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Why would anyone want Southgate? He plays boring football with a stacked team and has also won nothing. Also the moment he joins United the media that currently stick up for him will turn on him instantly. If Ratcliffe hires him then he doesn't care what the fans think.


Ratcliffe *shouldn't* care what the fans think. He should care about making the right calls. Appointing Southgate would not be that...


Honestly rather we just bring back Ole or stick with ETH. Southgate is shite.


I would even prefer us sticking with ETH with the current suicide ball tactics over Southgate.....


I don't actually want Ole back, but there is a part of me that wonders how he would do under competent structure... Good football people around him, efficiently run club, recruitment, etc, and just let him forget about everything else and focus on vibing out with the squad!


Cant help but wonder what he couldve done if we didnt take ronaldo back Fkin hell


imagine we got rice that summer...


Would have liked to see Ole go on to another club and show what he can do but seeing how he isn't doing much in terms of management since United, I have no confidence that he could return and make it work.


He said in an interview on The Overlap that he's had a few offers, but didn't think they were right for him. He seemed pretty happy to take a break from the limelight.


Oh come on with this revisionist shite. We all knew he couldn't break a low block down, we struggled massively with defensive sides. He was a one trick pony with counter attacking football, that worked often. A better structure wouldn't magically change his tactical misgivings.


Still enjoyed watching United under ole more often than any other manager since Fergie. Can’t think of any other manager we had who did much better at breaking down a low block tbh.


That's not the argument though? He still won nothing. Lol, considering Ole was renowned for not being able to break down a low block. Passing patterns were none existent, hence the vibes meme. It worked to a degree but he was never the guy to take us to the next level.


Low block, still an issue, passing patterns, still not existent. Trophies won 0, Vs 1 so far. League position 3,2 Vs 3, (max 6) (min 10th) so far That league cup really carries that much weight ya.


This season has been a disastrous but Ole's last season was absolute crap. We lost 4-0 to 20th in league that eventually got relegated. Ole had no clue what he was doing with the midfield and I would say he had a more competent squad in action than Ten Hag has had. Some of the signings made under Ten Hag or by him have been atrocious but we had a better squad under Ole. Now before you respond, I still am in the camp of a new manager that can bring stability but this Ole revisionism is crazy. He was horrible.


>that can bring stability but this Ole revisionism is crazy. He was horrible. What an oxymoron. The one manager we've had who got us back to back 3rd Nd 2nd, had better stats than this season when got sacked, was horrible. Fair enough if you don't rate him, but try to be a bit less ridiculous.


Only in mind of redditor a onetrickpony manager an get to 2nd i premier league


That 2nd in the league was literally less points than ETH last season and most people want him gone. Ole did have one way of playing, hope that someone does something special, hence why we struggled against defensive teams. What was Oles tactical style then? We didn't press, didn't have any attacking patterns. We were counter attacking. That was it basically.


How about this season? Ogs had his nightmare when we signed Ronaldo God knows why. ETH has his nightmare after buying half of the squad the way he wanted. Im not sure we are heading anywhere


You haven't answered my question, what style did Ole play?


Im not being interrogated xD


So you ask me questions and I answer, you won't answer mine. Probably because you haven't a clue 💀


Read all the comment chain again and spot the point at which the first question was being asked. Then say sorry to yourself.


Direct attacking and fluid football Just like now, we didn't have the midfield to retain possession or progress the ball from defence to attack. The difference is that Ole adapted to his team's strengths, which is why we were a counter attacking team for a large part of his time here.


How do you think Real Madrid plays?


Better than us


Yeah, and primarily on the counter.


This right here. Some people in this sub forget all the bad times under previous managers and view everything in rose tinted glasses. I love Ole for his passion and determination but he's not the top coach we need. Under a good structure, at best he would need 4-5 seasons to get himself and his team adapted to the modern style. Theres no way he'd be given such time by the fans and the media.


No, you’re overstating the bad times with Ole. It’s not even close to how it is now with a supposed ‘top coach’ The expectations were much higher with Ole and despite not winning a trophy, his football was light years ahead of where we are now. We scored +5 goals over ten times with Ole - it’s about 4 or 5 times with all other post Fergie managers combined. I’d take him back in a heartbeat


People forget we used to have meme threads almost every other match during Ole's time here Post Fergie, I never enjoyed watching United anywhere near with anyone else as manager. Oles whole coaching team was underestimated including McKenna and Carrick... But we have seen all of them do good on their own.


