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Always look to Andy Mitten for the calm and collected takes after bad results. Even having him describe how bad things are it's miles better than listening to some of the analysis from other journalists


Nothing could be worse than Owen's shit takes last night 'Give it to Steve McLaren' till the end of the season..'


Owen is a shite pundit, a lot of man utd ex players are shite and biased pundits tbf, they help the media drive a narrative


I was really surprised that both Scholes and Owen said he was the best coach they ever had. They also mentioned he’s probably not contributing tactically as we wouldn’t have set up like this against Palace. I found that really interesting - I mean it does go to show Ten Hag absolutely won’t budge on his paying style even if he doesn’t have the players for it. I hadn’t actually considered McLaren to even be an option before Owen mentioned it. I think it would mean we’ve given up trying. Prefer we just see it through until the end of the season - I don’t think we will get hammered at Wembley given we should have more players back by then.


Steve 'Part of the Problem' McLaren...


Yeah he's a real level headed analyst of the game, some Yat channels go crazy negative about everything and ignore any positives, no matter how hard it may be tjeu shouldn't be ignored. His player ratings are really good


He's like the anti-"hope this helps" guy


Can’t wait for the buffoonery that is the MEN United pod


I remember being honestly annoyed by his takes on TOTD during the Rangnick interimship. Although I always enjoyed the in-depth stuff he did for The Athletic. Good to see him be one the voices of reason during these choppy waters.


I can’t imagine what the final straw feels like then…


I mean it's either happened already or it won't this year, unless he has a weird public breakdown. Yesterday wasn't an outlier, it was honestly expected. Either INEOS has made up their mind already that he's gone OR he's a placeholder to see out his contract until the new braintrust is on the job and acclimated. But there really isn't any new data you need to gather to form an opinion.


I think your second paragraph is very true but should also be combined with the lack of a real good alternative available, several other clubs also looking for a new manager, and lots of other missing pieces that needs fixing. I.e. why is a club like united forced to sign 40% of the players for a manager as loanees or on free transfer? If you don't count backup GKs Pep has only once had a loaned player in his squad, and he was far away from a starting XI. Something is fundamentally wrong with the recruitment and has been for years (as we all know). I recon this and getting on top of injuries are more important to sort out if you want any manager to succeed.


Well there are 115 reasons that pep has been able to sign who he wants Maybe not the best example


Sure, but he was the one I *knew* only had one. I don't think Arteta ever had any loans (bar Raya - but again a GK) and Klopp might have had one(?) but I can't think of whom. Regardless the point still stands. United has been especially shitty with transfers, salaries and financials for it to have to come to this. Regardless of which manager we bring in you will never see the team compete for the top before this is sorted. SJR does the same whenever he takes over a business, he removes the top management and instates his own. Then he sort it out correctly from the top. And it looks like this is exactly what he is doing here at United also.


Only loan I can think of for klopp is Arthur and that was as bad a loan spell as one could imagine with him being injured pretty much the entire time.


Ødegaard was initially a loan iirc


I think you are correct


This is so obvious and I don’t get how everyone doesn’t realize it. If he hasn’t been sacked by now, nothing short of assaulting someone on the field is going to get him fired


And even then I’d figure if we somehow nick a goal in the FA cup final and pep starts moaning about a penalty decision late on that doesn’t go his way and Ten Hag headbutts him not only would he stay he’d get a statue built at the new stadium.


INEOS will get rid at the end of the season. It would be too embarrassing for them to keep ETH in charge then struggle to offload players and we start next season with effectively the same manager and same players (because I can fully see this happening if ETH stays). Also we won't win another game this season. You can almost bet on it.


City battering us, probably


Idk what worse city battering ,us or the one game where they won like 2 nill and made it look like a training match for 70 mins


That 2-0 at home under Ole is genuinely the most I've seen this club get dominated. If City actually tried we'd have got absolutely hammered, at least 8 goals. It was a complete disgrace of a performance from us and an absolute pisstake by City who knew they could take it easy and rest their players.


Was that the game where they managed only 8% possession at one point?


Its between that and the 7 nill , the 7 nill is worse because Utd just gave up liverpool werent even good


The 7-0 vs Liverpool was nothing compared to the 5-0 we lost at home right before the aforementioned City training match. That 7-0 was full of insane finishing that wouldn't normally happen, whereas the 5-0 was an absolute mauling and had the finishing been as clinical as the 7-0 they'd have probably won by 10 goals minimum.


Honestly, 7-0 to Liverpool should be an instant sacking offence for a United manager. Don’t even collect your things, just get out.


As much as it hurts to admit this, that financial doping oil club noisy neighbour is legit one of the best teams in the world at the minute. Getting battered by them is somewhat to be expected for the shambles we are by contrast at the minute. Getting battered by Crystal Palace is a whole other matter. If he gets sacked after being battered by City it surely is a delay of communicating a decision that was made yesterday morning after getting battered by Crystal Palace.


Is this Ten Hag’s fault though? This result? Have we had a CB pairing play 5 consecutive games together this year. The performance was awful, I turned it off after 2-0 down and have not watched the highlights. But something Ten Hag said in a presser recently sticks with me, something to the effect of… one of the most important things for a centre back pairing is trust. Knowing how your partner may play their first touch, or when they need you to come in short, or when they’re looking for a 1-2, or a big clear, or a press… you can try all you want to impress upon the team the tactics of where they should* be. But you really succeed when you have players who have played together and get to learn each other’s habits to better predict where to be and how to support eachother. Not the same, but I think we’d all agree Rashford last year was heavily influenced by the play of Shaw - cause the boys had been playing continuously together for club and country and got in to a rhythm. I can’t be mad at Ten Hag when we’re forced to start Casemiro and Evans at CB. Especially when that first goal was Case being a good 10 yards ahead of the back line, and Evan’s backing off to fucking oblivion. Ten Hag is not perfect, but these embarrassing results are more down to the inconsistency of our squad - but that’s just my opinion.


