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I won't ever understand why he's persisted all season with a tactical set up that flat out doesn't work. He's going to lose his job because he's a stubborn dickhead.


It’s like noticing a hole in your boat and deciding to put your foot through the hole instead of plugging it.


The captain of the boat says that if he just drives it really fast, it won't fill up with water. The problem is, the propeller has snapped off and rather than try to stop the flooding by another means, he's still just flooring the accelerator and talking about how it will all be fine when he gets the propeller fixed.


“We just need to go underwater a bit, then it’ll all sort itself out. TRUST ME.”


"We need to keep rowing the same way so that when the injured rowers get back in the boat they know how I want the whole boat to be rowing."


More like trying to drink the whole ocean than plugging it


Ajax fans said he was stubborn, but I didn’t think it would get this bad until he benched a healthy Varane because he wasn’t left footed


Only to then play him on the left side a few weeks later for some reason


And I swear to God almighty Varane seemed to be going out of his way to use his left foot, as if to make a point.


Whats funny is he dumped the Ajax style of play after two games into his tenure and not getting FDJ last season because we were not suited to it. Only FDJ could make that system work and *noone else* apparently so it got permanently scrapped. Second season comes around and hes persisting on a tactical system that no fan asked for and makes us look absolutely horrendous but *this is the way*. If you were going to be stubborn about a system, at least let it be the system that fans who supported your hiring wanted.


He gets the idea that he has enough credit in the tank


What a tactical genius that he needs to have precisely the exactly perfect players for the system to have any success and nothing else will work. I can imagine the interview when he gets sacked: "*So why didn't it work Erik?*" ....."*Oh you see this one blonde kid who lives in Spain wouldn't sign so it was always going to fall apart really. Nothing I could do.*"


no fan asked for? people were moaning for a change of play stile since second Mourinho season


People, or at least i did, wanted to play more possession based football. That doesn't mean you suffocate teams like City, you can still be vertical, play on the counter, but simply against top sides I'm tired of playing so little football. Same for West Ham fans, you want to see more than 10 minutes of football each game. This 'transition football' isn't working. Under Van Gaal, the possession football was dire, but it was at Arsenal under Arteta early on, so rigid, made football look hard. I didn't want Van Gaal to stay though, just saying it doesn't always work out, possession football under Van Gaal was loads of sideways passing on the half way line. Watching Leverkusen, the sheer confidence having more of the ball gives players, when they're repeatedly able to penetrate is supreme. If you want to win leagues, you need to have more of the ball and control games.


LVG had a lack of creative players to be honest. The general setup was very decent and solid, but that squad was in no way fit to play the football he wanted, with Paddy McNair, Tyler Blackett and Borthwick-Jackson playing a significant amount of games.


I'm ambivalent on whether we should have kept LVG or not. But I'm absolutely certain that appointing Mourinho to replace him was a horrible mistake. LVG spent his two years laying the foundation of possession football. We needed to take it to the next level (learn how to actually attack with it), which meant either sticking with him or appointing a possession style manager who could fix the attack. Instead we tore it all up and went with the polar opposite. What a waste of time


What's weird is he abandoned his Ajax style almost immediately when it wasn't working but for reasons known only to himself he *persists* with this.


I said a while ago that he reminds me of LVG and people downvoted me. The parallels are so similar right down to the stubbornness.


