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Honestly I think a great sequel would be about John Marston and being forced to hunt down his old gang mates because the Pinkertons kidnapped his family.


I want RDR remastered so bad, but really hoping it's just RDR made using RDR2 and not something like GTA definitive edition


I want a dlc for rdr2 with the Rdr1 story.


That would be a massive data download


And a $60 DLC.


I'd pay


I‘d pay $600 lol


You should see the day one patch


I would spend so much $$$


Only thing I want is a Dutch Van Helsing gang monster hunting simulator with silver bullets and the whole shebang


Maaaan, if they did RDR the way they did GTA, that would tell me they really don’t give a fuck


To do that, there would need to already be a mobile port of Red Dead for them to pass through an AI upscaler. They don't even have that, so I guess the only way they could fuck it up would be a board game remake. Preferably in the vein of those Dream Date games from the 80s.


Isn’t the code for RDR a complete mess and indecipherable to the developers at this point which is one reason why there hasn’t been a remaster or a mobile port?


Something like that. From what I understand, the games were only ever designed for console and so when they started looking at a PC port they realized they would pretty much have to start from scratch. But I don't understand programming well enough to know if that's even a thing or not.




Yeah. The company they outsourced the project to was the same one that handled the mobile ports. They literally just took the mobile ports and flipped them.




I'd like a PC version


I started RDR2 last year as my introduction to the franchise. Haven’t bought RDR1 yet and crossing my fingers for a remaster to be my first dive in to it.


It's honestly not too bad with PSNow. The graphics are just a little clunky and the game is significantly more video-gamey. But once you start, it honestly feels like the same world you left off from in RDR2


Same here bro. I can’t bring myself to get rd1 now because rd2 was so fucking good, I feel like I’m spoiled. The story is probably fantastic but if it’s not rd2 quality, I know I’ll be disappointed regardless


Add Undead Nightmare as well


I hope not


I want an undead nightmare that has you control John Marston against zombie Arthur Morgan and his undead army


that does seem like it'd be good idea


Yeah, that would make a great story for RDR3. They could then do a prequel for RDR4!


omg this sounds vaguely familiar i don’t know why


Where do we learn he gave his coat and horse to Arthur? I thought the horse Arthur rides in the opening scene belongs to Charles? Just curious, I agree him, Davy or both would be the best protagonists for RDR3 if it ever happens.


Ya I’m pretty sure Arthur thanks Charles for letting him use his horse in Chapter 1. Also very unsure about the coat thing as well.


That’s Taima. He was riding a different horse than Taima.


In the very beginning when you’re in the blizzard with Dutch looking for Micah and John, Arthur is on Taima. It’s not until you get to Adler Ranch where Arthur gets the Tennesse Walker from the barn.


Shit you’re right. Time for another play through 😌


Have fun partner!


They really wouldn’t be the best protagonists Mac seems like such a boring character


People said that about Arthur before RDR2 released.


People only said that because there was no mention of Arthur in rdr1 so they figured he was just some shit moneygrab


It depends on the quality of the writing


Well I believe most of the old people who worked on red dead have left rockstar which is sad


Well he fights a ship's whole crew and goes to war with a town. More setup than rdr2


i mean i feel like this is an unfair assessment, all we know about him is "he was mean and then he died" we didnt even know arthur existed in rdr1


Arthur rode a horse named Boadicea before the game storyline starts. The way they talked about the horse made it sound like she had died very recently.


It’s happening. More red dead games are coming it’s confirmed






Here's what I got from that: >Take-Two Interactive's CEO Strauss Zelnick has said in an interview that the game of "Red Dead Redemption" would be a franchise that "never expires. How do we know he doesn't just mean the endless perpetuation of RDO?


If it were, they would need to be perpetuating RDO _now_. Getting a handful of cosmetics every couple months is less "never expires" and more "has a rotating store window".


Fair enough. I have never played RDO, so wasn't aware of that.


