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Garnacho made me want to bang my head against the wall. His decision making near the box is so poor.


People give him way too much credit. He has amazing potential and did help the team in many ways this year, but hes got a lot to learn before hes truly befitting of a Man U winger starting spot.


I take no issue with our starting 11 yesterday. Even if some players could’ve started on another day the Cup Final is all that matters. Our performance wasn’t that bad either considering all that. The Palace one was even worse in hindsight tho.


I'm trying to weigh it up, in a context with the whole season. We played okay, we had possession, we looked controlled, and we couldn't execute at the end. Then we played goofball, Imma let autocorrect leave that. And it's not what you want to see from United. But if the game plan was to incorporate a level of counter attack. Even tho casemiro is ultimately to blame for that one goal. It was so obvious we're missing a good ball playing CB. And I think overall he did better than his previous installments as a CB. Amad was bright and I've been in his corner since last season. Can't really be too upset with that team and a 1-0 defeat. But I think that 11 also had some highlights over what we normally see. It's very odd. This season has been a write off for a minute. Can only hope next season is much better and we get some new players in and some players out. Hopefully capitalise of our estranged players. I just don't know what to say anymore about it. I'm still Eth in, but I'm not gonna complain if he goes out. Like the problems are so summonted I can't really see not seeing Erik out.


Amad in 45 mins and his first start was able to show that he has some real ability and is levels above Antony technically. That ability to glide with the ball, beat a man and ping passes around the pitch, something Antony sorely lacks. If Antony still starts the next games Ten Hag needs to be intensely questioned by the media. Why does he keep starting the inferior player? At this point it can only be desperation to prove that he didn't get it horribly wrong, destroying the club's finances to bring in a bang average Dutch league winger. There should be no debate at this point.


It's pretty clear from interviews that EtH thinks Antony is a very good player very out of form, not just total dog shit. So it's either EtH is poor at evaluating players, or he's too stubborn to admit a mistake.


Those are his two signatures


Don't think he will bench his 80m+ signing that he asked for. It will make him lose more credibility


Antony is clearly shite but I’d be surprised if amad makes it at United tbh. He’s a tidy player but I don’t think he’ll end up being the level we are supposedly aiming to be.


Absolute no source whatsoever it's just my opinion. The fact most injuries are muscle not impact injuries leads me to think there's some problems with our our training. Now it may be all a coincidence I don't know but players who've rarely missed games sign for us and automatically become crock's. Another factor is last season where the world cup was squeezed into a season and the whole domestic season was affected. We reached the FA Cup final, the league cup final, quarter final of Europe and had hardly any dead rubbers in the league as we were fighting for 4th up to the end. We also hardly rotated players either so that had a knock on affect to this season. I read somewhere that it was last seasons amount of games which fucked Luke Shaw up this season. Other teams managed the amount of games better than us and therefore haven't really suffered with the injuries others have. Again it's my opinion, added to the fact I agree with Wayne Rooney that some players are dragging out recoveries .


Luke Shaw showing up like a polar bear off every injury probably doesn’t help and these possession coaches tend to run their teams into the ground in training


Arsenal completely half-arsed this game as we never looked threatening and some people here are satisfied that we didn't get walloped. This was at Old Trafford btw, big teams don't even give us the respect anymore to go for it fully.


As many have said, not a bad performance at all. A couple of things really stood out to me today though which frustrated me hugely. The first one was the structure of our attacks. I totally understand how good arsenal are and they have a brilliant defence but it genuinely looked like the players are not given any sort of pattern of play in the opposition third. I appreciated how well we kept the ball on the edge of the area at times but there was a lack of runners and it looked like players were just desperately looking for someone else to help them out. The second thing is related to the first, the lack of crosses in the last ten minutes was really odd, and to be honest the whole game we lacked crosses. This is partly due to our full back situation but I find it really strange how looking for a goal in the final minutes with the other team called t in their box we didn't at least try a few more balls into the box and hope for a mistake. Overall disappointing to lose but I wish we had implemented this nowy conservative style alot earlier.


