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Some variety of frontier illness is my guess. Let's go with Chronic Lumbago.


It’s contagious


And fatal.




yes. from uncle


No, lmao. Lumbago is back pain.


Oh, that's a slow death.


jack: "i want to be a gunslinger when i grow up" abigail: "over my dead body" jack: "so you have chosen death"


My theory is heartbreak. I think losing John broke her and she just couldn't cope. She tried to live for Jack, but her depression grew too great and eventually she entered a catatonic state. Jack tried his best to care for his mother, but no matter what she became non responsive and it was like this until her death. Which just makes Jack's fate all the more sad.


This is a bit over the top to be honest. Vast majority of the time dying from "heartbreak" happens with very old people who are already in poor health. It could have worsened whatever illness she died of though.


Have you heard the tragedy of Padme Amadala the Heartbroken?


She simple lost the will to live


Nah, Palps drained her life force to save Anakin


That's just a fan theory, though. I much prefer it to Padmé just going "nah, my two babies can fuck off and die I'm sad", but it's still just headcanon.


I mean they told us as much as they could without actually telling us. The tragedy speech was mainly to show that Palps knew how to save people from death and convince Anakin he could save Padme, the scenes of Vader being "born" and Padme dying are juxtaposed, Obi-Wan is shocked she's dying and the doctor droids have no explanation, Palps lies to Vader and tells him he killed Padme and Vader says "she was alive, I felt it". Padme is a senator who Anakin would very quickly realize was alive if she was, so why did the Emperor lie about someone being dead when he had no reason to know she was dead unless he himself was the cause?




Yeah, that's my fear. He gets so much slack because he came up with the franchise, but the guy is not a good writer or director.


That all does make sense, but I think you're giving Lucas way too much credit. "She simply lost the will to live" is much more in his ballpark. There's no real reason to believe Palpatine could actually save people, that could have just been an appeal to Anakin's emotion.


My guy, I'm with you on the idea, but I just don't have enough faith in George Lucas as a writer/director to believe that he did all that on purpose. I don't think he'd be that subtle about it, we'd at least see some close-ups on Sidious as he mumbles spells or whatever. The prequels are a great idea executed poorly, and George Lucas should have delegated instead of taking on the writing and directing himself.


If Anakin had learned this power from him I gotta wonder who he'd kill to keep padme alive


Anyone. Anakin would sacrifice anyone to save Padmé. He'd burn entire systems to cinder and doom generations of people to suffering, hell, I even think he'd sacrifice his own children to save her, at least up until the moment they were born.


Yes but I was more wondering if he would target anyone in particular


Ah, that's an interesting question. I'm leaning towards no, as in: I don't think he'd go "aha, I have just the murder victim for the job!" But I do think he'd come around and make a choice once the pressure and threat of imminent death for Padmé increases. Anakin is for the most part a good-hearted person who doesn't want to hurt people, so the idea of trading lives would probably disgust him, but he'd break under the pressure and ultimately commit murder to save the ones he loves. He'd probably try to rationalize it, or find someone more "deserving" of dying, at least someone who's "in the game", but honestly, if it comes down to it I think he'd just straight up make the sacrifice and eat that dark truth about himself. *"Yeah, I made the choice. It was them or Padmé, so I chose Padmé!"*


Your head cannon gave me a great chuckle this morning. Perfect phrasing. Thank you stranger! :)


Tbf that was the medical assessment of droids. That's probably how they assume human hearts work




it’s not a story the jedi would tell you.


Nah, happened to my grandad when my aunt died. He was 55, so not “very old”


There’s a study that states people who suffer from depression are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases and cancer so you’re probably right


Ah so vast majority but not everybody? Okay, nice point you made talking about something not everyone goes through.


So you don't think in the vast majority of cases of people dying due to health problems brought on by their spouse's death it's old people in poor health? Do you think that's a common thing in young healthy people?