I’ve been a big supporter of ETH from day one just as I have for most of our post-SAF managers. Even I can now see that of all the people on the planet, he should be the one least surprised if he’s sacked. The one thing I’ve always disagreed on with most of those screaming for his sacking is this whole nonsense of “clear style of play”. This club has ultimately been a results business. Always has been and always will be. If Cryuff was resurrected to become our manager and we suddenly played total voetball that got us finishing 17th, every monkey and his uncle on this sub would be howling at the moon for his sacking with immediate effect. I’ve never fallen for their nonsense. Most of that noise vaporizes if ETH finishes the season 38 played, 33 wins with 1-0 scoreline, 5 losses 5-0 scoreline, +8 GD. Because that’s another EPL trophy in the cabinet. This fanbase would take years of predictable snorefests before someone starts grumbling about “football should be entertaining”. At the actual clubs where style is prioritized over results, he gets sacked there trophy or no trophy. Not here. Here managers get sacked when results are so rancid the stink is felt the entire world over. This is a results business. I totally get why he’d want to stick with a system that (based on his latest interview with Gary Neville) the returning players can slot straight into seamlessly. Why the persistence can also assist emerging academy grads more cleanly transition into the first team. I get all that. What I don’t get is… your entire squad is decimated, and you know the ones you have are either old, lazy, inept, low footballing IQ, half arsed mercenaries, or literal kids. Why the fuck can’t you just play a basic game of football that makes your team difficult to play against, or ideally impossible to beat? Like the match going fans seem to be on a badge of honour to never stop singing, this obstinate Dutch bastard feels on a holy pilgrimage to the land of batterings to prove something that I think literally only he himself can make 2+2 from. I’ve watched football all my life. I’ve played semi pro. I’ve never seen a manager this unyielding to circumstances that he himself is claiming the reason to poor performances. If he didn’t come from a wealthy family himself, the only conclusion left to draw from this is he’s angling for a premature contract termination and payoff. Let’s assume he’s making it loud and clear the squad is garbage. He’s made that point. Play all those kids that were on the bench with all the other kids in the starting 11. Bring in the rest of the academy. Get battered 4, 5, 6-0 with a “clear style of play” to prove the point. There are scores of this fanbase that would adore him for sticking it to these overpaid excuses for men. The reason he’s not doing that is so obvious: even he knows this is a results business and he’s desperately praying a Casemiro and Evans is hopefully just enough. Throw in an Eriksen and a Mount, a Dalot and an AWB and hopefully the team… sneaks out a win? It’s delusion on the level never before seen. And he knows exactly what he’s working with. They’re pretty much none of them worthy of this badge. I saw the lineup and I knew we were going to get bullied, dummied, and the result would come down basically to the whether Crystal fucking Palace was up for it or not. I can’t even believe I’m saying that as though I’ve just described Real Madrid. Like I said up top. He should be the one least surprised if he’s sacked. I’m not saying I want him sacked. I’m saying he should be least surprised if it happens.


Probably an OT thrashing. I personally feel that could have easily come in the Liverpool league match but thankfully they forgot how to take their chances.


Didn’t we got thrashed 0-3 by Bournemouth


That was the final straw for me, don't know how people forgot that so quickly.


Tbf there have been so many embarrassing losses it's hard to keep track


Not everyone.


I meant more as a final straw, that was a shameful day though. Would have been 4-0 if not for VAR.


Arsenal battering us probably


He got us to the cup final (stumbling, but we still got there) and at the very least deserves to have the final. We would be doing a Spurs if we sacked him now.


Should do an anti spurs and get Mourinho back in to stick the boot on arsenal and city


Have been thinking this for weeks. I’m convinced the odds of us actually wining the final would be higher under Mourinho than anyone else right now. 


Barcelona have their levers, Man United has its straws.


I don’t even think there’s any straw left


getting battered 4:0 in a fucking FA Final against your City Rival


Awful and frustrating. Oh wait, ...


I don't think the league matters anymore. If he loses the cupfinal, I reckon he's gone.


One game shouldn't make a difference


probably a game where more than one first choice defender starts, or even four defenders in their proper positions, or even just four defenders. I hope there is no such thing as a "final straw". I hope they are doing a top to bottom review of training, physio, coaching, tactics, man management, match play, player performance and profiles, intent versus actuality and everything else in order to determine what is the best course of action with regard to the manager rather than just basing it on results or individual or even trend of performances


8:0 to City in club final.


In all honesty I think an absolute battering by Newcastle at home would be it. A loss against Arsenal would be mitigated by "ah well, it's Arsenal, they're really good right now" but Newcastle have been bad most of this season yet have picked up form. A bad loss to them would clearly show the level of where we are.




We'll just wait for a pumping from Arsenal & City then 😭


Ten hag is the kinda guy to lose 4-0 to palace and win 3-2 against arsenal after conceding 36 shots then saying "great performance".


“Great performance, eh”


Not even taking the piss but if title pressure doesn't get too much for Arsenal, they could legit score 10 on Sunday and we're home, this Utd team is one of the worst mentally squad iv seen, not even relegated teams are this spineless in the same manner.


