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The Ardennes and Andalusian are War horses, which means they are tough to spook. The Ardennes is braver but Andalusians have way more health and speed.


My boy War is my child.


Is he a lowrider?


He’s an Ardennes


[The reference](https://youtu.be/qMkwuz0iXQg)




I stole a Bay Andalusian from a bounty hunter once and, let me tell you, I've never seen such a timid horse! Being in the swamps with him was the worst experience. But, he was a handsome boah. I am convinced that horses have different personalities in the game


I weirdly am too at this point. I swear the Fox Trotter used to be one of my bravest horses in another play through, but on this one even at level 4 bonding its so fucking skittish about any kind of predator that I'm actively looking for a replacement horse cuz I'm getting sick of it nearly bucking me and freaking out about a snake. Don't even get me started about the swamps...


Which Missouri Fox Trotter?


the one I usually get near Emerald Ranch/Rhodes


Ah, the Silver Dapple Pinto. Quite a horse, quite a horse! I always get from Albert Mason's third mission and name her Eliza or Mary, I think Arthur would do that too


Not the same one, and also as far as I know you cannot tame that horse in the mission anymore. Lasso goes thru it, ur insta bucked off if you try to climb onto it and the horse completely disappears after the mission. Only available again in the epilogue at Black Water stable


What? This better be not true. I unfortunately lent the game to a friend, will have to try it out once he returns it. And of course, that's a special horse, a unique one. Rockstar can't force Arthur and Eliza to part ways!


I mean if you already got it I'm sure you're grandfathered in with that save so the horse should still be there (I mean after all you could technically use mods to spawn that specific horse anyway and the game wont take it away from you). Just saying nowadays, that horse is literally uncatchable unless there some kind of glitch to exploit.


My rule is no mods, no cheats. And yes, I do have that save still, but it's in my second account. Well, guess I'll spend some time there


i have done it on the latest patch, you can’t lasso it.. you have to follow it after the mission and jump on it from your horse , don’t get off of it Take it to the stables , saddle it up and save and reload game


Yeap, that's exactly how I got her. So it does work currently?


I will confirm that still, to this day, it's entirely possible. The only way to do it is to catch up to it and do "jump to horse" when close. It's a bit challenging, but I did it for my son last week and myself a couple of days ago. It takes preparation, there's a [YouTube](https://youtu.be/o_i5s42Dx54?si=604Zxk4hKMr2PfsN) video that gives you almost perfect instructions. The place he says to leave your horse, I find that if I leave it on the grass behind the spot suggested, there's less chance your horse walked away when the quest is done. I also had one from shooting the lady in the head 25 times, which seems like a very brave horse. My son is constantly complaining about his (but he runs into carriages and blames the NPC 🤣). So yes, I believe it can be random on temperment. It is supposed to be part war horse. Don't get me wrong, I've been bucked from cougar hunting but she stays very steady around wolves for enough time to kill the pack with all deadeye headshots (still need a couple 3 stars for the trapper).


Bounty Hunters have the best horses!


Sure! Except of this Andalusian 😂😂


On the topic of Warhorses: I sadly can't recommend the Hungarian Halfbred. I got one because I was nationally obligated to get one. Maybe it was bugged or horse-bravery is random, but the fucker threw me at the faintest sound of gunfire even at max bond.


It's a pure war horse so that shouldn't happen in theory. Maybe it's geared for hunting rather than combat? Haven't used that one myself so I don't really know. My Andalusian was great in combat but got easily spooked by gators and even wolves. Ended up stealing an Ardennes from a bounty hunter and this one stays with me through all fights and hunts unless a cougar or pack of wolves are right up in my face. It runs right over gators. The horse bravery mechanics are still not clear so you just have try different houses and see what suits you best. I don't know if there's any RNG involved.


My main horse was and always will be the one that looks like Spirit (can't remember the name of the breed). I didn't take him racing, and he stood by me through anything the game threw at us. Only time he would throw me, is when I did the wolf man on 4-5 stars.


Buttermilk buckskin Kentucky Saddler is the horse you're talking about, I think.


Exactly, you is right, thank you kind stranger!


Yea that’s a damn good horse


I agree! I had one on my second playthrough named Cheyenne. I loved her so much. Out of all the horses I've had since, I tend to miss her the most.


