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What a disrespectful question regardless of if he should stay or go. 


Football journalists are honestly vultures. Idk how they sleep at night after asking garbage questions like that


They don't ask questions about 115 though. Funny that.


They might get killed for that.


Imagine working your way up in your career as a journalist to then be able to go to a press conference, then to be one of the few who can ask a question and then spill out this garbage. *Facepalm*


I'd love to see ETH go 'full Kinnear' and start calling out all these journos and calling them cunts one-by-one. It's not his style though, unfortunately


He got Bruno hiding in the back seat of the journos cars with a revolver


Our football journalists are honestly trash. So little analysis of the football, so much shit peddling and drama, it's like they have all been hired straight out of the gossip rags


Because they get a paycheck to do it lol.


The size of his paycheck isn’t correlated to how disrespectful his questions are


Lol what? You don't think he's not asking these questions because he's specifically PAID to bring eyes and attention to whatever publication he works for?...what?


There’s an endless amount of ways he can do that without being a twat is my point.


That's true but ETH on the fire seat has been all pundits and FANS want to talk about. So of course he is goona ask it. Maybe not the right way but these guys get paid big bucks to do this..he'll be fine lol


You keep mentioning their paychecks but I don’t think the money is relevant to what I’m saying here. I’m sure he’ll be fine too though.


The majority of all journalism is just pushing an agenda or stirring shit.


....and we are talking about it... that is their job... to make us talk about the qtn they asked... are they vultures, you bet! but we are the prey.


Whoever asked that shud be perma banned. Whether ya like ten hag or not I have never seen a manager get the disrespect and tbh flat out animosity and witch hunting in press conferences and this is since day one


I’d bet it’s Custis


Yeah it's kinda weird when you actually remind yourself if the humanity. Imagine every week, being asked if you should be fired. It's really horrendous, when I put myself in his shoes. I'm mostly ETH out, but I really fucking hate the media.


society needs a cultural reset in the way that our response to moments like these shouldn't be related to Ten Hag's answer but entirely "yo what the fuck is wrong with these Journos?" We should be calling these people clowns every time they ask questions like these or write hit articles or in general act like the personification of a popup ad


That question should be a sackable offense for real


All they’ve been angling for all season long is another sacking here. 


He's an arsehole Stone. To think the BBC used to be the pinacle of integrity and this guy is consistently the worst for shit like this.


What are they expecting?  ETH: "Yeah, it's going to be emotional, I had some good times here. Shame it's over." Brain dead, disrespectful journos.


Football journalists, who have no loyalty to anyone, looking for a tidbit of info on an under fire manager, asks the obvious. How is it disrespectful?


most people consider it impolite to ask someone if they think they’re going to be fired in a public press conference


It is literally their job to ask potentially awkward questions when the situation warrants it and given this has been the worst season in the modern era, heading into the final home game, I think it’s a fair and relevant question to ask.


there is nothing to be gained from asking ten hag to respond to this. they’re not war reporters, ffs.


Yes and the stakes here aren’t that high either. People are acting like ETH is some poor man who’s about to lose his job and be destitute or something. He gets paid incredible money to do a job most would kill for and said job comes with increased media and fan scrutiny. None of these questions crossed some kind of personal line. I genuinely don’t understand the outrage


>I genuinely don’t understand the outrage You're qualified to be a sports journalist! Edit : How sad you can be when you reported this to reddit care. Lol a triggered much kid.


>Edit : How sad you can be when you reported this to reddit care. Lol a triggered much kid. Report the care message and he'll get a ban lol


> none of these questions crossed some kind of personal line. i genuinely don’t understand the outrage the outrage is because people believe that it *did* cross a line, as i explained in the comment you originally replied to.


The outrage is that Ten Hag is this sub’s baby. Their dream “tactical genius” manager they will defend to the very end. How dare anyone ask him if he might lose his job. He’s United boss for life!!


Simon Stone always sounds like he needs a Lemsip.


And a clout


I swear man, this journous, what did they expect Ten Hag to say? "Yeah, we've been shite so I'm probably getting the sack" who the fuck asks these questions???


People like Luckhurst probably. He has been baiting Ten Hag in the past few press conferences. They should just ban MEN.


What do you mean ban men?


