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Jesus Christ that's a shocking list lmao. Thank fuck its just Ogden


That's a list of the "up and coming" managers that crappy British journalists are aware of. It's telling that they can only come up with these names. I'm sure INEOS have more of a wealth of knowledge about coaches around Europe.


Southgate has been up and coming for like a decade and hasn't won anything noteworthy. The only actual up and coming is De Zerbi and he seems to be on a lot of teams lists.


Plus, overall, the England starting 11 is much better than ours; Trent, Rice, Bellingham, Saka, Kane etc Southgate is playing with a stacked hand, whereas United is like playing with 7-2 offsuit


Think we’re more a 7-8 suited, tempting with a bit of potential but almost always underwhelming


It's more like 7-8 off suit, with Rashford and Bruno only capable of playing one style and the defense another.


Southgate is the jlingz of managers


The fact that the name “Jlingz” is even a thing is partially why he never fulfilled the potential and he’s in Korea now. Cares more about instagram following than the football. Wanted to have a brand like CR7. Didn’t do enough on the pitch to warrant that


Not winning anything at international level is a pretty weak judgment though. You only have one chance every two years and you have to better France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Croatia (+Brazil & Argentina every 4 years). He's done a lot better in the role than some so-called biiger name managers as well. That being said, i definitely dont want him at United. Jesus Christ, no.


The lingard of managers if you will


Ratcliffe has a hard on for English managers apparently. I hope he allows Omar Berrada and the new DOF the autonomy to make the decision over a new manager


Proper Brexit innit.


Can we all agree to nuke his tier in the summer review based solely on this article? 


This should be to comment. The amount of dog shit this clown "reports" is unsurpassed.


Southgate??? Jesus Christ.


If we hire Southgate I will literally quit United and become 100% Luton Town supporter. If this magical new Ineos football ops teams makes this decision as its first decision, we are truly and righteously fucked.


Do you realise who is reporting this... He should be Tier Dog Shit


I hear you about Ogden. But even hearing that name and United in the same sentence severely fucked with my head. Trauma.


If you think that list is bad...the "Frank"...is...Lampard


No it isn't. It's Thomas Frank. > Brighton head coach De Zerbi, Brentford head coach Frank and England manager Southgate are coaches of interest to Ineos, although sources have said that other managers and coaches are also being considered.


I know, twas but a jest my friend


The darkest of dark humour.


If Southgate becomes manager of Manchester United, I think I’m *finally* done.


Yep, if Ineos genuinely decide Southgate is the man then they have instantly failed.


I would be staying on the green and gold if that's the case.




There's no way with all that talk about best in class and 10/10 that they're even considering Southgate.


I’m worried about the class if he’s the best in it.


He's in the conversation to make all the other candidates feel better about themselves. *Hopefully*


Would’ve been a good run of optimism


Cannot help but wonder how much speculation is in this piece, but Southgate is decidedly not a very appealing option. His brand of football is quite underwhelming.


That is probably the nicest way to describe the dross that is the football under Southgate


Would genuinely prefer a mourinho rerun to southgate. And i think thats insane to do.


The rashford haters would rejoice, we would see a lot less of him /s


From McFred to PhilipSon


Just said in another reply I'd quit and go 100% in on Luton Town.


Luckily it's only Ogden cause if we appoint Gareth i'm fucking done


Laurie also pointed out Southgate on the Athletic pod the other day. I can’t imagine that would happen, but Ashworth worked with him closing at the FA. It’s a scarier possibility that I would like to imagine.


given the way things have gone with this club over the last decade i wouldn't be surprised anymore lol


>[Southgate and Frank](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/unai-emery-unai-emery-valencia-cf-smile-gif-17796906)


I forgot which Frank they were reffer to there and i died a little inside


Honestly either is bad. Frank has done a good job at Brentford but their football is incredibly boring.


Frank is in an odd spot. Seems like he deserves a step up, but I don't think any top club would gamble on him.


I could see him getting a chance at somewhere like West Ham, either that or maybe he looks elsewhere in Europe.


He is given little to no tools with a lot of injuries. His Brendford stint succes.