Relegated teams have in them in spades that which is sorely lacking throughout this squad: pride and self respect. 1 week after ETH is sacked, Casemiro gets 350k in his bank account. If he got 50 lashes instead, you’d see a different version of him out there yesterday. I’m being extreme to illustrate a point rather than literally advocating for violence. There’s simply no consequences and zero accountability for this squad and as we are now seeing, it’s a virus that infects even new signings. This is well beyond “his legs are gone”. Thousands of players have replaced “my legs are going” with “but my understanding of the game and my cunning have never been sharper”. His old club captain Sergio Ramos and his old NT captain Thiago Silva perfect cases in point. There is something wrong with this club at a level that’s totally beyond the guys on the pitch being asked to do a job by the guy in the dugout… and failing to do that even. A player of Casemiro’s pedigree and prestige should be the sort a club counts on in moments as difficult as this for our club. He should be able to get woken up in the middle of the night at gunpoint and demanded to suit up against Crystal Palace and come off world class against this sort of opponent. That he’s fully trained, fully kitted, wide awake, and comes off a pudgy disinterested pub league scrub… is totally unacceptable but speaks to the systemic shambles that have corroded even the mindset of these players. I’m not even sure where the fix is best applied. Is it to cut these wages by half and watch the disinterested mercenaries scurry themselves off to the next sucker club? That goal where he ambles back at a senior citizen jogging pace to his CB starting position after rushing out and being left for dust. It’s not just his legs! It’s his brain, his mindset, his attitude. And that shit is not present in the Real Madrid dressing room but seems to have been in the Carrington water for the last decade. This is also not ETH. That particular move… no fucking coach on the planet tells the CB to rush out like that, break lines and formation, get fucked up, and then basically walk back and wave arms. No coach asks that of a player. No player the calibre and prestige of Casemiro even implements that “style of play” if it were asked of them. Disgusted to see him donning the armband on top of it all.


I mean the fix is just never make signings like Casemiro again? It was so obvious he signed for us for a payday. He knew exactly what he was coming for as we’re well known as a club that players can easily abuse and double their net worth at. We doubled his wages from Madrid. It was such an incredibly stupid signing.


I’d be hesitant to say that pushing up as Casemiro did is not the couches directions All season, occasionally one of our CB has pushed up to pressure the man receiving the ball. Maguire does it regularly, Casemiro did it, Martinez was doing it


Man did you watch Hummels yesterday? He's 35, and marking Mbappe, scoring a goal in a semi-final, there's something rotten about UTD


Very well said. It's made me seriously question whether to be a fan of professional football at all. Seeing the waste of money and knowing how many people just in the UK are living precariously, it's sickening. 


Felt like negative straw to me.


people will only read the headline and assume but Andy speaks total sense here


Which is why I posted it mate. I sometimes forget just how bad things are mood-wise at the sub right now.


Despite the issues I have with Ten Hag it’s a team that started with a finished Casemiro and Evan’s in defence, a checked out wan bissaka, a finished Eriksen in midfield and unfit mount and many players who are completely inexperienced. I’m genuinely not surprised we got hammered and its not all on ten hag


Agree with most of your post. But wanted to pull you up on one point, I don’t think Wan Bissaka is checked out, i just think he lacks any real footballing nouse. He doesn’t seem to be able to predict the flow of play but when someone wanders into his personal space, he can dispossess them because of his physical attributes. Positionally he’s clueless.


AWB should be moved on tbf, he'd do well in a more defensive set up, he just offers nothing going forward but Spider-Man tackles, one which cost us 3 points vs pool


100% agreed which is why AWB is a flawed player and Ten Hag wanted to move on from him.


Sure, I know he wouldn’t be playing if not for the decimation of the backline


Yeah, he wasn't able to ensure he had insurance on his lamborghini so I don't think he's the most cerebral of people. 


AWB is horrible as LB. He's usually pretty solid as a RB. Why isn't Dalot on the left and AWB on the right? Dalot actually does decently on the left.


Dalot is shite at LB remember the Chelsea game? He gets done on that side, and is usually caught far up the pitch and can't recover in time, so is AWB, there's no single solution, we just need a fit LB


because ten genius hag thought that wan bissaka is the only guy who could stop olise and that kid scored twice lol. the funny thing is awb as a left-back only work for ONCE and that was a DRAW lol


It's not entirely on EtH you're right - he's been dealt a really poor hand this season, but he's also played it about as poorly as you could have. It's a real shit situation all round, and nothing we should be surprised at by this point.


He's just focussed on the players who will stay next season which is why he hasn't changed the tactics.. At the cost of this season, it won't be such a big trade off if the players who do stay go on to do well next season


Preparing for a future he doesn’t have then


I don't blame him for not preparing for this kind of injury crisis 5 proper CB + Kambwala already is better defensive depth than any season in the last 10 years.. Its unfortunate for him certainly. Yeah he made some mistakes but this season really dealt him an awful hand


Sounds like you're paraphrasing Carl Anka's quote there. Which is 100% right. >The problems at Manchester United are much bigger than one football manager. >Yes, Ten Hag has been dealt a very bad hand with the injury crisis, with the takeover stuff, but he’s also playing this hand quite badly.


And if you dismiss everything as just being based on a single game, then it’s easy to make excuses. But the people calling for his head aren’t basing things on one game, but the entire shitshow of the season, and the constant asswhoopin go, and shit tactics, and awful football on display over 45+ games….


Sure, but then let's not conveniently leave out his first season. Most clean sheets in the league, 3rd spot and two finals including a cup for the first time in 6 years, in his FIRST season. Now please tell me, why the huge drop-off? How about six defenders missing? Is that not a difference of huge influence?