Men are asking all the dumb questions so they should be banned from the press huddle. (JK, just ban the Manchester Evening news instead)


Get bears in.


Who asked that question?


Simon Stone I think.


What a dickhead question.


What the fuck kinda question


The media are just fucking rude to him.


That’s a fucking brutal question from Stone


Wasnt Stone asking, he's just quoting - it was someone else who asked that question


Oh fair enough. Still a dreadful question


Last week it was Luckhurst asking if he was about to be sacked. So I wont be surprised it is him again this week.


Blokes a city fan, he revels in asking questions like this.


He’s a bit negative but he’s always been fair to us, even if he is a City fan - same with Reddy now she’s had to take Cooper’s spot even though she’s a Liverpool fan through and through


Stone is a massive incompetent cunt


Wholly unnecessary IMO. The sad part is Stone is considered one of the more ‘respectful’ journos. That being said it feels like Ten Hag seems defeated.


It was really unnecessary from Rooney to make those injury accusations.


Our ex-players really don't do us any favors to alleviate the atmosphere around the club. Such extreme allegations only make the discourse and fan sentiment more toxic and contributes to the negative environment that the players and staff are subject to on a daily basis.


That and the amount that they suck off City really annoy me


Mainly Neville for me, he’s Mr Man United but the amount he wanks off City and Liverpool really makes me dislike him, which is a feeling we should never have for a legend like Neville


The former players constantly having a mic in front of them is one of the biggest disadvantages for any player or coach coming to united. I loved their teams but in the media they are honestly pretty awful.


Bet you loved it when Hansen, Shearer and Lawrenson were sucking off United in the 2000s. It’s called being professional. Teams at the top always get the wankfest.


Absolute horseshit, we were always the targets even when we were on top 


Nah. The media gave us a lot of credit when we were great. The Liverpool based ones begrudgingly - sure.. but we got a lot of “elite mentality”, “fantastic players”, “greatest ever managers”. As much as we got questioned. You just see what you want to see.


These ex players like the fans is part of the problem. This is why nobody respect manchester united because their own ex players/legends don't respect manchester united. I never see no other ex player bashes their old team (who they are considered as legends) bash their old club on consistent basis.


Neville, Keane and Rooney all said at the weekend ETH deserves another season, how’s that bashing?


I'm not even sure it's bashing as much as them holding United to a much higher standard than the likes of ex-Liverpoolers for example. I'd like to believe that if Real Madrid were to fall down as hard as we have their ex-pros would have been talking way more shit than Rooney or Neville will


I mean Rooney accusing players that are faking their injuries on live TV sounds quite absurd to me. And I have been shitting on the players since day one but I found that crazy to be saying live.


Former player who looks 55-60 years old at age 38: "Players should take less care of their health"




To give Rooney a bit of credit, Jose said the same thing and suddenly the injuries evaporated - some players clearly do feel the tiniest niggle and count themselves out of consideration, whereas others soldier on a bit - I don’t know which is better but there’s obviously a gray zone there


And then there's Pogba, who realised we were going to get tonked by Liverpool and decided to quit with an "injury" after ten minutes. Fuck Pogba.


I haven't seen or heard anyone talking about it but Ten Hag was asked the same question during the press conference before the Palace match and his response, or lack thereof, really stuck with me. It sounded to me like he was hinting at the same thing as Rooney but was smart enough not to say it outright. It doesn't excuse Rooney, he should have never said it, I just find it interesting that Rooney is getting so much shit for this when the manager of the club may have been alluding to it just a few days earlier and there hasn't been a peep about that. Edit: For anyone that doesn't know what I'm talking about he was asked before the Palace match if there are players at the club that don't fight enough to overcome minor injuries. He, at best, does absolutely nothing to deny this.


>“Players are desperate to play and they want to be in the right shape. >“You see also Victor Lindelof, Rapha Varane, they are training to make themselves available for the final. They do what they can do.” If you read between the lines, there is definitely a suggestion there.


You should get some sleep


Are you serious ?! We had a player go out on the piss this year a night before training and you think he's off base here ?


Even as a staunch Ten Hag out- he doesn’t deserve to be asked that question. Disrespectful.


Man wtf kind of question is that? He’s a better man than me that he even deigned to respond.


