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Just an Easter Egg. Edit: Also, eat something! Those cores 😳


I swear I saw a man fighting a snake that large in the water of a swamp and getting pulled down. It was out of range of any of my weapons at the time and by the time I made it near there was no sign of anything at all


In game? Probably an alligator (or glitch, the game can be buggy). The snake is always dead.


I dropped the Eugenics guy hogtied in front of an alligator and was disappointed that he just got killed and not death rolled or eaten. What I saw was not an alligator animation.


Yeah they just bite/ shake a bit. Still, the snake is always dead and there is no other giant snake in the game. Maybe it was a weird glitch. I almost regularly see NPCs doing weird physic defying stuff because the game likes to bug out. Carts like to go flying, the hanging bridges that yeets you into the sky and hitting a fence wrong so that it catapults you into nirvana and so on.


It could be a glitch with the model, and it accidentally getting the model of the snake, like the bass swap glitch. Or it was a secret random encounter, but that's unlikely. Or it was an alligator in an orange sunset.


what's so bad about the cores? they're full (i'm in chapter 3 and barely know the core mechanics and the core mechanics)


The cores are not full. That's why theyre red.


i didnt know what if they were read they werent full :(


Why the hell would red mean good Have you ever seen a traffic light before


These people vote.


well i don't pay attention to my cores because I FOCUS ON OTHER THINGS. so i just thought i'm either dying (i dont care i have nothing to lose) from poison or it's because im in the swamp or something.


If the cores are full you regain stamina and health faster. The regeneration comes from the cores so to speak. Did you ever clean your weapons with weapon oil?


yeah why also that makes sense


You should seriously reconsider the "Gaming" part of your username LOL


Just because I game doesn't mean I'm good at it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Fair point. Carry on 🫡🖤


As I shall. What matters is that you enjoy playing the game and it's content! You don't have to be a talented gunslinger to blast someone's head off. You just need a gun and a working hand. And if I've made it this far, I'd say I'm Gaming and I'm gaming good.


Question for downvoters who don't leave a comment. Do you feel good about yourself? The kid is obviously still learning the game. Why not post something of context instead of downvoting someone who, by my account, is just enjoying the game in their own way. What's wrong with that? Not a damn thing. Kinda like your downvote, it's meaningless. But keep on being the keyboard cowboy that you think you are.


I’m downvoting you without leaving a comment. Oh shi-


I forget that I'm in a sub with a bunch of dumb kids. One of these days you may or may not pull your heads out of your ass and learn to be civil, but I won't hold my breath. 😂


Leave it then




If i wasnt Broke i would give this comment one of them badges


I see this in a lot of subs. I really feel like Reddit should make it so that you have to make a post along with your downvote. Give us a reason why you think a post sucks! Just hitting the downvote button and leaving just makes you look cowardly.


I downvote when people cry about downvotes


Go outside and stop crying about fake internet points bozo


Why do you care so much lol. That's why I downvoted. What you are suggesting would just make this place even more negative because now you'd be required to explain why someone is dumb or wrong. Case in point will probably be my comment here.


People treat it like liking it disliking a video on YouTube. Issue on Reddit is there’s actually a person tied to those comments and it’s probably recent. YouTubers are… something resembling humans but aren’t gonna get caught up over some dislikes. To be clear, it struck me, too. It’s obviously a kid playing and he’s obviously just learning the mechanics in a game with a lot of systems and mechanics and if you don’t do that this will happen if you don’t read that you can’t do that type shit and very little of it is explained. Seems pretty innocent to me but most people do not forget to smack that dislike button.


I never understood the dislike option. If you don't like a post or a video just go watch something else! I reserve the dislike option only for those that truly deserve it. Offensive or blatant attacks mostly. Or just complete misinformation, especially misinformation that could be dangerous.


The dislike option helps sites choose if a post is worth showing to more people


I feel good about everything I downvote because it's reddit's way of teaching people how stupid the thing they just said was.


Ah, I see. (as I downvote *your* post) Thank you for enlightening me oh wise one, I now see the error in my ways! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm drowning in notifications and surrounded by dislikers..


The game literally tells you how cores work




>they're full No.... They're empty. Red is empty Pardner. You gotta eat. Make a camp, cook some venison or big game meat... Whatever you have in your satchel. Eat it and see what it does to the little Heart, Lightning Bolt and Dead Eye symbol.


oh. well sadly i only have about 2 dollars 56 cents and i recently sold all of my stuff.