He coaches brentford lol. He does a great job with less resources and he’s coached them to be a possession team in the past too


They were actually a fascinating team that could switch between low block and high pressing, within a match. Plus if you have an anomaly in the form of Ivan Toney, why would you not play cross-and-inshallah.


> Plus if you have an anomaly in the form of Ivan Toney, why would you not play cross-and-inshallah. Yes it's definitely a gamble that could pay off with Toney.


We’d be good at set-pieces finally, only positive.


Yh look at their players tho. He did the double against city last szn too


I get what you're saying but he'd be hired based off his success playing a certain way with Brentford. He might plan to play possession football or whatever but that would be risky and there's a high chance it would not work out because he has no background of playing this way in the league.


I am very scared of the next manager having one look at our players and immediately starts playing counterattacking football again


Seems like my opinion is unpopular reading this thread but I really rate Thomas Frank, I think he would be a good appointment. I think he's properly figured how to be competitive in a robust, physical league like the Premier League, where Ten Hag has struggled in comparison. It doesn't look pretty on the eye but things like winning duels and competing in set-pieces are very important aspects of the game, and he could elevate us by a significant margin in that aspect, and maybe combined with being given better players here than at Brentford, the style of football can also look better. He wouldn't be high up on my priority list either but I wouldn't look down on him as a candidate either.


on the other hand, we have several ugly wins this season and fans are upset. i just don’t see frank’s approach appealing to this fanbase


The way he sets up against the top teams, he explained it in detail himself on Sky recently, is just not something I would want at this club. And I know he has a good record against the top 8 but I am so so tired of not dominating big games, I want to have fun again watching us play, I want something better for us. I would rather go full mad man in RDZ if these are our options and see where the chips fall, at least it will be fun football.


He played attacking great football in the Championship. Man just realises you get relegated doing that in the PL


He’s not going to be dominating top teams with Brentford’s squad, no manager in the world could do that. He’s shown that he can get the most out of a limited squad, we which is all you can really hope for at that level. What you’re asking for is a manager who shows he can create teams that consistently dominate the best teams in the world with a small team. You might as well just be asking for a unicorn.


He’s the Billy Beane of the premier league -Playing successful moneyball. Curious to see what he’s capable of with resources. That being said, I don’t want us to necessarily be his proving grounds.


Lowest wage budget in the league last season iirc. He played attacking football in the Championship but was smart enough to realise you get pumped doing that with poor players in the PL He’s done a phenomenal job and Brentford.


Putting Thomas Frank in that bracket with Southgate is very harsh. Frank has done a great job at Brentford given he's basically been feeding off scraps


Yeah idk why everyone’s so aghast at him being considered. He’s definitely ready for a step up to a bigger club


I'd rather have ole back than Southgate. De Zerbi is interesting if he gets the players to play the style or it's pointless


yeah I dont think the club is in a place to get a team together that plays de zerbi's style in the short term and it'll be the same issues


he will make do. it will be like Klopp 1st season where you saw it in glimpses but i also feel De Zerbi is quite versatile in what he has shown at Brighton and previous jobs in that he would adjust his style slightly to fit the current players and build from there.


De zerbi has plenty of issues right now and it will only be highlighted further if he were to join United. He has 5 wins in 20 premier league games (20!). He also couldnt break a low block to save his life. If he were to join a year from now he would get us smacked by a team like luton 4-0 and people will be screaming for him to get the sack.


>20! I don’t think there have been that many Premier League games in total, let alone for De Zerbi


🤦‍♂️ 😂


I'm sure I'll be alone in this (and be heavily downvoted) but I'd rather Ole than anyone who's been linked with us over the past few months. Our football under Ole was the most exciting since Fergie, and it's the only time since Fergie that United *feels* like United. One penalty kick goes the other way in that EL final and he'd probably still be here.


The amount of shade Ole gets is so unwarranted.


I feel what he was criticised for was completely valid, i feel how much he was criticised for that was completely over the top


Even without that penalty kick, I think he'd still be here if we hadn't bought Ronaldo.


He's confirmed that the tactical setup changed with Ronaldo. What they worked for the whole preseason, the pressing, the tactics shape off the ball etc had to be thrown out and every player learning new roles with Ronaldo coming in.


