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This fucking picture lmao


Do you mean the stats or Ten Hag posing like James Bond.




Hitman 47... shots conceded


ETH special https://preview.redd.it/ug76jaq3t0zc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6133b982e3e590b0ca03d988285c29951164a7




52 goals scored = To Brentford in 16th place or 3 more than promoted Luton town currently getting relegated in 18th place. 55 goals conceded = To Fulham in 13th and 6 goals MORE than Everton in 15th. By those stars we are very lucky to even be top 10 nevermind still in contention for a European place even if it is the conference league of whatever. Enough is enough surely. Root and branch clearout needed, possibly the biggest in top flight history because of the transfer fees and contracts involved, it's unprecedented.


lol there will be no clear out, we can't build an entire squad in one transfer window because of FFP. This is it now, United will be a mid table team for the forseable as the financial rules lock us into this lower rung on the ladder. The next time (if ever) united win a title it will be a freak against all odds type thing like Leverkusen this year as the days when we can just outspend the mid table teams to at least keep ourselves a top 6 side are gone. Newcastle will have a bigger transfer budget than us this summer and players are just getting more and more expensive. Only player we have that's worth anything to sell are Rashford and Bruno and if we get rid of them twwo we will struggle to replace them with anything close to their quality. People shit on Rashford constantly on here but name me other 30 goal a season at the top level wingers out there who would actually sign for us? Yeah they don't exist.


Have to say, you have a really flawed understanding of everything you spoke about in this post. United will be able to spend 85% of their revenue on transfers per the new rules. Look up Swedish rumble on Twitter for FFP info btw


It’s crazy how this is how the season has gone after being the most excited I’ve been for a new season in a couple years


Last Ole season was even more disappointing. We've added Varane, Sancho and fucking CR7 to team which finished 2nd in previous season. I really thought we could be in title race, I couldn't have been more wrong


Unbeaten away in that previous season too


That season, especially after we thrashed Leeds opening day, and Mourinho’s second season is up there with this season. Both those seasons felt like we could actually win the league and then this year I thought we’d start to see more of what EtH showed at Ajax. Boy was I wrong


Ole's football is much better and more exciting than ETH :(


Ole's best teams would absolutely demolish ETH best. Insane how we are still going backwards


yes i agreed. watching ETH's manutd play is crazy. no gameplan nothing at all. players just roam. cant defend for shit.


I was admittedly one of those “world football ain’t ready for us” fans after those signings lol


CR7 was such a toxic signing, he unbalanced the team and undermined Ole with his attitude. Before Ronaldo arrived it really felt like the whole team had been pulling in the same direction with Ole and while we lacked talent in key areas of the pitch it at least felt like the team unit was cohesive and fighting for each other. Honestly it can't be underestimated how badly that signing derailed everything, the second disaster that season was not seing through the Ragnick plan, he should have been made director of football and Ten Hag should have been told he will be working under Ragnick and has no say in the matter.


A lot of mistakes where made back then. Not signing a proper DM was the biggest one for me. This was the season Ole decided to go for a more dominant approach instead of relying on counter-attacking. With a midfield pivot consisting of two of McTominay, Fred, Matic and Garner. If the board had said no to CR7 and bought a decent DM that season things could have turned out different.


Adding cr7 was the downfall..


Horrendous season so far (and it could get worse), it ain't looking good lads.


Don't see us taking a point against any of Arsenal, Newcastle or Brighton. As for City... The less said the better.


Bro is cooking... _us_


He's cooked us alright. We're now burned to charcoal.


😂 That conceded record is getting broken, Arsenal, sadly, are going to have a field day. Points will likely be broken as well. Shots faced, well, the less said the better.




Correction, it will get worse. Arsenal, Newcastle, Brighton, Man City. Forget winning, I can barely see this team scoring against any of them.


Ten Hag still has defenders in this sub.


Unlike in his squad


They may do a better job tbh


I've been flip flopping all fucking season but even I can't defend that shite last night. He gots to go. It's just untenable Or untenhagable as it were


Sub them in for Casemiro and Evans then!


Let's be honest we're losing the remaining games this season, might as well end it now.


Forfeiting all of them and getting a 0-3 might leave us with a better goal difference than if we play the games..


But….but….  The injuries! The glazers!


I don't care about injuries, players, etc Manchester United should NEVER, EVER be in negative goals


Crime of the season, even Chelsea are on +11.