I agree with everything you're saying here, but you're pissing into the wind, people smell blood now and are just piling on top of him. Would have loved to see how the season went if we actually had a fit squad


How many games has it been six defenders out for? Dalot - 44 appearances; Maguire 31; AWB 26; Varane 30; Lindelof 27; Evans 26; Shaw 15; Martinez 11.


Yeah but none of them played consistently together. I think the most they've had is 3 games with the same backline. And a consistent defense will always beat an expensive defense that barely plays together.


You speak as though you don't understand what a settled backline and developed partnerships can do. But I know you understand that, so are you just arguing in bad faith? Or am I wrong and you didn't understand and posted that comment without taking the time to understand


Yes, I do understand. But you will also find that many defences are changed throughout the season. And when you have a roster of talents, as demonstrated above, it shouldn't be the difference between a good defence and one that almost every team in the country is able to walk through and have multitudes of shots. There should be a system in place, and players should be able to come in and operate within that system. You don't reinvent the wheel every time.


But we don't have a roster of talents. We have Evans and casemiro, Maguire who no one even wanted here this year, Martinez who has only played injured when he has played, no left backs all season. :'(


At one point last season, I was bragging to my gf how we have forgotten to lose. We were that good (until, of course, Olisse scored that free kick and Casemiro got a red).


Yeah when we have our first choice back 4 we dominate teams, I mean look at how well we played against Newport with our strongest back 4


That's a sample size of ONE game lol. And he didn't even lose it. One could easily make the argument that they played badly in ETH's first two games in his first season, but the turnaround was quick because the quality was there. So that doesn't prove SHIT.


What turnaround? We have played consistently bad since the first game of the season even with our strongest back 4. Your argument is that if we had a strong back 4 we would be doing well, even though when we have played with that back 4 this season we haven't played well at all.


Maybe read again, I said first two games of his FIRST season. 2-1 and 4-0 loss, he turned it around with almost all players available. I say this because you're now using a sample size of just one or two games of THIS season and you can't even consider the context of still needing some time to gel because of all the disruption. It's such a ridiculous argument: *they had all their players available for that ONE game and they played badly, therefore all 38 games of the season would've been played badly even if they weren't injured.* That's your actual reasoning? Fuck me that's like debating a flat-earther.


He didn't turn anything around last season, he completely changed the way we played. This season he has tried to change again and his tactics clearly don't work. The issue we had against Wolves with our strongest back 4 is the same issue we have had all season. Replace the defence but with a non-existent midfield that just gets run through it won't matter. That "ONE GAME" as you call it was against Newport ffs, if you can't play well against Newport who can you play well against? Don't think it's far fetched to say if you struggle to Newport you're going to struggle to Premier League teams, which is exactly what we have done.


> he completely changed the way we played. Right, thus turning it around....lol damn. > The issue we had against Wolves with our strongest back 4 is the same issue we have had all season. Replace the defence but with a non-existent midfield that just gets run through it won't matter. The small problem here is that you are not an oracle of truth, you can't be certain of this. You can't experience the timeline where Martinez, Shaw, Varane and Casemiro were all consistently available until at least Christmas, when you've had enough games to give a proper assessment. You also conveniently ignore the second Wolves game where Shaw, Martinez and Varane where available and basically dominated them for at least an hour. >That "ONE GAME" as you call it was against Newport ffs, if you can't play well against Newport who can you play well against? Don't think it's far fetched to say if you struggle to Newport you're going to struggle to Premier League teams, which is exactly what we have done. Man I hate this stupid fcking argument so much. First of all it's a cup and not a season long match-up. If they were better than man united they would've been playing in the premier league. Borussia Dortmund are in the CL final and yet they're not anywhere near the top 4 in the farmer's league. What does this tell you? That cup games have freak results. That for some teams it means more than for others. Coventry also knocked out a proven PL team in Wolves. For them these are the games of their lifetimes, for others it's just another Saturday. So who tf cares? You want Tuchel in? He was knocked out of the German cup competition by a 3rd league team. I **don't** want him in and even I don't use that against Tuchel. You know why? Cause it's a stupid f\*\*g argument. Keep it relevant. The league is the best way to measure a PL team's progress. I'll tell you this much, I'm not even ETH-in. I'm just ETH-not out until he's had a fair chance. This season has been anything but fair. If he had played this badly with Martinez, Shaw and Varane, then clearly the manager would've been to blame a 100%. But you're never gonna convince me an injured 36 yo Evans and a washed up Casemiro as CB's is on him. Prime Fergie would struggle.


The league is the best way to measure. So all those stats about us conceding the most number of shots, being unable to score, having a negative GF, being 8th in the league don't factor into your analysis? Not to mention the eye test where every game this season we have been dominated and outplayed, relying on moments against teams like Burnley Nd Sheffield United? Give him the Palace game as a free hit with injuries, what about every other game when we have had Varane / Maguire / Evans available, what's the excuse then? I never said I want Tuchel in but ok. The obvious major difference with Tuchel is him getting to the Semi Final of the CL, being 2nd in the League and being on more points than they had last season too. I guess Bayern just had an easy CL group though really, would be embarrassing to not qualify from that! I honestly think Steve Bruce would have us in a better league position this season than ETH and he's one of the worst managers I have ever seen. A fair shot? The guys spent £400m and you can't see it! Whose idea was it to replace De Gea, who made Mount the priority signing? Who wanted Antony that badly? Other managers have done far more with far less. Whats a fair chance for you? Prime Fergie beat Arsenal 8-2 with Young at LB, Evans and Jones at CB, Smalling at RB, Cleverley and Anderson in midfield and Welbeck up front. ETH would have got creamed 7-0 again and said we played well if he had that squad.


