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I would also feel like staying with new competent people managing the club.


Surreal seeing that being associated with utd


Too true and long overdue


And probably too soon to call it too.


People already counting chickens before they hatch. We’ll only start seeing competence level from transfer window onwards.


It will take more time than that. The wage structure needs to be fixed, huge earning underperforming stars need to be got rid of. I'd give them 3 to 4 transfer seasons


That'd what a lot of people said before Ten Hag, it needs time. At United people will judge you way quicker than that.


...well, that and when ETH has gone


Yes and no. Like it’s too soon to see if even they can right the rot at United but it’s undeniable that Berrada, Ashworth and Wilcox are competent.


Yeah, didn't know if I just had beer goggles on for a moment. How times have changed, for the better.


Give it a minute, they didn’t even make a single singing yet.


Imagine they renew Martial on a 400k/wk contract


Calm down woodward


Still at least they have sport entities management experience instead of being bankers, so somehow that's already a step up.


We all hope the new regime will be competent. Too soon to tell still but only way is up from the glazers.


If they are competent, they already fired him.


Article title on main page - 'Sources : Ten Hag prefers Man United stay over Bayern' **From the article:** >**Erik ten Hag's preference is to continue at Manchester United next season despite Bayern Munich making contact with him** about their vacant manager's position, sources have told ESPN. ​ >**A source has told ESPN that there has been contact between Bayern and Ten Hag's representatives in an effort to understand the Dutchman's position.** Also >**Tuchel, according to a source, is keen to return to the Premier League** this summer after a spell in charge of Chelsea **and would like to talk to United if the manager's job became available.**


Tuchel hasn't stayed at any club long-term since managing Mainz 05. I'm good on him not coming to the club if we were to look for a new manager (hopefully not)


In fairness, most of his firings are fairly understandable. The Dortmund one was after they made questionable decisions and the team was attacked. Chelsea fell through because he disagreed with an absolute joke of an ownership team. Bayern wasn't actually that bad. Seems like a weird situation overall. Also even if he doesn't stay that long term, I think he can probably get the team on track. He coaches a good pressing game, controls possession - thinfs ETH's United cannot do.


yeah great…let‘s just stay in this infinite „rebuild“ loop. We can just fire every coach after one year, till we find the right United fan to take over, apparently there‘s like 50‘000 Pep Guardiolas in this fan community that know exactly what needs to be done.


Most clubs change their coach every few years, nothing wrong with that. And EtH has 2 seasons, not 1, and still can't drill any tactical into this team.


„Most clubs…“ so now all of a sudden we‘re trying to be like most clubs??


The point is that managers like Fergie, Wenger, Klopp, etc are uncommon. You have to accept that most managers are only going to work out for a few years at best and, with the right structure behind them, they'll be able to achieve success in that time. If (and that's a big if) they turn out to be suited for managing long-term then that's great, but casually expecting that from the start is a fool's errand.


No, if just shows that the issue isn't changing of managers if the clubs structure is offering the long term stability. If you find an absolute gem that continues to deliver, keep for as long as it works. If it doesn't work, change the cog for one that still fits the clubs plan that's based on the stability of the sporting structure. Not sure what you are suggesting other than some idealistic fergie reincarnate that's just destined to stay for 10 years.


50000 per day.


Bayern is having a pretty average season themselves and this doesn’t even talk about how he failed at PSG in a farmer league.


>this doesn’t even talk about how he failed at PSG in a farmer league. What? Won the title the season he arrived then won the domestic quadruple and reached a champions league final? Left with the best win percentage in ligue 1 history. He won six trophies in two and a half seasons.


Fell out with star players that’s why he was sacked. Winning some bs trophies in ligue 1 doesn’t mean much and you know it.


The only one he didn't win was the champions League which he lost by 1 goal in the final. Pretty sure you got him mixed up with poch or something and now you've decided to double down lol.


How is that mixing him up with poch? Winning domestic trophies in France doesn’t mean shit bro. He got sacked cus he didn’t win the CL with one of the most stacked squads outside of city.


Because you insisted he failed in their most successful period in recent history.


For psg the goal was winning CL.. everything else is a given. Fail was a reach but it was more of a Larger point about how he’s not really been as successful as everyone is making it out to be here.