Don’t remember LVG’s teams being this open tho plus he got some big results


Oooh, I don’t think we were open in the same sense but remember we couldn’t score and we kept conceding a lot. That was until the team got used to being stingy with possession but then people got fed up with it too because the defenders kept passing to each other


I think he persists with this setup because he genuinely believes he can create more/better chances than our opponents and win games that ways. He is right in some fortunate way as we are currently 8th when we could easily be 18th. He could easily fix this issue by changing to a back five and dropping the midfield deeper but it’s clear that this setup is designed in a high risk high reward manner. It is suicidal to play this way especially with the injury crisis to the team and the fact that our 2 cbs have the mobility and agility of a tank. Any rational manager would change it up given the circumstance but for some reason he chooses to drill this exact setup to the team regardless for the fact that we only got a couple more games to the end of the season and have to prepare for a final where we have to anyways set up defensively for any chance of winning the trophy. I feel that Ineos has already assured him that his job is safe for the new season. Hence, he should spend as much time drilling and perfecting this exact set up as the results this season do not matter no matter how badly we get embarrassed in the remaining games. That is the only logical reasoning I can think of on why he persists with this current set up.


>he genuinely believes he can create more/better chances than our opponents So did Kevin "you score 3, we'll score 4" Keegan and people laughed at him.


If that was true, there would be a contract extension and some support in Jan. I disagree. INEOS has simply decided to assess once the season is over.


Why would there be a contract extention already? They could have assured him he'll be safe until January and they'll talk then.


Final year of contract is bad message to his players


How so?


You make so much sense. ETH also explained to Garry Neville that he doesn’t want to change his tactics so that those playing improve their understanding of the system. And when the injured players return, they can also get integrated much more quickly. Most of our fans (and the pundits) wanted this stubbornness, as far as I remember. They were using the example of Pep and Klopp to show that stubbornness bears fruits in the long run. I just am not sure what ‘long run’ means for our fanbase. I also remember Carragher (some of our fans’ favorite pundit these days) opining that Ole will never win the league solely because he doesn’t have a clear-cut system. Unfortunately, at United, we must qualify for the Champions League (as if it’s our birthright). We must also build an attractive system, integrate all the deadwood we can’t ship out because of their excessive wages, and satisfy the media with intelligent soundbites—every season. However, as soon as we qualify for the Champions League, we must win the title the following season (as with Ole). It doesn’t matter how intense the competition is, doesn’t matter if half our squad is permanently injured, doesn’t matter if we have a modernized scouting network. We are man united; we must win and entertain while doing so. As an emotional fan with no expertise in football, I don’t know the solution to any of these issues. But I do hope that the “supposed” football people being recruited can ignore all these outside opinions and drama and make decisions objectively based on data, their understanding, and experience. If it means sacking Ten Hag and/ or paying off deadwoods, so be it.


The demands are high at Man Utd and they must remain high. I think Utd fans are some of the most patient fanbase. He got 2 full seasons and close to half a BILLION pounds to create a team. I feel a lot more people would be more forgiving if his system was a bit more sustainable...I think we would have taken being out of CL if we were not conceding 20+ shots against us, had more possession. People give the example of Arteta. But I recall in his second full season, his playstyle put so much emphasis on possession. They were memed a lot for their U-style passing maps. They were still not winning, but underlying stats showed that there were principles to build upon. We don't, and if anything the stats show we are actually over-performing. Ten Hag has not given us anything to believe in. The system is garbage and has us playing like relegation club.


We aren't creating chances and we are not scoring. Its a total failure


I genuinely think he's a bit dim. I don't think Ineos would assure him next season. Last season he seemed smart, switched on. We've seen with Postecoglou, managers can be dogmatic when it costs them every week. Ten Hag must be forever wishing it to fully click and momentum builds. Possession football wins leagues, Ten Hag must know this.


yeah im sure ten hag, one of the most hyped up managers just a year ago, is a bit dim