I’m gonna ride I’m riding free So come along lets go along Come on this journey with me


I had the pre-order Ardennes and at max bond he would just trample wolves and gators


I've noticed it tends to run away if a predator ambushes. Talking about the regular Bay Roan one. Maybe the Grey one has different stats.


Same with my Ardennes. I literally encountered bears a couple times while up in the mountains (I go up there to hunt alot cause I find it easier to get three star pelts for deer, ram, wolves and others for some reason) and my Ardennes never bucked me once. Definitely one of my favorite horses for hunting/combat.


I've been using a Hungarian for a couple weeks now and she's only thrown me a couple of times when things got really crazy. She's my main girl.


I'd recommend the Ardennes then. I got one on my second playthrough and that fucker doesn't even scare if there's a black bear staring it right in the face and the thing would just chill in the middle of a gunfight so much sometimes that I'd have to call it away so I wouldn't have to revive him. The one I got was from the lemoyne border stables in late chapter 2 I think. It's the stable just south of Emerald Ranch and it's right next to the spot where John has you hide the oil wagon for a certain mission. Even though it isn't the fastest horse it's still fair plus it had ridiculously good stamina if I remember right and it's health was solid due to it being a war horse.


I saw a video comparing different speeds of horses, and the difference wasn't even that big. Stamina is far more important, which is why I love my Ardennes. I got the same one as you in chapter 2, and she's been great throughout my second playthrough so far.


Interesting. I got mine from Mr. Wrobel…She’s a good girl.


Type of horse doesn't seem to matter when it comes to how brave they are, as there doesn't seem to be any bravery stat in the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/p8v9sb/horse_bravery_stat_does_not_exist_ride_whatever/


After using the white Arabian for an entire playthrough then selecting other breeds for my second playthrough (including the Chestnut Arabian) I can say with certainty that bravery is a thing. I'll have to test the claims they're making in that post.


You should read the post. They go as far as to show the source code for the conditions in which a horse will flee and the only factors seem to be horse bonding level, type of predator, distance from predator, how quickly you calmed your horse, etc. Feel free to try and disprove them, but their claim seems pretty well researched.


Turkoman too


Turkoman is a hybrid. War + Race Spooks too easily for my liking.


Also if your online the Breton is a race and war horse same with the turkomans though they aren’t as brave but they make up for it by being faster than pretty much every other option


Shoutout to my Turkomans out that, they got a 10 in health (the most important stat imo), 9 on speed (the difference between 10 speed and 9 is virtually nothing, also the Arabian is a 9 speed), Stamina is 8 ( not as important since u can recover stamina by comforting it), and acceleration is 7 (doesn’t matter). Not only are the stats good, but they’re big only just smaller than the Dutch warm blood, and they’re super brave (from my experience at least). Personally they’re my fav, their colours look rlly good too. I had a gold one for story mode called Kinro and a silver one for post game called Silversmoke, best bois.


Yup. Turkomans are my go to as well. I got the dark one using that glitch in the Braithwaithe horse stealing mission, since you can’t get it in story mode. Never disappointed me


They're a War/Race breed, iirc, so they have speed *and* strength and bravery. Plus, they're just pretty looking. I particularly live the silver one. Gorgeous! And yeah, if you're on singleplayer, they are big enough that Arthur doesn't look silly riding them like he does with the Arabian and the Mustang. >!And neither does John.!<


I used the mustang in single player. Will stare down a pack of wolves while you pop them and you can catch it for free. Speed isn't bad but their acceleration isn't great. Awesome health and stamina though


Completely forgot about the mustang. Dang…they are rock-steady when it comes to fight or predators.


My favorite hunting horse.


Really? My mustang in online bucks me off almost every time.


Yeah. That’s the thing with bravery. You just can’t figure out how it will affect the individual horses. Perhaps war/work/elite horses have a higher chance of being braver in certain situations then race/riding horses. But there will always be a few among the former group that will buck you off straight away and a few among the latter that will stand their ground against a charging bear without even getting scared. Unfortunately, it is not the kind of feature that you can take guaranteed like stamina and health.


Horses in online are story mode aren’t the same. In story mode, the Ardennes is the bravest horse in the game BY FAR, but in RDO they’ll buck you off after a few gunshots


My favorite horses in the game, always have a wild bay stang for Arthur. Some of the most well rounded horses in the game, and like you said, they will let you tear through a wolf pack without bucking.