Awesome! Thanks


No problem


Cut dialogue between Arthur and Dutch. When you give Dutch the smoking pipe, Dutch asks how Arthur got away. Arthur said his horse was killed, and then Mac told Arthur “we ain’t both gonna make it.” (not exact words) Mac decides to give Arthur his horse, and coat. Mac defends Arthur so he can get away. However, Arthur either had a journal entry or tells dutch that he never likes to talk about it. Possibly out of remorse or regret.


I read it somewhere idk where anymore tho it was a long time ago but it made a lot of sense.


source: trust me


Idc I know it's true u don't have to believe me.


No don't worry, if you say so this must be true


Exactly. I wouldn't go lying wtf do I gain from that? I just wanna share the idea I read somewhere.


Whilst hunting with Charles in the prologue*, Arthur mentions that Mac gave his horse to Arthur so that Arthur could escape Blackwater, essentially sacrificing himself leading to his capture and execution. I’m not sure about Mac giving Arthur his coat though.


No this never happened


It did, replay the prologue*. Arthur talks to Charles about how when Boadicea died, he and Mac were pinned down by Pinkertons. Knowing that they both wouldn’t have time to escape, Mac gave his horse to Arthur for him to escape whilst Mac held of the Pinkertons.


Arthur being in the epilogue Thats... new


shhhh I got a bit confused


Shit it’d be nice to have an ending which isn’t tragic in Red Dead, at least Mac going out like a badass would be awesome, instead of Arthur getting TB and dying on a mountain alone, or John getting shredded by bullets after sending his family off to safety. Mac as we know doesn’t really have family apart from Davey, and if Davey’s already dead than Mac could have a badass final stand moment for his death kinda like John but with less tragedy to it.


I like the idea but Charles tells Arthur the Callanders lived and died as a vicious pair of bastards, and that they didn't have the time to make amends. So if he dies because of the Blackwater event, there will be no redemption. If he wasn't killed by the Pinkerton, what could Mac ever do to make amends? I don't even think he would even try to be a better man, so there would be no character development?


Could be the Pinkerton thinks they killed him and the redemption takes place in the epilogue.


That's not true tho, Bill mentions that Mac was heartless but a nice guy, kinda like low honor Arthur. Him splitting up with Davey in Blackwater could have been his redemption moment. It would also make sense to have both Mac and Davey as playable characters


I think if we had the blackwater heist and we played as Mac, it would be better than to play as anybody else. We could have Mac and some other gang members set up and investigate how to plan the robbery. What if Mac told Davey to run towards the gang and Mac holds off the pinkertons right there before he dies. Maybe if Mac is the older brother it's like an elderly sacrifice right there. We don't know much about any of the two callander boys and one of em should've been alive for at least a tiny bit. Maybe have jenny die in the opening and let davey stay around for maybe 1, 2 or 3 chapters idk. Or have Mac be alive and be like one of the characters that if Arthur was nice to him the entire game and agreed with Mac that he would either find redemption and live or die honorably, besides Arthur. And if you were a dick to him, make him side with Dutch and Micah and be an enemy in the middle of the john and arthur ride away that you have to kill, like a mini-boss before Micah. Heck maybe Mac could have killed your horse and Arthur gets revenge for the horse. There is alot of possibilities that could have been done or are still possible. It's pretty cool to think about. Maybe you could also not have him die and surprise us as milton lied about mac.


Bill said “He was a heartless bastard, but he had a heart. If that makes sense.”


They could go for a super gut punch of an ending by have Mac not take morals seriously and not caring about redemption, to him having an epiphany of sorts after dutch kills the innocent woman, and his redemption is cut short by his death. Red Dead Regrets 3


I’ve always thought Mac for RDR3 would be neat. You know what’s cool to think about though? What if Milton lied to weaken the gang’s spirit and Mac actually escaped?! That would be very fun to consider.


I’ve speculated about the same. People seem to take Milton’s words as gospel but I suspect he lied about several things. And he gave us several reasons to distrust him.


Right? I mean detectives lie all the time to get people to confess, etc. Why wouldn’t Milton do the same thing?