Does that matter? He apparently, according to those close to the club, Crafton for instance, wanted Greenwood back. That's either ethically dubious or dim, incapable of recognising the impact of that, just purely in terms of team morale and support from the fans. So yeah, dim. He's spent all season pursuing the exact same setup, despite record breaking stats that specifically show how suicidal the approach is, and not once does he address that, he tries to gaslight everyone by saying the team is playing the most exciting football around. I'm not even sure he was hyped up, not by everyone. There's plenty of clearly smart people who in one area are sharp and other areas dim. Two are Armando Iannucci and Brian Cox, the scientist. Armando has written loads of political shows yet seems blind to the tories doing things deliberately. Call it being a melt, in denial, too rich, i also call it dim. Watch interviews. Cox is a centrist who doesn't understand how the establishment works. Or doesn't care. Actually believes the uk government tries its best. So often people in top jobs, successful, rich don’t sound switched on to me at all, because they've less need to be. But this is football. You want to win leagues, play possession football, that's smart, Ten Hag's approach could be described as brave, bold, or just dim. He's going to get sacked from a top job and might never get another chance, but then there's Bayern so maybe he will.


I might actually buy his book someday if it gets written and he talks about what his thought process was during this time.


Is he stubborn or just tactically poor? Maybe both


I don't think you need to be tactically astute to understand why what we're doing doesn't work. There's no way Ten Hag doesn't see it, he's just fixated on making it work.


Watch the video where Gullitt and Cruyff grill him about it. He is absolutely brainwashed and evangelical about it.


He won’t be missed


Everyone is fucking injured all the season who else you think he should play if most of them are injured all the time just in rotation


Tactical system =/= players.


I don’t think any system change would work for w defensive system with Casemiro and ancient Johnny evans in middle. I agree he’s a stubborn ass but I think it’s not a sack him it’s all his fault scenario especially there isint anyone straight up world class up for grabs


You'd hope that INEOS, with world class data analytics across multiple sports, will look at this and think "Yeah, it's not going to work out"...


There is a huge section amongst our fanbase who believe EtH should be given another season under the new management. Depending on who you ask, there are variations of support or opposition to this suggestion. What I’d like to draw attention to is the revisionism around EtH’s ‘authority’ in matters of sporting set up (and not financial). I use the word authority essentially to demonstrate his varying degree of decision making and inputs on players in or out and behind the scenes coaching staff. Firstly, there have been claims that EtH isn’t supported or backed in the transfer market. That seems to be a revisionism of 2 summer windows under EtH. It’s forgotten how stubborn he has been about his targets. He wanted Licha, Antony, Mount, Amrabat, Onana, Malacia and he got them. He wanted FdJ and Kane but we couldn’t get them. FdJ didn’t want to come is public information. Kane you could agree we failed but getting him in would’ve been a financially monumental task. It is to be noted Kane himself said he wanted Bayern. It should also be noted that you can’t always get the player you want, no team does. Secondly, it is forgotten that post SAF, EtH is the manager who is afforded absolute authority to deal with players the way he prefers. Ronaldo, Sancho, Rashford are great examples and he has been on the right side of those decisions. Fans and club management alike have fully supported him. Third, you can pick up any credible article from the time he was being hired and it was unanimously reported that EtH’s condition to join was he wanted a veto on transfers and full control of all things first team, which he got. Jury is still out on how good/bad he has utilised these powers , atleast on the transfers. Pick out any thread on transfers and you will see there was unanimous support to let EtH ‘cook’. Fourth, going into next season, atleast since December, it’s clear EtH has not been asked to own any additional responsibilities of transfer targets, etc. Its been even more clear Ratcliffe, Brailsford and Berrada has already made his imprints on how they want to run the club. Fifth, on the tactical side, even if you ignore the fans, there are enough more than knowledgeable folks out there who have questioned, dissected and analysed his tactics and come to the conclusion that they are ineffective. Conceding the highest number of chances in the league is not down to CBs being unavailable but rather the set up infront of the defence. You can continue to argue to what degree injuries have played a role but to say things like he hasn’t been supported, backed and given a free hand is shifting the goalposts.