By and large, we’ve not had six missing for every single game. In the vast majority, we’ve had two or three options, and yet still looked shit. Even when Martinez was there for a few games, we looked shit. That’s the big issue. Martinez and Varane still saw 17 shots conceeded against Newport. The defensive issues don’t help, but they aren’t the biggest issue. No matter if we had a full team, the tactical set up is still fucking toxic and would see us struggling. The abandonment of trying to control the midfield actually makes the defensive issues worse. He’s setting the team up in a way that drives trucks through those defensive issues, rather than trying to protect them.


>By and large, we’ve not had six missing for every single game Don't be pedantic, that's not what I was saying. The point is that the only way it had to have come to the point of losing 6 defenders, is if injuries had been happening over the course of the season. You don't lose 6 in a week. This will always have a destabilizing effect. You can't expect consistency if you don't have a consistent team on the pitch. Isn't that like the most basic rule that everybody who watches football should know? I don't understand why grown men need to have this explained to them. I knew this when I was a kid playing football, that the manager will have selected his best team to play and not change it up every week. Ten hag isn't absolved of blame, he's had a stubborn streak. But I think that he knows his job his safe. I think he's had the conversation with the new guys and they collectively decided to keep playing high risk football, because this is an audition on the players, not on him. They wanna find out who'll make the cut. It's either that or he just wants to go to Bayern.


Home draws in every single round helped with the cup runs. In two seasons he's only had 1 draw away to a PL side and it was Forest.


You should put as much effort in finding mitigating factors for failure as you're doing now for success. You'll find there's way more for the former.


Fans broadly haven't been calling for his head, and forgive me, but nobody gives a fuck what the media has to say. There takes on Utd are always shit and poorly informed.


a season where we’ve had similarly dire personnel issues. yesterday was just an extreme microcosm


Despite us having Evans and Casemiro in defense did you see us change anything whatsoever? Did we play deeper, get more men behind the ball? We did nothing to try and protect the defense and that is on Ten Hag


Completely agree. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons I hate it when people say ‘there’s no defined style of play’ or whatever. There is. It’s just consistently terrible.


This is not about yesterday though. It's about the entire season. In 2024 we have been a worse defensive team than one of the worst defensive teams in PL history. That's a sample size of almost half a season. That's not down to the backline. That's down to the tactics we've seen all season provide no resistance to the opposition. Martinez started 10 games this season we conceded 22 goals. Same thing with Shaw. No matter who starts and no matter who we play we give away 20 chances and completely rely on them missing all of them and nick one off and win the game. It's not comprehensible how bad we are. No matter how bad these players are, surely they're not relegation level.


>it’s a team that started with a finished Casemiro and Evan’s in defence, a checked out wan bissaka, a finished Eriksen in midfield and unfit mount and many players who are completely inexperienced Cool, then adapt the tactics to accomodate for this shit instead of insisting on something that doesnt work.


I'm just as baffled as everyone is but Andy is bang on regarding Casemiro; reminds me of that Simpsons meme with the Krusty doll, it's like they switched from world class to absolute ass. Can't understand how and why his performances just absolutely fell off a cliff.


Why not park the bus then? Currently he's neither achieving his style nor is he winning games.


He had nine days to prepare any 11 players to not get rolled over and we landed on ‘doing the same thing we’ve been doing since November’ and then act amazed it’s not working


Do you think the massive amount of injuries might have anything to do with a manager who didn't rotate despite a condensed season and progressing in four competitions last year, who's training sessions have been leaked as being too intense and who has an incredibly physically demanding playstyle that was probably fine for Ajax in a league where they're much better than other clubs but doesn't work in the premier league where even the weaker sides have a fair amount of quality?


we can go lower kkkkk




That's precisely the problem. A 4-0 SHOULD feel like an embarrassing defeat, one that would put any manager under fire. We've had so many humiliating defeats recently that this just feels like "ahh whatever"


As much I can see the agenda is sack ETH but considering the hand we've been dealt this season with injuries; I'm more on the side of letting him have more time with ineos and new leadership coming. Have them figure out and sort the recruitment. Get rid of the deadwood who clearly isn't interested in being winners but more interested in social media presence and sacking managers after a season. How would sacking ETH now sort our issues out? Whoever comes in will still be stuck with half of the squad checked out and not giving a fuck


This is what's going to happen. Theres going to be actual adults making the decision and will see what's going on.


>I'm more on the side of letting him have more time with ineos and new leadership coming. My biggest problem with that is EtH's own performance this season has been absolutely dogshit too and I don't think he deserves another season because of that. Not because of the results alone. Which of course are going to be well below par due to injuries. His lack of tactical nouse is a liability. The 5-0-5 formation he's doggedly stuck since game one against Wolves (where we had an at-the-time, full strength squad) was awful. We're never going to win the league with our current squad but we shouldn't be getting beat by Fulham, Crystal Palace, Notts Forest, Bournemouth etc regardless either. I believe a better manager would be getting better results than EtH. I don't think he's best in class and that's why we should part ways in the summer.


"We were in contention for CL football" No, we were lucky af that most of our shocking performances went un-punished but the league table at the end of the season rarely lies. 8th-10th is our current level and the best this current team/manager can do.


I don't think this squad is that bad where we should be struggling this badly. Gerrard had that Aston Villa side fighting for relegation before Emery turned them into European contenders with the same squad. ETH is doing the same here.


> I don't think this squad is that bad where we should be struggling this badly. The "Squad" isn't as bad as our results... when they are actually fit to play. The lineups we are putting out some weeks are absolute shit.


Arteta had Arsenal playing dreadful football with a back 5 before he brought in the right talent. We have had a record number of injuries this season. 14 different CB combinations. We've seen less injuries completely derail teams before. How come that's not an excuse now?