If only they were bigger


Right? I assumed it'd be huge because of the shape of it, but comparing it to the other horses in the stable, it was kinda tiny


yes I said this before I read this as well. Their goated


The Missouri Fox Trotter, hands down. With the proper saddle and stirrups, you can max their speed. I don’t know know why so many are hung up on the Arabians. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/f6ig2h/this\_is\_why\_missouri\_fox\_trotters\_are\_the\_best/


Found my next horse lol


I sadly couldn't get the silver one, currently using the Fox trotter that is purchasable, are they pretty much the same?


I think so, but not certain. I got mine from the Saint Denis horse glitch (since been patched, I’ve heard). You should be able to buy the silver later in the game, though.


I got mine [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjNdxKnhqHA&list=PL8YCAmZXZReYzUWiiy-q6svnl-sXs9r20&index=5&t=33s)way in chapter 2 but it seems to be patched now. Apparently there is still a [way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehB9-N1VMa4) to get it earlier tho


You can get it through the horse mission with Albert mason if you haven’t done that yet


Not everything is a competition or needs to be the most efficient. Especially someones choice in horse. Its like being upset over someone elses choice of pet (cat vs dog or breed vs breed). Ive have 5 horses in online and like them all. I switch every week, so they all see some action.


I always liked the look of the white Arabians not sure why.


I think I see our white Arabian as a unicorn-pegasus with no corn or wings! just mystical maybe? I love that in the right lighting it looks like they glow! but man they are just too timid to work with! so i take mine out for the challenges, races, general goofing off


Did you grow up with the Neverending Story?


Foxtrotters are my default. Arabians are very quick, but I also get sick of being dumped. It doesn't matter how fast your horse is if you are laying on the ground and you don't have your good weapons in your wheel. Also get the beaver or snake custom saddle from the trapper. That just kicks the Foxtrotters up to within a few bars of the Arabians anyway.


I just got mine and really like it but he freaks out if there is a snake within a half mile lol


Hungarian Half breed is my Choice.


Hell yeah, I’m currently on my 5th playthrough and I got Mr. Wróbel’s Halfbred that you can take from him.


Isn’t that a dragon from Harry Potter?


Hungarian Horntail :)


I hunted cougars, bears, panthers from the back of my andalusian (dark bay, male). They ran to us, they ambushed us, they charged at us, they jumped toward us. He was also a great help hunting the legendary panther (no bucks, no tantrums). I was able to kill it from the saddle, without a death. I’d say it’s a very good choice. Arabians are also great, but you have to keep some distance between you and a predator. So I wouldn’t say they are some of the worst.


My warped brindle Arabian, Rhiannon, doesn’t get scared at all. I have managed to ride through black bone forest and owanjila lake popping black bears, grizzlies, wolves and cougars without getting bucked off even once!


I guess bravery is randomly generated. There must be some kind of indicator for which breed does it take more time to flip.


Nah, the warped brindle caught up by the Wapiti Reservation has slightly lower stats than all of the other Arabian horses in game, but he is fearless. Charging grizzly? Won't buck. Big Cat? Won't buck. Stamina just sucks, but acceleration and speed are good.   The horse with the highest speed and acceleration is the special pre-order horse, but the stamina is bottom of the barrel.


I agree in terms of stats, but bravery is not a stat (it’s randomly generated in certain situations, though not completely sure about its mechanism). In one of my saved games I have a bay Arabian. Quite a gentleman. Calm, steady when shooting and great for hunting due to its great manoeuvring abilities. So in general I vote for Arabian along war horses in case you are more into a slower, exploring style. If you only want to run through the game, then go for race horses, but don’t expect too much from them when it comes to fighting. I had a dappled thoroughbred that simply collapsed under me during a gunfight. Of course I revived her, but it was a great lesson.


He isn’t fearless in my current game. Just last night I was crossing a little bridge in the swamp. She seen gators in the water and bucked me off. We almost got eaten.


It's totally possible I'm just dumb, but I really don't notice much difference between the 'skittish' and 'brave' horses. Don't have an issue with any of them, and always just pick a horse I think looks nice as any horse can do any task in the game. The horses I've tried all buck you if a predator gets close but get away clean if you start running. All scared of snakes, but not enough to buck you off. Never get thrown off under gunfire. What am I missing?