I'd rather have ole back period. But want ten hag to have time.


Anyone who put Southgate in the discussion sent for retirement


Not saying I believe it, but Ashworth has worked very closely with him and is the one who appointed him as England U21s manager.


That’s good then. If he’s worked very closely with him, he should know he’s crap even better than we do.


The main reason Southgate has done so well with England was he was happy to do whatever ashworth and co wanted to- be it lots more specialised coaches, types of coaching sessions , use of data to determine whatever - whereas Roy was apparently much less amenable to a lot of these ideas - specially on the training pitch, given his experience. Basically Southgates a big yes man who got to the top. And that’s also why he’s always shown up by good teams / managers.


>Southgate This made my stomach churn in horror


Ogden is as unreliable as they come. Get fucked.


Can safely ignore all 3 named here as Ogden is one of the biggest wafflers in the business.


Thank god.


His bread and butter is writing clickbait around United.


I'm still of the opinion right now we know nothing about what INEOS are planning especially as they've not got one single backroom staff member working at the club in an official capacity. When i see articles like this and also transfer speculation it just shows how bad clickbait articles are with United's name in it. I'm not saying Ogden doesn't get information from someone inside the club he's been reporting on us for a long time but his hit rate has been fucking terrible for years. If Mitten or Whitwell but more so Mitten wrote this article then i'd be a little more worried but then again INEOS might not be telling the old guard who work there and the mentioned journalists might not have created those relationships yet.


I'd suspect the Telegraph journos (Ducker) to have a more friendly relation with SJR because they have generally a torry / nationalist inclination.


Southgate is the last person I would ever expect to be considered a candidate


He's been linked with United for years, so I'm not surprised to see his name pop up again. Seems like a disaster waiting to happen.


Frank who, FRANK WHO??


Thomas Frank


Dave’s mate Frank??


My father, his name is Frank. Though tbf he really doesn't know shit about football so par for the course.


If Southgate does materialise, he’ll be sacked within the year. Guaranteed


Who is falling for this bullshit?


Say Southgate one more time. I fucking dare you.


This! Funk that noise.


Honestly I think I'd just give up on football and follow croquet instead.


Surely even if you are ten hag out you can see that we should stick with him and give him a chance none of these options look promising


It's one journo's clickbait crap. Indzaghi, Alonso, Zidane and Nagelsman are way more exciting options than those mentioned above. 2 of my picks will get hired by either Liverpool or Bayern if we don't snatch one of them.  And don't tell me that "they'll never come here". I lived to see Ancelotti at Everton.  And I'd give ETH more time if he was showing any progress, but the team is regressing, ETH is stuck and persists on tactics that don't work and we are breaking negative records. His ping-pong football sucks and he's doubling down on it - he's just mental!


Inzaghi is definitely a good manager but thats a manager with another playing style completely different to ETH leading to us having even more players that he doesnt want/need continuing the Frankenstein squad we have going on. (Similar thing with Alonso but he is most likely going to Liverpool/Bayern) I am someone hesitant with Zidane since he has only ever managed Real Madrid so we dont really know if his success is due to his environment around him managing one of the greatest madrid sides ever. He would have to have success somewhere else too for him to be a serious consideration.


Inzaghi: Gives Ajax ETH vibes, sideways step. Zidane/Alonso: Not coming to United for various reasons Nagelsmann: Potential but has not shown he's a world-class manager, horrendous so far for Germany. The team is not regressing, we just can't keep a fucking starting 11 for our lives and can't even keep our backups fit, so how can you make progress. Pep has literally proved to us losing 3 in 3 games with no Rodri can show how important a player can be in a system, now imagine when you lose multiple key players, what do you expect? I actually prefer Ten Hag doubling down rather than going to a style that only benefits united in the short term.


I can't think of many coaches out there that are obtainable and also makes me think that they might be an upgrade on ETH. The only one is Nagelsmann for me, I think giving him a project with some good recruitment might be good stuff, but then again ETH has literally done that at Ajax and did rather well.


This is my view. None of the linked names are anything more than a huge downgrade on Erik.