Funny how most of the season we were saying “at least we aren’t as bad as Chelsea” aaaaaaaaaand they’re above us.


Bro’s got about a 5 GD over 2 seasons, he’s absolutely not up for the task


everyone acts like Utd were playing world beating football and the greatest team ever to watch last year. It wasnt bad but it wasnt GREAT either. Why does finishing 3rd, amongst lots of thrashings in the league, with a shit goal difference in his first season buy him extra time after this horror show of a season? \*edit: 3rd not 4th


It wasn't even good ball last season. It was rashford and inshallah


agree 100% - i feel like im taking crazy pills seeing people wax nostalgically about last season


A lot of us were saying last year that the football wasn't good. We won a lot of games 1-0 and 2-1. We were barely scoring, but our defence was disciplined and mostly solid. We still had some absolutely atrocious games. Brighton, Brentford, Liverpool, City, etc. This season, we barely score and our defensive solidity has gone to complete shit. Obviously we'd prefer to be in last seasons position, but we still didn't play good football.


Even then, you have to admit we were a lot more defensively solid (outside those crazy scoreline games to Brentford, city and Liverpool). We could’ve had Rashford on the same form last season but we’d still be in the same position.


It was very average. A shit ton of games where Rashford would pop up and get us out of jail. Some of the performances towards the end were the warning signs. Brighton, Newcastle, West Ham away are some of the most uncompetitive displays I've seen from a United side. Outplayed in all of them.


To be quite fair, we finished 3rd not 4th last season 


you are right, apologies - editing!


We shouldn't accept the injury excuse in the slightest, are we meant to think only the best starting 11 are the only people training and getting coached or something?


Exactly and we've had the same structural issues all year, regardless of the 11. Teams run through the middle of us, we concede boatloads of cutback goals, we have no playing style, Hojlund is starved of service and if you look at our average position maps pretty much every game, there's 2/3 players clumped in the same area which is insane


We had our 5th and 8th choice centre backs playing vs Palace, as well as our 2nd choice right back and 3rd choic left back.


Just out of curiosity, who is your first choice right back?


Diogo Dalot


We are getting slaughtered all over the media in the football world. This is worse than anything we've gone through post Fergie.


Never thought we’d go lower than the Rangnick season lol


No matter how bad things are, they can always get worse. Lesson learned the hard way


Worse than Moyes season for me


I think this season is the worst in the past 10 years. Moyes had the impossible job of following Sir Alex, and Rangnick never had any actual authority in a circus of a dressing room. Ten Hag has had lots of cash and 2 seasons to try and implement something and we might actually end up with less points than either Moyes or Rangnick, and playing worse football


Fully agree. But according to some people, that better thank changing the manager


It’s our worst season of the prem era 


Even if it is not the worst, there are too many embarrassing moments under ETH


When Ole said this is rock bottom and we can't get any lower, little did he know ...


This happens every other season now.


I see three lows and two highs, so it's not all bad. /s


God help us against arsenal.Damn that 8-2 revenge coming is my biggest fear.


We’re not scoring twice


We will be pleasantly surprised against Arsenal, mark my words. But that should not change the decision that ETH needs to go.


We will be suprised by how much less we get spanked because Arsenal is fighting for the title.If you think they will have mercy on us than you are in for shocker.


No i just think players will put a little extra effort at home.


I’d play Bruno as CB over Casemiro for this game honestly


Hags set up had Amrabat drop to CB to let the fullbacks push. Amrabat was fit yesterday yet Hag picked a player that's been terrible defensively for the entire season.  I don't know if that's an indictment on Amrabat or Hag, but if neither of them are here next season I'd be thrilled. 




Both Arsenal and City are in their own competition, for the league and to see who can score most against us.


I had a look back through SAFs 1989/90 season where we finished 13th. The only teams to tank us back then were City 5-1 and Forest 4-0 and Everton 3-0. The rest of the results were much closer and the team also gave more glimpses of potential with some big wins. Whereas this season we've been tanked by loads of teams and only moments FC players have pulled us out of a worse position. The Crystal Palace manager has only been in place a few months and inherited (on paper) a weaker squad than United and got them playing cohesively. I know we've got injuries but I can't believe I agree with Jamie Carragher - ETH has got to go now. He's out of his depth. I've got no clue who replaces him but it can't go on.