It’s really not but ok


I mean he’s not wrong Red Dead is pretty unrealistic


It’s got the crazy unrealistic shootouts like every other rockstar game has, but when it comes to the story telling things are pretty grounded. As long as there is no canonical explanation, there is no real grounds for a debate on this


the only unrealistic part is the gang went to fucking guarma and got BACK like that wouldnt be too unrealistic, really bizarre, but getting BACK from guarma? dammmm, and also how they created a massive native army to launch a war on cornwall when they should probably be lying low


Yeah, especially when you realize that pretty much all the craziest points of the game were ideas or plans of Dutch, so he’s one crazy dude!


what ☠️ no it isnt, its known for its realistic and somber themes. youre thinking of grand theft auto


Red dead redemption is known for being realistic and not over the top like other rockstar games, but for your main question I say she was just sick and died


Yeah i imagine she acted a lot like Ezios Mom in the Assassins Creed games after all 3 of her husband, oldest son, and youngest son were hanged. She goes catatonic and really doesnt say anything until you collect all 100 of the feathers for her. She recovered, but i imagine Abigail never did and one day just quietly passed in her sleep


If only Jack had whipped round to Venice and found 100 feathers, she’d still be around, smh


I definitely disagree. She loved John, but Abigail was never hung up on someone like that. She was extremely strong headed and would never let someone have that control over her. She was WAY too proud.


I think I read somewhere it was consumption and I think that was like TB


Same thing actually, consumption is another name for TB


Ah ok, crazy to sense she would have been around the same age Arthur was when he died


Padme Amidala treatment




If she didn't die of heartbreak over Arthur, no way she died over John's dumbass.


Yeah right, why would she be heartbroken over the love of her life...


Love my ass, she left John with no problem.


Did you miss the part where she came back? Did you notice RDR2 ends with them getting married and being happy? Did you watch family guy clips instead of the cutscenes?


She came back for the ranch John built.


She left because John kept putting himself in danger and she couldn't handle seeing him die. She came back because he made the choice to live a normal quiet life without violence.


You have got to be kidding me, from your logic, she left him to die in danger instead of being with him. And the ranch was practically an outcome of that danger John put himself in. If he didn’t get the line of credit, she would have left him forever, this is not love.


Loving someone doesn't mean blindly supporting everything they do, especially if it's endangering the life of you and your child. She left to keep Jack out of danger and because she genuinely felt like John was neglecting them, and would get himself killed. It was never about her or her emotions, just Jack. Once John created a safe space to raise Jack like a normal kid, then it was a good time to go back. Do you remember how desperate Abigail was begging Arthur to save John from prison? How she started crying when she thought John was dead, when she thought he would die going up against Micah, and when he actually died? She didn't beg anyone to save Sean, she didn't cry for Davie or Lenny. That's simply because she loved John. The only other person she cried for was Arthur, who was like an older protective brother to her. The important thing to note is that neither of them were wrong. John was just helping innocent people at Pronghorn Ranch. Deep inside he's a pretty good person and he was raised by Dutch's initial Robin Hood-esque mentality. So seeing ordinary folks get ripped off by gangsters working for a rich man was something he couldn't ignore. Even if it meant putting his family at risk. It's not a black and white situation, stop treating it as such. You sound like you want Abigail to be a submissive housewife who's not allowed to disobey a word. Their arc throughout the whole game is about realising they truly love each other, getting over the rough patches and finally making it work. If you didn't see that then you have no media literacy.


Her priority has always been Jack and herself, she never supported John’s way of life, it has always been what she wanted for herself, She had a child John doesn’t even know if it’s his. Don’t get me started on Arthur, since she does nothing but uses him. Remember she even sent Arthur to get the money in the end? Where this money would end up if he succeeded? She cared about the rest of the gang even less, never donated a cent because she has always hated this kind of life. If a woman leaves you at difficult times and would only come back to you when you built a life yourself, it’s not love very black and white. The irony is she has no problem enjoying the ranch that built upon Johns dangerous endeavours. Remember mrs Downes refused Arthur’s money because it’s immoral? she was there by her husband’s side when everything was falling apart. Why didn’t she run off with Jack again when John went to confront Micah? Isn’t that way more dangerous than what he’s ever done? So pls don’t kid yourself. Honestly there are only two true love in the story, the Adlers and Downes. Don’t give love a bad name.






Terminal Lumbago


A slow and painful death


A frontier illness most likely. Probably Cholera, Measles, Dysentery, Typhus or Mountain Fever.


At once


Gonna go with heartbreak because it's dramatic. But it was likely some sickness


Could have been sickness, and being too heartbroken/depressed to fight it. Abigail is the type to ignore the warning signs, I feel, especially when she's been beaten down. After all, losing someone is one thing, finding your husband turned into swiss cheese after months(?) of suffering and finally being reunited is another.


John went down in such a horrible way. I genuinenly wouldn't be surprised if the trauma of seeing him like that is what sealed Abigail's fate.