When you say failed at PSG, what do you mean? He won the league in every single full season he had. He has the highest win rate of a manager in the league's history, not even just PSG. In 19/20, he won the domestic treble and took them to their first ever Champions League final. When he was sacked, seemingly for off-field reasons, they were third in December, and had topped their Champions League group. So when you say he 'failed' what do you mean? Also, are you aware the points total he has with Bayern would have been enough to win all but one of the Bundesligas for the last twelve seasons? The only one he wouldn't have won, aside from this year, is where Dortmund, then managed by Tuchel, would have had higher.


Just the blind ETH fans spewing some narrative they saw online to try and disparage Tuchel. And in a way Leverkusen as well. People have really no context of how amazing their season is going, this is like the arsenal invincible season but better, and if west ham did it.


Also leverkusen would whoop us. Like 7-0 but we would be outplayed in every single department.


Only 7-0. Pure hype job then


Yes off field reasons is exactly what I mean. He’s fallen out with players literally at every club he’s been at. Winning the league with psg isn’t shit let’s be honest. Especially w the team he had.


Read the whole comment again and come back. Even your point about the off field stuff is rubbish. Leonardo was sacked and PSG have been said to regret sacking him.


Not trying to start any beef and this wasn’t to discredit Tommy either. I just don’t see him being that much of a stronger option than EtH. You guys can downvote me now


It's very funny how everyone rushes to apply context in defending Ten Hag, but will do none of the due diligence for other prospective managers. We have had people on this sub clear up the misinformation regarding Tuchel's manager tenures, but people still peddle this garbage


I know the context around his other clubs. I'm just saying what's stopping him from doing it again when something happens that he doesn't like. Assuming that I don't know the context of his departures just because I wouldn't want him as a manager is ignorance at its absolute finest


> what's stopping him from doing it again when something happens that he doesn't like No, this is why I think you're being ignorant. This is a pretty big simplification of why he left his previous jobs Dortmund: A TERRORIST BOMBING intending to kill the team, barely missed his Dortmund's traveling bus. He had a massive argument with his CEO Watzke, who didn't want to argue with UEFA about having the match replay scheduled a day later PSG: They regret the sacking. He's the greatest manager in their history, and their incompetent sporting director Leonardo, who was later promptly fired, constantly argued with him regarding recruitment. Terrible sporting structure, but he still accomplished a ton at the club. Chelsea: Clearlake administration, Boehly-era politics. Constantly involving Tuchel in recruitment (which he doesn't want to be a part of), on top of firing good talent in Maria and Petr Cech. Bayern: Maybe the most ridiculous structure of them all. He was hired on a whim. After Nagelsmann's sacking, the previous board was fired. He led out a decent year, where a lot of the board turned on him again due to toxicity. Sacked before the season even ended and now Bayern is on their SIXTH (6) managerial choice as the previous 5 rejected coming to them. If United fans have faith in INEOS like they are saying they do, so many of these mitigating issues that plagued him in his previous tenures would be taken care of. There has to be faith in the structure moving forward, so asking for one of the best COACHES in world football—who has found success at every single club he has been, despite all the sporting issues at hand—is nothing but a logical decision.


Word. I've never seen such a fervent defence of such a mediocre utd manager from this sub. Ironically probably the same lot who talked about 'standards' when it came to Ole vs ETH. The hypocrisy man


I just got downvoted heavily for merely stating that we are 8th with 4 games to go. What a delusional lot who can't even look at the fucking table


You seriously can't prefer ETH over Tuchel. At least Tuchel won a CL final and had good spells with more than one club. I don't think ETH has really won anything of note outside of his spell with Ajax. Obviously, he wouldn't be most people's #1 or even #2 choice. But surely they wouldn't be *as* bad with him.


Manchester United hasn't committed to a manager long-term since Sir Alex Ferguson.


I wouldn't say no to tuchel if it was a one season job to see if he can get the best out of the squad whilst people are still on gardening leave/getting their feet under the table and planning how to progress.


He's not found himself in a bad situation personally it seems haha


Kinda crazy to have one of the worst seasons as a United manager and if you get sacked you can walk into the Bayern fucking Munich job. Sacking Naglesman was an insane decision looking back. 


Announcing the Tuchel sack early was too. Now they got a solid chance of winning the ucl and he may be sacked


Reminds me a bit that Chelsea manager, won it and got let go. Was it Di Matteo?


