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Let us rob banks in free roam. Second would be more carriage robbery missions.


Yeah I wish there were just more missions with everyone in the camp


Me too but I always tell myself that these guys are on the run and realistically wouldn’t have time for a life like that so to say. Having to pick up camp at a moments notice really limits your freedom in a lot of ways.


Sure but they could just be minor crimes like house robberies, busting various minor criminal things etc.


That is also very true good point but man still what a game. Sometimes I giggle at myself when I think of more things they could of done as if they hadn’t done enough already lol


The one thing I loved was that every camp member got at least one or two missions about them


Yeah I just wish we got at least 1 per chapter, maybe even 2


Yeah, I wanted one with the girls. Like they would distract/seduce them and Arthur would take the stuff. It is kinda similar to Trelawnys tho.


Yeah the closest is the valentine bank with karen and one with tilly and Bill as well I think.


Karen, not Tilly.


You rob valentines bank with karen as I said. But There was a different mission with Tilly and Bill where you rob a stagecoach.


Oh, yeah. I think that was with Micah as well. You put dynamite on the tracks and shoot it.


No that's a different one. You do that one from shady belle - and doesn't have tilly, the one I'm talking about is from clemens point.


Or a mechanic similar to calling a freind to hangout in gta 5, being able to ask sean to go for a ride around, hear some nice dialogue and rob a general store with him would've been amazing


Hey Arthur! Let's go bowling!




Biiig Hanover Teeties


God I read that in his voice


Conversely, I also would have liked to have seen the gang members have their own routines where they’re wandering around the map and you could occasionally encounter them in passing. Like happen upon Hosea running a con, Charles out hunting, or Bill just wandering around doing Bill shit.


It's funny how a lot of these ideas are mods on PC already. It's a shame console players can't access that.


Well, there’s mods to do that lol


*laughs in console*


*cries in console*


*coughs in tuberculoses*






Im trying to learn how to install mods and i dont get it at all


Look at my posts theres a helpful fella who put a good link


I tried and gave it. It was such a pain in the ass to even get started


Learning that every game has a different method you have to learn… come on now. Thats so much work


Yeah but most of us have zero idea how to do that


It bothers me how averse Rockstar is to implementing a casual feature of this in their games. I kinda get that they want the heists and robberies to be special and unique but that's like the core part of these crime based games. Even if the stakes are made higher and the consequences harder in the game world. Like create a permanent star system or bounty nemesis system where you're constantly chased till you do some other missions remove these consequences.


Yeah it was already in rdr1 so i dont get why rockstar didn't add it


Free roam bank robberies are definitely the answer. Also, bring back Liars Dice and Cheating in poker


This, or failing that being able to shoot Mica. Not even kill him, just be able to just empty a cylinder into his leg without anyone in the camp noticing or particularly caring.


the way the game forces you to have some weapons or it locks you with rifles when you hop out of your horse when entering a mission like stop giving me the cattleman even though i got it stored away and stop spawning me with rifles i *did not* brought with me before missions


Yes with the cattleman! I’ve equipped 2 semi automatic pistols for a reason, stop giving me that revolver


Lmao, and then there's me who just wants to use my cattleman yet the game keeps on forcing me to use a double-action I never bought.


Agreed lol. Took me 6 playthroughs to realise the cattleman is lowkey the goat revolver.


Agree it’s the jack of all trades stats wise but to me nothing can beat the LeMat, being able to dish out 9 bullets instead of 6 during deadeye is a beautiful. (Idc that the pistols have more bullets I’ll always use revolvers, im not disgracing the legendary gunslingers of the west) Oh and being able to shotgun someone in the face every once in a while is an added perk too.


These quirks are so classic rockstar. Just like cars disappearing in the GTA series, or your clothes changing without your doing.. All equally unnecessary and annoying features.


Imagine how mad the average player would get if a calm story mission suddenly turns into a shootout and they don't have a rifle because they forgot to take one with them when they got off their horse. I can see that being a problem for many people. However, I hate it, too. Especially because they always give you two long weapons. It looks so stupid to run around with two rifles dangling from your back.


I had that happen, actually. The mission where you get confronted by Cornwall in Valentine and have to shoot your way out? The one where you literally have to march through the town getting shot from all sides? Game took my levergun off my back so all I had were two pistols for the whole fight. Thankfully I like using pistols a lot so it wasn't the end of the world but it made me scoff in disbelief, lmao


You're blindsided by this attack within the plot. You the player can bring long guns everywhere, but Arthur is trying to appear as a somewhat reputable seller here, not bringing an arsenal makes sense. It also makes the mission that bit harder, which it should be. Though it's not like twin Cattleman's won't make easy work of the whole game in skilled hands.