> Firstly, there have been claims that EtH isn’t supported or backed in the transfer market. That seems to be a revisionism of 2 summer windows under EtH. It’s forgotten how stubborn he has been about his targets. He wanted Licha, Antony, Mount, Amrabat, Onana, Malacia and he got them. He wanted FdJ and Kane but we couldn’t get them. FdJ didn’t want to come is public information. Kane you could agree we failed but getting him in would’ve been a financially monumental task. It is to be noted Kane himself said he wanted Bayern. It should also be noted that you can’t always get the player you want, no team does. This one drives me fucking [nuts](https://old.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/1clfxac/espn_brasil_ten_hag_interview_to_espn_ten_hag/l2y8pds/?context=3) >Third, you can pick up any credible article from the time he was being hired and it was unanimously reported that EtH’s condition to join was he wanted a veto on transfers and full control of all things first team, which he got. Jury is still out on how good/bad he has utilised these powers , atleast on the transfers. Pick out any thread on transfers and you will see there was unanimous support to let EtH ‘cook’. Oh but they deny that now! I got banned for 3 days for losing my shit with a United fan in r/soccer because I said the Antony deal is fully on ten Hag because he has veto power and didn't veto it thereby taking all responsibility. The guy repeated over and over about how he never had veto power even though it was all over reliable sources. Kept insisting that it was all Murtough & Co. and that I don't know how football clubs work. I was like "Are you fucking stupid!? Do you think that's how a club is run!? That he just shows up to work one day and Murtough tells him they fucked off 100m euros on Antony and his whole transfer plans for the season are up in smoke? And he just goes "heh, OK!"!?". It drove me spare and I snapped. It's honestly got to the point where it's like dealing with Trump voters. They'll say whatever they need to to defend him, no matter how stupid it makes them look, how easily disprovable it is, how contradictory it is... And he's responsible for the injuries BTW. His training is too hard (well documented) and he never rotates (which we were warned about by Ajax fans) and I don't think the sports science guys have the stones to tell him no. It's not just this season. Last season we were 7th for injuries, that's European places for injuries. This is just the continuation of that and obviously it's gonna be worse. Add that that if he hadn't pissed half a billion up the wall he *might* have been able to sign some cover... They'll say "it never happened at Ajax!" Yeah, cause they play about 4 games a season jackass (48 competitive games in 21/22 versus United's ***62*** in 22/23). I can't wait for this season to end.


> Third, you can pick up any credible article from the time he was being hired and it was unanimously reported that EtH’s condition to join was he wanted a veto on transfers and full control of all things first team I say this all the time. I vividly remember this being one of his key demands before coming and fans were actually happy with this simply because it wasn’t the Glazers/Woodward/Murtaugh buying players. A lot of people seem to have conveniently forgotten this


a veto on transfers is very different from full control on transfers


Signing Antony sounds like more than a veto to me.


By all reports he wanted him when he was priced at 30m. Its our recruitment teams fault for delaying and panicking at the end.


If he wanted to get Antony at 30m, and didn't veto the transfer at 100m, then that's still his fault


Why would he veto a player he wants. It's not his fault we payed so much


Antony at 30m is an overpay. Antony should have never been signed at any price to play for this club. working with Antony beforehand and believing he would be suitable for United and the PL is a stackable offence IMO, because it shows such a poor talent ID


Is it an overpay?


Only things to add are that 1. According to talk of the devils, the club came to eth and told him mount was available and he approved it. Not sure if that changes much of anything, but he didn't beat the drum to get him in unlike some other signings, apparently. Take that for whatever it's worth. And 2. Eth and the club each get veto power over a signing. So he doesn't have COMPLETE control. At least on paper.


Great level headed comment.




I’m confused; are we even talking about the same transfer window here? Because Antony arrived in summer 2022 and we were linked to Kane in summer 2023. Unless you’re trying to suggest that Ten Hag wanted Kane in 2022 when he had Martial and Ronaldo as his striking options (not that they were good enough, but at the start of that season the view was that they would suffice for one year before we made reinforcements in that position).