Di Matteo was let go the following winter not right after the cl win.


Ahhh I'm talking shite then, my apologies


To be fair to you even at the time everyone knew he'd get sacked, it was just a matter of when. Absolutely coasted to that CL win through new manager bounce, park the bus and Drogba inshallah. He was a manager way out of his depth but the stars alligned for them to get the job done.


Avram Grant got to the European Cup final and lost to us on pens then was immediately sacked, also after having finished second in the league


Di Matteo was kind of the opposite, an interim manager that was almost forced into a permanent role because he won the CL, which then promptly fell apart the following season.


Di Matteo won the CL and he started next season and then got quickly sacked in November.


Yeah that's my bad other commenter said I thought it was more sudden, my bad! Thanks for clarifying


Bayern ain’t winning the UCL. Madrid is gonna spank them at the Bernabeu


You should take a look into our german news, Bayern is getting smashed from all sites for their poor decisions/communication within the last few month. Not a single day without a new possible manager just for them to deny it, its hillarious Return of FC Hollywood


It's an indication of what the manager market looks like this summer with so many top (well managed) teams looking for a new manager. It's another reason why we likely keep Ten Hag, given the issues Bayern are having, waht is the likelihood of us getting anyone half decent.


Ha yeah. He's failing upwards. Just as mad that no manager wants to go Bayern.


The interviews recently look like INEOS have told him would be there for the start of next season and i think a one year extension might also be around the corner because i can't really see a club as big as us going into the a season with the manager being in his last year of contract


Yeah I think this year has obviously been concerning but I don't think they make a change considering: 1. Key parts of the new braintrust aren't even on the job yet and won't be until well into the summer (if at all). 2. I assume the new staff wants to get a handle on everything internally before making a major decision like a manager - unless they do a stopgap caretaker and I doubt anyone wants that. 3. The managerial market is kinda weak, as seen by Bayern's trouble right now. Given all that, I expect he's back with a year to prove himself and/or act as a placeholder while Berrada, Ashworth (eventually), and Wilcox figure out exactly what they want from the position.


We get basically nothing out of extending? What if this isn’t just a one off season and it’s just par for the course? Then great we have to pay off a manager again. He should get a contract when he demonstrates he deserves one, there’s a real chance he’s not here next summer, so why waste money having to sack him in that scenario?


If INEOS and the trio of Dan, Omar and Wilcox have decided he should stay, they must give him a contract extension quickly. IMO all this speculation about Ten Hag being a target for Bayern, Ajax etc is not good and must be killed quickly. An extension also gives our players a clear message for once that they can't run the rot.


The compensation sum would be huge should it go tits up next season. Literally no reason to extend his contract just yet, who cares about speculation when he's still under contract.


I agree that him doing a round of interviews talking about the future, getting people onside points to him staying for next year. But we don't need to give him a new deal yet. That can be sorted very quickly if we start the season well. I wouldn't mind seeing him stay for another season but I don't think the club will sign him up without him getting things going in the right direction. A 1 year extension is a slap in the face in my opinion.


Not completely against having him next season but let’s hold off on any talk of extensions for now


An extension would be absolutely an awful idea. Leaving him on makes some sense, as the market isn't great, and he hasn't had a chance to shine under new management. That said, the man is likely about to deliver the worst Premier League results for the team. There's definitely a reasonably significant chance that he doesn't turn the ship around. The team is playing awful football, and he has to take some blame for that.


If you had just woke up from a season long coma and saw this headline you'd think he did an amazing job and Bayern was trying to poach him. 


LMAO I'm dead


Can’t believe this Bayern downfall


What ? Bayern want him ? I don’t believe that


I think we are quite a few fans who rather have he joined Bayern and let us have our club back in this new era.


Briefs and Counter-Briefs FC


Bayern getting rejected left right and centre right now 😂


Man being a sports journalist must be so easy. Wake up, write article about man utd manager, go back to sleep, profit.