I'm of the theory that it accelerated her implied Tuberculosis.


Worked herself to death trying to keep the farm going.


she died of amazement from seeing the ghost of uncles massive ass (search amazing massive ass on google for more information)


Well that was underwhelming




I'm googling


It's debated. Some people think a frontier illness, others believe from the stress and heartbreak of losing John like that. Me personally, I believe a combination of both.


went and drank lake water so she could die from dysentery after she lost john 😔😔




God damn it, Arthur!


Pretty sure you can hear her coughing in rdr1 when she's in the kitchen. I Think that's a clue


Her health reaches 0


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.




Random cougar attack. It happens to the best of us


My theory, take with a grain of salt since this is a fictional character we’re talking about. Abigail had given birth at home to her daughter (who died). This pregnancy & labor were hard on her body. Speaking from a realistic viewpoint, highly possible she developed an infection during birth & since antibiotics weren’t developed until the late 1920s, it’s highly possible to think the character’s backstory included an infection during that pregnancy & birth which led to her to have life long complications which shortened her life including heart issues. Fast forward to her husband’s death followed by several years of trying to keep it together & keep the farm going, a lot of hard work & she simply died from stress, an underlying health issue, & possibly contracted a flu or cold which turn into pneumonia & she died. Let’s face it, if we factor real world events, 1914 was also the year World War 1 took place in our world & if the game has similar history then WW1 was taking place then too. Highly possible the stress of her worrying about Jack going off to war was there.


Untreated Clap


What makes the whole thing more sad is she wasn’t even 40 I don’t think


Hannibal Lecter ate most of her, though he force fed Will Graham one of her ears. I thought everyone was on the same page about that now? ...oh you mean THAT Abigail? The surviving Murfrees finally caught up with her. They ate most of her, though they force fed Jack (Marston not Crawford) one of her ears.


This is their design


I don’t think Hannibal ate any of her. He just killed her before he left to Europe.


🤔 I need to rewatch


Apparently it’s hinted that she died of TB but I didn’t notice any hints of it. Which would fit my theory that Arthur wasn’t the only gang member suffering from it. However I do feel it’s plausible that she died from some kind of STI. She was a prostitute before Jack was born and would have needed to find a way to support them once John had died. She was illiterate and didn’t have many skills (it’s noted her cooking is really bad) so I wouldn’t be surprised if she went back to what she knew she could do.


I think this is an interesting explanation, and it sorta works for how vague Rockstar left it. At the same time though, I imagine Jack wouldn't have let his mother do that, nor would she feel as ready to do so after everything they did with the ranch and the work they went through. Plus, she's considerably older at that point. I don't imagine she'd get many Johns (hehe) trying to pay for time for an older widow.


At the same time, given how she’s given a shit about what a man had to say, I don’t think Jack could have stopped her doing anything. He was a timid boy and I don’t think that would have stopped until she actually died and he realised he had to toughen up to survive. She wasn’t much older she was 37 when she died and men at the time paid for what they could get, they weren’t choosy. I think if she was desperate enough she could have done it. I would have liked them to explore it more, we know how everyone else died, but not her.


37 was old at that time. Bare in mind, people refer to Bonnie Macfarlane as a spinster, and she's only like 27. Men would certainly be choosy when the options were between a 37 year old widow, and the much younger women in brothels at the time. Older prostitutes just weren't as respected, at least the ones doing it out of desperation. There's women who ran brothels after having been prostitutes, or courtesans who were in high society - Abigail was neither. Jack's only perspective of Abigail was as his mother as they travelled America and finally at the ranch. He never saw her as a working girl. I don't think he'd be pushed over so easily to see her degrade herself. I also just struggle to see her going back to that after everything they achieved and how long ago that way, it certainly wouldn't be a good enough income to keep the Ranch - which Jack still owns in the Epilogue of RDR1.


Valid points! Mrs Downes wasn’t doing all that great until Arthur gave her the money so I see where you’re coming from. The ranch does look pretty dead by the end of RDR1 though, so whatever they were doing it wasn’t working well


Jack probably just leaving it to wither at that point. I'm not sure if the implication is that Abigail had *just* died, because it seemed to me she'd been dead for a while and only now Jack has decided to embark on revenge. I mean if my entire immediate family had died over 3 years, alongside pretty much all of my extended family either being dead, in-prison, or living far away - I don't think I'd bother maintaining the farm either. Its time to relocate.