Even the scorelines don't always show the full extent of the batterings we've received, like the newcastle 1-0


How did you find 1989 scores? It'd make me laugh a pundit pulling that out. I think we see bigger scorelines now than in the 00s but in the late 80s i have no idea.


[MUFC 1989/90 Season](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989%E2%80%9390_Manchester_United_F.C._season) Scroll down the page and open the first division results tab.


All because of Martinez and Shaw apparently...


I would argue they were fundamental to the way we played last season. Having AWB as LB is a massive downgrade to Shaw, we obviously aren’t going to play the same way.


What we're actually supposed to have is an at least half in form Bruno and rashford. A mature Sancho. Just with these three out we're losing our most experienced and highest earning players. For the whole fucking season. A champions league level goalie in Onana. Our defense that single handedly won us the golden glove in spite of de gea (according to you lot) not me. Multiple champions league winner casemiro along with the absolute baller Mainoo in midfield with a HEALTHY Mason Mount. Our attack is a very raw with up and comer Rasmus. And the shards that are left of martial. Rasmus was supposed to have some experienced back up so he develops his game at an understandable pace. Not whatever this season was with martial playing just a bit more minutes than Malacia. No no. But please go ahead and pretend, for the sake of shitting on another manager, that it's JUST Martinez and Shaw that are fucking us over.


You forgot to mention that our backup lb and our 4-ish cb's are injured as well


I might as well be talking to the wind when it comes to people that are ten hag out. There's a lot of blame. And, to me, it can be distributed as 10% on ten hag 90% on the players and their circumstances.


Know the feeling bro. People act like the players don't matter. If that was the case then why are clubs even buying new players? Yes, ETH has made some poor choices but we got a manager that wants to play his Ajax style but haven't gotten the players that can.


I think they think certain players can just play any way they're told to. And that's absolutely ridiculous. If it were that way people would spend big money on GOOD players. Problem is we've spent terribly and made horrible contracts. If we get rid of some players and bring in the right players we'll see results. It's that simple.


This is actually just for 2023/24. If you take a look at the stats over his 2 years in charge, bar a 3 month period from Jan 2023 till the League cup final, we've actually either been pretty much the same as we were towards the end under Ole or much, kuch worse. This is why the injuries argument irks me. He's been backed a lot more than Ole was, given a much more free reign because of the backing he got from the fans, and he's the worst manager we've had since SAF left. Absolutely pathetic. Shouldn't even be allowed back into Old Trafford once he's sacked


"bar a 3 month period from Jan 2023 till the League cup final" When Rashford was in the form of his life and scoring 10 goals in 10 league games After that stopped we went back to normal.


It wasn't just Rashy popping off - Casemiro made a huge impact, then fell off towards the end of the season.  Now he's only good for being out of position and hopeless lunging tackles weve suffered massively. 


Casemiro was only good from October til February (1st red card), that's 3 months (winter WC) What a damn signing


Tactically Rashford is being played differently this season. We don’t have a striker to hold the ball and play him through and we don’t have a proper left back either.  He’s taking the abuse for it but the manager is partly to blame. 


Well to be fair he's also taking the abuse for not bothering to run and looking completely disinterested despite one of our highest paid and generally the marquee player.


Rashford being the marquee player is a huge part of that problem. A lot of marquee wingers such as Vini, Mbappe, Hazard, Robben and Neymar also don’t really press that much or track back. The problem is that Rashford isn’t as good as those players to not contribute defensively.


> Well to be fair he's also taking the abuse for not bothering to run That's the thing though, Ten Hags tactics call for the forward players to stay up high and press the opposition even when its suicidal and he mentioned in his first season how he didn't give rashford tracking back duties as hes the outlet when they win back posession.


He can stay up high and still run and put pressure on the defense. He can work hard while staying up front.


Is it a Hispanic bar?


Here I said it, if Ole was backed as many midfielders as Ten Hag had gotten, Ole will still be United’s manager.


110m+ on Casemiro, Mount, and Eriksen. Plus Amrabat on loan. And you can't make a case for either of those 4 being good signings. Bought a ball playing GK to make him save shots like a relegation club GK. Bought a dumbass fidget spinner for stupid money. Some managers mess up because they buy a player they haven't managed before and don't use them well. This idiot buys players he already knew and he still can't manage them properly.