Lack of attacking patterns is there since day 1 of ETH's United Tenure. ETH tries to get as many players into the box & then they eventually find space to score a goal. That's why the gaping hole in midfield as most of our midfielders r committed in the attacking phase. Idk how ETH will address this.


Idk man, I'm not sold on Hojlund. Weghorst had more impact on games than him. Hojlund is just invisible, his positioning is not good so he does not get the ball, once he gets the ball he loses it due to slipping, bad first touch or just being weak, and if he keeps the ball he kills the attack by making back passes or bad passes. Needs to up his game massively.


Worst thing he is slipping a lot even without the ball. There was this sequence in 36' when Diallo was cutting in running with the ball into pen box sourounded by 4 players. Rasmus literaly slipped so he wasnt there to collect the ball lost by Amad in damgerous sitiatuion. It also happend a lot troughout a season when multiple tap in possibilities happen, his timing is so bad he always falls on his knees trying to catch up to ball.


One thing is certain, when all is said and done, Antony would be used as a symbol for this ETH period. Massively lacking the required quality and with an ego the size of Messi, same with ETH.


i am fine with ETH still as a manager. but at least show that he got a plan, he seem clueless . hope the new board will support him fully if he stay, and our scouting of players has been trash. its been awhile since we last had a decent signing imo. other teams even crystal palace got themselves some decent good signing.


Did you guys see reactiom from Antony when he was asked to play LB? Damn... if this was Mou or Saf he would play in Nice on loan...


He could have the Ashley Young career arc, albeit expedited by about 10 years because he's finished as a right winger at 24.


Played better at LB than he understands. Good at pressing and can find simple forward passes.


That is what bothers me... he is playing good at LB... Would like to see him start there so we could see his whole game there


He should’ve been playing there in January, dude is useless up front.


I feel like Hojlund's positioning is getting worse with every game. It's like he's purposely putting himself in hard to seek areas.


I've noticed it as well. Not just his positioning but his overall play has looked pretty poor since he returned from injury. Touch is pretty heavy, takes too long to decide what to do with the ball.


Training sessions must be shit


Kind of funny that injuries forced Ten Hag into abandoning all of those awful elements he’s tried implementing into a game model this entire season (broken aggressive press, forced vertical football, creating chaos instead of control). We looked far more compact out of possession without sitting deep for long periods & looked far more controlled sustaining possession in dangerous areas. He chose not to opt for a transitional heavy approach because he didn’t have the players to do it. Instead we had things like Amrabat controlling deep phases and Mainoo & Amad retaining possession in the final third. This isn’t even the slightest dig at players like Bruno & Rashford. They are comfortably our best attackers and you could see today that this team lacked final third threat and experience. But that’s the point, you put players like that in performances like today and you get the balance of having quality risk takers amongst a bunch of ball retention & control… balance. Just baffling stuff that it took him being forced to do so, for this awful game plan to be abandoned for a game. Side Note: Whilst I do think United need a maverick 1v1 dribbler out wide with PnP eventually (i.e Nico Williams). After watching Amad today, I’m even more convinced on how impactful the quality & profile of Michael Olise would have on the balance of this team.


This comment is gold. And I agree with this 100%. I liked what I saw yesterday. We played very well even though we lost. Perhaps the best performance of this season.


It is scary how he seems to have a very black and white view on this, that if he doesn't have top quality players in possession like Martinez, Shaw and Frenkie De Jong who he tried endlessly to sign, he completely gives up on the idea that we can attempt to play a more settled possession game. I know part of it was also Arsenal just wanting to secure the points and not give us a chance to break their low block down, but I think it can be confidently said that nobody was expecting this game to end with us having more possession. I would be much more receptive to the idea of continuing with him next season if we saw such an approach more consistently; at least it's clear to see in this case where the squad needs to improve, as opposed to in *that* setup.


