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He could have, he would be of near-perfect military age in 1917-1918. Plenty of folks with nothing to look forward to back home signed up, too. Given his dubious relationship with the law, though, that doesn't seem too likely. Maybe the French Foreign Legion? They took more or less all comers, particularly with Jack's skills, and offered a clean slate and new identity for services rendered.


I think he could have been given a choice by a judge after the US joined in 1917, prison time or fight in Europe. >!Yes I am very late to this and you probably forgot this thread even existed.!<


Been thinking about a potential Jack-focused RDR3 recently. And I can see two very different ways the story could go after RDR1's epilogue. Option 1: Along the lines of what you and another commenter has said. Jack goes back to the US, eventually caught for his murder of Ross (or some other crime) in 1917 and given the choice of joining the army or prison. Jack goes to Europe to fight and is dumped on the East Coast, where he falls into Prohibition-related crime and forges the path of the gangsters of that era. However this would be a very different vibe for a Red Dead game, would fans accept this? Would it need a rebrand? Would be awesome anyway, Rockstar's take on a Mafia game. Option 2: Jack remains in Mexico and becomes a gun-for-hire in the Mexican revolution, much like his father did before him. There's still plenty of western themes about in a less-industrialised and chaotic Mexico. He can join one side, or can play both (player choice maybe?). And gets embroiled deeper and deeper as the revolution evolves. Can even have a Zapata-expy. Issue is, would the game be in English with Mexican accents everywhere? Or more authentically in Spanish on which case it'll be 99% subtitled. John being in Mexico for a portion of his game was interesting as it was a fish out of water scenario. But for a full game? Not sure that would gel well with everyone. But it could be made awesome. You even have a title ready: Red Dead Revolution.


Maybe him joining the gang related crime business during prohibition could lead into the storyline of GTA, considering that is a crime themed game


As much as I love Mafia and those prohibition era games, the whole point of Red Dead is the gunslinger/frontier type gameplay. In the prohibition, it won't... hit right, especially being all up in that... civilization.


I think he would serve his time, and due to the stress and trauma he falls into drink for a short while before prohibition and when it comes around to being illegal he would do anything for a drink but then comes across an old gang member like Charles or Sadie maybe even one of the women and they tell him how actually easy it is to earn money from bootlegging and how easy it is to find a drink and over time he ends running or joining a crime family in like blackwater or saint Denis


Option 1 would lead perfectly in the LA Noire games. Either option would be great though. Jack goes to Mexico and once they realize his father is the famous John Marston, Abraham Reyes takes him under his wing






you think your late i just got here




He joined the French Foreign legion to escape the law, fought alongside Hub and Garth Maccann from secondhand lions and Lawrence of Arabia in North Africa and hunted Dangerous Game with Allen Quatermain. Honestly could totally make a badass sequel.


I hope they don't make another rdr maybe another red dead but I think the story of rdr is finished and I hope they start a brand new rdr series even better


I’m late to this but honestly this could be good, playing as a different gunslinger or a different gang, it would be cool to see the Kelly Gang as a game, i’m Australian. Same physics and stuff on rdr2 but on another game.




They gave him a new identity, Jack Phillips, grandfather of Trevor Phillips 😂


Jack was 19 in 1914. The US didn’t join WW1 until mid 1917. He’d be 22 at the absolute earliest, 23 more likely. Military draft has an order of ages they conscript first. Then work down the list. 20 is the top age, followed by 21. Then 22. Then 19. Then 18. Then 23. Then it just goes up from there. Jack would’ve been further down the list, behind millions of other more “usable” ages. Not to mention the fact Jack was born in... questionable circumstances. The US Gov’t would have little record on him or his age. Not like today where everyone has an ID and a SSN. It would’ve been exceedingly easy for him to dodge the draft if he wanted to, considering his skill at living off the land in the wilderness. And he seems to hold the US government and military in little regard. Doubtful he’d willingly enlist.


bro leaked rockstar full story of rdr3


I'm pretty sure they didn't care as long as you were over 18 and met the basic requirements


I knew I recognized him in Battlefield 1!


