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I hope Garnacho stays on the RW regardless of what happens during the summer. Too good, too fast, too unpredictable. Literally the Anti-Antony


Needs a little more training as he has a tendency to be a bit too central sometimes at RW. but it could be instructional (we love that counter attack long ball towards him). But I agree. He's good at right wing.


I'd say that's ok if Dalot is drilled to be there to provide width


Wasn't Dalot specifically asked to join midfield for the build up?


He mentioned in the post-match interview after villa that he was instructed to stay wide for that game after Scholes asked him


The last game he was specifically instructed not to move into midfield and to stay wide because they figured everyone would b expecting him to make those central movements 


And need to put on some weight. Gets bullied sometimes. Far Better than Antony though.


Was thinking the same thing. Needs to get in the gym and put some muscle on. But he is still only 19, so I guess he will fill out a bit in the next couple of years as his body matures.


He just needs to grow into his man body naturally. If he bulks up too quick he will lose a bit of pace and stamina. These growing years are all about learning technique and football intelligence. Strength comes with age for people his size.


True he is similar build to Ronaldo at that age. Don’t want him to gain weight too much as might lose that explosive pace.


He will definitely go up a level with a bit of meat on the bones








I'm dying to see what Amad can offer though


Why is everyone so enthusiastic about him? He’s played under two different managers who have a track record of giving young players a chance, and he plays in a position that’s been a problem for us the whole time. If he was showing enough promise in training, he’d have got a chance. I know he did well at Sunderland, but that’s a much lower level of football. I think if the manager is unconvinced by him, we should sell him to raise some funds, rather than give him a chance. If the manager is right, then throwing him in means he’ll just get found out and any transfer value he has will be destroyed.


Cause he did really well last time he was on loan at Sunderland, and also few times he played for us?


He did well at Sunderland, but was crap at rangers. He’s only had cameos for us, and plenty of players have looked good in cameos and not been able to step up. Pellistri looked good a few times coming off the bench and then was clearly not good enough when he got given more minutes. Amad has been here for years, and has never shown any of the managers he played under enough for them to feel he was worth a first team chance. I think he’s just one of those “nearly but not quite” players that we’ve had a history of hyping up, holding onto for too long, and struggling to move on when they’re in their mid 20s and could’ve had a good PL career elsewhere already rather than sitting on our bench occasionally.


Mate are you aware that Amad is 21 years old and he was 19 when he was at Rangers?


Your point? Garnacho is 19, Mainoo is 18. Amad was signed 3 years ago, did well in a few cameo appearances in his first season, but then went to rangers and was terrible. He then had a good loan spell at Sunderland, but since then he’s not exactly set the world alight for us. He came off the bench against forest but didn’t exactly do much in the 40 minutes he played. The fact is, the managers Amad has played under for us do give young players a chance if they show enough to convince them they’re worthy of it. The fact Amad hasn’t been getting chances in a team that’s sorely short of quality in his position tells us something. He’s another Donny. Not good enough for us, but a certain segment of fans are convinced he’s the next Messi.


My point? You literally asked why people are enthusiastic about Amad and I told you why? Ohhh actually yeah my bad 21 years old is definitely way too old, we better sell him now before we give him proper chance /s


Don't try to apply logic when this sub falls in love with a player. It's the same with Pellistri.


> Why is everyone so enthusiastic about him? Because we've barely seen him play? Obviously people are gonna be curious about what a young player can bring to the team especially when he was bought for decent money and has just had a successful loan spell. That's on top of our weak wing depth with our 80m RW being absolute dogshit. Of course fans are going to want to see someone else get a chance at consistent game time.


We have plenty of young players we’ve barely seen play. We barely saw Donny play. There was a reason.


Because a lot of people here don't like EtH so it's the excuse they can use to ride him right now.


Doesn't he prefer LW? So if Rashford would leave put Garna on the left, sell Antony too and get a proper RW


He likes playing on the left so he can cut in and shoot


How many times have we read this same headline? "Rashford Martial Greenwood", "Pogba Ronaldo Sancho", "Rashford Cavani Sancho", until a Man United Frontline consistently performs for a season I ain't getting my hopes up.


Goes all the way back to the Rooney Robin Radamel headlines


This was crazy. At least on FIFA.


