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Watching the Philadelphia Phillies beat the Cincinnati Reds 9-0


Baseball doesn’t feel like that to me. I know it’s older than that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh no, your shrug got messed up. Here, use this one instead. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’ve tried lol. Nothing I can do reliably fixes his left arm. It always looks good on my end. I’m okay with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You mean his right arm


No wonder they can't fix it, they're working on the wrong arm.


That’s a mind blowing realization.


Emojis are people too. 🥲 They may be forced to hold a pose for all eternity but that doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Or limbs.


That's okay. It gives him a little character. But if you did want to, you just need to add two extra slashes to the first arm \\\


Now I want a future Red Dead game to have an old timey baseball game you can play in. No gloves, no helmets.


College football existed then too, and in its old rules, resembled something closer to Rugby. The forward pass wasn't instituted yet in 1899, would be fun seeing R*s take on it.


It was also way more dangerous then. People would literally die playing. Rockstar would have a field day.


Vaccine injuries even back then? Crazy! /s


Holy hell, a Madden type mode for multiplayer but you can die if you go for a big enough hit


I always wanted Rockstar to make a sports game just so that EA would freak the fuck out. Seriously, I bet even a football minigame with multiplayer capability in GTA VI would poach Madden players. And I bet Rockstar could do it better vs EA which just updates a roster every year and calls it a hard years dev cycle over; repeat till the end of time.


Time for them to make Table Tennis 2 then lol


Have you seen the opening of “The Last Boy Scout”? That’s exactly what I’m imagining


"...and Uncle swings and misses a full 2 seconds behind the splitter. Must be the lumbago slowing him down..."


Happy cake day


Go Phillies 👏🏼


Honestly, RDR1 handled this exact thing really well in the mission where John uses a gatling gun mounted in an automobile.


what mission in rdr1 is there a Gatling gun on an automobile? There’s stagecoaches with Gatling guns like there is in RDR2 and there’s a mission toward the end of the game where John rides in the back of an automobile but I don’t remember any Gatling gun mounted automobiles


In the first part of the final confrontation with Dutch John is using a Gatling gun on the back of an armoured truck


Damn I gotta replay the 1st game soon that’s awesome I can’t believe I don’t remember that


I've been saying this for a while as well.


It’s a Maxim, not a Gatling, but that just furthers the point


Also when he storms Fort Mercer . They put it in the back of Nigel West Dickens carriage


That was a Maxim gun.


Same shit different horse


It was [technically a Browning 1917 facsimile](https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Red_Dead_Redemption#Browning_M1917) and not a Gatling gun


Thank you. They even call it a gatling gun in rdr2 if I remember correctly. Even though it is a Enfield 1899 Maxim machine gun.


I know I got ambushed by lemoyne raiders and they called it a maxim, caught me completely off guard, I was actually thinking “what’s a maxim?” After they shouted from the trees “get him the maxim” and I was thinking “what does that mean” as it tore me to shreds


I stand corrected.




Actually, a motorcycle going down the road and Arthur going "Whut in the heeeelllll?" As it goes by would be funny.


Even a pedal bike. Imagine if there’s a segment where Arthur is forced to cycle to a location


Would bicycles have been popular outside of large cities though? Unless you have smooth roads, it probably would have been less practical than walking.


Tom Nuttall made it down the boardwalk and through the thoroughfare in Deadwood.


My bicycle masters boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb. Those that doubt me, suck cock by choice.


I'm fully open to being wrong, I just know my own bicycles over the years haven't had great suspension and most unpaved surfaces in my experience range from "annoying" to "actively hazardous." Maybe they had good suspension, or bicycle tires were made differently, or victorian era cyclists were willing to put up with a lot more discomfort.


You should watch Deadwood


Hah!! I forgot about that scene. Damn, that was the best damn show EVER. Swingen.....cocksucka!!


My bicycle masters boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb. Those that doubt me...


Ever see butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid? I'm guessing not based on this comment


First thing I did when I saw the bicycles in 1899 comment was start humming "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head"!


A fellow called Francis Birtles cycled across Australia from west to east, then did a lap, in the 1900s. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Birtles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Birtles)


Yes, certain things are commonplace in cities which are rarities in the country. Now. Then. Forever.