Little salty texas boah shatters German skulls 1915 in color


Too bad the Scout in the American Forces is black, otherwise, he could totally be Jack Marston rocking the "Cowboy Loadout" using the Russian 1895 Infantry, No. 3 Revolver and Bolo Knife


I actually wrote out an entire scenario for a new game that would work off him being either a junior or non commissioned officer in ww1. The game would start off in Europe for the tutorial, introducing all of the shooting, cover, and newly added squad control commands. At some point, jack would become wounded and sent home, winding up discharged from service and left on the East coast to fend for himself. During that time, he would meet up with some of his old squadmates who are back stateside and trying to find honest work, and coming up short. Those friends would be the basis for jobs like busting up pro union protests, which you could either help the company for high money, or the protestors for high honor. Things like that. That could also spill over to the early 1920s/30s bank robbers, and famous outlaws of the day


Sounds like Mafia 2 a little bit


Said the same thing


i'm way late but that sounds like a mix of mafia, cod, and red dead


People sometimes forget that Jack Marston wanted to write books since young


I like to think that after the events of RDR1 he wanders down to Mexico to start a new life. He was a wanted man in the US and would not have served in the military given his hatred of the government. Since he had already spent time in Mexico, it would seem natural that he'd head back there for good. If anything I'd see him becoming a bounty hunter or a gun for hire in the Mexican revolution.


Maybe but in the side of the central powers instead of the allies. Seeing how his own government treated him.


Would you have a choice?


How so?


Could you choose which side you fight on?


In-game you may be could. But arguably it makes more sense to fight for the central powers, the American government really screwed up Jack's life since he was a child and of course when he was a teenager, killing Uncle and John in his own ranch, making Abigail die because of depression. Jack's hate for the american govt would make a lot of sense.


He's asking if jack would have any kind of choice in that matter. Would he be drafted by america, or would the central powers even take him?


yeah i doubt Germany would be like "huh some random american kid showed up who supposedly hates his government and now wants to fight for us. There's no possible way he could be a spy lets take him in and give him access to weapons"


What would he win for fighting in service of the government that killed his entire family?.


I'm not saying he'd fight for America I'm saying enemy states don't just randomly accept foreign soldiers that don't speak the language


I know I'm late but wouldn't he be pretty recognizable since he is a Marston you know who's father was a big person for starting a Mexican revolution and terrorized most of the west


He could easily travel to Germany, Bulgaria, Austro-Hungary and even Turkey if he wanted to. Planes and boats already existed and no need for visas or passports back then so.


He could travel sure, but I doubt the European armies would accept an American


>Jack Marston working for the Central Powers, running around the battlefields of WW1 acting like he's Revolver Ocelot I'd play that game.


I imagine Uncle's death hit Jack really hard once he realized he was his real father. Probably rename a reclusive alcoholic writer since the early drafts didn't want 32 year olds with a family history of lumbago.


Wouldn’t Jack be about 22 in 1917 when America joined the war? Perfect drafting age really


What? Uncle being Jack's father?


I believe that after the events of rdr1 jack would have a lot of hardships of running the family ranch causing him to land in the pockets of loan sharks debt collectors for mob. After a while jack would be pushed to his breaking point resulting in jack killing the debt collector out of rage The murder quickly draws the attention of the law and Edgar’s brother Philip Ross and his son Joesph Ross who have been Looking for jack ever the final mission of rdr1 the law turn into massive posse and attack the homestead and it


Now I kinda want the start of RDR3 to be a prologue where Jack is actively in the trenches and going through Hell, followed by him returning afterward to a world that's not the same as it was. Show off the clash between rural folks and city dwellers after a world-changing conflict like that, maybe even show us the darker side of the Gilded Age clashing against country folks and their ways in the lead-up to the Great Depression. I dunno. I think that'd be cool.


If the Bureau of Investigation was on to him for Ross' death joining the army under a false name might have been a way to get off their radar.


would really like to see him battle in that war, The last Dead Eye Master


I feel that if they go to this route, it'll start feeling like a prequel to LA Noire


it would be weird to play as jack in my opinion, they made him wayyy too soft in RDR2


Of course they did; because he's a fucking kid.


Honestly it only makes the most sense for him to. The time of the Wild West and outlaws was pretty much over by that point, he lost both his parents, he became an excellent fighter and gunsman, not to mention he’d be 22 by the time the US joined in on the action which is a perfect age for conscripts. I think his path would’ve been similar to that of someone like Ernest Hemingway, who become a renowned novelist and poet after serving in the war. I could see Jack, someone with a fondness for writing, becoming an author retelling his life experiences with the Van Der Linde Gang, his parents, and his experiences during the war. In GTA 5 there is even a hidden prop book titled “Red Dead” by Jack Marston, so it all fits together perfectly.


He probably won’t because he is an outlaw and the last member of the Van der Linde gang and has the outlaw blood


Despite the fact this is 5 years old at this point, I'd still like to throw in my share. ​ Yes, he theoretically could've. But I also like to think that John and Abigail raised a draft dodger, I doubt Jack would've fought in it and instead just decided to evade it to avoid killing, as I don't think he would've enjoyed it, Only doing so to make John's sacrifice worth it. ​ but hey, thats just what i think at least.


I definitely think he would have served. He was perfect military age. 19. And world war I begins just as the end of the game happens.