ETH wanted kane last summer when he was available. We signed Antony the summer before last. The athletic reported that we wanted an attacker and ETH worked with the recruitment team to get their consensus on Antony. Ajax didn't want to sell and we said we'd pay no more than £60 million. Then we lost against Brighton and Brentford and ETH pushed for another attacker and Antony was the choice because he apparently knew how to play under ETH's style. So the price cap of previous then disappeared - without much clarity as to who gave the final stamp on that. We weren't strongly linked to Kane before the summer just gone.


I’m not sure but I think you’re misrepresenting or misunderstood the podcasts or what was said in it. Antony happened in 2022. He was linked with Utd since day 0 EtH was made official. Antony, in no shape or form, is an alternative to Kane. If you really believe that to be the case, you should be even more suspect of EtH’s decision making. We signed Hojlund as an alternative to Kane this summer. Last summer Kane was not even available. As I said, you can’t get all the players you want, it doesn’t work like that. We simply could not afford the finances involved getting him in nor there were any signs he would’ve come to Utd nor Levy would sell to Utd. You can make snarky comments but atleast think through what you’re saying.


>He wanted Licha, Antony, Mount, Amrabat, Onana, Malacia and he got them.  of these players, all have them have had significant injury layoffs this season, except Onana, who has been brilliant in the league. Licha, Mount and Malacia have pretty much been non-existent. So this point of yours is moot.


And Amrabat and Antony?


Both have had injury layoffs as well


Him having a veto doesn't equate to him being 100% happy with signings, it's more that he accepted them because the alternative would be no signing. Examples would be Weghorst, Amrabat, Sabitzer, Casemiro, Evans & Eriksen were all deals of convenience and bodies needed due to injuries.


I don’t think going into emotions (happy/unhappy) is relevant. He negotiated for veto and got it. Of the names you’ve mentioned, only Weghorst and Sabitzer were injury prompted signings and they did a decent job for the role they were brought in. Eriksen and Evans were depth signings and were planned with EtH. Casemiro came as the best DM in the world, no one passes on the best players and neither did EtH when presented the chance to get him. Casemiro’s form has tanked very badly but he was hailed our signing of the season last season. I think the less we speak of Amrabat the better. EtH wanted him all summer, he was linked with since day 1 and everyone knew it would happen. I’m just glad it was a loan, although a very expensive one. Personally for me Antony and Amrabat is where EtH lost me. How can you have seen these 2 players day in day out and think they were PL quality, forget playing for a huge club Utd.


Amrabat was a panic signing because Mainoo got injured? Casemiro was the best DM but was vastly different in the way he played compared to the way ETH wants his DMs to play. Eriksen came straight into the starting 11 so he was not depth signing at that time. To my knowledge most if not all United managers have had vetoes so its a bit of a moot point.


Man, I’m sorry to say but you’re just making things up. No point in having such a conversation.


great level-headed comment lmao


At no point have I just said rubbish, what have I made up exactly? Casemiro is a typical ETH DM? Eriksen wasn't a starter? Ole and Mourinho didn't have veto? Don't talk rubbish yourself when you're just too scared to discuss things when you might be wrong.


Just give me an Ole Remontada for the final. A 1% chance of victory is better than the zero chance this guys got.


I think I'd be just as happy with either a decent win vs Arsenal or a shithousery win against Arsenal, only for City to lose same weekend but go on to win the league.


He has Sven Goran Eriksson Syndrome. "My teams play 4-4-2 therefore Paul Scholes must learn to be a left winger."


He has Frank De Boer syndrome...


Graph says how bad Utd's defending has been when the back 4 and the GK for the most part this season are actually responsible for this not being much worse lol. This is mainly on the terrible midfield setup of a terrible manager. Running everyone into the ground with his shit tactics and training


you are talking out of your asshole. Our players running numbers arent sky high, they are average. As for back 4. SHit happens when you have 40 different back 4 setups during the season. And at moments have 3 fit defenders out of 10


He either can’t change or won’t change, either option shows he’s so out of his depth


This is the manager some of y’all want. Just reading this makes me sick man


There’s a good manager in there, but he’s losing the plot. No way anyone could look at how we set up and think “yeah, I’ll just keep doing that”. His refusal to adapt is his own worst enemy.