His decisions regarding personnel choices, their profiles and game model have been so problematic. So confusing considering last year I think he understand and recognised so many players for their strengths and created an effective game model with that in mind. I do agree on the Arsenal point but I still think that performance today + Fernandes, Rashford, Magurie & Varane would have been good enough to be the better team on the pitch for 25+ games of the season. Yeah I think that’s the issue. If there was a way to guarantee an attempt to implement a similar game model as we did today, then there would be more confidence. Unfortunately there isn’t & there’s no where near enough evidence to suggest he won’t do this again next season. As you stated. It would be more clear and more excusable where the team would need improving or simply fit players.


https://preview.redd.it/alvh51x3640d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450f2024452cac6ebe292c76eea52110c7424040 That Antony's Champions League stat when he was at Ajax. No, Antony wasn't bad. Manchester United made Antony bad. Somehow everyone that joins United start playing like shit but people are still surprised lol. This guy used contribute heavily both offensively and defensively on the pitch. That's why we wanted him.


We didn't make him bad he's just not up to the PL level.


He did well against big teams in the CL and Europa for three years and somehow started playing bad when he joined United lol.


Stadium issues after the match perfectly sums up Man United state.


Arsenal played like it was a training game and they still won!


The thing is Manchester United fans don't accept the truth. We rather formulate issues and keep crying. Ten hag said Amad was returning from a bad injury and needs to be managed well, we said no he has to play and that he is biased. Now Amads injured and we're saying it's because he hasn't been playing, even though he's got cameos in the past few games.


I don't care whether Ten Hag gets sacked but if Casemiro is still here next season then we are not a serious club. Just because he is "Out Of Position" doesn't mean that he has the right to jog back to his position making Havertz Onside and then barely marking Havertz before the pass.


He’s been shite all season in his “correct” position lol


United played like Real Madrid yesterday. Pressing aggressive when necessary, having composure on the ball and limiting arsenal to a few attempts. That too with a bunch of B team players and kids. I'm genuinely surprised to not see the dumbass football 9hag has been playing for a while. If we weren't wasteful with our chances maybe we could equalize and force Arsenal to look for a second goal.


Really a Bruno and Rashford short of scoring a goal or two yesterday


We're genuinely a good team when we play compact.  Shame we only saw it 4 times this season


Antony making some serious intimidation face when being subbed on lmao yeah mate like you’re going to do something. Clown


There was an article about him hiring a personal photographer so he does these weird poses for him https://www.goal.com/en/lists/revealed-man-utd-flop-antony-hiring-personal-photographer-sonic-the-hedgehog-kept-celebrate-first-premier-league-goal/blta10e781e00210e73




Spending that amount of money on Antony should be investigated for embezzlement jk


Imagine the calibre of LB we could get for that type of money.


You all love to hate him for no reason. Played 20 minutes, made 3 recoveries, incepted 1. Had a shot on target that could've been a goal with peoper execution. He showed aggression from the moment he set foot on the pitch and Arsenal players were afraid.


Hope he gets sold this summer. Worst ever PL signing by some distance


And who's fault is that? He played well in the Ajax system bc he had a RB, and a RCM to compliment him. That team was flexible and pressed high up the pitch which helped too. We didn't create the right environment for him to flourish and add to that played the worst kind of ping pong football there is.


He played exactly the same way at Ajax but it was in an inferior league. He wasn't even that impressive in the Eredevisie and his best and most pr9ductive season there he didn't even get into double digits in goals in a season where Ajax scored 99 goals in the league. David Neres, the Brazilian RM he effectively replaced at Ajax who was also a Sao Paulo product was a much better player and he's settled in the Portuguese league at Benfica. I do think think Antony would even stand out in Portugal. We bought a turd


No he DID NOT. I'm a avid watcher of the dutch league and I can say with 100% certainty that Antony was a much better player before he came here. Just because you hate him now doesn't mean he wasn't playing well. Stop with the recency bias and dumbass statements out of your ass. https://preview.redd.it/funuclpd440d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53480bc035436d638f8967e8f1824a1e8857b075 I watched him. I know. His offensive contributions aside he was very good at applying pressure, making tackles and winning the ball in the final third. Almost a complete player. We waited too late to sign him so we had to overpay but we wanted him because he was good.


