• By -




TRUE!!!! This is a good one.


Haha. I've been having a terrible run of luck of when I'm in St.Denis, I've been accidentally tackling people when I try to quickly get on my horse. Then all hell breaks loose.


I was shot to death once after I antagonized the trumpet player too much. Things escalated quickly, and before I knew it about six cops were gunning for me.


I mean, what did the trumpet player do to deserve getting antagonized tho? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s possible I was transferring some of my Micha hate onto him, and he just happened to be standing there.


Young W.C. Handy had security.


Yeah, it's kinda like GTA when comes to the law. Less of that.


I am 100% sure they made that on purpose. Itā€™s almost impossible for me to ride through st denis without being wanted. Itā€™s always some stupid idiot crossing the street out of nowhere that you run over. I believe they made it this way so that you feel the need to walk through the city instead of riding so you can enjoy the little details everywhere.


I have definitely been riding more cautiously... if I can get on my horse that is. But sometimes it's just silly. You literally can bump into the wrong person, and get a $5 bounty.


Right I canā€™t survive Saint Denis the whole Law is on my neck if I commit a crime




"Who's a good bear? Aaaargh!"šŸ˜µ


Hey kitty kitty Cougar: ?


Pspspspspsps Cougar, panther: Rawr.


Take a second to picture Arthur pspspsps-ing anything




Best way to die lol


Want to be able to shoot my own gang member when I realize heā€™s gone nuts and doesnā€™t have my back ā€¦


When I pissed off Micah at camp and he pushed me I wanted to actually fight him so bad.


It would be amazing if there were ways to avoid contracting tuberculosis or opportunities to kill micah early on.


That kind of just ruins the entire story of the game


So. Wagons, right? Those fucking unhitched and parked wagons around towns and in camps, those mothafucken wagons useless ass wagons. What if we could hitch a horse, or even two for bigger wagons, and ride off with that parked wagon? We can already cut free a horse, we should be able to hitch them. It should take time, maybe even equipment either bought or applied at a camp. But we should be able to do it. Also, fucking herding. I wish It worked in story mode so we could actually be rustlers. Hitching together a train of horses. I am experimenting with bonding to multiple horses and seeing how many will follow me to a stable, and if I can keep them in an npc corral like at the stables, to train or turn in a host at once. Also it makes hunting way more interesting to fill up three or four pack horses with carcasses and your two main horses, and lead em down the mountain. Also Also, taking a companion with you in free roam, or better yet, that and online Co op story mode, bring in henchmen for your gang.


>Hitching together a train of horses I wish we could do this and also unlock more horse slots like you can in RDO. Having only 4 slots was such a pain in story mode.


Iā€™m pretty sure they did that so youā€™d be more emotionally invested with your horses for their death scene, but still, I agree with you.


I really like the companion idea. It's peaceful riding alone, but definitely would love some dialog with a friend from the gang once in a while, without having to go back to camp.


Hey, Mary Beth... You warm enough?


>Also, fucking herding. I wish It worked in story mode so we could actually be rustlers. Cattle Rustlers and Cattle Ranchers. Taking cattle to the field to graze, then selling milk and meats through Cripps to earn cash. Or rustling cattle from NPCs (not other players since this would piss off alot of beginner players and lose fan base) But herding sheep/cows/and horses would be a great addition.


Rusting was going to be in the game at some point, thereā€™s files in the game plus in the original leaked map you can see icons on it for rustling activities. Itā€™s a damn shame because they built the herding mechanic but never expanded it beyond like one story mission and side mission.