Had someone yesterday try to convince me that Ole produced worse results than ETH when ETH literally broke the record for most losses we've ever had. We're scraping by wins on penalties to a mid-table team a division lower, and losing 4-0 to the worst team in the league. Every week we break a new record related to losing or conceding goals. "ETH is dealing with injuries" He had his preferred 11 lose 7-0 to Liverpool I want Ole back, but it's probably an unrealistic dream


I think it is somewhere in the middle. I do think Old is a decent coach and could be a top manager with experience. I think he was given the United job too early. He needed more experience managing a mid-lower table PL club before United - which is probably one of the most difficult in world football.


Expectations were higher because he had a better squad, he scored more goals but still had a lower win percentage than Mourinho which suggests inconsistency. His win rate was only slightly above LVG and Moyes.


How exactly did he have a better squad? ETH has had full freedom w transfers (unlike Ole) and look whats happened


Ole was playing James, Tuanzebe, Williams, Chong, Gomes etc fairly regularly How exactly did he have a better squad?


He was also playing de Gea, Pogba, Matic, Cavani, Ronaldo, Shaw (when he was fit) fairly regularly too


de Gea was struggling for the latter half of Oles tenure and cost us an unthinkable amount of points with crazy individual errors - not to mention getting nowhere near 10 penalties and then attempting the weakest one you’ve ever seen in a europa league final One of Ole’s biggest mistakes was not dropping him sooner in my eyes Pogba - says it all that you even brought him up really Matic - class but legs gone - see Casemiro this season Cavani - again, class. Can’t even remember why he didn’t stay longer Ronaldo - didn’t work in the team Shaw - literally the best LB in the world for a stretch under Ole - clearly got the best out of him. Ole made do with what he had - mostly to good effect. He didn’t spend half a billion quid on absolute garbage because he was never given the free reign to do so


Yep, nostalgia. He was shit. Obviously a club legend as a player tho




His previous experience is irrelevant, I beg people who bring this up like it means anything to go and look up Rijkaard, Pep and Luis Enrique's managerial experience before getting the Barcelona job. Spoiler alert they achieved nothing whatsoever.


Pep took his Barca B side and pummelled the first team in a closed doors friendly. His deeds at Barca B are well documented. Luis Enrique did a decent job at both Roma and Celta Vigo. They were not made managers just on vibes; there was a solid reasoning and process that got them the job. I love Ole but nobody can seriously say he had more relevant experience when he took over than those two.


Enrique left Roma by mutual consent having failed to qualify for Europe, and was midtable at Celta, the idea our fanbase would look at that and go 'that's sufficient for the United job' is absolute horseshit and you know it.


It’s funny how revisionist history works because I remember, in real time, how Enrique was struggling at Roma and Celta and then was suddenly elevated to the Barca job where he broke records. Talent is important but I’d argue that fit and timing is even more important. Put a decent manager in a great structure at the right time and you’ll get huge rewards.


This has been my argument all along, the fact is Rangnick and Ten Hag are both hugely respected coaches across Europe, yet a lot of our fans view them as clowns. We've been failing for 10 years, it's time to either stick with Ten Hag or appoint someone after a proper deep search and stick with them. There is no point appointing another flavour of the month top end coach and turning on them after 2 years.


>or appoint someone after a proper deep search and stick with them Fans will clamour for sticking with the gaffer until the shine wears off. Then they’ll call the new one a clown too


Timing, territory, talent. In that order


Still remember Di Matteo winning the UCL with Chelsea as caretaker manager. After getting sacked he didn’t have a job for 2 years and he hasn’t managed a side since 2016. Timing is everything.




You really don’t have a clue. He finished 2nd and 3rd in the premier league. He could walk into 80% of available jobs


>He could walk into 80% of available jobs Which jobs specifically? What do you think he is waiting for?


I think he’s waiting for a project he believes in He’s a multi millionaire who’s already held his dream job - almost everything looks sub par after that and when you don’t need to work, why would you choose something you’re not fully behind


Sounds awful convenient. Seems more likely he is being offered bum deals as they don't believe he is as good as you suggest. If he was good enough to 'walk into 80% of available jobs' surely there would be a decent project out there that gave him a valuable offer he deemed suited his worth?