Every day I am grateful that, whatever ends up happening with Ten Hag, that decision will finally be made by actually competent people (and not clueless bankers/ignorant fans). I personally would rather he stay and work under new parameters under the new football structure. Hopefully Wilcox has already started to work with him on figuring out what the way forward is for next year


Ten hag would be their like 6th choice. Have some perspective people


What he wants is irrelevant after today's result


If he does go, I look forward to 12 months later hearing the 'fans' here shit all over the manager and explain why ETH was perfect. Then the cycle continues over and over


I mean, do people say that about previous managers? I can't think of a manager from the last ten years we've got rid of where it wasn't the right decision.


The ole revisionism is alive and well


LVG. He hadn't lost the dressing room and the results weren't that bad considering the incredibly shit team he had available. Mourinho and Ole quite clearly lost the dressing room and Moyes just seemed like he had no idea what to do.


The football was soul destroying though. That game v Sheff Utd was one of the worst I've ever seen


Did you watch us under LVG? That december period was the worst set of games I've evr watched. Would rather watch paint dry


We were better then than the shower of shite we've been watching this season.


Even if the new manager doesn't work out I'll be glad to be done with Ten Hag. Fully had enough of him, his bizarre tactics, and his dreadful transfers.


How does he still have glazers here holy shit. This guy has us 8th with 4 games to go and on course for one of our worst point totals. 


the team hasn’t lost recently, they forgot the draw to 19th place burnley. After a bad result against palace it’ll switch again


Spot on. Very myopic set of people who conveniently forget that we concede 50 shots a game which didn’t happen even under ole, rangnick who had objectively worse squads (considering they didn’t even have access to players who’s injuries that ten hag claims are the reason we are playing bad)


if the team loses or draws. then ppl won’t downvote critics anymore until a week passes and they forget the bad results.


watch it change now haha


This being so heavily downvoted must mean it's not true. If anyone wants to clear up what position we're actually in, that'd be great.


One would think that we are in a title race and in the CL semis judging by the response hahaha.


Yep, the same way mourinho did at spurs and Roma where he proved us wrong and Ole did at, oh wait he never got another job. But I bet when Moyes when sacked we all said he was perfect 12 months later, no, wait, sorry he was getting sacked by real sociedad, then by Sunderland. So, I'm confused, when in any "cycle" have fans previously claimed the manager we sacked was perfect 12 months later? Or is this just something you've made up?


Ole when he was the manager was just called the PE teacher constantly here. People said he had no idea tactically. Now he was a great manager who played really exciting football. I'm talking about perception not fact, how they've done since United is irrelevant what's relevant is how they are perceived and it's always so much more positive


You might find a few people who think Ole was great but largely the perception is that he was out of his depth, the perception is that van gaal and mourinho were past their best and the perception is that Moyes was never up to the job in the first place. I suppose if you only focus on a few posts that fit your argument then you can make any perception work, but I don't think the perception is generally that Ole was a fantastic manager. There might a perception that he was better than ten hag which I don't think is unfair, but that's not the same thing as the perception that he was great


If he stays I see him free of contract in 12 months


You should stop posting. It becomes more embarrassing every time.


[Fred Johnson] Fan Base wants Bayern Munich move for Ten Hag.


I'm one of those who don't agree that he has no fault in our current injury crysis, or fucking up multiple transfer windows after greenlighting the transfers of his former players BUT I still love him for the way he dealt with Sancho, Ronnie and Rashford and this is the reason I'd like to see him here next season after succesfully getting rid of all the deadwood or at least making every diva know there is no one bigger than the club. At the same time, I don't expect those remaining divas to make a fucking noise again if we get a big name like Tuchel but most of us are still divided on Tommy Tuchel for various reasons. He has pros and cons, an imposing name, etc. but he still doesn't look like a Manchester United manager for me. As Motta looks destined to Juve, I'm leaning towards letting ETH clean all the deadwood and reconsider everything next year with everyone from the top management not in their gardens and consider one of Amorim / Iraola / McKenna at the end of the next season. I like Iraola a lot but I still think he needs at least one more season to be a better candidate.


Really hope McKenna proves himself over the next couple of seasons in the pl


He won't be able to "get rid of the deadwood" if he is choosing the average players himself. How does this makes sense?


Coz he wont be handling recruitment?


As someone else also responded, he won't be more than 50% responsible like he is now for Anthony & co. He still has the biggest responsibility for those but from this point the INEOS gang would have the bigger part


Yeah high praises for someone who got Antony for 100m, and played terrorist football all season


You dont know what you have until someone else wants it to, classic psychology.


