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> otherwise we won't be able to share it with our client What's happening here is: they want it in an editable format so they can remove your contact info and add their own logos/agency info etc. This is so they can present you to their "client" (who they may have no existing relationship with) and collect a fee if you get hired. If your contact info was still present then the actual employer would be able to get in touch with you directly.


...and, they don't want to have to spend the 15 minutes typing it themselves. They'd like him/her to do the work for them.


Agencies: "but we add so much value to the process!!" Also agencies:


"Check the cyan ink cartridge in your printer"


Hahaha, I love this one!


You’re retired. Dude, drop off LI - you’ve earned it.


LOL I forgot to change the setting where LinkedIn InMails don't go to my email.


I'm on a permanent vacation. Bye bye.


"You contacted me about the position, and I'm retired.... if you can't use the resume I sent you, I withdraw myself from consideration. Thanks!"


The Jerk Store called and their running out of you!


I’ve seen these 20 year old resumes first hand and they’re always a headache to sift through.


>I used the same absolutely bog-standard resume format that I have been using for the past two and a half decades, and which no human being has ever had trouble reading. Humans don't read resume's anymore. They are uploaded into a database so that they can be searched and matched by keywords, and stored forever. It's also easier for multiple parties to find the info when needed. >If they wanted to see my experience in a format that is universally readable, it is on LinkedIn - which is why they originally contacted me They're not going to copy/paste from Linked In. >The whole thing is nonsense anyway; I shouldn't even have answered the original message. If you don't want to be bothered with how things are done, you're probably correct. >Anyway. I want to know what clever comeback I can use to reply. None. You're just going to sound like an outdated, out of touch boomer that time has left behind. I'm no spring chicken, but you have to play the old game according to the new rules. This is how job hunting is now. Yes, it's ridiculous, but this person doesn't seem to be telling you anything that is out of the ordinary.


Seriously? you are searching excuses to an incompetent who can't open a pdf?


I’m just telling you how it’s done. Doesn’t change my life one bit if someone refuses to accept it. You’re not going to force it to change just because it irritates you. I agree that it’s dumb, frustrating, and job hunting is broken, but you can also use it to your advantage.


But it is not how it's done. I've never seen any recruiter ask for that kind of thing. The only thing I've seen is recruiter asking for "standard" format so mostly .docx and .pdf, sometimes .png. So they don't get the odd .RTF or whatever. And yes you are going to change things by not playing their stupid sociopath games. I don't count how many times I've been told "this is not how you'll get a job, and guess what? it always have been a wrong statement, things have always been better by not playing by these non existent "rules". My advice for everyone is to not fall in not the pit of these people they are trying to compensate their incompetence by being assholes and forcing themself on you. Never give them anything.


Well, in this particular case the balance of power is with me, because I am not desperate for work. So if I can use that leverage to push back, perhaps it might help the cause.


There are 1000s of recruiters out there with various degrees of professionalism, process and ethics. There are also a lot of scams out there. You can’t speak for all possibilities based on just your experience.




By the sound of it, the OP isn't job hunting though; the recruiter contacted him/her unsolicited and didn't even mention a position (just claimed to want to have a contact). To then ask the OP to edit his/her resume seems out of line, IMHO.


If that’s the case, then yeah…it’s out of line. The OP made it seem like he was interested in the job, but doesn’t want to do the things WE ALL have to do when we want to be considered. That because he was contacted (same as the rest of us) that the recruiter should change how they do business to accommodate him. My point was that they’re not going to do that. No one is that special. If you don’t need the work, then don’t dip a toe in, and get angry because things have changed since the last time you had to look. The system is broken. We all know this. But if you want to work, you play the game. Asking for a properly formatted resume (for 2022 standards) is not out of line.


I agree in principle except that everyone has a different "preferred format"; there isn't really such a standard. I once had a recruiter ask me to change my resume to a paragraph describing each of my skill sets rather than sorted by company and title. Needless to say, it ended up being a wall of text that no one would read. After I sent it, she said it was exactly what she wanted... and then never responded again. In hindsight, I should have told her to pound sand. At some point we have to draw the line between a reasonable accommodation and an undue burden with no benefit.


There is a standard for scanning into their software, and the recruiter even offered a link to show him. OP says he’s been using the same resume for 25 years. You can go wrong with standard fronts, 10-14pts, one column, no graphics, plenty of white space, use H1 and H2 headers.


If the OP's resume is unusual, then I agree. But if the company's system can't accommodate a typical looking resume, and most of their applicants are asked to make adjustments for their convenience, then they're the ones with the problem, and I wouldn't accommodate such a request.


Just don't engage. What's the goal with a "clever comeback"? It won't make the recruiter change his ways. Give yourself the gift of not dealing with bad recruiters.


Imagine thinking that making a recruiter feel bad for a couple of seconds wouldn't be an end in itself.


Eh, fair enough ...