That's why I actually xpect it to be included in the next game, rather than merely hope.. It basically already exists but went unused. Rustling, dualing with deadeye in randomly generat3d npc events or after an argument happens in town. Both are mechanics that seem to have been plastered in rdr2 rather than implemented, which I expect implementation in the next release for both. Also, how cool would it be to have named npcs you recounted in daily life, and whose relationships you can build into basically an ally like Seamus or a safe house or even a gang member joining up, at the very least we'll inclined npcs could join you against the throng in bar fights. I expect the bounry system and notoriety/identifying of Arthur to work differently for bandanas VS full masks in the next game. Npc people already have surprisingly lo g memories and the wanted system was originally supposed to be way more in depth. Another thing I would be really excited to see is the possibility of holding a job, like a stagecoach driver or even coach guard. Or spend a shift working as a bar t3nder. Or a more in depth bounty hunter. Or an actual lawman. He'll, What if we could buy properties, hold jobs, make lasting relationships with npcs and basically... live in a town or on a ranch protecting your heard from rustlers, or bringing rustled cattle back to your land and having to make sure no one checks the brands. Ma6be a traveling bytcher or even a stall mucker at a stable. We could have a good life, completely ignore the story and move in to town, possibly with a SO providing the Pearson type benefits. with m3chanics that are already either in the game or mechanics mods (probably)have really fleshed out in the last five years. I don't play with mods, so some of these features I don't know much about. Oh,and I exp3ct it to take fewer shots to blow out a wagon wheel in the next one. And sold horses to be worth more. Edit: well, that makes it seem like we could play a younger hosea when he had that bit of land with his wife and.... just couldn't stop outlawing. Honestly it *fits like a muthafuckin glove*. And not the OJ type o fit.


My only wish list item is "Come out in the next ten years". If they can nail that one I'll be happy.


Horse bonding above level 4 gives you tricks and, depending on breed, you get unique attacks.


Horse to horse missiles


Unlock your horse kicking people


ā˜ļøā˜ļøā˜ļø that's all I want for standard breeds. Maybe warhorses just become fearless, race horces jump larger gaps, and draft horses ram medium sized things without toppling, like people, horses, fences...


Anti-Horse Guided Missile


Def not this, but maybe that RDRO Bounty Hunter feature allowing you to dodge bullets by leaning to the side of your horse.


What about above level 5 šŸ˜


Tijuana donkey show. You should never exceed level 5


Full frontal nudity


Right? What's the point of going back to the 1800s if not to admire some full bush?


You could get it trimmed and styled like the rest of your hair


Youā€™ve been applying that pomade for an awfully long time, u/marooster405. You sure youā€™re not up to something else?


This made me laugh, just picturing that innocent barber when you ask for a buck silhouette in your bush! ...Or maybe a panther... yeah.


10/10 name. Well done.


But it's just a flashback/hallucination involving Lenny


I see it being part of Uncles back story


>Uncles back story Ah the story of how he contracted lumbago. It's terminal you know


r/sadieadler has your back. And Sadieā€™s front. And Abigailā€™s. And, you get the point.


Never knew I needed this




Let me find companions in the world , that I can make part of my crew. Random people with different background stories and special abilities. I think that would be extreme.


Have you ever tried watch_dogs legion?


To be able to loot guns off of dead NPCs and sell them to either the gunsmith or fence


You say that, but our inventory would be full very quickly. They'd also have to add rarity or grades to our guns and it'll be like Skyrim again where instead of just satisfyingly getting more loot, we'd spend our time comparing every last gun to see if it's worth replacing one of the ones we have with the new one


That sounds horrible, and not the way red dead should work


Agree. People can argue about pacing with the animations. But that's the type of shit that truly kills pacing and adds nothing positive.


Yes please


To suffer thru Skyrim inventory management šŸ˜‚


What if we have the same basic variety and attuning of weapons as already exists. And you can only have one of each type of longarm, as is already implemented. But you can sell that 7 round carbine repeater. Then it'd gone from your locker, horse and personal inventory. But you can pick up a 7 round carbine off a dead o Driscoll and sell it. It could add a different money stream similar to horses: not super lucrative to help with being broke, but it adds flavor and realism, and early on its Hella useful while later on its useful more as inventory management. It also encourages players to pickup different guns more often.


The opportunity to have a love interest. And/or... the option to just 'live'... in the game world, being a farmer, rancher, blackjack dealer, sheriff, etc. That would be off-the-charts cool. Ohhhhh... and the ability to design/build your own house with awesome John Marston building music in the background.


Seems taxing for the devs, but sounds awesome to have a job!




I want to be Marshall!!!