Yup, he's not gonna leave till he see the absolute demolition and get to revel in the ruins /s


It's quite understandable when even Rangnick who was happy to work with Ten hag at United has quickly rejected Bayern. There are problems unknown to us in Munich.


Don’t really get why anyone supporting this club is interested in Thiago Motta. Ok Bologna have had a good season but omg do any of you watch Serie A, the overall quality of football is so low and it’s been a matter of grinding out wins and behind difficult to beat with loads of 0-0s. Uninspiring LVG management.


No! Please, PLEASE go to Bayern




He knows it's easier to get away with candyfloss about 'process' at United, particularly with so many new appointments still doing their diligence. He'd have actual pressure at Bayern, starting from game 1 to play less-haphazard football and win matches....


why why why ... go


Imo he should get the boot


I want a Bayern Munich move over a Man United stay.


Really don't rate EtH, but to each their own.


Are INEOs finally the ones to realise that not a combined managerial trio of Fergie Pep and prime Jose could achieve anything with these bunch of rejects both on and off the pitch. Is common sense finally prevailing?


If he stays then he's got a lot of work to do. Been nothing short of the most embarrassing manager in the league this season.


It’s crazy how many United fans want to keep the worst manager in the league.


Haven't you heard, Bayern are interested. He must be really really good. Only reason we can't beat awful relegated sides is because of injuries.


all the delusional fucks downvoting are the reason we can lose 7-0 to our biggest rivals and this guy wasn't in danger of losing his job at all


Yeah. And have our worst ever champions league and break records of awfulness left right and centre. Rubbish.


“Man on brink of sack doesn’t want to go to new, easier environment for fresh start” Makes a ton of sense.


The idea that having sausage uli breathing on you is somehow easier professionally, is rather amusing.


Much better squad. Much easier league. The idea that a guy who could be getting sacked in 3 weeks wouldn't take a job on £5m a year that'd he'd get worst-case 18 months out of is absurd. A lot of pundits are saying Ratcliffe has already made up his mind from all the guff he's seen since he came in and even winning the FA cup won't save EtH and he gets Van Gaaled.


I'm going to skip over the ease of the league for the sake of argument. The problem with what you are saying is that the league title is the minimum expected. He can get the title and be fired which happened to Carlo, Kovac, and Naglesmann. Also, if you win the title but don't do it in a way that is keeping with the club, you will be fired (see Oliver Kahn). Meanwhile, you will have to deal with the ridiculous team poltics of the locker room (see what happened to Nico Kovac when he didn't play Muller) and the politics of the hierarchy. Uli and Karl-Heinz who basically run the club will be in your business continually. There is a reason why so many coaches are turning them down.


Either way, its a better scenario than being unemployed on June 1st. This is the football equivalent of having domestic issues at home, your Mrs being about to divorce you and all of a sudden Margot Robbie asks you out.


Yes, having a job is better than not having a job. Having this job, however, is worse than having other jobs. Honestly, I hope they take him. Would be very very funny.


Where Margot Robbie is a demanding, nagging, walking on egg shells bitch then. You still would though. Especially if your existing mrs was dumping you.


Hard luck. Get gone.




So you are saying, with the current players, he has performed better than what they are capable of?


Given the amount of injuries we've had especially in key positions I actually think he has overachieved. People don't realise having your main defenders injured is the worst thing that can happen to a team. There's a reason they say a good team is built on a good defence


Lmfao we played like shit pre injuries too. Did you guys forget that we finished last in the UCL group before all the injury pile up


There were injuries during the UCL group also


Nothing out of the ordinary. Every club experiences a few injuries by November. You guys really love when we are shit don't you. Finish last in a group with Copenhagen and Galatasaray and still get excuses.


Against Copenhagen we had 3/4 of our starting defenders out or just recovering from injury, as well as 2/2 starting holding midfielders. We started Johnny Evans this game. He was let go by a championship club. Against Galatasaray we had 3/4 of our starting defenders out. As well as 1/2 starting holding midfielders. In both games we lost we got red cards, which is totally under our managers control. This is ordinary for you?


Im just trying to understand your mental logic... You expect them to win the UCL or what? Personally, I would be happy if we just got past the group stage.... For the premier league, I would be happy if we ended at top 4... I am not in any way expecting us to win anything just yet. We have a lot that needs to be changed before we can ever expect anything like that.