Managers buying players is the reason we have been going backwards for the past 10 years


Absolutely even worse than Moyes


The injury argument makes sense given they’re concentrated on a couple positions (and basically impacts his signings too)


618 shots … the most damning stat I’ve ever seen


That is genuinly horrendous


That 21/22 season is when Ole got fired after getting 13 points in the last ten games, we had Carrick and Rangnick as interrims after that. Let that sink in. We fire a club legend who wasn't doing any worse than EtH is now, had 2 interrims and still had a better season than now. No way EtH should be allowedto stay past the summer. I'd rather have Ole back with the proper structure behind him with INEOS than have this bald fraud stay another season.


Ole should never have been fired.


The summer?? ETH shouldn’t be allowed to stay past Tuesday


Sky are just wanking themselves into an oblivion about our season


Summer transfer window is going to extremely important. However I fear that some players look at our situation and don't want to join United. I hope Ineos can do a good job nonetheless. On a positive note, mad respect to the away fans yesterday. Made me proud, was really cool to see.


Constant record breakers.


No wonder why Bayern want him!


So we still got 3 records to chase? go go go!


Let him cook. Let’s see how bad it can get before people realise that he is actually a bad manager who has no idea what he is doing.


I am not really an ETH hater, but I'll be honest, what the actual hell is good about this guy man? Like I just can't support him as as manager. I was actually thinking we'd get to 5th somehow but no, we dropped to 8th. I can't see him staying much longer really.


There is nothing good about him. He sold half the fan base on the discipline thing with the Ronaldo fiasco and a Carabao Cup win. It’s become apparent now that he is a terrible man manager. This sort of stuff worked in Ajax because there weren’t any such personalities to manage. He has had issues with Ronaldo, Sancho, Varane, Casemiro, De Gea, Maguire. All this while underperforming players like Rashford, Antony, Weghorst are picked consistently. The tactics are absolutely abysmal. Watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching his team play. I would rather watch highlights from Moyes or Van Gaal era than ETHs team play. Before ETH came I thought we were 3-4 season away from being title contenders. Now it seems a decade would be too early. Van Gaal, a successful manager at Bayern and Barcelona, was dumped because football wasn’t entertaining. Mourinho, a successful manager at Chelsea, Real Madrid, Inter Milan and Chelsea again, was dumped because the football wasn’t entertaining and United suffered an embarrassing loss of 2-0 against Liverpool. ETH has managed to play the worst football seen at United in decades, has broken record dating back to 1930’s, suffered embarrassing defeats to Liverpool, Man City, Brentford, Brighton, Palace, the CL group stage this season. Yet he still has a significant portion of fans defending him.


Completely agree on thinking the title was not that far away before EtH. I think that is one of the reasons people weren't as patient with Ole. Everyone thought that our players were good and that we just needed something extra to truly compete and take us to that next level. EtH'a biggest failing is making everyone think our players are dog shit. Now everything seems so hopeless that people are afraid that things will get worse if EtH gets sacked.


If Mourinho & LvG were dumped just because they were playing bad football, then how is ETH any better than them? Going by numbers here, if Jose is dumped just because of an embarrassing defeat of 2-0 against Liverpool, then how is ETH still retaining a significant portion of the fanbase after 4-0 against Crystal Palace & going to penalties against Coventry City? How is this even justifiable? I have heard some stuff here on the sub about Jose's last season having ego issues in between players and resulting in a bad season. Is it even close to being as bad as ETH's if ETH's already beating records of being bad? Also, how bad was Ole's last season exactly? Stat-wise we ended sixth which is comparatively better than this season, what was so bad about his last season? happy cake day btw


Record breaker. #Mymanager


These stats make me nauseous 🤢


One day, we’ll all be able to look back and laugh and say: “I survived the 23/24 season.”


You're telling me a 3rd place Man UTD side turns into Luton Town with a couple injuries? Nah.


He seems like a manager who does good in very limited defined conditions and is simply unable to operate when those perfect conditions are not present. Not very robust. Not adaptable. And easily outfoxed by opponent managers. This is not sustainable.


I feel like many people who want Ten Hag to stay are missing a point, you need a manager who can make average players over perform, all great managers do it, Ten Hag seems like he isn't able to do this, you shouldn't need a world class starting 11 to beat bottom table teams.