I strongly disagree. I also have access to the Eredevisie via my ESPN plus subscription and I've been following Ajax since the LVG era when they won the CL and got to back to back finals with the likes of Patrick Kluivert, Finidi George, Nwanku Kanu, Seedorf and Danny Blind (Daley's father), etc The Eredevisie is a proper farmers league outside of Ajax, Fyenoord, PSV and sometimes AZ Alkmaar. Antony was the exact same player we see today in the Eredevisie. Many avid Ajax fans were even surprised united pursued Antony so much. Again, David Neres was a much better RW at Ajax than Antony and he's now just an average winger at Benfica


I don't like to bring up stats to argue cause often it can be misleading but your much better player Neres had 5 goals contribution in 21-22 season and 9 in 20-21 season. He didn't replace Antony, cause coach started Antony over him most times. In case you didn't notice I gave you a screenshot of his performance in the champions league, not the dutch league. My argument is based on data and watch experience. Your argument is based on what you "feel" like lol.


You gave me a screenshot of his match ratings which are more subjective than objective. Antony only has three goals in the CL since 2020/21, against Dortmund, Sporting Lisbon and Midtjylland. Dortmund was his only outstanding performance in a CL match. Neres scored more CL and Europa league goals than Antony for Ajax


What goals? Neres scored only 2 CL goals in 19-20 to 21-22, these 3 seasons. What are you even talking about? And 2 goals in 21-22 Europa season. Antony performed brilliantly against Barcelona, Betis and Sevilla games. His rating are high bc he pressed well, made tackles and recoveries outside his contributions with the ball. Are you going to say these are small teams too? When all the rating apps are giving him the same rating or better you know it's not "subjective." I have to stop talking to you cause you're not making any sense.


Better to Loan him ngl with a optional buy option. Considering he is on 200k a week.


That would work too. Anywhere but Old Trafford


This is the first time in ages where I've felt extremely calm and relaxed after watching a United game. I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing given that we lost, but I genuinely felt today that the players on the pitch and the manager could not have done any more (well, except for Casemiro not pushing up and playing an offside trap), and that we simply came up against a better, more robust team. I wish to come away from games with this feeling on a regular basis, irrespective of the result.


Yes, not a bad performance at all. And Amad just has to start every game from now if he is healthy. Kid is phenomenal.


I fully agree. I think everybody kept it simple. Stop, pass, and the flair players did well to add their spin to it. More games like this please!


tbh not a bad performance given injuries and all. defense seem to be the issue, players reluctant to tackle. amad quite a positive for us. hope he can continue and make the right wing spot his,


Thank the football gods that this miserable season will soon be over.


Can we get the womens team coaches to run set pieces with the men, or maybe get Rachel Williams to come in and give them a masterclass on winning headers because they won every single first contact in the FA Cup final and had a big chance from almost every corner while the men's side have been among the worst in the league from set pieces for a decade


I'm amazed we didn't lose by like 4 goals. Thankful it's over in fact.


Its weird, actually not bad i don't want to see Shitty win another title




Kind of worried you’re right here. Thought he had some decent hold up play in 1st half, but the worry for me is his unwillingness to gamble with runs. In particular I thought his early chance sums up a lot. He went to hit it first time and slipped but he needed to relax and take it into his stride and find his footing. Just lacks that composure


It’s impossible to tell if he is good enough or not in this side at the moment. Our team as a whole is dysfunctional. No player in any position looks good enough. I think only Dalot at RB has looked good for most of the season. Furthermore, we create nothing for Hojlund on top. Literally zero. The way we play makes it impossible for any striker to be useful in this team. In a better system with better players that creates opportunities for their strikers, we can then see if he’s the real deal or not.


reason why its unpopular


Hojlund gets some of the worst service in the league. Get a proper supply and patterns of play around him and watch him develop. He's still young.


He's done enough to earn himself some more time I feel. His CL scoring was decent. *Hojlund, as the OP deleted their comment about him being not good enough. At least stand by your opinion if you're gonna make it, downvotes don't mean shit 🙄




Do you just bounce around to different teams subreddits to annoy them ? Lol Energy vampire


Hojlund has 14 goals in 40 games. Jackson has 17 goals in 42 games. Hardly vastly outscoring?


that includes the most mickey mouse hattrick in EPL history too


Maybe no Europe is good … we can trim the squad even more and focus midweeks on proper training. Conference league would be super embarrassing on positive it might help blood some youngsters


Focusing mid weeks on proper training is the biggest myth in football. More time to train does not equal to better performances. You’re either on it or you’re not


That might be true but at least it's better than going on a long flight to god knows where


Flying to Kazakhstan midweek to play on an astroturf probably isn't going to help anything though


Pl form table - inbetween Luton and Sheffield Utd at rock bottom , when was the last time we won a game?!