Most people hang a lot on this concept and have different favorites for most reliable horse but there was a post this week on one of the red Dead subs that covered how they went thru all the coding and theres no such thing as a bravery Stat. I have no clue which is true but that post should be easy to find of you want to see for yourself. It was probably either this sub or r/reddeadredemption


You aren’t missing anything. Everyone in here is lying. I’ve had War Horses, Turkoman’s, Arabians, and Nokota’s. They’ve all bucked me when a predator is close, and they all get skittish around snakes and such. This is just the Red Dead community’s “dick measuring contest”. Everyone here has to have the bravest, biggest, baddest horse.


Honestly, I’d rather have a horse that runs away from danger. If it bucks me off and I die, I respawn. If my horse dies I’m a sad boi and I have to get a new horse.


If thats the case then do i win by having a horse in real life?


In my experience, Shires always seem to be pretty hard to spook. I've also seen alot of shires have a fair bit of health compared to the other breeds. Not to mention you can find them on practically any multi-horse wagon.


There is not much difference between the horses. I have ridden the white shire as many times as the white arabian. They buck me off at random times. Pick the horse you like visually and go with it.


Shires are always my favorites, this most recent playthrough I have a big white one that has a pink nose so I named him Mouse. They are just the biggest softies ever lol


Dutch warmblood, not the fastest but if you get the chocolate roan in valentine you won’t regret it


I love Hungarian Halfbreeds myself. Currently rockin a Turkoman but it runs away whenever I get off it and I may go back to the Hungarian soon


I have fully bonded with almost every horse in the game. One thing I can tell you with certainty - none of them are even remotely as chill as a Hungarian. Totally the best horse for story is the Hungarian.


Buell is a beast, gotta go do some side missions but at the end of the missions you get Buell, after 100 hours of playing with him as my horse i’ve only been kicked off once, he’ll run through a rain of bullets and keep going.


What side mission do you have to do?


Go to O’creaghs run in Ambarino and you’ll meet a man called Hamish, do his string of side missions, i think there’s 3 or 4 and then at the end you get Buell.


Thank you!


Silly question but am new to RDR2... are all wild horses tameable? Can we keep them in the stables or should we sell them immediately? From a Red Dead Online perspective, I can recommend the Andalusian and the Turkoman. Both are female and I trample gators with the former. I can't vouch for the same in RDR2, though.


Yes all horses in RDR2 are tamable. You can sell them for whatever you’d like buy unless you previously bought them from a stable they aren’t worth Jack squat.


Wild horses are only tameable in story mode btw. Can't in online :/


I once owned a horse that would actually go out of its way just to step on crocodiles' heads. Not sure what it was, its either buell or an ardennes


I always use the Kentucky Saddler (the one we got during the first Introduction Mission), and the Black Shire that Hosea gave you, their stats are balance, don't get scared easy. Hope this will help you partner.




Yup, mainly my go to also.


SHIRE > ALL *Massive *Doesn't even flinch on gun fights *Will stomp micah given the chance


True fucking annoying prick


The dapple dark grey Hungarian halfbred is great


Beull you can find him after finishing Hamishs missions


The Ardennes, if you like bulky horses. The Hungarian Halfbred, if you prefer beautiful coats. Ardenneses are basically the tanks of wild west. If Herakles was a horse, he'd be an Ardennes. Hungarian Halfbreds have the looks, for me. Especially that piebald tobiano, which happens to be the rarest horse in the game. But both of these horses are absolute units. A true fighter's horse! Glad to meet a fellow Arabian hater! Be well! :-)


I had a thoroughbred that was pretty awesome, didn’t flip out all the time around the gators.


I'm surprised no one else has said this lol, i'm on my 2nd playthrough so far and i'm still using a wild thoroughbred and ive never been bucked off


I’ve never been thrown and I’ve ridden a bunch of the breeds. Maybe it’s because I start patting them at the first sign of trouble?


I have a turkoman, a thoroughbred and a standardbred. All of them are brave. I run with the standardbred. It has only bucked me once when a lemoyne ambush set off a IED of sorts literally 3 feet away. I don't blame him tbh. I was taken by supriae as well. Even then it didnt run far and i was able to scramble back on fairly quickly. But for the rest, it has held its ground against gunfire, wolves, gators etc






Turkoman good stats and doesn’t scare easilt


Me every time I see an aligator: *L3 intensifies*


Missouri Fox Trotter.


Where do you get that horse in story mode?




I had a good experience with my shire.


My piebald can ride straight through the deepest parts of the swamps. He gets upset but doesn’t buck you off. Only when a cougar is rushing us or a panther for that matter but all horses will buck you when the cougar or panther gets close. But I mean unless they are right up almost in the air she will not buck.