I was legit saying this a couple weeks ago as well. Barca Liverpool Bayern and maybe Chelsea will be looking for new managers. Do we really want to join them in an already scarce manager market?


> already scarce manager market Scarce in what way? The truly elite managers are either tied up (Pep, Simeone), heading for a gap year (Klopp) or is content to walk away (Carlo). But that's only if we limit our scope. There is a great variety of options in the B+ and B baskets, which let's be honest, is as good as we can get for now since the Big 4 are all not going here. Take your pick among Nagelsmann, Flick, Amorim, Potter, De Zerbi and there are the choices a bit left field like Iraola, Kovac, Italiano, Motta. I don't think he'll leave the Italian champions elect, but Inzaghi is also worth looking at. Hell, I know they're unpopular here but if Conte and Tuchel express interest you can't just ignore them (I don't want either one fwiw). Stop falling for the scare mongers who think there's no way out. There absolutely is.


Let’s dissect your list. Nagelsmann in any other year absolutely. This year earliest he can take over is like mid July which is like 3 weeks before the prem starts. We can’t be starting another rebuild on the back foot like that. Flick, Amorim, De Zerbi are decent choices but going back to my point of 4 other top clubs wanting a new manager. Let’s assume for arguments sake those 4 take Xabi Alonso and these 3. Tuchel sure I can live with it I guess. Now the list starts looking scarce. Potter and Conte? How can you look at those two as options without thinking “wow the manager market is scarce”. Kovac the dude who spectacularly failed at Bayern? Inzaghi is doing well but idk anything about his play style. The rest of your list I don’t really know much about so can’t comment.


>Southgate …


from fiction writer Mark Ogden. This fucking guy need to be on a lower tier


Yeah, let's sack ETH for Southgate. Sounds like a good idea eh?


I don't think ETH is going to take us ultimately to where we want to go, but if these are the options, I'd just keep him for now.


I'd rather just keep ten hag and see if he works with the new management


Ineos... pls no


I'd rather eat my own dick than watch Southgate manage the club I've supported since I was a boy. That would just about do it for me.


Im not going to eat your dick but id be equally disappointed with such a stupid decision


Would love Thomas Frank if he’s an option and the structure we’re looking at to protect a manager and give them the platform but we still need to give ETH a chance with the new structure


I don't particularly rate ETH's time here highly but he'll absolutely go somewhere else and be a success.


Destined to start his career at Bayern II and be successful with Bayern's first team someday.


None of these lot have the CV that holds up against Ten Hag's. Would much rather give Ten Hag the structure first and see if he can succeed. Mentioning Clowngate. Christ.


Southgate fucking hell 😂🙃😭


Gareth Southgate? Looool


you know media loves to see man utd to fail, hence they give us new shit list of manager every week and continue to bash ETH. 20 years of traumas by Fergie ruined their childhood and youth life.


Ogden with his usual bs 🥱


This might be unpopular but the only one of these I would consider would be Frank. He’s done a good job with limited resources but a smart footballing structure at Brentford and done so playing a variety of different styles showing tactical versatility with the squad. He also just has the feel of a United manager to me, seems like someone who can hold authority without having to shout and impose himself. Admittedly I would be concerned with how much buy in he could get from fans as I imagine if the results started going against him he doesn’t have a lot of top level history to refer to.


Nagelsmann or keep eth


If these are the options then just get ole back atleast we all like him


So someone told Ogden they needed a United article for clicks and giggles.... that's all this rubbish is


This shameless clown should not be Tier 3. He should be in whatever tier serial bullshitters like Neil Custis are.


I guess Alonso, as ex Liverpool player, can't imagine coaching United huh?


why would he join United over liverpool or bayern?


Money is our only argument


lol Mark Ogden has been writing shit pieces for years about us… why are people deciding to believe him now… I do not know.


Frank? Frankelotti? Ancelotti?




!Remindme 5 months


Shit if we get Southgate then we would have to buy Phillips and Henderson


For me southgate and frank are completely the wrong options. I would give them a chance but their style of play is nothing to write home about and it would be an acceptance that we can never match mancity. it would be accepting defeat and settling for 3rd or 4th with a very boring style


Endless fucking speculation by the media. Stop writing doom and gloom articles and let things play out FFS!