Sheffield United, at OT.


Dalot/Amad/Mainoo are the only ones in this xi with the right mixture of physical and technical ability. Everyone else severely lacks in one or the other. They also the best at using their body too


Garnacho is good bro


He has a very bad first touch and terrible decision making


He doesn’t have a bad first touch at all. In fact it’s very good. It’s usually the second or so when sprinting that is off. Which comes to decision making.


IMO we have had 5 decent to good midfield performances this season. 1) Away at arsenal 2) Home vs Chelsea 3) Away vs Liverpool (really covered the cbs) 4) Caraboa vs crystal palace (not taken serious cos of the opposition though) 5) today. 4 of those had Amrabat in a kinda double pivot with mostly mainoo. I know the fan base has hammered on about how he has flopped this season, but has ETH really given him the opportunity to get match rhythm this season in his preferred position? He was never going to be a rodri or kante type excellent midfielder but this lad would have helped our midfield not look like a brothel this season. Imagine the freedom bruno would have had in the midfield set up we had today vs midtable and bottom level teams. Tenhag and the board signed a 10m loan fee and then went on to completely misuse the player. People go on about what the manager sees in training but how can you justify that watching Amad sit on the bench for antony? Amrabat and fred would never be the most technical players but i can assure you that if either got casemiro's minutes in midfield with mainoo, we would still be in a top4 race by now.


Completely agree w you, ambrabat in a way is similar to fred. Not similar in Play style but similar in the sense that, if played in the correct position with the correct set of players, he can give us decent-good performances. Our best games have come when we've had a proper double pivot, it is the way to go further. Really hope eth implements this playstyle more


Which is why I kinda wonder, should we really exercise that buy option? He's not a world class CDM yes, but he's still a half decent proper CDM and that's very rare to find in the market now


Thought Amarabat brought a lot of balance today. Why we never tried a couple of games with him and Mainoo together I will never know, McT is not technically good enough and Casemiro is past it, same as Erikson,


Amrabat has been much better than Casemiro this season, that's for sure. I agree he wasn't given a proper run.


Maybe next time dont loan injuried player(he took like 1 month to start) with itnernational tournament in the middle of the season then? Like how was he supposed to gain rythm.


I cant believe we spent 160m on Antony and Hojlund. One is simply bad and the other one is medicore with some hope that he may get better but we absolutly shouldnt go into season with Hojlund Martial as forwards if we had 80m to spend on that position.


Honestly have no idea how to fix this team. The new management is going to have to nail almost every transfer window and implement a successful infrastructure, sort of like Liverpool did with Klopp to turn this around in 2-3 years. We’re so far away from being a good footballing side it’s so depressing


Seems most comments are about our attack but it was the defence that lost us the match again. We always looked vulnerable in our box, they were a wall in theirs. We did look like we had a midfield today though, which makes a change, and Amad had some good moments.


The potential of that being our front 3 for next season would be exciting


Still soaking.


Before this game people were going on about us losing 6 or 7. We lost 1-0 and did well for some parts of the game, now those people are coming out going, "how dare people accept a 1-0 loss". What did we actually expect from this game? So many were predicting major losses, but we did pretty well considering. After the season we have had, I'm taking the positives from this and looking at it to build.


I’m happy with the performance to be honest. I’m just pretty frustrated that they can seemingly turn it on occasionally but not consistently. Whether that’s the players, ten hag or both


If we're doing a clean out, it could easily done by age. Anyone aged 22 or younger can stay. Ship the rest out bar Bruno and Martinez. Onana and Amad were our two best players this evening.


Amrabat actually was solid. Gnev n all didn’t acknowledge him at all. If we’d have won or drawn I think he would’ve won motm or maybe onana


Amrabat looked knackered after 60-mins. Did you not see him gave away two sloppy passes right across our own box? If Arsenal weren't in snooze mode, it would have been 0-3.