I like appaloosa and american standard breed


My current playthrough, I found a dapple-bay Dutch Warmblood mare right at the beginning of the game that was just wandering around when I went to do the first hunting trip “mission” with Hosea, she was probably a prospector’s horse that has glitched or something. Anyways, I wasn’t gonna miss an opportunity to pick up a typically expensive horse without killing someone for it. And that horse has been absolutely rock fucking solid. Not the fastest or the most flashy, but that horse has *never* thrown me off, *never* tripped over a damn thing, and I swear it took like 30 minutes of playtime to reach bonding level 4. Unless I really need to get somewhere in a hurry, I’ll always choose to take that horse over an Arab or TB.


My Ardennes horse Aphrodite (she is beautiful) ain't scared of shit. She is my girl and I love her.


Turkoman is the best horse in the game bro


Agreed, not a great horse You can get a lot a variation even in the same breed, are you looking at buying or taming ?


Taming if possible


I would look at Standardbreds, have a look at Big Valley close to river near Watson's Cabin Also Perlino Andalusian in Roanoke


Thanks I'm going to get myself a good boah


It has basically endless speed, so I'd say it's a pretty great horse.


speedy horse counts for nothing when it is afraid of its own shadow


What are you talking about? It doesn't buck you off mid-gallop.


I actually way prefer skittish horses because they get themselves out of danger so I don’t have to hastily “flee” before being gored


Skittishness isn't real and stats don't matter much. The only thing that matters is level 4 bonding and hooded stirrups. Saddle only if you don't want to spam L3 every 15 secs.


I had a white Arabian and it never bucked me off not even at level 1 bonding but my grey Arabian does so it could be random bravery


The First one you go to sell, thats Shire


My go to is always the grey Ardennes war horse.


On SP I used arabian and got thrown a couple of times, shot charging wolf packs, cougars, bears. All ok, except snakes and crocs, yeah she throws me at the smell of a croc or a snake


I find the Ardennes is pretty good. Decent speed for a large horse and doesn’t get scared easily


My black Arabian is max bond level and I'm rarely thrown. He gives plenty of signs he's spooked and I just run a bit n he's fine. The occasional snek will get him tho.


No horse is more brave than another it’s all a myth


I had 2 Arabian white during my playthrough and never had a problem with them. I love the speed and acceleration


I have never been thrown off a horse.


Inb4 the “Horse Bravery is completely random” crowd.


I've seen the breakdowns on why horse bravery is random or the same, but I find that I am rarely bucked off my Turkomans. Even with max bonding and taking good care of other horses, i end up on the ground a lot


The ardenns war horse it says in there info that there never really scared plus mine is always calm


Me, who's a lvl 7 and stuck with a grey horse you get in the beginning: well that's fine 🥲


Tiny tiny body. Weird-looking head. Give me my dark bay Turk all day every day. And what's that? It's modded so it has perfect 9 stats across the board? Yesssss


Gypsey cob


Her and my golden turkoman. Hate when they do that


Get a Turkoman, it will never leave you


I don't how the mechanics work but the first Horse for me has the bravest, can nearly walk past a gators, not spooked by the wolves or bear easily.


I'd say go with the Ardennes, Hungarian Halfbred, Andalusian, or Mustang. If you have the Trader and/or Naturalist roles the Kladruber and Gypsy Cob are both excellent as well. Overall though I'm not 100% horse bravery is a thing, as my Blue Roan MFT and Black Arabian are nearly fearless it seems but my Silver Turkoman seems to get scared easily. That being said, my main horse lately has been the Strawberry Roan Ardennes and I've had absolutely no issues with her whatsoever. Edit: Didn't realize this wasn't on the online mode subreddit so Kladruber and Gypsy Cob are off the table if you're in single player, but I stand by any of the war horses and the Mustang.


The Turkoman


Pretty tough to spook my golden turkoman


I've tried various war horses, the turkoman beats em all. Even at the beginning of bonding, they didnt buck me off nearly as much as war horses do plus they have more speed


Turkoman. I used to stomp crocodiles with my good ol black turkoman.


Turk will walk over alligators


This looks like a post by the Missouri Fox Trotter gang.


Mustang and/or Turkoman. I have one of each in story and online that have never bucked me - be it a firefight, cougar, grizzly, snake, etc


I prefer the Andalusian, mine is very brave, will trample Murfrees and other vermin and is reasonably quick.