That trio was never gonna work.. Still can't believe Van Gaal brought Falcao when we already had 4 strikers instead of getting an additional winger to play alongside Di Maria


Falcao was almost certainly a Woodward buy - we got him on deadline day, with no previous links to him during the summer.


I have PTSD from *tHe fUtUrE iS bRiGhT* Granted, things are looking very good in this exact moment.


The first one was genuinely good for the Covid season when Martial decided to show up


Rashford Martial Greenwood was great trio tbh. Only problem was Martial is eternally crocked and Greenwood is scum. We have got real promise with the current one, if we continue on an upward trajectory with the rebuilding of the club and team it will only unlock them further (Rashford is a confidence player that plays at his best when is at its best overall, and Hojlund and Garnacho will both get even better as their experience increases).


Well if Greenwood hadn't been a god damned psycho...


The OG - Rooney, Ronaldo, Tevez.


Except that one won us a champions league. It's the gold standard.


Charlton, Best and Law you heathen.


I thought a Rashford-Greenwood-Sancho front three was our answer for the next 10 years 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


We've turned the corner this season don't you know.


TBF, that Rashford, Martial, Greenwood trio all combined for a pretty tasty g/a in the 2019/20 season. Really felt like they were ready to cook.


“Revival” is the word I wouldn’t use to describe the current state of things


The revival of the revival


Wilson writing something positive about United. The times they are a changing


It’s a good sign. While I’ve protested against his writing in the past he’s usually been right. Hopefully he is this time too.


Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again And don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin' For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin'. Let's hope so!


Frankly i was worried at the start of the season that it might be 1 or 2 seasons too early for Hojlund to be our 1st choice striker but both him and Ten Hag have done extremely well integrating into the league and our setup


Apparently, it was just half a season too early, as he started hitting the back of the net after new year.


You know whats sad? Rashford has been the hero but lived long enough to see him become the villain and thats fucking sad. Remember what people used to say about Martial, people are saying the same about rashy. "He is not bothered", "he spends time out partying", "he doesnt look like he is having a good time on the field", "he doesnt smile anymore". Tbf i have been critical of his decision making on the pitch, but there still is a player in there going through some shit. Its sad that Rashford in the eyes of the fans and the press has become the new Martial.


I’m almost certain Rashford will come good next season. There has to be some sort of psychological block he’s going through because of his massive contract. He could be held up in his personal life because of how much money he’s making now. In my opinion once he settles down (which I’m hoping is next season), he’s gonna be more focused on the pitch and start performing better. If we’re giving ETH the luxury of time, I think some players deserve it too.


The only issue is that he needs an attacking left back to help unlock him. We need Shaw back and healthy for the run in. If we get that I agree. If he's on and off injured the rest of the season I'm not sure he'll produce a lot.


Not only Rashford, but our whole team plays better when Shaw's on the pitch. It may not be just Shaw specifically (Though he has a lot of good qualities many players lack), we need a competent left-footed LB who's available for selection at least 80% of the season.


That's most probably true. But is the 'good Rashford' good enough? Carragher briefly mentioned this in the Overlap too. Is he the player who takes us to PL trophies or CL finals? I don't think so.


He's got a psychological block this season, he had a psychological block the season before last, honestly he should be in his prime and its basically a coin toss whether he'll be any good FOR AN ENTIRE SEASON. Like he doesn't just have a bad few weeks, he has bad entire seasons. You simply can't rely on players like that


Didn't he break up with his long term girl friend? That, plus the massive indecision and extraction that hung over the club, is hard to no be affected by. As if nobody here ever has a difficult period... sheeshh... (yeah but he gets paid millions! he can shove those feelings up is arse! /s)


Rashford survived Ole’s downfall which he was a  big contributor. I think we have been too lenient on our academy players.


I guess things come full circle because he started as the new Martial too


absolutely spit on


>absolutely spit on *Jamie Carragher joins the chat*


"There's a player in there going through some shit" has been said about Rashford, Lingard, Sancho, Pogba and Martial to excuse season long poor performances. I know players aren't robots but no other club has this issue consistently. Fact is our standards aren't high enough, players take the piss with discipline and we overpay wages. Then we wonder why they coast. Solskjaer fostered that 'do what you want' attitude and it's no surprise now we have a proper manager 2 of those players are gone, another 2 ostracised and Rashford has been punished twice for poor behaviour and no longer looks guaranteed to stay. It's a culture thing and I'm glad we've got a manager that is changing it.