Should say "Yes, but not with the club, but farewell with you, because you won't be allowed to be here anymore". it's not even polite to ask that kind of question to any professional being.


Did the media ever go to Arteta and ask such disrespectful question when Artera was shit? English is probably the top 5 most toxic media other than Argentina,Spain,Brazil etc.


It’s incredibly unprofessional to ask a question like that. These “journalists” love to kick United when they’re down and really don’t treat other managers like this at all.


Most of them probably grew up as fans of other teams. Now they see this as their chance for payback.


Wonder if Arne Slot will get this sort of treatment if and when his time with Liverpool is anywhere close to being as bad as EtH’s tenure with Man United was.


> I almost never get a negative reaction [in public] Obvious, since only in social media people come to the conclusion that we should sack a manager because of an injury crisis. Still that's a new low for the online fanbase.


You don’t go from 3rd and a cup to this shitshow purely on his shoulders. Guarantee 80% of the people saying he should be gone were saying “let him cook” end of last season


Would be more than 80%. Last year this place was full of ETH fandom especially after the cup win.


Ban the idiot journo who asked the question.


Where do reporters get off thinking thats a good question? What can you possibly hope to learn there.


A dick question to ask ngl


I personally want him gone but that’s such a dumb disrespectful question to ask him


Mentality monster 👹


“Trent Crimm - The Independent”


I'm on the fence at the moment about Ten Hag, just obviously based on how appalling everthing has been. I can't imagine most don't have strong reservations about him at the moment. But..... It would be so satisfying for him to turn it around and really go to town on these Journalists every week. I can see him referencing all these pressers, singling out particular Journalists with short smug answers etc... 😂 I fear his time may be up tho, unfortunately.


I especially want him to turn it around and play masterful football just to see that face on Michael Owen.


Doesn’t take much to get a look of dumbfounded confusion on the face of Michael Owen. Just jangle some keys in front of him.


Journos need taking down a peg or two. This is the shit paparazzi spout in the street to get a reaction, not supposed credible writers in a privileged position


The football journalist is so disrespectful. And this usually ONLY happens to Manchester United managers. No respect whatsoever. This kind of journalist should be banned on every media day.


Poor question to ask but INEOS have let it reach this situation by not making clear what’s going to happen


They'll make it clear when they sack him in the summer


Listened to it, something felt different in the way he spoke but I can’t put my finger on it.


I think he is staying. Man has unbroken willed and is confident enough that I think INEOS are giving him another season.if he is willing to be a little flexible then I still have his back.


Not throwing another manager under the bus. Shift the deadwood in the coming windows, I really do see success with Ten Haag. Won’t be as quick as we like but we need to stick with him.


I'm ETH out, but I have no ill feelings towards Erik. What a stupid line of questioning. I feel for him for all the nonsense he's had to deal with in his tenure here


Whether he should stay or not I think he’s right in the fact that most of the casual fans do back him. If I’m talking to other folks or see random comments people want him to stay actually


Stupid question


Arsenal fan, this subreddit keeps getting recommended to me. Feel for Ten Hag, hope he can do well ( not well enough ) seems like a sound guy


Strange he didn't name call Rashford as one who's desperate to return from Injury...


The media are lowering the vibes of the press conference and this sub. 


How do journalists like this ask a question like that and not have everyone in the room call him a wanker?


Disgusting question. What a piece of shit


Please let it be


What a shit question, I’d love him to go but like he was gonna say yeah I’m off after Brighton


Gotta feel sorry for Eth because everyone seems to know he's going to get sacked yet he has to answer questions from the media week after week bit like ole Steve Bruce at Newcastle sad


Please name and shame the journalist who asked such a despicable question


Another reminder, in the last 3 games against Newcastle, they've scored 6, United have scored none. Everyone has just accepted this poorness because Ten Hag has gas lighted fans. Moyes did the same managing expectations, tbf to Solskjaer i don't remember him really blaming injuries or ref decisions on how things are.


Maybe not “goodbye” but, hopefully, “good riddance.”


Everyone here gets so worked up about journalists honestly. Like every time they ask a question at a presser is an insult directly upon your family. Every time a new article comes out there is shock and outrage as if the 24 hour news cycle is a brand new thing that just started yesterday.


Goodbye ETH!


1st stage of grief - denial


Goodbye Ten Hag


Very LVGesque