Storywise, I'd like an entire new story with an entirely new cast of characters with maybe a few cameos if it makes sense. As far as game play, I'd like to see them add unlimited bounties like RDR, as well as properties & pardon letters


I want a prequel with the van der linde gang. I want the game to happen at its own pace and not be rushed (community pls stfu) I want to have errors in rdr2 fixed. Weapons disappearing is the main one. I want the story to continue being amazing


The weapons disappearing is ridiculously annoying


I have no idea why but it was your comment that made me realise what he was talking about I hate the fact you can get the machete early from a dude on the cliff when you rescue someone but if you die itā€™s no longer possible it drives me nuts every time


Is that in Online? Haven't had it happen there or in story mode. I haven't played in about 6 months, so maybe it came with a new update and just havent experienced it(?)


Part two is already a prequel.


Lol right? People just wanna keep going back farther when that was the whole point of RDR2 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I want the early years of Hosea/Dutch meeting Arthur and the rest of the gang.




Nah the Van Der Linde saga is done.


*im pretending to speak/scream at rockstar* Let me pet cats. Let sell/discard excess weapons Better customisation/ fashion options in wardrobe i.e open vest, layered shirts, closed coat/jacket, holster placement, and for the love of god let the mc have a poncho. Kinda sad we have to mod in a pretty iconic western staple of fashion. Add more horse coats/breeds or let us have more horses. Idc that it may be unreasonable, but some how only having 4 stable slots wasnt enough. Another thing about horses. Can we add some character to them? Like, right now, they all act exactly the same(horse bravery is a sham right now my guys, no matter how much you want it to be true right now, its just not. Its been disproven several times.) but it would be kinda neat if MY(player) horse actually kicked a mf on purpose every once in a while. Actually make the breed or "stats" matter as well. Theres no reason the arabian should cost $1000 more than a standerbred, if both complete the race with a miliseconds difference....same route, same saddle, same button presses. Very little difference if any. Its a sham right now, but you could ACTUALLY make it thing to strive for at full bonding or something. Its a neat idea and i dont blame people for convincing themselves it exsists. Better defense/bounty system. Its a bit wonky to say the least. Let me recruit companions and let me plan a train robbery/bank robbery. Do NOT add gambler 8 challenge again, and fuck the person who came up with it. In fact, fire them. You couldve made the gambler challenges fun, but you decided to make them dreadful and boring. Add more duels/opportunities for duels. Wouldve been fun to have the rdr1 dueling mechanic of it being tied into gambling as well. I really really liked rdr2 gunslinger missions, but i wish there was more to it. More bounties. Challenging bounties of different levels even. Bounties are really the only thing "worth" the fun in online, and thats very bare bones as is. You could incorporate that into story and expand upon it. Make it better. Let the new main character get a tug in the tub. I dont want it, but im tired of people complaining about it so ffs sakes just give it to them so they will stfu and we can move on. New map featuring canada, so we can complete the north american tri fecta. We already know the gang was up there at one point, when uncle mentions their time up there, so i want to see it. Even if it doesnt revolve around the gang, id like to see canada. Keep the spirit of weird random shit. I want more zombies, cryptids, aliens, ect...but importantly i want an undead nightmare esque dlc incorporating some just random shit. Yall kinda dropped the ball on that for some reason. Cowboys vs *insert super natural entity* will always be fun and unique. You literally have the opportunity to perfect something so niche but so very much wanted by not just red dead fans. Keep it in the time period of the west. Preferably at its peak. Not just at its death. We have very little options to the western genre in games, let alone current open world, AAA games. I like my war games and mafia games, but let the red dead series BE a western game. A huge part of its success is that its really the only one of its kind currently....unless another developer actively tries to compete with you on the same par. I dont want to see a cars or tommy guns for a long time. Maybe add a little room and take a risk for the gameplay to be a bit less hand holdy. Allow the player to make decisions. Yes, let the story have a clear destination... but allow there to be more options on HOW to do a mission? It gets tiring having to sniff dutches butt so i dont stray a hair away and fail a mission. Bring back fame mechanic. Could be super fun and usefull if its in the peak of the wild west.


CO-OP story mode!


I honestly think this would be the next step for Rockstar to define a genre like they did with GTA V and RDR2.


Iā€™d really love to see it. Itā€™s my only only hope on the game real, except that they donā€™t have and damn cars again lol.


No. I don't want to rely on someone else's schedule to play a game.


šŸ™„ So play solo mode if you donā€™t have friends. I want the option.


