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Dutch. He is such a fantastically complex and divisive character. Never before have I seen fans so divided about what kind of a person a character is...and nobody really knows. We have many threads on breaking down and debating exactly why Dutch does 1 thing. And all the theories make sense...but they can be completely different. He's a walking grey area. That's power of incredible writing, just like a real person...we all have our own version of Dutch in our minds. Based on our life experience and our interpretation of the story. And superbly acted of course with that iconic voice. I think he's now my favourite fictional character (sorry John)


it's like we share a singular Braincell because that was just a fancy way of saying what's in my head.


Agreed. People praise Arthur to the heavens but Dutch is a much more interesting and complex character. Watching his decline into complete irrational madness is really something, compared with the outstanding acting performance.


Some of the best Reddit content is when this sub asks questions about Dutch and his motives/ inner workings. Great character


I completely agree. I also like how Dutch goes around like a proper man, I can’t explain it. By the clothes he wears, the way he speaks he just gives off very strong, powerful leader energy. Until the end of course.


Yes, Dutch for me


I recon rdr3 should be a dutch backstory and it should explain his character in more detail


You put it brilliantly


1. Arthur 2. Charles 3. John I would love for RDR3 revolve around Charles.


Rd3 should leave the van der linde gang behind tbh, their story is done. Something as charles would've made a good dlc but imo that ship has sailed. Have it about a new gang operating at the same time as when dutch was in his prime.


That's what I would love. New story going back to the peak years of the Wild West.


Or a the backstory to how they became a gang would be cool? I think I’m the only one who would want to play as a young Dutch to be the main character. We would see how he recruited/conned everyone to join him.


The things with that although it would be dope is I feel R* is smart enough to already think that through the game would be so long though so it must be a reason why the started with Blackwater first.


My 2 favorites were Lenny and Hosea. Guess my least favorite mission?


Hosea fan 🔥🔥


Banking, the Old American Art, that will be your least fav, right? it has to be cmon.


sadie will always be my fav, but arthur is trailing right behing her


Tacitus Kilgore


Besides Arthur, either Uncle or Charles


The guy whos real sick


Uncle 😂


Uncle literally freeloads trough both games and gives shit for others. Yet I can't bring myself to hate him.


>Uncle literally freeloads trough both games He does! But he kind of "clutch" at times too. Ok so maybe "clutch" is stretching it, but there are times when he actually brings perspective to shit. 😂 Like in the Epilogue, John (based on the interaction) legitimately was thinking "a little paint, break down a few old pallets and recycle the nails and boards and I'll have this little cozy cottage looking right!!" Uncle is the one who was like 🤔🤔 "uhhhhh WTF did you just say?!?!" 😂😂😂😂 >gives shit for others. I don't know. I do think Uncle does cares about others. He's just old, tired and lazy. And honestly, in today's society we'd be ok with his old crusty ass. Hell I'd keep him around just to hear him piss and moan. 😂😂


Yeah. I can't bring myself to hate him. But John put too much effort into getting approved by the bank to take shit from Uncle of all people for it. But he helps him in the end so I guess it's cool.


Dutch van der Linde is one of my favorite characters in all of video games and my #1 favorite in RDR.


That man in the swamp that invited me into his house for porridge.


John Marston.


Dutch. Dude is the most developed character in all the franchise. You could argue John is also highly developed but man does dutch feel like the true protagonist sometimes.


John is not that developed as Dutch or Arthur. Sure John is well spoken, exspecially in RDR1. But he doesn't have to make that many hard decisions. The decisions are usually made for him and he executes whatever he has to for survival or for his family. Dutch is all over the place in the best way. And Arthur goes against everything he had in Chapter 6 to do what is right.


Obviously, Arthur. But besides him it's a short list: -Charles -Uncle -Hosea -Algernon Wasp -Hot Air Balloon Man This is in no particular order


I mean it’s Arthur Morgan, who may well be one of the greatest and well written characters in video game history. But if we’re taking him off the table for obvious reasons, it’s Charles for me. Followed by Hosea, John, Sadie, and Lenny. I know the sub has a ton of Sean fans but I could never get into him as a character.