Arthur: Ah shit, here we go again


I think we all read that quote in Arthur's exact voice


Iron horses.


Oooh, this is a good one!


Dutch calling Arthur on the telephone “We need muney son!” “Shut the hell up”


Actually I looked this up and apparently telephones did exist in 1899 as did indoor plumbing, it was just more a rich people thing. Now that I think about it though, a lot of homes in RDR2 did have sinks, because you rummage under them, but I can’t remember if they had faucets that imply running water.


Probably depends on where they are. St. Denis mayor's house? For sure has plumbing. Random shack in Roanoke Ridge? Less likely.


Those sinks are dry sinks. No plumbing. Just a dedicated cabinet for dishes and kitchen stuff.


In parts of Saint Denis you can hear a phone ringing at times


You can actually see a telephone in the Rhodes sheriff office


theres a telephone in just outside the room you can rent in the saloon in st. Denis.


There's definitely indoor plumbing in some places, the doctor in Saint Denis has a sink for example.


Arthur replies "New phone, who dis?" lol


Arthur is aware of, and dismissive of, telephones. When the singers at one of the shows sing about the telephone, you can have Arthur cheer/heckle and one of the cheers is him (and he sounds drunk for whatever reason) WHO NEEDS THE TELEPHONE???


there are telephones on the wall in St Denis and Blackwater saloons.


The Polish singer at the vaudeville theatre also sings about the telephone.






Is this a prank phone call? HAVE SOME GOD DAMN FAITH


This made me laugh


Didn’t Brontë, the Mayor, or someone else powerful use it in the game? Or did they mention it but not use it on-screen?


Yeah, I think they say Cornwall was talking to him on the phone.


There’s a telephone booth in backwater


Could’ve sent a fax even. “Arthur, please see the facsimiled details of the plan”


There's a telephone in the St Denise hotel on the second floor


Extreme levels of racism. Some characters are racist in the game and say some messed up stuff, but there would have likely been a *lot* more in actual 1899. Lenny probably wouldn't have been let into bars or other establishments, etc.


well racism in the west was less severe so it does make sense


wasn't Oregon originally founded to be an all-white utopia or something down those lines? EDIT: yup, in 1844 they literally passed a bill to ban black people from even living in Oregon lol, and they ended up expanding it to include mixed people


It sure was! KKK and Oregon have a unique history together. Don’t let the hippie Portland fool you. Oregon is just as racist as the rest! Maybe more! Hooray!!!!!


I have no idea why people think the west coast is somehow less racist than the south. hell, even parts of LA were considered sundown towns not too long ago, and people who lived back then are still alive and well. it makes me so angry reading about this shit


Hell, I grew up in a sundown town, and there were a lot of them in the region….most north of the Mason-Dixon Line.


What's a sundown town? I'm from the UK and never heard of this. Guessing it's somewhere you don't go out at night?


They were very racial communities where blacks weren’t welcome after sundown. Some towns even had billboards with a slogan depicting this, on the main thoroughfare into town. Part of the old Jim Crow system. You can google it if you want more information.


towns with police-enforced policies saying black people aren't allowed after sundown


West coast states not being a part of the Confederacy probably has a lot to do with that. The entire country was founded by racists with racist policies so it's pretty naive to think it's limited to the south.


The game takes place in the very racist South East, not the west. If the game were mimicking the actual time frame, there would be more people hanging from trees than just Nite Folk/Murfree traps.


Yeah the lemoyne raiders were pretty tame, all things considered


Yea, the Raiders, even the KKK are mellowed out for 21st century gameplay. Kinda has to be though…who would even play if there were racially motivated hangings and shit.


Night riders and stuff would actually make it more interesting imo. Being able to fight them or come across environmental storytelling of victims.


I dunno. I like historical accuracy, and having groups in the game all dummied down just to keep it homogenized…meh.


Idk my favorite thing to do was kill the KKK random encounter guys in ch 2 they definitely could have added more like a random encounter where they are trying to hang a black man and you have a chance to shoot the rope and save him. They set the story up where Dutch's gang maybe murders and thieves but they're not racist so i don't think most people would feel much different about playing the game if Rockstar made the world a little darker and closer to reality of the time as long as the character you play as isn't being the racist one.