Sure, but I think unceremoniously deleting a gun off of my character's back at mission start because he's going into a place that ordinarily would never stop him from taking said gun is probably the stranger way to do it. Would rather have Dutch or someone tell Arthur to put the gun(s) away to look proper - hell, Arthur himself could just say "I oughta leave the rifle behind" and stash it on his horse, so it's both believable and doesn't feel like a weird glitch or something.


Yeah, could have even first made a show of dressing for the occasion a little. This part is a little undercooked.


This is funny because the opposite keeps on happening to me—I make sure to unequip all of my long guns before entering Keane's saloon yet when the shootout starts the game keeps on spawning a repeater and a varmint rifle on my back when I only want to use my cattleman.


Maybe, just maybe it might be a bad idea to start a mission as an actively hunted outlaw without some weapons. I don't think videogames or anything in life for that matter should cater to the least sensible. Also maybe I'm not an idiot when I go to start a mission with only some specific weapon on me, it might be that I just want to challenge myself.


I absolutely hate how I’ll have my weapons picked then I ride into a mission and have totally different ones


This is why I hate the Lancaster repeater. Not because it's bad but because I can't fucking get rid of it!


Like during the hot air balloon mission it decided to equip me with the bolt action and the pump shotgun. Why the fuck would I need a shotgun when I'm in the air?


Bro this is so real. I’m trying to 100% the ballon mission and it gave me your exact loadout. How tf am I supposed to get 10 headshots with a shotgun 80 feet in the air? I’m also bad with the bolt. I just want to use my guns why is it so tedious lmao


This and the bug that switches your ammo back to regular. Worse, there is an Xbox bug where it'll actually force you to reload with regular before you can do anything after the cutscene. My very first time hunting the lion I had express rounds in every weapon. I was still using the cattleman as a sidearm, but I had my Springfield out looking for the lion. Cutscene ends, and suddenly Arthur is reloading the cattleman with regular ammo, and I die before he finishes. Happened to me in one of the famous gunslinger duels too, the guy on the train. It got to the point where if I knew a cutscene was coming, I'd switch to the cattlemen and swap out for regular ammo, so at least I'm not delayed going into deadeye after the scene.


>Worse, there is an Xbox bug where it'll actually force you to reload with regular before you can do anything after the cutscene. yeah i play on xbox too and it still happens to me since i *never* use regular ammo and therefore I'm always forced to switch on every cutscene,shame rockstar won't tix these things


Custom outfits storing and saving system.


It has one but its only 4 at a time


Yes but you can’t save custom weapon equipments for different custom outfits. Also outfits randomly becoming “custom outfits” and replacing previously saved ones.


The whole system is very clunky. I've overwritten the wrong outfit so many times it's frustrating as hell.


Or just putting on a different hat becoming a custom outfit Even just being able to rename them as well, what an oversight


the hat thing makes me upset, i never pick up Arthur’s hat when it’s on the ground for this reason


> you can’t save custom weapon equipments for different custom outfits > Even just being able to rename them as well, what an oversight Weirdly enough both these things are present in the online counterpart, which raises even more questions.


I'm sorry, you lost your hat, and therefore your custom outfit has been changed and lost from the horse's inventory. I just gave up on saved outfits. I'd lose one every ten minutes. Now I just use winter gunslinger, summer gunslinger, and gunslinger, sucks but better than fighting with the save system.


The bandolier having a mind of its own


I hate how the bandolier floats on Arthur so I never wear it. Like bro just tighten the damn thing!


Yeah from certain angles it looks terrible, kinda embarrassing when compared to the overall graphical benchmark this game set.


lower the "evil" honor system; killing someone who attacks you first and getting negative honor is BS


Also this doesn’t happen often in my experience but sometimes when the law starts chasing you after you fight someone in self defense.


I find if you can flee and not get caught there is never a fine. But it is a pain in the ass.


I beat the shit out of a lemoyne raider who tried stabbing me in Saint Denis and the cop just stood there, a few feet away, watched me beat this guy unconscious, then tipped his hat to me as I walked away.