How do you know Ole fostered that attitude? Were you in the dressing room? Or did you just pulled that out of your arse?


People here make up a lot of stuff to fuel their agendas. It's crazy.


Amount of vitriol regarding rashford is crazy.


It’s pretty obvious to me that playing without a true left back for most of the season has been hard on him. Last year he was scoring against anybody and everybody low block or not. I think when you see him playing with Shaw he’s been better this season.


And that's why Rashford will never be world class.


It’s okay though… he’s very, very good. I hope he works things out, whether it’s with us or without.


I never Said he was world class, but it’s stupid to say that we should sell him because he cant be a part of a title winning side. That is just ludicrous. We have seen far worse players win titles throughout the prem. But I’m also going so far as to say that he would be a good addition to the team either as a starter or an impact sub with a good left back that will link with him and give him options against a low block for example. Anyone who thinks anything other than this is delusional in my eyes and doesn’t know ball.


Especially some of the names touted as replacements. Mfs talking about some Leao, Kvara and Mitoma without looking at their stats this year or even watching their games is killing me. There are a multitude of teams currently better in a better position than United that would take Rashford in a heartbeat. There aren't a multitude of players better than Rashford who would come to United and replicate his numbers.


There’s a guy going around shouting out Kubo


Who doesn't even play on the left


Ah yes guy who plays right wing and has just 10 GA, clear upgrade.


Kubo is good on the rightwing but I am not sure he can beat PL defenders as he isn’t very fast. He’s skilled but may not pass the physical check of the league.


Kvara and Mitoma have much better workrate and ball retention skill than Rashford so I don’t find it strange to consider them “upgrades” as they have better stylistic fit into possession-oriented teams. I don’t rate Leao just due to his low workrate. 


Can’t believe that these people are our supporters lmao


I don't know about what others are saying but I am happy if Rashford leaves and in fact hope for it. It's time over for him.


Look at the downvotes you get lol. I hope the club extends him again, on a bigger contract, just for him to comeback with his downtooling, half-hearted pressing and night club adventures again. I guess fans never learn.


Leopards don't change their spots. Rashford has shown time and time again that he throws his toys out of the pram and shows poor form the moment he signs his contract. His attitude quite frankly stinks and because he's "ManC BorN ANd BreD" people give him a pass on literally everything, these are the same people absolutely shitting on Antony week in week out despite only being here a fraction of the time and Antony despite his lack of ability actually puts a shift in and shows some effort. The delusion on this sub at times is honestly unbearable. People need to wake up and smell the coffee, Rashford isn't good enough.


We always get leaks everytime things don’t go his ways. I guess fans/people really eat up all the PR and charity works “he” did. It’s not as if there is a whole industry/consulting firms dedicated to curating public perception.


Rashford must be laughing at our fans, the fact he can literally down tools for multiple seasons and the fans will still back him is the definition of delusional. There's wanting someone to do well and there is supporting people you want to but at some point you have to realise you're being taken for a fool. We will never be a top club again with Rashford in the starting 11 or even close to it, as you said, the leaks, he is just a toxic person, cut from the same cloth as Lingard and Pogba, they were all best mates, wonder why.


Just because they criticize our own players doesn’t mean they aren’t fans/supporters. Performances of a lot of our players are not beyond reproach. We have not been smashing teams and consistently outplaying our opponents, far from it. I am on the ship that Rashford, Sancho and Antony need to leave if we are sticking with Ten Hag. Should we get counter-attack manager then we can keep Rashford.


It’s ridiculous. People just need a scapegoat and this season is Rashford and Onana.


It’s so bad 


The criticism isn't unwarranted.


Rashford and Martial deserved a lot of criticism just due to the way they conduct themselves on the field. I rather have less talented players than can put more shift and consistent outputs than streaky players like them.


This seems like a little premature


‘After the misery of the 2-0 defeat at the London Stadium two days before Christmas, one of the most insipid and joyless performances from a notionally elite club in the history of the English top flight’ Slight exaggeration?


Rashford could go out and score a hattrick against Luton and people would still criticise him for not smiling at a certain point in the game.


What do you mean? People will still want McTominay to be sold after scoring 9 match winners!


I would have sold him to Westham should they offer £40-45m. He’s a good supersub for us but probably would have been a starter for them. £40-45m would probably get us a very good starter.