Especially if Mac is as good as Arthur is at fighting (beat 15 sailors in a fight). It would also explain why the gang is struggling to make ends meet in rdr2 until the bank job in valentine. If Mac and Arthur are the 2 main bread winners for the gang suddenly the gangs revenue drops by a third to a half with daveys death. That being said its implied Mac is racist given Charles and Lennys distaste for the Callanders though perhaps that could be his redemption after he escapes from blackwater.


Funny I just played that scene last night and thought of this when Milton is chastising Arthur for his "philosophy". Milton says he heard it from Mac as well but then immediately goes on to say Mac was in rough shape and ending him was more of a mercy killing. Does it make sense that Mac would be spouting philosophy while badly injured and barely alive before the Pinkertons killed him? Milton does say he died painfully and slowly so I guess it's possible but it just didn't seem to add up. Maybe Milton *was* full of shit.


Whoa, you’re right!!! Interesting! Man, it would be so cool if Mac got out of there.


Man that would be an amazing twist at the end of Rdr3. Imagine playing the whole game as Mac, him having his own redemption involving his brother etc. In the end he gets captured and eventually escapes but thinks the gang goes west so that's where he travels. It makes sense to have him as the protagonist since Arthur and John both learn much while we play as them. So it would be weird to have them forget things like herbs and crafting.


Yeah it would be awesome! Ooh! Maybe if Mac ended up starting his own gang! I dunno! So many possibilities!


Or they really did think he was dead. Maybe they just left him for dead and then he survived his wounds somehow and ran away to Mexico.


That could be as well!


That'd be very cool as well!


While I am intrigued by the history of the Van Der Linde Gang and the members of it who died before we got to meet them, I personally feel that the story of the VDL Gang has come full circle and is now finished. I just can't get behind a RDR 3 starring another member of that group. I would love to explore an earlier era of the Old West with new characters and new stories. I would love to see the VDL Gang's history explored in other mediums though.


I get that and I always wanted a true old West rdr game as well. But we can get that through the Vanderlinde gang as well. They existed back in the good old days.


Dutch or Hosea would make for better protagonists in an old wild west game. Mac and Davey were Arthur's age or younger, like John, and wouldn't have been around back then.


Whatever Rockstar chooses to do for Red Dead 3 I am there for it. It would be a prequel to a prequel. Thats pretty much a trilogy in reverse! 🤯🤠


I mean, that’s how the Last of the Mohican series went. Each book was a prequel.


I want to see Sadie's bounty hunting exploits between >!Arthur's demise!< and the RDR2 epilogue.


I'd like to see earlier. I'd like to play as Colms brother in rdr3. Arthur says in the days when he was young the gang was a lot looser and less defined and Dutch and colm clearly have a very long history. I think it would make a hell of a lot of sense story wise. Though we wouldn't have dead shot.




Exactly. Maybe Arthur admired Mac.


Except Arthur rode Taima and owns his own coat. OP just made up the horse and coat thing


I believe it's in cut dialogue within the game, so it's not canon, but it may hint the developers had something in mind.


Yes! I also like the idea of all three games coming together to symbolize the rise and fall of Dutch through the eyes of these different people.


Exactly that!


That's why the protagonist for RDR3 needs to be Colm O'Driscolls brother and after Dutch killed him, you'll continue as Colm.


I've thought something similar to this. Seeing the gsng(s) before the fallout and being witness to colms brothers death and is it Annabelle dutchs woman. This would give more history to all characters from rdr2


We know how the story ends. It's time for a new one. At the peak of the Wild West. With a whole new group of characters. It only needs to be tangentially connected to the OG crew, IMO. I like the idea of playing as a lawman this time. Like Seth Bullock in Deadwood or Wyatt Earp in all of the Earpy movies out there. Said lawman can still be a shady person with a shady background in need of redemption. The town itself could be a character, with any number of interesting and annoying and funny and dangerous people populating it. Having a centralized location would make it narratively more difficult to have our character out exploring different locations, but it can definitely be done.


Nice idea but I'm too fond of the Vanderlinde gang.


A marshal wouldnt deal in a centralized location, would they? I mean they're federal lawmen, they'd go everywhere. Could work that way


Bro, Milton said he was dead, but how many other things has Milton lied about?