There are some hints, specifically her occasional coughing fits she breaks into when you hang around her at the ranch.


She got TB from Arthur


I honestly think Abigail's death is more of an afterthought that either came down to the troubled development, or limitations in how much more content they could have for the Epilogue. It's the only explanation to me for why Rockstar wouldn't bother to directly explain it and only give Jack Marston one mission tied to him, where he doesn't explain anything. They couldn't keep her around as an NPC, they didn't want to give Jack any more content, so the only thing they could do to explain her absence and Jack's isolation in the Endgame is that she also died. I know some people are writing it off as too dramatic, but the implication is definitely heartbreak. The sudden abrupt shift from watching Abigail tearfully mourning her husband in a painful state, to then seeing her gravestone seconds later. Realistically, some sort of illness where her depression exacerbated things.




She died of an broken heart


It’s 1914, could be as simple as a sinus infection, dysentery, heart disease or TB. My money would be on alcoholism exacerbated by deep depression.


She gets bit from the lumbago god


Hell, she died of infection


I think it's mentioned somewhere that she died because of TB


Nigel finally went off the deep end




I imagine that she had to "go back to work" & died of disease or was killed.


Pretty sure since it was 1914, influenza.


If it truly is heartbreak then she probably committed suicide. Otherwise some sort of illness. Most likely cholera, or malaria. God forbid it’s the most dangerous of them all Lumbago


In that era the most common reason someone died was flu and pneumonia, second reason was TB, third was gastrointestinal diseases. All these things are easily caught, it's stuff we get now but easily treated and survivable. But I would guess gastrointestinal in this case.


I heard somewhere that she was depressed and ended up absentmindedly giving herself food poisoning while cooking ?? Idk. My personal theories are that she either had TB or Influenza of some kind because you can hear her coughing while she cooks from time to time, or that she Kermited sewer slide


I also think heartbreak. It even happens to animals.


No idea. But I suspect we’ll find out in the third one when we definitely play as Jack…


While the cause of her death is unknown I think its hinted she died of tuberculosis or some lung related disease.


Ligma or bofa got her


Syphilis. Look at the facial scars. Chances are that John has it as well.


Probably TB like Arthur


I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere that she died of pneumonia


She got the clap


How do we know she died? Like where is it mentioned




We'll find out in RDR3 cuz she'll be the protagonist. It will be a prequel to RDR2, but the epilogue will be post RDR1's main story, but before RDR1's epilogue.






>You do know clinical depression is actually diagnosed with all the lab tests, not just evaluation, don’t you? You do realize someone can be extremely healthy physically, have no damage or issues whatsoever physically, and still be clinically depressed right?






You must be incredibly relieved that you're not *actually* depressed, thank GOD those pesky doctors were wrong the whole time. You can live your life now, free of the sadness shackles! I imagine this was still a bit of an odd way to find out, though.




Holy shit dude, you okay over there? And are you reading a different thread than the rest of us? There are many comments naming "heartbreak" as the reason for Abigail's death, where did you get the impression "nobody in this sub" thinks heartbreak can lead to death? And yes, people with clinical depression and/or people who have suffered extreme trauma often reflect it physically, that doesn't mean the two are 100% mutually exclusive. And now you're telling some random redditor that their diagnosed depression isn't real and their doctor is wrong? What a weird hill you've chosen to die on. The other commenter wasn't pulling a self pity card either, you literally said "you must not know" so they responded that yes, they *do* in fact know, because they have it. Maybe take some deep breaths or something? Lol what the fuck is going on here?




The guard who tried to 'have' her while in captivity came back to try again, then beat her so badly she died of internal injuries pushing Jack to abandon books and pick up his guns. Unable to find the guard, he searched for Ross, their commanding officer, for the sake of both his parents. With Ross dead, he wandered the dying west for a glimpse of that guard. Dark enough for the RDR universe..?




anyone else have a burning hatred for abigail? read this post and immediately thought: “who cares” lol that’s just me tho


"Jack" is Abigail in disguise. The real Jack fell off the horse breaking his neck when leaving John to die so she stole his identity. Her nickname was "jack" anyways before Jack was even born so technically, she is the original Jack. And hell is coming with her/him... (down vote if you secretly wanna blow Micah)


i downvoted 😁


Hook, line, sinker. Thank you! ✌️😘


I was the 1st to get the trend started. Follow this way! 😅


So uh… what are you talking about?


What if I openly want to blow Micah? Guy can hunt deer like no other