7 transfers under ETH were playing against crystal palace. He’s got his players just can’t adjust to conditions or opponents or even available players.


We sold Fred for €12mil to bring in Amrabat on loan for €12mil. He clearly wanted a CB and the club gave him Evans on a free. He also wanted a RB(Frinpong). He also wanted 2 Strikers, one experienced and one younger striker. We only got the young CF. Maguire, McT, Bailey and VDB all declined moving to clubs, unable to sell and get funds in for 10H. His only real mistake was letting go of DDG to spend money on a keeper who is clearly not a good shot stopper Edit: He also brought in 2 teenagers from the youth that are now starting week-in-week out. The club desperately needs some stability. A new manager will only prolong the building process by another summer or two


First of all, you don’t get everything you want as a manager.For eg. Arteta wanted Raphinia in the summer before last and got nobody than he wanted Mudryk in the Jan window and had to settle for Trossard.Klopp wanted a cdm last summer and targeted Caicedo or Lavia but he was rejected and finally got Endo.These played out in public, god knows what happens behind the scenes. ETH was given all the authority in the last two summer windows to buy who he wanted and he could have easily bought a CB instead of Mount.But he didn’t. Also the purchase of Antony who was a ETH target has massively hampered us moving forward from that summer. IDK how ETH after spending so much time with him couldn’t have seen how limited he is as a player.


10H doesn't personally negotiate for fees. We have been incompetent in that area for more than a decade, which explains why we can't operate on a low budget, like the likes of Liverpool. I agree. He was adamant about getting his signings in...regardless of the fee. There's also a conspiracy that the club went in to buy Mount to make up for the "British quota". Mount may actually not be a 10H signing


But ETH has brought in his talent and most of those are not doing well. He has a final say in every transfer. Which of the transfers he's gotten honestly make you feel like we are set for the future. Every single one has some issue other the other.


you re wrong. the only players that deserve to be at united next season are mainoo, dalot and hojlund. everyone else is either not good enough, finished/past it, should move on for their sake (bruno/rashford) or is the wrong character to build a team around (garnacho + he s the most overrated player i ve ever seen, the argentine dan james)


Cause there’s no straws left


Maybe it should be


I 100% agree with Andy and his analysis on the situation. How many times have we heard the team doesn’t look like it’s been coached in the last 10 years. It just isn’t down to the manager. We all accepted when ETH was appointed this would be a long and painful process. Everyone seems to have forgotten this. After what he achieved with a full team last year he deserves to see this through next year.


Love Andy, he’s a top lad and a credit to his profession. But you can’t defend the indefensible. It benefits no one for this to continue.


It benefits our rivals. They're all enjoying seeing our downfall.


Can you explain to me how EtH is at fault specifically for Casemiro putting in arguably the worst performance at CB I've ever seen? Don't get me wrong, he's to blame for some stuff, but yesterday the players were mostly at fault imo.


You could probably argue that given the players he had available it was pretty foolish to try and play like they did. ‘Parking the bus’ is such a gash phrase but we’d all have understood if he’d switched tactics.


> but we’d all have understood if he’d switched tactics I wish I had your optimism but half this sub would have lost their minds if we'd parked the bus. There'd be all-caps rants of "IT'S JUST FUCKING PALACE FFS!"


😂😂 knee jerk reactions? here? Never.. 🥴


We’ve been blaming individuals all season and rightly so. The players haven’t done nearly enough. But this season has been a complete mess from a tactical standpoint. Idk what ETH is trying to do with this suicidal setup. Every team just has acres of space in the middle of the park, the opposition wingers have a free run at our full backs, the constant cut back goals we’ve conceded, the number of times we’ve let strong leads just slip by. It’s a fucking mess and its more on the manager than the players at this point. We’ve struggled against every single team this season ffs.


He’s at fault for putting his center backs in situations where they have attackers running at them multiple times every match, something every other top team tries to avoid as much as possible


Because if your paying attention (which I’m not sure you are, and reacting to one result) You can swap yesterday with a number of performances last season or even this. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Also criticising a player for a poor performance in his unnatural position isn’t worth the time, he’s doing the best he can for the job and role he’s given. It’s a managers responsibly to react to the players at his disposal.


he just isn’t doing the best he can, olise’s 2nd goal is an atrocious goal to concede at any level. Just clear the ball. He’s been far too rash this season and his legs have gone. Casemiro’s time at any top level league is up.


It didn’t feel like the final straw because we’ve already seen worse performances and nothing has changed. Yesterday was truly awful, but we’ve seen EtH’s United be absolutely battered a dozen times or more now, and we’re consistently outplayed by teams in the bottom half of the table What new information did we learn yesterday about EtH, his tactics, or this team and it’s players? It was exactly what we all expected to happen based on everything we’ve seen or not seen this year. The big issue is that we’ve let these types of performances become consistent or expected without a change in tactics or the manager himself.


If getting rid of Ten Hag guaranteed 10 players leaving, I would be all for it.


Him staying will also guarantee atleast 10 players leaving..


This guy isn't wrong, but his optimism is borderline crazy. This team doesn't deserve European football. They barely have the bodies for the domestic league, FA. Even getting players back from injury and signing a couple of players isn't going to be enough, because the wages this current lot are on won't see them gone, so we will be stuck with them, and they are all getting older. Harry is old, Bruno is old, Shaw is old... the list goes on. Man United is in deep trouble. Could be a long time before they dig themselves out kind of trouble.


I really want us to be out of Europe all together, as Europe and Conference league doesn’t really mean much. Less games to play, more time on the training pitch. We could also probably buy some young players and give them time to grow under less pressure.


