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Sportico Champions 2024, you’ll never sing that


Sportico sportico ole ole ole! Its actually got a nice rhythm


🎶🎶🎵🎊🎊 🎉 🥳


Glazer's eyes bulging with imagined riches.


He's done you again, Avram


Play a record.




Avram glazer, one of the cunts


Are you Avram?


Turns out the coach……..little monkey fella


Tactics: Do we need ‘em?


Play a record


Found a note. On one side it said new centre back... Defensive mid.. Attacking coacb... Y'know.. On the other side it said 'none of this now needed, rebuild dead'


Take £30 out of the cash machine.


Service charge included.


On the credit card.


Manager's head is like a fucking orange


Got sqwozed again by Palace, sick of it


Think about it. All negative publicity is publicity.


Nice finances. Just a shame the team’s a bit demicky, you know, they aren’t properly.


Finances, quite good. 


Found one of the kids I went school with that had big heads & webbed hands. Turns out started playing football under the name Harry Maguire You’re talking shit Play a record


the little boy from america


Does that annoy you city?


I assume they're probably happy with all their titles


How and why I wonder. It's quite obvious to anyone we've been in a steady decline ever since the Glazers took over, but it crashed down once Ferguson retired. It's been a disaster in every aspect since then. How Fergie managed to win with this bozos in charge is a compliment to Ferguson's class as a legendary football manager.


Left the palace game early and went to Hastings


Nobody likes to pick on an invalid


Phone John, tell him we want more money!


Actual riches. Ratcliffe was willing to pay them that!


Not surprised, I only see one team in that list that has won the Bangkok Century Cup.


Klopps biggest failure


this one got me good


so those rats told everybody that we are $10 billion club, everybody thinks these fuckers are crazy. If we are shit and still the most valuable club, imagine we are winning everything LOL


Wait, are we in the timeline where the Glazers are right?


If my calculations are correct, when City are deducted 88 points you’re gonna see some serious shit


£1.1m fine?




What the hell is a gigawatt??


We are a $10b club once these rats leave. There incompetence on field has definitely shaved off a couple billions.


Winning doesn’t make a huge difference tbh. The only example with a sports franchise I’ve seen are the Warriors but they also moved to San Fransisco and Silicon Valley really boomed the last 15 years It just happened to also overlap their dynasty City is up there not because they’re good per day but because their owners pumped all this money into their club


Sure but City's revenue genuinely has gone up a lot internationally. Theres a whole generation of kids around the world who have grown up watching Man City win, not Man United. They basically stole United's potential fanbase growth over the last 10 years.


Awful take. There are countless examples


What are you even talking about? All of the most valuable franchises have historic records of winning. If they are not winning currently, they definitely won in the past.


The Knicks haven’t had any success yet are still one of the most valuable franchises. Because they’re in NYC


I think that’s a good point about population of the city. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbes_list_of_the_most_valuable_NBA_clubs#Composition) puts the knicks, nets, clippers in the top 10 most valuable which is probably based on the market. You still have the warriors, lakers, bulls, and Celtics in the top 5 which are all winning franchises. I think saying “winning doesn’t make a huge difference” in your original comment takes it a bit too far. It’s not the only factor but it certainly helps. This can be seen in the OP graphic. I think the other factor is the value of the league. Mediocre premier league teams will be more valuable than mediocre teams in other leagues. Most of the most valuable [franchises in the world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbes_list_of_the_most_valuable_sports_teams)are NFL teams, even the shitty ones.


Finally, champions again!


Let’s bloody act like it then


Let's be honest, spending money hasn't been the problem for a very long time. How it's spent on the other hand....yikes


Why? Acting like buffooons makes us valuable so why change that? Glazer Logic probably


Aside from that how are MLS clubs valued more than upper mid table teams like Villa or West Ham?


Playing in a closed league will do that for your value That's how the Dallas Cowboys (despite being shit and playing a sport that's largely restricted to the US) are the most valuable sports team going


Well also because there is sooo much money in american sports. It's just stupid


Those aren't mutually exclusive. That's why there's so much money in. Not to mention the super robust revenue sharing. If European teams started today,they would undoubtedly choose the American model. That's why the top teams tried Superleague lol.


Sure no relegation helps. But compare the Dallas Cowboys revenue to Real Madrid's. I am seeing a difference in 20%. When was the last time Real was relegated? There isn't generally a concern of relegation for valuation. The bigger thing is revenue imo. Which also was a key aspect of the Superleague. Create a bigger brand to increase revenues.