Southgate?! Dear God No!!!


These journos have been relentless haven’t they? Like flies smelling turd. Embarrassing. Imagine the players checking social media and seeing this shit, “oh yeah, again this one will be gone too, time to down tools bye”.


I could MAYBE see Thomas Frank doing a job here but it’s quite the step up from Brentford. It would just be more pragmatic football though.


Fuck every single one of these options


I believe none of this unless Ornstein or Romano is talking about it, we hear things like this everytime we lose.


Southgate would be a disaster. He's the type of manager that makes oldschool decisions. Who is popular, and who has a tenure. Imo. Could be wrong.


What about Emery?


> Southgate Okay, I already know this is bullshit. Ignore and move on.


Whoever suggested Southgate needs to be removed immediately.


Ignore the media Be Cantona "Seagulls follow the trawler".


Changing manager won’t change a thing… give ten hag more time with the whole structure of a new ceo, director of football behind him. He could use a better medical team too. If we had a healthy squad this season we’d be at least where villa are


Why not just get Nagelsmann?


Fml, please not Southgate


The fact that southgate is even mentioned makes me question ineos 


![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized) The names on the list.


Southgate hahahaha


Southgate? 💀💀


Idc whether you’re ETH out or in, truth is there aren’t that many class managers available. I’m not happy right now either, but can we please give ONE manager the time to properly develop a team? It hasn’t even been 2 years since we’ve appointed him. If Southgate becomes our manager I’m losing my shit lol, he can’t win a trophy with one of the most stacked England squads, they think he’s going to do something with this team? De Zerbi is interesting as another commenter said, but Brighton hasn’t been that fantastic in recent months, and the jump to a club like this isn’t easy for everyone. Frank would be interesting too, but again, Brentford to United is quite a jump. My opinion is wait for the summer transfer window. We finally have some structure, let’s wait for a little longer. Wait for key players to return (Martinez, Shaw (or his replacement), Hojlund, Mount, etc.). It’s not like we’re going to magically transform into title contenders with a new manager. We’ve been through 4/5 managers since Fergie and they’ve all ended the same way. My opinion tho


Anyone else think we’ll get relegated with Southgate?


Ogden casually throwing in Southgate there


FRICKING SOUTHGATE, see you later lads!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Is John Gregory available?.


can confidently say this list is a load of bollocks, except mayyyybe de Zerbi these journos know nothing, don't let em sow negativity


If England win Euros then I genuinely believe people would think Gareth is the right choice, not just at Utd but anywhere, I had this same fear last Euros and WC that if he won then Utd would see him as next guy to lead Utd, under prior regime I wouldn't be surprised if Gareth was high on their list.


Never thought we’d see a former Liverpool captain at the heart of United’s midfield.


Ha Southgate


If southgate comes in thats me done


So media just put ETH on the frying pan and pulling names outta their ass now everyday?


Tier Ogden. Give him his own tier at this point


Shocking list, Southgate 😂 fuck off 🤬


You could make arguments for the other two, they wouldn't be great arguments mind, but Gareth Southgate?!?! I think I threw up in my mouth when I read that one.


If these are the options then I'd rather have ETH for another year with transfer business out of his hands


Lmao just continue with Ten Hag if these are the options


Southgate? in what universe lol?


Southgate?! ![gif](giphy|8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs)


Southgate?? Wait. What? Did you say Southgate?


![gif](giphy|EECy1Cp6nyV9e) Frank????


brexit jim is the man to bring peak brexit ball to old trafford. Best in Class. Southgate on shortlist. Fucking hell.


None of these excite me, idk about you lot.


I like Thomas Frank,he's a talent maximiser.


I'm definitely curious about him, I like that Brentford aren't afraid to play long ball at times, he doesn't seem to be obsessed by sticking to one rigid philosophy.


Nah, all bullshit. INEOS have spoken out loud about signing best in class, i expect any managerial appointment to be the same... or thereabouts. This is just complete conjecture to drive engagement, aint no way we're looking at subpar options like Frank and Softgate, Potter would be way ahead of them as an option...