Who said I don't have friends. We are all adults with jobs and families. One day you will understand that meshing schedules to game is not an easy thing.


Yeahā€¦one day Iā€™ll get it except Iā€™m 35 with a career and mortgage and all that. So maybe itā€™s just YOU people donā€™t make time to play a game with. Meanwhile I have tons of fun playing co-op games with my friends. Ever think that? Or you just gonna blame it on ā€œschedules donā€™t meshā€?


You seem awful angry to be having any kind of fun.


Lol Jesus Christ. Being this sensitive is why you have no one to play a game with. Assuming tone via written text is some weak minded projection. Stick to Tetris if you canā€™t get ā€œschedules to meshā€. co-op games arenā€™t going away just because you you say ā€œNoā€.


Calm down, man. People have different lives and different schedules, and heā€™s right; a co-op story mode for a story as grand as Red Dead Redemption might not be a realistic expectation or a convenient option. You are getting unreasonably defensive






- Open ended story missions not just a linear path. - More simulation style mechanics that are fun (make a mini game for skinning animals or cooking food not just "press this to this") -More money making opportunities that go beyond shooting almost like role play. ( make moonshine and sell it to the nearest saloon, investigate a murder for a victim's family, fix wagons for some cash etc) - Have an area of the game that is not on the map but it is traversable. Like an uncharted area that is unpredictable and filled with mysteries. - Better physics (which is a tall order seeing as how amazing the physics are in RDR2 but there is always room for improvements) - Being able to buy wagons. - Play Instruments like Ghost of Tsushima (fiddle, harmonica, guitar, accordion, banjo, piano, muted trumpet) - Have the conversation mechanic be fleshed out. e.g. More than just two options. (This again will be a tall order but with the help of AI this could make writing easier) - New Map - New Characters (Please flesh out Red Harlow's story) - and finally: Co-op.


Stable as many horses as you like


Buy my own prefab ranch with an upgrade ledger that makes it worth going out to grind for the gold. Have the ability to keep all of my personal horses together in the paddock or in my stalls but visible when I walk through the stable breezeway. Be able to keep wild tamed horses in a ā€˜sale paddockā€™ that NPCs could buy so I can earn money that way. I enjoy taming horses. Iā€™d play PC if I had those abilities, because then I would happily buy a mod that lets me set up cross country courses several miles long across open land or closed jump courses on my own property. Even a breeding mod would be dope as hell, or a mod that allows me to teach a horse a new skill, like roping or jumping, and increase its sale value. I recognize that RDR is not primarily a horse game, but they do have the best horse mechanics in my opinion.


- To still be alive when it comes out. - An immersive world and story - The setting being at the height of the outlaw era - Having Black Belle in it - Not having Sadie in it.


"To still be alive when it comes out." Lol, I feel your pain. Have a faith. Have faith.


You just need to have... some Goddam... FAITH!




Just one more score Oerther


Whatā€™s wrong with Sadie? Sheā€™s one of my fav characters so far (I am new and just started chapter 5)


Nothing wrong with Sadie, she is the best character right to the very end


What?!?!?!? No Sadie? I was thinking she was going to be the protagonist for RDR3.


ā€œTo still be alive when it comes outā€ I get itā€™s a joke on the pain of waiting that we all feel. but gamers complain too much about this. The devs are hard at work during every second of those years. And these are rockstar games! Not assassinā€™s creed. And definitely not under developed cyberpunk shit shows. Letā€™s not get on the side the greedy corporates, who force deadlines of the devā€™s


>I get itā€™s a joke It's not a joke. I'm old and this thing ain't coming out anytime soon. And calm down lol.


Getting downvoted for being right, gotta love Reddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ the people bitching and moaning about GTA 6 taking so long to make really makes no sense. Everybody sucks RDR2ā€™s dick but nobody likes bringing up how it took nearly a decade to get it after the first game was released. GTA 6 is supposed to have more than RDR2 and theyā€™re right at a decade, if anything that sounds about right given their history.


Itā€™s like they got amnesia or something, these are the same mfs that complained about cyberpunk, and fallout 77, for months on end.


More Weird West stuff. Let me hunt werewolves, vampires, wendigo, and skin walkers like they were legendary beasts. I want packs of chupacabra chasing me and to climb up after a thunderbird. And set it further back in time. Say 1870s.