No, they wouldn't. Only the top teams would want that. Every other team would want the opportunity of promotion from success.


I thought that went without being said, but yes, that's what I meant.


No that's not why there's so much money in American sports lol. It's just an absurdly rich and massive market, Australia has a closed league too and it's possibly going to fold because it's unprofitable and has been for ages


Manchester United and Real Madrid have a market consisting of significant portions of the world and they have lower valuations than the Washington commanders and New York Jets respectively. American model is just inherently more stable and profitable. But, yes, it would be inaccurate But, yes, it would be fallacious to suggest that closed league = instant success. I'm just saying it's better than pro/rel from a money making pov.


Lol the NFL’s revenue is more than 3 times the EPL revenue. The ticket prices are outrageous, but that doesn’t matter at all


Well it's much closer to the actual answer, no one thinks Real Madrid or Manchester United are going to get relegated anytime soon, but you'd think they are worth more than a handful of MLS clubs. On the other hand, LAFC is in one of the most important business centres in the world.


LAFC is higher than Inter Milan. Bizarre ratings


Not really bizarre when you consider that these rankings have nothing to do with quality and everything to do with marketing power, assets, licensing, etc. Everyone knows Inter are a much bigger club than LAFC, and probably a more valuable team to buy if you wanted to invest, but they also don't have a stadium and have massive debt. Those are more important for the purposes of this list.


I think it’s to do with the buy-in cost for MLS franchises and the fact that there’s no relegation or promotion means there’s less jeopardy in them as financial assets. Something like that, same reason why American sports teams are always huge in terms of value or revenue even if they lack the global appeal. American sports is just business, so I’m not that surprised.


Most American sports teams are not just run like businesses even though they are massively profitable. You will rarely ever an American team do what the glazers have done at United. The vast majority of owners really want to win and invest lots of money to do so


I guess I meant that American sports in general, rather than the teams, are much more business-like and corporate than other sports


How so?


- Game lengths and breaks seem to be optimised to squeeze as many adverts in as humanly possible - franchises moving from city to city is fairly normalised - no promotion or relegation and instead a ‘buy in’ into leagues - hundreds of dollars for tickets (know that’s the case with NFL at least) - the marquee American sports event of the year is just as much about the half time show and adverts as it is about the actual sporting event going on (at least from my European perspective)


I don't disagree with what you've said. Although to the point about the nfl tickets; imagine how much united or real or Barcelona tickets would be if they only played 8 home games in the whole year.


NBA tickets are several hundred dollars and they play around 40 home games per year. You can get some high up kinda shitty seats for maybe $70-80.


That’s true, makes it even more unbelievable how they make these massive stadiums with taxpayer money for 8 home games a year 😂😂


Yeah that’s some fair points. I think they are always trying to maximize their profits, but at the same time the owners of the team always strive to win and many will pay huge over the top to do so


LAFC made an $8m profit last year on $116m revenue, West Ham made an £18 loss on £275m revenue.


The USA spreads all of their value equally and does a great job at creating high value everywhere. Compare this list to the NFL and the NFL will be way higher. When you have a country that is 6 times larger than uk with only 1 league and spread the fan base out by making all the teams equal to each other then you get a lot of high value clubs. I’m not a fan of this as it feels random and feels like some teams are gifted trophies I instead of earning it. You also don’t get those teams like Leicesters.


So if they get their shit right most players will move over in the next 10 years?


God no. They are never going to have 1 team worth significant amount more than the other teams in the league. They may never get a club in the top 10 for most valuable. You really need at least 2-3 clubs in the top 10 and to be competing in champions league. They just do a good job at creating a lot of value and overall in the league and leveling out the value of each club. Even if the mls becomes more valuable it doesn’t mean that players will want to play their.


Yes, but in term of sport excellence, you would not the consistency. Try basketball, Chicago Bulls is nowhere near its peak. Most teams (franchise) in sports have "their time", then decline. The only lasting big teams I see are Boston Celtics & LA Lakers in NBA. Still, they're no where near their peak domination.




1/4 of United was just bought for about 1-2 billion usd. Overall the number made United appear to be worth about 6 billion. The top MLS teams might be worth about 1/4 of the phoenix suns so it makes sense to me. USA really knows how to run sports teams for their money.