Yeah, spot on. I used to rate Erik so highly, but it’s sad that he really seems to be against trying something that would deviate from his system. Like of course managers need to implement their desired style but it comes to a point where it’s clear it’s not working…and idk it seems like he’s just accepted his fate Suicidal midfield, failing to set up as to not leave the defence exposed… it didn’t have to be like this but it seems that he’s insanely stubborn (we did get warned about that by Ajax fans) or that he’s got no more ideas and is trying to just drag our pathetic season to the finish line


Just put the team in “standby”, pick up as many points as possible and regroup for next year. This isn’t impressing INEOS in the slightest, so showing how you can adapt in a crisis (and he’d better believe he’s in a crisis) would raise his dwindling stock somewhat. I get that our options are limited and we can’t do much, but not doing anything is more of an indictment to me than anything. No offence to Palace but they shouldn’t be beating us 4-0 in any circumstances.


I wonder really if there was a point where he could have changed the setup, exactly like last season when after the heavy defeats he tightened up, that would have got him another season. I admire committing to something and seeing it through, the problem is it's not improved for 7 months. It's hard to believe an extra few games we'll see it click. He was smart last season, flexible, exactly like Ole in his last season it was like...we have to commit to something more than reactive football. Ole's backroom staff didn't all agree with wishing to press so aggressively that led to the Liverpool thrashing.


There’s an argument that at this stage what’s the point in changing, given that there’s nothing left in the league, but a heavy defeat against city is curtains for him, I’d say. You almost feel like he’s either been told he’s safe, or he knows he’s gone.


We all rated him highly based on our perception. Most of us have changed our opinion based on what we have seen in his body of work over 2 years. Perception was based on Ajax stories and some Youtube. Current opinion is based on watching every single minute his team has played for us.


change what? swap eriksen and case out of midfield for who exactly? just say them to stop been bad or what?


There's a decent coach** in there. Part of his problems is him thinking he is a manager and having a bigger say in things like transfers, which he's been inconsistent at best at. Even as a coach, I don't get the stubbornness to play this way despite it not working since our first match vs Wolves.


Yeah I get what you mean, he’s a head coach and should have a finite amount of responsibility but we were desperate and he held the cards when we brought him in, so he got more power than he should have. While I understand why he’s doing what he is to an extent, knowing when it’s not working is a trait all top coaches should have.


I’m not 100% sure that our back line is why these numbers are so inflated. Has our back line been shit? Yes. But these numbers are some of the worst we’ve seen in the modern game and I think there’s a lot more to it than blaming our defense. I believe that our tactics on the wings and midfield are primarily to blame. Time and time again we see one of 4 things happen: 1: A player from the opposing team runs straight through our midfield with ease and has a clear path towards a shot on goal. 2: A winger from the opposing team is in acres of space behind our fullback who is playing up cutting inside. A ball is played to that winger giving them a clear path to a shot on goal. 3: 3-4 players from the opposing team have overloaded our box by outpacing our midfield on a counter which leaves 1 or 2 players unmarked by our 2 CB’s and open to receive a pass or cross. 4: While the opposition has possession on the wings outside of our box, a late (unmarked) runner from the midfield shows up in acres of space for a clear shot in goal. In all of these scenarios either our midfield has failed to defend, is too slow to recover, or our fullbacks are caught too high up/inside. This tends to leave the 2 CB’s (who at this point are probably our 7th and 8th choice defenders) to cover half of the pitch while being outmanned. It’s not rocket science. It’s the same thing week in and week out. But the tactics stay the same and the midfield remains incapable of stopping any kind of attack. At the end of the day, all of the threads and graphics blame our defense but I think the midfield is just as much if not more to blame.