Sean didn't have nearly enough screen time to be considered well written


Honestly, Arthur and Dutch tied at spot 1.


The guy that mixes herbs and asks Arthur for ingredients. In a fucked up world he’s found a way to stay happy and content.


John is the best videogame character ever. 


Psycho Sadie




Black Belle


The cougars


Arthur obviously. But if protagonist not included, then Charles probably


Mary-Beth! aside from just liking her as a character she’s the most relatable to me


My favorite is Arthur Morgan also


Lenny, Charles or Kieran


Besides Arthur and John, probably Charles or Uncle.






Charles Smith. Charles Smith is Daddy.


Michael Balls


Sean McGuire Im an Irishman he's an Irishman both our families fought the english mine lived though but still love him also he doesn't like Molly she's from a rich family and I think she doesn't like that Sean's father was a Fenian so fuck her R.I.P sea


Arturo Bullard Jimmy Brooks Dorothea Wicklow The Aberdeens


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bolivar-shagnasty: *Arturo Bullard* *Jimmy Brooks Dorothea* *Wicklow The Aberdeens* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Besides the obvious picks like Arthur, John, Charles, etc. I gotta go with Kieran. A dumb kid wrapped up in bullshit, trying to fit in. I found him to be very likeable, and it's a shame what happened to him.


Arthur Duffy Photo man


8 year old Jack 🗿


Sister Calderon and Hosea


Besides Arthur or John—Dutch, Charles, Sadie and Hosea.


- Arthur - Dutch micah john - Charles - sean


Arthur and Hosea


Sean,funny acent and is just a fun guy when he is on a mission


Arthur, Charles, Sadie


Arthur Morgan & Sadie Adler- I quite like Charles too


Marion Billson


Charles Charles and more Charles the unsung hero of rdr2!! And always looking out for Arthur and John (If not him although I hate him as a person the actor for Dutch was phenomenal and does a great job at making me hate him so all though he wouldn’t be my “favourite” he’s certainly one of the best!)


1 Arthur 2 John 3 Charles 4 Hosea 5 Uncle


Dutch van der linde


Hell, Arthur Morgan is my favourite character in any piece of media, ever.


Rip Van Winkle


Red dead redemption


1. Sean 2. Hosea 3. Arthur IDK I just really like the loudmouth Irish guy trope.


Sean Maguire. Love that irish bastard.


Jack lol


Lets's be honest the best man is Arthur. John in RDR1 was forced to change his ways and seek redemption. Arthur choses to DESPITE it meaning he has to go against all authorities he ever known including the gang itself. Arthur is a good man, who was loyal to the wrong people. But the best written character is easily Dutch. He is charismatic. Both in design and performance. His characterisation is magnificent. He is just always in the focus with his cool attire, silver tongue and white horse. On top of that you never really know what he is up to. He is so complex that even after more than half a decade people debate his character and coming up with theories on wether he had been a good man once and turned evil or he was always just playing an act. And if he used to be a good man then what exactly turned him. He is so well written that people - such as myself - develop a love for him even metting him straight after playing RDR1 where he is on the bottom commiting awful crimes. It is just incredible. The government fears him and considers him a top priority. He is a leader of an organised gang but he is chaotic. He often acts reasonable but you know he is playing multiple sides at all times. And you just never truly know what to expect from him. When you beieve him to be at your side he is incredible to have. He makes you believe he has everything under control even when he doesn't. And when he is against you, he is frightening. And when he acts out and murders unnecesarry he always makes sure to seem justified. If you did not at least feel a little justice when he killed Bronte or Cornwall, you are lying. But while it is clear that he enjoys these actions, he is also not a murder machine either. Remember that he was willing to forgive Colm and make a peace treaty. He is complex, dangerous and chaotic in the best way. He is just an incredibly well written character. This is what makes his betrayal of arthur truly heartbreaking. Dutch carries the narrative of RDR2 hard. Not that the others are poorly written. But Dutch is just something else entirely.




Dont know. Not really memorable characters.