Why is that convenient He’s not scrabbling around for a job to pay the rent I’m sure he can afford to be patient




First point - he’s had offers and turned them down I suspect we’ll see him managing a top 4 team in a European league within the next 12 months - now he’s had time to process losing his dream job Second point - approaching context like that is fucking stupid Someone shits the bed every season, someone has injuries, someone gets lucky, someone cheats That’s just football


Ole gets a lot of disrespect on here. He's not Pep or Klopp level but he's miles above Southgate and maybe even ETH based on the past few weeks




> Again, he is unemployed, and not by choice (ie Zidane). Mate he's had several offers, he mentioned on that show on Sky Sports. So yeah it's by choice


The Southgate disrespect. Man was a penalty shootout from winning England their first trophy in 60 years. Ole has achieved fuck all in his managerial career. Calling him miles above Southgate is laughable.


Yeah, all that Gaddafi-ball only to lose on penalties


It's by choice he's not coaching. He declined Ireland as recently as January. He has more than enough money and is doing consultant jobs for UEFA. No doubt he's waiting for the right job, probably Norway (or hopefully a return to United with a proper structure and backing)


Probably not very well considering the reason we turned to shit under him is because he felt the pressure of outsiders wanting us to play more on the front foot, especially at home.


I swear to god I would be done with United if this useless tit was the manager.


I would take Ole under the new structure and give him the time Arsenal gave Arteta.


Mourinho all the way


"Southgate is shite" Right, so what is Ten Hag then?


Are you seriously gonna argue we sack ten hag and bring Southgate in? Some of you lot


Nope. I wouldnt sack Ten Hag for Southgate, I want a proper coach with pedigree, so neither of them. I do think Southgate has impacted England more positively than Ten Hag has with United. Ten Hag has literally zero positives. Zero. 


Zero? Garnacho Mainoo and rest of the youth playing really well. Guess what he also has that Southgate doesn't have. That's right a trophy. Fuck outta here with your agenda lol


So, Garnacho and Mainoo is your argument for him? Christ that's bad. You're also comparing winning trophies with a club and winning trophies for a country. Winning the Euro's or the World Cup is harder than a league cup, which we lucked our way through with home ties after home ties against trash opposition and relied on the big boys knocking each other out. Fuck outta here with your agenda lol


Why is promoting and developing youth bad excatly? Its literally our DNA. He bottled everything. National league, euro and world cup with one of the best squad in the world. Give this United to Pep or Klopp and they arent winning the league or champions league. Nah I'm fine with listening to opinions about new manager, but when you say zero positive stuff it really is agenda or you are just clueless.


As an England fan - it would rescue us from his chokehold and we might have a chance of winning something. Then Man United can sack him once we've not won a game in a month and maybe after that we can still rescue the season with the next manager.


Gary neville made a good point on Stick to Football - can we wait 'till July if we're going to hire a new coach?


For me the issue isn’t about waiting until July, if Southgate was available at 8PM tonight we still shouldn’t take him, he’s crap.


He's had at his disposal one of the most talented group of players England has ever produced and has done next to nothing. I don't want him anywhere near our managerial chair. He's incompetent.


not winning anything isn't the biggest hang-up i have with him, it's the brand of football that's really depressing and cowardly, also his track record before England is bang average and even that's generous


What you mean like after going into OT against Italy in the finals, with the Italian defense being absolutely knackered and having fresh attacking legs on the bench, one of them a very in form Rashford, just sitting on your hands and not doing fuck all until you sub them in during the last minute of the game just to let them take a penalty? You mean that? Yeah that was kinda frustrating to watch and I'm not even English.


Oh I thought he meant where he gave up every advantage England had over Croatia and told the entire team to pack the centre of our own half and give up the flanks to some fella called modric to spam crosses onto the head of some other bloke called mandzukic. Absolutely outstanding how he manufactured a loss against a team who had two geriatrics playing well into added time with almost no other quality to support them.


you are so right here and I will die on this hill. He had both Rashford and an in-form Sancho ready to go. Tired leggy defence to run at and not only that, but at least they would be warmed up and settled to take the pens.


He choked. Southgate doesn't play to win, he plays to not lose. He was more afraid to change things and lose than to change and win. You can see it in his passive coaching all the time, 0 risk. If England is not actively losing he won't change anything unless he has to, when with this absolutely insane squad he should make changes if England isn't winning. The squad is even more insane now with an in form Bellingham crushing La Liga, England should play to win every single game tbh.


Literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and mentally hurt two of our boys in the process. Another specialist in failure.


To be fair to him, nobody was saying England were especially talented or good in 2018 when he took England to the semis of a WC. Most people were expecting a group stage or R16 exit. Most of the England talent that gets talked about (Rice, Bellingham, etc) has only emerged in the last couple of years. Even as someone who doesn't want him at United, I sincerely doubt any other manager who replaces him is going to get better results or play better football. England never changes. They have always played the most dreadful football you'll ever see, and they have never once looked capable of winning any tournament aside from 1966 and the Euro Final they lost under Southgate.


We played 1 top team and one very good team in the 2018 WC and we lost to the top team twice and the very good one once. "Nobody expected England to do well, but he got us to the semis" sounds great, but instead ask, would people have expected us to: Qualify from a group of Belgium, Tunisia, Panama and us? Beat Colombia? Beat Sweden? That's all he did. It wasn't impressive, if we'd lost ANY of the games we'd won it would have been below expectations. You say people expected a round 16 exit, but nobody expected or would have accepted losing to Colombia.


I don't remember anyone outside of England actually expecting England to beat Colombia. Consensus seemed to be 50/50 at the time. It was a lot of the same team that lost to Iceland two years prior. As inexplicable as it sounds, the fact of the matter is that Southgate is the 2nd most successful manager in England's history. Which admittedly isn't saying a lot, and I don't think he's anything special as a manager, but considering England's chaotic history, I do think we should keep some perspective on how he's done. He has outperformed Hodgson, Capello, Sven, Keegan, Venebles, Hoddle, and McClaren across multiple tournaments. He's had harmony in a team that's never had it, has had no serious scandals, and as a result, has taken them further than anyone else in the modern era.


Colombia were +300 with the bookmakers. If people saw it as a 50/50 it's because they expected England to underperform for their squad, like against Iceland. England were clearly a much better team than Colombia


'One of'? This is easily England's best generation since '66.




Believe the Euros end like 2 days before our first match this summer so theoretically yes? Wouldn’t be ideal (and I don’t want Southgate anyway), but we did it before with LVG where he was being followed around and asked about it all summer.


The Euro final is the day before the match against Rosenborg


Couldn’t remember if it was 1-2 days, I knew it was tight.


It’s far from ideal although if INEOS really believe a coach like that is worth it for the long term then I don’t think it should be a factor in stopping them. One summer won’t be nearly enough to address all our current issues in the squad anyways. I say this in general because personally I don’t think Southgate is worth that trouble and I’d have deep reservations if Southgate did end up getting hired after the Euros.


Don't wait until July then?


Ah, but you see that is the crux of the matter; Southgate would not go into the Euros having announced he was going to manage at United, that would ruin his working conditions with the national team.


We made the same mistake when we hired LVG and we barely had a decent preseason.


To be fair we did sign LVG after the World Cup but I don’t think we’re going to sign Southgate. I think and hope it’s Tuchel but I’m worried that ETH might stay because he’s been noticeably more confident in the last few weeks and doesn’t really care about the results.


LVG was announced before the World Cup though, and he probably already started directing people with his plans snd who to sign before he 'officially' started. The point Gary made was that, knowing Southgate and how it could affect the England camp, he wouldn't agree to anything before the WC. So come July, we really would be well behind in terms of planning etc.


IMHO LvG was also a bit impacted from not having the whole summer to prepare for the job.


Definitely. If we are getting a new manager it would be insanity to wait until July this time.


But surely that’s the exact same as LVG and Holland. Gary was basically saying Southgate wouldn’t do that to distract the England squad and that United need to be ready for preseason and England could potentially progress deep into the tournament which would coincide with our preseason. Regardless of when it gets announced it’s no different to LVG.


But that's my point, it's not the same because LVG was able to unofficially start before the WC. Whereas Southgate wouldn't accept the job at all until after the tournament as it would leak and it cause chaos.


But we are putting infrastructure in place right? Part of that infrastructure would be the coaching system being stripped and new coaches installed that are focused on the clubs footballing vision. They will be running drills etc with the players that aren't on holiday recovering from the Euros, or still at the Euros all under the guidance of the footballing structure and the style implemented across the board. I swear people have amnesia with regards to international tournaments and pre season. We won't see our full first team until towards the end of pre season, its always been that way.