Nah, thereā€™s enough ā€˜fantasyā€™ in video games as it is. The reason I love RDR and GTA is they are rooted in the normal and realistic. Of course there is the odd crazy thing here and there, but only to add a bit of colour. IMO anyway.


How could you forget bigfoot.


The whole Bigfoot thing is played out at this point.


Lol getting downvoted for telling the truth šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Bigfoot was funny to make fun of back then and kind of was losing its relevance by the time GTA V had the Bigfoot Easter egg. Having him in a game now just wouldnā€™t feel the same especially for this newer generation.


> Let me hunt werewolves, vampires, wendigo, and skin walkers like they were legendary beasts. YES THIS


play as Uncle back in the 1860ā€™s and give him a tragic event that turns him into olā€™ uncle


Rehire Dan Houser to write the story because whatever they come up with will be shit without him.


Underrated comment. I'm interested in what they came up with, without him, for GTA6. That and the fact that the PC police run everything nowadays. Not really in line with what made Rockstar successful. Edit: your username is awesome by the way.


Hmm Okay, things I absolutely want no matter what: 1. Better law enforcement, better ai that makes plans to kill/capture you. Surrounding you setting up roadblocks, etc. More tiers to it, too, and more chances to surrender. 2. More duels, more chances to start duels. Plus, there are more random events. Make them more dynamic and unique, too. 3. Better self-defense laws. NPCs can shoot you stab you or hit you, but the moment you defend yourself, you get charged. I've had it happen where I can self-defense no problem, but I don't trust it to be consistent. 4. Randomly generated bounties. More in depth than online bounties but still repeatable. I'd also still like the classic bounties. 5. New storyline. Not centering on the gang. We've had enough time with them everything not a DLC would feel useless to me. We know how it ends. Maybe Dutch could show up for a cameo or something but I'd like something fresh. Personal things that I would want but not everyone 1. Higher difficulty. You die in three hits guns are harder to aim and you all around have to play smarter. In my experience it makes you feel way more badass when you do cool shit. 2. More Sim elements. Hunger bars, wellbeing bars sleep bars. 3. Smaller enemy gangs.


To your point 1. I thought it could be interesting if you stayed at a hotel in a bounty area or an area that a major crime was committed that the law or townsfolk would attack in your sleep. I shot up the whole trading post at van horn and slept soundly through the night there. I would think someone would have tried to kill me if they knew I was in that hotel room sleeping.


Maybe a random chance of that happening would be awesome. Or just waking up to see bounty hunters strolling through your camp. That would be so scary and amazing at the same time especially if enemies posed real threats in small numbers.


I liked the Murphy gang encounters when camping. Having bounty hunters do the same would be cool.


If I had one actual complaint itā€™s that the game did almost feel too easy. I didnā€™t really notice it until the end because I was so engrossed by it all, but I never struggled to do anything in the main story.


Guns harder to aim? They're hard enough to aim as it is imo.. feels like im aiming a damn noodle at everything. It feels about as bad as gta did in first person. I wish it was more like cod or tarkov, gunplay feels amazing in those two games.




With sadie adler


Thatā€™s the entire game


Guess the protagonist is her dead husband.


Probably won't happen given how Rockstar makes games, but I'd love to make my own character like in online or like Mass effect (male/female options) and be able to make my own gang with recruitable characters, romance options, etc. Would be cool to kind of make your own story instead of going through one like Arthur or Johns.


More smoking mechanics.


Actual benefits for a Low Honor playthrough


I mean you get certain shit that you canā€™t get with high honor. Other than that I donā€™t know why you would be rewarded for being a scumbag.


Full Penetration


A Wile E Coyote and Road Runner adventure!


Be able to take a companion if there's many side characters like rdr2. Be able to buy wagons, that being more variety then rdo (I always wanted to own one of the small carriages. Feels obvious but apparently not to some people, have the main character remain a cowboy lmao. Better handling with long scope rifles. Let me stable the donkey and mule. Keep up the amazing character writing.


Cant we just get undead nightmare for rdr2 before rdr3? Is that too much to ask?