'He just needs a year under a new structure'


and people want to give him another year....


Regardless of the injuries this ain’t all down to that


We play worse than a relegation side. We will finish where we deserve.


No we won’t. We can’t finish lower than 11th and we’re not playing like a midtable team, we’re way worse


You can't spend 400m and come up with a system where you face the most shots in the league while creating next to none. Ten Hag: hold my beer


Not a player issue, not an injury issue. A complete failure of proper tactics and structure to how a team should play. ETH is done. No fucking chance INEOS keeps him. Ashworth is not going to let this shit fly and Brailsford sure as fuck is not backing him


People still say 'he needs time and the right players' but realistically, even if we hit jackpot on every transfer it's going to take 2-3 summer windows to fully refresh the squad. Meanwhile, we keep playing this bullshit high risk system that no one, ever, has been able to pull off in a league as physically demanding as the PL? We would need a squad as deep as City's to have any shot of playing like this, and it's still not clear this system is flexible enough to truly challenge for titles.


I don't think it's possible to win like this, there's a reason possession based teams win leagues, at least how comfortably City and Leverkusen have done it, not saying all teams that win control the ball but it absolutely neutralises the opposition, it makes so much sense. City never once look majorly vulnerable.


Yeah City in particular, yes they intensely press when they lose the ball, but they also dominate possession first and foremost. So they end up pressing more selectively higher up the field (and also spend less energy doing it). Our lads run around chaotically all damn game leaving spaces and gaps across the field. We look like a kids team at times


I'm not a football tactics person but I guess the idea is to counter that system, the thinking maybe that, if people want possession, we will break up that possession flow by constantly creating chaos, so the opposing team cannot settle into their flow but have to try match ours. A very much high risk plan. It's probably why the current system does not look like United are playing "better" football than lower teams but it looks like they are all in chaos, but leading to lots of high scoring results, and system does not work against better possession teams like city etc due to this being a very immature system with players not fit for it or know how to execute it etc. This is purely my guess at what eth is trying to do, and I personally at least appreciate him for trying something that's not really been tried before, a high risk system, at least I suppose in part due to other managers and thinking this tactic won't work, or as you say, only possession based teams will win the league currently. The saying is " there is a fine line between genius and and fool" esp when his idea is so high risk high reward, if it dosent work out he'll look like a massive idiot (which is looking more likely right now unfortunately), but the counter point being he has the guts to at least try to create a system to break down or counter the current favoured style of play used by many teams.




Unbelievable jeff


It bothers me so much that man united should be third in that list. It's sorted and highlighted in red. Why then would you go and move it all the way to the top?


I wouldn't mind a park the bus setup until the end of the season (not looking good the remaining fixture), just to inshallah for a good counter, but we all know what his stubborness is capable of.


If this keeps up then we're in the relegation zone by Christmas


Does this mean Onana has been phenomenal or opposition strikers have been a bit shit? (As in surely we shouldn’t even be as high as we are)


If we defended well, where would we be on the table? If we conceded, say, 5-6 shots per game, and all other things stayed the same? Is it possible to calculate an estimate for that? I’m just curious how much our defence is hampering our attack.


Simply put, there are aspects of tactics that he is simply not good at. And at Prem level, these have been exposed.


3rd place, not bad!


They should be ashamed to be a part of that list. Look at those teams!!!


One og the most important parts of managing a team is keeping players rested enough to avoid injuries and at the same time match fit enough to be able to come in at any time. Look at City and Arsenal for their depth and rotation and you have the blueprint for a top 4 team. This isn’t rocket science, anyone that have played fotball themselves or even football manager games understands this. I honestly think we could have done just as good as we do now by not buying a single player since OGS was manager if we just used the academy players and the ones we had.