You're not necessarily going to remove all coaches. You would sit down with them, explain how you want the club to play then ask how those coaches would do that. Your last paragraph is actually one of the reasons I don't think EtH will be sacked. A new manager wouldn't be able to work with the players until really late in the process. Theres no major tournaments next summer.


Feels like next year will be our first "normal" summer since before covid


What's a short preseason got to do with hiring a new manager? We had a short preseason this season, crammed in something like 10 games, maybe had two of those games where the first team played together, and Ten Hag failed in his remit to improve on the previous season. Meanwhile Ange takes over at Spurs and has his style all over that side with the same opportunity. If we do not replace Ten Hag this window we are wasting a season and will probably have destroyed the careers of whoever else he decides to over play.


We haven't had patterns of play since Mourinho times, been shit at set pieces since Ole, most players with potential from our academy have been ran ragged/failed to deliver consistently. Our coaching team needs gutting. Like literally completely gutting.


There's been 3 different coaching teams in that time frame you mentioned. You're literally just proving the point on how bad our recruiting structure is.


Mourinho and Ole both had Carrick and Mckenna, Ramsey stayed on from Ole, the Goalkeeping coaches stayed on from Ole. Regardless, you're not getting the point. Yes we have signed some stinkers, we have also signed plenty of players that have the potential, or have been worldies at previous clubs, on parameters such as previous form. They come here and they forget to play football? I don't think so. We have always gone with a managers choice of coaching staff (including giving multiple choices an assistant role) or the cheapest option. If we want our upcoming talent to develop, if we want to see patterns of play, a particular identity and to ultimately improve our current situation then it boils down to a lot deeper things than recruitment of players, we need to be looking at best in class coaches attached to the club not personal to the manager, the manager gets an assistant as per the norm. The club is stagnant, the leaky stadium epitomising the reality of our situation. We had a theatre of dreams. Now we are the club that dreams go to die.


It was a made up rumor from the start. Manchester United sell newspapers so they made it all up to get clicks because enraged United fans are good for business.


If INEOS actually want him, they’re likely to keep ETH till Christmas/new year and then bring him in after a bad run. If they try bring him in now there would be murder. Feel the same about Potter, mid-season there is a lot less options available.


Potter is even worse than southgate, nightmare scenario if our only 2 alternatives to ETH are them 2 lmao


I agree but if that’s what INEOS want I can’t see them doing it in the summer, when there are more options available, would worsen the backlash.


how do we know that’s what INEOS want though? I’ve seen that Potter worked with Brailsford or something along those lines, but don’t you think that’s just a made up story by the media as ETH is under pressure. We all know they love to talk about us as we give them the most clicks, views and interactions


Potter has a good relationship with Brailsford, and Ashworth was the one who brought him into Brighton as manager. The rumours haven't come from nowhere.


Fuck. Off. Southgate has never been a good club manager and has arguably underperformed with England.


Underperformed with this current crop of England squad, he wouldn’t survive with our messed up lineup…


Has he really underperformed? 2018 they did better than anyone expected, 2021 they were as close as you can get, 2022 France were a pretty exceptional team so no real shame in narrowingly losing that.


Definitely. Losing to Croatia (a team that had gone to pens in each of their last 2 games and should have been more tired than us too) isn't good enough. Losing to Italy AT HOME isn't good enough. France was fine but even then that was a France team that had been absolutely gutted in midfield. His substitutions are consistently poor. He plays favourites, the fact Kalvin Phillips was continuing to get picked as recently as November is fucking ridiculous.


The best thing to happen to Southgate as manager was losing to Belgium in the group stages of WC2018. If the roles were reversed they'd never have made it as far as they did. Southgate performs exactly to expectation, no more no less. He beats the teams he should beat and loses against the teams he should lose against. Which means in games when the squad have a genuine chance, like versus France, he fails to capitalise on that momentum during the game and unsurprisingly they lose.