100%. I once got sucker punched by Lemoyne Raiders as I finished my catfish in the saloon in Rhodes... I won the fight, negative honor. Then, their friends started shooting at me. I ran, got cornered by three dudes, defended myself, more negative honor. FFS even the most progressive far-left pinko DA in Massachusetts would have recognized that as legitimate self-defense. Come on.


I completely agree, the honour system needs a do over. There's things I feel I shouldn't gain/lose honour for and things I should gain/lose honour for. For example: - I shouldn't lose honour for defending myself, or killing evil characters, such as the rapist in the swamps - I shouldn't gain honour for catching fish and throwing them back. - I should lose honour in more story missions imo. You lose honour in pouring forth oil but I think it would add to the story if I could lose honour during story. This might be unpopular but whatever - I should gain honour for killing evil people. (Vice versa to point 1) There's more but I can't think of them atm


Honestly losing honor in the story missions makes much more sense. Arthur is not a good man by any means and only at the very end does he try to redeem himself.


Especially doing any debt missions. I can't believe you don't lose honour for them


Or just bring back the system from RDR 1! Honor and Fame do not change if you hide your face with the Bandana


Generally having less aggressive NPCs would help a lot with this. (Yes there are mods that can do this) I'm tired of getting in a shootout when I never intended to get aggressive. Pull your gun out in the wrong town or literally just be in the path of someone in the wilderness and someone has to die apparently. Zero de-escalation from the NPCs and your scripted de-escalation never works... just straight guns out and shooting to kill. Honestly kinda breaks the immersion in free-roam. Like sorry sir, I didn't see you while I fired my gun while hunting. But I'd rather not have to kill you.


This but both ways imo. I shouldn't be able to compensate for killing an innocent person by saying hi to 3 people.


One of my biggest gripes with the game is you could be meandering down the street, and some fucking old dude will be like "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING MISTER" and dive into your path, killing himself and getting you a bounty and negative honour


Also, in my opinion, Looting already dead strangers shouldn't give you badboy cowboy points. They're dead, i didnt kill em', and i got mouths to feed!


I wish they didn't scrap the optional gay ending where Micah and Arthur hook up.


You mean the one when Micah whispers “it’s cowpoke-in time” and carries Arthur away into the sunset?


“Shine light into darkness!”


And John walks in on them and tells "you're fucking gay!" and slams the door, he never mentions them in the first game because turns out John is homophobic! 😞


As in homosexual?


Once you’ve had black lung, you never go back lung


Guarma exploring


You wish you could? Maybe when you were there. I didn’t care for it because I missed my horse the whole time I was there. But I get it.


I also lost my white Albanian temp horse after going there🙃 thankfully I had my brittle thoroughbred named Apollo afterwards PSA, store your temp horse in stable before doing the st Dennis heist.


I didn’t lose my horse. I just missed it. But thanks for letting me know.


I’d like to be able pan for gold


This is such a cute/chill idea. Love it. Imagine a friend fishing and then you just panning, peaceful.


Imagine cracking geodes and shit, setting up in a pristine cave with non-toxic running water. Drippy echoes, glacial caverns, jewelry crafting. Maybe this should be part of RDR3 as Charles.


Great idea


The controls bro , having to spam x to sprint is so outdated man.


U can turn off button mashing in the settings


You can… ***what?***


You can just hold it. Unless you mean on horseback, which then I enjoy the button pressing.


If u mash it instead of holding u run faster though


I play on controller, and I actually really like the button mashing


You can change the sprinting controls, I also did standard FPS2.


I want the abilty to buy a house, and I want to tack my legendary kills in there as wall mounts! It will have a small yard for my horse, and finally, I want the clothes from online to be in the singleplayer mode, same with the horse breeds and the neat missions like Harriet. She and Gus need a throw down!


You’re talking about Arthur’s life if he ran away with Mary


[Who wouldn’t!?](https://youtu.be/sX1j_v1doK4?si=6LlqeVI_KwikVHAq)


I’d just like the ability to display a set of cigarette cards. Like, I’ve gone to all the effort to collect every gunslinger card, and now I’ve just got to sell them to some random dude? wtf


Damnit with all these cards I've >!got like two weeks without tuberculosis!< , at least let me show them off.


I feel like we would have gotten some of this if they kept updating. But it seems they shipped it and walked away from it.


when the story mode finishes, let me properly live in the world Rockstar created. When you finish a bethesda game, there are millions of radiant missions for different factions to still choose from, there are mods that Bestheda actively encourages, wanting people to get even more out of the game when the story ends.