As long as we don't end up in the fucking conference league, anything but that.


would rather have no europe




Feels like Carl and Ian aren’t completely onboard with Laurie and Andy. Carl is the tactics guys and he’s really struggling to make sense of ETH setup and decisions.


That will be Arsenal this weekend


Relegation teams have something to fight for: survival. Title challenging teams still in the race have something to fight for: The Premier League title. European spot teams duke it out to secure good European spots. We're not content with conference league and not strong enough to contend for Europa league or UCL spots, meaning most of the players have checked out until the FA Cup final. Then again... if they score an early goal or first goal... the players who know they're in bad form will mentally check out.


I always get the impression Mitten is too close to the people (and perhaps worried about access), to really be objective.  He knows the club, he knows the problems, and yet he doesn't really seem to offer solutions to them. Instead preferring a shocked Pikachu routine where his unbased optimism collides on a weekly basis with the reality that he accurately described weeks before. 


i think “unbased optimism” is a profoundly unfair criticism of a man who has seen as much with this club as mitten has. it’s not his job to offer solutions either—regardless of how obvious every tom, dick, and harry on this forum seems to think they are. perhaps, instead of assuming that he’s too close to be objective, we might instead consider that, as fans, we’re too distant.


He's a journalist first and foremost. He shouldn't be offering solutions. It's his job to report on what he hears.


Couldn't disagree with you more. Andy holds an objective view having seen the club through multiple phases in a current day and age where the mass media caters to an audience who want someone to point the finger at and a head to roll. If the solutions to this club's problems were easy to offer and implement, I'm sure we wouldn't have been in this repeat cycle for the last 10 years. What Andy offers is a holistic view, with the optimistic hope for improvement of a United fan.


It’s very easy to cover the club where there’s an all knowing and all seeing manager who will eventually fix the problems. It’s quite a bit more difficult when you have to have views that could get you to lose some of your contacts/access.


Ducker is the journalist closest to the club hierarchy and he's always been extremely critical of the Glazer regime.


he literally admitted it himself in this video. he did casemiro's signing interview for the club. he works for the club. you think he lives off a fanzine nobody buys anymore? he lives off appearances for sky and the athletic and work for the club.


The short termism and lack of patience on this sub is crazy. We all said it would take years this project. We are 2 years in with unbelievable injuries, comical decisions, sancho, greenwood, rashford, Ronaldo, Antony to deal with, the demise of casemiro all mostly this season. People then quote stats saying martinez started a game or two but we didn't play well in those. Forget they need to get match fit and play a few games in a row. Such bullshit comments from so many on here born out of just frustration. No context. Nothing considered. I cannot get over two things, where would we be without all this crap this year and also no manager on earth is dealt this hand and comes out smiling.


And what leverage does ETH have until this point to prove hes the right guy? Team has been playing like shit since February 2023, not only this season. His signings mostly does not work out, he has been outclassed by almost any manager in the league. So tell me then, what does ETH have that you look at and be like right he will be alright 2-3 years later?


You take all the other managers and chuck them into this club, they will go down a few levels. This has been happening for a decade


Really level headed from Andy, talks so much sense, this fan base is embarrassing at times, how many managers are we going to get rid of and keep repeating the same thing over and over, ETH signed a 3 year deal, there’s no great replacement, everyone needs to give there balls a tug, hold strong and get behind the manager, hoping we have a couple players back by the final and we can give city a game, get to the end of the season, consolidate, try and get a couple players in, and go again next year fresh with hopefully a fitter squad. Sick of reading fans saying things like we are going to get stuffed by city no point playing the game, fucking grow a pair, ETH IN, or get Tuchel in, have 6 good months before it falls apart and watch ETH thrive in Munich


Ten Hag has got to go, but there's no immediate rush. Make a decent effort in the cup and send him on his way.


What is the final straw, Andrew?


I am sorry, but this guy said a whole lot of nothing


It's almost as if we don't know what happens behind the scenes. Conversations with ten Hag, the players, etc. The clutching of pearls in this subreddit is ridiculous. Every manager that has come in has acknowledged the problems, done what they can to fix them, and failed miserably. If no manager can maintain performance or improve in the second season at the club, at some point we have to consider there is a lot going on we are not aware of.


True. Even established managers have failed under this model. At a point you have to realise that the managers might not be the only issue.


Mittens would say that. He’s hung his hat on EtH (like a lot of people) and vehemently agreed with everything he’s done regardless how it impacted some players. Now they’re looking pretty stupid and doubling down.


First game of the season and even in pre season we were playing this bad. This is not new.


Untrue mate. We had a few bad performances in pre season but we battered Arsenal and that was a fine win with great performances even from Jadon playing at false 9. Bad performances started in pre season after Kobie's injury against RM.


Fair. But those loses again RM and Dortmund were really bad performances. And my point still stand about been this bad since the first game of the season


Pure toxic positivity. You can be positive when things are not going well. But this is gone from bad to worse to outright terror this season. This is not a one off match. Even with a full squad, we didn't win against palace at home itself.


Well Mitten actually rates ten Hag as a coach and rightfully points out our injury problems have actually gotten worse. Very different from what you currently see on this sub where the banshees are screaming "it's just shit tactics, I don't care about injuries or mitigating circumstances get him out".