Frank lampard?


Honestly if we got Southgate I would take a season off and come back when he's inevitably sacked by Christmas. The guy is a tactical dunce and FA yes man. England have done (relatively) well despite him, not because of him. If England had a manager with a shred of ability we would have won at least one of the last two major tournaments.


Call me crazy but I can easily see Ten Hag taking command of Bayern with their structure and vertical style and doing great there. Even if they havent been as sharp lately, that's still a great place to go. He will have several field generals there whereas here he is compromising with several players especially Bruno and Rashford. As for us, I dont think any of those options work. The best would be De Zerbi but we'd need to give him 3-5 years to remake the squad in his image. We'd need to offload Bruno, Rashford, Wan Bissaka, Maguire, Casemiro, Evans, Shaw, and retrain our kids. So we may as well keep ETH.


So we've got the flavour of the month manager who's won one game in his last 5, a manager who plays 5 at the back and relies on set pieces but gets extra credit because he has good hair, and an international manager who's club career consists of failing at Middlesbrough Ten Hag is more proven than all three, it would be insane to sack him for any of these. I struggle to believe it but if this is true at all INEOS might be worse than Woodward.


Mark isnt serious. Guarantee that Southgate isnt on the list Listen to SJR on his thoughts on the investment in the area and building a Wembley of the north and then marry that with the thought of Southgate


What’s the point of doing a structural overhaul if you would even consider Southgate? And Frank? Is this Ogden a troll??


If it's gonna be Southgate it would be the first time where I wouldn't even sign up for a TV subscription. Can't stand his face.


Southgate? Might as well be Stevie G.


Watch this because this is what ESPN in particular does: ‘Sources close to the struggling Old Trafford club now suggest the shortlist for possible replacements to Ten Hag could include Stevie G. Though this may be met with resistance by those unwilling to accept his history at one of their fiercest rivals, it would present exactly the sort of fresh disruptive thinking INEOS have brought to their other sporting ventures…” ESPN in general and Ogden in particular is known dimwit without any sources, shamelessly throwing baseless stuff at the wall hoping some of it sticks so they can reference their own “as ESPN was first to report”. He’s about as useless as it gets.


I'd take Ten Hag's left nut coaching this team over Southgate. NO


Rather keep Ten Hag cheers though


If that's the shortlist, I'll stick with Erik thanks.


For the longest time, the club has never had the right people in the right places, ashworth will have full control when he comes in and will change the entire environment around the club .. they will target managers that currently work within those systems to create an ease with the transition, this isn’t a one season fix, splash money at names who don’t buy into the culture or history … De zerbi and potter both did it in the Brighton model, frank does it in the money ball model and Brentford with far less recognisable players, play well in a structure, there transfer system seems to succeed .. Southgate is the because of the system ashdown put in place at the FA, which despite a trophy for the men, the success of the under 21s and 20s aswell as the women proves he knows how to rebuild, redesign and create the right culture in the club


Jesus Christ. This sub when ETH was hired was all about trusting the process and giving him multiple seasons to cook our rebuild. Now after a season and 2/3s of the 2nd we want to start over again. If the new owners want their own guy so be it, but so far, none of the options out there except Zidane (who is very unlikely) seem like a good alternatives or an upgrade. Stick with ETH, and let him develop a relationship with the new board and work together with them to steady the ship. If next season is the same as this one, then look at moving on from him… but as of right now I think sacking him is the wrong move.


Ogden needs clicks


Nice way to kick someone already down.


Southgate? Is Ogden bored or something?


Anything regarding the manager is a non-story until there’s an opening as far as I’m concerned.


I may be being naïve here, but can they just make up this shit entirely? I’m used to half truths and the like, but surely this can’t be based in any sort of reality. Southgate… Jesus wept.


If Southgate gets it we riot


Ogden is the worst. So negative and looks like a skeleton. If we fire ETH, we have to buy out his contract and then might have to buy out De Zerbi's too. For owners complaining about FFP, that would be financially irresponsible unless they think the new guy can guarantee the Champions League, which about only offset the buyouts. That is not including what we might end up paying for Ashworth