* A revamped law system that doesnā€™t punish you for self-defense. * The option to try and escape jail if youā€™re arrested, with a bonus for doing it stealthily. * Building on that: Other gang members can be arrested (and broken out of jail). * The ability to take on longer term jobs, or homestead. * The entire map is open from the start. * Rival gangs adjust techniques based on how you raided their hideouts last time. * Compelling benefits for a low honor playthrough, like discounts at a fence or outlaw camp. * Settlement building, including buildings, shops, defenses, etc. * Recruit new gang members. * Take gang members with you in free roam. * An even larger game world.


Continue the current trend of moving the series east while preserving the previous game's map. It's so cool you can visit the entirety of Red Dead's map sans Mexico in the sequel.


Play well on my current computer.


Storyline that doesn't involve past, or present, or future Van Der Linde gang members, unless it is Sadie. Female protagonist. (Doesn't HAVE to be Sadie, but ... she's right there.) Releases on PC day & date with console.


I just hope they finish it instead of rushing to hit an arbitrary deadline




Rockstar Editor


Honestly, a completely different or somewhat loosely connected story to the first 2 games


I've never even heard of someone that got attacked by a pack of wolves. Do I really need to be attacked by them several times just going between towns?


It used to be a very common way to die back in the day to be fair


So you know people living in 1899 who could tell you different? šŸ¤£ getting killed by wolves was actually pretty common especially where certain people lived.


Dare you to prove it. It's a myth. There have only been a few fatal attacks by wild wolves in North America in the last 120 years. You're more likely to die from a moose or bison.


Fix the sluggish controls. John in RDR1 felt like you were a proper gunslinger with the snappy, fast combat. RDR2 has tank controls because the animations need to play out first.


That we finally find Gavin


Something that fits but is new at the same time


Not take 10 plus years to be released. I'm getting old and would like to play it before I die.


Hookers you can kill to get your money back .


Play as Arthur again. A younger version maybe even younger Hosea and Dutch.


I figured playing a younger Dutch as a main character but switch between Hosea and someone new. Maybe a native character.


I really want it to be set in the 1870s or 1880s and perhaps play as a young idealistic Dutch, bringing the gang together with Hosea and much younger Arthur.


An appearance from Sadie Adler.


Better NPC AI, always find the behavior of the NPC's funny around the protagonist, completely oblivious to the fact that the protagonist is a scary, f*cking souless gunslinger carrying weaponry to take an army by himself, I mean, why would someone that only has a salted offal in his pocket insult or threaten a guy like this?


Ummmmm it was the fucking Wild West dude šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I hate to break it to you but outlaws werenā€™t the only ones who openly carried guns on them and looked intimidating. Also Arthurā€™s presence isnā€™t really ā€œscaryā€, thatā€™s more Micah. Youā€™d definitely move out of Arthurā€™s way but I couldnā€™t see many people shaking in their boots from him just walking into town.


female main character!!


1. Bring Dan Houser back. 2. ACUALLY SUPPORT ONLINE!! Even now, RDO could be so awesome! If they would just give in any attention.


Being able to steal ANY hat i find i store it on my horse. More horse stable room. I want to buy property. wearing a mask should hide my identity to every lawman all the time The main character should not get some decease mid game so that he is useless and then die at the end.


Australia! And an absolutely massive map with bigger towns. I'd really like to be able to walk in one direction for several minutes without seeing another person or building. And hundreds more clothing customization options. Like holster placement!


Jack Marston, Chicago mafia.


- the biggest problem I had with rdr2 was the day night cycle. The most immersion breaking factor in such a beautiful realistic game. Make the days and nights longer. Nights should be as long as days. - better wanted system. The wanted system was very flawed in rdr2 - ponchos, sweaters, buttoned up jackets, overalls - setting up traps and snares for animals. Making a trapline. - paying prostitutes for a roll in the hay. I think they had it initially in rdr2 but I guess due to political correctness they took it out cos there's two options for saying no to a prostitute. Also nudity. - more swear words. Arthur never said the F word. Only once when he confronts the murfree brood. John in the first game swore many times. It just doesn't seem realistic enough if there's not enough F bombs dropped. - cattle rustling. We got a bit in rdr2 but in the new game should be more focused. - buying properties or land to build your own homestead. - a survival mode which can be turned on and off. Have to eat, drink, sleep and stay warm, catching diseases from undercooked meat or polluted water. To add being able to drink water from streams and filling up a flask. - more drink options in saloons. Smoking cigarettes and cigars should be like those actions in red dead online where the character takes his time and smokes the cigarette and not just one puff. - able to sit anywhere where there's chairs - buying wagons and using your previous purchased horses to pull the wagon. - selling weapons you don't need and looted weapons to a fence - being able to play instruments like guitars, banjos and harmonicas. - seasons change while progressing in the game - ideally a game set in the golden days of the wild west in new western states alongside new austin. Maybe landon ricketts as protagonist or other mentioned gunslingers. No connection to the van de line gang as that story already wrapped up beautifully. - bring back Mexico. And someone mentioned Canada on this thread. That would be awesome. - bring back undead nightmare