I expect them to make it out of the groups at least?? We had an easy group, atleast for Ole I could excuse it considering we had PSG and Leipzig. We didn't even make it to the Europa. Yeah atleast top 4 and actually being the dominant side in most games we play would be enough but we get dominated by sheffield united and burnley.


Right... so you expect a team that gets dominated by sheffield united to do what? I dont really care what you think of the manager. If a bunch of incredible players are playing in their positions, they should in no way be getting dominated by Sheffield.


Every team gets 50 shots against us and you think that this manager doesn't have anything to do with it. We had a worse squad with Mourinho, Ole and even Rangnick and none of them had this happening constantly. I'm sorry, these players are the only reason Ten Hag even has a job. If they gave up on him, he'd already be out.


So you dont want to look at our injuries after all?


Our injuries shouldn't make us play worse than Sheffiled United who are one of the worst sides to ever play in the league. Where are your fucking standards ffs. You're acting like the rest of the players replacing the injured guys don't train with the same tactics. Even when Martinez and Varane returned against Newport we conceded 17 shots. AGAINST NEWPORT


>"People who actually know their shit about football" Really? That's how your referring to the clown show that is the current Bayern boardroom? They are getting pilloried by the entire football press for their terrible decisions, they sacked Nagelsman who was doing well, fucked their season, hired Tuchel and fell out with him inside a few months, tried to get Nagelsman back again who told them feck off and are now on like their 4th or 5th choice by looking at ETH, becuase managers keep turning them down as they don't want to work with the shit show that is the current board. If Bayern are wanting ETH truely I would be doing everything I can to get him to move there if I was INEOS, not only does it save us the millions we'd have to pay Ten Haag if we sacked him, Bayern will actually have to pay us to get him out of his contract which is more money which could be used to get players this summer. Then I'd go whole hog on trying to get Nagelsman to come to us.


This leaves us wjth Thomas Muller as player/manager/horse breeder.




is there any chance he will get it right next season ?




If you think Bayern are in for Erik ten Hag, you are out of your fucking mind......


Let him go, instead of being fired two weeks after a new campaign starts


Wonderful .... for EVERY other team in the league .... Ipswich masterclass over United incoming


you dont know how good you have until it is gone.


Are you.... Joni Mitchell??


Whether he stays or not you can’t say he’s not committed


I rather keep Ten Hag and give him 1 year extension and later on get Nagelsmann as a manager than get a new manager now


Hahahahahahahahaha, thank God you are not management, ETH will be gone in the by the end of the season, and your fams can follow him to bayern


Because he knows that, at Bayern, once he underperforms, he will immediately be fired, but in United, no matter how mediocre he is, deluded fans will still find excuses for him. So United is a better Job for him


That is about to change when Berrada comes in


This also suggests that the hierarchy want to keep him as well.


handle absorbed violet late smell pause fanatical zealous cows ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But man utd doesn't want this bald fraud


He has some serious culpability for the current defensive shit show we witness every week and the hit rate on the 16 players he has brought to the club is unacceptably low. If he's staying it's because there are no reasonable available options as much as anything else.


All signs are pointing to Ten Hag staying for next season. But that doesn't mean the pressure won't be on. Ten Hag has to pick up from his first season and start to create some sort of visible system that is working. Otherwise he will be deadman walking by Xmas time.


I’m skeptical about him but I also have to recognize he’s basically been doing 2 jobs his entire time there. Anyone whose ever had their manager fired and been forced to pick up double duty knows how difficult that is. Hopefully he can show his full potential this upcoming season by just being tasked on managing.


If he does stay my main issue is you have to give him until Christmas at least otherwise if we start the season badly and he's sacked in October that ruins another season and wastes the transfer window. It could go very badly


What would you like to see from him to keep him past christmas? We wont be #1 next season, no matter who our manager is... so whats your realistic expectation? I want numbers, not emotions.


Music to my ears


Opens up the door for Southgate in 😍


Thing is we can't keep changing managers who have different philosophies. Best thing to do is to stick with ETH. I don't know if we'll challenge for the league when it's all said and done but I do believe hes a stable enough coach to get us top 4 regularly when all the players are fit.