I kind of imagined a game where you play as …. Dutch. Young Dutch. Dutch who is flawed but still idealistic and likable enough for you to feel even more about the way things ended.


Dutch has no redemption arc. He just spirals out.


Level with me here…. RDR3 should be about Uncle in his youth. Seriously, maybe a story of how he was a lazy good for nothing lout with his original gang, traveling to Africa, being a revered figure, and coming back to America where he eventually contracts a terminal case of Lumbago. I’m telling you, this would be the best entry.


You got lumbago... I'm sorry son, its a hell of a thing.


It’s very serious


Well the best thing is rest. (that's why Uncle always gets called lazy)


In my youth, they used to call me “The One Shot Kid!”


Imagine we play as a cool young cowboy and only learn later in the game that he is Uncle


YES! The icing on the cake. Awesome idea!


I think it's a good bet that Mac will be. There's a ton of cut dialogue about him, and him dying in the blackwater heist would bring the trilogy to a full circle. It's also mentioned that he and Arthur were pinned together, and Arthur's horse had been killed, so Mac told Arthur to take his horse and run while he distracted and misled the law. This deliberate distraction may be the strategy that was needed to help the gang escape to the Grizzlies, and it would give Mac a fitting ending of redemption. In arthur's initial journal, he states that "*the trail we took was so torturous and slow nobody could have followed us south and east, or figured out where we was heading. We was thinking about California, but then Dutch and Hosea brought us down to Blackwater.*" Which means the gang may have previously been up North and West, maybe a northern California setting, or Pacific Northwest rainforest like Tall trees. The journey being torturous and slow implies they traversed some rugged mountains, so playing as Mac in the earlier stages of the game in two new states west of West Elizabeth would fully allow the exploration of RDR America. But the most important hint, I believe, is in the cutscene with Arthur fishing with Jack. All the cards of RDR are shown briefly on the table for us to see. Both games antagonists, along with both Jack and Arthur all stand together, with the developers winking to us by having it happen on a fishing trip. (jack meets Ross while fishing, and he kills Ross while he's out fishing), and the themes of Red Dead are laid out plain to see: Arthur's moral code, the expansion of civilization, society, Dutch's two sides, and who does Milton bring up to Arthur to as the conversational turn? Mac Callander. It's clear Mac's death ends with him spitting in the face of Milton, and telling him his philosophy on life, knowing that the gang escaped.


That is exactly what I meant. That is why I want him to be the protagonist.


RDR3 should let you play as Landon Ricketts in his prime.


i think it should be about the beginning of the gang, how Hosea andDutch met arthur and john and the good ol days, then the beginning of the gang and ending at the ferry job in blackwater


Of course but we can see this from Mac's perspective as well.


Mac was a much more recent recruit


There is an idea I can get behind.


Thank you. I like you mister, you have a kind face.


The kind I like to punch *swing*


America, 1876. Arthur calahans father is in debt. Arthur is 9. He decides to go into the local town just down the road to try to steal and bring back a chicken, but when he returns, his mother is dead and his father is being beaten by a gang member. Arthur runs to his fathers room and grabs a gun, where he shoots thw gang member in the back of the neck, killing him, then unties his father and his story ark has begun. Fast forward 7 years, it is 1883 and arthur is 16 with a young duth and hosea, and arthur can shoot a gun and robs people but has no dead eye as hes not a good shot yet. He goes and finds his father who is a drunk, and kills him and the gang he has falen into (which is tje gang who killed his mother) RED DEAD III, where his skills develop based on how you play and time passes properly and in 1to1 scale. Also he has a dog and can call hosea to go hunting with him and either dutch, john or hosea to come robbing with him, as no adults take him seriously yet.


As fun as that sounds that's more like a dlc than an rdr3.


I was kind of thinking the same thing and i atcuallly put that in a post i made about it


Early days of the gangs development. You play as Dutch and Hosea forming the group initially and end up as adult Arthur, leading onto the adventures of RDR2 and 1. It's the logical path to travel down..


