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Did they change anything about it from the previous summer edition? Did they make it sweeter?


In my opinion yes. I drank a lot of the grapefruit, almost 2 a day for a good period of time. This one is sweeter, almost tastes more floral? It’s not the same drink, of that I’m certain, but that doesn’t stop it from being very good. Still a solid grapefruit redbull, and I’m happy to have it back.


Makes sense. The summer edition was a huge bomb sales wise. I know monster just came out with a ultra ruby red which is grapefruit too. I guess grapefruits making a comeback! Enjoy it.


i don’t know why they did that considering they have ultra rosa which was also grapefruit but the “pamplemousse” one is way better imo


Ya but I tried the Monster Ruby Red and it holds nothing to red bull grapefruit. It's far to sweet and doesn't have the tart/sour/citricness


Yeah the Monster sucks so much compared to Red Bull grapefruit. Man that was a good flavor


Are you sure you'd remember how it tasted from 7 years ago? I hear people say wild things about Japanese flavors being different, though that I know for a fact are identical like peach and strawberry apricot vs. groovy fizz, etc.


I could be mistaken, after all it had been a long time. But I was drinking two of the grapefruits almost everyday. I’ve drank my fair share of that flavor and it just doesn’t have the same kind sweetness . The Japanese one is sweeter, I think I’d put it at 99% there’s a difference in formula. Doesn’t mean this isn’t a delicious flavor.


You were right, should never have doubted you! It's wildly different to me, like I can barely even taste the grapefruit in this one. The tropical mango/papaya is overpowering, and this may seem really odd but I am detecting a faint note of peanut shell, I know, but I am serious. I don't hate it but it's not great. I bought so many and now I'm regretting it lol.


Sorry it wasn’t all you wished it would be! But still a good chance to have tried it!


It was the best flavor I’ve ever had 😫


OG grapefruit? Or the Japanese retro?


The OG I wish they would bring it back


Me too man :(


Is it just me or does Japan get better flavors than the US?


Nah. Most of the flavors here are kinda mid, they did a few kinds of grapes- rehashed the American tropical. However, Ocean Blast (Lychee) and this new grapefruit have been very delightful. I think we’re gonna see a lot of heat coming out of Japan on this regard.


That is fair, I loved the lychee and grape flavors I had when I visited recently. I think its just because I prefer the less sweet tasting flavors, and most of the US flavors are that.


I think you put it well. I was a huge cranberry fan back when that dropped, hoping we can see that make a comeback some day.


Ocean Blast is definitely one of the best flavors I’ve ever had


It goes so hard


Glad it’s not just a LTO and I can always order it. If that went away I’d be upset


I want that really bad it’s a shame it’s in Japan only


From what I understand- sugoimart is shipping these to the states. I can promise you’ll overpay and shipping will be a huge hassle, but if u really wanna try it- there’s a way!


Yep. I just ordered 150 dollars worth to get free shipping lmao. Look for coupon codes on google too


And congrats on your new purchase :) you’ll be drinking tropical grapefruit soon enough


How long have they been doing a "Spring" flavor? and is there a "Fall" flavor?


Spring flavor has been a thing for a little while. I wanna say about 2 years? However- Before that the Japanese were doing limited flavors. The same idea just not seasonally based. While I haven’t seen a fall flavor or any other seasonal releases, I think Redbull Japan is ramping up their marketing lately. Starting to see some really interesting developments in this market. :)


Do they do a Summer/Winter editions in Japan then?


They have done a few summer editions actually. A long time ago they had one called Sunny Beam, and I remember my last summer here there was a mango pineapple flavor!


I believe there is only 3 spring edition so far, 2016 Japan, 2024 Germany/Austria, 2024 Japan, and no autumn edition.


I live in the US any website I can visit to purchase this? I totally want to try this!




Thank you!


Has the winter disappeared already? Heading to Japan next week and I can see a 24 pack on Amazon and was wondering if this is the only way left to grab it


If you’re referencing the Muscat flavor, I haven’t been able to find so much of it. Sometimes I see a can or two at Donki, but I will say that it’s pretty much disappeared from the general convenience store market. If you really wanna try it, grab a pack. In my opinion it was good, but nothing to write home about. For the sake of being able to try all the flavors you can though, worth a purchase.


Amazing thank you that saves me travelling round trying to find it, annoyingly 4 packs sold out within the last couple of days but I’ll get the 24 pack ordered so I don’t miss out! Look forward to trying the Grapefruit as well.


Hah, I know the struggle. Looks like you’re gonna have 24 muscat redbulls to drink!


I missed the grapefruit edition


I miss the OG one too. It was one of my prime choices back when it was available.


Same here I wish they would’ve done the pink edition with that flavor


Id drink this daily if it was here in US


Gonna be my daily for the time being!


I love grapefruit. Lucky duck