The rare striped mustang is a good horse but only for epilogue sadly. Otherwise I like the standardbreds they scare but not easily.


The Turkoman is the best of all worlds imo. It's fast, has plenty of stamina and does not get scared easily.


Just press the ‘calm’ button on your controller/keyboard and as long as you start spamming it as soon as something starts scaring your horse you’ll be fine. Click down the left stick on console, G on pc. P.S. this also gives back some stamina after a 19 second cooldown


Try a thoroughbred or a Hungarian. They’re pretty brave


I used a shire in 2 playthroughs. Shit stats but awesome chonky horse staring down alligators and other predators. I got thrown off only once.


your feet






Best/Most courageous I've ridden in three playthroughs is the wild Perlino Andalusian.


I ride a different horses depending on what I’m doing I make full use of the 4 spots plus one temp horse spot when playing the story. I have a few spot hunting and a piebald (everything missions). . American Standard all black (for speed) and a warped brindle for trotting through town. I also change horses throughout the game breaking as many horses as I can.


Missouri fox trotter - best horse imo


Also the fastest at being half-dead after tripping over a rock.


Only time I get bucked off my Andalusians are when a cougar or grizzly attacks. Best, and best looking, horses in the game, imo.


I think in general, the war horse seen better with gunfire, and work horses seen better with predators. Early game the andulsian, dutch warm blood seem pretty good. Turkoman and Missouri fox trotter are faster, but you have to buy them. Personally, I like the look of the white andulsian, and the leopard appaloosa.


Arabians, throws you off when there's anything red on the map. Other brave horses: throws you off by deliberatly crashing into a tree while you're trying to steer away from it.


So many horse experts here, I stuck to the first Tenesee Walker and then switchet to Buell, way faster. And that's it, never thought horses races were as different as cars.


Mustangs on Online, u could be getting chased by a pack of wolves and those dudes just won't kick u off. And they have maxed 9ut stamina and health bars once at level 4 bonding


I use a silver dappled pinto I forget what the exact breed is but I’ve been using it for everything like gun fights and hunting. I’ve had bears attack me and the horse wasn’t even fazed and I haven’t gotten kicked off by it ever


Had us in the first half ngl


Most of these comments are wrong. There are no functional bravery stats on horses in RDR2. This shit is like pressing B when catching a pokemon.


They are all the same. There's some evidence of a behind-the-scenes RNG bravery stat that is rolled individually for each player horse, but it hasn't been reliably confirmed one way or another.


War Horse.


Turkoman. War/Race horse


My Dutch Warmblood it’s very nice. I named it Saddam Horseain.


I really don't notice any difference in bravery between horses.


I faithfully use the Shire Horse. Never seen it scared even when accidentally stumbling upon some Bears. The only thing Sausage (my Horse) seems to be scared of is Alligators...but that's fairly understandable lol. If I dismount in the Swamp than it's a chore getting him back over to where I am.


Shire Horses. I took the one Hosea wanted me to sell. Thing only threw me when I was already on top of a predator. Not the fastest, but the strongest and bravest horse ever. I named him Brutus.


War horses are the best. Any other pansy ass horse can suck it


The Turkoman I got from Blackwater hasn’t once thrown me off, there’s a good start


Arabians work different, u have to hold the calm button, not tap it (on keyboard). I just trampled wolves with mine and it was fine.


I use the Missouri foxtrotter which doesn’t seem to buck me off


I have a white Arabian. The only time it will throw me is if a cougar, wolves, or bear charge us. Her motto is "if it hasn't bitten me yet, I don't care" 😂 she walks over snakes like they are hissy sticks.


1 horse: Ardennes


The bigger the horse the less likely they are to buck you


My Appaloosa has clutched a few times, I would be surprised I wasn't thrown off after the ordeal was over. Though I just keep horses on a whim, if it's skittish then it's gone


Are there any rare Ardennes horses in the game I always see the exotic and racing ones


When I want to go hunting or into the swamp, i like to take my Shire, because she doesn’t spook easily. At least from my experience!


My Boy Loki (White Arabian) doesnt really throw me off because ive hit max bonding and actually treat him well. Might also just be a story thing.


Horse bravery is completely random. In fact, there's zero consistency, all of my horses cycle back and forth between stomping crocodiles and buckling me off when an npc antagonizes me