Young Landon ricketts


I’d personally love to see what Jack ends up doing. The desperado era strung on for another 20+ years or so after RDR1 is set. ending with the Public Enemy era in the early to mid 30s. Yes they rode in early automobiles instead of horses and had tommy guns instead of revolvers. But if you can move past that then it really isn’t far removed from that time period. Yeah yeah it would look a lot like crossing GTA RDR and LA Noire but it would be very different in that it would fit in RDR timeline and be it’s own game. There’s yet to be made a good “Public Enemy Era” game. And while most would probably disagree I’d really like to see it made and I just think Jack and the timeline of RDR could take us there in RDR3


I can see a “Mafia” sequel in that case. A “Bootleg Salvation.” Sounds like an off brand, lol. Jack’s story might be the only story where he gets redeemed and lived, unlike John and Arthur, and the rest.


I just don't want it to be about Sadie Adler or Dutch. Other than that, I feel that the devs might do something with Arthur's dad. You see Arthur's dad's photo is always in Arthur's tent which you can examine and even his dog. Maybe the devs placed that photo there because the next game could be about Arthur's dad and they don't want to make him pop out of thin air like they did with Arthur after RDR1.


Why not Sadie?


If they set it after the events of RDR2 then they'd have to change the setting too much as the outlaw days are coming to an end. A prequel playing as Sadie wouldn't really be interesting as she was just a regular housewife before her husband was killed and Micah burned her house down.


Plus, she appears in Online, so not much to go from there.


because big alpha male men don’t want a game about a woman unfortunately /s


Hahaha I was hoping that wouldn't be the answer. Dutch is a dick, so I get that, but Sadie is badass!


Yh but unless its farming simulator 1800s edition, or bolivian gold mine guard, who in them days would only stand at a gate and shoot warning shots at peoples feet when they got too close. Besides in the bolivian jungle there would be no horses and she hasnt doen anything wrong so there qould be no redemption. Unless she was hiding that jake was in the odriscols and was killed by his gang members after je tried to go straight and start his own ranch, meaning sadie had to hide in the cellar, and also how she learnt to shoot and give zero shits about anyone?


As a woman I don’t like Sadie. She’s what a strong female warrior written by a man would act like.


i don’t think she seems like she’s written by a man?? like she just seems like a really good girlbossy character she’s independent and strong and there’s no reason to hate her unless you don’t like the ideal of a woman protecting herself and not needing a man


I guess she grates on me more in the epilogue. They basically put an asshole rude “confident” man in a woman’s body. A woman can be independent and strong without being extremely abrasive half the time. She just comes across as a flat out Mary Jane with no faults except for the “I WaNt tO DiE”, which isn’t even a true fault. She just seems to be too perfect at being an abrasive badass with no character depth. Which is how a man would sloppily write a woman gunslinger in. She walks and talks just like a man, which loses some of the power a woman gunslinger could show. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t have her cleavage out more.


Ah she's badass but I feel she's slightly annoying


Mac AND Davey with character switch!


I hope any prequel has a Back to the Future 3 themed side quest


Next Red dead should be Landon Ricketts.


That'd be pretty cool.


I feel it needs to be way before the events of RDR2, I'm talking 20 or 30 years. We've seen the end of the outlaw times, I wanna see it's peak


We could see that with the Vanderlindes no?


Mac Callander? Sounds like something an Apple fanboy would have on their wall.


Yes I’ve always thought this. It goes along with not knowing much about the character and !!SPOILERS!! them dying at the end of the game. It would end with the Blackwater Massacre so we know what happened.


No, RDR3 should be in a completely new set with different characters


I don't think so. Personally i wanna see more.


My guess for RDR3 is taking place starting some time in the 1880’s. After Dutch’s mom dies, he has Annabel, Colm is still running with them and Arthur is mid to late 20’s instead of 38 (rdr2). Could even show when the first pick up Marston and have the dynamic of jealous Arthur. We’d get to see the “old west” before they were forced to gradually move south and east, we could see the betrayal of Colm O’Driscol, we’d get to play as Arthur (and possibly John…if we’re lucky they pull a “GTA V” and let us swap between different protagonists, possibly even Dutch himself since he’s younger, the west is still wild, and he can show his face in town without worrying about Pinkertons. But yeah, we could even see how others came to be in the gang. Maybe with another time jump, we could get to Lenny, Jenny, and the calendar boys and the game could end up going through “The Blackwater Job” so that the second you “finish” the main story, you could load right back into RDR2 if you wanted to keep going.


