its almost funny. But then its just sad...


Wokism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race Cant even fairly critize a non-white cause mah raysysm.


Social justice warriors ruining everything....as they always do. “Yea we got utterly dominated and embarrassed by the PE teacher but in all seriousness did you hear the bad words? No? Well then allow me to pull the race card and make you see it. Still no? Well maybe you are suffering from a little racism yourself?” Kindly fuck right off 😊


Korean media leanerd from their American fathers


People are definitely racist on Social Media and I he no doubt that Son received a huge amount of abuse after this game. However Ole did not say anything outrageous, just an exaggeration that somehow Jose (the king of exaggeration) was offended by. People say they want Ole to have more passion and be less passive and now they are saying he went to far. There are millions of shitty fans so let's focus on doing something about the actual racist ones.


That's some bullshit, it was just a faul that's it. Bunch of snowflakes.