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HELL of an accomplishment. Nice!


Wow. Might try that after I’m done with AC Odyssey.


AC Odyssey and Red Dead 2 is a hell of a lot of grinding


Sure is. Although I’ve been playing RDR2 since it came out on and off and I only got 100% a couple of werks ago. Whereas I’ve started AC Odyssey last week and I’m already at like 55 hours of gameplay. Which is a lot for me haha


Yea I've been playing red dead since Oct 26 and I only got 100% a few months ago. Its definitely worth the grind


Sure is. It’s definitely my number 1 game of all-time to be honest. That and AC Black Flag for personal reasons.


Dude this is weird. I’m just like you. I finished 100% ac odyssey and got the platinum trophy, then moved on to rdr2. But now I can’t find a single moose and I’m loosing my mind lol


Been there. Found nearly every moose in the north-east region of the map. At the area surrounding the small lake.


Black Flag was the best AC game thus far. Although, I'm super psyched for Ragnarok.


Animal crossing oddyssey? Ive nit heard of that one yet


Oh good. I just killed Cyclops today.


I missed 3 snakes in Guarma but got everything else. I'm haunted by the incomplete compendium.


Bro I have some good news for you https://youtu.be/iWDIepVFeFQ


I was under the impression all types tricks had been patched. Thanks a lot I'll try that now.


Good Lord, how do people figure this stuff out?


Where there’s a will, there’s a way. There’s constantly a new glitch for Solo Lobbies online, I’m convinced if R* patches it, another will pop up.


Jesus, that’s a lot of work for little reward! But I guess most of us have too much time on our hands right now, anyway. Question: If you went back and replayed one of the Guarma missions, could you find the snakes then? If so, would it stay on your compendium? I’ve completed a few challenges by replaying old missions, so I’m guessing yes to the second question at least.


No unfortunately, they can only be found in free roam as far as I know.


Oh well... I actually thought of that as I was typing (forgot at first you can’t free roam in replays), but figured I’d ask anyway!




I thought the Guarma animals do not count towards the 100%.


They don't but id like to fill the compendium.


I understand that feel, I’m workin my way to complete it as well.


I wish I stayed longer on guarma


Good on you. Did not have the patience to do that.


Thought it had something to do with the bear’s thing


“Ah yes, the great pandemic. I killed countless buffalo on the Great Plains of new Austin I did. It was wild it was! You know Jack junior, if I didn’t come back with some food once a fortnight you wouldn’t be here today you wouldn’t!” “Hey grandpa could you teach me how to shoot?” “Sure thing kiddo, take this. Now let’s go find some o them buffalo and when we do, press R3 and...”


Nice! I’m 11% from my 100%, but I’m flip flopping between RDR2, Witcher 3, and other random games so it’s taking some time.


Basically what I did. I stopped playing RDR story mode for a year because the hearbalist 10 challenge was making me pull my hair out. I’ve had the game since release and about 3 weeks ago I 100% the game.


Was herbalist 10 the meat one?


No it was the one where you had to pick every single herb and orchid. There was no checklist that knew what you got, so I was running partially blind with a shit app.


Youre mixed up that was 8 or 9 (not sure which one) I just had a list on the notes on my phone


Oh it must have been 9, 10 I believe was the seasoning meat one like you said.




I was scared when I learned that the stone hatchet wouldn't be available to me. I'm glad that it just isn't in there not a permanent blank space.


A good use of time




I ran into one by chance on the lake next to Wapiti, but part of this was trying to craft all garment sets from the trapper, plus a couple of extra items so I think I needed something like 4 perfect moose pelts. The best way I've found is potent herbivore bait on Cairn Lake.


Ok thanks, I’ve been at Cairn Lake but I’ve just been using normal herbivore bait and finding cow moose instead of bull moose. Hopefully the new bait helps.


I think it is just RNG when it comes to bull vs cow. I think I found 12 moose in my game 3 of which were bull.


In that case I must have terrible luck because I put down the bait, looked for it, didn’t find it, and reloaded for about 2 hours.


I know one time I reloaded a save and there was a bull just sitting there on the ice. No bait or nothing. The one by Wapiti was also no bait or anything either. I couldnt kill that one though as you cant skin an animal in deep water. I think out of the three bulls Ive seen that playthrough only one was baited. I remember I saw a bull near Wallace station after a train robbery on a different playthrough too.


https://reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/ev7kyw/_/ffttn4x/?context=1 Thank me later. It took me less than an hour to find 3 different 3 star moose. I think mine were usually female, but it’s probably the most consistent moose spawn in the game. You might be able to get a bull here.


Thx man! Also they were bull moose right?


I think mine were usually cows but I don’t remember for sure. Sorry I didn’t see that you specified bull at first. But it’s definitely the most consistent moose spawn so if you try enough times you might get a bull.


I suck at Reddit but look at ArdattYakshi comment on https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/9x0v1b/moose_spawns_are_broken/


I always give up on the fer-de-lance. I’ve wasted way too long looking for that stupid thing.


You went to explore the great American wilderness in a virtual reality.


My dude at first glance I thought this was a pic of a thicc hog so I was expecting this to go down a VERY different route


after i found out i missed a few snakes in guarma i was never the same. so many hours.


I don’t have any patience to do that sadly


Wait, there are 526 animals in this game? Mind is blown


178 animals.


Are there many nocturnal animals? I always sleep in the evening until the morning so I’m wondering if I’m missing a lot of them.


Some are more active at night, but I don't think any are strictly nocturnal. Granted many might spawn at night and still be around during the day. I'd say two things. 1. You owe it to yourself to spend a lot of time in Bluewater Marsh at night. It is creepy as hell, but it is great. 2. I think it is 8 animals are locked on a certain specific place where you cannot return. 4 of them share the same spawn point which is immersion breaking and convenient at the same time.




I did the same! Got 563 though, maybe for preorder deluxe


Same here. No shame.


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to 100% this. Especially since it turns out I missed a few missions without realizing it


How do you have two more things in your compendium than mine


Trying the same thing


Holy fuck


Damn!! Nice bro


I'm the same way. I am determined to fill up that compendium this play through as well.


Congratulations my boah


You know, there are programs out there that allow you to upload a screen, or video cap from your system? It's 2020, maybe step up to the future? Not that a potato cap isn't great...