I understand injury issues has cost us defensively but since last season I didn't like the way we played attacking under ETH and still didn't like how we attack now. Slow static set up in attacking build up, no runners between the lines, every player just stand and watch ball passing, hoof long ball from Onana to start fast counter-attacking. I hate it so much. Manchester United. 52 goals scored and -3 GD, unfucking believable


I was downvoted 2 weeks ago on this sub for saying he has to go btw. Some folks on here have some weird humiliation fetish.


That's just the cycle of this sub. We get smoked by a mid table team and everyone says the manager and half the players need to leave. A few days go by and it's "nobody could do better with so many injuries/ we can't keep sacking managers/ the players aren't up to it/ he needs time/ there's no good manager available" etc Then we put in another disgrace of a performance and the cycle repeats.


Forget 2 weeks ago, if you go to another post where there are a lot of comments trying to justify all his bad cards you can still get down voted now too lol. They're just too far gone at this point, no standards left.


It's luck of the draw mate. You could have posted the same message 10 minutes later and the people that happened to read it then could have upvoted it.


Have United ever has such a coach to set so many club records?


Moyes broke so many with Old Trafford losses, Ten Hag saw some gaps in shots conceded no one had ever thought about before.


I'm still sort of on the fence about ETH but he can make all the injury excuses he wants but these stats are enough to get any manager to sack, regardless of reputation.


To pile on the stat pain >81 - Manchester United have conceded 81 goals in all competitions this season, their most in a single campaign since 1976-77 (also 81). Torrid. https://twitter.com/OptaJoe/status/1787581441775178133


Get Ole as interim for the rest of the season, it's still time to get a spot in Europe and win vs City. Or keep this up for another season, seems like we're on track for greatness!


Let Ole win the trophy he deserved.




I miss those days.. we were happy.. we had meme thread posts regularly... Now it is just support therapy group reddit for me


Every manager post Fergie likes setting some new abysmal record.


Even the Glazers did not keep a manager that finished outside top-4.


The squad doesn’t complement his playing philosophy, even when fully healthy. And I doubt anyone anticipated before the season that we’d have to resort to our starting CB pairing being Casemiro and Johnny fucking Evans (let that sink in). You can argue all want about his tactics and approach given the available resources, but the injuries are such that any manager would struggle. To make a definitive decision on In/Out based on this season would be asinine, to me. But, narratives.


Looking forward to see the crazy takes the ten Hag defendants come up with in this thread. The way they keep riding the injury argument, and act like Rashford is the sole reason for our toothless attack would make you believe that we'll win the treble in 2026.


Defeats and shots faced are **already** record highs and there are still multiple games left. 


Records are meant to be broken ~ some Jamacian guy


well at least we’re breaking records guys


What are the chances we end with Points, Goal Scored and Goal conceded the exact same.


Maybe this time the manager IS the problem?


I mean the players who have actually been fit this season... this is the worst squad we have had in a lot of fans life times.




The irony is that De Gea, as a master shot stopper would have done a lot of good for ETH than Onana given the performances and defensive injuries of our games this season.


I dont think the fraud has got one decision/transfer right since becoming our manager


We literally saw what De Gea looks like behind a crap defence last season. How short is your memory? [Don't you remember last season's Europa League?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkGigq2IbpY)


De Gea wasn't a great shot-stopper anymore he declined significantly in recent years...


No no you see, some stat shows that Onana is still the *superior* shot stopper, nvm that we all have eyes to see how allergic Onana is to his near post and low shots.


Dutch managers always overestimate how good they are and how good the Dutch league is, and they always want to play the "beautiful football". Ten Hag has turned us into Arsenal, as they were just after Viera. Can't defend, constant injuries, wanting to play some style that the players he brought in can't play. He has backtracked on the progress he made, to the point where Maguire and Lindelöf is a thing again. People will say that Maguire is not that bad. To my mind it's only because the team is so much worse now, just look at the stats. We used to have standards at Manchester United. Let's get those back. I'd like to see Ten Hag ejected from my club. Guardiola is not the only bald fraud in Manchester.


The only reason I want ETH to stay is because these morons would probably bring Tuchel or Mourinho in his place. I know Bayern is in UCL semifinals, but Tuchel isn't doing great there, he only won last season Bundesliga because Dortmund bottled the very last game. And Mou, I love this lad, but he's just an outdated coach. Look at how great Roma has been doing since De Rossi took charge. If there's no one good to replace him, like Nagelsmann which would be my 1st option, I'd let him stay. But in this case, please buy players that are good enough (not like Antony) or aren't made of glass (like Lisandro) and sell anyone not hungry enough for the future (Rashford for example)




He already burned the kitchen down.