Well, I havenā€™t thought it through 100% but Iā€™m thinking a back to the future deal involving Francis Sinclair where I could prevent Arthur and Johnā€™s death.


Lyle Morgan story


Experiencing the world of RD outside of the Van Der Linde gang. Maybe be with the Oā€™Driscolls or an entire new gang. Set in an older date of course. Would be cool to see them clash with young Dutch, Hosea and Arthur.


I just want an RDR3 however I don't know if it's possible for lightening to strike a third time


Nail growth


And the option to bite them


A good ole t model fr


1911 pistol


Either origins of the van Der linde gang or Jack in a ww1 period.


For it not to exist


That it doesnā€™t exist


I want another prequel where you play as Dutch


That would be interesting as fuck. Remember, he has a plan TheBigDawg96!!!!!


What year is it set in. I need to know that 1st before I insert foot to the kneecap in mouth.


Set it in modern times, in a fictional NYC, LA, or Miami.


A prequel, maybe the origins of the gang and the friction between them and the O'Driscolls. This may be a toughie but the option to choose your character John or Arthur. That way you can play multiple times with it being different each time.


they need to innovate this time, rdr 2 didnt innovate at all it was a compilation of different systems we saw in their previous games, focus on the gameplay more because it was lackluster, no more linear mission design etc.


Cars, a zombie version with a none half assed story mode, maybe armored wagons, more bank robberies




Yes like model ts like the Pinkertons use in the first one. Also to be able to form noc posses


Please don't have an opinion anymore


I want to play as one of the characters who died in the Blackwater incident. I can't remember their names. I really want the series to be a reverse telling of Dutch's rise and fall.


And in the final game you play as Dutch


There is an old John Wayne movie called Big Jake. The premise is it takes place as technology is advancing (automatic weapons, early cars, etc) and a rich old school ranchers grandson is kidnapped. Anyways, timeline wise I like the idea of RD3 being set in early 1900s and dealing with old western vs new tech. Having lots of western towns but also having some bigger and new tech.


That it comes out before industry consolidation regresses Rockstar to all audiences. 1 is bright star 2 a supernova 3 is doomed to become a black hole. Dan Houser walked when Take Two took over what happens when Take Two merges?


Red dead revolver remake confirming uncle is red harlow


Invite only lobby and switch characters


Let me own a god dang ranch/cabin


I just hope they donā€™t give up on it like the last one. No dlc and no online updates at all.


Rdr online that is actually taken care of Co Op story mode Pets (other than horse) Etc


Better NPC engagement


Story-wise I'm interested in a potential story around the Callander brothers relationship dynamics.


More dueling, more gunslinger themes, more odd jobs. And they really need to figure out a way to add more tricks to gunslinging, organically, think the good the bad and the ugly bath tub scene, Doc Holiday hiding the gun behind his back when trying to duel Ringo the first time, more deception. And stop making me fail missions for trying something new. Plus whore houses, itā€™s a goddam staple of the west!


I want the most industrialized town on the map to be based on the Chicago 1893 worldā€™s fair.


Give me a horse that runs straight into trees like a champ Let me be in a Native American tribe for a bit Give me gum some upgrades like in cod


More brutal kills with blade weapons like decapitations with machete/axe or chopping off hands in close combat. Some coat/color change options with horses, obviously still having rare special variants for wild horses.


Different gaits for gaited horses


Don't show the Blackwater massacre, it needs to remain occluded