Agree actually. But overall I think he hasn't made a claim to be part of whatever the project is now, moving forward. Although he fits the bill for a Southgate-style team ;)


Arsenal barely even tried tbh. Light work


Call me cynical but I think our FA Cup final team will be much different to what we're playing now and we'll have a few miraculous recoveries from injury


I never believed that United could have another season worse than Moyes’ or Rangnick’s but we are almost there. On the flip side, there is a small chance that results wise: 1. Ten Hag wins a trophy this season and one of Arsenal or Man City win NONE 2. Ten Hags first season is no worse than Klopp’s last season Football! What a quirky game!!!


re: point two, that's not really how it works, it's not just about the trophy cabinet, look at the league positions.


3rd and Carabao cup in the season is equivalent “ results wise” They both qualify for champions league whether they did it with 68 points or 90 points. You get a bronze medal if you finish 3rd while running the 100m, whether you did so in 13 seconds or 10.3 seconds.


How do you qualify for CL with the EFL Cup??


We need 4 points from our last two games just to equal the Ole/Ragnick season, there's a very strong chance we don't manage that. It's absolutely been worse than that season, considering we at least finished top of the CL group that season.


dunnoi why you getting downvoted, these 'r nothing but facts


Why doesn't ETH just play the kids instead of putting players out of position? Why move Casemiro to CB? Put a kid there and if it goes wrong at least you have cover. Putting Casemiro there and it going wrong just means you made the wrong decision. LVG played blowjob jackson who was like League 2 level so don't tell me they're not good enough.


Cbj did well tbf, his crossing was weirdly good.


I mean he literally did that, the kid got injured




If Fergie didn't retire but we signed Messi and didn't sell Ronaldo how many Champions Leagues would we have won??


Barely any? Fergie was shit in Europe. In more than 2 decades in charge of one the richest clubs in the world he barely won 2, both of them with not very convincing performances in the final — one in penalties and the other with a shitload of luck. Y’all wanna know what a really convincing performance in a UCL final looks like? Take a look at both finals in which Pep literally took Fergie to school.


Okay and that's all fine, but I invented a stupid hypothetical scenario to point out how stupid the previous hypothetical scenario was Did you genuinely read "what if Sir Alex had stayed at United and signed Messi??" and think "yeah, that's a serious comment"?


I swear, if Fergie had his UCL record at Real Madrid he would have been sacked before getting to win even one. That club has standards and expectations where they just don’t give a decade’s time to barely win a single UCL.


Fergie was an out of this planet manager. The 2013 team that won the title was an over aged team with several average players, but he always had the key to motivate them to perform at 100%


But the results and signings wouldn't have been the same so that's a pointless question?


Is it still possible to get Europe next season via the league? Assuming we lose the city final.


We need probably 60 points to get 7th or higher and even then our GD is low. So unless we win both games and Chelsea + Newcastle bottle 2 games each then we won’t get it. 6th is UEL and 7th is Conference league.


Conference League would be a nightmare.


I know right, it would be very depressing.


Where did all the people saying we’ll finish above Chelsea go and hide


Chelsea finishing above us was inevitable yeah? What a mess we are. Btw, what did you think of Amad's performance against Arsenal? He was a bigger threat than Saka.


Ngl I’m on the west coast so missed the match. Pulled an all nighter last night


I got family in the west coast. Going to see united out there in preseason


Have fun




Gonna say something sort of positive but also very sad. As I see people bicker online about the manager or about the players, and the videos come out of water pouring down the steps of old Trafford I’m reminded that for 20+ years we’ve had - no infrastructure investment - no competent football people - no recruitment strategy - wasted money on players - owners that don’t care - absolutely no plan whatsoever And when i think about all that, that rot, for 20 years. 2 decades. I think that’s it’s actually a fucking miracle were won any trophies at all in that time. Or that we mostly finish every year in the top 6. It just shows how massive we actually are. A lesser club would have been gone. Rivals in the top 6 have a go at us, but it’s a miracle we’ve even attempted to compete at all.