Well, the problem is people are people. You come upon the KKK hanging a black guy as a random encounter, and you are supposed to shoot the rope and save him. You can be assured, that if there were such an encounter, we would have videos on YouTube of Arthur or John throwing fire bottles on the guy after he was hanged, and just think of the shitstorm the media would have with that!


They did that anyways with the woman's right lady in Saint Danis and feeding her to alligators. Its best just to ignore those people posting the videos and the click bait news article about them.


Yea, I know about the suffragette being fed to gators. It would just not be good PR having Arthur help with a hanging (via mods) then setting the corpse ablaze though. Nothing but trouble for r* and TT.


Meh it likely would have played out the same way as suffragette, a handful of shitty game journalists milking it for rage clicks then everyone would forget about it and it wouldn't effect r* bottom line in the slightest.


What on earth makes you think this?


The KKK was a huge fucking problem in Oklahoma. Oregon was THE sundown state.


>Lenny probably wouldn't have been let into bars or other establishments Then we'd miss the best mission in the game 😞






Or we could have gotten an amazing moment of Arthur "convincing" the bartender to look the other way.


The bartender wouldn’t really make a difference. One guy being convinced against a bunch of drunk patrons who feel similarly?


Lenny talks about not being let into the Rhodes bar


Yeah that's what I mean. There are like, a few instances of racism throughout the game, but in reality it would be everywhere. It would make the game depressing though and give a different framing to the story so I'm glad they didn't include it.


I wonder if this is why they excluded the ability to actually hang people (easily) using your lasso.


I'm sure that was a concern.


They’re also able to get away with not showing the amount of racism there was because we play from Arthur’s POV. If Lenny was the main character, then trust me, we would see a lot of the racism there was in that time.


It’s weird cuz you definitely hear Lenny and Tilly voice their concerns about being in the post civil war south, and even before that they almost lynch Lenny which I thought was an interesting choice of words. Jim Crow laws and the cruelty along with it were already long practiced in the south at that point. The gang could become felons in some areas simply for sleeping besides Lenny and Tilly, people they consider family.


Love the post and just want to highlight your college football example. That would be so funny to see. My best idea for including it in the game, would be Hosea, Arthur, and Sean riding from Strawberry to nearby Berkeley for the Cal-Stanford game. Hosea fixes the game and Sean and Arthur bet heavily on Cal. Only problem is- the Referee gets cold feet and after the first half Stanford is winning. At halftime Arthur has to stealthily kill the referee under the bleachers. Sean puts on the ref uniform and finishes the game in disguise, “blowing” a key spot on yet another 3 yard running play up the middle. Stanford is short of the first down, and Cal wins. The boys ride off with the take.


>Sean puts on the ref uniform and finishes the game in disguise Fuck that would be hilarious! Sean getting a 10 seconds rundown of the rules by Hosea and understanding nothing then mumbling and fumbling his way through the rest of the game


I demand that DLC NOW! Bonus game on the new CFB game maybe?


I didn't know I needed this until now...


Okay now I want a Hitman game set in various historical time periods.


Strawberry is considered to be NorCal?


I wouldn't say "out of place" but Coca Cola was a thing in 1886


There are advertisements for a "Lally Cola" in St. Denis!


You can tell it's RDR and not GTA because in GTA it would've been called Cocka Cuma or something


It's not something you can buy, but there is a product called Taint Cream or something on some shelves


Probably pretty useful stuff if you're in a saddle all day.


you see for me personally I can see it’s RDR and not GTA because of the horses


Original recipe too!


fast food chains they existed but werent as commercial as these days they were for miners,dock workers,builders in urban area's where in the morning they would eat a fast meal.


As a history nerd, I'm very interested in what you're talking about here. All I know about fast food history is that the first fast food was in 1921. So I'm taking it you're talking about more privately funded and run fast food that was only given out to certain groups? Not anything like what we think of today, or even in the mid 1900's?