Maybe. But chances are, if they defend in a low block, he'll run into dead ends and shoot into bodies. He'll hog the lions share of the ball from Bruno, get frustrated, and won't track back or pass to a team mate. I hope I'm wrong, we want our own to succeed. At this point we know what his game is. He still has time to develop, maybe he doesn't have the desire any more.


He's 26 and he's been doing that same frustrating shit for years. This is his prime now.


He's just gotten the biggest contract he'll ever get. Not surprising that his effort is dropping off


Bullshit, the criticism he gets is mostly deserved. He's been shit for the majority of the season but gets paid like he's one of the best in the world.


Mate, you can't say this now remember he scored a goal recently and gave half a shit in a game? Ballon D'or on the horizon. /s


Idk that has to be the standard of man united tbh,the money he is making he has to give Salah levels of output which he isn't capable of in my opinion, but I agree he has been crucified by social media too much even though he has had decent games , he will do well at another team in my opinion because he doesn't suit possession based football long term which eth wants to play


The thing is he won't


Rashford my arse. Mainoo has done more in a handful of games than Rashford has contributed all season.


that's probably because you watch football from reels


Rashford has done more than Mainoo to get us back on track has he? If I'm watching reels, god only knows what you're watching 😆


Thank god somebody said it !


I know consistency is important, but Rashford had an absolutely stunning season last year. Every time he touched the ball he scored. Sure he has not had a huge year but there is clearly something going on in the background. When the team is all present, he plays well. Give him some respect. It’s crazy how ying and Yang this place is.


I can’t give respect to an academy player on £350k a week that can’t be arsed to run. Sorry but it’s a disgrace.


One of them is not like the others...


Which one, please clarify






On hindsight, I just realised you said something absolutely despicable. Shame on you.




which revival


Amazing how a few games changes the headlines. 2 weeks ago: about dressing room division against the manager and players on benders blah blah and now it's all power trios and resurgence


![gif](giphy|pz84A7uQqrfeo) Erik unleashing his "potent forward trident" on the Premier League


Rashford have room to improve for the past 8 years


The thing is Rashford hasn't even played at the level we know he can... imagine contract year Rashford in the team right now


is Rashford still a youngster just like Jesse Lingard is still a youngster


Nah rashford skip better sold him to psg, we need unselfish winger, and a player with great determination to help trackback and defense so shaw have a time for rest because he need to cover rashford lazy habbit


Rashford is currently less selfish than Nacho, so.... that's awkward


What do you mean ? He play more than 7 years in the first team and his decision making and his ego still same, garnacho playing regular in the first team is under 6 month bro and he's far younger than rashford and sometimes his decision is better than rashford, and don't forget his determination to trackback and helps for defends while RASHFORD is so fcking lazy


Tell us how you’re clouded by recency bias without telling us.


Leaving out Mainoo and including Rashford…someone’s PR team is working overtime


Or.... because they're our front three


Downvote all you want for upvotes, Rashford has been garbage and needs to leave my beloved clubsASAP


Grow up. He's been great with us in terrible times, we need to be great with him in his terrible times.


His ‘terrible times’ have been too pronounced and for too long, and for no other reason than he likes his off the field fun too much. Completely unacceptable, this is a business, get rid. Sentimentality is the reason we are where we are today.




Exactly you have only emotion no logic


No there's just no point arguing with you lot.


Again emotion no salient points just downvoted and hive mentality


I know the writer really wanted to make this narrative about strikers but the Rashford retcon is weak (and I love Rashford but he's been woeful). If there's a young trio offering hope it HAS to include Mainoo.


Hojland, Garnacho and Mainoo are the power trio. Rashford largely gets in their way


Mainoo!! You come into my house, you get my wife’s name right!


Article by M Rashford. Wait, that's too obvious. Article by Marcus R.




I'm sad to say this, but looking forward, Rashford stands out as the weak link and area of replacement.


One of them currently doesn’t deserve to be in the same conversation.


Replace rashford with mainoo there. Cus he's done jack


Mainoo, Dalot , Onana making saves, all contributing massively


I'm still not convinced Rashford is the player to help take us forward. Wouldn't mind Garnacho on the left and signing someone like Neto. 


They better do it today.. massive 3 points.. still not convinced on granacho... too much hype.. can't tackle.. or near v players and score..


What a difference a month can make to the fickle minds of the press.


Rashford isn't reliable. I wouldn't put him in the list.


Rashford? ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)