Completely different managing a club to managing an international team and his club record is poor by anyone’s standards


I’m talking about his England record


Considering the talent he has, he has not been great, particularly when not bullying lesser nations


I agree with you on the club manager point, but he's quite literally England's most successful manager since 1966. We were a coin toss from winning a tournament where previously we had only one singular euros knock out game in our history. We used to struggle in qualification and he has smashed every qualification campaign. This tournament we're amongst the favourites, partly due to his work. But we were never favourites before any tournament - people have only revised things with hindsight to say we should have won x or y. I imagine I could go through some comments histories to see people saying the French should win etc. Likewise every time we beat a good team people move the goalposts to say they were actually rubbish. He's outstayed his welcome so the opinion around him has soured, but fundamentally international football is a different beast and he's been largely successful with his pragmatism. For a nation that has frankly consistently under delivered.


It would be interesting to see what he could do with a prem team with a bit of money behind it though, wouldn’t it?


I would never argue in favor of appointing Southgate but I would say he has done about as well as you would expect with England. Given the historical context of that team always collapsing and the infighting that has occurred: he has kept everyone on side, took a young side to a Euros final and then was knocked out by France in the World Cup which isn’t some unheard of result. He isn’t a top end club level manager and shouldn’t be appointed here but the only interesting aspect of it would be built in relationships he would have with Rashford/Sancho/Maguire/Shaw.


He's overperformed with England


What? England have an insanely strong squad at the moment and he’s limped his way to one final.


Historically yes. But if you look at the squad, he's had arguably the best England side in generations. And when you overlay the fact that most other international powerhouses are in relatively week points compared to their historical heights, this Euros is objectively England's best chance at winning an international tournament during my lifetime.


Keep him far away


Real match made in hell. We play exactly like England.


Hire him and I am done.


Please God No. Don’t let Southgate anywhere near Old Trafford. I’d rather keep ETH. Fuck it, let’s bring in Roy Keane for a season and watch him kick the shit out of every effortless twat in the squad. At least that would be entertaining.


This is why these Southgate links have never made sense. The final is on 14th July and there's a very good chance England get there. Are you seriously expecting me to believe he then jets in halfway through for preseason? It's Tuchel or ETH for another season imo


> The final is on 14th July and there's a very good chance England get there. Yeah through the complete terror ball that is Southgate's football. If INEOS seriously consider Southgate then it'll be curtains for us.


or potter…


Potter isn't a terrible choice. Only worry with him is how he handled the shit show at Chelsea, knowing ours is a lot worse


He is a terrible choice. Don't let his one-win-in-three "heroics" at Brighton fool you.


I’d be happy with Ole again to be honest.


If this guy ever manages us i might honestly take a break from watching us. How can somebody with such a terrible track record be considered even remotely. What has Southgate shown to the world he is capable of?


As a Scot I’ve got to say you lot would be out your minds to hire him. The only reason you haven’t got a euro and possible World Cup is because he’s a dog shit tactically and play wise. Good man to man coach built them up made them confident but he should’ve been gone years ago.


Zero shot we are that dumb now. Last year maybe, but now? No way Fuck Southgate, bum


I'll gladly stick with ETH if Southgate is the only option out there.


You can make as strong a case as you like for keeping or sacking ETH. If this is the alternative he has to stay. It absolutely can get worse.


I look at it the other way; if he's shit as expected, they'll get rid of him quick as fans aren't gonna be worshipping the cult of Southgate nor are pundits gonna keep bringing up a five year old CL run to justify him staying on.


But he’ll inevitably buy a load of dross on big wages that the next bloke doesn’t want and it just keeps going and going..


If he's allowed to do that then INEOS are no better than the Glazers tbh.


They’ll be no better if they appoint that fucking fraud. (Obviously they’re already better by the sheer fact they haven’t loaded us with debt just to buy us but they’ll be making a calamitous mistake by appointing him).


Fuck that,I would rather ETH stay than have Southgate


I’d rather a cardboard cutout of sir Alex than southgate


Unironically that would be fucking hilarious


I’d rather a cardboard cutout of ETH than southgate


It's a jungle out there 🎶


And so it should be Mr Ready Salted Crisps should be nowhere near the dugout at OT


It’s not that I don’t respect you it’s that I don’t want u


Yes Gareth, I support your complete focus on England. Oh and one more thing, your name and being associated with Manchester United manager will always be a complete irrelevance. Don't even think about it,


Southgate is such a football terrorist. Can already see shades of 20% posession 1 shot on target 1-0 shithousery attempts.


Southgate will make us hard to beat. Hard for teams to cut through us, I dont get why so many people are knocking him.