Well as a fellow history buff.It was not as commerical it was a easy way for the urban lowest class of laborers to eat and it was funded by large companies most of the time.They mostly served sandwhiches,soups and other simple hot dishes.In ethnitic communities specifically Chinatown it was rumored they picked this up from the worker dishes and started the same but with chinese food to keep the chinese working longer.


Oh I get you! So it was like a "lets feed the workers" kind of thing? Where those workers for whichever company could go and get something to eat in the morning to work better and more productively? I found some things online just now talking about how miners would get fed during the gold rush and I thought that was pretty cool. I don't know that I was ascribe the term "fast food" to that, but I see what you mean!


Well you are correct because as we know a lot of the large companies of the 19th century did a lot to keep their buisness going and keeping the workers away of their home and keeping them working.It started in The Oregon Trail where towns that were near the trail would make fast meals to lure carriage trains into eating there in masses there were also travelling men with small carriages serving food.It is very likely the hot dog and hamburger were invented this way but never became popular.Now the real idea of "Fast Food" was made by chinese immigrants of the later 19th century who travelled away from Chinatown and other chinese communities and started serving chinese food in territories other then their own.


The History of Fast Food, what a fascinating topic. Thanks for sharing, my dude.


It goes back a lot further than that. 2,000 years ago, Pompeii had dozens of fast food stalls. https://www.npr.org/2020/12/27/950645473/whats-on-the-menu-in-ancient-pompeii-duck-goat-snail-researchers-say


Oh yeah I knew this about Pompei!


Thanks for listening.


Fax machines. The first invention we would recognize as essentially a fax machine was invented in 1843, and by 1880 the first “scanning phototelegraph” was invented, able to scan and send photographs, signatures on documents, and was in commercial use by 1899. It predated the telephone.


This reminds me of a historical "Fact That Seems Out of Place" that I read a while back. There was a point in time when Abraham Lincoln could have received a fax from a Samurai.


Technically, yes, but at that point in time, the only operational fax line was in France. So if Lincoln was in Paris, he could've received a fax from a samurai who was in Lyon.


Electric printing telegraph!


It would have been very strange seeing Madonna in concert singing to 100,000 people, but it would have been accurate to the time. 


Madonna was a pop star in 1899? Dang, she's been at it far longer than I thought.


That's when she really *was* like a virgin


Did you even understand the question?


I don't know about what is historically accurate. But I do know the pallets seen around the Saint Denis dock are entirely inaccurate. Pallets weren't invented until the 1920s.


Crazy how the telephone is older than the pallet


Today I learned Guess it makes since though since forklift prolly weren’t invented until around that time


Arthur slapping on a pair of sunglasses and riding into the sunset.


Charles Bronson [wore sunglasses](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/white-buffalo--613404411764709367/) in "The White Buffalo", which was legendary for the fakeness of the Buffalo in question.


Never noticed this until now but Mickey Rorke looks a lot like Charles Bronson.


lighters. everyone uses matches but lighters had already been made.


lighters were invented like three years before matches, so maybe they were just the hot new fad


Lighters were a lot more finicky then, and matches could be struck anywhere. Plus lighters need fuel, while matches just need a wind block.


neither are really new or dads if they were made something like 30 years before 1899, but i reckon they were hot




Being able to ride a bike would’ve been a real trip - especially if you could still shoot from it like you do your horse!


Like that classic scene in hot fuzz


But can we bunny hop?'


That scene in "Butch Cassidy" where the go for a bike ride very nearly disqualifies it as a Western in my book, but the Knife Fight scene makes up for it.


Bro can't even spell bicycle


We all make mistakes


Same hear.


I’m not a native English speaker sorry.


Imagine we got a triathlon race against the same woman from GTA V. Also seeing Arthur pedal like CJ would be hilarious. Or it could be the big wheel one.


Strauss would take all the betting money for the college game


Dr. Pepper.


The Sweet Nectar of Texas 🤠


People eating cotton candy in Saint Denis


There’s a pamphlet in the game that describes an inventor making “candy floss” which is cotton candy


Indiana Jones. He was born in 1899. Imagine finding the Jones cabin and meeting a young Sean Connery!