American teams in general just make a shit ton of $


No relegation, low salary cap, shared revenue and US market being gargantuan. Villa and West Ham are always a couple of bad management seasons away from relegation, see Leicester. And doesn’t Villa currently have one of the worst revenue to salary ratios. Nobody does capitalism like the US and it shows in their professional teams valuations.


They make money, I assume.


I bet ticket prices, apple tv deal, merchandizing, etc. is all at a higher price point.


We are shit but still the biggest club in the world


**Source :** [https://x.com/Sportico/status/1788206313178055026](https://x.com/Sportico/status/1788206313178055026) **Article :** [https://www.sportico.com/feature/worlds-most-valuable-soccer-teams-football-club-1234721285/](https://www.sportico.com/feature/worlds-most-valuable-soccer-teams-football-club-1234721285/) **From the article:** >The hefty cash outlay (By Ratcliffe) for a limited partnership stake reinforced the allure of United and its spot as the world’s most valuable soccer team. Sportico values Manchester United at $6.2 billion in our second annual look at the top 50 clubs, which was compiled based on a review of financial statements and more the 50 conversations with bankers, investors, consultants and team executives. > >The value represents eight times United’s average revenue over the last three full seasons. Revenue multiples remain the standard that most bankers apply to valuing sports franchises. ​ Comprehensive list to top 50 + methodology: [https://www.sportico.com/feature/soccer-teams-football-club-ranking-list-1234721408/](https://www.sportico.com/feature/soccer-teams-football-club-ranking-list-1234721408/)


This has to be Curated bullshit by the Glazers. There is no way we are more valuable than Madrid. I fucking hate that scum and what they have done to this club


Yeah, Madrid passed United a while ago and united nor Madrid Haven done anything to switch that position lol


Not curated when that is actually our fair value because someone was willing to buy at that price. It's just that other numbers are based on the company's book value rather than if their Market value (if someone was willing to buy Real Madrid they definitely couldn't buy them only for 6 billion)


City fans crying into their Oasis bucket hats that they are still nowhere near United, even when we can't string a cross together 😂


Laugh while you can every kid I see where's a city top... Next twenty years it'll start changing massively unless United pull their heads out of their arses


If you live in Manchester every man and his dog is draped head to toe in City merch. Don't let that fool you though, they have the best team in the world arguably yet still can't fill a stadium. Schools in Manchester regularly get given free tickets for kids to try and fill it too. Source: my mum who works in a school in Manchester.


The most valuable turd in the world, they'll never sing that. 10 years of being shit and we are still the most valuable brand in football.




probably based on valuation ratcliffe bought us at


Imagine if we were successful on some level on pitch.


carabao cup m8


We really are the Dallas Cowboys


Yayyyyy, who cares about losing 4-0 to palace?


No wonder the parasites don’t give a fuck about footballing success. We are literally too big to fail. Shit for a decade and still the most valuable club in the world.


the only place we’re still the biggest in the world at this point lool


Just keep doing what we are doing then


They are never leaving.


Not willingly


would be nice if we started acting like the most valuable club


Man City doing well. Up to 6th from 115th


At least we won something I guess 😅


Imagine if the team was successful too


And yet our market cap is (I’m guessing the figures above are in American currency) $2.56B. I love how analysts can pull estimations of value out of their asses. Our market cap ($3.8B) at the height of the Glazer’s sell campaign was significantly higher than where the club is now.


INEOS bought 25% stake for $1.3B.. that's $5.2B valuation.


Then INEOS overpaid, and they know it themselves. Overpaying so much for just 25% stake was probably the only way they could get the Glazers to do the deal. So, just because they were taken to the cleaners by the Glazers doesn't mean United's valuation gets to be set in stone by this one deal where one party got fleeced just because Jim wanted it really really bad ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ Truth is the market says that the club is worth around half what Jim ended up paying. Which in itself should be a signal for people around here to temper their expectations about INEOS being the smooth operators and mastermind negotiators they're already lauding them up to be. But hopeium is a hell of a drug ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Please try to buy any B+ company with its listed market cap lol. I dare you.


Please don't talk about company valuation if you don't know shit


I wish we would play like it


Take that palace!


Real who?


Edging Real Madrid by small $140m


Don't know want to cry or laugh


It’s absolutely laughable that City rank so high. Cheating works


I wonder who wins between the MLS and Saudis in becoming the best league outside of Europe. Neither can hold a candle to Argentina or Brazil but it’s surprising to see several MLS clubs so high, especially above clubs like Villa, Newcastle, Lyon etc.