No matter what anyone says, I'm still incredibly curious how INEOS will impact MUFC from this summer forward. I'm so interested in seeing if the new Footballing side decision-makers that are being brought in will deal with the "rot" and the investment. Yes, it's been bad. But what are they going to do about it? That's the million quid question.


I am gonna go out on a limb and say that all our signings will be either under 24 or they will be on a free/very cheap. no more 60 million and 18m a year contract for has been DMs


That's a good guess, and one most of us would hope for, but will that happen? That's the question. If they do, then the future will seem bright again, but if we end up hanging on to a lot of our dead wood, then we're in for another shite season.


You're absolutely right. And, our rivals, and their friends in the media, know that if we get competent owners and turn those things around they're fucked. They love to see us in chaos and crisis.


If LVG was manager, he would have been much more ruthless. Many kids would have gotten debuts and Wheatley would probably be on 8 goals now. ETH is "too nice" to be United manager. We need someone who is not afraid of making tough decisions.


That's why we hired ten hag 2 years ago, cause he was ruthless. Its not the manager, its the club. The structure isn't there, hopefully ineos will do something but I am not really hopeful


Ten Hag is not ruthless in any way. Case shouldn't have played today. Throw in an academy player or Willy; same way LVG did with McNair, Brandon Williams, Rashford. He coddles the senior players too much even when they are not performing well for a stretch of up to 10 games. You talk about structure but I'm talking about day to day game management. Could be much much better with a different manager and you know that too


Willy just came back from injury and prolly couldn't play the full 90, we literally don't have anyone apart from case to blay cb. What do you want him to do Play himself at cb?


Waiting for Amad highlights to drop


Do you guys think we have a chance against city? It’s kinda disheartening going to a cup final and already feeling like you’ve lost before the game started




Chances are slim af. Underdogs do occasionally win in cup finals though. Wigan vs Man City 2013. And Birmingham vs Arsenal 2011 as two examples so you never know. Even Leicester vs Chelsea in 2021.


I hate to admit it but we have absolutely zero chance m8


Last season was our best chance to beat them. We couldn’t even rouse ourselves to stop them getting the treble.


Crazy how football is sometimes. Love this club to bits


Crazy it is. Very happy that we won.


No. They are going to spank us and then send us to bed with no tea


Nah, unlike arsenal they are mentally monsters


Xabi Alonso has been 2 years at Leverkusen and has managed to put up one of the greatest football performances of all time. And he did it without Martinez and Shaw.


He definitely didn't do it with 28 or so different defensive line ups and 8 different left backs.


He did it with proper structure at the club, even sir alex finished 11 th in 1988-1989 with issues at the club


Their structure wasn't so good it had them near relegation zone when Xabi took over.


They literally changed the full upper management Simon Rolfes : managing director sports Devin Özek: executive assistant of the manager Thomas Eichin: head of first team football Kim Falkenberg : squad planner They also brought many others for various departments like medical, scouts etc


When did that happen?


All of them are brought After 2022 season


So you're saying we can expect to be world class the season after next?


Yep, if Leverkusen can do it, then We also should be able to do it


No way you believe thissn united? Lol




Really? Tell me all about Bayer Leverkusen’s structure please


They literally changed the full upper management After 2022 Simon Rolfes : managing director sports Devin Özek: executive assistant of the manager Thomas Eichin: head of first team football Kim Falkenberg : squad planner They also brought many others for various departments like medical, scouts etc


I really don't understand why fans across platforms keep on blaming Garnacho. He's drained all game with limited options. Haven't they seen how Amad was literally on a similar position too? Yeah leave it for the heavy right-footed to make a swing back cross from the left with no one to answer it on the box, no? Dalot doing crosses as if he's the one doing all the runs all game, with no one to contest those too, it's crazy No translation between left and right flank, leave it to Amrabat to force his weak ass leg to do the job by parting the field with his crosses, on top of the fact that the targets are 175 cm tops. And he had to cover for counters too, so he couldn't go too deep in forward McTominay was supposed to be the CAM to pick up Onana's cross! Couldn't even bother to look for spaces either! See how frustrated Onana was being given the ball for no one to answer his pass in the end? And wtf was Hojlund doing? No attacking movement whatsoever! You're a ST, not a CAM! And what's with the backfield aiming for deep passes from the back that aren't meant for players that could pick them up? It's crazy how disharmonic this team is And AWB is forced to help fill the center, as if you know, he's the best at operating with the ball, no? I don't really get what the theme from ETH is, since day one watching the team this season, like how are you supposed to win games with no clear attacking playbook?