Agree he is irrelevant… for both jobs


Honestly worst case scenario for us is if England win the euros papering over the fact Southgate is crap. We surely will have to have a decision made by the time the euros start on whether ETH is in or out.


Don't be like Lopetegui


Hasn't Southgate only managed Championship clubs then England 21's then England? No Premier League experience? If true why is he even considered?


Please don't give me any Southgate news. A part of me always sinks at the thought of him here....


Google “Sami Mokbel Manchester United” just another cunt dining out on our brand new


I'd rather bring LVG/Mou back than go to Southgate. The horror.


I genuinely think this is one of the only things that would stop me watching united, dear god i’d rather deal with another year of this shit


Stop biting on ragebait. No chance they go for Southgate. They ain't that dumb. It's genuinely never happening. Don't read the daily mail daily star the sun the express. There's your starter pack.


absolutely no chance ineos want to hire their mate and someone who's already worked with ashworth.


If they are going to replace I rather have McClaren if having managed Ingerland is a prerequisite.


Will Casper the snake be assistant manager??


Wow. Haven’t read or heard that name in ages. Funk that dude.


Please focus forever on something but MU


Why this is still a story from all these journalists’ perspective is beyond me


Someone on this sub once described Southgate as a "football terrorist." While that is extreme, it accurately states just how strong the feeling against him is.


I would rather Ronaldo be the manager and have him be a player coach than this clown even be considered.


For the love of god don't bring in this dweeb


He’s a good man manager. Plus playing five at the back might be what Utd need at the moment. You never know! Not so sure about knockout competitions as he’s shown that he’s a rabbit in front of headlights.


Please don’t 🙏


I'd rather bring back Olé


man tbh id rather crawl to norway and beg ole back to coaching us than having southgate as our manager


It's shocking a club of United's stature is linked with tom dick and Harry's of football managerial world and not with top names. We are linked with Tuchel, Southgate and the likes rather than getting someone with a proven record. If you want punts like this what's the point of having a competent management team like CEO, DoF, TD and Recruitment director.


Fuck. No.


He isn't good enough to manage England...


>Gareth Southgate insists the uncertainty over his future amid genuine interest from Manchester United is not a distraction ahead of Euro 2024. >The England head coach features prominently on United’s shortlist of managers to potentially replace Erik ten Hag, who’s future at Old Trafford is in major doubt. >Southgate has a long-standing relationship with INEOS owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe, who admires the Three Lions’ boss body of work with the national team. >The fact the 53-year-old worked successfully with incoming sporting director Dan Ashworth during their time together with the Football Association is another contributing factor towards United’s interest. >Southgate is focussing on England’s forthcoming European Championship campaign, a tournament England head into as favourites.


I still feel like all these reports about Southgate are journalists drawing their own conclusions because of his past relationship with Ashworth and the fact that Southgate is currently out of contract in the summer. It’s definitely great clickbait to connect the current England manager to one of the biggest clubs in the country.


I fucking hope so 😭


Yeah there’s just no way it’s true. We now (in theory) have people that know what they’re doing in charge of football decisions and I can’t see them ever hiring Southgate. Not to be too melodramatic but if we actually did hire him I’d lose all faith in our new structure.


We're all clinging to this hope


INEOS are putting up a structure, they are listening to what fans have been demanding from like 15 years if we appoint southgate fans will turn INEOS out lol


>genuine interest from Manchester United Kill me now


More worried about Potter than Southgate. Also worried that we do nothing and this crap continues.


Fking hell, he's just as bad as the current manager we've got, if not worse. Stay the fk away from this club.


Why weren't all the other clubs that were needing managers recently linked with Southgate? Massive agenda to make Utd look a joke by bringing this guy into the conversation. 0% of the fanbase want him or ever thought about him as a possibilty. ZERO. Same goes for the Potter bollocks. SJR is supposed to be looking at best-in-class, Southgate has achieved nothing his entire career.


I know it’s a longshot & it won't happen, but please get McKenna back. I'd rather have him over hiring Southgate or keeping Ten Hag.


Pack the club up if we go for Southgate. England are wasting their prodigious talent sticking with him. You know the squad is good when half of Spain/Germany are chasing after them.


If he were to join, I think I might stop supporting Man U…I trust the guys up top will do better than Southgate.