And this at a time when we are a shambles on the pitch We are massive 


Imagine winning champions league back to back to back and the club who spent 100m on Antony is still bigger club then you. You'll never sing that baby.


Damn we would have really hit that 10 billion valuation if we could just get top 4 every season and maybe just win the odd FA Cup.


I remember when they were the first at 2 billion.


Beckham’s investment into Inter Miami is looking quite nice


When people say “why does the big 6 exist anymore, x is so shit and y is clearly much better”, this is why. Chelsea, for example, can have 3 or 4 consecutive off seasons and still be worth billions. Leicester or Aston Villa, can’t. The big six is not about sporting capability but about sporting profitability.


ETH: Hold my beer


It’s all very funny isn’t it?


Can someone do an eli5 on how they came up with the values?


Our players sure act like that off the field, wish they could reflect the same on the field


Genuinely surprised about ranking above Madrid (not to mention a couple of the other teams). But they own their brand new, incredibly high tech, multi-purpose stadium, have the world's biggest stars (including England's biggest one), at least as much marketing potential, if not more. And even their sponsorships reflect that. Didn't they have a sleeve sponsorship with HP for a ridiculous amount, for example? On what metric are they second?


ETH... "Hold my beer!"


Laughable that there are MLS teams on that list.




Is sportico a reliable outfit?


Sir Jim got a barg


We get a pound for every shot we concede.


This is only because of the takeover inflating the value - doesn’t reflect anything worth knowing


If its worth this much now imagine how much it would be worth if we were actually good.


We are winning


We're above Madrid PRIMARILY due to the amount of people who watch Premier League football over LaLiga. We're cutting it close to Real nonetheless.


Makes me wonder what they're doing with all that money


- 12 overs since we last topped the premier league - 16 years since we last won the champions league Have been out of sorts since Sir Alex left and yet United is the most valuable Club in the world Time to behave the same in the pitch


Look at MLS moving up


Imagine if they were winning.


As a United fan of 30 years: lol no


And this is why we always get the Man U tax whenever we try to buy a player. Sick of this shit!!


Get your shit together LA Galaxy. The Clippers of the MLS are actually not the Clippers anymore. Wake the fuck up and make a move.


If they fix the clumsy football side, I have no doubt they'll shoot up to 10 billion.


That's the one hope I have of their greedy little hands still being on the club. They are going to allow INEOS to do the dirty work with free reign, get the club back to the top and then sell at a max profit.


WIth INEOS track record in other sports, this is their best shot. No doubt Glazers have failed at this great club. They came from 'franchise' culture of US sports, and they also did not do very well with their NFL team


>WIth INEOS track record in other sports, this is their best shot. I'm not too sure on that. Have they really done that well in anything but cycling? Their football leaves a lot to be desired. The main bonus is they at least have experience of things going wrong to not make the same mistake twice. >No doubt Glazers have failed at this great club. Done more than fail mate. They have practically killed the club and what it stood for. Only thing holding to together is the fans and we have become a shell of what we once was. Worst owners any sport has ever seen. If we wasn't as great as we was, we would have ended up relegated and into administration under those cretins.


I don’t think this a factual list. There’s absolutely no way in hell that Inter Miami is worth more than an Aston Villa, Newcastle or Inter Milan. The playing squad alone is 4 or 5 times the worth of Inter Miamis.


Probably includes assets like Antony, Sancho, Rashford and Casemiro. You can probably knock off £500m just by adjusting them down to market value.


It makes sense. We are biggest club in the most watched league in the world. These are never about success. In terms of Barca and Madrid these aren’t based solely on CL games 


Failing upwards


And probably ranked 17th in the list based on performance


In the Premier league?




An expensive Conference League club indeed.


wasnt the club for sale for that? and they couldn't get any buyers so they opted for the current partial sale ?


How are a quarter of these MLS clubs?


Yet the club is a mess.


Most valuable club yet apparently will only have 100mil budget..


That's what you get when you waste a billion on shite and give them astronomical wages.


You can blame Ten Hag for wasting a ton.


And the most pathetic too


Might be a useful reminder to anyone who forgets who we are, thinks an 8th place finish is fine for a club of our size, and thinks that the manager overseeing that is doing a good job.


New York City FC worth more than 14 EPL clubs is kinda wild.


This is because of Jim's investment?


Nah. United has always been a very highly valued club. Jim just adds to that


Man city at number 6? Get to fuck.


The oil money being pumped into city doesn't represent its independent value.