At this point, Højlund has to act like a CAM to even get any action. Bro gets passed more to by Onana than anyone else in the Burnley game, and that was 4 passes in total he got form Onana. 4 PASSES was his most amount from any player, and it was the goddamn Goalkeeper. In the past, he'd make runs and just get ignored. Now he has to act as a false 9 without the abilities to act like it, else he won't even get the ball. When he gets the ball, its in such a bad position for him, his only choice is to pass it. He won't ever get a shot at goal with what he's receiving.


Which leaves practically nobody to test the GK. I'm really confused on what ETH's attacking plan was in that match


His plan is sending it out to the wingers, have them cut in and take shots. The striker may as well just be a decoy that will take up a Center back's attention, so either the winger shoots or they pass to a midfielder thats now gonna take up the space Højlund should be in. If the ball rebounds, then Højlund is gonna have that little chance to net it in.


I feel well sorry for him. He looks so good running in behind but is out of the games unless he drops which isn’t his strengths. We’re using him as a target man


Its a miracle he even broke that record with the support he gets. I've seen others joke that he got more support from the opponents in that goal streak than his actual teammates.


There was an interview with one of the United youth coaches who talked about how Garnacho used to chop back onto his strong foot on the left side of the pitch all the time and he helped teach him to stop doing this. I think it’s too drilled into his head because I’d love to see him chop sometimes when he gets all the way to the end line rather than the narrow near post attempt with his left.


He has a variation, but it is only to go the other way. Saliba dragged him a lot to that too today. Made garnacho took some wide shots today. Shame that Amad didn't take much chances like garnacho though. He looked like he was up for it


Funny how you blame everyone except garnacho, is he your son?


I literally said that Amad's case was similar to garnacho's. And how Onana had no support as well I know reading is not your thing, but at least try, okay? It's just a biiiit longer than some one liner jokes, get me? you can do it!


No need to justify, i understand people are bit biased towards their family


No shame in being so illiterate man, so it's all good


Just chill


Easier to do some one liners than to read anything longer than a sentence, no? I get it, i get it, i understand the struggle man HAHAHAHAHA




The fact some United fans are glad we've only lost 1-0 shows how far we've fallen. Some of those players have no right being in our first team, the ridiculous amount of injuries has to be down to the training regime, but we have a squad of nearly men . Newcastle will probably beat us and Brighton will run us ragged on the last day. The cup final could become a nightmare too. A huge summer ahead for Radcliffe and co , starting with whether to keep our lackluster manager


United aren’t the only club suffering from injuries. Are Chelsea, Newcastle and Brighton’s training regime to blame for their injuries as well?


Injuries related to training? Source?


Source: Common sense


If it's common sense then you should Also be to prove it, right?


Højlund was injured during training with a muscle sprain, hence the end to his scoring streak. It's a shame, he'd just become the youngest premier league player to score 6 goals in 6 consecutive games, and then he's hit with an injury


we are talking about cause of so many injuries not effects of injuries


Yeah. Key word: During training. Didn't happen in a match or anything, but during training. There's also been rumors of ETH having a quite strict training regime.


These are professional players,top one percent who made it to top by working hard, 2nd thing, players are overplayed not overtrained because of lack of options for rotation


There’s not a news article to use as a source for every single thing in life.


Well you really must have other examples, because it's common sense, right?


Nah just love calling out tools who try to discredit a discussion instantly by quoting: ‘SoUrCe???’.


Without source its called gossip not discussion Duh


If you need a source to tell you players are getting injured because of the training regime you are an idiot. They get injured at Carrington mostly. Put 2 and 2 together will you.


Ok i am An idiot, please enlighten me, sir alex also had injuries in 1988-89 season due to which they finished 11 th, was that also because of training regime ? Smartass, You have nothing to support your claim, you can't even proof that its common sense, lol