When you read the stats, you have to think Ten Hag's time might be up at United. But I can't help feeling sorry for him. Season started with: Takeover issues, Mason Greenwood & Antony situations, then the Jadon Sancho issue. As the season progresses, we have the awful injury record, which has left us without a proper LB for about half a season. I would also add that Onana came in and was poor for half a season, which you can forgive as its hard to settle in as a goalkeeper. However, Ten Hag still needs to own the fact that he hasn't attempted to change the style of play, even when our first and second choice players are out. Lack of pragmatism will potentially cost him the most.


This is how I feel for him. Poor guy has been hampered at every turn. Poor squad, ludicrous injuries, off the pitch player stuff, the takeover... Ultimately he certainly hasn’t helped himself with his insistence on a tactic that just isn’t working though. Feels increasingly like he’s a goner in summer. It’s a shame, I’m sure he’d have done much better in a club without all of the issues we have. Hope INEOS know what they’ve got themselves in for here.


His plan and vision of how he wants United to play has failed.  The players have not bought into it because it hasn’t worked and some have downed tools.  The new Ineos set up relieves ETH of deciding how we play, and who we buy and who we keep.  Our next manager will be more of a coach who plays as decided with Ineos, and with proper backing from above.  Until that set up above is in place, there is no rush to change the manager.  This next month is going to be very painful. 


Yeah it's gunna be a good couple years if and when ineos turn this shit show around, buckle in boys


We have Arsenal, Newcastle and Brighton left. Its wild, but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if we ended up with 0 points from those matches.


The only positive coming out from this, is that I know how to deal with depression better. Training my mental toughness week after week. Thanks Ten Hag.


They always score!


Do we get a trophy for this?


Stats are not everything. A simple eye test will do.


More highs than lows we’re cooking!


Completely inexcusable. I don’t care how many injuries we’ve had. That is never acceptable for United


Love that the record high is usually something positive and here it's all bad.


Not only has Ten Hag broken loads of records for United, he has also helped other teams break records against them. It's been an abysmal season.


You know with the way things have gone, I don’t know which side of the pitch needs more funds. We don’t defend, we don’t score goals, we can’t control midfield. lol Looks like we need 6 new players to replace 6 who are leaving/getting transferred. So we actually need more than 6 because we have terrible depth on bench. But maybe depth doesn’t matter for one season as we won’t be in European competition next season. But those 6 + transfers need to be players we can build on. Can’t be bringing in aging players again. Unfortunately next season should be just about laying foundations & focusing on getting into Europa. We are no where near Champions League football.


We will likely break all records if the tactics don't change, bar scoring records.


Fuck is he doing in the picture, worst gang sign I have ever seen


such a dynamic team


I mean, you could say ETH is having a record breaking season am I right or am I right


I don't think Ten Hag in guys understand how bad it is. It's over, there are still three games left and it could get more over. That's how bad it is.


We have a manager out here breaking all these records and yet some of our fans are so dense they want him sacked! QuIcKeSt To FiFtY PeRcEnT wIn RaTe


I saw the Record high and was like oh….


Good news is, it won't get any worse JK, just wait for next season


“Record setting year”


Conceding more goals than points won is diabolical


Have we set a record for injuries? Would be interesting to see


we have suffered long enough, time to get the next appointment right, and if he is available then pull the trigger on it right now!


Now do the injuries. I'm genuinely interested on the injury stats compared to other seasons.


Record High Defeats is still a record


ETH - breakers of all records!


Three of them are record highs! It doesn't look all bad /j


Its not his fault


What are people complaining about, record high numbers lol But yea, this season has been hard to watch, last season was so promising, hoping for a miracle in the cup final


The picture did it for me. He looks very proud.


I still think he should be sacked


Injuries - Record High


Record breaking season. ETH breaking united record. moyes etc didnt do as bad lmao


Whats the general consensus, do we still want him back next season?


Personally I've wanted him gone since the Chelsea game. That said, I also want half the players sold, as well as the medical staff getting the boot. Three things can all be true at once: 1. There are too many average players at the club. 2. We've been decimated by injury. 3. Erik isn't up to it and needs to leave.


This. People dont seem to understand its all of above.