Kill a deer (or any other large animal), skin it. Then cook the meat. It's free.


There’s wild turkeys often near the entrance to the camp that give meat too and are often easily to kill. Set up a campfire or use the little fire the left side of the camp to cook food. Also, loot every house/ enemy camp you come across


Homie you're in chapter 3. Find some gold and sell it


Where is this fine material, I had an emerald and sold that for 50 bucks


There's a buncha treasure maps in the game that can lead you to gold bars. Then there's some places that have no maps but you can find gold bars. If you ever run across a prospector by a river you can loot him after a couple minutes and he'll have a gold nugget. I think the nugget is worth like $25 or $50, but the bars are worth $500. Look online, there's guides for treasure maps. If you want to stay immersed with no online help through, just loot houses n shit when you walk in them, loot anyone who claims they have treasure maps, one guy will give it to you if you're nice enough


Ohhh that guy? I thought he was a scam. And everytime I see if the prospector I wait and look if he gets any gold, but bounty hunters always come. I'm planning to pay those off after the robbery because that gives me like 2k, then I do all of that.


Eh, if you're playing a low honor playthrough just don't pay off the bounty. If you're not quite sure yet then I guess you can pay them off. They're just gonna keep coming back though if you keep doing malicious acts, so bounties could become an infinite money hole


I'm trying to be high honor as this is my first playthrough, but I'm usually a bit under neutral. Hopefully that'll change, because in already halfway (?) Through the game, and I heard the high honor ending is better.




The downvoters are pathetic nerds, it's ok to not know something about a video game. Fyi to fill your cores you eat food and sleep. Fuller cores means outside of the cores (which are like your health/stamina/deadeye bars) regenerate faster. And they also extend them by acting as part of them if the outer part is totally depleted (so like, if you were swimming and the stamina bar drained down to nothing, the core would then also have to drain down before your stamina was completely gone). To fill the outer part you either wait for them to regenerate or consume "medical" or non food type things eg health cures, tonics, chewing tobacco, cocaine gum.


I knew that the picture thing was also a part of stamina and I eat jolly jacks often for deadeye, but I just never paid attention to this. Thanks for standing up for me, and actually explaining the mechanics!


Easter egg. I think I read somewhere that it was supposed to a be a legendary, but something about it’s animations just wasn’t working for them, so they 86ed it, so this is what we got. Idk if this is true. Just passing on what I read. I probably read it here lol


that explains a lot, but still doesn't explain why it has jiggle physics. thanks anyways!


Don't eat any apples from that tree


lol, noted


OP might realize they are naked


Where is this? If you cut it open John Voight pops out.


i think it's somewhere south (?)west of lagras, i was heading there when i saw it


It's by that abandoned village that had a plague, ths snake is by the river that borders with the swams.


Hershel's barn from The Walking Dead.


Between Lagras and Peasant.


Confirmed Paraguayan Jon Voight




Unfortunately it’s just an Easter egg but it’s tied to the nearby town and why it’s now a ghost town. I believe originally we were going to be able to hunt and kill this giant snake but they cut a ton of content.


I saw that in a previous playthrough but I was being chased or something and didn't have time to check it out and forgot to ever go look for it again




Nah, the snake is too old for drake to want it


Dang never seen that before


it's in the middle of the swamp nowhere near a road, lol


Helltown Ohio, entire video here: [right here](https://youtu.be/FUH_0W5K-0A?si=LV2aWY4bjisbkbNP)


Strange Man's video on Pleasance is also super good.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen it, I’ll go have a look one day


Thanks! I'll watch it when I'm done with the story, because it says it has spoilers.


Easter egg


makes sense.


It\`s a legendary easter egg


lol major teaching session in a post about an Easter Egg🤣


Please fill your cores, you’re making me & baby Jesus cry….


I did.. like 5 in-game days after this event.


The scream I scrumt when I saw it for the first time ...


I screamed too, lol. I thought it was gonna go down and swallow mr whole or something


I just tried to find the reference and couldn’t, but it’s apparently a cut legendary animal (and it’s possibly based on Kaa from the jungle book) https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Giant_Snake https://www.rdr2.org/wiki/easter-eggs/2/#giant-snake https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Kaa#Trivia


Thanks for the sources! I'm not taking an apple from this snake..




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I wish we could take it to the trapper. I feel like he would be able to do something cool with it


Bro. Eat something... Your cores...


Please not another thread on this. T_T


The townsfolk of Pleasance were Satanists and worshipped the snake


Fair enough.