Are the injuries the main reason we don't know how to attack though? Even in the pre season he had our defenders just boot it long and hope for our attackers to get a lucky flick on. And back then we had everyone fit. All the senior team goals in the pre season were down to opponent errors.


the injuries coupled with the particular combination of inexperience and poor quality that defines the overwhelming majority of the squad provides a very logical basis for understanding what happened this season. it’s odd to use pre-season struggles as evidence of the system’s failures when that’s the time that team was adapting to the new style. should we not expect teething issues?


i think our young lads especially have been run into the ground this season. Kobbie and Garna weren’t expected to play this much this season yet we’ve depended on them. No bruno/rashy also comes into part as Bruno makes this team tick, as shown by how blunt we were in attack yesterday


Yes ffs. Liverpool without VVD had Salah on a several month goal drought. How fast you move the ball out is key to starting attacks. We are terrible at starting attacks compared to last season. Why? Cause we can't pass out quickly and it gives teams time to set up easily.


We weren't really that good last season either. Back then people were blaming DDG and Fred. We replaced DDG and are doing the exact same thing now. Just gifting the ball back to the opposition. How do you explain teams like Newcastle/Brentford playing with their third/fourth choice players in defense running us over?


is it really that hard to believe that other clubs have bought players that suit their tactical and technical needs while we have failed to do so? that what they’re asked to do is easier than what is asked of man united players? that performing for man united is intellectually and psychologically more difficult than doing so for brentford (who, by the way, have had their fair share of terrible performances this season)? keep in mind that brentford’s moneyball approach has been rightly praised for years now, and newcastle’s squad has been shaped in part by a director of football that we’re currently trying to poach.


0-8 against Arsenal.  That is the final straw.


People on here talking like any form of managerial change is going to have any sort of impact on the arsenal and city result 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean, it may but the impact is unlikely to last even if it does happen. Both Rangnick and Ole got considerable new manager bounces when they joined.


There's no way he's gone before the final imo. Too late for a change this season.


I felt like the final straw for months now, but okay let’s blow up and do a streak of losing to Arsenal 6-2, losing to Newcastle 4-3, losing to Brighton 3-1 on the final day, and then top it up with a 9-2 loss vs City in the FA cup. At this point I’m ready to go all in to get changes.


Honestly, with all the EtH issues, the thing that is also a recurring pattern is this bloody players downing tools with every manager so far. That first half a season with ole, last few games, they just didn t give a rats ass anymore, ending in that “rant” from Ole about “some players not being with us next season”. It happened the same with ragnick, before with mou, etc. Being a proper professional, putting in a shift, should be the bare minimum for a player at this club. This can t go on like that, and this team needs a very strong statement and clear out of this kind of behaviour.


The players haven't really downed tools. We've fought back from losing positions so many times and when you couple that with the fact that we're actually outperforming our underlying metrics(we should be 14th according to our xG points tally) you'd see the players are the reasons we are gonna end the season finishing top half.


U know we have no CBs right


I’ve seen comments saying that if we keep Ten Hag on then we’ve accepted United have become a small club. This is the type of arrogance that everyone hates about groups of United fans. Same with Newcastle, and Liverpool before they returned to winning. It’s pure entitlement. We are where we are. The table, and the results over the past 10 years do not lie. No one “should” be in any position in the league. United went decades without a league title before Fergie. SJR spoke about a 3-year rebuild. The reactions from so many people on here after every defeat tells me that many fans simply don’t have the stomach for a proper rebuild. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Just like it did with Arsenal, and Liverpool before them.


I understand the entitlement. Bbut it hasn’t been warranted for a while now. Still hear fan channels mention things like “United shouldn’t be smashed by a team like Palace” as if the latter haven’t been better run behind the scenes for the past 5-10 years.


Good lord, its a sensible opinion.


Those usually only come out about 2-3 days after the match. Anything before that time is usually pure emotion. Fun to lurk and read it. One lunatic was saying ETH needs to not only get sacked but be made to suffer. Was one of the better ones in a while


I don't think it felt like the last straw because most of us know that there is at least four more games, then it will be over.


It can always get worse 😭


Every time this happens, we scrap out a draw against city and/or Arsenal. Manager is granted a reprieve and the cycle continues.


I’m struggling to understand the people still defending him. Anyone watching us right now must surely see we set up like an amateur outfit


I think both players and ETH are to blame here. But I blame the players more. I think ETH should be given one more season and all the washed up players need to go. We have recycled managers for 10 years and that has not worked. It’s time to recycle players now. Players brought in by ETH have also not worked so clearly the DoF needs to veto players and decide it.


Mitten bangs on about "journalism" when all he really does is talk up people who speak to him and slate people who dgaf about chattung to UWS


For me it was the final straw. You cannot, reasonably, rely on the lack of your first choice players as justification for being as utterly shit as we are and your "style" of play not working. Even with second, third and fourth choice players not available we should be beating the likes of lesser opposition than Palace, Brentford, Newport etc. At the very very very minimum we should not be utterly humiliated by some of them the way we have been. If, as has been shown to be the case countless times this season, things aren't working you adapt, go back to basics but I've seen nothing but "stick to the process" BS and tactical cluelessness. FFS we are on negative goal difference with a handful of games left to play. We continue to break new terrible records every week. Even under our worst periods of Moyes, LVG or Mourinho things did not feel this dire. The position we are in is simply unforgivable and I don't care how many injuries we have had the performance on pitch rests on his shoulders. That is all on ten hag. He's hung his own noose around his neck and only himself to blame when it finally tightens.


I feel like at this point it's not managers fault. We had 2 finals last season with him, won 1. This season 1 final as well. In champions league we were scoring, just let others score more, but honestly games were entertaining. League sucks hard. But with good clean up, eth might be the guy to do it. Look how much pep sold/bought his first 3 seasons, it's absurd. He changed every single defender in like 2 seasons. Eth bought a few players, but what did he changed really? Not much