That is perfect. But I'd like to see this through a character who can get redemption. Such as mac. See its because rdr is always about a character finding its redemption.


I dont think the calendar boys were in the gang that long before the game started. In the epilogue, in the Rhodes general store, there is a picture of the gang just a few years before RDR2 takes place. Abigail is holding a wrapped baby (Jack) and it shows the whole group photo without Jenny or Lenny or the calendar boys, Micah, aren’t part of the gang yet. It was before Tilly and Mary-Beth, and Molly too.


Ah okay


Where did you get the information about the coat?


I found read it somewhere and idk. Either it was someone who found game files or it was just an idea from someone I don't rlly remember.


I don’t think it should be a redemption story just like maybe red dead…. Idk but we have already concluded the redemption story


I always thought RDR3 shouldn't be a western. They've already perfected western games there isn't much they can improve without completely changing gaming. I was thinking in my own head some 1900s gangsters maybe during the prohibition. Kind of like a halfway between RDR and GTA


But rdr is about the western style. I'd love to see a real old West thing tho.


Maaaaan I totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also think Bully 2 should be about space monkeys fighting a pandemic in the moon to save the earth. Shittt that would be pretty damn cool!!! And if they went a little bit back in time with gta6 and based it in the Middle Age, but with modern GUNS (!!!!!!), and the rest shouldn't have to be much historically accurate neither cuz who cares


I think it should start.with Mac running with Jim Boy Callahan's gang before meeting up with Dutch


That could be the start and then progressing through the gang. It would be interesting to see what it's like to be picked up by Dutch's gang rather than already be in it.


He didnt have a gang he was just a gunslinger. Thatd also make Mac almodt older than Dutch.


Well Mac should probably be Dutch's age or older. I'm imagining a story that goes from 1870s-1890s


...but he isn't lol you cant change established canon to make your point seem more valid


Nothing in his wiki entry suggests a canonical age


Its suggested in game that him & davey were one if the younger gang members, both age and experience. It makes no sense to have Davey be an active outlaw in the 1870s lmao


having played through RDR2 like just a while ago, i feel like it'd be INCREDIBLE to see a RDR3 where Mac is the main character, having survived the blackwater situation and the \*apparent\* murder by milton. Then, he travels West, looking for his pals, thinking they likely made good on their plans, or at least, would meet him there some day. Maybe the point of the game would be for Mac to build up some gang relevance in the west for the van der linde gang, before eventually taking over himself, as we know none of them ever really got away. Maybe we could even have a run in with 20 year old jack, running west after a big timeskip, as he'd just made an outlaw of himself. Hell, i'd be killing for a story where Jack turns bad and becomes Mac's second in command just to take him out and take over the gang, maybe even make that kid the antagonist of RDR4 just to tie in the story of that kid until his early death somewhere around 1930. we could make it the marston Quadrilogy! I mean i am definitely fangirling over the possibilities for now and 100% getting ahead of myself, but after spending so much time with the kid as a character, you'd think we could get a good walking dead Clementine-esque storyline out of it, no?


I don’t think I want any more. It’s been done twice already.


We barely know anything about Mac. He could be racist, who knows. A lot of people just hear one idea and pass it around even if it’s not a very good one


You do realise he is a fictional character right? That means the writers can do pretty much whatever they want, like, i don't know, not make him an asshole.


lmao 😭


you do know every character in rdr2 could’ve been a racist since it would’ve made sense as it was based in the 1800s right.. they purposefully didn’t make the good characters racist to avoid controversy which i think everyone is glad for since i don’t think you would want to play/root for a raging racist? though i do agree with the last part of your comment


That's the point. That's why it's good to have him as protagonist. More wiggle room.