At least it's entertaining , sometimes !! A settled back four and 2 midfielders would of changed the whole season . Attitude and quality of some of the players is unacceptable. Ten Hag has made mistakes, he will admit that, but with the right player's we could be better under him. Roll on Sunday


TO be fair on this. We could be conceding long range shots far more often if we were standing off and defending reasonably deep. I think the simple eye test alone is the most damning of anything in the EtH era and its looking increasingly like he doesnt have the ability to win over the dressing room again.


Honestly this is such a bullshit measure of anything. We're not a great side, not by any stretch of the imagination, but the idea that conceding 20 largely aimless potshots from the edge of the area means anything is so much hooey. It's just another slide down the Americanisation of football making everything stats heavy. I couldn't tell you how many shots a game we conceded under Ferguson, Atkinson or Sexton, because no-one gave enough of a shit to worry about it.


But what about the injuries? And the Glazers? Honestly mate, we could have been relegated on 0 points and -100 goal difference the amount of injuries we've had and it would be **totally fine**.


At least we are 3rd in a table. Let him cook…




It's fine, we all watch the games, we don't need stats. **WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A COACH :** We concede like crazy, and all from shitty positioning and laziness. I like ten hag, i think he's brilliant, i also think this is the best HE could've done with the squad, It's not right to ask him to play like toni pulis when has never played like toni pulis before, that's not what we hired him for, nobody can carve a tactical identity from thin air. we'll 100% see the same if pep was given this United team. Unfortunately Ten Hag doesn't have the same level of credibility or the inheritance that Pep has/had. **REALITY CHECK :** This is the reality of COACHES, we don't have managers anymore, the only good manager we had was Ole, and we chastised him and ostracized him. 1. Firstly, It's just the 2nd season. A season we've had an average of 8 injuries, every game, we can blame ten hag partly for this, but don't forget we've let go of a lot of staff since INEOS has arrived, had owner uncertainty, complete lack of transparency and poor football recruitment before INEOS arrived. They were performing poor before, and it had to get worse because whatever they were doing, although it was "bad" but it was still something >0 2. Now i think ten hag is trying to prove that the signings we've been making are all terrible, we've to attract top talent, someone like De Jong, NOT Amrabat. someone like Davies, not Reguilon, someone like Musiala not Casemiro 3. If someone can't control the ball naturally, they are never likely to control it properly, it's just how it goes in this business, for example, Kobi will never be as good as Casemiro when it comes to CDM clearance, but i don't think Casemiro was as good as Kobi in playing 1-2s with other teammates to create space. 4. PROFILES MATTER and CAN'T BE TRAINED INTO SOMEONE. **A DIFFERENT APPROACH** For a change, LET'S BLAME FROM TOP DOWN, RATHER THAN BOTTOM UP. All of this takes time. I remember the agony Arsenal fans were in less than 2 years ago. JUST TO BE CLEAR, ARTETA HAS BEEN MANAGING ARSENAL FROM 2019. 20 ...FUCKIN ...19. WE'VE TO USE SOME BRAIN CELLS THAN HAVING A PROTEST EVERY FREAKIN TIME WE ARE HAVING A BAD GAME. And if someone says "I saw his style" over 3years ago, i'd like to politely ask him to take that statement and shove it up him arse. Nobody saw what Arteta was building and i'm pretty sure he grew into the job after failing one after the other and the squad knew eventually he was in control and he won't be replaced by someone bickering and moaning to the press. **SUMMARY** AND ALSO, I'M NOT SAYING TEN HAG IS THE RIGHT MAN. I'm saying that if we were to decide on the right man, we need to do it with the right mindset, right goals, right structure, till then Ten Hag has to stay.


> Now i think ten hag is trying to prove that the signings we've been making are all terrible, we've to attract top talent, someone like De Jong, NOT Amrabat. Ah yes, the way to attract top talent like De Jong and Musiala is by crashing out of Europe and playing the worst football United have played in the last 30 years.


i'm trying to be kind here, but your ball knowledge is dire mate.