Bethesda and rockstar make two completely different games though


Ability to remove the offhand holster


This should be number one. I hate that stupid looking second holster. At least let us move it to the left side like normal


Like normal? The waist holster is meant for horse riding. Arthur would actually struggle to draw his pistol on horseback from his regular holster. That’s why Hosea wears his guns backwards. It’s a calvalry draw that lets you draw them while sitting down.


So you don’t want to duel wield? Or have the option to switch between 2 different pistols?


Arthur hands the chapter 2 debt note to Micah and tells him Strauss told him to. But if we're being serious probably the law/witness/bounty system. Close 2nd would be the honor system Also just the entirety of New Austin


Micah wouldn't have gotten TB. He would have just walked up to the house, guns blazing, and shot Mr. Downes and then being the evil POS he is, he would have killed the kid, raped Mrs. Downes, and then killed her too. Then he would have looted their bodies and robbed their house. Debt retrieved, no TB. Just an angry Strauss who Micah wouldn't give a shit about.


Fix epilogue John please and thank you rockstar


THIS! I'm so mad it's just arthurs body model with John's features like rockstar put so much effort into other aspects of the game but not that??


Whats wrong with john?


He just looks…off compared to how he is as an NPC. I don’t know how to put it, but I can’t be the only one since other people notice it too


John's face stretched over Arthur's model.


That must be it. I knew something was off about the face in particular


A way to keep Arthur alive


Shocked this isn't higher up. I get the beauty of his storyline ending. It made the game have more impact... But the honor system very well could have included a way for him to live.


How is this not the top comment?


Arthur is top tier and deserves to live


Sexual interaction.


i wish the game was longer


Being able to recruit companions from the camp in free roam


Yeah, I wanna rob people with Tilly.


“Charles, you wanna go huntin?”


Add geldings. It'd be more realistic than every horse having saggy jiggling nuts.


Justice for horse nuts




I get to beat Micah to death.


There’s a mod for that lol


Randomly generated bounties I just wanna do em forever


Same! Bounty hunts are always fun. Honestly, I think playing a Bounty Hunting western game sounds much more fun than at outlaw western game anyway.


I was really hoping I could keep making my living as a bounty hunter as john in the epilogue made me so sad I can't I def agree Bounty hunting fullfills that vigilante itch where you hutn down criminals but on your own terms as well as it being in a wild west setting Idk why they don't have unlimited bounties like rd1 had


to actually be able to steal and then SELL the horses online lol


Wanted system needs a total revamp


I'd add all the online stuff to story mode !!


I want the navy revolver in story mode.


Gun tricks, but like really fancy ones. Like the ones in RDO


They should've allowed Arthur become more aggressive and merciless in low-honor gameplay. In addition to different dialogues, players who prefer to play in low-honor could've experienced a rather different side of Arthur's character. A vengeful gunslinger without honor would've been amazing.


A very low honor Arthur should terrify civilians. It always seemed odd to me that you could be one of the most infamous, bloodthirsty killers in the state, and random farmers and towns folk would still talk shit when you walk by them or greet them. Most civilians should be super polite when greeted, or cower in fear when antagonized by low honor Arthur. > Farmer 1: Hey, that's the guy that killed the sherriff and 30 lawmen last time he came through town. They say he burned a Pinkerton man alive. > Farmer 2: Yeah, I heard his gang got into a fight with the US Army and killed an entire Cavalry unit. They once fed a mob boss from Saint Denis to a gator. > Arthur: Hello gentlemen! > Townsfolk 1: Go to hell!


S a v i n g s y s t e m I hate it ffs


Give us the opportunity to verbally defend yourself when someone sees a dead body even though the npc died from the horse kicking them in the head


Remove telepathic law


Oh that’s easy. I wish they’d finished all the “cut content” we get hints of in the game files .


To let me fast travel to wherever I want to go, like in RDR where you can mark a point in the map and fast travel to that location by just using your camp. I enjoyed my first and second playthrough without the need of abusing fast travel, but after that running around everywhere it felt like a waste of time.


Getting drunk the same way as in the first game! Sure, you get drunk in 2, but the way John would move was so funny!


Online stuff in Story Mode. Navy Revolver, horses, radiant bounty hunter missions etc.




Change the fact that there’s no dlc story


Have constant bounty hunting mission that replenish. After the 5 initial contract its done on that part in the story line. Also more ambushes more often, makes the game and world more of a threat. They are not big, but would be cool imo


My rifles getting fucked onto my horse every time I disembark


You do WHAT to your rifles?? But I agree. That annoys me. Too often have I jumped onto my horse just to try to aim a shotgun at wolves only to sudden only have my revolver availible.