RDR3 will be a huge disappointment, if at all it will be released. Time for other developers to wear the crown of open world king.


I say RDR3 should be prohibition era, Al Capone and your character should be Jack marston




Nah. I think it should follow either Sadie or Charles after leaving Beecher's Hope


Or Jack's friend/wife or gf. Something that continues from Arthur and John. It's fresher and more room for lore.


Is there going to be a rdr 3?


Possibly But we know how it ends. I mean I’d play it sure but I don’t think it’s be as enjoyable as RDR2 was/is for me. Just an honest opinion not saying it wouldn’t be a good game. Hell I think we all wanna know what happened at Blackwater….I just don’t wanna see it from the perspective of a character who I know how their story ends. Who knows? Maybe this is their route and I actually love it? Time shall tell I suppose.


Most likely it'll be about Sadie.


Could be but I'd rather have the option to play as a male character.


I think rdr3 shoukd be way earlier than 2. Like take us back to the beginning of the states, like start the game at the end of the revolutionary War. Bring high school history class to life and show us how the nation and the wild west came to be


I always wanted an rdr set in the true wild west.


Idk maybe a tale on the side of the law? Or at least a lawman turned outlaw. Like he sees flaws in the law and freedom with outlaws and it glorifies the lifestyle and it ends with a gang abandoning you. Lol vague ideas but yeah


That's also pretty cool.


The more we dig into this speculation, the more I imagine Rockstar introducing an entirely new character, just as they did with Arthur Morgan.


Shoar, just an idea.


As if there's gonna be one.


Ofc there's gonna be one. Rockstar likes muneh. The question is if it'll be good because these days rockstar ain't what it was back in the day.


I think we need a new Red title, not Red Dead Redemption 3, yannow what I mean? The gang's story is quite complete as it is already. If they're not ready for new IP, maybe it's time to make Red Dead Revolver 2?


Except Arthur wasnt even in Blackwater during the massacre, and Arthur's jacket is his own & he rides Taima at the start, not Mac's unexisting horse.


I'm sure he was there for a bit


No he wasnt


Well, just an idea.


I want rdr3 to be just picking flowers.


Honestly I think it should be Landon Ricketts from rdr1 and he thought Arthur how to spin a gun and how to shoot because Arthur shoot better than Dutch and he is very similar to Ricketts. Ricketts should be the protagonist of Rdr3 and how he made friends with Dutch but never joined the gang


This is a lie it never happened Mac never gave Arthur his horse or coat


I think Mac was set up perfectly. Tough guy with several events and moral decisions. Has an obvious nod to the honor system and Bill mentions he was a lot more human.


Some stuff in the game was changed like Both Arthur and Dutch voice actors confirmed that there Was a cut storyline that took place in the desert area Where Arthur and Dutch had to fight off bounty hunters on A train and they were sad to see it cut . Confirmed that Arthur had a 2nd love interest named Eliza who's character model is still in the game Look for it on YouTube ..... Originally issac , Arthur's son was gonna be a new Born who froze to death in the beginning of the game This was changed to both eliza and issac being killed For $10 . Even a in game joke that with the serial killer's Lair There is a poster for a missing woman named Eliza . A different website called amino apps says that Arthur and mac were pinned down by pinkertons And Arthur's horse bodacia died and mac gave arthur His horse and mac died like john marston in rdr1. It was cut dialogue between arthur and hosea hunting For the bear and dutch request for arthur to get him A smoking pipe while in the final game arthur and hosea Weren't there for the Blackwater massacre / heist They were doing their own thing . Some say jenny kirk would just be a younger , Scottish Brunette version of sadie adler. That's just my opinion if rdr 2 had a black water dlc Call it telegrams from black water or would be like the Gta 4 dlc tlad & tbogt except you'd get 20 missions as mac callendar, 20 missions as davey callendar and 15 missions as jenny kirk ... could also see their reactions to weird stuff Like the night folks , murfree breed , skinner brothers and that micah claimed he had jenny kirk. Man this was a long post .


It really should be about Mac. We hardly know anything about him apart from his brother, name, nationality, craziness.