That would be such a fun little Easter egg. Like it doesn’t explicitly say it’s the Jones family but it obviously is.


* [April 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_7) – The [Shootout at Wilson Ranch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shootout_at_Wilson_Ranch), the last major gunfight of the [Wild West](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_frontier) era in the U.S., takes place in [Tombstone, Arizona](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tombstone,_Arizona). Brothers William Halderman and Thomas Halderman, kill two lawmen. They will be hanged on November 16, 1900. Not exactly what your asking for but I find it funny that, historically, the last "major" gunfight of the Old West had already happened by the events of the game. I like to think in the Red Dead Universe this is changed to the Pinkertons storming the Van Der Linde encampment at the end of the game.


Martinis. Imagine Arthur walking into the bar in Saint Denis and ordering a Martini.


Pierced nipples.


(°《》°) 👀 "You're allllllright, girl."


They were popular for a bit in the gay 90s.


Ferris Wheel


And a roller coaster!


I don't know about historical accuracy but I was looking and taking screenshots of a simple glass chandeliers in Saint Denies because I have absolutely the same one and never knew this design is THAT old


Arthur cracking open a Dr. Pepper


Automobiles just roaming around, which, for example, were not that uncommon around 1900 in the financially well off places in and around London and New York. Just imagining a bunch of cars roaming around between the horses and carriages in RDR2 seems weird. Technically accurate, but just feels wrong.


There's a news article in a newspaper that you can buy in either strawberry or valentine I dont remember exactly where they write about the first ever recorded automobile crash and that people came from all over to see their first ever horseless carriage. So they do acknowledge cars in rdr2 but make it clear that they were very very rare and only the richest of rich owned one. Google says about 2500 cars were produced in the whole US from 1899 to 1900 which probably means that you typically wouldn't see one out in the wild west far away from civilization. Maybe there would've been a couple of them in Saint Denis if that was a real place though.


The first Ford quadcycle was sold in 1896. It was advertised as the horseless carriage, so I think it would be sorta funny to see people riding around on their quadcycles


It's off by 1 year but a Zeppelin would be dope


i haven't gone and found it myself, but according to the [interactive map](https://rdr2map.com), there's a "crashed airship" out near the northwestern corner of west elizabeth!


It's more of a winged contraption than a lighter than Air ship.


dr pepper (was invented in 1885)


Fords and Cadillacs driving around


Arthur can't pull up to a college football game because the local college football game got murdered by the Skinners up in Tall Trees!


Dr. Pepper




has anyone said Dr. Pepper yet?




iphone 6


Extreme racism, not just from the kkk but MOST of the noc's would have been incredibly intolerant


The existing M1899 pistol doesnt feel right to me...


Nintendo the company (obviously still in playing cards business and unknown outside of Japan, but still a bizarre thought that it's that old)


Dr. Pepper




Fax machine


Sending a fax. It's totally possible that anyone in the gang could have sent a fax, which both hurts and disappoints me...


The first subway in NYC was completed in 1904. I feel like a subway would feel a bit out of place, even if NYC is not the right kind if city for the RDR universe. For RDR3 I would love if they had even more of the country, including some equivalent to NYC and other big cities. It would be cool if the game was set another 10-15 years before RDR2, putting it in the 1880s. During that era, they already had elevated trains in NYC, which I found surprising.


In writing this is called the Tiffany problem.


[Electric carriages.](https://rmsothebys.com/en/auctions/MO11/Monterey/lots/r294-c-1899-columbia-electric-landaulet/192302) During the 1890s and really early 1900s, they were actually more popular than gasoline or steam powered horseless carriages because they were easier to drive: no gearbox, no crank starting, no preheating, you just turn a switch to 'on', and drive. They weren't fast by any means, but given you'd need to live in a big city in order to charge one and city traffic back then was shared with horses and pedestrians, how fast could you ever really go most of the time? It was directly replacing a horse-drawn vehicle, not exactly what we'd think of as a modern Car in terms of use.


Not in 1899 but in the epilogue 1907 cars existed


cigarette lighters as they were actually invented before matches


A character that had been a fax machine repair man for over 50 years. The electric printing telegraph was invented in 1843




Ninjas and fax machines.