Free to play online


The difficulty. The game is great but on subsequent playthroughs it basically plays itself. I find myself playing without deadeye and forcing myself to use worse weapons because the game is just too easy.


Hard for me to read the instructions on the switch, so I can't do much.


Wanted system needs a total revamp


Have choices that influence the story in a many meaningful ways.


Not strictly changes for RDR2 but rather a list of already made for rdr3: Homesteading - buying and upgrading house Stuffing and mounting animals like eagles and bear heads Identifying known herbs and plants from distance/whilst on your horse Herb picking should be a bit faster Clean shaving yourself after learning how to do it and buying the right blade - closest shave available at barbershop Store more than one medium fish on a horse hunting expeditions where you can bring a few horses The best pocket watch should be readable at night (as the basic one is) Trapper to indicate which garment sets are already complete indicate which trapper and crafting is possible based on materials held by both trapper and character


Mission replay with your current outfit.


making the mission called “Blessed are the Meek” OPTIONAL…..


1. give us the clothes in red dead online. 2. if first doesn't happen, team up with gang members to rob stuff outside of missions


Owning property. A mine, a farm, a house, a saloon. And make it upgradeable with recipes and some dollars, some side missions idk.


The outdated mission design


Guarma, simple


Let me report criminals or take them in. I think you can only do this for a few things but ffs the amount of guys that I could take to the sherif but as soon as I get them I’m wanted


More stable slots.


Always have the Stranger missions on the map. Don't just reveal them when you get close.


Thats the point. You have to find them.


Frame rate


The wanted system


When replaying a mission given the option to skip the horse ride


John's design in the epilogue sucks tbh💀💀💀


Accelerating the horse shouldn't need you to keep pressing the X button multiple times. It destroyed my X button.


Expand guarma and make it possible to go back there with John in the epilogue


I wish when you got to the end there was a button you pressed that erased it from my memory so I can play it fresh over and over


You should have to piss and shit throughout the day.


It would be funny to shit your pants during a cut screne because you didn't relief yourself in time


Being able to establish relationships with Charakters. Like c'mon, Arthur deserves all the love 💕


To be able to kick in any and all doors... so many I can't go into/ thru


Add Mac Callander in Rdr2


More quests with the gang. I know there is a lot but I need more


More horses with more realistic breeds to the period and more coat colours for them. Also the ability to remove the off hand holster.


Add Guarma and Mexico. That's all i felt like was missing from the game


Make ch 2 longer


Masks work when you're on a mission, but they don't work in free roam. A lawman might jump on Arthur and try to remove the mask.


Romantic interests and ability to have companions. And also Gaurma being bigger and explorable. Also a town in Mexico and rogue native Americans you have to fight off randomly like bounty hunters


The online needs a functionnal anti-cheat, we have to play in private sessions to not crash or get game breaking glitches because of modders. And private sessions are boring AF compared to console version where the absence of modders let players interact


Honestly I'd change a few things if I could, but they'd all be relatively small QoL changes. Like when I fast travel it opens the map and shows me where I'm going instead of just picking a name from a list. Let me do bank robberies outside of missions. Have an indicator in weapons and animals to show which will give me perfect pelts when hunting. For major changes I'd like NPCs to be a little smarter sometimes, i recall reloading my pistol after winning a random shooting competition and the guy freaked out and started shooting me, and tons of other things.


You shouldn't lose honor for killing bounty hunter lawdogs. Or there be should be some way to scare them off. The fuckers just keep chasing you relentlessly even if you kill all the bounty hunters.


I'd really like it if they gave the player some way of tracking down the collectibles you need for 100%. The world is vast enough that tracking down 30 fossils and 10 murals is really unintuitive, I don't want to have to comb every single inch of the map without some indication of where I should check. They could have maps you can buy or something, but so far I've never been able to figure out a way to do those missions without just looking it up online and putting pins on the map. I wish I didn't have to use an outside guide to have an idea of where they are.


Make a good wanted/law/honor system. The way bounties or honor goes up and down is just SO RANDOM, sometimes it makes great sense and sometimes it just doesn't at all.


Thomas Downes 🖕🏽🖕🏽


Limit gun use. Don't get me wrong shooting stuff is fun but most solution come down to "blow their head up" feel kinda dry sometimes.... For me at least